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Harch 31, 1958
fhe City Commission of the City of Clear~ater met in special session at the
City Hall, Monday, March 31st, 1958, at 1:30 P.M. ~ith the following menbers
Lewis Homer
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
James H. Watkins
Herbert R. Fields
Coromi ss ione r
Commi ss io ner
Also present were:
Jack Tallent
Ben Krentzman
S. Lickton
Sgt. 'V. Schineller
Ci ty lJIanager
Ci ty Attorney
City Engineer
Representing Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to order. Commissioner Strang moved that the
minutes of the regular meeting of February 3rd and the special meetings of Janua~
27th, February 10th arn 13th, be appr oved in accordance with copies su bmi tted to
each Comnissioner in writing. Motion was seconded by Comnissioner Watkins and
carried unanimously.
The continuance of the discussion on parking meters on Cle~rwater Beach was
announced. Mr. Alex D. Finch, attorney, representing several property owners on
Cleanlater Beach, stated his clients felt there are too many ~eters on the Beach,
that the timing is wrong according to a study and survey th'J t ~as made, and that
the guest courtesy cards issued to motel o~ners are discriminatory. He asked the
Commission to reconsider the matter, vote to remove the meters from the Beach for
the time being and have a survey made to see what is required. The Mayor commented
the Commission had received letters from the Clear~ater Beach Association, the
Clearwater Beach Business Group and the Clearwater Beach Resort Association, re-
commending that the meters be taken down north of the south side of Baymont Street,
that the Everingham lot (City Park Subdivision, Lot 1) be paved and parking meters
be placed in that area, and that mete~s be continued at the Marina. Mr. Joseph
Schultz, Nr. Leonard liierrell, I'Jlr. Frank Photiadis, Captai n \1. L. Clark representing
the Commercial Boatmen of Clear''later, and others, asked tha.t the meters be removed.
Commissioner Fields co~nented it seemed to him the majority of people were against
the meters and he was in favor of removing all meters. Commissioner Strang moved
that the Commission instruct the Manager to remove the meters from the north side
of Baymont Street north completely and that the guest cards be discontinued immed-
iately. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins. Upon the vote being t~{en,
Commissioners Watkins, Strang and Homer voted ~Aye". . Commissioners Insco and Fields
voted "~o". Motion carried.
The Attorney stated there was a map that showed all the existing meters on
Clearwater Beach and suggested that Resolution 58-28 be adopted which would be to
provide parking meter zones as presently existing on Clearwater Beach and as shown
on the map before the Commission in the area sou~h of Baymont. Commissioner Watkins
moved the adoption of Resolution 5$-28 and the proper officials be authorized to
sign it. Motion was seconded by Cow~issioner Strang. Upon the vote being taken,
Commissioners Watkins, Strang and Homer voted "Aye". COlJlIJ1issioners Insco and Fields
voted "No". lo1otion carried.
Commissioner Strang moved the proper officials be authorized to advertise for
bids on the paving of the Everingham parking lot (City Park Subdivision, Lot 1) with
it being planned to use parking meters. Mot ion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins
and carried unanimously.
The Mayor announced a communication from the Engineering and Traffic Planning
Section, State Road Department, had been received, stating that they have not com-
pleted their studies and reconmendations on the one-~ay street program. Therefore,
the initiation of the one-way street program will be deferred until the State Road
Department finalizes its recommendations.
The Manager requested approval of allowing connections to sanitary sewer mains
in areas to be served by the planned addition to the Skycrest, Disposal Plant. The
Engineer explained that in some assessments he had been charging a fair rate per
square foot above the cost of installation of mains for space in ~he contemplated
addition to Skycrest Plant and had been accumulating the money in escrow. Commiss-
ioner Strang moved to authorize the Manager to allow such connections as he and the
Engineer approve and under such conditions as would protect the interests of the
City in paying the eventual cost of expansion of the Skycrest Plant. Motion 'Was
seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
The Manager recommended accepting the low bid of $3,8~0.OO from Kenneth W.
Moore, Inc., Tampa, for construction of Bruce Avenue storm sewers between Bay
Esplanade and Juniper, this being a special assessment project. Commissioner Strang
moved the Manager's recommendation be accepted and that the bid of $3,840.00 from
Kenneth W. Moore, Inc., Tampa be accepted, it being the lowest and best bid and the
proper officials be aut horized to execute the contract. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Insco and carried unanimous~y.
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Ivlarch 31, 1958
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The Manager reported the completion date o~ the Marshall Street Sewer Plant
Addition as planned under the contract was to be April 30th; ho-wever, the Engineer
and the Consulting Engineer recommend an extension o~ time to June 15th due to bad
weather. Commissioner Watkins moved upon the recommendation of the City Manager and
the engineers that the completion date of the Marshall Street Plant be changed from
April 30th to June l5thf provided the extra inspection costs incurred as a result of
the extension be deducted by the City from the amount to be paid to the contractor or
that the contractor be given the option of paying t~e penalty charges if he wishes.
Notion -was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
Regarding the East Avenue water tank, the Engineer reported he and the Consulting
Engineer find, a~ter inspection of the tank, that it is in good shape but needs cleaning
and some repair. They recommend that the former bids be rejected and new bids be put out.
Commissioner Strang moved on the Engineer' 5 recommendation that the bids for the water
tank on East Avenue all be rejected and that new bids and specifications be prepared and
advertised. I~otion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
The Manager reco~nended in order to improve garbage and trash collections inside
the City without purchasing more equipment and hiring more men that all garbage collec-
tions outside the aity limits be discontinued as of June 30th. Commissioner Watkins
moved that garbage collections outside the City limits be discontinued as of June 30th,
1958. Mot io n was seconded by Commi ssioner Fie Ids and carried unanimously.
The Manager reported that Fire Chief R. C. Dobson's probationary period of six
months ended l'-1arch 20th, 1958. a rd recommended action on his permanent appointment.
Commissioner Insco moved approval of the permanent appointment o~ Fire Chief R. 6. Dobson.
Motion was 5 econded by Corumissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Hanager reco;uIllended the ~ollowing additional appropriations ~or the remainder of
the budget year;
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Parks Division - Vehicle Expenses
Parks Division - Equipment
Police Dept. - Power
Police Dept. - Unifonn s
Marina - Judges stand for boat regattas
Commissioner Strang moved the money be appropriated as requested and the proper funds be
transferred. Notion was seconded by Qommissioner Fields ani carried unanimously..
It was reported by the Manager that a letter had been received from County Commis-
sioner Evan R. Jenkins regarding proposed beach erosion legislation. Corrmissioner Insco
moved the i~em be tabled until the next re~ular meeting. Motion was seconded by Commis-
sioner Watkins'and carried unanimously.
The Manager presented Resolution 58-29 which would require t-wo property owners to
clean their lots o~ weeds and undergrowth. Commissioner Strang moved Resolution 58-29 be
passed and adopt:.ed and the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously.
The Attorney presented for its second reading Ordinance 767 which would amend Section
8, Chapter 26, City Code, 1950, by amending the schedule of rates ani charges for sanitary
sewer services furnished by the City. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 767 be
considered on its second reading by title only with the unanimous consent of the Commissioh.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the
Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 767 be passed on its
second reading by tit le only. 14otion \\las seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unani-
. The Attorney read the Ordinance 767 in full on its third reading. Commissioner
Watkins moved that Ordinance 767 be passed and adopted on its third and final reading and
the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields
and carried unanimously.
