11/24/1958 Cleveland Insco, Jr. Cornmissioner ',~ ,.;~, '~~:'j"".f: ',. I!> ,'," n);,.lV..!:tt~'.:~l<?-\~f'~~"~";"":.ft:.""!~:)f"'J<"~,,'''''r;'1~'t.r:, ~l' '~;. ,: , ". '~;~;I'.~~Ci;",~~","","""""",,,,,,,,,, '::l:',_',", '". ~.;.':... ..,,':>:, ~.~.::V. ;::" ~".:-:.. ....;..;', :..(~:':'::-^;"_::..:.:" '. . , \.. "i,:',: _l::~'::" ..:, (,:.::.:; ;,'''''.:.C:' : ...",~; ': '"" '~;~:~~~~;;,:~Li2~{t;t~t!,e~~~:Ktf~{'i;~bj;gg;~~~~j}~dkl,~tk~~~ldif~~,' ., CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 24, 1958 The city Conuniss1on of the City of Clearwater met in speoial session at the City Hall, Monday, November 24, 1958, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: Lewis Homer W. E. Strang, Jr. James H. Watkins Herbert R. Fields Absent: Mayor-Commissioner Corruni ssioner COllllnissioner Commissioner Also present were: Gerald tveimer Ben Krentzman S. Lickton. Patrolman Edw. Rioux Acting City Manager City Attorney City Engineer Representing Police Chief The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Captain C. Broadstreet, Salvation Army, Clearwater. Commissioner Watkins moved that the minutes o~ the regular meeting of November 17, 1958, be approved in accordance with copies submitted to each Commissioner in writing SUbject to the approval of Commissioner Insco. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Watkins moved Commissioner Insco be excused ~rom this meeting because o~ illness. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Mayor aslced permission to deviate from the agenda to discuss the purchase of some property for the off-street parking program. By consent, the Commission agreed to deviate ~rom the agenda. Mr. E. C. Marquardt, Chairman o~ the parldng Advisory Board.. stated that the Board had negotiated for the #1 location recommended by the Consulting Engineers, Wilbur Smith & Associates, and had obtained an option to purchase Lots 2, 7, part o~ Lot 1, part of Lot 8, Block 5, Gould & Ewing 1st Addition, for $260,000.00 from Mr. Maurice Thayer and had secured an option to purchase other property for him on which he could conduct his business. The property to be purchased to exchange for Mr. Thayer'S was described as Lot II, Block 2, Magnolia Park, from Mr. Reade Tilley for $15,000.00; Lot 12, Block 2, Magnolia Parle, from Mr. Peter Falzoni for $15,OOO.00j and Bloclc 5~ north of Park Street, Sarah McMullen Subdivision, less the east fifty feet, ~rom Julius Lovitz Stores for $95,000.00. The Attorney stated it was planned to purchase the Thayer property through the sale of revenue certificates. He explained the purchase price o~ the Thayer property would be paid by exchanging the real estate under option to the City in Blocle 2, Magnolia Park and Block 5, Sarah r.1cMullen Subdivision, improved with buildings which will equal the purchase price. The Attorney stated in order to cover the cost o~ the options and contracts for purchase of property to be exchanged with Mr. M. B. Thayer for his propert~ it would be necessa~ for the City to borrow $30,000.00. He presented Resolution 5e-94 which would authorize proper o~ficials to borrow $30,000.00 from the Banl{ of Clearwater \~th an interest rate of 3% to be repaid on or before June 30, 1959. Commissioner Fields moved that Resolution 58-94 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Conmdssioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Attorney presented the option for a six months' period to purchase from Mr. Maurice B. Thayer his property described as all o~ Lots 2 and 7, Bloclc 5, the south hal~ o~ the west 121 feet and the south 38 feet of the east 87 feet, Lot 1, Block 5j and the south 38 ~eet of Lot 8, Bloclc 5, Gould & E\~ng's First Addition. Commissioner Fields moved to appropriate the sum of $10.00 ~or the purpose of making payment on the option to purchase from Maurice B. Thayer in the form which has been described and presented to the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Attorney presented an option for a six months' period to purchase Block 5, north of Park Street, Sarah McMullen'S Subdivision, less the east fifty feet from the J. L. Lovitz Stores, Inc., for $95,000.00, the option to cost $2,000.00. Commissioner Watkins moved to appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purpose of malcing payment on the option to purchase from J. L. Lovitz Stores, Inc., in the form which has been presented to the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. A contract with Reade F. Tilley and wife was presented for the City to purchase Lot 11, Block 2, Magnolia Parle Subdivision, ~or $15,000.00 of which $1,500.00 would ~ayable on execution of the contract, $1,500.00 at clOSing, and a mortgage for ~12,OOO.00 payable within three years at 5% interest. Commissioner Strang moved to authorize the proper o~ficials to execute the contract with Reade F. Tilley and wife covering Lot 11, Block 2, Magnolia Park Subdivision, for a purchase price of $15,000.00 as provided in the contract, to be paid as prOVided in the contract and to appropr~ate the sum of $1,500.00 for the purpose of making the earnest money payment provided therein. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimOUSly. <'~< . ,;'< ., .',...., , ' . ." ..,r"....,., '"":....-w.;;.,c,t.u";"ut',.~...\t:;.<_"'....J04(l\Wll'~-.:.::J;". .~.'""'h.~;.._. '. ;", r"'::':':!!i.!,iI::~'! ~';i '\?':"~'~, ',. .,,'.-" . ",1 "'1 >"\'1':.'";,,1 .: " . . ~'.. . ~ :":"~17~' ;....:!<7.~1:~~.:\'1-: :~~f~.'~~:~{V(' .l., , ' .~.>' 1 l)" . " ,.:.: ,." ...... .......II"'~;IH.I""" ..1...........;,...... .....'...........~ .so. ~ ~. .' . .. . . 5/3 ",,; l.d~),,...,.)1.),.. li'i:li~I~!'l-r "\1 :. ".:..~'...:.,:. : l~.;" .~ '. L r"\ . .~..:;:,. .) ''''.,;:..:.it~ The Attorney presented a contract with Peter Falzoni for the Cit~ to purchase Lot 12, Block 2, Magnolia Park Subdivision, for :~15,OOO.00, of which ~1,500.00 would be payable on execution o~ the contract and balance in cash upon clOSing. Commissioner Watkins moved to authorize the proper officials to execute the contract with Peter Falzoni and wife covering Lot 12, Block 2, Magnolia Park Subdivision, which provided ~or a paynlent o~ $15,000.00 in the manner set out in the contract and to appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 for the purpose o~ malcing the earnest money deposit as provided therein. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimOUSly. .. ',', '. . .. -2- CITY COMMITSSION MEETING November 24, 1958 '. '{ ,':' ') I" .' A plan was presented for constructing six tennis courts at the northeast corner of Glenwood and Gulf to Bay Boulevard in Crest Lalce Park as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and the Zoning and Planning Board. Mr. Don McFarland, attorney, presented a petition signed by firty-two persons who objected to the proposed location of the courts, and stated he represented a large group or property owners in the immediate vicinity who objected because or the additional traffic, noise and lights. The Mayor suggested that the objectors take the matter up at a joint meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board and the Parks and Recreation Board. Commissioner Fields moved to authorize the Engineer to receive bids on this project. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimOUSly. A plat o~ Hillcrest #3 was presented which would replat Lots 1-6, Block A, Hillcrest Subdivision. Commissioner Watkins moved to approve the plat of Hillcrest Subdivision #3 as presented. Motion was seconded by Comm1Esioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Engineer reported that a complete study of heating and air conditioning for the Library had been made and he estimated the work would cost $11,700.00, leaving $13,000.00 of the budget appropriation for painting and roof repair. Commissioner Watkins moved that the part that the Engineer recommended be put out for bids, and the part that the City rorces will do be accomplished as early as possible. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimOUSly. The Engineer estimated the cost of a ninety-six foot fishing pier at the end of Seminole Street would be $2,300.00. Commissioner Watkins moved that the Engineer be instructed to finish his study and put it out for bids. Motion was seconded by Cornmdssioner Strang and carried unanimously. , ! . t. ., ~ .. :" "U:-.,(,..,. . ,.{" ....ltI'II--.-... , " I ! r ; ,'::"'.,;'; ..,..,.' . . '", " . .,~ [ . '/ .f "'\: "h,.~ ........;,( . The Engineer reported that he had received informal bids on the painting of the Youth Maritime Center building and the low bid was from K. L. Friedt at a cost of $664.00. COmrrUssioner Strang moved on the recommendation of the proper officials that the painting of the Youth Maritime C':nter be awarded to K. L. Freidt in the amount of $664.00, this being a budgeted item. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. It was reported by the Engineer that inrormal bids were received to supply and install a sign o~ 2411 metal letters with the \'lording "Clearwater Audi torium" to be placed at the auditorium, and the low bid was from Daniel Signs at a cost of $800.00. Con~issioner Watkins moved on recommendation of the proper authorities that the bid be awarded to Daniel Sign Company in the amount o~ $800.00, the sign to be erected on the City Auditoriwm. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Acting City Manager reported that the Commission had made an inspection of the Marshall Street Plant and he presented Supplemental Agreement 116 with the Henry Dupree Company in the amount of $651.00 for the installation of pump bases. Commissioner Fields moved that Supplemental Agreement ~ be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimoUSly. Mr. Wm. MacKenzie appeared ror the State Welrare Board asking that the reversion clause in the deed for the property which the City had agreed to give the State Welrare Board for the site of a district orfice be amended to revert to the City if the property was not used for any State agency as it was planned to issue revenue certificates through the State Development Commission to cover the cost of the building. Cornmdssioner Strang moved that the proper ofricials be authorized to execute the proper document a~ended to include State agencies. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and car~~ed unanimously. Mrs. James Swinburne appearing on behalf of the Little Theater organization asked that the City surface an area near Seminole Street on City property under lease to the Little Theater to be used by them and other organizations meeting in the vicinity. By consent, the matter was turned over to the City Engineer to study. The Acting City Manager reported it was planned to erect a flagpole for the storm warning flags in ~ront o~ the Marina Building in the middle island. It was indicated that the ~lagpole presently being used at the east entrance to Memorial Causeway could be taken down or used ror the American flag. Commissioner Strang moved the proper orficials be authorized to put this out for bids. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Acting City Manager reported that in~ormation had been received from the Southeast Underwriters Association showing what Clearwater will need to go from a C~ass 5 to a Class 4 fire rating. He said the Commissioners would receive copies in report ~orm. ., ~ ! ",..,c" ,,',', ,,' ,,', ,'. .v, ,,',' ,,',' , . ",.." "";"3'~{;':~J1;k~6iti"'~:;;i;~~~'~i:~~1'11~~ ", -3- CITY COMMcrSSION MEETING November 2l~, 1958 Resolution 58-95 was presented which would authorize the City Attorney or the Assistant City Attorney to attend the publ~c hearing on application for rate increase by the General Telephone Company before the Florida Railroad and Public util~ties ~~~~:1 ~~;'pe~O:~~ ~i ~~:r b~t~~~~o~~~:~ ~~a ~x~:~~~ u ~ tn ~~t r~n b~a ~a :::~n~~~ ~~oPted :t\:~.lfi:>' . Conunissioner Fields and carried unanimously. t.' ,;<,:: '.; '. ~ (' , I ! ~ ' '.,....,.. '.j', . . ," "".~:,,,:,,::''''~;'':r:\~:';;~~~'~,~ The Attorney read on its first reading City's intention to annex Oak Acres Unit 8. be passed on its rirst reading. Motion was carried unanimously. Comrrdssioner strang moved Ordinance 800 be considered on its second reading by title only with the unanimous consent of the Conunission. Motion \'las seconded by Conunissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance. Conunissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 800 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Ordinance 800 which would declare the Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 800 seconded by Commissioner Watk~ns and . I ,'.. , . , I . ~ t.... I :ll .',\, /;~d!t;::n:i-: . I.~).. , . I,.. ,.' IJf,)!*(!~j(~;;, . J~ff~ti;J~, ' ;,~:>:!, ..~" i"'~"~i":' !t1Wl"";1,;, j l' The Attorney presented Ordinance 798 which would amend Ordinance 627, the zoning ordinance and amend the zoning map. He explained that one item included in the ordinance had been changed since the public hearing. Dr. George Schoetker had asked that his request to have Lots 17-20, Block 24, r~gnolia Park Subdivision, be amended to include only Lots 17-19. Mr. M. H. Mesler and Mr. E. C. Baas were still opposed to the change to R-4. The Attorney read Ord~nance 798 on its first reading. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 798 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Cornmdssioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Commiss~nner strang moved Ordinance 798 be considered on its second reading by title only with the unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. Motion was seconded by Cornmdssioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 798 be passed,on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Comrrdssioner Fields and carried unanimously. Comndssioner strang moved Ord~nance 798 be considered on its third and ~inal reading with the unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 798 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner F~elds and carried unanimously. The Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 799 which would provide for a special municipal election on December 16, 1958, to ratify Ordinance 798 an amendment to the zoning ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 799 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Comrrdss~oner Strang moved Ordinance 799 be considered on its second reading by title only with the unanimous consent of the Corrunissioners present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 799 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commdss~oner Strang moved Ordinance 799 be considered on its third and rinal reading with the unanimous consent of the Conmdssioners present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 799 be passed on its third and fina~ reading and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 800 be considered on its third and final reading with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 800 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper officials authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 801 which would annex into the City acreage in Section 23-29-15 and certain lots in Ardmore Place Replat. It was explained the acreage would be developed as Forrest Hill Estates, one unit at a time, according to a master plan. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 801 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Commissioner strang moved Ordinance 801 be considered on its second reading by title only with the unanimous consent of the CommiSSioners present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 801 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded byCornmissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 801 be considered on its third and final reading with the unanimous consent o~ the Commissioners present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carr~ed unanimOUSly. The Attorney read the ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 801 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper o~ricials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. ,-....~~- : ::~~;'::~'., :.-:,- :~'.:'~'~..:: ,."'; . . ,. '''~''''''''I:.<l~::-;...*'fr:''''~~.;'".. ..~~~~==~=~~~~~~~~~~~-~;~~~~" AGENDA CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 1958 1:30 P.M. CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 241 1958 Reports from City Manage~ 1. Zoning & Planning Board and Farks & Recreation Board Plana re Tennis Courts 2. Consideration o~ Raplat of Rillcrest Subd. 113 3. Other Engineering Matters 4. Verbal Reports and Other Pending Mattera Reports from City Attorner 5. Resolution re App~ication of General Telephone Co. for Rate 6. Consideration of Ord. #798 Amending Zoning Ordinance 7. Consideration of Ord. #799 Providing for Zoning Referendum in Conjunction w~th Municipal Election 8. Consideration of Ord. #800 - Intention to Annex Oak Acres, Unit 8, Approval of Plat and Contract 9. Consideration of Amended Lease with Junior Service League 10. Consideration of Ord. #801 - Annexation of Rep1at o~ Ardmore Place 11. Assessment Resolution - Pav~ng A~ley, Rear of Glass Service Co. Invooat~on Introductions Minutes of Preceding Meetings Public Hearings Reports of City Manager Reports of City Attorney Citizens to be Heard Other Commdssion Action Adjournment Meeting Pension Plan Trustees --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION No. 58-94 \fJHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has not yet received all o~ its ad va10rum tax revenues for the current year and will not receive them for several months; and, \~EAS, the City has need of revenue at this time for the purpose of pay~ng current expenses, including capital improvements and for other purposes; and, \~AS, under and by virtue of Section 7 o~ the Charter of the City of Clearwater, as conta~ned in Chapter 9710 of Special Acts of Florida 1923, the City has the power to borrow money for current expenses providing the amount thereo~ shall not be more than fifty percent (50%) of the revenue of the City in anyone year; and, \iHEREAS, the City at this time has need or Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) which, together with all other sums heretofore borrowed during the current year, is less than fifty percent (50%) of the current revenue of the City as set out in the budget of' the C:1.ty for the current year, which has heretofore been duly adopted; and, WHEREAS, the Bank of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida, has agreed to loan the City said amount with interest at the rate of three percent (3%) per annum; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida in session, duly and regularly assembled as follows: (1) Proper officials of the City of Clearwater, Florida are hereby authorized to borrow, in addition to sums already borrowed during this current year, the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) for current expenses and for capital improvement purposes of the City during this current fiscal year, said loan to be made from Bank of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida~ to bear interest at the rate of three percent (3%) per annum, and to be repaid on or before June 30, 1959. (2) The proper officials of the City are hereby authorized to execute such promissory note or notes and other documents as may be required to accomplish ~he borrowing of such amount from the above sources for the purposes indicated. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of November, 1958. /s/ Lewis Homer Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Clerk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION No. 58-95 WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has been advised that the General Telephone Company of' Florida has filed an application before the Florida Railroad and Public Utilities Commission for authority to increase its exchange intrastate rates and charges for telephone services furnished by it in Pine11as County, Flor~da, together \nth other counties; and, WHEREAS, the City should be represented at the hearing on said application at Tampa, Florida, on December 1, 1958 and at such adjourned hearings thereon as representation is necessary in the opinion of City's counsel; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida as follows: (1) That Ben Krentzman, as City Attorney of the City of Clearwater, Flor~da, or Owen S. Allbritton, III, as Assistant City Attorney of Clearwater, Florida, is authorized and directed to attend, on behalf or the City of Clearwater, the hearing on said application at Tampa~ Florida, on December 1, 1958, and to attend such adjourned hear~ngs thereon as, in the discretion of City's counsel, may be required, and to f'o~lly enter an appearance on beha1~ of the City at said hearing. (Continued) ""'I'.,...,~........,.'~.,'... ~~ ,.'-'-..,....~'"':: '., 'I., '-.'" t ," '. ' - ", , ' ..;,; ~~~~1;:;j,':yr,~:~\:;:,'~~;'L'r\'C;;\".{r::,",;"""':<'\'~:"'!'<'" "', ,.,>.;.'" "," '''''''*'~\!'l~I1'''' 'ItJ"'~ m ;;~~~~1;~~C',ii'",",i";';"'''''UdY'''''"''''''''''''''''''''''"~?;t'~'"''''''~Ii&"",";,,,,,"";"""~",,.,,i.~'i' .:,'" ,;%;~~;;":",:.)'~",,,.i',' ;~;)I' ,~. ',"',,(,; CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 24, 1958 (Continued) I (2) That the Florida Railroad and PUblic utilit~ea Co~ssion is respectfully requested to reoeive and carefully consider all data submitted to it in oonneotion with such said applioation in order that rates and oharges for telephone service within the City of Clearwater shall be as reasonable as possible, commensurate with a fair return to the General Telephone Company of Florida in aooordanoe with law and with ru1es and regulations of the Florida Railroad and Publio Utilities Cornm1ss~on. (3) That a certified copy of this Resolution be filed in the above proceeding. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of Novemberl 1958. /s/ Lewis Homer Mayor-Comndssioner ATTEST: /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Clerk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION No. 58-96 WHEREAS, after public hearing on the 20th day of January, 1958, the City Comndss1on of the City of Clear~mter, Floridal determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described Should be done and made; and, WHEREAS, pur~uant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construot paving & drainage in the East and West alley between Court Street and Franklin St. running Easterly from the Atlantic Coast Line R. R. to a point approximately 740 feet East of the At1antio Coast L~ne R. R., Clearwater, Fla. The properties raoing and abutting these improvements are deemed to derive special benefits therefrom. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Co~ssion shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting and receiving benefits from said improvements so made; and, vlliEREAS1 certain parcels of real estate facing and abutting and in the vicinity o~ said improvements have been benefitted thereby and the pro-rata oost thereor shall be assessed against such property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the above described improvements in the area of East and West alley between Court St. and Franklin St., Clearwater, Flor~da, be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the following desoribed properties facing and abutting and in the v1c~nity of the aforesaid improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefitted by said improvements in the fol1owin proportions of the cost thereof, and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule: 3. That if assessments herein made are not pa~d within thirty (30) days from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates or indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which oertificates shall bear interest at the rate of eight (8%) per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty- day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 24th day of November, 1958. /s/ Lewis Homer Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Clerk " . " ' ", <, ~ "-:- :---. - _''>P., ''''. I.~ . ~ ". '," , , ''','.'''' ~.~. "''': " ,~".;, ,-""." ,," , . - . ,f ~~,:. . - <... t.~<r.', '.' . ~ '-~~~ 1"'"1. . ~ ~'~y...!~.. ,." .t.\~...-..-.., ,..;,"_.' ::.\~~,.' ~'r. '::~~"\" ..l~;I."'~ '., ,..f~'4."!F. '" ~:' '. '.. <~~~' .',' . _ 1:' i.~<":' ("'~ '. .,., t!~' "Il.H..~ #~:r'/ . ~~:r.'t~!m~.l~~7~~~~:~~' ",;\$~\Ij!;'1i:\.':';' i\~~~;!i;;:'.p~'€,;!:rif .~~,l&Jf.''l:f''/!t' ",t:?i~P,~'\I~~~~~,,;~}~,t~t?~::~l:~r!r,\~!lf"~'i~ito 1f;~."ffr~~f,~3':'" '["'F ( OBDDWICB NO. ~ . AH ORDDAIfOB AMBNJ)I1D OllDIlWfCB 1f0. 6zr, As AUHDED. '1'HB ern ZORDG ORJ)DWfCB~ AND .AIIIHDI.. 'l'JIB ZOU.. MAP or 'RB crry D ,Clr,u,RWA'rIR, l'LORIDA OJ' 1951. :mr RBOU.88D'rIIIt AND ZORIHI CBlt'rAIH. PROPIR'l'!' AS DBSCRDBD HBRBIN; BY CLARD!'- DII A SBCJ'.r11ON 'J.'HBRBOJ' RBLAUHO '1'0 U8BB IN R-4 AND R-II ZOHBSJ BY' CIARIPnlfO A SBmXOH 'ftIBIlBQJ RBI.AlJ.'DD" TO POM'IOllB O. B1JILDIlO8 em USBS WHICH CAN QfoQD BDONJ) '1'BB BV%LDIlII LINES AND Sl'.rBAClt LIHl81 Br PROHJB1'1I1D CON8J.'.RtJCTION, 011 LO'tS WHICH WBKB Hal' PAR't or A RBCORDBD PLA! ON 'tHE Bll7BC'!- . . IVB D~ OP '!BIB ORDIHANOB, HAVIHI A WXWII or LESS TJWf . ~ (6()) JBJIr IN B-2 AND It-l ABBASI BY XHORBASIlII TBB IIINIIIUII AJtBA 0Jf WHICH CONBrRUC'lION CAN DB MADB IN AN R~2 ARBl 'lO 5.000 8Ql1ARB PUl; B!' PRCJVIJ)DCJ MAx:tKUM HBIOIfl' , OP PDCES UD WA.T.TJI AL01<<I SIDB Al8) RSAR un LINES IN RBSI- DBN'l'IAL AIUWI; . BY . AMBHDIlII PROCKDUItB RBLAfDG '1'0 APPBALS .PROM 'l'HE J5()ARJ) ,or ADJUsrJIBtI'l AND APPBALJ B!' sPBCDICALLY' IaIftIHO OlRl'AIN VARIAlfCBS WHICH'1'HS BOARD 01' ADJU~ 'AIIJ) APPEAL MD ALLOWJ PRonDDII POll REPEAL OP OBDINANCBS IH CON- PLIC'.r HBRBWITB; PIlOvJJI:UfG roa 'lHB BEP~ 011 THK PRO- . VISIORS 1DRJ000J PBOV%DINO PJl'JUJJ!'IBS POR TIlE V'IOLATIOR OF 1'HE ~KBMS CD 'tUS OJUmWICE Alf1) PROVDJ.DQ JOlt A REPEREND1JJI PUOR'l'O '.rIB EP:PBCnVB DATE QP 'rHXS ORDINAHOK. " .. . '...' BE l!r oaDADBJ) B! TJS CI'l'!' COMMISSION OP 'lHB ern 011 CLEARWA.'lBR~ n.maDA~ " .' SectS-on 1. The f'ollold.ng described pzeopel"ty 111 be"b~ clas8U1ed' aIld" aoned .. . . hereinarte:r 1nd1cated and liThe Zoning Map of the C1ty or' Clearwater, "l'1or-J.c!aot.1957" is amended to j,ncU.cate t;lat tact as here1naf"tet- set out: .. . . . (A) Zoned aa (8) - Bua1neaa . . ~. Lo1;a "J'1mJU ~q. 1.no~uB1ve, Blocks C and P, Carolina Terrace Su1'xI191a1on, , Plat. Book 12, Page 15, P1nellaa Count;r Recorda. ' , ,: 2. 