02/24/1958 , - :" ):;.., , ...' ~ ~.: . . , '., l,:.,~., ~'.' "1"("'. .:. '~.\.l""'I~;'~ -f..,\.t'::l~~~""",,~ ,.~It~;(ot::'f"!".>".'>r.'4~~~~!~~'~' . "~~,#~,.~~;~.;;J.,..~":~::~":~.:,,,,,.".~.:,.,~~d&(dJ~i~1~;~i;~!~~~" ':'ii ',' ';,'1' ,:r!~;;";~;;'.' ,', . ... ..'......1". ~~...,~: .,.-.l.......,.... .,. ~. .S-:7 CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 24. 1958 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at ehe O~ty Hall. Monday, February 24. 1958. at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: Lewis Homer W. E. Strang, Jr. James H. Watkins Herbert R. Fields Mayo~-Oo~i8sioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Absent: Cleveland Insco,Jr. Also present were: Jack Tallent Ben Krentzman S. Lickton Sgt. W. J. Premru Commissioner City Manager City Attorney City Engineer Representing Police Chief Tne Mayor called the meeting to order and announced the cont.inua'tion of the Public Hearing on the construction of paving and drainage in the alley between Block 12, Magnolia Park and Block 12, Court Square. The Engineer estimated the total cost or 'the project at .835.00 or $1.81 per lineal roott the same as the estimate given at the last hearing on January 20th. Mr. Herbert Brown, attorney, on bebalf of Mrs. Sarah P. Brown. objected to the paving but asked if the projec~ was approved that the alley be paved so there would not be a dust and drainage pro- blem. Mr. Fred McManus, attorney, stated 'the Red Cross would be willing to pay for paving; Mr. D. J. Lagamba said the Knights of Pythias would pay its share o~ the paving. Mr. James Magurno objected to the paving adjacent to his propert.y but offered 'to pay for 'the catchbasin. Having held this continued Public Hearing and having considered the objections raised, Commissioner W&tk1ns moved that paving and d~ainage or alley between Court and Franklin S~reet from ACL Railroad east 244 feet be au'thorized and the proper officials be authorized to pu~ it out tor bids; that the proper authorities and officials take necessary action to have the encroachments removed prior 'to the work being done; that the cost o~ construction be assessed against the adjoining property. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. A letter was read ~rom the Clearwater Beach Resort Association regarding a compromise program on parking meters which asked the Commission to 'remove all meters on Mandalay nor'th ot Baymont, on Bay Esplanade and Rockaway, and to con- sider paving and installing meters on Lot 1, City Park Subdivision, (Everingham parking lot) subject to the approval of the State Road Board. Mr. K. W. Shepard representing the Clearwater Beach Association repeated the Association did not believe the meters had been in long enough for a fair 'trial and requested further s~udy. Commissioner Watkins read a le't~er signed by Joseph Schultz, Leonard Merrel~ and Wm. H. Rippard stating 'that out of a total of thirt:y members li sted for the Clearwater Beach Business Group. seventeen had signed e1tner the petition for removal of all meters or the corollary agreement to con'trol parking of their cars or their employees' cars or had signed both. Mr. Leonard Merrell speak ins for the Independent Citizens Committee requested any decision on the meters be deterred until Commissioner Insco could be present. Commissioner Strang moved that the Clearwater Beach Resort Association request and the Clearwater Beach Association request be received for study and a report a't the meeting of March l7~h. Mo~~on was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Zt was announced that Commissioner Insco was absent because of illness. MW. James NOTotny, President of Clearwater Beach Resort Associa'tion, re- ported tne Association had written a letter to the Governor and the Sta'te Devel- opme~ Commission pro'tes'ting the use of $65,000.00 of State money to promote tourist facilities in the ~ower'East Coast area and urging all promotion be made on a Sta'te wide basis. Mr. Novotny presented a letter askin~ the appro- priation of additional fUnda to be used by 'the Ch~ber of Commerce to a'ttract visitors be'tw66u now and June 1st. Commissioner Watkins moved that the Commis- sion follow the suggestion of the Clearwater Beach Resort Association to write a letter to the proper State'authorities asking them to include Clearwater in their program; and accept Mr. Novotny's letter and take under further advisement 'the request for additional money to advertise Clearwater. Mo~ion was seconded by Comoiss1oner Fields and carried unanimously. rhe Mayor reported the JayCees were anxious to acquire a location for . clubho~se of adequate size and have reques'ted that the Manager ,Recreation Dir- ector and the City Planner f'orm a Committee to investigate suitable 1ocations and wi~h the JayCees to repor~ back to the Commission. Commissioner Wa'tkins moved ~he proper authorities be so direc~ed. Motion was seconded by Commiaa10ner Fields and carried unanimously. T'he request f'rom Mr. John C. Brown, President, Clearwa'ter Senior High School Band Boosters, ~or some aid in f'inancing the trip or t.he band to Washington, D. C., ~o appear in the Cherry Blossom Festival presented on February 10th was considered again., , Commissioner Watkins moved 'the Commission appropriate .500.00 to send the Clearwater H1gh School Band to Washington, D. C., and'the proper authorities be au~h- . or1.zed"to transfer the f'Unda f'ram 'the correct account. Motion was seconded by Com- . misaj.oner Fields and carried unanimously. '.. <~. .:'.: ..'. ,'; , ' . ',',.';' I' ... . , . . ... . . , " ,'.,- .. ',." ,. ',.'., i.. ,~. .h..."....~;-~.~_~~, t-'i..#'~ .....~..~..+ , ' . ~.\.'l~",;. :. . ,< ".'::: ,.\J'.. '::",:.'I.,;'~'''' .,: .::-.<'::~'.':}.~.;':teL:;:'..'. " . '" ',.. ' ' ::'_",;,: ",<,;; ., .,,; ":~"/:;:"':',''''j;~;,'";~"'':l''''',:,~,;,:,:~~.,,::-;,,...,,,!f1,j:~~~\~::~_ ";, ,',:;:,~"~::" ;,..;, '"~:;;\'C~ ;,~;::~_ " :; ",..."..,";,..~.;::L~~i;~~,:L}~,2~~ji.~,~~~j~~~~i~}!ti~~~~~~i :,' . ' . ,"'". d. to () ...2... CITY COMMlSSIO~ MEETING February 2~, 1958 Mr. Herbert M. Brown I' attorney for Mr. Myron C. Moore, owner of Lots 12 and 13, Block Y, Bay Terrace Addition, appeared regarding the request ~or vacation of a portion of Port Way submitted at the meeting of February 10th. Commis8ioner Watkins moved that the west end of Port Way from the extension norther13' of the north-south lot line dividing Lots 1 and 2, Block Z, Bay Terrace Addition, be vacated, that the proper authari~ies be authorized to draw up ~ Resolution 58...13 and to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unani- mously. A plat of Drew Terrace was presented for approva1.. The Manager reported the developer, Mr. D. E. Bleakley of Safe~ay Brokers, Inc., had signed the contrac~ in accordance wi~h Ordinances 632 and 750 and had posted bond for improvements. It was pointed out the existing zoning was Business for Lots 1, 42, and 43, and R-2 for the remainder or the 1ots. The Zoning and Planning Board recommended approval o~ the pla~ but suggested a minimum width or sixty feet would be more desirable for duplex lots than the fifty feet allowed on the plat. It was the opinion of the Commission the requirement for a sixty foot width could not be enforced. Commissioner S~rang moved the proposed plat of Dre-w Terrace Subdivision be approved in the f'orm submitted; that the contract under the provisions of Ordinances b32 and 750 which has been executed by the subdivider be approved; and the proper orficials be auth- orized to indicate the approval of the plat by executing the same. Motion was seconded by Commdssioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Mr. Charles Phillips, Jr., on behalf or Mr. Nick Lembo, presented ror approval a plat of Lembo Subdi~ision. He explained the original plat approved by the Commis- sion but not filed had included the extension of Lincoln Avenue directly south with a fifty foot righC of way approved by the Commission; however, wi~h Mr. Lembo pro- viding rorty-eight feet of the righc.of-way, it was necessary to obtain a two root s~rip ~rom Mr. Aldo Chambers and also the same amount from Mrs. R. Lind. The City Attorney reported Mr. Chambers had execu~ed a deed to the City bu~ Mrs. Lind had not. The ne~ plat of Lembo Subdi~ision curved the Lincoln Avenue right of way through Mr. Lembo's property. Mrs. Lind asked chat a decision on the matter be delayed one week. Commissioner Watkins moved the Commission postpone the matter far one week until March 3rd. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Manager presented a Replat or Lots 5,6,8,9, 10 and 11, Block B, Parkwood Subdivision, for approval. He stated the Zoning and Planning Board recommended approval. The Engineer also recommended it as the surveyor had made an error in the original plat and Chis replat was correcting the error. Commissioner Watkins moved the Replat of Lo~s 5,6,8,9,10 and 11, Block B, Parkwood Subdivision, be ap- proved as recommended by the City Engineer and the pro Fer authorities be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. A plat of Drew Manor was presented for approval. The Manager reported the developer, Douglas L. Weiss, had signed the contract in accordance with Ordinances 632 and 750 and had posted bond Co cover improvements. The Zoning and Planning Board had approved the plat wit h existing zoning of Business for Lots 49,50 and 51, and R-2 for the remainder of the lots. The Commissioners said ic was planned for Duncan Avenue to be a tnrough street instead of' dead end as it appeared on the proposed plat. The developer agreed to change the plat to suit the Commission's re- quirements. Commissioner Watkins moved the plat of Drew Manor Subdivision to be amended as required by the City Comnission and to be finally checked by the City Manager to be sure the corrected p~at is in accordance with such amendment be ap- proved; that the contract under the provisions of Ordinances 631 and 750 be approved; that the proper orficials be au'thorized to execute the amended plat. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. An application was presen~ed from Safeway Brokers for pennission to construct two commercial signs (12' x 3' ani 6' y 8') on their property in a Business zone on the north side of Drew Street and east of Saturn Avenue extended. The Zoning and Planning Board recommended appr~val with the provision for a tUne limit of six months., Commissioner Watkins moved upon the recommendation of the Zoning and P1anning Board that the application of Safeway Brokers for the establishment of two commercial advertising signs as indicated on the application be approved with the understanding that the copy of the sign be as indicated on t re application and tnat the permit be limited to a period of six months. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Manager presented an application from Weiss & Weiss Development Corporation for permission to construct a commercia1 sign (8' x 6') on their property in a Busi- ness zone on'the north side of Drew Street and on the west side of Jupiter extension. The Zoning and Planning Board recommended approval with the plOvision for a time limit~of six months. Commissioner Watkins moved upon the recommendation o~ the Zoning and Planning Board that the application of Weiss & Weiss Development Corpora- tion for the establishment of a commercial advertising sign as indicated on the appli- cation be approved with che understanding that the copy of the sign be as ind:fc ated on the application and that the permit. be limit.ed to a period of six months. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. An application was presented fron Clearwater Federal Savings and Loan Associa- tion for pennission to con~ruct a cOlDIllercia1 advertising sign (14' x 2*') on the proper~y ot Vince Anna's Restaurant loca~ed in a Business zone on the north side of Cleveland Street apposite the junction of Lincoln Avenue. Commissioner Strang moved tne' application be denied ~n a accordanee with the recommendation of ~he Zoning and' 'Planning Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. {1f r .,' ~: - ,..' ' T t . ..- r', A'".__.., _ .... .~-..,...':'';~~t'''!'t,,,-''.~;':;' .~:.- :., ,i 'j ~-.. ~~'~,; . ,. - .... . .... ..... "",.J:.'i;&~~i.V;!~L:G~~g~i;~~J~!;~;~~~~~;1~~. . "'~ " .'.' ,:~,'" .. , , '"'. r"..~.' j""... . ,.'.. '...