The Attorney pre;:;':mted Supplemental Agreement No. 1 regarding th3 contract of Chilton
Construction Company for construction of Marina Station Sewage Treatment Plant which would
cover a reduction of $540.00 in the contract price because of the substitution of less ex-
pensive ozone generators. He stated this change order had been approved by the Consulting
Engineer and the City Engineer. Commissioner Watkins moved that Supplemental Agreement
No.1 -with the Chilton Construction Company be approved and the proper officials be auth-
orized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Attorney stated the Consulting Engineer and the City Engineer recommend approval
of Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the contract of Henry G. DuPree Com~any for construction
of the Marshall Street Sewage Treatment Plant covering an addition of ~425.57 for additional
concrete and mudjacking. Commissioner Watkins moved Supplemental Agreement No. 3 ~ith
Dupree Company be approved and the proper officials be aut horized to sign it. Motion
was seconded by Co~nissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
The Attorney read on its ~irst reading Ordinance 768 which would declare the City's
intention to annex acreage to be kno~n as McVeigh Second Addition. Commissioner Strang
moved that Ordinance 768 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Commis-
sioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
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r.1arhh 31, 1955
Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 76S be considered on its second reading
by title only with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance by title
only. Commissioner Svrang moved that Ordinance 76S be passed on its second reading
by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 768 be considered on its third and
final reading with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimouslr.. Tpe Attorney read the Ordinance in
full. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 768 be passed and adopted on its third and
final reading and the proper officials be authorized to execute it.. !~otion was seconded
by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
The Attorney explained that the City had been requested to give quit claim deeds
covering the vacated portions of Franklin Street in Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision to
the adjoining property owners, and that he and the City Engineer appro~ed the giving
of such deeds to the following o\~ers; Vernon P. Fraser and wife, Ralph A. Moeton and
wife, Glen G. Canada and wife, Reade Tilley and wife, Corene G. Barton, J. E. harn
and May Harn, Mellie McKisson, Louise B. Churchill and Ida M. Fletcher. Commissioner
Watkins moved that the Commission approve the deeds and that the proper officia1s be
authorized to execute them. Motion was seconded by Commissioner S~rang and carried
Resolution 5g-JO was read which would express appreciation to the members of the
Fun 'N Sun Conunittee for services performed for the City. Commissioner Watkins moved
that Resolution 58-30 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be aUGhorized to
sign it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried un~imously. The
Mayor expressed the appreciation of the Commissi oners and himself for t h3 efforts of
Commissioner Insco in making the Fun tN Sun Program such an outstanding success.
Resolution 5$-)1 was presented which would authorize payment of $2,694.05 to
Briley, Wild and Associates for services in connection with the Marina and Marshall
Street sewage treatment plants. Commissioner Strang moved that Resolution 58-31 be
passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
Conmissioner Insco moved that the Attorney be instructed to advise any member of
any City Board who is serving illegally to resign. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Watkins and carried unanimously.
The Attorney stated the Commission had asked him to prepare Resolution 58-27 and
had in~ormal1y adopted such Resolution recognizing the visit of His Excellency Ricardo
Manuel Arias E., Ambassador of the Republic of Panama and awardin~ him the Clearwater
medal. He asked that such Resolution be ratified, confirmed and adopted. Commissioner
Insco moved that Resolution 58-27 be ratified, confirmed and adopted and the proper
offic ials be aut horiz ed to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fie Ids and
carried unanimously.
The Attorney prosented Ule plat of Brookhill Unit 4 Subdivision for approval and
stated tlat the developer, Mr. George Blair, had signed the contract in accordance with
Ordinances 632 and 750 and had posted bond for improvements. The Zoning and Planning
Board recommended approval of ~he plat wi th existing zoning of R-2 lor the area 100 feet
~outh of Lakeview Road and R-l for the remainder of the plat. Commissioner Strang
moved the approval of the plat of Brookhill Unit 4 Subdivision and the approval of the
contract under the provisions of Ordinances 632 and 750 and the proper oLficials be
authorized to execute the plat. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried
~. David Caesar, owner of Lot 1, Block 3, Druid Park, (2087 Druid) appeared before
the Commission and reported that in spite of the efforts of Commissioner Fields there
still had been no action in clearing the land fifty feet east from his property line.
It was the City Attorney's opinion that tre City has no authority under the loti:mowing
law to go into a land clearing operation and assess the cost back to the property o\mer
unless there was a definite danger to the health of' the community. Mr. Caesar reported
people were throwing garbage and trash along this area of Druid Road. Commissioner
Watkins moved the Commission request a report from the County Health Department as to
the health conditions of this particular area and recommend to tre City !.lanager that
he bring the matter of discard of refuse along the road to the attention of the Police
Department. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
Mr. Herbert Blanton, Sr., complained about the drainage situation on hi.s property
Lots 7,8,9,10 & 11, Block 17, Magnolia Park Subdivision, since land to the north and
west had been filled by Mr. W. D. Owens. He qu~stioned the level of a cu~vert installed
by Mr. Owens after a building had been constructed on his property and tho~ht some
correction could be made wi thout a lawsuit on the matter. Cormnissi. oner Strang moved
the co mplaint be turned over to the Engineer, the Manager and the Attorney for ei. ther
action or a report back to the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco
and c~rried unanimously.
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March 31, 1958
Mr. Al Rogers presented letters requesting annexation from three property owners
who desired to receive water and sanitary sewer service. He said he represented
the owner of ~O acres at the corner of Union and North Highland, the owner of 60
acres, known as Sunset Highlands Units 1 and 2, and the owner o~ ten acres at the
southeast corner of Sunset Point Road and North Highland. He said there ~as an-
other group of owners whose property would give a connecting link making the pro-
perties contiguous to Highland Terrace Manor Subdivision, one o~ whom owned 38
acres on the southwest corner of Sunset Point and Highland and on the south a link
to Highland Terrace ~anor was a property of 50 acres. He stated that the Constantines
represent ownership of 100 acres East of Highland on Sunset Point Road of which 20
acres is now being developed and that they are also interested in having the property
annexed. Comm1saioner Strang moved to accept the letters for consideration and that
the City Engineer prepare a map of the areas involved as soon as possible to indicate
the amount of the whole program. Motion was seconded by Cownissioner Fields and
carried unanimously.
The City Engineer recor~lended releasing Price Brothers Company, Dayton, Ohio,
from their bid for one tapping valve 20", because of' an error in the bid and reported
the Con~ulting Engineer joined in the recomliiendation, and that the bid be awarded to
the next low bidder, J. B. Clow & Sons, Birmir.gham, Alabama. Commissioner Strang
moved tha~ Price Brothers Company, Dayton, Ohio, be released ~rom their bid ~or the
amount of one tapping valve, 20 inch with 3 inch bypass and saddle assembly f'or use
with 30 inch lock joint pipe, in the amount o~ $775.00 with no penalty and the bid be
awarded to J. B. Clow &. Sons, Birmingham, Alabama, in the amount of $1,471.56, and
the proper o~ficials be authorized to execute that contract on the reco~nendation
of the Consulting E~g1neers and the City Engineer. Motion was seconded by Commis-
sioner Watkin~ and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Watkins commented he had received a letter from the City Manager
complimenting the Civil Defense for their work at the fire March 17, 1958, and it
had been passed on to the State Director of Civil Defense. Commissioner Watkins
read a letter ~rorn r.lr. H. VI. 'farkington, State Director of Civil Defense, express-
ing appreciation for the public acknowledgment of services rendered.
Commissioner Strang stated he had received complaints that there were signs
of a certain boat company advertising its services on City propert)' at the end of
Seminole Street. By consent, the 14anager was instructed to investigate and correct
the situation if necessary.
Commissioner Insco asked permission to be excused from the meeting of April
21st, as he would be out. of the City. Commissioner S'(,rang moved the request be granted.
l>1otion was see onded by Comilli ssioner \'latkins and carried unanimously.
The Con~ission now adjourned as the City Commission and acting as Trustees of
the Pension Fund, heard a letter read from the Advisory Committee recommending that
Shirley P. Swann, Clerk I, Utilities Department, and Joe Smith, laborer, Public Works
Departmen&, Drainage Section, be accepted into the membership. Commissioner Watkins
moved that the two employees mentioned be accepted into membership in the Pension
Fund. I-.:1otion 'Was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. There
being no ~urther business, the meeting was adjourned at ~:JO P.M.
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CITY COMMISSION MISTING . .' :~;:;''':)(';\~~~'f,~:~''~f~}~i~~$~*
March 31, 1958 " .' ;/df:;':,~,..., " .',\;,v'"
.. ae20rtl trQB C~~y Manu.r "'<":"',;~;;i;1;':&~~i;~,;~:
l~ Beach Meters I', , ..:>:?,t:~:;;;
2~ Sanit.ary Sewer Connections ":"?:'.'/~:",."
3. :~:sE8:~~::d~v:~d ~=p:~w.rs. "t.v..1i , "~',. :';,l',~',
:.:. Oompletion Date, Marshall St. Plant" I.','."::,~,~\~;J.
~ Other Bn~neering Ma~ters "~';>
67-.: Garbage' ollectlons Outside City Limits ,..':1 ,'.,:
Permanent Appointmant., Fire Chief .:
8; Appropriations Reqaeatecl' .:>'\}J:;::tz;
9~ Beach Erosion teg1s1ation Propos~d
10~ Private LOt'Mowing Requests'" , . ,,;:;:;f:;:7"'1
11. Verbal Reports and ~ber Pending Matters ',;.~:;,,;\
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MARCH 31, 1958
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Minates of Preceding Keeting
Public Hearing.