1'he eaat 105.l0 tt. ot the W 1/2 of the S 1/2 ot the N 1/2 of t.he 8111/4 '. of the. HE 1}4 of' the SW 1/4 ot Sec. 22. 'lWp. 298.. Pee. 15E. . . 3. Lota 10 anel l~" Block H. H1blaclla Oal"dens Subd1yj,a1on~ Plat BoQ1c 14" Page 58~ P1n81las Co1.mt;y Recorda. . 4. Lots 3~4~ 15 t;o 24 1nclua1ve" Block E, and Lots 13 to 24 lnclua1ve. Block J, Lakev1ew Haj,gb.ts SUbd1v1.B1on" Plat Book 13, Page 5" P1nel.las C()UD.Q' Rec01'd8. 5. TheN &ball be a 10 f't. build1ng setback 1111e f'rolll the lot line f"aoins M1saolJrj. Ann\le tor the lots described In 8ubp&1"8g1'aph (~) aboW'e and th1a fact shall be 1l'ld1ca'ted on the Ci~y Zoning Mlp. 6. Lots 11. 12" l3 and 14" BJ.ock P, Lakenew He1gh.te Subd1.vj,a1on. P1at Book 13. P~e 5, Pinellas Count3 Records. 7. Lots~.( 2 and 5 to 10 inclusive, Zephyr Hl11 &lbc:l1.ns1on. plat BoQk 24, Page 00. Pinellaa County Records. .' ~ > '\... (D) Zoned aa Jl-X - Ja1lt;1)i!le Dwe11!!:Y5s Etc. ~. LO~a 1, 2, 3. :B1ock ~9. Man~la:v SUbd1v1S1.0D, Pla~ Book 14, page 34. . P1nella. COun~ Records. (e) Zoned as Jl-4 - MUlt;1~le Dwe111~. e~c. 1. LO~s 5 1;lU'Ll 12 1nc~us1 ve" -Block G and Lote 5 and 6, Block H. Fairburn Additlon, Plat; Book 12. Page 18, P1nel1aa CO\Ulty Recorda. 2. Lots 11 ~hru 19 inclusive.. Block 24, of )1agr1ol1a Park SubcUv1aJ.on, Plat Book 13. Page 431 P1nellaa County Records. 3. Lo1;s 1, 2" 3 and 4, Block 3. Starr and ,Savery's AdcU.t1on to C1earwateZ'. Plat Book 1, Page c;n ~ Ps'nel1as County Recorda. 4. Lots 2 1;0 13 :1nclus1ve~ Lembo SUbcU.v1uon. Plat Book 48. page 38. P.1nellas Count,. Becorda. ... .5. Lo'ts 9 tbN 16 :l.nclualve. Block 17, Magnolia Par-k SUbd1na1on, P1at Book 13_ , . Pasa 43. PU1e11sa County Records. , 6. Blocks C. "If and I. H1b1acus Gardens Subd1v1e1on, Plat Book 14, page 56, P1nel1as Coun~ Record8. " 7. Lots 8 to 12 l.nclua1ve, Block G, Lots 16 to 20 inclusive. Block H, Lots 8 and 9. Block X, Lo~s 1 to 8 1nclusive, Block J, all 1n Pa11'1DOJlt; Sub41v1aJ.on, . Plat. Book 9, Page 85.. P1nellas County Becol"Cla" and Lots 1 to 17 j,nclualve. Block D. Gr-eemoo<l Park No.2 Subd1vS.s1on.. Plat Book 8" Page 18, P1nellaa County Records. . . 8. Lot 4. Block 1, Brookwood Terrace Subd:1v1s1()1'l, Plat Book 8, Page 34, P1nellaa Count;y RecoZ'ds. 9. Lots 1 to 1, Block V. Lots 1 to 9. mock: T, and Lots 16 to 20, Dock 'I. . B1b1.ecue Gardens SUbd1.n81on, Plat Book 14, Page 56. P1nellas County Reoorda. , .. Section 2. SUb-aeot2.on 9 of Section V-A ot Ol'd1mnce 627, as amended. the C1tJ" . '~n1nffl~~(9~ ls amended to read a8 follows: " . n (a) ACCeS8017' bu1l.d!.ngs and uses necessary to U'ld c\&8~omar:11J' inc1aental to &nJ . of the U8eS l'e1'IId. t1;e4 1n B-4 and R-M zones when 10catecl on 'the same lot and not .1nvolvlng ~he conduct; or a bus1nees other than ouatanar'11y carJ"1ed on in oonneotion dth uses. pead.t;ted :In a-4 and R-M zones. inoluding PZ'1vate and stoNge pJ.'ILSe _en loca'bed . ," apt .1eas. than 40 :tee1; from the f'ltont lot lines. nor 1ft.. tban 20 f'"~ fro. &lQ otber ,. 8U'e~ 11ne or 5 teet. tftIIl &IV and all lo~ linea" 02' a pr1.vate garage conatl"Uoted as ..'...'~ ~ ~ .1nb1.111ctiJ'1Ce. ,",' '.v~" ;0"""_: "I'4~11"~}"",,..nt""";"I'" i~\""r:r~a,...Il"ot.t:t+~~l~~l~.~t~Jw'~~~,~~~~.lt<i,,:::;.:..~ ". v . ..'. '..'. . :~~;::~:=:'~'::::C:1!:..~:~~~ti~1rr~Jr.:~.,;".:. -2- .. , II (b) Hon-oQlllllUlO1a1 (not operated aa a btUl!.nea. dth1n itself' toJ' prot'i_). publlo park1Ds 10__ or spaces on wcant lots OJ' portiane thereot' tor park1ftS palllleDSer lDO~or veh101ea 8hall be pe1'lld.ttec1 in R~ and I\-M zone8. rt (c) Lotll 111 all \lse d1Rncte ahal1 be capable or wse ror non-colD8l'01al pub110 par.k1ns lots all det1ne4 in Seotion 9 hereot~ llIhen aid lot or lots are 41reotlT abut;t~ and owned bf. the same OlUler as a lot 01' lota located 1n R-4~ R-M. B, JI~ UZ al\4 r WM d1atrlcta. I leot1on 3.. Port1ona of SectJ.on XI, as herej,nane~ 1nd1cated~ ot OI-dlnanoe 6~, AS AMllDIIJ, !JI'B C1tJ' Z~ Ord1nance# an amencled as t'olloW8: A. Suboeot1on (1) thereor 1.8 amended to read ae tollowe: XI. "(l)Ja) Ho .toundat10n Une. wall or column o~ arQ' bu2.1d1ns aha11 extend. be conam.aot ~ or allowed b8J'Ond the bu1l41ng setbaek shown on 'the lesend or the · ZoId.Ds Jlap or 1me C1t7 of Olearwater# PloncSa. or 1.957'. and l'lO part of alW b\d.141l>>s or otbel." waG ahall extend or be allo1t8d more than 2 ft. beyond ~he sald setback Une in Im7 R-l. B-2, a-4 or R-M uae d1s't1"1ot. n (b) No part or ~ b\l11d1ng or aD1' use in B-1 use d1atnata sballoextend or be oonabuoted or be allowed closer 'than 3 t't. from any and a1J. lot linsa.arid no rounclat~on 11neB. 1Iall OI- column. or ~ buiJ.cI1ng sbal.l extend.. be conatruotedor allowed closer than 5 ft. .rrom any and &11 J.ot 11nes." , JJ. SUbsection 4 th.ereof' j,s amended 1;() read as tollows: XI. .~~ lo~ or plot having an area or les5 than 5,000 square rt. and hanns . width ot leS8 than 60 .ft. at the buUcl1ng aet6baok 11ne shall horea.tter be used for bu11d1.ng in an R-J. area, neithe~ Shall ~ bu11d1na other than aoces8017 building be ereoted thereon having a ground floor enolose4 area or leBS than 750 sq_ R. excluB1ve of porches and breezewa:fs.. prodded tba't aa1d w1.dth regulations shall no't be ef"tect1.ve as to any lot 1ncluded in a recorded plat as ot December 16. 1958. n c. Sub-paragraph 5 tl1ereol: 1.8 amended to read as tollows: x:t. .fillot or plot having an 8ft8 ot less tban 5,000 sq. 1'1;. and having a 1d.c1tb o~ 1888 than 60 t't. at the btd.~d1ng setback line shall hereafter be used toJ' bu1ld1nga 1n an R-2 area... neith.er sba11 ~ bu11d1ng other than acce.8OZ'1 bu11d1ng be erected thereon havins a groW\d ~lool" enclosed area ot le8s tban 150 sq. ft. exclusive ot porohes and breezewaY's. provided 'that aaic1w14th regulations shall not be effective as to a:n'T lot included in a recorded p~at as of December l6J1 1958." De An additional paragra.:ph to be deslgna'ted "3\.lb-paragraph 6" i8 added thereto, to read, as fallon: "(6) "Pences and walls. other than necessarv retaining walla. erected 01' ma1.n- ta1nedalong ox- ina1de o~ lot lines in R-l, R-2, a-4 and R-M use d1atr1c~.. shall not exceed ox- be ma1n'ta1ned at a hetant in excess ot 5 ft. troat tile ground level of subject property or of propeny- ~ately ad.1acent tb.eret;o~ whichever has the higher level. ~& section ahall not be conetru.ed to allow the construction or maj.ntenance or fences or 1flll1s along or acreslS _BeDen1;& and ahAll not be conet~ed to alJ.ow the fences and. walls when theJ' would be in violation of other pr'Ov1s1ons or tMs ord1nance. , Section 4. Port1.one of Sectlon XVIX as hereinafter indicated. ot Ord1nance 627, as 8.1D8nc1ec1~ 'the City Zoning ord1nance~ are amended as nere1naf'teI- designateds A. Sub-section (4) thereo1' is amended to read as f'ollows: " (4) ~e:Board shall, after due notice, and not lees than ten da7s and not. more than 30 days atter the fili!1g or the appeal. hold a public hear1ns imereon and promptly render its decision. At tme hear.1ng anypartr ma7 appear l.n person or bV attorney.." B. SUb-section (5) thereot 1s amended to read as f'oll..owe: ' , "(~) (1) After a review or an application and h.eu1ng thereon if' the Board o~ Ad.1uartment and Appeal on Zon:1ng .finds as a 1'act that the proposed use j,a eoneistent with the general zon!.ng p1an and with. 1ihe publi.c interest. t;1le Board of' Adjustment and, Appeal on ZOning 1Dll~ pe~ t the following ueea: (1) Non-Commerc1al- park1ng lots tOr! ch~cb, school or private club, or place or PUblic a8sembly in an R-2 area 1Z it i8 located w1th1n 250 ft. or auch'proper't7. (a) Restaurant as a separate eetabl:1shllle:nt In an R-M area pl'Ov1clec:l that reasonable orf-street park1ng requirements are me1;. In such caee adY8rt1a1ns d1splay w111 be pcrm1tted as tor a Bus1nees - but 11m1ted to one nonrlallbS.n& d1sp1sy. advertiSing to the pubJ.1c the legal 01' e:xe.et firm name or the name ot tbe bWs1nes8 CUT'1ed on therein or thaea~. (3) Churches 1n an R-2 area. provided that re&8onable oft-street parId.na l'equ1rement8 are ~. . ,.~/.. ~, 1"~~:f ~, t ,. 1.. ., .:,' ~'..~ -. . ~,; ; ".:':;-::l..~, ','>...: . ".,i'x:: 1" .. :W~.lY. ;iit;,;.:." .:c"', ",.;"~.,..",,,;;y"~' iIiBUIIIti.~\\:,,::~lf' " I..J ..1, " .' .' ..1 '-:, <, t.' ..', .<... ( ..' .' ". ~ : ".." .' ' " " ' ' j.': , , ,) ,- ~. . ~ . 1 ~ , ' .' . . . ; "., ",}:_ '\",' 0' - .' ~ ",' .,,::>f .:-:,.;c.."': :.: ': '.:.~;':. ." .... - , ,,:.' .,.:';'C. '~{,'\ :'\\:' :,..,' . ":,.::,, \:,-'.~~3:?i:: .(4i:, . ~a1c1an or doctor'. ot11c~ 11\ am R-4 area p1'Ov1decl' __bat :rea.bi~~~:}':;d?~~~tii,){: ,;. '..,;?~(, .; ," "'ott-utreet parkins req,uiftMll't, are met and that arch1tectw-al 4ell1l11" ')",,\:.::';";..:-: ;,.. · :..'/ :eli"':;' ':'.' ';~' coritonu to a residential' ohaaot... '. .. ' :' ";'-:>;~ j.." . ,r.,- :",;,., ' ' :!';~': ,,:' ,,' . ", : ;::' ;i:;' .: /: '.:':: ".~ ". (5) Convalescent Home in an 1\-4 area pl'Ov14ed that reasonable ott-S~".t . : ,:;:"~:':f::):!~; ~{ ::'.' ;: .' ':;' , , ,.,.. . parJd.na requ1l'e1D8nts aN met anc1 that add1tional aide lot requ1rem.enta are ""'>:":~:;\ ...l...... met. . . ':.. ;':,~ ;.'. -, . , ';': .:' ;" ...,',' (6) ~ Nurser:,' or private 1<31\001& in an R-4 a:rea provided tmat autt101mt,, ";-: ..' '. :'J/=:r~8 prov1ded and tllat: ott-street parIdng 18 pron.4e4 tor Moh ..";;./. ;.~.':.',", , (B) In ad41t1on to the powers contained 1n aub-paragrapb (A) aboYe~ tne ' ," .~ 8ball' bave power j,n specitic casea, arter due notice, invea1i1ption ~ ":'~J:;C'" bear1ags asatoreaa1d. where there are practical difficulties or unneceaaar.y hal'Cl8h1.ps,. .',.",::: 1n ~e wq of carry1ng out the strict letter ot the provisions ot thi8 Or41nance~ to . ..~,.~!.. 4eterm1ne and vu?/ art8 such prov1sions 2.n harmony with the general purposes and 'intent :::' or ~e zoning ord1nance so that the p,ub11C health, aa:tet7 and general welfare JiIIQ' be ',,~:,;;I, secure and substantial Justice done. ' . '. , ...-'..,c -.~;:~:, . Seotion 5'. All ol'd1nances or parts of ord111lU1ces 1n conr11ct herewith are to th8'~'~",~ir\ exten1. or s\lar-contl:Lct hereb1 repealed. ': .... :',: "" . '. , ,'. ,~. Section 6. Should lUll' part or proviSion of th1s ord1nance be declared b)' the cOu:rt to be 1nva~1a~ the same shall not ar.feot; the valj,dity or the ord1nance as a whole. or, ~ J)art thereot other than the part declared to be invalid. ;": " " " t. '\ I )', . . :';. , j>;~~~" ;:~,~,:T'", :.,', ~ f -; ~.(,' ",~ ' rW:',.' :'" ~'. j:~.~t~~~,.. ; .:;;~ ,;~.~ 'J" <, . ",~. ,': , -', '~"., :' Section Ii ArQ' person or persons, firm or corporation or aasocla~on ot persona. who anal1 no ate or f'a1.1 to comply witl1 ~ of the terms or prov181ollt ot tbi8 .. ord111ance shall, upqn conviction u the )fan1c1pal Court.. be tined not exceed1D1 the SWl ot Two Hundred {$200.00) Dollars" oza 1JDpr180lUIlent in tbe C1ty Jaf;!, for Dot exceeding Sixty (60) days.. or bJ' both S\l.on. tine and 1Mpr180nment .in 'the' ctiacretJ.on 'or the Mllnic1pal Judge. Each day that a violation ;1& perm2.tted to exist aball conat1.tute .a separate o~ten8e. Section 8. '.rhj.s ordi.nance shall ta.ke effect fl"CJn and after ita passage and ita ., apPl'Ova1 by a majority- o~ the qualif'ied voters of the C1.ty ot Clearwa~er lIb.o &1'8 ' bteeholc:lers 1d. thin ea1d C1ty voting at a special mun1cipal election to be Beld Son. ., conjunction with the regular municipal election on December 16. 1958. .,. '. , J : " 'ciJJ.<i: " C .,,"~i.: ., /..);';;,:.. PASSED ON FIR&r READING November 24.. 1958 November 24.. 1958 ',- ~ ..~,.' PASSED ON SECOND READING -,. , . -. '.'{ . . . )f:\' .: "~,; ,:: '., ';'" . .,.( \;:"S}.: ::\ i,.,'.':' '}: '/'" '-,"'.: -,. .' .' ',.. ......:, ".'. "i";, ,.:':h",'.;' <,....,..;.. .. J': <J/'~"\":,,:: .. ;. .' . . ."[: >>;},X':~ .,.,.::- , "::~ Ie:', :"<;';::. : .:: ....:' .' " ", ..' ::(': " "'YL;;' . . '. ., '.-;,:.. ~,'>:'., ;,' :..,' ',.... : i.:',: ' .. ,. ..... .' '," '.J ;.><j:;: .' ". .' . ." . . .... .'., " 'i:::<;;;:,' ':: ~< ,., .' ..... ........ . .. ' ........ ,,':\';',.::;\Cf,~0;i\~.'.:~:,' .... 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'" ...,:.',.: :"',::, <:> p,!;,:,.;,;;::,:, ....: ..,: ' :\.'i:'::,::'>,' .. ". ....',." . " .~\.: '.' "'., ,....' .\ ' ~ 0,1: '.; ;-;:!:~;~;.:;~,<,; 'U .:',,;' " '.. ","'.:.: : ''':'"i/j;' " ":., '~.. "";:,.., '!;:;.~ .'Jj: ':"~';?':: > . " :f .'. :t' \<:'i; ,t:<.,..... , <,:~ :;:.'. PASSED ON TlaRD AND PINAL READIW AND ADOP'l'ED November 24_ 1958 , 'Attest: . . ./al R. (J. Wh1 tehead '.C1 ~1 Clerk . . Isl Lew1s Homer ~or-Comm1ss1oner :...;. ur'.';.; ..,,:1.:.:(: ~0 ~ ::;'::"~:;'- J <: i'.j~',: ~:~;,. .~{ .~, '. . _''''L :,:;!il~~1f.{f.:>~~~\;~:;):'\, (}(!