� ..
September 9, 195$
The Citf Commission of the City of Clearwater met in sbecia� session at the City
Hall, TuPsda�r, September 9, 1958� a� 10:00 A,M, w1.th the folloWing members present:
Lewis Humer Nayor-Commissioner
W. E. Strang, Jr. Commissioner
Cleveland Insco, Jr. Commissioner
James H. �^Jaticins Commissioner
Herbert R, Fie].ds Commi.ssl.oner
A1so preaent were:
G. tiVeirner �cting City Manager
Ben Krentzman, Cit� Attorney
Cap�, C. LaVtson Repre3enting Police Chief
The Mayor called �he meeting to order and announcecl this special meeting had been
cailed for the purpose of correcting a misttnderstar�ding in y�sterday's �eeting i�
a�propriating �1,500,C0 to �he Clearwater Bombers for traveling expense to Minneapoli�,
I�tinneaota, for the NTen's Z�lorld Softba7.1 Tournamen�, Iie explained that �h�s amoun� vras
needed �n addition to the money app�ropria'ted in the budget to the Cl�arvrater Bombers,
Conunissi�ner Strang movea �hatthe .p1,500.00 be apprapriated fr�m unappropriated
aurplus to the C1earU�ater Bombers and that the necessary funds be transferred. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner ti�latkins and carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 A.M,
yor- �o ioner
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Ci y sr c
September 9, 7��58
The undersigi�ed City Gommissioners of the City
of ClearSvater, Florida, hereby waive notice o#'
a special meeting of the Commiss3on to b� he7,d
a�t the City Ha11 at 10 o'elock A.M., or as sooil
therea�'f,er as the meeting can be convened, or�
Tuesday, September 9, 1g5�3.
/s/ Lewis Homer
%s� James H. Watkins
�s� Cleveland Insco, Jr.
�'s� 6+J. E. Strang, Jr,
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