Report.s of Oity Manager
Reports of Oity Attorney
Citilena to be Heard
Other Commission Action
Meeting Pension Plan Trustees
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Reports from City A~torney
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12_ Request tor Approval o:f Brookbill
Unit #4 Subd. . ,
1). Consldera1;,ion on 2nd aJ1d 3rd Reaciins' o~..
Ord. #767, increasing Utilitr Ser~ic.
Charges .,
Oonsideration of Sapplemental Agreemen~
III - Chilton Const.ruction Co.'
Consideration of Sapplementa1 Agreeme~
#3 - DuPree Co. Contract.
16. Ordinance '768 -'Intention.to Amnex
McVeigh Subd., 2nd Addn.
171.Approva1 of Qui~ Claim Deed Covering
Vacated Portions of Franklin St.
IS. Resolution Expressing Appreciatian to
Fun 'N Sun Coillllitt.ee
19. Payment to Br1ley-Wi1d
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WHEREAS, parking meters have heretofore been installed on Clea~ater
Beach, in the City of Clearwater, and it is desired to make det1ni~e, authorize,
ratify and contirm the establishment of parking zones in which parking me't8rS
shall be established;
~. That the :following areas on Olearwa~er' Beach, Clearwater, Plorida,
are hereby designated as parking zones, along' and within which the-City M8nager"
shall causa to be installed parking meters, and shall caase parking meter spaces
to be designated:
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Both the East and West sides or Manda lay' Avenue
from Baymont Street South to Marianne Street.
'.rhe East; North and West sides of the area
marked "Park" on City Park Subdivision, the
East side ot Lots 3 and 4 of City Park Sub-
division, the West. side or Gulfview Blvd.
rrom the North side ot First Street South
to the SOuth side ot Fifth Street, and the
area adjacent to and North of the Cl.earws1;er
'l~ar.:bna Building, South of Causeway Blvd.
Effective this dat.e, such designation 1s made, ratiried
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March 31, 1958
WHEREAS: it'has been determined by the City Commission of the City
of Clearwater., ,Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of
weeds, grass and/or und~rbru8h, and that after ten (10) day 8 not.ice and failure
of the owner thereof to do so, the City ,should clean such property and charge
the costs ~hereof ~ain8t the respective property.
NOW' 'l'HEREFORE BE l:T RESOLVED by the City Commission of ~he City ot
Clearwateri.eFlorida, that' the following described pro perty. situa~e in said City,
shall be caned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after '
notice in writing to the om era ~hereof to do so and t.hat upon failure to comply
with said not.ice, the City shall perform such cleaning and charge the costs
thereof against the respect~ve p~perties in accordance with Section 128 of the
Charter of the City of Clearwater, as wmended.
Pro pert y.
Lot 10
Block 6
Druid Park Subdivision
S. Howard Connors
1200 ~. 7th St.
Marquet. t e, Michigan
O. O. Howell
3885 Eloise St.
Jacksonville, Fla.
Lot.s 11 & 12 15.00
Block B
Highland Grove8 Subdivision
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Commission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, This 31st day of Marcn, A., D. 1958.
/s/ Lewis Homer
Is/R. G. Whitehead
City Auditor and ClerK
- .. - - - .. - - - .. -.. -.. - - - .. .. .. - - - .. - - - .. -- - .. - - .. - - - - - - - -
WHEREAS, the City o:f Clearwater has established an' appropriate medal
to be given by .it to di8ting~shed visitors to the City; and,
WHEREAS, His Excellency Ricardo Manuel Arias E., Ambassador of the
Republic of Panama to the United States, because of his distinguished accomplish-
ments in government and international diplomacy, and because of his sincere
friendship toward the United States of America, has accepted an invitation to
be our City's honored guest during the 1958 Fun tN Sun Fest.ivalj
1. That the City o:f Clearwater officially recognizes His Excellency,
Ricardo Manuel Aria8 E., Ambassador of the Republic or Panama to the ,United
States, and appreciates his good will visit to the City of Clearwater. during
its 1958 Fun 'fi Sun Festival. '
2. That the City 01' Clearwater medal is hereby awarded to His
Excellency, Ricardo Manuel Arias E., in recognition of his friendship and
good will o~casioned by his visi'tamong peop+es of our respective countries.
" 3. That a' duplicate original of this Resolution, together with
the Clearwater medal, shall be delivered to said Ricardo Manuel krias E.,
by the most appropriate means.
PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 31st day of March, 1958.
/s/Levis 'HoPier
",/<i ,.':',
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March 31, 1958
WHEREAS, there'has recently been conducted in the Ci~y the annual
Fun 'N Sun Festival; and,
WHEREAS, the 1958 edition of this Spring Festival was a highly
successful one, bringing joy, enterta1nmen~ and pleasure to the citizens of
Cle~rwater and to many thousands of its ~es~s during that occasion; and,
WHEREAS, the presentation of this Festival was under the direction
of a Ci~izens Commi~tee who devoted many hours of time without compensation
and gave devoted attention to their du~ies in connection therewith; and,
WHEREAS, it is desired to express appreciation on behalf of this
Commission and the citizens of Clearwa~er to said Citizens Committee, and
to all others who aided and assisted in~he 1958 Fun 'N Sun Festival;
1. That the City Commission or the City of Clearwater, Florida,
for itself and on behalf of the citizens of Clearwa~er, hereby expresses its
appreciation and gratitude' to Owen S. Allbritton, III, as Chairman'and Harold
Bernier, K. H. Gerlach, Jr., Cleveland Insco, Jr., Guy Kennedy, Jr., William
I~ MacRobert, Jim Murray, 'Nicholas Rompon, Richard Smith, Jo~ Vance1 Thomas '
J. Walker and Earl Wilson, as members of the 1958 Fun 'N Sun Festiva~ ComDdttee,
for ~he services performed by them on behalf of the City as members of said
2. That the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida,
hereby recognizes that hundreds of o~her citizens and employes of the City
contributed liberally of their time and efforts above and beyond the call
of duty in connection with said Fun 'N Sun Festival, and likewise expresses
its appreciat,1on to them.
3. That a copy of thi~ Resolution shall be sent to each member
of the 1958 Fun 'N Sun Committee.
PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 31st day of March, 1958.
/s/ Lewis Homer
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
~ity Clerk
- - - ~ ~ - - - - - ~ ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WHEREAS, Briley, Wild and Associates have heretofore been retained by
the City of Clearwater to perform services as covered by the sta1:;ement therefor
hereinafter described; and,
WHEREAS, said services, as so described, have been performed and there '
1s due and payable s~id Engineers from the Ci~ of Clearwater the sum of $2,694.05,
according to the statement or said Engineers dated March 19, 1958, a,coPY of which
is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof;
CLEARWATER"FLORI~, in session duly and regularly assembled, as follows:
, 1. That the sum of .2,69~.OS be paid from ~he Construction Trus~
Fund by the First National Bank of Clearwater,'Florida, Trustee thereof of
Construction Trust Fund Agreement dated June 10, 1957, which Construction Trust
Fund is'derived from proceeds of the sa1e of Utility Revenue Certificates Series
of 1956.
2.' That a certified copy or ~his Resolution be delivered forthwith to
~a1d Trustee, which said certified copy shall constitute the direction of the ait~
of Clearwater to said Trustee to pay t.he foregoing sum directly to the said Engineers
forthwith in coinplianace with Section 3 (b) and other provisions of said Const.ruc'tion
Trus1i Fund Agreement.. .
PASSED AND ADOPTED, ~his 31st day of March,19S8.
ls/Lewis Hollier
Mayor-Commissioner, vV....
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BonGrable Ci.tJ' CoDlDlil8loners
Olearwaterl Plor~da
Gentlemen I
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"'8 'lMl8tees of' the 01tr of Clearwater Baaployees' PeDslon lPund, you are
hereb7 nottt1ed tihat, Sh:l.rler P. Swann, a Olerk I in the Uti1l1t1es Department"
has been 4u11 exam:lned by a local physioian and designated by h1III a. a "Pir8t
01a8." riSk.
~he above emplG7ee began her servioe with the C1tr on September 3, 1957.
Sbe 18 under 45 :reara of age (born August 12, 1925) and meets the requirements
of Gur 019'11 Service. J:t 1s herebr reoommended br the Advisory Committee that
sbe be acoepted 1ntio membership.
: .
;~ .
\,,' ,~ '.l
Very trulJ' yours..