~;":~;~2~i::)l~'\.~l~ J":"ii'",~~$~\. .. ,. ,~;wr~;~,:,~~:~;,"~.'ilh;l{:~}?~'<(:"":':;'~ ,:::::?;;;~::;"";:'~''':''~'!.;~~::'f;;~ty:c~":;'i\''''~:'''~''~.'~""~~!~"~~~~~~"?'~~:::'I'i"'~:: :,.,,;,.~;:.,::::,'::~~~~ ',',\ ~. " , ~:'~; . '~' - ~~ . .. ., .'~ -~.. ) < f"~ ..I " , 't. l' , , , -, '1 - .,J . A .:1 .. i .~ " .. ~i ~:~ .. " \, OJUmfANCE EO. 1j2 Alf mtDDAHCB PROv'w.l.lII PQR A SlBOUL HUltICIPAL BLBO'r- 10M ~ DB Jf.BW) IN CONJUHC'lIOH w.t'1'JI TBB RBJ'ULAll BLBC'J.'- 1011 OR DBCDIBIR 16~ 1958, SAIl) sPBOIAL ILBCTION '1'0 DBftRJIIHB WHIIrIIIR OR NG'l ORDIlU1ICB NO. 798~ AlllHDDG TIm C1'1'r ZONIHI OBDDWICB~ SHAJL BE RATIPIED, J'ftov:ID- INO POR ~ MAKHBR og COHDUO'.l' OP SAID BLEa'l'ION; PRO.. VI1XU<<I lOR NO'lIOB 0:1 SAID BLBO'J.'XONJ PRCVXDINO FOR DB'.t'BRrmr.EtII 'J.'lIS ltEStJII.rS r:m SAID ELBCTXON ~ AND PROVJJ>Itm lOR. THE BI'PBC'lIVB DA'B OP 'rHIS OJU)INANCE. BE .~ OHDAIBJ) BI' ~HB cn'n COMMISSION or rJIB CrlY OF ~WATER: Sect1.on 1. 'l'bat a ape01&1 auUo1pa.l eleo~ion 1ba11 be held 1n the Damln' hereln pJ'OV14eC1, . on ~e8daJ'. DeCMlllber 16 ~ 1958, tOI!' the p~.. or de'tft'Pl1..n1Jla ldle'ther or 1'&Ot; Ord1Danee 798~ an ol"d1nlulce amend1ng OZd1nance No. 6'Z7, as amended, the m.t7 Zon1nB Ord1Dance. Bb.a11 be adopted. SectJ.on 2. At said epeeia1 Dl\D'l1o~pal elecU-on, OrcUnance N'o. 798 ab&l1 be aubm1ttad to a vote and voted upon and aIall be aoctPted or rejected. .a a _01.. S.e~~~~~ onlJ' quaJ,ltJ.e4 electora of the City ot Clearwater, Plonda. 1Ib.o aN' h'eeh~ sa1d C1t;y shall be el~~ble to vote 1n said speo:1a1 eleot.ion. Section 4. All peraona shall be collddered as q1J4l1fied freeholc1ere 111 1;be C1Q who 8ba].J; be ress.s1;ereck~as such accord1ns to law. as ev1denced ~ the recorda ot the Supew1sol' o~ Reg1strat;ion ot P1ne11aa Count~, 'lorS.da. Seotlon5~ 'l'he C1i;1 Comm1adon 8haJ.1 cause to bet publiShed 1n a newapapel- or seneJ.'&~ cu-euJA't1on 1.1l tl1e C1.t)" onoe a week fo~ t;wo (2) conaeout1ve weaka a not1oe atat1ns tbe plU."pO&e of the election6 the polling p1acea, and the clan o~ J)edOlUl e~bJ.et to vote therein, t;he f'1rst publ:lcat10n to be ac least ten _. betoJ'18 the date or elect10n. Section 6. Votes:ln such electlon ISball be cast at; each of the poUa 8a1;&b118hed and ma1B1;a1neG by the C:lty in connect1on nth the regular elect10n to be oonducted b:I the City' on ea1d date. Sectlcn 7._ '.l'be queatlon to be aubldt'ted to tb.e voters at said epec1al e1eot101l 8ball b8 Idlemii"r. or not ord1nance 798 shall be accepted w reJeoted as a whole. Vot1ng _cl'4nea aball be used and ballots eha11 contain the questlonl "Do you t'avor the adopt1.on or Ord1nance 7gB, an o1'd1nance amend1rtg ~he ZOning ordJ.nanoe and 'the Zon1ng map of tne Cttt7 of C1ea~ter, nonda, or l~51, as provided therein?" !be elec1ilon eball be conducted 1n accordance with the provisions or Chapter 7 ot the' Code or the C1.ty of Clearwater, 1950, alS uuended, and other appl:lcable lava. ftue sample copies oZ ordJ.nance 798, together w:l th a suBtantially accurat;e COPT ot the "Zon1ns !lap or the C1t;y or Clearwater6 F1or1da,. ot 1957" ~ with the proposed chaDS8a 1nd1oat.ed tb.ewon.~ shall be posted at each poll1ns p1&oe and said Ord1nance. but not 8d.d Zcm1ng Map, abal1 be published Son f'ull 1%1 two (2) separate issues ot a newepapo- ot SeJ181'&l circulation 1n Clearwater, lPJ.o1':lda, the t.1rat '-naertion to be a1; least ten (lOJ da:.rs prior to December 16_ 1958. . Sec't1on 8. ']he resul.t of the votlng Bhall be cert1:tied and delivered to the _ol--COIIIII1aS10ne~ and ~e O.1ty Clerk 1n the same manner and by the same ottt1c1als ,e are the Z'88\1lb 1n the general e1eot;1on bdng condtloted concurrently 1d.th ea1d epeo1al e1eot1on. and Bald o.tf"1c1als shall canvaas the :retu.ma a:ncl deolare the returns or said apec1a1 election in 'the same manner and at the same t1me and place &s the results or the general eleotion are canvasBed. Bect;1on 9. .All tJU.ngs done and acconp118hed 1n oompliance With t;h1s OrdJ.nance and 1D ruru1ennce ot tl1e purj)oaes or tld.a ord111a.nce, pl"1or to the etf'ective dat;e hereof aft hereby ratitled and cont.1rmed as being 1t\ oompl1ance 1I1t11 th1s 0rd1nan.ce.., Sec~n 10. ~8 Ordinance shall PASSEl) Olf PIBS'l READING PASSEl) ON SECOND BEADING PASSED OK'lHIRD AND FINAL READDO AND ADOptED become effect:!. ve :1mmed1a tel7 upon 11;a p&aaase. November 24, 1958 November 24, 1958 November 24, 1958 /8/ Lens lfcmer , Maroro-Co1llld.ss1oner 'f. ... '." -.. ~~.~ ~. . ., ..;.-: (~~t~l 'i~~'~" .' '~.!:' ,-,': '. " .,', ..' ~" "', );,.1' .\;1. , . "" 1~ I! " .;,~,' ,,: ,~~;, ',' ,,\;l':f1.W~~i; . ~.~ ' ~- .~. ~~~l fl~. "",, ':, ,~. ... ~~;..~~ L~': :\ :r./~' ';':;:>'" ....: ::, . .. .> ':... ...:.;. ',:'..:. " .......,...:Y:;'..... ;::-1"::,';'.":' i".> j/:{>':,,':;'r::::,:.... " ..,r::,.;t:-".:':'~:';':: ;':' '.:' ::\~, it: ;.}, ::: Y'-:';:".:>':'.}. . . ..' .: . . . . ':-.:~;; ":-" ': ", I,.,.' .,', '-," . .,t. .,'. "r , , .. .'.';; :'i:,' I :\>:':.: - .- .,:: '. .:"'." .:. ."'; . .. '. ,,~..dft1I::II O' 800' .:' ;:' ,.. '. ". "-. to, :. -,. ";. :'.' . ...... ' :. . . "'&1.IIAPftftva If . .. . . .... ' . ;" ,"'::,- :.: . ," ....:;,.. .- '..-... .":'- . -'.,,, ." :~ J~':>'~~' ':~~k :..,.:, c: ,; :" .,'> :. ~"'1B).' \'laCK IS 'to BB DOWN AS ewe ACMB. lDJI'l' 8., ,>;.; "'>.. ~,.!;,: .' IIlfO '1'D CORPORATE LIMI!'S 01P 'rBB C1ft OP OLBARWATBR, ~<i)~: ~'/;X:, .';.. '.' . J'IDlW)A, UPON 'fHB BXl'IRA'fIOH or, 'lJlIR'n (30) DAYS ',. ~":,;' ;"/ 'e: ""~i::/ " ....., . PIlOM'l'B PAS8IHO W '!BIS ORDDWfCE. ACoomma '10 . .' . ";~;; ~~:) ~<:; ~\ ~'i~~,,,.,:: :::: \,. . . 'IHI nonSl0H8 ()lP UC'fI0II 111. ~, . PLORIDA 8'1'A'rU'l'BS. ';.'"',;:' ",,!i5./', '. . 1957, AND PRonDINO JOJl t'HB DJ'BCI.l'IVB DUB OP ~S ' , . .... .....::.;\:'<v l":;{:., ...... . OBDDAHCI.' . ':." :. ./,! :;~i';'::3,.. . '. . .' -." H;~:::\'.-:.~;,.>-}' .'.~.. :~\,iS i,1SIIt ....00000NBD BY '.rD CIft COMICISSIOII 01' mB CX'lY 011 CT.2QWA'rBR, l'LORIDAa . .i,,-, \:':,.'<:, :,~:.:....:r...:.;. Section 1.' rhe city or Cleanrater.. fiorida, aot1111 ,b7 and througb 11;. C1t;7 '; ,>,',L: I" :;'1.;':'>,/ '....,~: ~.. ...lon, hereby deal-area ita lntent10n to amwx. Into. the corpOft~. 11Id.tl or the ::;.;t':2; ~;i; 'c':.i, ,,'''' ~c,';: .'. Clt7 or Clearwa1;er, lPlor1.da, ~ following desoribed land. lJiq cont1sUoua -.0 tbe '.' .f'; ;", ;~;.",:t. ::.;'''' , , 'i;''tei''r1tor:tal l11i:1ta or ad.d City. wh10h lande contaln le.~ than ten (10) NS1.tere<l,.;.:i~' ..i\. .. 'Voteras. i, .' ',' ..:\:"~j./':',.':';:' ". . J'1'OIIl the SS corner ot Seot~on 14. 'l'wp. 298. Baa. 15&. ,,:,,:.,(~..} ." '~\>""'..,' , run R 880 59' 48" lI. along 1me South. 11ne ot aa1d Sec. '. " <',.:;{;(' .,..ce....,..,.. :. 3.4. l059.i4 :tt. tor a POBi thenoe con~1nue a1O~ said . L" .'. i'j:~,.;'q. ':";":;:0:~;~,' " 11ne R sa 591 48"w. 141.80 fJ~.j thence'run N 0 00....' .:;.:., ','; :,,~j;)%:~'\'I:{';'-"':Y<> ,'j~, " 18" B. 634.30 ,:ft. to a poln~ on 'the Soutb BOW l1ne of .'..,:~ ';y",~"::~t(, ,.' Masnolla Jhi'1ve; thence run S 880 56' 37" B. aJ.ong 8a14 ' '.'; ',', '.. BOW JJ.ne J.41.80 ft. to a point on the WeBtROW lj,ne ot. ..:..'\ .:,.,(:,.::\ ..,;: /i, ;" Woocltd.de Avenue; ~hence run S. 00 00' 18" W. along the ,'c?> ',;.:~ >'p~ ;!:.;,:;"~:;i?;:: E{~?;':rt;.,x'. West BOW 11ne ot Woocl8~de Avenue 634.1T ft. to the POB6 ......,... ';':'~., H' ....i.' .,;, '::i) ".:' :'::~M7,~~~~:"::';~/~';" ,. .' 'to be known .a Oak Aores. Un1t 8. SUbd1v1.aion. '. .' ..',',!':.,:\~:/L;;:~,~;':,':;i/,~,e~. ";,;, ,; . . , . . . ,.: 0',:::.,": ':';\:;~ ;:'.>. .' '\;';iC':/)~';:: ..;..' Sectlon 2. . '.fhe =~ or Clea~ter. acting by a.nc1 through its C1t7 Com1~OJl~;:' :;'."; "/{~;;::; ,;:". :';,L/ ;~:;:' lntencla 1;0 annex 'the toreso1D6 lands aooord1ns 1;0 'the pl'OY1a1ons of Seot1oIl111.04. . q ,';:.:"; r:::" :':,;'/\' :nonda Statute. 1957~ and to that end the Clty Clerk 18 hereby d1reote4 to >>ub1S.ab .," ""';,r.,:' ,/:':"i/:' :c. .. '..tb1a OzId1nance 1n the CLearwate~ Sun, a newspaper p\lb11aned 1n the CitJ' ot C1earwa~er.~... .... .>.~ t;..,... :"," ...... . .:,:',~n~ a. week ror'tour conaecutive weeks 1JDm841atel~ att.ar the p&s888e of tJd.~..:"~>:. \':'~",,~,,'.L,~<"""" Seotion 3. ~8 Ordlnance abal1 become eNec1;1ve 1mmediate17 upon J.ta >>&.~:n:',< :. '\;'~:..i,~:TF',;',,: . PASSBD ON PIltST RFAmNO November 24. 1.958 <": "', .:>:'>;,~"';<<",'.',';: .,:/',;.-'-s;;:.t ....;//.. . . .: :."h,. '.. ;::;~;";,,>,,,; PABSBD 01f 8KCOND IlBADDO JfoveJllber 1958 't' "';" A<:;';:,,'( ".'~"" ,,"'" PABSBD 01f ~ A!ID PINAL 24,,'~, "k <::..:}:: ,"';, :~~>/ '. RBADDD AND ADOP'lED Noveaber 24. 1.958 .;./ ;;{;'; 7<:~ /'~,>':' {~';');';"'::<;~t~l;i ' , .. ~~~f~onel" ,.' ,..........'!', :.','.:: ;.i:>:.;l.l~. 'G.' lb1t~~~ ..... :;.:h:-~':,-;'. ". : .' '..' :~1 .,,)',....:.;::~.:':i':':'":C1tvC1eric .' . ,'. ......; .........:': ;;'>. ,i'~.~:., .<,. .;',::.~ :.';,.:'. .,...'..,../:.,';'-" . . . . ;... ;. ;\;n\:~:,<:: :.';..;,>' . .....: 'C~>" ..:, ~"'" ,..,L"C ,:,f' .,.: ':;;.: .: "', ..<', .....::( ,'" ",' St. ;,~f:, ' . .,'. '.'.' ..'c""Y';?':;'<;~":JY/.',O:-':';, ,,,'''' '.""',:.: :Lt , . ':.< " ..... ")~~:i';~' . ",'.' :.':. .... .,~.C ';:"n.(":" :~.~;;2;;i;:;' ~,,;:I~: ..':i:; ,,;.:::.', . ;...i....'.) .. :""]" ,.:.:._~.."" " . :;:,,:,.: :.i' ", '. ...j,:! ' :::;. ." ~', ' '.' : ~ '.""." ~i; ';~<3 . '.i ;'i'" .;i. _::,:.,.':,''', ;.,) , ,,; " .{ ii..:; :x'/{ : .':," ....,'; "r' ", " :C,.:' .:'.';." '..:'X' ;"',>,c:'::::.: 7'" f' '., . . . ,. i' ",\,- .1 " " -' it' . =-: - ,:~~ } .. 'j . ~ - j ;~ '~ :.~ ~ .. l't ":' '" '>.< J '.. ~~ . ,".' ..,'_..T . ,',<' .;.:,: :0'.., '" .'; .l .. ...,. . :,,';'.' .:,,'/ . ....>, ;,' . .... Jt~ ,.:: /:;: ,;'t :;;.U.l, ~f;'::';\\::'" ';: I~ :.'l;":;~/' 0t; ,!z~ .\. /1. :::. ~:~! '..' ;. :: p'.. ",,:', ... ~:: ..', ~.I~;~, .It:: , ~,' ,'" : .-.,~, {-;. :~:~~~ft, , , i:~:~ 7,~,::~' .' . . ..?:1'.;\'1.:??~~;~.~:~Ai/:',~1~~~~%\~:?:~'~'''' ;~~:.~.::?::~(.~'t:-.,:~~f1~~~)~~:);':~:~?;~,~. :.~~:::..J _,J,:';"'''~-:~~~ '~~~ .' , "'., ~ .,' ... ,." '~~f .~~~~:~1~::".l. ~~'...'::,~" ~~~~\i1 " j " "'"::~~t't;::t:;.... ,... '.. 1... ,/'~~~~"'~''''lif1l1$''~~~''~~~~''~~~~1;~;~~~'~j;;n .. /~"~.(;.~~~,:"g;..v~\~f..v ~ '1-fJr . '~1.\l~~;il:l~)...~ OBDDIANCB NO. 801 Alf CBJD:IWIOB AHDXINO '!'HE PROPIM'! JlBUDfAP.rBR DBS- . l!RT'aBD Ln:lII 1M TJIB HW 1/4 OR SEC. 23, '1'OWHBIIIP 298. . RAHOB 15B. AHD CBR'J'AIN LOTS AS DISCP'l1lBD BBRB.IlI 111 RBPIAT CD' ARDJIORB PUCK" nf1'O ms COIIPORATB LIIII'!S 0., HE Crr! OJP 0Jj1r.AllWATBR, PLOlaDA. AHJ) RBDBl'I1aIG TBB fIOUHDAKY LIHBS Ol' 'tUB ern TO DlCI.'1JDE SAD ADDI- TION ACCOllJXOIEI 'lO 'lBE PROV'l:SIONS 01' SscrION 171.0,,", lPLORD)A S'rA'rU'.l'BS. 1957, ZONDII ~ AMmXID PROPBRft AS HBRBnl PROVIDBDJ AND PRO'IIDINO FOil ~ BlPJ'EC'1'IVB DAD 0J1 'IBIS OBDDANOB. j ~. the City Comm1ss1on of the Citvat Cleu.ater. 1'lor1da, cmaoted OI-d1Dance Ho. 792 on Ootober 20. 1958, tlIh3.ch ~nanoe deolared the lntentloll or the C1V to annex the P~ert3 here1narte~ deacnbecl. in %'eplat or Ardmore Plaoe" 1nk the oozporate l1m1ts ot the C1ty or .C1earwat81" and, WHBRBAS, ~d OrcUnance was p\lb118hed once a week for rour conaeoutlye we.. in the Clearwater Sun. a newspaper pub11abed in the C:1t)r of C1ea~t.r~ lP101''1c1a, P1'OO:t ot wh1ch pUblicat:lon is heret;o attached; and, .:'. , WHBRBAS, more than th1rty dQ'a have ex;pJ.red sinee the enactment ot o.d1Danoe Ro. . . 792, and no reg1stered voter of the O1t7 ot Clearwat~, no owner or real e.tate 1ft the ~errJ.tOI7 to be annexed. and no person whoJll8oever haa objected to such annexation or ",/ . has appl1ed to the C1roul t Court; or the S1.xtl1 Jud1.c:la:1 C1rc\1i t in and tox- P1nel1aa . ./' COunty. Plor1da, aett!.ng forth ~ object.1ona to sa:ld annexa.t1.on; and, . ~.,,'"I'" .. ; WHEREAS. all or the provi s10ns of Sect:1on 17J.. 04 ~ Flor1.da S1;atutea. have been ,..r'- complled with; NOW, 'lH.mEF0RE~ BE r.r ORDAXNED m 'l'HE cr.tY COMMISSION OF THE ern OP CLBARWeBR. PLORIDAz .' Sec1;1on 1. The C11;7 ot Clearwater, acting by' and through 1taClt;r CoDD1salon, b7 the authority and under therpl'Ov1s1ona or Seotion J.11.04, Plor14a statutee, bereby annexes 1.nto the corporate 11m1ts of the City of Clearwater, PloJ.-1da~ and redetines the 'bounda17 11nea or said C:1ty ~80 as 'to 1nclude the 1'0110w1l1g: The NW 1/4 of the IN 1/4 or Sec. 23-29-15 leaa the S 200 ft. o~ the SE 1/4 or the NW 1/4 or the NW l/~ o~ said Seotion, plus the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 o~ the . NW 1/4 of Sec. 23-29-15. leas tb.e E. 150' ot the S. 320', plus J.Ot8 21 thru 28 inell.l8:lve. 69 through 16 1nclusi.ve6 and 117 thru 120 :In.c1ua1ve, with street a contuned there1n, of replat o~ Ardmore Place Sub- 41v1s1on. 88 recorded in Plat l300k 25, Page 56. at P1nellas Count~ Court House~ ClearN8ter~ Plo;r-j,da. Conta:lning 60.6 acres. more or less. '. ~ ," '. . . . . . . "'<:><~'.' .'lhe Clt7 Bng1neex- and the C1t;y Clerk are d1rect;ed to :lnclude in and eet out &nd shOw.:' ':=:.~:\;...':<:;:~Dtbeo~o1a1 zon1rJg map and other ort"1c1a~ maps of the C1.ty ot Clearwater, .~. . Ji};!;'::';:~i:";':~;':::'\::',,?..,~Q,~o1l8 p~ d.th 11;& zon1ngaa lnd1cated. ~~t~\.:.;~r::~.::,5:,'~';::.