~, ,~_ " -3- CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 24, 1958 The Manager submitted an application from Gulf Oil C, ~poration for permission to construct. a gas stat.ion at t.he nort.hwest corner of" FairDavnt and North Fort Harrison Avenue. The Engineer recommended approval of the plan subject. to minor corrections and subject to the wat.er from the wash rack being discharged into the storm sewer at Fairmont and Osceola. Commissioner Fields moved the permit be granted subject to t.he Engineer's recommendations. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Manager reported tha~ of the $150.00 appropriated in the '57-'58 budget for promotional advertising of the Sea-O-Rama there was a balance of '45.20 and an outstanding bill of $217.50 ex~sts payable to "What's What", visitors guide. He' recommended the appropriation of an additional $200.00 to Promotional Advertisinc, Sea-O-Rama, from the proper reserve account. Commissioner Strang moved the Manager's recommendation be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Manager recommended accepting the low bid of $7,033.30 from Cone Brothers Contracting Company, Tampa, for the construction of sanitary sewer on Nicholson Street from Betty Lane to Jefferson. He report.ed the budget estimate for the work was $5,250.00 but by using the surplus from the Eldridge Street sanit.ary sewer job ($1,783.30) the contract price would be covered. Commissioner Watkins moved the bid be awarded to Cone Bro~her8 Contracting Company in the sum of $7,033.30 and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. It. was recommended by the Manager that the low bid of $25,630.72 from Misener & MCEVOYi St. Petersburg'Beach, be accepted to construct. additions to dock facilities at. the C earwater Marina. The Manager explained that this work did not. include t.he control tower. Commissioner Watkins moved the bid be awarded ~o Misener & McEvoy for the cons~ruction of additional dock facilities a~ the Clearwater Marina and t.he proper of~icials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Manager recommended accepting the lowest complete bid of $1,587.96 with l~ discount from the Monarch Corporation, Miami, for 93 one way signs with left arrow witb brackets and 105 one way signs with right arrow with brackets. He ex- plained the apparent low bid or $1,342.44 from the Minnesota Mining, Atlanta, Georgia, did no~ included brackets which ~ou1d make its bid higher than that of tho Monarch Corporation. The Manager stated that this cost would be charged to the $10,000.00 appropriat.ion for the one way street program. Commissioner Watkins moved on ~he recommendation of the Traffic Captain, the Chief" of Police and the City Manager that the bid for tlt587.96 submitted by Monarch Corporation, Miami, be accepted and the proper off~c1als be authorized to sign the contract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner F~elds and carried unanimously. It was recommended by the Manager that the lowest alternate bid of $1,116.72 from Industrial Supply Corporacion, Tampa, be accepted for 198 pieces of 2 inch x 12 feet galvanized pipe for sign posts for the one-way traffic program. He ex- plained there would be a saving by using less concrete than if the base bid for ten and one half foot pieces was accepted. Commissioner St.rang moved the recom- mendation that the Industrial Supply Corporation be awarded the bid in the amount of $1,116.72 be approved and the proper officials authorized to execute the con- tract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Wat.kins and carried unanimously. The Manager recommended accepting the low bid of $1,700.00 from Southern Signals, Shreveport, Louisiana, for 3 vehicle controlled controllers, 8 magnet.ic detect.ors and 3 amplifiers to be used in the one way street program and cost. to be charged against the program. Commissione~ Watkins moved the bids for traffic signal controllers for the one-way traffic program be awarded to the Southern Signals, Shreveport, Louisiana, in the amount. of $1,700.00 and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. It was recommended by the Manager that the lowest base bid of $7,497.82 less 2~ discount from Industrial Supply Corporation, Tampa, be accepted for 5,160 feet of four inch galvanized pipe and 1,640 feet of t.wo inch galvanized pipe for the Utilit.ies Department to be used to replace gas main pipe alone Alternate U.S. 19, Dunedin. Commissioner Wa~kins moved the bid for galvanized pipe for ~he Utilities Department be awarded to the Industrial Supply Corporat.ion, Tampa, in the amount of $7,497.82 and the proper authorities be authorized t.o sign the contract.. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Manager recommended accepting the low bid of $651.00 from Mr. Virgil Dobson for a cottage owned by cbe City located at 3165 Gult to Bay Boulevard (east of Bay View Civic Center). He explained the building would be removed from the sit.e including t.he foundations. Commissioner Watkins moved the bid or Virgil Dobson in t.he amount of $651.00 be accepted for the sale of surplus building, 3165 Gulf to Bay Bou1evard, and the proper officials be authorized to sign thecon~ract. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. --- ~,/ f ~ ' 11, ' Ill. ',.:'" r;, .' I ' " L ; ., . t , ., .' k ., I.:'. \ ' '.' . ' - t;- !~~_.d~~~i(.1k~1::::'ltf;.i~tid.i~~t. ~:;..~t.;~;';;~i.~.t!;~.~J.'~7Ji.~.2"h.,~.:~.,\l;.Y't':u,.a...-"tb.r\..:\d;..t::",,\'''''''~j\'...,,;':I.''''''f~,' ""'-:'V' ~.~ -..,,! :""'.;A. ,_.~..'N~,.......... ,_.._...,~..J. ~:.._.........._.____, . ....:~L.,.,..._......--.._, _, ,.............-........., ,.' o / (.' . (~, I.t? J,; -4- CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 24, 1958 t An o~ter to purchase a fi.rteen toot square area in the northwest corner ot Lot'22, Block a, Second Addition to Sunset Point, was presented in the amount ot .50.00 ~rom Mr. Fred J. Kuhn, owner of the remainder of the lot. The Manager re- commended the o~fer to purcnase this well site be accepted it Mr. Kuhn assumed all ch~ges attached to transfer of the property. It was reported this had been a test well site but never ~sed as the ~ter was n~t good. The Mayor suggested another test be made of the water if the test was not too expensive. Comadssioner Watkins moved the matter be postponed. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Manager reported only one bid was received that of Carl Whiting, to operato the selt cushion and program concession at ~ack Russell Stadium for the amount of .036~ per paid admission to be paid to the City. Commissioner Watkins 1Il0ved the bid be accepted for the s eat cushion and program concession at Jack Russell Stadium from Carl Whiting in the amount of .036_ per paid admission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Manager asked permission to take bids on the old aerial fire truck in- ' stead o~ using it for training purposes as he had received a good verbal otfer on it. Commissioner Watkins moved to authorize the Manager to take bids on it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unan~ously. A statement was presented to cover a cost of $449.16 to cover the cost of materia1s, etc., used in preparing the brochure to present to the U. S. Army Engineers regarding Li'tt1e Pass improvements. The Manager recommended approval of the itemized statement. Commissioner Strang moved the amount approved by the Manager ($449.16) be transferred to the proper reserve account. MOtion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Manager explained that since the budget was adopted an emp!oyeest pub- lication called "~he City ~ployee" had been initiated and an appropriation of $145.00 is needed for th.e monthly copies until July 1st. He recommended $145.00 be appropriated and transferred to the proper account. Commissioner Strang moved approva1 of the Managerts recommendation. MOtion was seconded by Commissioner Wat.kins and carried unanimously. The Manager announced there would be an exhibition of a brush chipper at; 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, February 25th, on South Washington Avenue one block south of Cleveland Street. The Mayor re~ommended approval of the audit report from Turnburke, Brock and Raines for the 1'18ca1 year of t 56- t 57. Commissioner Strang moved tha audi~ be approved and accepted and tha't the firm of Turnburke, Brock and Raine8 be con- gratulated on its audit. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimOUSly. The Manager suggest.ed tha~ a Resolu'tion be addressed to t he State Boad Departmen't asking t.~_ to make a survey for a proposed traffic signal at. tlm corner of Gulf to Bay and Lake since two petitions had been received for a traffic signal at t.hat. point. Commissioner Strang moved that Resolution 58-14- be passed and adopt.ed and t he proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. It was rec olDlllended by the Manager and the Mayor th at a Resolut ion be prepared as~ the Seate Road Department to send in a maintenance crew to repair the recent resur~acing job done on Galf to Bay Boulevard (State Road 60) and Fort HarrisQD~'. (Alternate Route 19). Commissioner Wltkins moved that Resolution 58-15 be prepared and executed by the proper officials. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fielda and carried unanimously. Commissioner Wa'tkins recommended that 'the State Road Board be asked to give the City the proposed center line of North Myrtle Avenue all the way to Fort Harrison so the Ci'ty could continue getting the necessary right of way. Commissioner Watkins moved that Resolution 58-16 be prepared and executed by tie proper officials. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Fields sugges~ed that the State Road Department be requested to de- signate Garden Avenue as part of Alternate 19 (northbound} and resurface it. Com- missioner' Fields moved that Resolution 58-17 be prepared and executed by the proper of1'icials. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Tne Engineer recommended that the East Avenue water tank be emptiod and inspected by himself, the Consulting Engineer and Mr. Clayton Ogles or his pepresentat1ve in order to determine its condit ion. He said an appropriation of $250.00 ~uld be nec- essary to pay Mr. Oglea for the cleaning of the tank before tb3 inspection. C'ommis- sioner Vatkins moved t.b authorize the City Engineer to contract for the inspection not to exceed $250.00 and that the proper monies be appropriated fro. the correct fund. Notion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. I ~ , ' ,/.:.:~;l!:Yd!::;;~:;~:;,:~<;;,> .,....:,', " .,i~;;~~/f~;...u:.wiiri~~iIr;jH\;.~,'<;)li,v1)O~;t~~H~U:'ll.'.:..i".. ~ ,'\ '<.::.<;. '~..,l, .~ (~~1i ~";~':';\'i . , '. .' '~.".' . . , . ' . , .~ " ".".',..,...' _.e .... , '.,.. ~.:.- '. ,,' ':~Jil"'''':Z::I!'~i~~~.'!'>:fi,:'::tf::~'': "'l:>" ,:,.", """.' c2C3 -5- CI~Y CO~SSION MEETING Februa~y 2~, 1958 Resolution 58-18 was presented which would assess tne cost of construction of pavement, curb and drainage in Gunn Avenue trom Qult to Bay to Rainbow Drive against the benefited properties. Commissioner Watkins D~ed that Resolution 56-16 be passed and adopted and the proper authorities be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney recommended cancellation of sewer assessment of $14B.27'against acreage in Section 14-29-15 owned by Mias Elsie Duncan in return for a deed for portions of rights or way for Keystone and Yelvington Avenues 160 feet Bouch from Druid Road. Commissioner Watkins commented since the property was not yee platted it would be possible to secure the remainder of the right of way ~hen it was devel- oped. Commissioner Watkins moved approval of the cancellation of se~er assessment in the amount or $148.27 against property owned by Kiss Elsie Duncan in return ~or deed for the rignts of way described. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Manager submitted a plat of Lakeview Estates Subdivision for approval. Tne Attorney reported the developer. Mr. Harold V. D~wel~, nad signed a contract in accordance with Ordinance 632 ~h~ch did not include the provisions to install streetlights and street signs according to Ordinance 750. Mr. Dowell stated he had had ma~ unexpected expenses in developing this new area and expressed himself as willing to install the street signs but not the streetlights. ~ne Attorney pointed out the plat submitted was for just two blocks and the contract and bond covered only this plat. Commissioner Strang moved the plat of Lakeview Estates Sabdivision be approved in the form submitted and that the contract under the provisions or Ordinance 632 be approved with the speci~ic understanding that the provisions of Ordinance 750 shall not be required pertaining to streetlights only because or the fac~ that this subdivision had been under consideration by the City prior to the enactment of Ordinance 750 and the subdivider had committed himsel~ in the belief that he would not have to comply wiLh such Ordinance of which he did not have knowledge and further that the proper officials be a~horized to execute the plat. Motion was seconded by Comm~ssioner Fields and carried unani- mously. The Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 762 which would annex the north half or Lhe NEi of the NE~, Section 22-29-15, (Lakeview Estates and other lands). The Zoning and Planning Board's recommendation was that the ~irst tier of lots facing Jeffords an the ~est half of the acreage be zonedR-l and the re- mainder of the west half between the proposed rights of way of Evergreen and ' Betty Lane be zoned R-2j that the entire east half of the acreage be zoned R-l. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 762 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 762 be conskiered on its second reading by title only with unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Watkins moved Ordinance 762 be ~Qssed on it s second reading by title only. Motion was seconded bY' Cormniss ioner" ~'lelds and carried unanimously. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 762 be considered on its third and final reading with the unanimous consent of the Co~ssioners present. ' Kotion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance in full. Commissioner Watkins moved Ordinance 762 be passed and adopted on i~s ~hird and final reading and the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney reported the City had borrowed $225,000.00 from the City National Bank of Clearw~ter at 3% interest, the proceeds oC which were used for construction of certain groins and seawalls on C1earwater Beach and remodeling ehe Munic~,al Auditorium. He explained the note was to be retired at $50,000.00 per year; in February 1957, a payment of $50,000.00 ~as made and a new note given ~or '175,000.00. He said he, the Treasurer and the Man~e~ recommend a payment of $50,000.00 be made at this time and a new note for *125~000.OO at 3~ interest per annum, payable on or before February 20, 1959, be executed and delivered to the City National Bank. Commissioner Watkins moved tre app-oval of the payment of $50,000.00 and the execution of a new note ror $125,000.00 for one year at 3~. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney presented Resolution 58-19 which would make a sppplemental assessment on the cost of sanitary sewer for Brightwater Drive. He explained the new Resolution would make additional assessments and would relieve certain aseess- ments that were made by the adoption of Resolution 58-12 on February 3rd. Com- missioner Watkins moved that Resolution 58-19 be approved and the proper authori- ties be author! zed to sign it and make the assesslllent. Motion 'Was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. I, , , ' ; . ' I t .. !, " \ '-.' , , ; . ': ~. t. ' -' .tJClIIMt.~..., ,.~:i\:f~;~i~~;.i:::~;::~,,;~"C"";c~-::.~ ) ~..,. " ',-. ~.'>.- '~. '.. "" ;>:);:::/;,,~<~:~\::..::~i:~-.;:~.,~~'~::~,'.;~ \.: ' .."'~. , ,. ., .' ./:\.)., I;,,:; < ~." ~ ~ .....:.~~~.. .ff.A~ ~.." , ,.,..,:., . ...J .;. ~"" ". l' i -6- CI~Y COMMISSION MEETING February 24. 1958 ~" .\~ :'~;':! i "'~""."c".:';.i I ,;,."'"" :, Hi""'l ~~;t~~~I~~tj . '..,.,'" 't""""~~""".l .,~ In regard ~o the annexing of Rollins Subd~vi8ion, the Attorney repq~ed ~he developers, C. E. Gates and Charles H. Cribbs, had signed the Ordinance 6)2 contract and had posted .5,000.00 bond ~o cover sanitary sewer installations. He explained the plat previously had been accepted and ~iled by the County and 1mprove~nts were installed underCounty supervision, but after request for annexation, the C1~y Engineer had required certain sanitary se~er installations. Commissioner ~atkin8 moved the Ordinance 6)2 contract for Rollins Subdivision be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The A~torney read on its first reading Ordinance 763 which ~u1d annex acreage to be known as Rollins Subdivision into the City limits. Commissioner Wa~kins moved Ordinance 763 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Comnissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Zoning Board had recommended &-1 zoning. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 76) be considered on its second readin~ by title only with the unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordi~ance by title only. Commissioner S~rang moved Ordinanee 76) be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Str~ng moved ~hat Ordinance 763 be considered on its tbird and final reading with the unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. M~tion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordi~ance 763 be passed and ad~pted on its third and final reading and ~he proper of'ficials authorized to executa it. MOtion ~as seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. In regard to the annexing of Oak Acres Addition Unit 3, the Attorney repo~~ed the developers, Anton and Walter Kresse, had signed the contract in accor~ance with Ordinances 632 and 750 and Chat no bond had been required since improvements had been inst alled pre vious to acceptance of th~ subdivision by tls Oi ty. Commissioner Strang moved to accept. the cont.ract under the proVisions of Ordinance 632 and Ordi- nance 750 for Oak Acres Addition Unit 3. Motio~ was seconded by Commissioner Fielda and carried unanimously. rhe Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 764 which wou1d a~ex acreage to be known as Oak Acres Addition Unit 3 and p~tions of Oak Acres Addi~ion, Oak Acres Addition Unit 1 and Oak Acres Addition Unjt 2. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 764 be passed on its firs~ readi~g. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 764 be considered on its second readin~ ~ith the unanimous co~sent of the Commissioners present. Motion 'Was seconded by Commissioner ~a.tkins and carried unanimously. -Xhe Attorney read the Ordinance by title only. Conwissioner Strang moved Ordinan~e 764 be passed on its second read. ing by title only. Motion was seconded by Comm~ssioner Watkins and carried unani- mously. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 764 b~ considered on its third readinc ~ith the unanimous co~sent of the Commissioners present. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Tbe Attorney read the Ordinance. Commissioner S~rang moved Ordinance 764 be paSSEd and adopted on its ~hlrd and ;final reading and that the proper officials be Cil1thorized to execute it. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously, The Attorney re~~rted there ~as a motion jn the meeting of January 13th stating that no further pay raises would be madE until after a joint meet~ng of the Civil Service Board and t.he Commission, and sin~9 that meeting had taken place, the Civil Service Board was asking for some action ~o appear in the minutes approving pay raises. Commissioner Strang moved the acti~n or the Cit.y Manager in acting upon recommendations o~the Department Heads for permissive pay increases from Step 1 to Step 2 for eight.een months service effective January 1, 195a, for cer- tain City employees, is approved and he is aut.h~rized and directed to take such future action as may be necessary to exercise ~is discretion on such recommenda&ions, and that the motion of January 13, 195a to the cont.rary be rescinded, and the pay raises be retroact.ive t.o January 1, 1958. Motion was seconded by Commiss~oner Watkins and carried unanimously. A proposed extension of 1ease requested by Miss Elsie Luthdr for Room 5, Marina Building, at a rent of $165.00 per mont~ was'presented. The Attorney ex- plained tre ~ormer lease expired September 30, 1957, and the new lease would ex- pire November 30, 19629 the time set for all l~ases in the Marina Buildl~ to expire. Comoiasioner Strang moved the proper ~fficials be authorized to execute the lease. Motion ~as seconded by Commdssione~ Fields and carried unanimously. , . .'. ~_ . J..~. 4. '.., \... - .. I _ . . " ',~ ~~ttE~~~~~~t~:}ji:l:. r ,'\,', li" ~l""o".'. , !~~~J~\~~ .' ' ~ ! ;: '~~~:t::z:~~~',' \ " ;'.~t1t~![r:~'g;:,':tf@'~~'~ .J ~ .,~;':'..' '~'. ,/,', :';:..':;:"1'.;'/ CI'rYCOOdIsSloN MEETING February 24, 1958 .,'>t. '4., The Attorney reported that on July 23, 1956, ~he City sold Lo~s S-12, ' Pinel1as Groves, to Mr. J. Frank Hancock, Jr., for .ao 000.00; the CitT took back a mortgage of $60,000.00 dated November 2, 1956, on Nhlch .20,000.00 has been paid leaving a balance of $40,000.00. He sta~ed Mr. Hancock would like ~o ~ave an ex- tension of the terms of payment at the same interes~ ~te, 4~, and if s~ch extension i8 approved, 'he will be able to negotiate this obligation and obtain tbe money ~o pay the City. The Attorney explained the method of payment would req~ire ~he City endorse the obligation with recourse to the bank. He presented Resolu~1on 5g~ZO which would approve the proposed extension or the "mortgage with the;~ollowing terms; $10,000.00 payable on'May 20, 1958, tl0,000.00 on November 20, 1958, $lO,OOO.oo on May 20, 19501 and $10,000.00 on November 20, 1959. Commissioner Strang moved that Resolution' 5~-20 be passed and adopted and the proper ofticials be aatBorized to" execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Mr. David Caesar, owner of Lot 1, Block 3, Druid Park, (2087 Druid) asked that some of the land to the east of his property be cleared at leas1; rifty teet east, from his property line. He explained there was too much undergrowth to be cleaned with a mower. By consent, t.he matter was turned over to "the Manager and Mr. Caesar was asked to meet with the Manager regarding the problem. Commissioner Strang sugges~ed acting on recommendations ~de by Briley, Wild' and Associates, Consulting Engineers, in a letter dated February 12, 1~58, conce~n- ing the award of bids for gate valves in the wlter project so they can be o~ered instead of waiting until the nex~ meeting. The Manager read tbe following reco.~ mendations; Item 5, Item 6, Item 7' 8', Item $4428.46 1725.00 1540~CO 567.92 J. B. Clow,'Birmingham, Ala. Price Bros., Dayton, Ohio Ben F. Crabbe, Orlando, Fla. M & H Valve, Anniston, ~la. Gate Valves, units a to e Tapping Valves units a& b Pressure ReducIng Valve, 20W Check Valve, 16" Hub ind The Manager joined the Consulting Engineer in recommending the accep~ance of~hese bids as the lowest and best bids received. Commissioner Strang moved ~~ valve awardsbe made according ~o the Consulting Engineer's recommendation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Commission now adjourned as the City Commission and acting as Trustees of the Pension Fund, heard a letter read from Mr.'Dave Caruthers, Policeman, s~ating he was requesting retirement effective March 1, 1958, after a period o~twenty years of employment with the City. A letter was read from the Advisory Committee recom- mending Mr. Caruthers be retired at a pension ot $120.27 per month in accordance with'the requirements of the pension law. Commissioner Fields moved tnat the pension of $120.27 per month be approved fer Mr. Caruthers eftective March 1, 19Sa, and that a ' ci~a~ion be prepared tor him for his outstanding service to ~he City. Motion was sec-' onded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. There being no ~urther business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M. At~est: .: . . .,' > .... ~ . . '~~~'l'f~~~~~,,,,;~:\"f~i....,.,,...~ ~ l~l"" .,.#<" j ...e,,, .',.., ~ . , , r ~ 1. ,.~. . _, P' ,~. 7'n,,~ .. ~-; 1~~''';;'''' r. .~;. ~"ll.:,.';';t.:l' ,- '.;:1-. tr\' ~1,1;, ......\..-.)l:i>!f~..:fIl.l';f.r"'"*~~~,~ ':'~'~~\:~:::~.:;~~~~:~~ t':~;,~:,:'" ,', ~,>.." ' , , '.. .. ., ,'.' .' :.,.." ..'" "~, ' . ",.. "", ."',,. ",,~..,:, "~ "1 ,~<:'.:,;, '..:. ..~~~;i1'\~":;' '.3~~t :-,;,:... ''', ':, :,;,:::'~<:",:'.:::~<:; :~':1"'.. :' t~, ~{!\~/~ .~\\,~.1,1t,...\'l'.r..',,, . ". 1'..1.... ~. ,/ I ~..' ..:i~"'''..'~:tt~.~..~'::'"'.r.z..~d'''''''f-'_.l...''';..I~.{'.h...."..,....:'-;''ih'<ffl..............,,J..',;,,,,~"''''~o(J..'',J- ..u....: _".."....,'-...".....,.~"".:)t.fil~.e~t~~~_4~~..:rt...~~~<<~tit~ ~~....~~'...,~&....;..L~:.r...:;..V'ot....:...._~......;..t_r-..._.:.......r...."'''.-).,.....M..._ ..~, ... .....l.... ...........",j."