Advi80ry Oomm1titee ot The Bmployeesl
..(8/ Paul Kane.. Chairman
/8/ Helen Peters
Js/ BUrin Blanton
:)":...,' ,,:
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Maroh 1, 2.1958'" +,< \'J,:: ..,
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As Trus'tees of' 'the O:l.ty of' Clearwater Bmp107ee8' Pension Fund.. you are
hereby not~f~ed that, Joe Smith, a laborer in the Publio Works Department"
Dra:Lnage Seo'tion, bas been duly examined by a 100a1 physioian and designated
by him as a "First 01ass" risk.
The above employee began his service with the Citir on September 3, 1957.
He :La under 45 :rears of age (born April 15" 1921) and meets the requirements
or our O:l.v:l.l Berriee. Xt 1s hereby recommended br the AdVisory Committee
that. he be acoepted. hto membership.
Very truly rours,
, 'I,,:.,:,"
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Seotion 1.
Sec~lon 8 of Chapter 26 or the Code of the
" --:\~
, (,..,
"There is hereby established a un11'orm schedule of ro.~es' ,.\;:'~.
and charges f"or the use or ava:J.lablli t.y for uso;'; ;,'~';
of said utility as fol~ows# t.o-wit: ,};::,:~;:
. '" ,,;::'~':
Family dwellings of five (5) rooms or less ,1.00 per mont.h ",., ..::': r,~
Family dwellings of six (6) or seven (7) rooms 1.50 per mont.h',<,
Fami17 dwelllugs of e4W't (8) rooms or more '2.00 per mont.h ..,>;~ ' '
St.ores_ meroon-tile business bu1.ldings# hot.els~ apar'tment.s, ,'~:
restaurants, barber shops antl/or beauty parlors# soda ::,)
fount.ains, and other bus~ness establls1unents, except. as
hereafter specifically named~ to be based on water usage
with a minimum charge of ~~.25 per month to cover the f"~r8t
400 cubio feet; for the noxt 600 cubio feet 12 oents per
100 oubic feeti over 1000 and to 10_000 cubio feet, 10 oents
per 100 oubic roet.
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For industria.l and !)ublic buildings tho o.mOtul't of oharges
tor such sewer services sha11 be as foll.ovs, to-w1.'t: Fort,
per oentum (40%) of" the face amoWlt of" ~he water bill as
rendered monthl.y b, 'the C1'ty~ exolusive of wa'tor 1.l80d
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Tdarch 31, 195$
The City Commission of the City o£ Clearwater met in speaial session at the
City Ha11, Monday, March 31st, 195$, at 1;30 P.I•S, with tY:e following manbers
present :
Lewis Homer
4V. E, Strang, Jr.
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
James H. Watkins
Herbert R. Fields
Also present were:
r'Iayor-Commissio ner
Jack Tallent City Manager
Ben Krentzman City Attorney
S. Zi.ckton City Engineer
Sgt. 'V� Schineller Representing Police Chiei
The P�fayor called the meeting to order. Commissioner Strang moved that the
mini,�tes of the reoular meeting of February 3rd and the speciaT meetings of Januazy
?_7th, rebruary lOth and 13th, be approved ir� accordance with copies submitted to
ezch Cornmissioner in ,vriting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and
carried unanimously.
The continuancs of the discussion on park_ing meters on Clearwater Beach was
announced. tilr. Alex D. Fi.nch, attorney, representing several property owners on
Cleaxviater Beach, stated his clients fslt there are too many raeters on the Beach,
that the timing is wrong according to a study and survey that was made, and that
tY�e ouest courtesy cards issued to motel owners are discriminatory. He asked the
Commission to reconsider t he matter, vote to remove the meters from the Beach for
the time being and have a survey made to see ;�rhat is required, The Mayor commented
the Commission had rec�ived letters from the Clearwater Seach /�ssociation, the
Clearwater Beach Business uroup and the CJ_earwat er Beach Resort Association, re-
commending that the meters be taken down north of the south side of Baymnnt Street,
Lhat the Everinoham 1ot (Ci�ty Park Subdivisien, Lot 1) be paved and parl;in; meters
bP p?ac2d in that area, and that meters be continued at the t�Iarina. T+Ir, Joseph
SchulLz, Mr. Leonard Nierrell, Mr. Frank Photiadzs, Captain W. L. Clark representing
the Commercial Boatmen of Clearwatsr, and othars, asked Lhat the meters be removed.
Commissioner Fields commented it seemed to him the majority of people were against
the meters and he was in favor of r emoving all meters. Commissi�ner St.rang moved
that the Commission instiruct the Nlanager to remove the meters from the north side
of Baymont Sureet north completely and thai; the guest cards be discontinued immed-
iately: Motion was seconded b� Commissioner tiVatkins; Upon th e vote being taken,
Commissioners 4datkins, Strang and Homer votsd '�Ayet�. Commissioners Insco and Fields
voted '�No1°. P7otion carried.
The t�ttorney stated there was a map that showed all the existing meters on
Clearwater Beach and suggestecl that Resolution 5$-2$ be adopted which would be to
provide parking meter zones as presently existing on ClearwaLer Beach and as shown
on the map Uefore the Commission in`the area south of Baymont. Commissioner :�Tatkins
moveci the adoption of Resolution 5$-2$ and the proper officials be authorized to
sion it. NT�tion was seconded by Commissioner itrang. Upon the vote being taken,
Commissioners Watkins, Strang and Homer voted t1Ayet'. Commissioners Insco and Fields
voted ��Nc". Motion carried,
Qommissioner Strang moved tne proper officials be authorized to advertise for
bids on the paving of the Everingham parking lot (City Park Subdivision, Lot 1) with
it being planned to use parking meters. T4otion was seconded by Commissioner VTatkins
and carried unanirrously.
The I��ayor announced a communication from the Engineerino and Traffic Planning
Section, State Road Department, had been received, statin� that they have not com-
pleted their studies and recommendations on �he one-way street program. Thereforz,
the initiation of the ane-way street program will be deferred until the State Road
Department finalizes its recommendations.
The Managar requested approval of allowing connections to sanitary sewer rr�ains
in areas to be served by the planned addition to the SkyGr.est; Disposal P1ant. The
Engineer explained that in some assessments he had been ch�rging a fair rate per
square foot above the cos�t of installation of mains for apace in the contemplated
addition to Skycrest Plant and had been accumulatin� the money in escrow. Comr,iiss-
ioner Strang moved to authorize the Managei• to allow such connections as he and the
Engineer approve and under such conditions as would protect the interests of the
City in payi.ng the eventual cost of expansion of the Skycrest Plant,. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
�he I�Ianager recommended accepting the lcvr bid of �3,$1�0.00 from Kenneth 6V.
Moore, Inc., Tampa, for consL-ruction of Bruce Avenue storm sewers between Bay
Esplanade and Juniper, this being a special assessment project. Commisszoner Strang
moved the Nianager�s recommendation be accepted and that the bid of �3,$40.00 from
ILenneth 4d. Moore, Inc,, Tampa be accepted, it being the lowest and best bid and the
proper officials be authorized to execute the contract. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously,
Tyiar^ch 31, 195�
The NIanager reported the completion date of the P�Iarshall 5treeL Sewer Plant
Addition as planned under the contract was to be Apri1 30th; however, the Engineer
and the Consulting �ngineer recommend an extension of time to June 15th due to bad
waather. Commissioner t^Tatkins moved upon the recommendation of t11e City Manager and
the engineers that the completion date of tl:e D'larshal? Street Plant be chan�ed from
April 30th to June lyth, provided the e�tra inspection costs incurred as a result of
the extension be deducted by the City from the amount to be paid to the contractor or
that the contractor be given the option of paying the penalty chlrges ii he wishes.
Nlotion was s�conded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously,
Regarding the East �lvenue vaater tank, the Engineer reported he and the Consulting
Fngineer fir.d, after inspection of the tank, that it is in good shape but needs cleaning
and some repair. They recommend that the f ormer bids be rejected and new bids be put out.
Commissioner Strang moved,on the Engineer�s recommendation that the bids for thP water
tank on Last Avenue all be rejected and �hat new bids and specifications be prepared and
advertised. P+Iotion t�vas seconded by Commissioner Th�atkins and carried unanimously.
Tl1e Mana,er reco�unended in order to improve garbage and trash collections inside
the City without purcYiasing more equipmen� and hiring more men that all garbage collec-
tions outside the �ity limits be discontinued as of June 30th. Commissioner Watlsins
moved that garbage collections outside i;he City limits be discontinued as of June 30th,
lg5$. Niotion was seconded �ay Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
^lhe Nlan�ger reported that Fire Chief R. G, Dobsonts probationary period of six
months ended h7arch 20th, 195$, ar�ci recorruiended action on his permanen� appointment.
Commissioner Insco moved approval of the permanent apgointment of Fire Chief R, 6. Dobson.