\-/J}L:};;:C,Seotw101l 2. '1'b1s Ordi.nance abal.1 beCOille 'etfect! ve 1mm.eUatel)' upon 11;a pa.....e. :.:......\i...':,..,.: .....l:'......:.. ,.:...."...".':...': PASSBD OR PIJtS! D"IP.Wft'1l.... . NOv-....- f'kI. l~D ~~;7i;,j~~<;~..;\ii>i,~~;~).::;':~,::.~_;.?:~::.:;::;:,~:',\"'j::~..":: " ~.. . vwu...- c-.. ~ ',:';:' .,',' "'. ....,....:'. L ,. ,-,>:.-, PASSEl). OR 8BCOHD ~1lDD Jl0\'8IDber M 1958 .. .,. .',' ..; 1:.. " .~ '.' , . ' ,.'. l. ..' 1 ~ , ".d , .... ,~.' . < , , ..~::11Pl1l.;~,~.:.:......,"':.' . .: - i '.,."~" ,'",,:". "",~ ..'..,...(,~.-'(-I',....t~..:...?~...;,\...~/.'Y:~~,;.....;;......{:.-,:~"....,~ :'~~,,-'f":'g...;:..:.~'~..v,': ;":"': CITX' COMNLCSSIO�T I�ETING November 24, T958 The City Cornmisslon o£ the City of Clearwa�er met in apecial sessi�n at the CitJ Hal1, Monday, November 2�N, 1958, at 1:30 P.M, with the following members presen�; Lewis Homer W, �: Strang, Jr, James H. Vlatkins Herbert R. Fields Absen�: Cleveland Insco, Jr. A1so present were: Ma��r-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ...:.� l 2- Gerald 1�Ieimer Acting City Manager Ben Krentzman C3�y Attorney S. Lickton City Engineer Fatrolman �dUr, Rioux Representing Police Ghief The Mayor called the meeting to �rder. The invocat3on Uras given by Gaptain C. Broadstreet, Salvation Army, Clearwater. Commiasioner Ydatkins moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of �lover,iber l7, Zg58, be approvPd in aecordanae with copies subm3.tted to each Commisaioi�er in writing subjec� to the approval of Commissioner Irisco. iRotion vaas seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously, Commissi_oner �rlatld_ns moved Commisaioner Insco be excused from this meeting because of illness. Mot3on V�as seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanim�usly. The Mayor asked permission to deviate from the agenda �o discuss the purchase o#' some property for the off-street parking program, By consent, the Commission agreed to deviate from the agenda. Mr. E. C. Marquardt, Clzairman of �he Parking Advisory Board, stated that the Board had negotiated for ttte �1 location recommended by tYre Consulting Engineers, Wllbur Smith & Associates, and had obtained an option to purchase Lo�s 2, 7, part of Lot l, part of Lot 8, Black 5, Gould & Ewin� lst Addition, for �y260,000.00 from Mr. Maurice Thayer and had secured an option to purchase other property for him on which he could conduct his hus3ness, The property to be purchased to exchange �'o�: Mr, Thayer�s was clescribed as Lot 11, Block 2, Ma�nolia Park, from i'Qr. Reade Tilley ior $�-5,000.00; Lot 12, Block 2, Magnolia Park, from Mr, peter Fafizoni for $15,000.00; and Bloclt 5, north of Fark Street, Sarah McMullen Subdivision, less the east fifty feet, i'rom Julius I,ovitz Stores for y�9j,000.00. The Attorney stated it was pianned to purohase the Thayer property throu�h the sale of revenue certificates. He explained the purchase price of the Thayei: property would be paid by exchanging the real estate und�r option to the City in Block 2, Magnolia parle and Block 5, Sarah MeMullen Sul�ciivlsion, improved vriLh buildir�s which i+ri11 equal the purchase price. The Attorney st�.ted in order to cover the cos� of the options and cont�acts for purchase of property to be exchanged with Mr. M. B. Thayer for his property it tirould be nece�sary for the City to borroti�r �30,000.00. He presented Resolution 58-giT whieh tivould authorize proper officials to borro�o �30,000.00 fr�m the B�nk of Clearwater with an intex�est rate of 3p to be repaid on or b�fore June 30, 1959. Commissioner Fields moved that Resolution 58-94 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion tivas seconded by Commissioner t�datkins and carr�ied unanimously, The Attorney presented zhe option for a, six months� period to purchase from Mr. Mauriee B. Thayer his property describec� as all of Lots 2 and 7, Bloci� 5, the south half of the west 121 feet and the soutih 38 feet of the sast �7 feet, Lot l, Block 5; and the scuth 3�3 feet of zot 8, 31ock 5, Gould & Eti�ring�s First Add�tion. Commissioner Fields moved to appropriate the sum of $10.Q0 for the purpose of making payment on the option to purchase from Maurice l3. Thayer in th� form which ha,s been described and presen�ed to �he Cor.unission. Motion tvas seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unan3mousl�T, The Attorney pre�ented an option for a six months� period to purchase Block 5, izorf.h of Park Street, Sarah AZeMullen's Subdivision, less the east fifty feet from Ehe J. L. Lovi�z Stores, Tnc., for $95,G00.00, the option to cost �2,000.00. Commissioner Watkins moved to appropriate the aum of �2,000.00 for the purpose of making payment on tlze option to purchase f'rom J. L. Lovitz Stores, Inc., in the form which has been presented to the Commission. Mot;,on ��ras seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. A contract with Reade F. Tilley and w3.fe tivas presented for the Cit3 to purchase Zot 11, Block 2, Magnolia Park Subdivision, for $15,000.00 of ��rhich �1,500.A0 tYould �ayable on execution o�' ihe �ontract, $1,500.q0 at closing, and a mortgage for 12,000.00 payable within tihree years at 5a interest. Commi.ssioner Strang moved to authorize the proper officials $o execute the conLract with Reade F, Tilley and wi�e cov�ring Lot 11, Block 2, Magnolia Park Subdivision, for a purchase price of �15,000,00 as provicled in the cor.tract, to be paid as provided in 4he contract and to appropriate the sum of $1,500,00 f'or tk�e purpose of making the earne�t money payment provided therein. Motion was seconded by Cominissioner Fields and carried unanimously. �/� -�- CITY COMMLSSIQN MEETTNG November 24, 1958 The A�torney presenied a contract with Pe{;er Falzoni for the Ci.t to pttrchase Lot 7.2, Block 2, Magnolia Park Subdivision, foa,� $15,0OO.OQ, of which �$1,500.00 would be payal�le on execution of the conbract and baJ.ailce in cash upon closing, Commissioner Watkins moved to authorize the proper officials to execute the contraet with Pe�ter Falzoni and wife covering Lot 12, Block 2, Magnolia Park Subdivision, tahich prov'ided for a paymenfi of $15,00�.00 3n.the manner set out 3n the contract and to approp�iate the sum of $1,5Q0.00 for the purpose of making the earnest money deposit as provided therein. Motion tvas seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously, A plan was presented for constructin� six tenn3s co.urts at the northeaat cornEr of CTlenwood and Gulf �o Bay Boulevard in Crest .Lalce Parlc as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and the �oning an�3 Planning Board. Mr. Don T�IcFarland, at�orney, gresented a petition si�ned by fifty-tdto persons who objected to the proposed 1.ocation of the courts, and staied he represented a large gs�oup o� properts* owners in the immediate vicinity who objected because of the additional traffic, noise and li�hts. The Mayor suggested that the objEctorS take �he matter up at � joint meeting oi the Zoning and Planning Board and the Parks and Recreation Board, Co_mmissioner Fields moved to authorize the Engineer to receive bids on this projeet. Mo�Gion was seconded by Commissioner t�Iatkins and carried unanimously. A plat oi Hillcrest �3 tivas presented which would replat Lots 1-6, Blocic A, Hillcrest Subdivision. Gomzr,issioner Watl�ins moved to approve the plat of Hillcrest Subdivision �,3 as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner E'ields and carried unaiiimously. The Engineer reported that a complete study of heating and air conditioning ior the Library had been made and he estimated the iaork cvould oosi, $�,1,700.00, leaving y�13,OQ0.OJ of the budget appropriation for painting and roof repair. Commissioner UJatkins moved that the part that the Eragineer recommended be put out for bids, and the part that the Gity forces will do be accompli.�hed as early as possible. Motion was seconded by Co.mmissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Engineer estimated the cost of a liinety-six foot fishing pier at ths end of Seminole Street t�rould be $2,3QO.D0. Co�ssioner Watkins moved that the Erigineer be instruc�ed to finish his atudy and put it out for bids. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried un�nimously. The r'�ineer re�orted that he had received informal bids on the pain�;ing of tlze Youth Maritime Center building and the lotiv bid was from K. L. Friedt at a cost of $664.00. Commissioner Strang moved on the recommendation of the proper officials that the painting of the Youth Maritime CLnter be awarded to K. L. Freid-� in the amotznt of �664.00, this being a budgeied item. Motion i�Tas seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. It was reported by �he Ehgineer that informal bids �vere receive�t to supply and inatall a sign of 24" metal letters with the wording "Clearwater Auditorium" to be placed at the auditorium, and the low bid tivas from DaiZiel Signs at a cost of �y800.00. Commissioner 4Jatkins moved on recommendation of the ropQr authorities �hat the bid be awarded to Daniel Sign Company in the amount oi $�OO.00, the sign to be erected on the City Auditorium. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Acting City Manager reported that the Commission had made an inspection of the Marshall Street Plant and he presented Suppl�mental Agreernent �/6 with the Henry IJupree Company in the amount of �651.00 for the installation of pump bases, Commissioner Fields moved that Supplemental Agreement �`6 be apprcved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carriPd unanimously. Mr. Ydm. MacKenzie appeared for the State GJelfare Board asking that the reversion clause in the dee� for the property which the City had agreed to give the State ��Ielfare Board for the site of a district �ffice be amended to revert to �he City if the property was not used for any S�ate agency as it was planned to issue revenue aertificates throu�h �he 5tate Development Commission �o cover the cost of the builu.ir_g, Commissioner Str•ang moved that the proper officials be authorized to execute the proper document amended to include State agencies. Motion was seconded by Commi.ss�oner tiJatkins ancl carried unanimously. Nlra. James Swinburne appearing cn behalf of tlze Little Theater organization asked that the City surface �,n area near Seminole Street on City property under lease to the Little Theater to be used by them and other organizations meeting in the vicinity, By consent, the matter was turned over to �he City Engineer to study. The Acting City Manager reported it was planned to erect � flagpole for the storm warning flags in front of �the n7arina Building :i.n the middle island. It was indicated �hat the fla�pole presently being u�ed at the east entrance to Memorial Causeway could be taken down or used for the American fla�. Commissioner Strang moved the proper officials be authorized to pu� this ou�; for bids. Motion was seconded by Commisaioner V;atkins and carried unanimously. The Acting City Manager re�orted that inforrriation had been received from the Southeast Undert�triters Association showing what Clearwater wi11 need to �o from a Class 5�o a Class 4 fire rating. He said the Commissioners would receive copies in report form. -3- CITY COMMTSSION MEETING November 24, 1g58 Re�olution 58-95 was presented vrhich would authorize the City Attorney or the Assistant City Attorney to attend the public heaY�ing on application for rate �ncrease by �he Genera,l Telephone Company t�e,ore the Florida Railroad and Public Utilities Commission. Commissa.oner Strang moved that Resolution 5$-95 be passed and adopted arxd the proper oii'�cials be authorized �bo executP it. Motion waa seconded by Cnmmissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney presented Ordinance 7g8 vrhicYz would amend Ordinance 627, tre zor�:i� ordinance and amend the zoning map. He explained that one item included in the ordinance ,had been changed since the public hearing, Dr. George Sehoetker had asked that his request to have Lots 17-20, Block 24, E4agnolia Park Subdivision, be amended to include only Lots 17-1g. Mr. M. H. Mesler ar_d Mr, E. C. '3ass vrere sti11 opposed to the chang� to R-�F. The At�orney read Ordinance 798 on its f3rst reading. Commissioner S�,rang moved Ordinance 798 be passed on its first reading. Motion was secondecl by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Cnmmissia.ner Strang moved Ordinance 7gc� be considered on its second readir� by title only with the unanimous eonsent of the Commissioners �resent. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney r2ad -Ehe ord3nance by title �nly. Commissioner S�rang moved Ordina�ce 79� �e passed on :its second reading by title onl;yr. Moti��n �vas seconded by Gommissioner Fields and carried unanimou�ly. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 798 be considered on its t�zird and final r�ading with the unanimous consen�t of thP Commissioners present, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance, Commissioner Strang mov�ed Ordinance 798 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion v�as seconded. by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously, The Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 7g9 which would provide for a special municipal election on December 16, 1958, to ratify Ordinance 798 an amendment to the zoning ordinance. Commissioner Strano moved Ordinance 79y be passed on its first reading. PQotion was seconded by Gommisaioner F'ields and carried unanimou�ly, CoTrunissioner Stran� moved Ordinance 799 be considerzd on its seco�d reading by title only t�rith the unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. I�Iotion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously, The Attorney read the ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 799 be passed or i�Es second reading by ti�le onl�T. Motion was seconded by Conunissioner Fields and carried unanimously, Commissioner Strang moved �rclinance 7g9 be considered on its third and =ina1 r�ading with the unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. Motion was seconded by Comm3.ssioner Fields and ez,rried unanimously�. The Attorney reacl tYxe ordinance. Commi.ssioner Strang moved Ordinance 79y be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Cammissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read on its first read�ng Ordinance 800 which tivould declare the City�s intention to annex 0ak Acres Unit 8. Commiss�oner Strang moved Ordinance 800 be passed on its first reading, n4otion was seconc�ed by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Gommissioner Strang moved Ordinance 800 be considered on its second readi_ng by title only with the unanimous consent of the CommiSsion. Motion was seconded by Commisaioner Vdatkins and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance, Commissinner Strang moved that Ord3.nance 800 be passed on ii,s second reading by title or,1y, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unariimously. Commissioner 5trang moved that Ordinance �00 be considered on its third and final reading t��rith the unanimous consent of the Commi,ssion. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. ThE Attorney read the ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 800 be passed on its third and final re�ding and adoptefl and the proper officials au�horized to execute it. Motion waa secczided by Commissioner 4Jatkins and carried unanimously. The Attorney read on its .first reading Ordinance 801 tivhich would annex into the City acreage in Section 23-29-15 and certain lots in Ardmore Place Replat. It was explained the acreage tvould be developed as Forrest Hi11 Estates, one unit at a time, accorcling to a master plan. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 801 be passed on i�s first reading, Motion t�;as seconded by Commissioner 6Vaticins and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 801 be considered on its second re�<<ing by title o:�ly wi�h the unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. Mo�ion was seconded by Cominisaioner Fields and carried unanimously. The A�torney read the ordinance by title on.ly, Commiasioner Strang moved Ordinance s01 be passsd on its sacond reading by �itle only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimous3y. Comm9.ssioner Stran� moved Ordina,nce 801 be considered on its t:�ird and final reading witll the unanimous consent of the Comm�ssioners present, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimo:usly. The At'torney read the ord3nance. Commissioner St�ang moved Ordinance 801 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fie7.ds and carried unanimou�].y. -�- CITY CONlMIISSION MEETTNG November 24, 7_958 Reaolution 58-9� jvas presented which wouZd asaess to the property o�mers i�lze cost o�' paving and drainage in the portion ot' the east-weat a11ey bebween Block �.2, Cour� Square Subd3vision, and Block 12, Magnolia Fark St�bdivision, ruruzing easterly 7�0 feet from the Atlantic Coaut Line Railroad ri�ht of way. Conunissioner S�rang moved that Resolution 58-96 be passed and adopted and the pr.oper officials Ue authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commiss3.oner Wa�kins and carried unanimous].y. The Attorney presented the plat of Forx�est Hill Estates Unit 1 for approva7.. He reported tha� the centraet aacording to Ordinances 632 anc� 750 had been signed by �he developer, Mr. l9. S. Z+ilghtman of Standard Deve"lopment Comp�ny, and bond for iznprove- ments had been posted. It was pointed out that the right of w�y aedicat3�on for Pinevietv Avenue was only thirty feet, It was recommended that assurance in writing be obtained from the developer that full r.ight of way �vill be g3ven with a fully improved street. Coiruniss:ioner Strang moved that ttie contract under �he provisions of Ordinance 632 and Orc�inance 750 with Standard Development Company cavering Fcrresi; Hill Estates Unit 1 including the bond submitted therewith be approved; tlzat the p1a� for Forrest I-Ii11 Es�ates Unit 1 be approved upon the assurance given in open Commission meet�ng by the President W. S. Wightman, Jr., oi Standard De=,�elopment Gompany to the effect that this Forre�t Hil1 development is to be developed in accordance with the master plan d�,ted November 1, 1958, a copy of vahich has been delivered to the City, and the Standard Development Company ivill deliver to the Clty a letter to the effeet that all of Pineview Avenixe tivill be developed and right of :vay will be given at the cost of the developer and the proper officials be authorized to execute the p1at. Motion was seconded by Comn�3.ssior� Watki�s and carxied unanimously, The Mayor recommended that Messrs, Alfred P. Vasconi, Joaeph A. Gibson, Gordon Ke11ey, E. A. Branson be appointed to the Safety Council. IIomrr�3,ssioner Strang moved that the men recommended by the Mayo,r be ap�o3.nted to the 8afety Council fbr a term of one year, Motion was seconded by Commissioner j+latkins and carried Ltnanimously. It �Jas announced by the Mayor that open hou,se tiaould be held at the new Mar�hali Street Sewage Plant on Saturday, December 13� 1958, between 10:00 A.M. ar_d 2:00 P,M. Tlie Mayor asked the hhgineer to set a date for the dedica�ion of -Fhe P�larina Station Sewage Plan� before January 5, 1959. Th€:re being no further business, the meeting was adjourned a� 5.05 P.M. yor-Co s<sioner Attest: ` _ � Ci y er 0 AGENDA CITY COMMISSION NlEETIDIG NGt�B'BER 24, 195$ 1a30 P.M, Invocation. Introductions Minutes of Precedir�g Meetings Publ3c Hearings Reports of Ci�y Manager Reports of City Attorney C3tizens to be Heard Other Commission Action Adjournment Mee�ing Pension Plan Trustees CTTY COMMISSIOIQ M�ETING November 24, 195$ �ep�rts from City Manager Z, Zoning & Planning Board and Parks � Recreation Board Plans re mennis Courts 2. Consideration of Replat oz Hillcrest Subd.. #�3 3. Oth�r Engineerin� Mat�ers �. Verbal Re�orts and Other Pendin� Natters Reports from City Attorney 5. Resolut on re Applicat�on of General Telephone C�, for Rate 6. Consideration of Ord. �''j98 Aniending Zoning Ordinance 7. Consideration of Ord. �("gg Providing fo� Zoning Referendum in �onjunetion wi•th Municipal Election 8. Consideration o£ Ord. #$00 - Intention to Annex �ak Acres, Unit 8, Approval of Plat and Contract 9. Consideration oi Amended Lease with Jun::or Ser��", ce League 10. Cor_sideration of Ord. �801 - Annexation of Replat of Ardmore P1ace 17., A.ssessment Resolution - Paving A11ey, Rear of Glass Ser��ice �o. RESC�LUT2 0N No . 58-9�+ WIiER.EAS, ths City of Clearwater has not yet received a11 of its ad valorum tax revenues for the current year and will not receive them for several months; and, 1dHEREAS, the City has need of reve:zue at tkiia time for the pur�ose oz paying current �xpenses, including capital improvements and for othPr purposes; and, Z�7fiEREAS, under and by virtue of Section 7 of the Chartsr of the City oz Clearwa�er, as contained in Chapter 9710 of Special Acts of Florida 1923, the Ci�y has the povrer to borrow money for current e.xpenses providing the amount thereoF shall not be more than fifty percent (50�0) of the revenue of the City in any one year; and, UJHERE�,S, the C:Ity at this time has need of Thirty Thousand pollars (�30,000,06) which, together w3.th all other sums heretofore borrowed during the current year, is less than fiity percent (50p) oz the current revenue of the City as set out in the budget of the City for the current year, which has heretofore been duly adopted; and, WHEREAS, the Bank of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida, has agreed to loan the City said amount v,r3.th in�Eerest at the rate of three pereent ( 3 0) per annum; NOj+I, TIiEItEFORE, B� IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Flcrida in session, duly and regularly assembled as folloc�rs: (1) Proper off�cials of the City of Clea�rwa:ter, FTo�ida are h.ereby authorized to borrow, in ac�dition to sums alread3* borro�ved during t;nis current year, the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars (�30,000.-00) for• current expenses and ior capital improzrement ptzrposes of the City� during this current fiscal year, said loan to be made from Bank of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida, to bear interest at the rate of three pereenf, (3p) per annum, and io be repaid on or before June 30, 1959, (2) The proper officials of the City are hereby authorized to execute such promissory note or notes and other documents as may be repuired to accomplish the borrowing of such amount fram the above sources for �he pur oses indicated, PASSED AND ADOPTID this 24th day of November, 1.95�• /s/ Lewis Homer Nayor-Commissioner ATTEST: /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Clerk RESOLUTIOV No. 58-95 1JHEREAS, the City of Clear�vater has beEn advised that the G�neral Telenhone Company of Florida has filed an application before the F?'orida Railroad and Pub3ic Utilities Commission for authority to increase its exchange intrasta�e rate� and charges for telephone servicea furnished by it in Pinellas County, Flora.da, 'coge�her tivith oth.er counties; and, tiVHEREAS, the City should be �epre.�ented �,t the hearing on said application at Tampa, Florida, on �ecember 1, 1q58 and at such adjourned hearings tiaereon as representation is necessary in the opin3on nf Citg's counsel; NOW, THEREFOR�S BE IT RESOLV'ED by �he City Commission of the City of Clearwatei�, Florida as follows: (1) That Ben Krentzman, as City Attorney of the City of Clearwater, Florida, or Owen S. Allbritton, I2I, as Assistant City Attorney oi Clearw��cer, Florida, is authorized and d3.rected to attena, or. behalf of the City of Clearwatei, the hearing on said applicat3on at Tampa, Flor-!da, on December 1, 1g58, a�id to attend such adjourned heari:n�s thereon as, 3n the discre�ion of City's counsel, may be required, and to forma.11y enter an appearance on rehalf of the City at said hearing. (ContinuEd) i � CITY COMN�SSION MEETTNG November 2�, �,958 (Continued) s (2) '�hat the Flor3da Railroad and Public Utilities Commission is r�spectfully requesi;ed to receive and carefully consider all dai.a submii;ted to it 3n connect:Lon with such said application in order that rates and �harge� for telEphone service within the City of Clearwa�er sha:ll be as rea�on.able as gossible, conunensura�;e with a fair return to t�he General Telephone Company of Flor3da 3n accordance with law and, with rules and re�ulations of the Florida Railroad and Publia Ut313.ties Comm3.ssion. (3) That a �ert3.f3ed copy of t1�is Resolution be filed in the above proceed:Lng, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of November, 195�. �s� Leti+rJ. s Hemer Mayor-Commissioner A'iTEST : �s� R. G. Whitehead Ci�fy C1erk RESOZUI`ION No. 58-96 �JHEREAS, after public liearing on the 20th day of January, 1g58, the City Coitunission of'the City of Clearviater, Florida, determined that certain tivork and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made; and, WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have Ueen made as follows: Cons�ruct paving & drainage in the East and WEst alley betjveen Court Street and Franklin St, running Easterly from the Atlantic Coast Lir_e R, R, to a point approximately 7�0 feet East of the Atlantic C�ast Line R. R., Clearwater, Fla. The properties facing an�i abutting these improvements are deemed tn derive special benefits therefrom. jt�REAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of �he City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the eost thereof against the properties facing and abutting and recej.ving benefits zrom said improvements so made; and, 4�TtEAS, certain parcels of real estate fac�.ng and abutting and in the vie�.nzty of said improvements have been benefitted thereby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against such property; NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLU� BY 2HF ;I'PY COMMISSION OF THL CITY OF CL�ARWATER, FI�ORIDA, IN SESSION DULY L�ND REGULARLY ASSI:NIBLED, AS I'OLLOWS: 1. That the above described improvements in the area of East and West alley be�ween Court St, and Franklin St,, Clearrrrater, Florida, be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed, 2. That the �'ollot+r.ing described propErties facing and abutting and in the vicinity ot the aforesaid improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefitted by said improvements in the foll�win proportions of the cost thereof, and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the folloti,ring schedule; 3. That if assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days irom the date h�reof, the Ci�y Treasurer ia hereby directed to issue and sell certificates of indebtedneas under Section 121� of the �ity Charter, which certificates Shall bear intere�t at the rate of eight (80) per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing tlzirty- day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 24th day of November, 1958. �s� Lewis Homer Mayor-Commissioner Attest; /s� R. G. Whiteh�ad City Clerk � 0 ' � , ,. x. ,s t''F � �, i . W.O. A257•37 , � �. ;,,4i,, _ r'•"' �r , ' ' � , , r A S S E S S M E N T � „ PA'VING ' ALLEY, REAR b� GLASS SERVIOE � Total cost �$7a.00 • Total front footage 1+51.6� - Cost per foot 1.92 plus ' . Front PropertY Owner Footat�e Amo�t_ Cc�urt Square Subdiv3sion . B o c��2 — ' Lot 1,3 Sara P. Brown 50.G � 96.32 � 6�6 Court Street ,, C1"earwa�er., Florida s Lot 1!