....., loA'" .. . ~'''' CI1Y COl4MISSION MEETING February 24, 1958 Public Hearin~ 1. Paving and Drainage Alley between Court alld Franklin - from ACL RR East 244 Feet, Continued Reports from City Mana~er 2. Letter from alearwa~ er Beach Resort Assoc. re Parking Meters 3. Consider Request of JCts for Property 4. High School Bank Boosters Re~uest Contribution 5. Closing a Portion of Port Way , 6. Request for Approval of Drew Terrace Subd. 7. Re~uest for Approval of Drew Manor'Subd. 8. Request for Approval of Lembo Subd. 9. Approval of Replat of Portion of Parkwood Subd. 10. Application of Commercial Si~1s 11. Applicat ion for Comrnerc ial Signs 12~ Permit for Commercial Sign 13. Service Station Permit, NW Corner Fairmont St. and N. Ft. Harri son 14. Advertising Account, Sea-O-Rama 15. Bids, Nicholson Street Sanitary Sewers, Betty Lane to Jefferson 16. Bids, Clearwater Marina, Additions to Dock Facilities 17. Bids, Traffic Si~ns for One-Way Street Program 18. Bids, 198 Sign Posts for One-Way Traffic Program 19. Bids, Traffic Signal Controllers for One-Way rrraff'ic Program ' 20. Bids, Galvanized Pipe for Utilities Dept. 21. Bids, Sale of Surplus Building, 3165 Gulf- to-Bay Blvd. (Bldg. East of Bay View Civic Center) 22. Surplus Well Lot 23. Bids, Seat Cushion and Program Concession, Jack Russell Stadium 24. Old Aerial Fire Truck 25. Little Pass Report Expenditures AGENDA CITY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1958 1:30 P.~I. Invocation Introduction Minutes of Pre~eding Meeting Public Hearings Reports of City Manager Reports of City Atto rney Citizens to be Heard Other Commission Action Adjournment Meeting Pension Plan Trustees ;)...~ ~ Reports from City Attorney 26. Reconsideration of Cancellation of Sewer Asses~ ment for Ri~ht-of-~ay from Miss Elsie Duncan 27. Assessment Resolution - Gunn Avenue Paving 28. Consid er3tion of Ordinam e Annexing Lakeview Estates 29. Approval Renewal of Reduced Obligation at City Nationa~ Bank 30. Resolution rnakin~ Supplemental Assessment for Brightwater Drive Sewer Installation 31. Ordinance Annexing Rollins Subdivision 32. Ordinance Annexing Oak Acres Addition. Unit 3 :i ,'1f'~";~~-: . ------~-----~----------~-------------------------------------------------------------~ The Clearwater Beach Resort Association held their regular meeting on Clear- water Beach, Marina Building, on February 12, 1958, and by an overwhelming majority, instructed the Board of Directors, with the cooperation of the Parking Meter Com- mittee, to work out a suitable compromise program ~hich would give re~ief to their members and other citizens of Clearwater Beach, and at the same time, we believe. would be acceptable to the City Commission. On February 14th, the said Board of Directors met with the Parking Committee and after a discussion, adopted the following plan, for your consideration: 1. Remove all meters on Mandalay north of Ba~ont on both sides of the street. 2. Remove all meters on both sides of Bay Esplanade and Rockaway. 3. Also, take under consid eration paving the Everingham parking lot and install parking meters there, after discussing this with the State Road Board so that there would not be unnecessary expense to the City in case the State Highway would go through this property. We would like to have you understand that we do not limit ourselves to this as our final position on the parking problem, and reserve the right to discuss with the City Commission, on a friendly and cooperative basis, any changes or improve- ments in this parking meter situation, or other parking Froblems. Very truly yours. /.s/. James A. Novotny, President /5/ Joseph Betts, Vice President Hon. Lewis H. Homer, Mayor Ron. Members of City Commission City Hall Clear~ater, Florida Gentlemen: ., " /s/ Adon L. Smith, Jr. . Chairman Parking Meter Comm. ,/ s/ Doris E. Hastie, Secretary February 15, 1958 CLEARWATER BEACH RESORT ASSOCIATION, INC. "i:; . ---"~ _.6- ;.. ""~' . ~.f ~ .'of' . -... - 0,~~::::;:~,",c<~~~.::~_:":,,",,<~,~",,_"~~~'ii'.1'~:::~~~~'~d,;,::;:;1~~1<;iJ~~'~'~~~~":;' CIry C~4ISSION MEETING February 24, 1958 February 24, 1959 Hon. Lewis H. Homer, Mayor Hon. Members of City Commission City Hall Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: You are undoubtedly aware of the terrific blow surfered by the resort motel industry in this great city during the inclement weather o~ recent weeks. We could cite case after case where motel operators are on the brink or financial ruin as a result of this situation. It is so grave that we are convinced that unless remedial action is taken at once, the city is going to suffer irreparable losses. To you, we are sure, it is needless to point out the tax revenue losses our fair city may suffer as a result of' this situation. The City Fathers have ~isely seen fit to arpropriate certain monies ~rom t~x income each year to advertise in north~rr mediR th~ at~r~ctio~s and enchant- ment of visiting this \'.Ion1er.ful section of our cour.try. ~le appreciate and commend th e thcu.~ht.:'ulrle:Js ot: our C it Y Fathers in so doing. We helve reason to belie"\,rp, the,t some of the lo~s()s suffi~red by our ir.rlustry might be recovGred by an il"tl:1;;Sj V~ :d v~;'t :i.;:-, '1 :r..:; t:-;? !l{':::~ 'n" ')"; :':')U Rt :It t; q.:: t ir~:: visitors to t his area in the 'tlr:~eks bet\..:een now and June 1st. '!le furtheI' celfeve that unless "le are successful in so doins, ~rave economic ~onscquences will be the result. There- fore, we urGe the City, throu;h the City Commission, to ~ive consideration to an immedi.ate approF-riation to the Clearwater Ch~17]ber or Conm~rce, for the purpose of advertising the attractiveness o~ a visit to this area in the w~ekG between now and June 1st. We belie~e that a ~ood campai~n) waged in the immediate future, will result in a f'in[lr~cial return well in eXcess of the appr8priatioIlS made for t.his pun.~ose. Again, may "~ie impress upon you the gr:l'lity of the current situation and the dire need ror immediAte action. It is our beIier that the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce is well prepared to launch such a campaign immediately u~on knowledge that the funns are available. Respectfully yours, /5/ Jaffies A. Novotny, President C LEARW'A'l'ER BEACH RESORT ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED ------------------------------------------------------------------~----------~~ RESOLDi'ION 58-18 WHEREAS, aftp.t' public hear-in; or. tne 4th da)r of Mctrch, 1957 I the City Commission of the Cit'j' of' CV~ar"Water, Florida, determined ~h8.t certain work Bnd improvements hereinaf'ter de scribed should be do ne ar.d made; and, 1mEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as f'o llows : Construct pavement, curb and drainage in Gunn Avenue from Gulf-t~-Bay Boulevard to Rainbow Drive, Clearwa~er, FloridA The properties facir.g and abutting these improvements are deemed to derive special benefits therefrom. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and otner pertinent pro- visions or the City Charter, after said irnprovAments shall hnve been com- pleted, the Git)' Commission shall assess the cost thereof ~grtinst the pro- perties facin,~ and acutting ~nd rece:iving benefits from s"1id imrrovernents so made j and, WHEREAS, certain parcels or r~~l estate facin~ qnd abutting and in the vicinity of said improvements have been benefitted thereby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against such prOferty. NOW, 'l'HSREFORE, BF. IT RESOLVED BY TH E CITY COr'll'-USSIOf\: OF 1'HE CITY OF CLEAR\\TA. TER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY H!D REGUl,AR,lY ASSE~rnLED, AS 1"0 1Lm\' S : 1. That the above described improvement s in the area of Gunn Avenue from Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard to Rainbow Drive be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as havine been completed. 2. That the .following described properties facing and abutting and in the vicinity of t he aforesaid impr'o vements are hereby deemed to have benefitted by said improvements in the following proportions of the cost thereof, and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule: (Continued) ~~_._~.... .. . . , ,.:'~T....".I",...:,..~.~... . .,...., ..-,..'~.~-..,...::::.:..'. I.W ,- , ,'...,\,--::-, -_PAl _. ,;', '".. /. ." ..:';.1 ;.. ..;, '--. ;-:~',,,: ~ -: ,:.~".:' -~ .~~:I ~.,'/..~~~~~~?~1)~.::. h>'~. :.:' CITY Ca$lISSION MEETING February 24, 1958 (Continued) 3. 'l'hat i_so assessrnen ts herein mf.lde are not p::li d within chirty (30) days from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates of indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, ~hich certificates shall bear interest at the rate of eight (e%) per an~um against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made i~nediately upon che expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED A~;D ADOPTED, this 24-t~ay of FebruAry, 1958. ~sl Lewis Homer rayor-Co~nissioner Attest: /s/ R. G. Whitehead O"ity Clerk ------~---------------------------------------------------------------------~---- RESOLU'fION 58-19 WHEREAS, after public hearing on the 15th day of October, 1956, the City Commission of the City o~ Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made; and, WHEREAS, pursuant trereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct an eight inch sanitary sewer, manholes and appurtenances in Brightwater Drive from the center line of H3IJ1den Drive east er ly approximate- ly 2050 feet and in Hrunden Drive from the center line of Brightwater Drive southerly to Fifth Street extended and construct a sewage lift station in the area of the easterly portion of Fifth Street extended and construct necessary force main from the lift station to the existing sanitary sewer in Hamden Drive. The properties facing and abuttin~ these improvements are deemed to derive special benefits therefrom. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties racing and abut- ting and receivin"'; benefits from said improvements so made; and, WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and abutting and in the vicinity of said improvements have been benefitted thereby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against such property; and, WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 58-12, adopted February 3, 1958, a schedule of assess- ments was adopted by ~ircue of which the City of Clearwater assumed responsibility for one-half the cost of the sewer lift station installed in connection with said project and certain properties as therein described were incorrectly exempted from assessment for their pro rata share of the cost of sewer installation and certain other properties therein described were incorrectly assessed for a purported pro- portionate part of the cost of such sewer installation; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary to make certain supplemental assessments and to can- cel certain assessments previously made, all 3S hereinafter set out; NOW, 'l'HEREF'ORE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED BY 'J.1HE CITY COM1~ISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEAR- WATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEi'.mLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the following described properties facing and abutting and in che vicinity of the aforesaid improvements are hereby deemed to have been beneficted by said improvements in che following proportions of the cost thereof, and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule: PROPERTY OWNER SEWER FRONT FOO'l'AGE 60' ~2l3.73 Lot 2 Ernest O. Spoonamore 105 Brightwater Drive Alexander Topicz 123 BrifYltwater Drive Alexander Topicz 123 Brightwater Drive D. Ross Campbell 128 Brightwater Drive Frank Skisak 120 Brigtt. water Drive C. Gilbert Nielson 116 Brightwater Drive 2. The following assessments heretofore incorrectly made and levied by virtue of Resolution 58-12, adopted February 3, 195a, are cannelled, and cl13 City Clerk and City Treasurer are authorized and directed to so advise persons to whom trey ~ere directed and to take such other steps as to render them null and void. Lot 5 Lot 6 56.64' 56.64' 201.77 201.77 Lot 51 60' 213.73 Lot 53 Lot 54 60' 213.73 213.73 60' (Continued) . ',h. ,,'. ..... ~...~ ~-.., __.., . -~_Jl ., ,~ ; -,:' " ,'." ~...... - , , -. ." -'--: ,.,,~,.. ."," ,'. - ~d, ~ -.. r, t~.' " r.:-;~; ...I)i~t~;'~~ , {.:-\1'.:. ,~,;,')d,', _ ':;; ~};Yl; I r '. .11\1"'~.' .. ,"i,t'. >';~,' .. " v .. , .. , - ; . ..-' . r ,~ ~' ~J~b:~~.!;l ~if09r1\~~3i~*:~~/.~~:~~!'~~~~\lP!2i5.~ty~.ti~W~~~:~;nl\~~~~'i'.:~:.~~1y;f~~l"'?;~~1)'\1.~~~~~~~~:?~lt~\ ':'.~~>',;?~~;,~'!'l;:..: -- ..:l._;<....:.:.~T. ~';~. .','..:,~ f..~,_:::! . ,j.;~' .;,:'....,"'-,~:?..~-.__'...,..:~Ij/ "'.:. ,~.;;':; '",.,:,;~':' "'"I"". ,';;.?:, "~"-~:''''''',.."., ,..L 1... _..~ -, ... , . " ' .;'~~";'~cC:;:t:~2:::::t:;~::~~::~:~~;':C.::~:~tlr~~~~\~;;:~r;:(~,,;~.,:;,~~~j40.. ~~~J~ti~,"~iiJ!