I'+Iotion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and earried unanimously.
The Manager reco:�;mended the following additional approprzatiors f�r the remainder of
the buu�get year;
Parks Division - Vehicle Expen ses �p2000.00
Parks Division - Equipment 1�.3.50
Po:Liae Dept. - Potaer 950.00
Police Dep�. - Uniform s 1600.00
%Zarina - Judges stand fer boat regattas 92.16
Commissioner Strang movzd the money be apprc;priated as requested and tlze proper funds be
transferrefl. I�'fotion was seconded by Commi:�sioner Fields arxl c�rried unanimously..
It was reported by the NIanager tha� a letter had been received from County Commis-
- sioner �van R. �enkins regarding pro�osad beacla erosion legislation. Commissioner Insco
moved tY� i�em be tabled until the next regular meeting, I��Iotion was seconded by Commis-
sioner ?�Iatkins' and carried unanimously,
Zhe Nanaoer presented Resoluti�n �F�-29 which would require i:wo property owners to
clean their lots of weeds and undergrowth. Gommissioner Strang moved Resolution 5$-29 be
p�ssed and adopied and the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Insao and carried unanimously.
_he At•torney presented for its second reading Ordinance `76( which would amend Section
$, Chapter 25, Gity Code, 1950, by amen�ing the schedule of rates arri charges for sanitary
sewer services fLmnzsl�ed b; the City. Gommissioner 4Vatkins moved that �rdinance 76% be
considered on its second reading by title onl•,y c�i.th the ur>animous consent of the Commissio�.
�Iotion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the
Ordinance by title only. Com:;iissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 767 b� passed on its
second reading by tit l� only.. i�fotion was secbnded by Commissioner Insco and carried unani-
, The l�ttorney read the Ordinance %67 in fu,ll on its third reading. Commissioner
wiatkins moved tl-�t Ordinance 767 be passed end adopted on its third and final reading and
the pro per officials be au�horized to si gn it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields
and carried unanimously.
The �tterr.ey presen�ed Supplemental Agreement No. 1 regardiiz� the contract of Chilt�n
Construc�ian Company for construction of idarina Station Sev�a�e Treatment Plant �ahich would
cover a reduction of �54�.00 in the contract price because of the substitution of less ex-
pensive ozane generators, He stated this chang2 order had been approved by the Consulting
Engineer ar:d the City En�;ineer. Cornmissioner W�tkins moved that Supplemental 1lgreement
No. 1 with the Chilton Cc�nstruction Company be �pproved and the proper officials be auth-
or�zed to execute it. Mntion was seconcied by C�mmissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The l�ttorney stated the Consultirig Engineer and the City Engineer recommend approval
of Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the contract of Henry G. DuPree Gom�any for construction
of t he Marshall Street Se-wage Treatmznt Plant covering an addition of �1�25.57 for additional
concrete and mudjackino. Commissioner Watkins moved Supplemental Agreeinent No. 3 with
Dupree Company re approved and the prope.r officia'ls be authorized �o sign it . Motion
was sscoL�ded by Comraissioner Strang and carried unanimously,
The Attorney read on i�;s iirst rea��ng Ordi:nance �6$ which would declare the CityYs
intention to anne� acreaoe to be known as NTc�leiglz Second Addition. Commissioner Strang
tnoved that Ordinance �b$ be passed on its first ��eading. Motion was second�d 'oy Commis-
sioner Ydatkins and carried unanimousZy,
Mar�h 31, 195$
Commissioner S�rang moved that Ordinance �6$ be considered on its s�cond reading
by title only with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Nlotion'was seconded by
Cornmissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance by title
on1y. Commission2r Strang moved that Ordinance 76$ be passed on its second reading
by titJ.e only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkin� and carried unanimously.
Commiss�.oner Strang moved that Ordina.nce 76$ be consi dered on its third and
final readin� with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Mofiion vaas seeonded bq
Gommissioner VJd�kins and carried unanimously. T�ie Attorney read the Qrdinance in_
fuil. Commissioner Strang moved Or�inance 76$ be passed and adopted on its third and
final readin� and the prqper officials be authorized to execute it. P4otion was seconded
by Commissioner Nlatkins and carried unanimously.
The �lttorney explained that; the City had been requested to give quit claim deeds
covering the vaca�ed portions of Franklin Street in Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision t�
the adjoining property owners, and that he and the City Enoi:�eer approved the �iving
of such deeds to the following owners; Vernon P, Fraser and wife, Ralph A. I�foxton and
wife, Glen G. Canada and wife, Reade `i'illey and ttife, Corene G. Barton, J. E. Harn
and May Harn, P�Iellie McKisson, Zouise �. Churchill and Ida M. Fletcher. Com.�nissioner^
Glfatkins moved that the Commission approve the deeds and that �,h� proper officials be
authorized to execute �hem. Notion was secon�ed by Commissioner Strar�g and carried
Resolution 5$-30 was read which would express appreciation to the members of the
Fun tN Sun Committee for ser.vices performed for thP City, Commissioner �1�atkins moved
that Resolution 5$-30 be passed and a dopted and the pro�er officials be autho.rized to
sign it, I�lotion was seconded by Cor!mmissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The
Mayor expressed the appreciation of the Commissioners and hims�lf for tY�e efforts of
Commissioner Insco in making the Fu.� TI�� Sun Program such an outstandino success.
Resolution 5$-31 was presented which would authorize payment oi �2,69L�.05 to
Brilev� TiJild and Associates for sErvicas in connection with the P+Iarina and Niarshall.
Street sewage treatment plants. Commissioner Strang moved that Resolution 5$-31 be
p�ssed and adopted arxl the proper oificials be authorized to execute it, rl�tion was
seconded by Commissio�er t^latkins and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Insco moved that the Attorr.ey be instructed to advise any memoer of
any City Board who is serving illegally to resign, Motion was seconded by Gommissioner
�latkins and c a� ried unanimously,
The Attor ney stated the Coramission had asked him to prepare Resolution 5$-27 and
had informal:ly adopted such Resolution recognizing the visit of His Excellency Ricardo
Nianuel Arias E., Ambassador of the Republic of Panama arid, ataarding him the Glearwater
medal. He asked that such Resolution be rati£ied, co nfirmed and adopted. Gommissioner
Insco moved that Resolution 5$-27 be ratified, coniirmed and adopted and the proper
officials be authorized to execute it. T�iotion was seconded by i,ommissioner Fields axid
carried unanimously,
The Attorney preserited th e pla� of Brookhill Unit 4 Subdisision for ap�roval an d
stated tlr�t the deteloper, �r. George B1air, had signed the contract ir_ accordance with
Ordinances o32 and 750 and had posted bond fur improvements> The �oning and Plannino
Board reco:nmended approval of the plat with existing zoning of R-2 for the area 100 feet
�outh of Lakevievl Road and R-1 �or the remainder of the plat. Commissi.oner Strang
moved the approval of the plat of Brookhill Unit /� Subdivision and the approval of the
contract under the pro visions of Ordinances 632 and 750 and the proper officials be
authorized to execute the plat. Motion was se�onded by Commissioner Fields and c arrizd
Mr. David Caesar, ov�ner of Lot l, Block 3, Druid Park, (2�$� Druid) appeared before
the Commission and reported that in spiLe of t he efforts of Commissioner Fizlds Lhere
still had been no acti�n in clearing the land fifty feet east from his property line.
It was the City Attorneyts opinion that the City has no authnrity under the lot.:mawing
law to go into a land clearing operation and assess the cost back to t he property oivner
unless there was adefinite danger to the health of the community. P�Ir. Caesar repor�ed
people were �hroFving garbage and trash along this ar.ea of Druid Road. Commissioner
Watkins moved the Commission request a report from the County Health l�epartment as to
the hsalth conditions of this particular area and recommend to the City P�ia��ger that
he bring the matter of discard of'refuse alon� the road to the attenti,on af t he Pelice
Department. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried Lmanir�ously.
Mr. Herbert Blanton, Sr., complained about the drainage situation on his propErty
Lats 7,�,9,10 & 11, Block 17, Magnolia Park Subdivision, since land to the ilorth and
west had been filled by Mr. 49. D. Owens. He questioned the level of a cu�3vert installed
by NIr, 0*�aens after a building had been constructed on his property and though.t some
correctio n could be made wi thout a lawsuit on the matter. Commissioner Strang moved
the complaint be turned over to the En�ineer, i;he I�Ianager and the Att�rney for either
action �r a report back to the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco
and carried unanimously.
� �� ;%'
�� -�,�,
r. � .