� 'William J. Kelley 50.0 96.32 11�56 �ime ! � Clearwater, Florida Lot 15 ": A.merican Red Cross , 5�•0 �6.32 :. _ 62k Gaurt Stre�� Clearwater; b'lorida � . " Lot lb JaYnes F. Magurno 75, $ • 1t�6. Ql� �.09 Lotus Pa �h �learwater, Rlorida � Magnolia Park Subdivision B�o c�c 2�~ I,at i' Lot 2 " Lot 3. Lot /� � John S. Taylor, etal 75.$ 146.0�. " Largo, Florida John S. Taylor, etal 50,0 96•32 Laxgo, Florida . Pythi�n Lodge �Io1.£ii±�g Corp. 50.0 96.32 c/o Frank Cooley 1214 Bay Avenue Glearwater, Florida c • . , Arthur T�. Du.�arc� Sc3.0 96.32 - " 979 Narc3sstta Clearwater, Floricla 451..6 ��70. �0 , . , j � QRDINANCE N0. 798 AI3 ORpTN1�l`dCE AMENDINt# ORDINANC,E N0. 62?, AS AMENDFE�33, THE CI7''Y ZQNTNG ORDiNANCE, AND AMENDTNCI THE �ONINt� iiAP OF TiiE crrY o� c�Eaxw�m�, �o�nn o� i9579 BY RGCLASSSFYINQ AND ZONZNG C�.R'�AIN P80PER'1'Y i4,S DESCRTBED HEREINS I3Y CLAR�FY- ING A SEG�IiON THEREOF R�LATING TO USES IN R-� AND R-M ZONES; BY �LARIF�YZNC .A SEGTION '1'aIgiEOF RTLA`L'ZIJ(i TO POR�i'IONS 0� BTJTz,DI1�TGS OR U°E5 ;+1KLCFI C.AN EX`1'ENA P�YONL1 '2'IiE BUI7�DTNt€ LTNES �1�7J SEI'�.3,4CK T�IN�S, BX' PROiiLBIT�Nq CONSTRiJCTION,, 013 LpT� �dFiZGH �dIIil�' NOT PA�T OZ+` :A itECORDED PLI�T 4N '.t'IiE EFFECT� IVE DA'1'� OF THIS ORDIN;4NCE� IiAi1TNG A WIDTH QF I,ESS 'iHAIJ STXTY (60) FEI�'1' TN R-2 ADTD R--�. ARF.�AS; Bl' �NCREASING TIiE NRNTMtiM !#REA OAT I�JFIICIi CQN3'J.'RU(."J.'Y41V CAN BE MADF TN AN R-2 AREA. TQ 5,OQ0 SQU/�tRE �'Eh'�3 BY PROVIDTNG 1KP,XTMUM HETGFF1' OB` FEPICES AND WALLS Ai,ONCC�r S�7?fs lkND R�AR LOT LINES IDT RESI- DENTSAI� AREAS; !31'' ANfFsNDING PROCEDURE REL�TING TQ APPEALS FRON! TI� BflA�B OF AD�7'USTMENT AND APPEAL; BY SFECIFTCALI,Y I,I:S�'SNts GER'1'AIN YARIANCES YJFIICH '1'I� B(lARiJ OF ADJiJ�TMEN'1' AND E►PPE�Li, MAY AT,LQi�,• PROVIDI?+t(� FOR RFFPEAI, OF QitUTNANC;�S Tr1 COl�- F'LIG'J' HER�WI`�.'H; PROVIDING FOai THE SEPARA13ILx'1�3! 4F Tlffs PRO- iTISIONS H�iEQF; PRdVTilING PIIJ.AT,TIES ROR °�iiE VIOLATION OF THE '.C'�'�2S OF 'i'iiS ORDiTiAi�ICE AND pRO�TSDING FOR A REFERENDU'N! PRIOR '.PO TI?E EFFECTIVE DATF OF 'I,`HTS OFiATNANC.�'�.< HE � QRDAINE:D B'i� THE CTTY CdI�'lP2CSSIOI3' Ok' '.�'KE G� aF �LEARWATER, FLt3RIDA; Section l, fihe i`oilowin� described propex�y 3.$ hes�eby claasi#`3ed �,nd zonec3 as hereina�er ndica�ed anrl "The Zon3.rig Map aY the City oi' Cleart;ra.ter, F'7.orida �z 1.957'� s.s amended. to indicate �Ehat fact as hereinaYte� set ou�: (A) zoneci as (B) - �ssiness 3. o s�I�ne7.uaiv.e, B1ocl�s C and �', Carolina Te�sace 5ubdivision, . P�at i3ook '� 21 P�ge 15,. �inellas Cou.n'�y Records . 2, fihe ea�'G 105.3.fl �t.. of fihe �J i/2 of the S' J./2 0� the N I/2 0�' �he S[�7 1./# of the. NE 3/4 0� the SW lf4 c£:Sec. 22, iutp. 2gS, Rge. 15E. 3. Lo�s 10 artd 31, B� ock H, Hib3sct�s Gasclens Subdiv9.s�on, PIa.� �ook 1�+, a age 58, Finellas Cor.n°�y Records. 4„ Lotn 3��#, ].5 to 24 inelus3ve,. B�.ock �, .and i�ots 13 �co 2�F inelus5.ve, B1ock �, F�akev�ew Heights Subc33.vision, Plat Bpok l3y Page �jy P3nellas County Records, 5. There �haLl b� a i0 .f�. bu3.ld3r� s��ba�cic 13ne From the lo� line i'ae3.ng M3.ssouri Avenue �or the lnts desex3.bed 3n subparagxaph {?#} above and. tihi� fact sh�..3:1 be indi�a*.ed on �he Ci�cy Zon�.rag Map. 6. Lots li, 32, �.3 and 1�r �3.001� F� L2k2V3eW Eie3:g.':1'.s aubdiV3.S30T1:� P?e,t BOOk 1�, Pa.�� 5g P�.�e1�a;� Gounty Recax^d.s. :j, I,otis 1, 2 and 5 to lfl 3.nclusive, Zephyr Hil?. Su�div3.sion, p7.at Book 2�1�, Page 8$, �inel"_►as �aun�y Reco�ds. {B) Zoned �ts R-M - Multi ].e ]1��re�.lin a, Etc� ]., yovs , 2, ,�_ac� ,. ay Subdivisiara, PIa� Book l�, Page 34, Pj r��].� as Countg Recorr�s.> (C) Zoned as R-.�+ � MuZt�. le Dwe113r� �, et�,. . o s ��n,c ias ve9 131oe aa-�d I,o�s 5 and 6, $].oek T�, Fairbuxm Add3.t�? oaz, P�at Book l�F Page 3.$, P2nellaa County Reco�ds, 2. I,ots 1?' t?�.ru 19 inclusivs, B].ock 2�, of r4agnQlit� Park Subci3.via3on, Plat Baok 13, Page �+3, pinellas Count�r Reco�;?s, 3. Lota 1, 2, 3 ancl 4, Block 3, Starr and Savery s s�c1di'�i.on to Cleaz�wate�, Plat 3ook '!, �age g7,:Pine�.las Covnty Rec�rds, �a Lots 2 to 13 3nclusive, �emba Subd3v3s1.ong P1at �ook �8, page 38, pinella� Covnty Reccsrds. 5. I�o'cs 9 thru 7.6 ine3usive, Block 17, Magnolia Pa�k Subdivision, Plat Book 3.3a Page 43, Pinellas:County R��ords, G. B:%QCkS Cr �' and I, A3.bi�cus Garden� Subdiv3sion, Pla� Baolt 1�+, Page 56, Pinellas Gotz*zt9 Records. 7� I�o'ts 8 to 12 iaaclus3=re, Block G, ?,ots 1& to 20 inclusive, Block Ii, Lo�s 8 and g, Block 1, I,ota 1 to 8 inc3.us�vey &lock �, ail in Fairmont Subdiv�:si�sa, Plat Hook g, paoe 85, pinellas Coun,ty Reeords, and Lots 1, to l7 3nc3.usive, Blc?ek D, �ree�waod Park PSo. 2 Subd�.vis3,on, Plat Book 8, page 18, pinella.s. Count� fteGords. 8, T�ot �, Bloek l, B�ookwood terrace Subdiv3sion, Plat Book 8, page 34, Pinel7.as Counic� iiecord.s. 9. i.�ot�s i'ta 7,. H1c,ck U, Lots 1 to g9 H� pC�L 'i' and Lats 1& ta 20, BlQck �, Hibis�,us Garden� Subd3vision, P7.a� Sook l�, Page 56, P3ne11a,s County Ftecoxds. P2� "(b) Nori-comzn�rc3.�1 (not operated as a bus9.ness 4,rStY�3.n 3tself' for profi�G ), pubL�i.c parking lats or spacea on vacant lots ar p�r�ions thereof Por parking passen�er motor veh3.cles ah�,Zl be pern►ii�tec� 1n It-4 �nct R-M zone�o: a "(c) Lota 9:n aZi us� ct3.atriets sha].l be capable o�' u.se �or non-comtmereial pu'bllc pasl��.szg lots as dsF�.ned .in Sec�ion 9 hereof�, Vahen said 2c�t'or lots are direc�ly aiouttln� and awned by the same namez^ as a lot ox� lots located �n R-� R-R2, B, �, '(� �nd P uae ci'1strlc�s," ' Sectian 2.: Sub-sect3or_ g oF Seetian V-A of Ord3nance &27, .as amended., tlae C3�y Zon3r.g�ce, �? s �msnciec� �o read as �oI"+ows. ���.. v-� (9) "�a ) Acces�a��v� bui? d� r s an�l us,ea necessax�y L•a and customar�.l;� incidental to �ny o� tY:e uses pe�rai�'ced in R. � ar_ci R-M z�ra.es wh.en 1;ocaiced on �he s�rne 1ot and not 9.nvol.vir� �h.� con�u�t o£ a bu$� ress other tlZan eus�omar�.3.y c�x��.ed oz� �.n �onnection �tith u�es perm�.tted in R-� ar.d. PaM �one:s,, inclut33.n� privai:e and s�or�.�e garage ti,rhen located not ��ss �han #0 Pe�� f.rom th:e Pront 10� �.in.es nq� lesa than:2Q feet from an� o�her �trset line or 5 f eet fro�z ai� and a3.? 10� l�.nes, �r a pz�i.va�e gara�e eonstructed as a par� of the main bu3Zd:ings. Section 3. Port:t�ns of Seetion }il,. as hereinai'ter 3ndicateds oF Ordinanee 627�, AS A�;`�E C3tJ Zoning Ordinanc�, ar� amended as gollot�rs: A. 8ulas�etion (1) thereof is amended to reacl as �ol�.a*rs: XI. "(]: )(a } I�o Poundat3on line, wa7.1 or colturm of any buildin� sha11 extsnd, �e cons�snzeted, oi� a17.��rzd beyand the bui2e7.3.r� �etbaek sho� an the Ze�end aY the � Zon�.ng MAp of' the +City of �lsartrater, Flor3da, of Z95'�' �$nd no pa,�t of �,r�,y bullding or other use sha31 extend or be allawed more than 2 ft. beyond �ze said s�etbaek line in any R-]., R-2, R-� or R-M use c'l�.strict, n�b� Nc� part of any biaiidixr� ar any u;se in li-1 uae dis�ricts sha].lr��tend or be eons�ructPd or be ailowed c]..oser �han 3 g�. f�om an�r and ali lo� 11nee,, a.nd no toundA,tit�n 1ine3, ti•�11 or eQZu�nn. oY a,rsy }�uiZ�33:n�r sP�a3]: extend, b� c4nst�uctedor a11o;4�d r.loser than 5 ft. f.r�m ar�q anc3 a7.3 lot lines." B. �ubseetion ��h�reo�' 3s aa�endecl to read as foiio�rs: :�I. ��=1�) No lot or pZot having an ax�ea oF less than 5,000 square f�, and k�.aving a *�r�@th of les� than 60 ft. a:t th.e bu9.ld3ng se�'back ?ine sha]1 hsr2after be usea ror �u3ia�:r� �:n aa� R-1 a�ea,: ne3:ther sha,I1 any bui'! d3,r� other th3n acces$oxy bui3ding be erected. �hsreon hav3_*�g a gr�un� Q%or encics�ecl area aP Zess than ?5p sq, ft. exc].us�ve o� parches and I�reezei•aays, pravided �Yiat said rrrid�h regtala�3ons Hha7.1. no� be ei'�ecti�e as �o any �.at iacluded in a recorc3ed p1s� as o� De�smber 16, ? 9�," �. Sub-paz�gragh 5 thereog �s amended to read as foZlcrws: z�a ��) ' No lot ar n�.ot hav'ing an a�ea of lesa than S,OOG sq. �. and having a Vr�.dth of' 7.ess th�n 60 ft. at t.�2� bui2d3ng set"back 13n� sha21 he�a�er be used f'o� hu3;�.di.ngs in an R-2 area, neithe� sh•�.l an;j buil�r� o�her than aecessor,y btxild3ng be e��c�;ed thereon hav�ng a g,round Fioar enclosed area Qf Iess ��han 7�� ��i. i't. exclusive oQ porches and breezerrrrays, prov? cied tha'� said w3d�,h reg�lai:3.ans sha7.1 not be ef�'ec�ive as to any lo� includ.ed in � recorded �1at ars af I7ee�mt�er l6, 1958," a�. An adclit�.ana� paragranh to he designated nSub-pa�sgraph �" is adrle�� there�o; �o rea�t as folZozvs: "�0 'en�es and �rrali�, other th�si nece�sary retais�.a� Vralls, erected or main- tained along or in�ic3e oF 1ot 13nes in R-3., R-�, R-� anc� R-Td ttae di�t�iats,. sha11 not exce�d ,or be ma�.nf.a�neri a'c a heiglzt �.r exces� oP 5 Pt,. fa��m the grou��.d ievel o� sisb�eet property �?^ of �sroper�y imm�cZi.ately adjace.�t �thereta,. whichever ha,s �hs h�:gher ? eve3.. TYLs section sI2a1"1 no� be constrtzed i�o alZo�r the eonstx�,t�t�on or ;n�in�enance oi' fences o� �,ra,11� al��+.g ar aeroas easeaen�s and sYaali not be constr�,zeci to al3our �he feraees and x*�lls �rrhen they wouZd be i:z violatian o�' other prcvi.�ions: of �h3s: erd�.nanceo Sec'tioza 4�. Pox°�ions af Sect3ora Rt7Z2 as hereir.af'ter 3.nd.3.cated. ot` t3rt3ina:aee b27, as a��en e, e Gity Zosi3:z�z� Ordinance, �re ame.ac3erl. as hereanaf ��� des3:,gnated; A. Sub-section (�) thereoP 3s ames2c�eci to z�eaa as fo3.lo�rs: ,� (�� Th� Hoarci shal7., af't�r d�:a nfltic�, anci not �.ess t?�ar_ te*� days and ziot more �than 3� days after the Pi13ng o�' �he agpeaZ, hol� a pu'bl3.c 12earing �here�n and promp4ly render it� dec� sior_, At �'he Yxear3r� ar_y pa.r�y may appear in persen or by a�torr±ey..:' �. S.tb-sectian (5) �hereof is amerxded. �o read as PQl?o�rs, _ {A), A�tpr a revl�tr o� an app�.�.c�ta s�n �:�cT hea.,r3 � ther. eon i:� �he :Boa� d o�` Ad�us�:men� �r�.d Appe21 uax Zoning #'�?nds �s � fac� �hat t;�e prcapesed use 3:s conais�ent s^ritk± �Yxe generai zon3ng; p'+�n and �rr3.t� tY!e gtzb�ic ��ntereat, the Boar@ o� Ad�us�ment and Appeal oa� Zor� may paz�t �Ghe foll.otaing uses: (1) Non-Cor�2ereial- Pax^Y.in� Io�s for ch�.u•eh, sehaaJ. Qz° �rivate club, or pl�,ce a�u ��.ssemizly in an Fi-�2 area if i� �a z�c�•�esi vr? �nin 2�0 fta nf' such prapert�^. (a) R�stai��.nt as a�epax�,t� �s'ct3.h?ishment :in an R-M Gxea prov�.decl tha� rea.sonab�e o�#'-stree� parking �°�qu3.reme�ta are mei�. In such case advesti�in� di�play w31.1 be peririi�tted as �'o� a Bus3r.ess � but ?a.rnited t� one �on#'la�h3ng c�.isgl��r, ac3ver��.s3n� to �he p�;'�7.ia the 1eg�.'� os° ex�ct f3.rr[ nam� o� tk�e name of` the bus3.nc�v carx�ied on there3.n Q� `the�eatv (�) Churches in a;n R-2 ax�ea, proS€ider3 �i�at reasonable of�'-�treet park�:ng requ3.remen�t� a�re �e�. -3- {�+) Physician or doc�orTs office 3n an R-�- 33'es pY`ov3:de@ that reason�ble oF�-street parkin� requirements are Met and that architeetural design conforms to a res3.dentisl character. (5) Conv�lescent Home in an R-� area �rovideci i;hat a.:easor�a.ble o�f-street parlc3ng s equiremen�s as�e met and tMat aaait�.onai s�.d� Iot requ3.rement� are met. (6) Day _�iit�sery or private schools in an i�-�4 area provided that suffielent safe aceess 1s px�ov3.ded and that og�'-s'�reet park:ir�, is provided far each staff inem�er. (B) in addition to the powers aonl:ained 3n; suk��-paragraph (A) above, the Board shall have powe� in sp�c3fic cases, aftex� due azo'tice, investigation arid hearings as aforesa3.d, ti,��zere tliere are prac�ical d3f�'icult3ea vr unneceasazy hardships in the way of carrying out the strict 1et�er of the nrovisions of th3s Ord�.nance, to determix�e arid vary an�r such provi.s3ons in harmor.