~~a;:~~~~~NU4iI~~ ~ CI~Y COMMcrSSION MEETING February 2~, 1958. RESOLUTION 58-16 WHEREAS, State Road 60 is a State designated and maintained highWBI runn1nl trom the Easternmost limits of the City oE Clearwater to the Western 1im ts thereot; and, WHEREAS, said highway 1s the main East and West arterial highway'throU3ft said City, is heavily traveled and is of utmost importance to the City; and, WHEREAS, the surface oE said road is at this time in a 8tate of disrepair in that there ,re numerous depressions, ridges and other traffic impediments thereon and the sur~ce thereo~ continually appears to be flaking or deteriorating so tha~ in wet ~eather there is a mud-like surEace thereon, and in dry weather there i8 dust arising therefrom; and, WHEREAS, it is deemed urgently necessary and desirable that said highway be repaired; NO\'l, 'lllEREFORE, BE I'f RESOLVED BY 'l'HE CIrrY COMMISSION OF 'lIHE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASS~BLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. ~hac the S~ate Road Department of F*orida is requested to give lmmed1a~e attenei6n to the repair of State Road 60 within the limits of the City oE Clearwater, Florida. 2. ~hac a certified copy or this Resolution be furnished: Honorable Wilbur E. Jones, Chairman Stace Road BotlXd Tallahassee, Florida Honorable Albert L. Rogero, Member State Road Board Tallahassee, Florida PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 24th day or February, 1958. Attest,: /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Clerk /s/ Lewis . Homer Mayor-Commissioner - - - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - RESOLUrfION 58-16 WHEREAS, the State ROad Department of Florida has heretofore assumed as a project, designated as Sec. 1560, the excension of Myrtle Avenue within the limit8 of the City of Clearwater, Plnellas Councy, Florida; and, WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has been fUrnished with necessary alighment and right-of-w~y requirements for said project from the South to Palmetto Street within said City; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that said'project be extended North of Palmetto Street to an intersection with Alternate U. S. 19: NOW! '!'HEREFORE. BE I'l' RESOLVED BY 'l'HE CITY COMMISSION OF THE Cny OF CLEARWATER, IN ~ESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the St-ate Road Department is requested to designate and furnish' the City of Clearwa~er, Florida, with an alignment map and right-of-way requirements tor the extension of Sec. lS60 from Palmetto Street in the City of ~learwater, Florida, North ~o an intere.ction with Alternate U. S. 19. 2. That a certified coPY' of this Resolution be furnished: Honorable Wilbur E. Jone" Chairman State Road Board. Tallahassee, Florida;. Honora ble Albert L. Rogero, Member State Road Board Tallaha.s.., FlorJda P~SSID AND ADOP'l'ED, Ibis 21+th day of February, 1958. "', /s/ Lewis Homer ..... ..'.' . . Mayor~Commis6iorier~':' , " .,' ";-. ,:~~~. ~ ~^,'<I';,Jt:~',Ii'ft./ ~;".' '. .. ..,\.".. ,,",; "'~'" .;;~'''~;;:;;\~~~j''.r'::v.Itn:r.''q.1~:~, '!''''<"i''<:~' ',' ',"<, ':,: "" . .,' -, :' " . . ,f,fWl""" . ";~';;l~~~j;ili"=,-""" ,.. ..,0 ,,,,,,:~,,=,'J,,,,,,",",.d";'''''i;,,,,,,"'-''''.,,,,=:,.0''''''".,",.~,,,,=,",,".,",,,',<D"',""__ .". "~" ~L~"wDEj~.i1iliJi,\\ilLiJi" CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 24, 1958 RESOLu'rION 58-20 WHEREAS, J. Frank Hancock, Jr. is indebted to the City of Clearwater in the sum of $40,000.00 together with interest thereon at the rate of Four (4) Percent per annum from July 20, 1957, representing balance due on a promissory note in the original principal amount of $60,000.00 given as part payment for the purchase price of certain property purchased by Hancock from City; which said promissory note is secured by a first mortgage dated November 20, 1956, recorded in Mortgage Book 1197, at Page 600, Pinellas County Records, encumber- ing the property purchased; and, WHEREAS, Hancock has requested City to extend payment of said indebted- ness so that it ~ill be paid in four principal pa~ents'of $10,000.00 each. to- gether with interest thereon, to be met on May 20, 1958, November 20. 1958, May 20, 1959, and November 20, 1959, and has indicated that with such ex~ension the Bank of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida, will purchase said note and mortgage for the balance of principal and interest due thereon at the time of said purchase, providing said note and mortgage, as modified, are assigned ~ith recourse; and, WHEREAS, City desires to obtain the proceeds from this indebtedness im- mediately and is agreeable to assigning said note and mortgage as modifLed, with recourse, subject to terms which will procect its interest; NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l'HE CITY COYJMISSION OF 'l'HE CI'l'Y OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY ANO REGULARLY ASSEMBLEO, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the proper City officials are authorized to enter into a mortgage extension agreement with J. Frank Hancock, Jr. extending and modifying the terms of said note and mortgage as above set DUe. 2. That proper City or~icials are authorized to assign, with recourse, said note and mortgage, as modified, to Bank of Clearwater, C~earwater, Florida, upon payment to City of balance of principal and interest due on said note as of the date of assignment, subject to provision that said mortgage and note shall not subsequently be assigned, sha~l not be extended or modif~ed by Bank and shall be re-assigned to City in the event of default. PASSED AND ADOPrED, this 24th day of February, 1958. Is/ Lewis Homer Mayor-Commissioner Attest: 65/ R. G. Whitehead ity Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - - RESOLU'l'ION 58-1~ WHEREAS, State Road Department o~ Florida, ~hrough its members and officials, has, for the purpose of alleviating traffic congestion on and along Alternate U.S. 19, which is known within the City limits of Clearwater as Ft. Harrison Avenue, requested City orficials to put into effect a one-way tra~fic plan by Which traffic along Ft. Harrison Avenue will proceed only in a Southerly direction, and traffic which ~oti.ld otherwise pass thereon in a Norther~y direction, ~ill proceed along Garden Avenue, which is a street parallel to Ft. Harrison Avenue; and, WHEREAS, such a one-way tra~fic plan has been approved by State Road officials and will take effect on or abo~t April 1, 1959; and, WHEREAS, such plan will place on Garden Avenue a large volume o~ inter-city traffic; and, WHEREAS, Garden Avenue is in poor condition and requires immediate repaii and maintenance; and, WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater, Florida, has necessary funds and equip- ment and :is willing to remove and relocate cur~s ~or the pw'pose of straightening and improving the route of' Garden Avenue. but does not have the necessary funds and is not able to resurface and improve Garden Avenue; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA I IN SESSION DULY AmJ REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Garden Avenue within the limts of the City o~ Clearwater Florida be designated as "Alternate 19 Business North", and that the State Road Department of Florida is requested to designate Garden Avenue within the limits of the City of Clearwater as "Alternate 19 Business North", and that necessary and proper action be taken to resurface the same and thereafter maintain it as a part of'the State maintained highway syseem. (Continued) . :', ,. ,', ' ~- ~". ,. ,~ -'. ..... . " ...h...:::l::..~. .:2 73 , (>1 ~..~. 1 ~ '? ,\, ,,~ 1 - i . -. " , " ';-- { , ,( ~ ~~ : .. ORDINANCE HO. 762 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING ACREAGE TO BE KNOWN AS LAKE- VIEW ESTATES.INTO THE CORPORATE LIMrrS OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AND REDEFINING THE BOU.DAIY LINES OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE SAID ADDITION, ACCORD- ING ~O THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.04 FLORIDA STATUTES; ZONING '!'HE ANNEXED PROPERTY AS HEREIW PRO- VIDED; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. " ' ',' ::.,..,.f , , , .. '/ ',' ," ' WHEREAS, the City Commission or the City ot Clearwater, Florida, enacted Or- dinance Ho. 760 on January 20, 1958, which Ordinance declared ~he intention ot said City to annex Lakeview Estates into the corporate limits of the City or Clearwater; and, WHEREAS, said Ordinance was published once a week for rour consecutive weeks in the Clearwater Sun, a newspaper published in the City Qf Clearwater, Florida, proof of which publication is hereto attached; and, WHEREAS, more than thirty days have expired since the enactment of Ordinance Ho. 760, and no registered voter of the City of Clearwater, no owner of real 8state in'the territory to be annexed, and no person whomsoever has objected to such annex- ation or has applied to the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and tor Pinellas County, Florida, setting forth any objections to said annexation; and, WHEREAS, all of the provisions or Section 171.04, Florida Statutes, have been complied with; NOW, '!'HEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'l'HE CITY COMMISSION OF 'l'HE CITY OF' CLEAR- WATER, FLORIDA: Sec~ion 1. The City of Clearwater, acting by and through its City Commission, by ~he authorIty and under ~he provisions of Sec~ion 171.04, Florida Statutes, hereby annexes into the corporate limits of' the City of Clearwater, Florida, and re-def'ines the boundary lines of' said City so as to include the following: The N i of the BE * of the HE i, Section 22 Township 29 South, Range 15 East, Pinellas County, Florida, containing 20 acres more or less, to be known as Lakeview Estates. All the aforesaid proper~y is zoned R-l Residential except the following portion thereof, which is hereby zoned R-2 Residential: From the lor~heast corner of Section 22, Township 29 South, Range 15 E. Pinellas County, Florida, run N a90 06' 39" w 709.47 fee~; thence run S 000 02' 38" E, 135 feet; along the proposed centerline of' Evergreen Avenue to a Point ot Beginning; thence continue S 000 02' 38" E. 396 feet; ~heDce run S. 890 06' 39" E. 35 feet along the centerline of pro- 'posed street; thence run S 000 02' 38" Eo 133.38'fee~ along the pro posed centerline of Evergreen Avenue; tm nee run R. 890 07' 50" West 662.1) feet along the ten acre line; ~hence run H. 000 02' 38" w. 529.62 feet along the proposed center- line of South Betty Lane; then run Sf' 890 06' 39" E. 627 + feet to POB. The Ci~y Engineer and the Ci~y Clerk are direc~4d ~o inc1ude in and set ou~ and show upon the official zoning map and other official maps of the City of Clearwat.er, the foregoing property wit.h its zoning as indicated. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED ON FIRST READING PASSED ON SECOND READING PASSED ON THIRD AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED Februar~ 24. 1958 February 24. 1958 February 24. 1958 Attest; : ~J./ B. -.G.,..Whit,ehead ~tJC~erk . .... .. . 's/ Lewis Homer ayar-Co~issioDer , " , " . . . , ' , " -0', '.". r, ~ , " '"' ....'.~"'..i', j ,... .~ :1.,;-....; 7.\,,-.~'....# 1 '.'. ,,"',7":":.- ..~. I..t f ';- .. ~. ..' .,;. ORDINA~CE NO. 763 A~ ORDINANCE AfiNEXI~G ACREAGE TO BE XNOWR AS ROLLINS SUBDIVISION I~TO THE CORPORATE LtNITS OF, 'fHE 0111 OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AND REDEFINING THE BOUNDARY LINES OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE SAID ADDITION ACCORDING 70 I~E PROVISIO~S OF SECTION l71.04. FLORIDA STAT~ES; ZONING THE AHNBaED PROPERtY B-1 RESIDE~TU\L; AND PROVIDING ~R 1HE EFFECfJ:IVE DATE. WHeREAS. ~he Ci~y Commission or ehe Ci~y of Clearwater, Florida enacted Ordinance No. 75g on January 13. 