-� -
I�Zarch 31, 195�
N�•r. Al Rogers presented letters requesting annexation from -�hree property owners
who desired. to re�eive water and sanitary sewer sarvice. He said he represer�ted
the owner of 1�.0 3cres at �he corner of Union and North Higizland, the owner of 60
acres, known as Sunset Highlands Units 1 and 2, and the owner af ten acres at Ghe
�outheast corn�r of Sunset Point Road and North Highllnd, FIe said there was an-
other group of owners whose property would give a connecting link making i;he pro-
perties contiguous to Higklanc� Terrace i+Ianor 5ubdivision, one of whom owned 3$
acres on the southwest corner of Sunset Point and Highland and on the south a li:nk
to Highland Terrace Ivlanor was a property of $0 acres. He stated that the Constantines
represent ownership of 100 acras East of Highland on Sunset Point Road of which 20
acres is notia being devPl�ped ar.d that they are also interested in havin� the property
annexed, Comr�issioner Strang moved to accept the letters for consideration and that
the City Engineer Frepare a map of the areas involved as soon as possible to indicate
the amcunt oi �he whole program. A'totion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and
carried unanimously.
The City Engineer recommended releasing Price Brothers Company, Dayton, Ohio,
from their bid fo.r one tapping valve 2U", because of an error in t he bid and reported
�he Cor.S�ul�ing �ngine;:r joined in the recomr.:endation, and that the bici be awarded to
the next low bidder, J. B. Clow & Sons, Birmingham, alabama. Couunissioner Strang
moved that Price Brothers Company, Dayton, Ohi.o, be released from �heir bid for the
amount of one tapping valvs, 20 inch with 3 inch bypass and saddle assembly for use
with 30 inch lock joint pipe, in the amount of �775.00 with no oenalty and the bid be
awarded to J. B. Clow & Sons, Birmingham, Alabama, in the am�unt of ti�1,�.71.56, and
the proper officials Le authorized to execute that contract on the recommendation
of the Consulting Engir_eers and the Gity Engineer. Motion was seconded by Commis-
sioner 'v7atkins and carried unanimously.
Commissioner ti+Tatkins commented he had received a letter �rom tY�e City P2anager
complimentir.� the Civil Defense for their work at the fire Marclz 17, 19�$, and it
had been passed on ta t,he State Director of Civil Defense. Commissioner Watkins
read a le�ter from 1Ir. H. 4V. Tarkin�ton, State Director of Civil Defense, express-
ing appreciation for the public acknowledgment of services rendered.
Commissioner Strang stated he had received complain�s that there were signs
oi a certain boat company advertising its services on Ci�y propert}� at the end of
Seminole Street, By consznt, the I�fanager was instructed to investi�ate and correct
the sitivation if necessary.
Commissioner Insco asked perr,zission to be excused from the meeting cf April
21st, as he waul� be out of the Cii;y. Commissioner SLrang moved the request be �ranted.
ITotion was seconded by Commissioner VTai:kins and carried unanimously.
^lhe Commission not� adjou.rned as the City Commission anci acting as Trustees of
the Pznsion Fund, heard a letter read from the Advisory Commit�Lee recommending that
Shirley P. ,Swann, Clerk.I, Utilities Department, and Joe Smith, laborer, Public UTorks
Department, Drainage Section� be accepted into t�ie membership. Cottunissioner �+laticins
moved tY� t the two e�ployees mentioned be accepted into memUership in the Pension
Fund. irotion was seconded by Co��missioner Strang and carried unanimously. There
being no f�mther bu�iness, the meeting was adjourned at J�:30 P.NI.
� / . , �,
s � _ ,� �%�::�_
R^ yor=Co" ssloner � '
March 31, 195$
MARCH 3�., 195$
1:30 P.M.
Minutes of Preceding Meetin'
Public Hearings
Reports oi City �Ianager
Reports of Citg Attorney
Citizens to be Heard
Oth�r Commissicn Action
Ad j r�urnme r►t
Meeting �ension Plan Trustees
Reports from C3Lv Mana�er
1. Bea�ch t�eter�
2. Sanitary Sewer Connections
3. Bids, 'Bruce Ave. Storm Sewers! bet�meen
' Bay Esplanade and Juniper
k, Compl.etion Date, Marshall St. P3ant
5. Other Engineering T�ia�ters
6; Garbage Col�.ections Outside Ca.t;y Limits
'�, Permanent Appointment, Fire Chief
$. Appropriations �iec�uested
9: Beach Erosion Legislation Proposed
10. Private Lot Mowing Request.s
11. Verbal Reports and Other Pend3ng Matters
Reports £rQr�, Citv Attorney
Z2e Request for A�proval �f Broolchill
Unit �`y. Subd.
13a Consid�ration on 2nd and 3rd Reac3ing o£
Ord. �'j67, increasing Utility Service
11�.. Cons3deration o£ Supplemental Agreement�
#1 - Chilton Constru.ction Coo
15. :Consideration of 3upplemental Agre�mertt
�f3 - DuPree Co. Contract.
16. Ordinance #76$ = Intentie�n t o Annex
i�IeVeigh Subdo, 2nd Addn.
1?i,Approval af Quit Claim Deed CovErir_g
Vacated Portions of Franklir. St,
1$, Resolution Exgressing Apprecia�ion to
Fun 'N Sun Coinmittee
�9. Payment �o Briley-Wild
WHEREAS, parking meters have heretoior-e been installed on Cl.earwater
�each, in the CiG� of Clearwater, and i� is desired to make deiinite, authorize,
ratify and confirm the establishment of parkin�; zor_es in which parking meters
shal.l be established;
1. That the follov�ing areas on Glearwater`3each, GlearwaterA Floricla,
are hereby designated as parking zones, along and witYiin which the City rianager
shalT cause to be inatalled parki�g meters, and shall cause parking me�er spaces
to be designated;
BotM tha East and west sides oi Mandalap Avenue
from Baymont Street South to Mari.anne Street.
The East, North and West sides of the area
marked t�Parkt' on City Park Snbdivision, the
East side �f Lo�s 3 and d� of City Park Sub-
divisinn, the West side of Guliview Blvd.
from the North side of First Stree� South
to th� South side of Fifth 5treet, and the
area adjacent to and North of �he Glearwater
P�arina Building, South oi Causeway Blvd.
2. Fff�.^.tive thi.s date, such designation is made, rati£ied and con-
PASSED AND ADOPTED, tli3s 3ist day of March, 1957•
�s� R. G. Whitehead
City Clerk
�/ Lewis Homer
March 31, I.9S�
WHIItEASc it has been determined by the Gity CommissiQn �f the City
- oi Glearwater., Florida, that the �iroperty described below should be cl.eaned of
weeds, grass and/ar underbrush, and that after ten (l�) days notice and fai lure
of the owner tk�ereof to do so, Lhe City shou.ld clean such property and charge
the costs thereof against the respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commzssian of the City of
Cleaswater� Florida, r�hat�the'followi�g descr3bed pro perbq, si�uate in said CiGy,
shall. be cle aned.of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ter� (10) days aftar
notice in writing to the oKners thereof �o do so and that upon failure to comply
with said notice, the City shall perform such cleaning and charge the costs
therenf against the respective piu perties in accordanca with S�ction 12� of the
CharteY� of the City of Clearwater, as amended.
Q:mer : Proper� Cost
So Howard Conn6rs Lot 10 �17.00
1200 N, 7th St. Block 6
Marquette, ASichigan Druid Yark Subdivision
0. 0. Howell Lo�s 11 & 12 15.00
3$$� Eloise St. $lock E
Jacksonville, F1a. Highland Groves Subdivision
PA5SED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Commission of �he City of Clearwa�Ger,
Florida, This 31st day of March, A. D. 195$.
s Lewis Homer
ayor- ommisszoner
�s%R. G. Whiteheaa
ity u btor and er
WHEREAS, the Ci.ty of Cleanaater has establish�d an•appropriate medal
to be oiven by it to distinguished visiL-ors to the City; and,.
WHEREAS, His Excellency, Ricardo Manuel Arias E., l�mbassador of the
Republic of Panama to the United States, because of his di�tin�uish�d accomplish�
ments in government and interaational diplomacy, and because af his sincere
friendship toward the Uniterl States of Ameriea, has accepted an invitation to
be our City's honored guest durang the 19�$ Fun 'N Sun Festirral;
�,. That the City of Clearwater officiallp recognize� His Excellen�y,
Ricardo Mar�uel Arias E, , Ambassador oi �he Republic of P�nama to tY�a .Unit ed
States, and appreciatss his good will visit to the Ci�tp o.� Clearwa�er•durin�
its 195$ Fun 'N San Festivale
�. That the City of 'Cleaswater medal is hereby awarded to His
Exce�.lency, Ricardo Idanuel Arias Ee, in recegnition of his f'riendshi� and
good will uccasioned by his va.sit among peop�es of our respective countries.