�r v,r.Lth the Qeriert�l purposes and intent o� the zoning o�dina.nce so �Clzat the pubZic health, Fsafety and �eneral weZfare cnay be sect:re and substantia7. ju�tice done." Section 5, A13 oxctinanaes or parics of ordina.xices in con_*'ljc� herew3.L-lz are to the extent o�� suc�i conflict hez�eby repealed.. Section 6, Should any part or provis�on �f t.lus ordinance be declared by i:he court to :�e nv� a'liT the s�me sha11 noi� aii'ee� �che va3.ic�.�y of the ord:Inanee as a j�ah.ole, or any part thereos' o�h.e2 i;iian the par� dec? ared �co be inva].ici. See�ion 7. Any p�rson or persons, Fir�u ar corpo1°ai3vn ar assoeiaiion of persons, 51110 aFi�al.�olate o� iail to complj* i�.th any oi" the terms or pravisians of this ordi nance sha11, upon convic�ion in ti�e 1�Ti.�xticipal Court, b� f'�n�ci no� ex�eeel3ng the suin o� Ttyo iivndred {�20Q.�J0) DolJ.axs, or imprisonanerit in i:he Oity J'au.l far naL- exeeed3.ng Sixty (60) days, or by both such fine a_nd impr3sonment 3n the discret3an oi' the Prtuun�.e3.pal Juc�ge. �ch eay -eha� a v�ola�ion i s gerrni.tted to ex3st sinall constitute a aenarate of'fense. See�ion 8. '�his ord3.nanee snall f;ake efrect from and aE�er i�:s passage and �ts approqa�a majori�cy ox' �h.e quali:fied vocers af �he City o�' Clearwater who are freeholders t+rithin said City voting at � special municipal elec�ion ta be held in eon junct3on vr:Lth the re�zal.ar �nurLcipa"� eleczion on Decemb�x° 16, 7.958. PASS�D ON h'1"HS`� RF.AI3IN� PASSED QN SECOIS3 itEAT)SidG PASSEY> ON �IiIRt� Ai�T.� �Ii�Aj, RE��DIIdG .AN� AD6pT� Attest: /sf R. G. G1t�:te�head Citg Clerk Novemiaer 24, 1�58 i�lovember ��, 195$ Novemb�r 2�4, 1958 /s/ Le�r3. s Homer NIayor-�omu�ssloner � ORDiN11�,NNCE N0. 799 AN OR]3xNAN�E PROVZDING FOR A SPE��AL PiUNZCIPA.'L ELEC'i?- I9N TO BE HFLD IN .CON�7UNCTION YJZ�l'H THE REGULI�R. EI,EC�t'_. 20N AId DE�Et2�Eft 1&, 195$, SA'�I7 �PEC�AI� ;ELECTZON T{1 DE'I'ERP�lINE WFiEsHIIt 0�? N(7`�' ORDi�TANCE I3q. '798, �4.I�NDIN� THG CIT Z ZOIV�bIti ORDINAl�'CE, SF�I� BE itAT:tFIED, P33G'V2D- �N�r FOit 7'IiE t1tANNER t7F GQNDUCT d� �AID ET,ECTZQl�; �FiO- �IIDIr� FOR PIOfiiCE 0�' SATD �C'b'IOiV, PRtYG�'DINf� FO?� DE!'EFtMI1VING TFi� RESULTB OF SAID ELEC't'�ON, 1�ND PFtOVIDII�t(# F'OR 'I.'HE F�'ECT1Vi DATE OF' '2'IiLB ORDINANCE, BE 1T OEiDA2NED BIL THE GiT'.i'Y. Cvt�'Il�CSSION OF THE CI'?'Y l�F Ci,EA�tkJATE�t: Sec��on 10 Tha� a specia? muni;ci al <e1ec�3on sr,�l1. be he�:d �.r� �he manner here3n. orov��. ��esciay,�Decc*r►ber 16� Z95�� �or the purpose o� def:ermin�9.ng Vrhether or not rd3nance 798, an orc3._nance amending 4rd3n�;nce rdo. 627,, as amenc3ed, tk�,e City �on3ng 0_�°d� na,nce, shaZl be adapted. Sect�.on 2, At $aid special municipal elEc�l.on,� Ord3.nance RT�. 79E3 shall bs submi. t� o a vote and vo�ed upon and sha1Z be a.ec�p�ed ar r�je�ted as a whole, Sec�ion 3, On�.y quaT3£ied elect�rs n� the City of Clearcata�er, F? orir3a, i,rha are f'reeho. �x�s �hin sa.icZ C'� ty slza].? 'be 4'� ;�.5� T)].e f'.o VOte 322 88�.d �ge�ia7. elec�3on. Sect3.on �. A11 persons ehalY be conside�ed. as qualif'�.ed freeholdera in the City vaho sFi.a�reg9.��erec3:,as such accorcLn� to 1�Ur, as -evideneed by -�he recordr of �he Sugerv3sor a:� Re�2stra�ion of P�.ne7:3:as Cotiu�,ty, Floriaa . Sec�ion 5. Thn ��.�y Coamn�ssion sha11 cause ta be published in a. nevrspa,per o� generra c rc atian :.z� f�he C3ty once a treel� Eor tUro (2) consecut-ive syeeks a notice s�te;ting the purpn�e o� the election, th� pailix�; pZaces, and �he �la,ss of persons e7.3$ible to rrote iche�e:ln, �he f3rs� publ9.cat3on �io be at Zeas� ten days before ti2e date of election, Sec'cion b,� Vates '!n. such e1,ec�ion sh�?.1 b� cas� a� sach oi' �he �o31s estab3.ished �nd m�,�1.n a e � ti2e Cfity in cannection �r1.�h the r�gular e3ection tr, be conducted by th� City an sa3d c3ate. Section 7. The question �o be submi�ted to �he vo�ers at said spec3aT 2lection sh.a.Il e �r e- er.or na� Qrdinance 798 shall be accepted ar re�eeted as a whole. Vo�a.n� ma,chines shalZ �e used and ballots sha1Z con�aiai the q,uest3an: "I�o you favor the adoption of Q�d3.nanee 7g8, an ordinance amending t�e Zoning Orc'�.r�nce ar�d the Zoning map of the C'!t� o� CZearv�a:te�, Flarida, of 7.957, a� pxroc�v3ded there3:n2`� The eleeL-3.oz2 shall be co�d�eted in z.ccarda�ce tsr��h the provisa.ans o� Ghap�er 7 af the Gode o�` �he Ci�y of Clea�ra.ter, 19�0, as amended, and other app'13cable ?av�s. Tr�u,e sample cop3.es c+f Orr�nance 798, togethe� wi�h a s�.stantially aecura�e capg of the "Zor�:n� l��,p of' �he C:�ty cs� C3ear�¢a�er, �''! oridag of 1957" s vriich t32e proposed chariges inc3ica��d the�eon, sha7.l be pos�ed at eacYi pa3.ling place and sa3d Ordinance, bufc n.at said �on3ng 1�1a.p, sYial]. be �ub3ished 3n �v.�.i 3.n tt�o (2) �eparate issues of' a ne�aspaper of enex�al c3z cula�3.an 3.n Clea�rat�r, F7.or�da, �h� firs� i.nsertion ta be a� leas� �en (10� days pxrl.ar to aecemt�er la", 195�. Seetion 8. The result of the �rrs�ing si2a7:1 b� c��ifie3 �nd delivered to the Mayor�tT;omm3s�oner �nt� tize C3ty C].erk in �he same m�nner and :Q�r the .sane o:ficials a:ts are the resu].ts 3n th.� gene�al elaetion �ei�z; conducted coneurren�ly iv3th said special �].ection, and said offlc3�aZ� shall canvass the retu�ns anci declare the retr�rns of salci sn�:c3al eZection in ��:e same mannEr �.nd �t the same �.me and pl.ace as the results of the �eneral ele��3.on are canvassed, Section q. A1� �h3z�s done and aecampl,3sned in cam�'�iance �r3:th tlzs O�dinanc� ancl in ur erance of. the purpases of th:Ls 0_rdinauee, pr.3.or to �he sffective da�e hereof are hereby x�a�it3ed and conf�.xnted as �ae�n.� in complia:nce SV3.th �hi8 f?YY3?Il3Y2C�;. Section I0. Th:i.s Orci�.nance sha1.1 becor�.e ef'f`ee�3.ve imm�d:La�:e7.g upon ita pas�age. PASSED ON F`IRST READING November 2�, Ig58 PASSED OI�l' SECOIVI? READIId� Nove.nber 2�, 1958 PASSEi? O�i THIRD AY�TIi T+'INATr HEADTIV�G ANA AUOP�}'ID Novembe� 2�, 195� /a,/ i�eur.i.s Homer Mayor-Ca�nmi.ssianey At�est: /s/ R. G, �Vh9.tehead Cit�r Glerk �� � 4RUTNANCE Nf2. 800 AN l7RDTNANCE ��CLAI4.TIJt� THE TNfiENTiON OF 'iHE CITY QF CLEAR��`.J��'ER TC ANNE7C THE PRQPERI.'Y F3EREINA�'TER AES- C12IBEYi, WHTCii S$ TO BE KP10tsfN AS QAK ACRGS, tJNIT 8, IN'�0 '3'HE CORPORATFs LIP�TS QF TfiE CITY OF CL.'EARI�IATER, FLOfiI1�1�, i3PON THE EXPIRA�'ION �F THTBTY ( j�) I7AX'S FRQM THE PASSINQ OR '�HIS ORDSI3ANCE, ACCORDTNG TO TIiE PROVISIONS OF SEG't'T�N 171.O�F, FI,QRI�A STA'i't7TES, �.957a AN1) PROVIDTNG FOR 'SHE EFFECTNE DATE OF TIiCS ORDII3ANCE, BE I`T' t3RD11INED BY °1'HE GI`1zY COT�"itSSIaN OF THE CITY OF CI,EARPlA'PER, FL(�RTDA: Sect�on 1. The Ciby �f CZearwa�er, F'J.or3cla, act3ng by and through its City Corsm�.ss o�n, 'F'iez�eby deala�^es 3ts intent�.on to ezaxae,x into the corporate limits of the C3'cy o�f Clearwater, Florida, the Pollowing described lands ly�.n� conti uou� ;o the i:erritorial limits af sslei C3ty, w3�ich lands �ontsin less than ten (10� registered vo�er�s. From the SE cor�er of Section ].tE, Twp, 295, �e, Z5E,. run N$8a 5g' 48" W. aloY:g tlae �outh line o.f st�3.d Sec. 14, 1059.7�+ ft. for a POB; i�hence continu� along sa�d 3ine 33 8$° �9 ��F$° Y�. 7.�F1.8fi :: 4. ; thenc� run Pd Q° 00 r 18" E. o3LF,3t� ft. to a poin� on the Sout;h ROW l�.ne o£ �lagnoZia �3rive; thenee run S$8° 56t 37" E, along said R0�! 7.:tne ].�F1.$0 ft. to a po3n� on �he West ROS+1' line of` Wood��de Avenue; thzn�� 2�un 5. U° D0� 18" W, along the West ROt�i line of '�loodsirle Avenue 63�1-.17 �t. to �he POB, to be irnovm as Oak Acres, tTi13.t 8, Subd3.vision. See'tion 2. The �jty o� Clearsva.'ter, ac�ing T�y an� tlirough its City Comm3ssian, in�end� to annex the ioregoing lands according �o the prov3sions oF Section 171.04, Florieia Statutes i95?, and to tha� end t12e Gity C�.erk is hereby directed ica publ3sh th3s Ordinance in �he CTearwater Sun, a newspaper publ3shed in vhe G3ty of Clearwater, once a taee� �or four eonsecut3ve wee3cs immedia�ely after the passage oi' this Orciinance, Section 3. This Ord�.nance sha,ll k�ecome ef'i'e�t3ve immed3aie.ly upon lts passage, PASSED ON FIRST .R�RDII3G PASSE�? ON �ECOND READING Ptt�iSSSED ON �'HIRD AND FINAL REA.DING �WD ADOPTLD Attes�: /s/ R. G. i,th�.teh.ead �ity C1erIc November 2�I-, 1958 Iv"ovember 24, 1q58 N�vember 24, 1g58 ls� Le�vis Homer ri�yor- Comm1: ss2oner ORDiNANC� YJO, 801 AN ORDINANC� AP7IVEXING TIiE i'ROPER�'Y' I�RF�INpk'TER, DES- CRiBED LYIN(� TN THE NW ].�%�. qE SgC. 2�, TOWNSHIP 295, �I�(�E �5�� AND CERTAIIJ L(1TS AS DESCRLx3ID I�iN IN REPL�t'l' dF' ARDPQORE PLACE, INTO :i�liE CORPORATE LTMLTS OF' THE CI'I`Y OF CLEARWATER, F'T,ORIDA, AND REp�FI�y�{ THE BQUNDAI�Y LINES OF TIiE CI'L°Y T0 INGZtfDE SATD tlDDI- TION ACCORDIIJG T0 THE PRCit7I5I0N8 OF SECTION 177..04, FLORIDA S'�ATZJTES, ]:957a ZONTIJG THE A.*�tNr�n PROPER't°Y AS HII�ETPF PROVIDED; AI3D pitOVIDIN(# �'OR THE EFFECTTVE DAT� 01� �S ORDINANCE. I�JTiEREAS, the City Comrn�ssion bf the C1ty of Clearwater, Flosai.da, enac�ed Ordi.na,nce No, 7g2 on actober 20, 1958., �='�'�.ch Ord3nance declared �he intention of the C9.ty �o annex the pronerty� hereina£icer ciescxx�ilbed, in replat oF A�dmore Place, into tlze corpa�a�e 13mits ot �he City oF Cleas��rat�r and, 1JHEREAS, sa3d Orc13a�.a,nce was published once a Sveek for i'ovr consecutive Weeks in the C].earwater Sun, a newspaper publ3ahed in the Cit� of C1ear�rater, g].oricta, proo£ of whieh pu1�11ea.-ti4n is hereto a�tached; �n�., - V�I�IEREAS, more tia.an tk�trty da,ys hav� exp3red s�.nce the enactment of` Ordinanee No. 792, and no registereci voter oP the City of C1ea�vater, no ovmer of real estate in '�he �erx3tory to be annexed, r�,nci no person vrhom�o�ver ha,s ob jected to sueh anzse�,tian or • has appl3ed to the Cirez�,� Court of the Sixth, �'ud3c3.a1 Ci�cuit in and �or Pinellas ' qaun�y, Flarlda, se�tlr�, £orti2 any ob��ct3ons �Ca said anne;,�tian; and� WI�?3EAS, a11 0� �he provi�ions o#' Seefcic�r� 171.04, �loricla. S`tatutes, have heen complieci w9.�h; N011, TI�EREI�ORE, $E IT ORDAINED BY TFiE C'ifix' CON�L[SSION OP �� �ITy 0� ,CI,EAE{�iFATER, FI,Oii�DA: Section ].. The City of Clearwater, act3ng b;� and thraugh i�s Ci�y Commission, by the authority and uncler �he provis:Lons of Section 7.71.,0�, Florid.a Statutes, hereby annex2s into �he corporate 13an3.ts og th.e City oP Clearva�ater, F'loric[a, and red�ef3nes the boundary lines o� sa.�ci C3ty so as to i.nc].ude the i'ollova:irzg; The NW 1/`�4 0� the NUJ 1�- ot' Sec, 23-29-15 less the � 200 ft, of �he SE 1� of the NW 1/4 oP the N%1 I/�+ of said Sect3on, plus the t�t 1%2 of 4he NE 1�/� og che Nt�7 1%�- af Sec. 23--29-15, less tYae E. Z50! of the 8. 320', plus lots 21 'thru 2$ inc�us3ve, 6g ti�.rougyi 7& inclusivey a?�d 117 thru 1.20 in,clusive, with stx�eets contained �hereiiz, of rep7.�t of #1,x�dmore Place 8ub- d3.v;is3on, as recorded 3n PTat Book 25, Page 56, a'� Pinellas County Coux�t Iiouse9 Clearwa,ter, Flor3da. Conta3nirtg 60,6 acrea, more or 1ess, Sa3d prnperty � s hereby zoned }�-]„ Res3.dentia3, except th� fal.],o�.ng descrii�ed porti�ns thereof, which are zonPd B- Bus3.ness TRAGT ,'A" Be�in at t�.e NE ec�r. � the T3W 1/�F of' the NL� 1/�+ of Sec. 23-29-15 and �un S. 0 de rees 02� 03" E. 3.7,�.Q�, thenee N$y degreas 03 ° 7.3" t�t. �O , Q� ior a P03; thencz N 3� dEgrees 03' 7.3" u. 1�+5.02', thence S,. 0 degrees 02"� 03" E. b55.�', thence on a curve ta the �igh�, Ra.d3us -�5,p� Arc - 1�9. 4$ f, Ci�ord -#7. b2 t s Chorc� bear3ng e 5.3� degs�ess 27' S7" j�, thence on �� cus�v>z to the "_►eft, Rad3.us - 6p„,pr Arc - 65.9'7t, Chord -�2.70�, chor�l bearing - S. 3i de- grees 27' S7"�. �hence So 0 degrees 02� a3„ �,. 64.f3�}', �hence S. 38 c�pgreez� 5ge 34n E. 202.35', thence N. 0 de�rees 02+ 43" E, 8J.4.59 to POI�.: T�;CT uBn Begin at the NE car. oi' the N1I 1%� o� the 1VZJ 1%�F of See. 23-�°-1� and �un S. O de�rees 029 03" E. 315.L��, thence S. 89 d�gre�s o3+ 13�� E, �+a.t3+ i'dr a�oB, thence �ontinu� S. $g degrees 03► 1�" E. 150.0�, i:h�nce �. 0 degree5 02+ 03r: E. 73F�.929 thence �I. 89 aeg,rees 57' 57°' E. �.Z�+.97' � thence S. Q degrees 02� Q3'� E. 2ao,0�, �hence AI. 88 degrees 59� 3�° t�1. :2h5�c��, thence N. 0 degrees 02t 03"W. gb4.&7► �o the POHa TRA,CT "C" 73egin at th:� IVE cor, o�' the RiW 1/�- oi' t;he PIW 1/4 of .Sec. 23-29-1�j snd r�xr. S. 0 de�rees 02 � 03" E, �3�g.62 �, tYtence S 88 degrees 59� 34" E, a2a.23t, thence N.. 0 degrees 10= 16 t�T, 50.0� fo� POS, thence cant3nue Id. 0 c1egrees T0+ 16" W. 2�F2.83i, �hence S. 8g degrees 5?' 57°y1. 154.501, thence �. o de�rees 02E 03" E, 2�+L1,09, thence S. 8$ de�rees 5g� 3�-" E, 155.1Z� ta POB. The C3ty En�ineer and the City Clerk �re ci�.recteci to 3.nclu.de in ana se� out anci show upon i:he off'3c3a1 zonin� map and a�her off3.c3a,1 maps of the Ci�y of �Iears,rater, the forego�Ln� property vrith its zoning as indicatec2. Section 2, This Ord.lnance sh,a11 beconze ef�ective immeclia,t�ly upon 3.�s psssa e, PRSSEIi ON FiRST READ�NG November 2�F, �958 FASSE� ON SEEOND READING �TAvember 2�, 1g58 PASSE�i 4N TIiIRD AND �223AL READING AND ADflFTED Novembex� 2�, 1g58 �s� Lezvis Homer Attest: �Yor-Gamm3'ssioner /g/ R. C}, Wh9.tehead C3.ty C].er�C