3. That a dupliGate original of this Resolution, together with
the Clearwater medal, shall Ye delivered t� said Ricardo Manuel Arias E.,
by t he most appropriate means.
PASSED AND ADOPTETI, this 31st day of March, 19g$.
Atteat: �
;�s/ R. Ga Whitehead
3.ty lerk
�.... IL� .. :
/�Lew3s Homer
N ayor� onun ssioner
March 31, 195$
WHEREAS, there•has recently been conducted in the City the annual
Fun 'N Sun Fastival; and,
WHEREAS, the 195$ edit3.on of this Spring Fes�i�ral was a highly
successful one, hringing joy, entertainment and pleasure to the citizens of
Cle�rwater and to many thousands of i�s guests durinn that occasion; and,
WHER�,AS, the presentation of th as Festival was under the direction
of a Citizen� Committee who devoted many ho�rs of time without compensation
and gaire devoted attention to,their duties in connection therewith; and,
WHEREAS, it is desired.to express appreciation on behalf of this
Commissi.on and the cit3.zens of` Clearwater �o said Citizens Committee �nd
to all ot�hers who aiaea and assisted in the 195$ Fun 'N Sun Festival;
1. That �he City Commission of th� City of Glearwater, Florida,
for itself and on behalf of the citizens of ClearvraLer, herelby expresses its
appreciatiqn and gratitude to Owen S, Allbri�ton, III, as Chairman'and Harold
Bernier, K x'A Gerlach, Jr., Cleve7.and Insco, Jr., Guy Kannedy, Jr., William
I. MacRobert; Jim Murray,�Nicholas Rompon, Fiichard Smith, Jo�n Vance, Thomas
J. Walker and Earl Wilson, as members of the 195� F'un 'N Sun �'estiva� Committee,
ior the services per�ormed by them on behalf of the Cicy as members of saii
2. That the City Commission af the City of Clearwater, Florida,
hereby r�engnizes that hundreds of other citizens and empiopes of the Cit.y
conL•ributed liberally of t.heir time and efforts above and beyond tl� call
of dut}� in cobnection wit h said Fun TN Sun �'estival, and likewisa expr�sses
its appre ciat ion to them.
3. Tha� a copy of this Rs�olution sha11 be sent to each member
of the 195$ Fun 'N Sun Conunittee,
PASSED AND ADOPTED, thi�s 31st day oi March, 195$.
/s/ Lewis Homer
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
ity 1—� erk
WHEREAS, Briley, Wild and Associ�tes have heretofore been se�L�ined by
the City of Glearwatsr to per£orm sereices as �overed by the state:nent i���x�efor
nereinafter described, and,
WHEREAS, said services, as so described, have been performed and there
is due and payable s�id Engineers f�oin the City of Clearwa�er the sum of �2,694.05,
according to the statement of said Engineers dated Mareh 19, 195$, a.capy of which
is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof;
CLEARWATER, FiORIDA, in session duly and regularly assembled, as follows:
1. That the sum of' �2,694.05 be paid from the Construction Trust
Fund by the First Idational B ank of Dlearwater, Florida, Trustee thereof of
Construction Trust Fund Agreement dated June 10, 1957, vlhich Construction Trust
Fund is'rierived from proceeds af the sale of Utility Revenue Certificates Series
of 195b. ,
2. �hat a certified copy of this Resolu�aon b� delivered forthwith ta
�aid Truatee, which said certified copy shall constitutF� the direction of the City
of Glearwater ta saia Trustee to pay the foregoing sum directly to the said Engineers
f.orthwith in complianace w.it h Section 3 ib) and oth6r provisz ona of said Qonstruction
Trust Fund Agreement«
PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 31st day o£ March, 195$e
Attest: /s/May�r-�ommissioner ,i'-�
s . G. Whitehead
ty erk�`.._.�
riaroh 31a 1958
ifarch 24, 1958
Honorable Gity CovmLiasioners
Claarwater, Florida
As Trustees of the City of Clearwater �mplo3ees' Pension Fund, you ure
hereby notif3ed that Shirley P. S�ann, a Clerk I in the Ut�,Iitiea Departraent,
has been duly examined by a loual physician �na aes�.�,a�tea �p n�m as c� "First
Clasa" risk.
Th� above empldyae began her service with the City on September 3, 1957.
3he is under 45 years of age (born August 12, 1925) and rae�-te the reqwtrements
of our Civil Service. It is hereby recammended by� the Ad�risory Committee that
she 'ae accepted into membership.
Very �iz�zly yours,
Advisory Comvtittee bf The Employ�es� Pension F'und.
�s/ Paul Kane, Chairman.
/s/ Helen Pet�rs
%s/ Pdw3.n Bian�ton
-------------- -- ----- ------- -Marc.hl2,�-1958 _
Honorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florid.a
As Trusicees of the C3ty of Clearwat$r bnployees� Pension Funcl, you are
hereb� notified that, Jae Smith, a laborer in �ne Public Works Department,
Drainage 3ection, has been ciuly examtned b3� a local physician an�l desi.�nated
by him as a n�'irst �lassn risk.
The above employee �egan his serviee with the City on Septeraber 3� 1957.
I3e is under 45 years of age (born April '15, 1921) and meets the requirements
oF our (:ivil Servioe. It is hereby recommended by the Advi.�ary Co�tte0
that he lse accegted. into me�nbership,
Yery truly yours,,
Advisory Comwzttee of the Employees� Pension Fund.
/s/ PauZ ICane, Chairmara
a Helen Peters
fa/ Tdwin Blant�n
Mare� 31, 195�
PZarch 26, 195$
Co7.onel James H. t��atkins
Civil Defense Director
Gity o#` Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Colonel Watkins:
ifr. Johnson, Pinellas County Givi1 Defense Director, has ser.t us copies
oi your letter to him and P�Ir. `1'allt�nt's letter to you relative to Civil De-
fense participation in the Clearwater fire of March l�th.
Your efforts in this connection are greatly appreciated by this Agency,
and it is gratifying to l.�arn that your fine spirit of cooperat-�on was publicly
acknowledged. Actions of this type do more to further the Civi1 Def.ense cause
than �housands of w:rrds.
Our congratulations anrl kindest personal reg�.rds.
HW`P:bn �s� H. W. Tarkington .
State Director of Civil Defense
Jacksonville 1�, Florida
Mayor Lewis H. Homer
City L'ommissioners of Clearwater
City t�Ianager, I�Tr. J�ck Tallent
Dear Sirs•
At a Director�s meetin� of this organization on P•'Iarch 25, ]-95$, a resolu-
tion dated February 15, 195'� tendered the Gii:y of Clearwater by the Clearwater
Beach Resort Association, was s�:��mitted to us for our consideration. This re-
solution calls for tha removal of all Parking NIeters North of Baymont on Manda-
lay Avenue and around Rockaway Circle with the exception of those.meters iacing
the Gulf and adjacent to Rockaway Pavilion and the,Palm Pavilion.
4Ve would like to reaffirrn our original stand, but in i;he interest of coopera-
tion ar_d harmony, we support this resolution with some qualifications. W'here the
owner, operator or interested person has a place of business in this considered
area, he shall be giv-en the privilege of retaining the meters if he so desires,
even though they may be remc+vea elsewhere,
We further recommend that the following conditions shou3d be met:
].. �111 Courtesy cards should be discontinued at i�lotels or business estab-
lishments where Parking P.Ieters have been remaved.
2. Any change of this nature should be in effect ior at least one year.
3. T�fe�ers should be placed on the Everin;ham (Beach) property.
Pfe �rust that this letter will be accepted in the spirit of cooperation and
that its clarity is not in doubt.
Respectfully submitted,
:� .�
. . `^•.�>.. ��4
ORll�AiI�IdC� 1V0:. 7G�
�i.M (3EtT?INllA1CF� OF Tii'u CiT°l 01� CLE�;i�ittd,tlTkR, �'I,�I?Tll�'i,
11PiE+1�f33ZPICs u�CTI01�T 8 f7F CF�11�?TLFt 2(3, GADE �(3f� ^lIL�:
CiT:f. €11+ #:L i` ii�A�'�R, 1J50,, BX 1�1�i%,'tVUING TH� SCFiL�9�
ur� �r ��.mLs �vn c���r���s rart s������ s���r.� s�r�-
VIC�S 2i'UI�sRTSiI�B IiIC TDi�' CITY'; 1�I' �L'}1i,ING �L'1:, CE►N-
PTiT�TZNG 0%1I?Ihiit114e�� A,�ID PIt4i1€DING FOft �'ti� II�I�'�GT-
iVl; D�T�.
� IT f�ii��l�Ivis'll BY' '1'lIE CITY #.,"E?:�Ssil'Ira`SS�N qT' i1lIx t:I`t;�
01+ L'LI;tltiLs'�2iG2t, ki �i�I:fiIP� o
Sec�ion i. Soctiaz� 8 of Clzap�er 26 ai tl�e �ode of the
City o� �leartaatr�r, FIor3.cla, 1J50, re3.aiing t� uni.f��°u �chedule
of r��e�s anc� c�igrge� for sarY3.�arg ��raex� serviae furni.slaorl by t�
Ca:ty, is amended �o raa.d as folZocas:
�tSe�.8 iiAtIPOFtI�i S�IiLJTJT,� ��aT;iI3�I�i�l➢.
"�i1e�°e i� hereU�r �staial�.shet� a unaiorm stz�eciule af rates
and charges i'or the �aso or avail.��i].i�$r �'oa use
af said u.�i3.i�y as follotas� vo-�aa�;
Fmm31v dcaalli��s of five (5)' �oom� or iess �1.t30 �ae� mnntlz
I{`a��.3y di�e3lanbs oP sis (6j or senen (7) roo�ts �ie50 �er mr�iZth
Family d�,�eliinas of ei�it (�) z�ooms or ma�°� �i�,00 �er mo��17
5tore3, meican'ca1.e �usiness �uilclii�s, ho�io):s, �.p�.r��uen��,
res�€�ura,nts, uar�es� si�og�s �nctjor l�eauty parlors, �ada
fount�ii��, at�c1 a�i�er t�u,s?ness estai�Tisi�en�s, e�.ce�� �s
hereaf ter s�ecifa�ally n�.me�i, °to 3�� �asad on c•r��er usa,ge
�a3.tf� ta �.n:�.r,�u� ek�.rgs a� �1.25 per �na�t�h to cover ��ze fi�st
40Q �ui�ic fee�; f'or i�he nes�t £t?Q cuYs3.c f ee� Z2 cen�s �er
l0� cubic f�e�,• aver I0a0 and to 10,.000 cuhac feat ZO cen�s
ger 100 cubic feoi::.
Fos� inctustraal. �cI g�ui�Zi� '[�iailc�i.ngs t�e a�r�ouzz� �� �#�argas
a or sue,Yt setaer ser�i�es sh2i1 '�e as �'olia�vs, tn�c,rtt; i+orty
gor �onttun (��;o� of tlie f�.ce a��ourti af $iae w�ti�er �ill as
renrles�e�l r�tontizl.y l�y iFie Cs.�y, ex�lu��ve of c�a��r z,ased:
thro�� sPr:i.nklsr me.�ers,"
Sectioxi 2, �111 aarci�:nances or p�.rts oi` vr€.�.i��rt�es in con�liet
%ere�ai�ti� are ta �Yze e�teM�t ai' sue�i cox�f'I.iet, i�eret�y r�p�aled�
Sec�ian 3, This ordinance sl�al�: ta3�e effec� tor �aii3.tr�ry �e�,rer
servJ:ces furnashec? afiF�er Apr3:l ]L, �9J�«
i'#��SE13 UIY F'ii�T A�iDZS�IG
i�li�S�23 ON :�i<Ct}�yiD F.Et�I�iI�IG
�:'�15uaIJ �lY "T�iS:tD t.1�iD I�'IN'�iL
Ii.C."s132:�i� :aridi3 L�i30���
I�� �c�st:
f�. Rm G. [s'ha:te2ie�c1
ri�reh 3"l, 19�8
hTa�eh 3]:�. 1J5€
Pi�i: ch 33, 155��
,��,/___L�4z,ris iiomer
.��or-Lr'Qu-�n asxoner
;�, t`Y°
+.� � e '
OR�INLf2�IGG N� 0 7�i8
tu�v ���xrak�oi� �L����:�z�� ��� -�r��r�tu�z�� ar ��� �z�i?�
��� c,��nt�c��z:�, r�z�i��rn, �� t�nr�c �� �rtaa�,,�� �n�-
a�hz�'��it F17�Sctt][]3�iU, iJ��CIi aS �Z'�3 I31: i;,r,O;�P�' �.� ric"V�SGFI
5i�7i3P.1IYI'.s'iC1�7, �LC(l�v'� AD�.7�Z'T�7�, IY�FTtI �Y�3:� �OF�PUFt.t�,'£E
L���i`�a tlx� Z'� G'��.'1' C1T+` GL��:t't13t��.°,T�Ii, F'>,OZ�7EJ�A, �lPt3AI TI�
�Y'.P�R:A�T OAi �tl+ g iLtf�TY ( 30 ��l1�.'S �"RUP•1 Tifi; P�:; �It; G�I�'
�Ii�ru" '(iIii�TI�Tt',�h10E;, FiGCGI3.�3�Nt`r '�fl "�7iG PF10iii�TCiN'a` UF ��,�`:Cit3N
171..ti�� �'�,�T��C3Dx1 S��L�U'��S 19�7, i'�2�� �'F343ti'IUIFd% k�GTC TI'iL
�a"��'L+'GTYV� 23:5.�;E� QI� TlixS 4�P�"3I��i�`dC�.
� IT (lt�t'D.IN�U l3Y TIIi: CIT"Y GC�:�iC1i�Si01� 0�:+' T� t;TTit i�F �i,�s'�Fit:=��TLii, ii'Z,�3?ITtt�.s
�oct�on i. �ha C:i.�ty o� C].ea�a�,ter, �']:ors.�.�., ar,�3.n� b;� anrl il�.rou,;�i
�,�s CiCy t,�s3�on, 3ie��eh� c���Za:ray ats i.n-�ent�.on to ar►uex an�to i:he �e��-
pora�e liini�a oi' �t2e G�.ty of �].tiarw�c�ex�, i'3or�.c'#�., ti�e f'a�ZoT�i7g c�es�r•z'�oci
3.�snc�� ly3.n� con�i3.�zous to t�,� ����.�o��z z�a�t�g or saici Ciiy, xr�i.ich I,�.n.�s
enn�,ai,n less than ten (].Q) ra�a:s�tered vot�rs.
Bein�; a su'�c33.��ision af the S�ut�x 32� fee�, u� �he.
i4arth 13.5fl.5 f�Qt 6f` �3�e Souich�es� � of �%e
5outl���s� �;o� Section I5� Towush�.�2 29 �ou�th,
I�ange �.� �a$�, less �Yae Si�est 5t1 feet th�re�f, to
�e I�ino�ara as rYcVei�h Subd�:vis�.bn, 5econc'i: hc�t�3.�im�.
Section 2.. TS�e �.iy c��` �leArcaa.�e�,: ac�iaa� �y and tFira�x 3�s Cit�
Gon�issa.o�onda �o �naze3 €h� f oregoira� l.�nds aecarclan,� io t�Ze pra�
vi��ons af Sec�ion 1�71,U�� Floric3a 5tat,u�s Z957, �.iid �o �Ivst exid the City
eie��c �.� ue�eb� �.xec��a to �Sui�Z:ish �h3.s t►rc7.S.ti�nce � tlie �leartaa�er Sun,
� nezas��,pe� pt23:31isl�ecl gt� �I;e �:�.t� of Clewr�a�ter, orsce a a�eeb for �o4ar
�ot�ssc��ive E�re�2�s 3.u��ec�.a�ely a..:Eigr tk�e �assage of t�.s tlrti�.u, nee..
Ssetion �. This i3rc�Anre sl�ali �ecor�e e�'�ec�ive ie�raec�iatei3� tipon
xts pass�s�e.
�'.��uSk:T3 i3iV �+'I�%�� I�#:�'�17ZivG
Pli..�s.�'3I+''�.1 fiI� .�S'F'.4iidtdii Rgittli}}�ilir
.�'�1�Sti✓"�I) OI�I 'afIlit� �"�T3} �'I;�?AT�
FiP�'illING llT�i3 �fl]PT��}
A-�'to�t e
�s� R. G. EJF:�3.'Gel�;a�s�2
y er
Ma�e}a 32�. 1�35f3
iliPli�'S: .i�i. y: 3.�s7g
Ii�xcia 31� I95�3
��3ae.ais �o�aer