1958. ~nich Ordinance declared tbe !n~en~1on or said Ci~y to annex Rollings Subdivis~on in~o the corpora~e limits of ~be City of Clearwaterj and, WHEREAS. said Ordinance ~as published once a week for four consecutive weeks in~~he Clearwa~ar Sun, a newspaper published in ~he Ci~y of Clearwa~er, Florida, proof of which publication is here~o a~~ached; a~~, WHEREAS, more than ~h1rty days have expired since the enactmen~ of Ordi- nance floe 758 and no registered voter of ~he City of Clearwa~er, no owner of real es~ate in the territory to be annexed, and no person whomsoever has ob- jected to such annexation or has applied to the Circuit C~ur~ of the Sixtb Judicial Circuit ~n and for P1nellas County, Florida, se~~ing fo~h any ob- jections to said annexa~ion; and ~~EREAS, all of the provisions of Section 171.04, Fl~rida Statu~ea, have been complied ~ithj NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED 81 ~HE CITY COM~ISSIO~ OF THE CITY OF CLEARWA'lER, FLORIDA: Sec~ion 1. The City of Clearwater, acting by and t.hrough its City Commission, by tne authori~y and under the provisions of Sec~ion 171.04 Florida Sta~u~ea, hereby annexes into the corporate lim1~8 of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and re-defines ~he boundary lines o~ said City 80 as ~o include ~he following: Begin at the NW corner of ~he fiE ~uarter of Sec. 23. Twp. 298, Rge. 15 E and run thence S. 00 21' 39" East along ~be Nor~h and South cen~er line of said Sec. 23, 663.54 feet, thence S 880 57' 45" East, 326.0 feet, thence S. 00 21' 39" East, 266.0 feet. thence S. ggo 57' 45" East. 196.0 fee~, thence N. 00 21' 40" w. 929.84 fee~ to the Soc~ion 1ine, ~hence Nor~h ggo 59' 4Sn West, a~Dg tne Section line 522.0 feet ~o ~he POB. Recorded ~n Plat Book 43. Page 47, Ofricia1 Records of Pinellas County, Florida. Said properey is hereby zoned R-l, Residential, and ~he City Engineer and ~he Ci~y Clerk are d1rec~ed ~o include in and eet out and sho~ upon the official zoning map and other official maps of the City of Clearwat.er, ~he foregoing property wi~h its zoning as indica~ed. Sec~ion 2. ~his Ordinance shall become effective ~Qmediately upon its passage. PASSED ON FIRS'J: READING FebrtLary 24. 1958 PASSED ON SECOND REJillING Febrll.8rY 24. 1958 PASSED ON THIRD AND FINAL READING AND ADOFfED FebrlMry 24.1958 {al Le\fiis HOlller Mayor-Commissioner At-test;: 6 s/ B. G. Wh~tehead ~t,y Clerk " '...1..... .....~,..,.<.. .-'('.'1'~"",""'li,~ '1....;'.'.:.,:..."...' 'j "'~"'''''l;';''''''~'~.~;:l.:~;;-i..::.' . ~.. '~'_ , . ~' I'" .. ....', I' .' ' " . '~1~1..,~,~~t.':t\~'/1$_~~'!'i'~'~':<\~,"'V,';Vt'i;," "" """"",'~"":''''..",:, ".","..";'",.", .-,', " "., ;~,bCc;~'~~~~~~~~~w~ " .~:, ORDINANCE 10. 7~ AN ORDlflANCE ANNEXING PROPERrY HEREINAFTER DBS~ CRIBED, A POHTION OF WHICH IS KNOWN AS OAl ACRES ADDITIOI, UNIT 3 AND PORTIONS OF \~ICR ARE IN OAK ACRES ADDITIO~, OAK OACHES ADDITION UNIT I AND OAK ACRES ADDITION UNIT 2~ I~TO THE CORPORATE LDtITS OF rillE CIT1 OF CLEARWA'l'ER, FLORIDA, AND RE- DEFINING THE BOUNDARY LINES OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE SAID ADDITION ACCORDING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SEC- TION 171.04, FLORIDA S~ATurES; ZONING THE ANNEXED PROPERTY &-1 RESIDENTIAL; AND FWQVIDING FOR THE EFFEC~IVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. ~HEREAS, the City Commdssion of the Ci~y o~ Clearwater, Florida, enac~ed Ordinance No. 759 on January 13, 19S5, which Ordinance declared the 1n~ention or said City to annex property, a portion of ~1ch is known a8 Oak Acres Addi~ion, Unit 3, and portions of which are in Oak Acres Addition. Oak Acres Addition Uni~ 1, and Oak Acres Addieion Unit 2, into the corporate limits of the City ot Clear- water j and, WHEREAS, said Ordinance was published once a week ~or four consecutive weeks in the Clearwater Sun, a newspaper published in the City or Clearwater, Florida. proof of Wbich publication is hereto a~tached; and, WHEREAS, more than thirty days has eapired since the enactment of Ordinance Ho. 759 and no regis~ered voter of ~he City of Clearwa~er, no owner of real estate in the territory to be annexed, and no person whomsoever has objec~ed to such annexation or has applied to the Circui~ Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuie in and for Pinellas County, Florida, setting forth any objec~ions to said annexationj and, WHEREAS, all of che provisions in Section 171.04. Florida Statu~es, have been complied with; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITl OF CLEARWA'l'ER, FLOHIDA: Sec~ion 1. The City or Clearwater, acting by and through its City C0JDf41ssion-.' by the authority and under tm provisions of Sec~10n 171.04, Florida S~a1;utes, . hereby annexes into the corporate limi~s of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and re-defines the boundary lines of said City so as to include the following: Begin at ~he NE corner of Sec. 23, lwp. 29S, Rge. l5E, and run thence N. a80 59' 48" W, a21.4g fee along the N Line of said Sec. 23 for POB; ~hence continue N a80 59' 48" w. 1403.0 f~. thence S. oP 21' 39" E. 390.07 r~.; thence s. 8go 59' 48n E. 125.0 rt. thence N. 680 07' 16" E. 64.48 rt. thence s. ego 59' 48" E. 424.67 f~.; thence s. 890 49' 57" E. 180.12 r~.t thence s. 50 30' 00" W. 198.47~. ~hence along a curve to the r~ht whose Chord South 150 40' 21" West 76.72 rt. Arc equals 77.12 ~. and radius equals 217.2 ft. thence S 250 50' 41" W. 41.5 ft. thence S.- 160 36' 18" West, 62.29 ft., thence S. 250 50' 41" W. 115~67 ft., thence S. ago 57' 46" E. 725.14 fe., thence N. 00 14' 58" W. 51.31 ft., thence S. ago 5a' 47" E. 120.0 ft., thence R. 00 14' 58n w. 756.34 ft., thence H.aao 59' 4a" w. 105.0 ~t., thence I. 00 14' 58" w. 30.0 f~. to POB. which is platted Oak Acres Addition, Unit 3, Plat Book 46, Page 6, and Lot 2, Block C, Oak Acres Addition, Plat Book 32, Page 70, and Lo~s 1 and 2, Block H, and Lot 10. Block F, Unit 1, Oak Acres Addition, Plae Book 34, page 31, and Lot 14, Block S, Oak Acres Addition Unit 2, Plat Book 34, page 63, Orflcial Records, Pinellas County, Florida. Said prope~y i8 hereby Zoned R-l, Residential. Sec~ion 2. the City Engineer and the City Clerk are direc~ed to include in and set out and show upon the official zoning map and o~her official maps of tbe City of Clearwater, the foregoing property ~ith its zoning as indicaeed. , A~~est:: ~s/ Lewis Homer ~ yor-Commissloner ". :..', . , '. ': " . n .~. __ .' :; ......, .'fv.4,...,' ~ .,,' . ,'~ ,; ...~,...-.,''''::'';.'~,. -'" ~ 0 CITY CDNY�ITSSION MEETING February 2k, 195$ The City Commission of tha City of Clearwater met in speci.al session at the City Hall, Monday, February 21�., 195$, at 1;30 P.M. with the following me:nbers presents ' Levais Homer 2�iayor-Commissioner W. E. S�rang, Jr. Commissioner .iames H. Watkins Commissianer EI��bert R. Fields Corr�is�ioner �b,sen.t: Cleveland Insco,Jro Commissioner Also present were: Jack Tallent GiLy Manager Bsn Krentzman City Attorney S. Lickton Qity Engineer Sgt. W. J. Premru Represenbing Police Chief The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced the continuation of the Public Hearing on the constructi�n of paving and drainage in th� alley between Block 12, Magnolia Park and Block l2, Court Square. The Engineer es�cimated the total cost of the project at �$3�.00 or �1.$I per lineal foot, the same as the estimate given a� the lasL hearing on January 20th, Mr. Herbert Brown, attorney, on behalf of Mrs. Sarah °. Brown, objected tb the paving but asked if the project was approved that the ailey be paved so there would not be a dust and drainage pro- blem. Mr. Fred McManus, att.orney, statsd the Red Cross would be willing to pay for paving; Mr. D. J. Lagamba said the Knights of Pythias would pay its share of thc paving. Mr. James Magurno abjected to the paving adjacent to his praperty but o£f ered to pay for the catciabasYn. Having held this continu�d Public Hearing and having considered the obje�tions raised, C�mmissioner W�tkins moved that paving and drainage oi alley betwesn Court and Franklin Stre�t grom ACL Railroad east 244 �eet be authorized and ths proper officials be authorized to put it out for bids; that the proper authorities and officials take necessary action to have the encroachments removed prior to tt�e wcrk bei.ng done; that the cost of construction be assessed.against the adjoining property. Motion was seconded by Commissioner� Fields and carr�ed unanimously, A latter was r�ad from th� Clearwater Beach Resort Association regarding a compromise program on parking meters which asked the Comn►ission ta remove a'i meters on Mandalay north of Baymont, on Bay Esplanade and Rockawap, and to con- sider paving and installing meters on Lot 1, Citq Park Subdivision, (Everingham parking lot) subject to the approval of the State Road Board. Mr. H, W. Shepard representzng the Clear-�ater Beach Association repeated: the Association did not believe the meters had been in long enough for a fair trial and requested further s�,udy. Commissioner Ws�tkina read a letter signed by Joseph Schultz, Leonard Merrell and Wm. H, Rippard stating that out of a tntal of th�rty members listed for the Clearwater Beach Busin�ss Group, seventPen had signed 2ither the petition for removal of a12 meters or the corollary agrsemenz to control parking of their cars or iheir, emgloyeesr cars or had sign.ed both. Mr. Leonard Merrell speakin� for the Independent Cit3zens Committee requested any decision on the meters be deferred until Commissioner Insco could be present. Commissioner Strang mov�d that the Clearwater Beach Resort Associata.on request and the Clearwater Beach Association request be received for study and a report at the meeting of March 17th� Mogion was seconded bp Commissioner Fields and carri,ed unanimously. Tt was announced that Commissioner Insco was absent because of iZlness. Mr. James No�otny, President of Clearwater Beach Resort Association, re- ported: the Association had written a letter to the Governor and the State Dsvel- opmerit Commission protesting the use of �65,000.00 0£ State money to promo�e tourist facilities in t he lower'East Coast area and iarging all promotion be made on a State wide basis. Mr. Novotny pressnted a letter asking the appro- priation of additiQnal fundr� to be used ��r the Chamber of Commerce to attract visitors between now and June lst. Commissioner Watkins moved that the Commis- sion follow the s�gestian of th� Clearwat�r Beach Resort Association to write a letter to the pmper State authoritiEs asking them to include Clearwater in �heir program; and accept Mr. Novotny's letter and take under further advisemen.L the request for additional mone,y to advertise Clearwater. Motion was secondeci by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Mayor reported the JayCees were anxious to acquire a location for a clubhouse of adequate size and have requesttd that the Man�ger,Recreation Dir- ector and the City Planner form a Committea to investigate suitable locationa and with the JayCaes to report back to the Comnission� �ommissioner Watkins moved the proper authorities be so directed. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The request from Mr. John C. Brown, Presicient, Clearwater Senior FTigh School. Band Boostors, for some aid in financing the tri� of"the band to Washin�ton, De G., to appear in t he Cherry Blossom Festival presented on Februas°y lOth was considered again. Commissioner Watkins moved the Commission appropria�e �500.Q0 to sen� the Clearwatsr High SchooZ Band to Washington, D. C., and the proper authoriti8s be auth- orized t.o transfer the fnnds from the co`rrect account. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Fields and carri�d unanimously. � \ i 5:; -2- CITY COMNiISSION MEETINC February 2t�, 195$ Mr. Herbert M, Brown, attorney for Mr. P+Iyron G. Moore, owner of Lots 12 and 13, Block Y, Bay Terrace Add�tion, appeare� regarding the request for vacation of a portion of Port Way submitted at the meeting of Febru�ry l0i;h, Cor�missioner Watkins moved that the �est end of Port Way from the extension northerly of the north-south lot lina dividing Lots 1 and 2, Black Z, Bay `ierrace Addition, be vacated, tliat the proper authorities be authorized ta drat�r up �f Rasolution 5$-13 and to execute ito t�iotion was seconded by Comiaissivner Strang and carried unani- mously. A plat of Drew Terrace was presented for approval. The Manager reported the developer, Mr. D. E. Bleakley of Safe�Nay Brokers, Inc. , had s3.gned the contract in accordance with Drdinances 632 and 750 and had gosted bond for improvements. It was pointed out the exisLing zon�ng was Business for Lots l, �:2, and 43, and R-2 for the remainder of the lots. The Znning and Planning Board recommended approval of the plat but suggested a minimwn width of sixty feet would be more desirable for duplex lots than the fifty feet allowed on the pla�. It was the opinion of the Commission the reguirement for a sixty foot width coul.d not be enforced. Comm�ssioner Strang moved the proposed plat of Drew Terrace Subdivision be approved in t he form submitted; that the contract und,er the provisions of Ordinances b32 and 750 which has l�een executed by the subdivider be appro ved; and the proper officials be auth - orized �o indicate the approval of the plat by ex�cuting the same. Motion was seconded by Commisaioner Watkin� and carried unanimously. Mr. Gharles Phillips, Jr., on behalf of Mr. Nick Lembo, presented for approval a:plat of Lembo •Subdi�isior_. He explained the original plat approved by the Commis- sion but not filed had includsd th€� �gtension of Lincoln Avenue directly sou�h with a fifty foot right of way approvsd by -��`�e Gommission; however, with Mr. Lembo pro- viding forty-eight feet of the righ�c-of-�ay, it was necessary to obtain a two foot strip from Mr. A3do Chambers and also the sam� amount� �rom iKrs. R. Lind. The City Attorney reported Mr. Chambers had executed a dee�d to the City but Mrs. Lind had not. The new plat of iembo Subdi�i�ion curved the Lincoln Avenu� right of way through Mr. Lembo's property. Mrs. Lind asked that a decision on t he matter be d�layed one week. Cor�mi�sioner Watkins moved the Commission postpone the matter for ane week until March 3rd. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously, The Nlanager presented a Raplat of Lots 5,6,$,9, 10 and 11, Block B, Parkwood Subdivision, for approual. He stated the Zoning and Planning Board recommended approval. ihe Engineer also racommended it as the surveyor had made an error in. the original plat and this replat was correcting the error. Commissioner Watkins moved the Replat of Lots 5,b,$,9,10 �nd 11, B1ock B, Parkvaood Subdivision, b,e ap- proved as recommended by the City Engineer and the praper authorities be authorized to execute i�. Motion v�as seconcled by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. A plat of Drevr Manor was presented for approvale The NIanager reported the developer, Douglas �-. �leiss, had signed the contract in accordance �aith Ordinances 632 and 750 and had posted bond to cover improvements. The Zoning and Planning Board had approved the plat with existing zoning of Business for Lots 49,50 and 51, and R-2 for the ramainder of the lots. The Commissioners said it was planned for Du�can Avenue to be a through street instead of dead end as it appear$d on the proposed plat, The cle�ve].oper agreed to change the plat to sui� the Commission's re- quirements. Commissioner Watkins moved the plat of Drew Manar Subdivision to be amended as required by the Cii:y �ommission. �snd to be finally checked by the City Manager to be sure the corrected p�.at is in accordance with such amendr�ent be ap- proved; that; the coni:ract under the provisions of Ordinances 63� and '750 be approv�d; tha.t the proper oiiicials be authorized to execute Lhe amPnded plat. Motion was seconded by Commissioner FieZds and carried unani:nously. An application was presented from Sa£eway Brokers for permi.ssion to construct two commercial signs (12' x 3' and 6f x$' ) on their proper�Gy ir� a�usiness zone on the north side of Drew Street and east of Saturn Avenue extended, mhe Zoning and Planning Board recommended approval vri.th the provision for a time limit o£ six months. Ca:nmissiener Watkins maved upon the recommendation of t he Zoning an d Planning Board that the applicata.on of Safeway Brokers fox tt� establishment of two commercial advertising si�r.s as indicated on th� application be approved *�vith the understanding that the copy of �he sign be as indicated on tl� application and that the perm3t be limited to a period of six months. Nlotion was seconded by G'om- �issioner Fields and carried unanimously. The iQanager pres'ented an application from Weiss & VJeiss 'Davelopment Corporation for permission t o canstruct a comcnercial sign ($' x b') on their property in a Bu�i- ness zone on the north side of Drew �treet and o:� the west side of Jupit�er extension. The Zoning and Planning Board recommended approval with the pro vision for a time limit�of six months. Commissioner Watkins moved unon t he recommendation of the Zoning and Planni.ng Board that the appTication of Weiss & Weiss Dev�lopment Corpora- tion for the establishment of a commercial adv�rtising sign as indicated on the appli- cation be approved with the understanding that the � opy of the sign be as indicated on the application and that the permit be limited to a period of six months, Pdotion was seconded by Comr�issioner Fields and carried unanimously. An application was �resentad from �learwater Federal Savings and Loan Associa- tion for permission to consr,�Gruct a commeroial advertisin� sign (11�`' x 2�T) on tYie property of Vince Anna's Restaur�nt located in a Business zone on the north side og Cleveland Street �ppoaite the junctian af Lincoln Avenu�. Commiss3.oner �trang moved the application be denied in a accordance with the recommendation of t he Zoning and P2anning Board. Motion wassseconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. �/l CTTY CO'.�LMISSION MEETING Fmbruary 2�., 1.95$ The Manager submitted an application from Gulf 0il Corporation for permission to construct a gas st,ation at the northwest corner of Fairmont and N�rth Fort k�rrison Avenue, `8he Engineer recommended approval of the plan subject to mindr corrections and subject to tho water from the wash rack being discharged into the storm sewer at Fairmont and Osceola, Commission�r Fields movea �he permit be gran�ed subj�ct to the Engineer�s recommendations. Motion was secqnded by Commissioner I�latkins and carried unanimously. The Manager reported that of the �150.00 appropra.ated in t he �5 -t5$ budget for promotions7. advertising of th_e Sea-O-Rama there was a balance of �45.20 and an outstanding bill of �217.50 exists payable to "Whatts What'�, visitors guide. He recommended the appropriation o£ an additional �20D.00 to Promotional Advertising, Sea-O-Rama, from the propex reserve account. Comrai.ssioner Strang moved the Managerts recommendation be approvcd. Motion was seconded by Co�issioner Fields and �arried unanimausly. The Manager recommended acc�pting the low bid of �7,fl33.3� from Gone Brothers Cont-racting Company , Tampa, for th,e construction of sanitary sewer on Nicholson Street from ]3etty Lane to Jei£erson. HG reported the budget est�mate for the work was �p5,250.fl0 but by using the surplus from the Eldridge Strs�r, sanitary sewer job {�1,783,30) the c ontract price wo uld be covered. Commissior.ea• Watkins moved the bici be awarded to Cone Brothers Contracting Company in the sum of �7,033.30 and the pro ez� officials be authorized to execute it. M�tion was sec6nded by Commissioner Fields p and carried unanimouslye It was recommended by the Manager that tha low bid of �25,b30.72 from Misener & McEvo�r, St. Petarsburg'Beack►, be accepted to construct aciditions to dock facilities at the Clearwater Marina. the Manager explained that this work did not include the control tower. Commissiones Watkins moved the bid be awarded to �Iiaener & McEvoy for the construction oi additional dock facilities at the C:learwater Marina and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Mot io� was seconded by Commissioner Fie]�ds and carried unanimously, The Manager recommended accepting the lawest complete bid o£ �1,5$'].96 with 1� discount from the Nlanarch Corporation, Miami, for 93 one way signs witti lefL arrow witli brackets and 10$ one way signs with right arrow with brackets. He ex- plained the apparent low bid of �1,3y.2.L�t� from the Minnesota Mining, Atlanta, Georgias did not included 'arackets which would make its bid hzghez� than that of the Monarch Corgoration. `Phe M�nager s�ated th�t this cost w ould be charg�d to the �10,000.00 appropriation for the one way street program. Commissioner Watkins moved on the recommendation of the Traffic Captain, the Ghief oi Police and the City Manag�r that the bid for �1,5�7.96 submitted by I�Ionarch Corporation, Miami, be accep�ed and the proper officials be authorized to sign the cantract. Motion was seconded by Commissiener F3eld� and carried unaniaously. It was recommended by the Manager �Ghat the loraest alternate bid of �1,116.72 from Industrial Supply Corporation, Tampa, be accepted for 19$ pi�ces oi 2 inctt x 12 feet galvanized pipe for sign posts for the one-way traffic program. He ex- plained there would be a saving by using less concreta than if the base bid for ten and one ha1£ foot pieces was accep�ed. Commissioner Strang moved the recom- mendation that the Industrial Supply Corporation be awarded the bid in the amount of �1,116.�2 be approved and the proper offi.ials authorized to execute the ^�n- tract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Wa�kins and carried unanimously. 7'he Manager recommendsd accepting the low bid af �1,700.00 from Southern Signals, Shreveport, Louisiana, for 3 vehicle controlled controllers, $ magnet3c detectors and 3 amplifiers to be used in the one way street program and cost to be charged against the program. Gommis.si�ne� Watkins moved the bids for traffic signal contr�llers for the onea�ay traffic program be a�varded to the Southera� Signals, Shrevepart, Louisiana, in the a�ount of $1,7W .00 and t he proper n�ficials be 3uthorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Comm3ssioner Fields and carried unanimously. It was recommended by ths Manager that the lowest base bid of �']�l�q7.£32 less 2� ctiscount from Industris�l Suppiy Corporation, Tampa, be accepted for 5,160 feet of four inch galvanize.d pipe and 1, 61�0 ieet of tv+o inch ga�.van�.zed pipe for the Utilities Department to be used to replace gas main pipe along Alternate U.S. 19, Dunedzn. Commissioner Watkins moved the bid for galvanized pipe for the Utilities Department be awarded to the Industrial Supply Corporation, 'Pampa, in the amount of �7,497.$2 and the pi�oper authorities be author;.zed to sign the contract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and earried unanimously. The Manager recommended accepting the low bid of �651.Q0 from Mr. Virgil Dobson for a cottage owned by the City located at 3165 Gulf ta Bay Boulevard (east of Bay View Civic CentEr). He explained the building �ould be removed irom t he s it� �.naluding the f oundatio ns. Commissioner Watkins moved the �id of Virgil. �obson_in the auiount of �551.0(� be accepted for the sale of surplus buildirig, 3165 Uulf to Bay Boulevard, and the proper oificiais be authorized to sign the'contract. Motion r�as seconded by Commissioner Fi�l:ds and carried unanimously. � �� ,,,� �i„ r,���0 -4- GITY CaMNdTSSIAN MEETIIvG February 24, 195$ An offer tca purchase a�ifteen foot square area in the northwest corner o�' Lot'22, Block G, Second Additiora to Sunset Point, was presented in the amount of �50.00 from Mr. Fred J. Kuhn, owner of' the remainder of the lot. The Manager re- commended t�e offer to purchase this well site be accepted if Mr. Kuhn assumed alI charges attached to transfer nf the proFexty. It wa� report4d this had l�e�n a test well site but never used as �the water was na� good. The Mayox suggested ano�her test be made of the water if the test was not too expensive. Commissioner StTatkins maved the mattei� be postponed. M�tion vaas seconde3 by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Manager reported only one bid was received, that of Carl Whiting, to opesat:Q i;he se�� cushion and program concession at Jack Rasssll Stadium for the amount of 036¢ per paid admission to be paid to the Citv. Commissioner V�atkins moved the b�dl be accepted for the s eat cushion and program concessi�n at Jack Russsll Stadium from Carl Whiting in the r�mount of ,036¢ per �aid admission. Motion was seconded by Gommissioner Strang and carried unanimouslp. The I�tanager asked permission to take bids on the old serial fire truck in- stead of usirlg it for training purposss as he had,receivod a good verbal offer on it. Commissioner Watkins moved to authorize the Manager to take bids on it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carri�d unanimously. A statement was presente�i to cover a cost of �1�Ja.9.16 to cover the c osu of materiais, etc., used in greparing tha brochure to present to the U. S. Army Engineers re�arding Little Pass improvements. The Manager recommende�i approval of the itemized statement. Commissioner Strang moved the amount appraved by the Manager f�449.16) be trans#'erred to the proper reserire acconnt. Motian was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried un�ni.mously. The Manager explained th�t since the budge�, was adopted an emp�oyeas� pub- lication called TMThe City Employee� had been initiated and an appropriation of $11�S.00 is neede3 for the monthly copies until July lst. He recommended �145.00 be appropriated and transferrad to the piroper account. Commissioner Strang moved approval of the Managerfs recommendat�on. Motion was s econded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimo�asly. The Ivlanager announced there would be an exhibition of a brush chipper at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, Februarp 25tka, on South Washington A<<enue one block south of Cleveland Street. The Mayor recommended approval of the audit report fsro m Turnburks, Bror,k and Raines for the fiscal year of' 4g6-°$7. Co�iSsioner Strang moved �h� audi� be approved and acceptsd and zhat the f irm of Turnburke, Brock and Raines be con- � gratulated on iLs audit. Motiar_ was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carr3ed unanimouslye The Manager su�gested th..3t a Res�lution be addressed to t he Sta�e Soad Depart�ent asking ah�a�s to maks a survey for a proposed uraffic signal at the corner of Gulf to Bay and I,al�e sincQ two petitions had bean received for a tra£fic signal at tlaat �oint. Commissioner Strang moved �hat Resolution 5�-1J� be passed and adopted and t he proper officials be authorized �o exe�ute it. Motion was seconded by Commis�ioner Watkins and carried unanimouslp. It was recommended by the Manager and the Mayor that a Resolution be prepared asi� the 5�at� Road DeparCment to send in a maintenance crew to r epair the r ecent res•sr�acing job done on GuZf to Bay Boulevard (State Road 60) and F`ort Harrison.. (Alternate Routa 19). Commissioner Wgtkins moved that Resolution 5$-15 be prepared and executed by the proper afficiaise Motion was se�onded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commis�ioner Watkins reco�ended ti�.t the :�tate Road Baard be asked to give the City the proposed center lane of North Myrtle Avenue all the way to Fort H�rri.son so t�e City could continue getting the necessary right o� wap. Commissioner Watkins moved that Resolution 5$-16 be psepared and executed by the proper officials. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fielda a.nd carried unanimousl.q. Commissioner Fields s�gested that the State Road De artment be reques�ed to de- signate Garden Avenue as Fart of Alt�rnate 19 (northbound� and r esurface it. Com- missioner Fields moved that Reso?ution 5$-1% be pre pared an d e xecuted by t he proper officials. Motion was seconc3ed by Commiissioner Watkins and carriad unanimouslyo The Engineer recommended that the East Avenue water tank be emptied and inspected bp himself, the Consulting Engineer and Mr. Glayton Ogles or his �epr�sentatiye in orider to determine its condit ion. He said an appropriati�n of �250.00 would be nec- essary to pay Mr. Ogle� for the cleaning of the tank be£are tt� inspec�ion. ^ommis- sioner Watkins moved t� authorize the Ci�y Engineer to contract f�r the inspection. not to exceed �250,00 and that the proper monies be appropxiatod from the correct fund. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimous�.y. ��� -5- CI`PY COMMISSIQN MEETING February 24, 195$ Resolution 5$-1$ was presented which vaould assess the cost of construction of pavement, curb an�i drainage in Gunn Avenue from Gulf to Bay to R.ainbow Drive against the benefited properties. Commissioner Watkins moved th�t Resolution 5$-1$ be passed and adopted and the proper autharities be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unaniruously. The Attorne:; recommended cancellation. of sewer assess:nent of �14$.27'against acreage in Section 11�.-29-15 owned by Miss Elsie Duncan in retnrn for a deed for portions of rights of way �or Keystone and Yelvington Avenues 160 feei south from Druid Road. Commissioner Waticins commented since the property was not yet platted it would be possible to secure �he remasnder of the ri�ht of way when it was devel- oped. Commissioner 'Natkins moved ap�moval of the canceTlation of sewer assessm�nt in t he �mount of �]Ja.$.27 against property owned by Miss Elsie Duncan in return for deed ior the rights of way described. Motion was seconded by �ommissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Manager submitted a plat of Lak�view Estates Subdivision for approval. The Attornay reported the d�veloper, Mr� Harold V., Dowell, had signed a contract in accordance with Ordinance 632 which did not include the provisions to install streetlights and street signs according to Ordinance 750. Mr, DoweTl stated 'ne had had ma� unexpected expenses in developing this new area and expressed himself as willing to install the street sign� but not the streetlights, The Atitorney pointed out the plat� submitted �aas for just two blocks and the contract and bond coverad on7:q this plat. Commissioaer Strang moved the plat of Lakeview Estates Subdivision be apgroved in the form submitted and that the contract under the provisions of Ordinance b32 be approved v�i:th the specific understanding that the provisions of �Jrdinance �50 shaT� not be required pertaining to streetlights only because of the fact 1:h�t this subdivision had been under consideration by the City g-rior ta the enact�ent of Ordinance �5a and the subdivider had committed himself in the belief that he would not have to comply with such Ordinance of which he did not have knowledge and further that the proper officials be authosized to execute the plat. Motion was seconded by vomm3ssioner Fields and carried unani- mously. The Attorney read ori its first reading Ordir,ance %62 wh�ch would annex the north-half of the NE� of the NE�, Section 22-29-1�, (Lakeview Estates and other lands), The Zoning and Planning Board*� recommendation was tla t the first tier of lots facing Jeffords 6n the west half of the acreage be zonedR-1 and the re- mainder of the west half between the proposed rights of way of �,vergreen and Betiq Lane be zoned R-2; that the ent;.re east half of the acreage be zoned R-1. Co�r,mzssioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 762 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 762 be consid ered on its second reading by tit le only with unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. Mot ion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance by title only, Gommissioner Watkins moved Ordinance 762 be �assed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner ields and carried unanimously. Commis�ioner Watkins moved that Ordinance �b2 be aonsidered on i�s third and f inal reading with the unanimous consent of the Commissionera present.' MoGion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance in f ullo Commissioner Watkins moved Ordinance '�62 be passed and adopted on its third and final reading and the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was s8conded bp Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney reported the City had borrowed �225,000.00 £rom the City National Bank of Clearwater at 3� interest, the proceeds of which were used for construc�ion of certain groins and seawalls on Clearwater Baaah and remodeling the Munic�pal Auditorium. He explained the note was to be retired at $50,000.� per }rear; in February 195�, a payment of �y0,000.00 was made and a new note given for �1%5,000.00. He said he, the Treasurer and the Manage� recommend a payment of �50,Q00.00 be made at this time and a new note for �12�,000.00 at 3� interest per annwn, payable on or before February 20, 1959r be executed and delive�ed te the City National Bank. Commissioner Watkins moved tY� ap�oval of the payment of �50,000.00 and the execution of a new note for �125,000.00 for one qear at 3�. Motion was seconded by Cominissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney presented Resolution �$-19 which would make a supplemental assessment on the cost o� sanitary sewer for Brightwater Drive. He explained the new Resolution would make additional assessments and would relieve certain assess- ment� that were made by the adoption of Resolution 5$-12 on February 3rd. Com- mis4ioner Watkins moved that Resolution 5�-19 be approved and ihe proper authori- ties be at�thorized to sign it and make the a�sessment. Motion was seconded by Commissioner F'ields and carried unanimously. �. � E�,; (, -6� CITY COMMTSSION MEETING February 21�, 195$ In regard to the annexi.ng o.f Rollins Subdivision, the Attorney reported the developers, C. E. Gates and Charles H. Criobs, hsj signed the Ordinance 632 contrac� and had posted �5,000.00 bond to cover sanitary seWer in��talla�ions. He explained the plat previously had been aeceptad and filed by the County and improvemencs were installed underCoun�y supervision, but after request for annexati on, the City Er.gineer had required certain sanitary sewer .installations. Commiss3oner Watkins moved the Ordinarace 632 contract inr Rollins Subdivision be approved. Mobion was secondsd by Cnmmissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Att�orney read on its first reading Ordinance 763 which would annex acreage to be known r�s Rollins Subdivision into the City limits. Commissiones Watkins moved Ordinance jo3 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded hy Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Zonin:g Board had recommended R-1 zoning. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 763 be considered on its second reading by title only with the unanimous consent �f �he Commissioners present. N, otion was se�onded bq Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney reAd the Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 763 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Corr�issioner Strang moved that Ordinance 763 be consiriered on its third and final reading with the unanzmous consent oi the Commissioners presen�. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Th� Attorney read tha Ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 763 be passed and adopted on its third and f inal re ading and the proper of fic ials authoriz ed to execute it e Mo�cion was seconded by Commissi�ner Fields and carried unanimously. In regard to the annexing of Oak Acres Addition Unit 3, the Attorney repor�ed the developers, Ant�n and Walter Kresse, had signed the contract in accordance with Ordinances 632 and 750 and that no bond had been required since improvements had been installed pie vious to acceptance of th� subdivisinn by the City. Commissioner Stran� moved to accapt the contract under the provisions of Ordinance C�2 and Ord3- nance �50 for Oak Acres Addition Unit 3. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fislds and carried unanimously. The Attarney rsad on its first reading Ordinance '761a, which woulc3 annex acreage ta be known as Qak Acres Addition Unit 3 and portions Qf Oak Acres Ad�ition= Oak Acres Addition Unit l and Oak Acres Addit,'�n Unit ?.. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 7F�4 be passed on its first reading. Notion was seconded by Com- missioner Fields and carried unanimc�zsly. Commissioner Strang moved Qrdinance '7b4 be cons�d ered on its second reading with the unanimous co�sent of the Gomznissioner$ present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Attorney read tha Ordinance by title onTy. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinaaae 76k be passed on its second read- ing by title only. Moti.on wa� seconded by Gom�issioner Watkins and carried unani� �ously. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance 764 be considered on its third reading with the unanimous consent of the C�mmissioners present. Motion was seconded 6y Gommissianer Fields and csrried unanimously. '�he Attor ney read �he Ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved Ordinance �64. be passed and adopted on its third and final �.eading and t hat the pro per officials be authorized to execute it. Mot ion was seconded by Cou�nissioner Fiel,ds and carried unanimously� `Phe Attorney reported there was a motion in the meeting of January 13th stating that no furth�r pay raises would be made until after a jo�nt meeting o� the Givil :ervice Board and the Commission, and since that meeting had taken place, the Cicil Service Board was asking for some action to appear in the minutes approving pay raises. Commissioner 5trang moved the action of the City Manager in acting upon recommendations of the Department Kead� for parmissive pay increases from Step 1 to Step 2 for eighteen months service effective January l, 195$, for cer� tain City emp].oyees, is apprc�ved and he is authorized and directed to take such future action as may be necess�ry �o exercise his discretion on such recammendations, and that the motion of January l3, 195$ tc the contrary be rescinded, and the pay raises be retroactive to January 1, 19��. Motion was seconded by Comraissioner Watkins and carried unanimouslye A proposed extension of lease requested by Miss Elsie Luth�r far Room 5, Marina Bui]:ding, at a rent of �165.00 per month was presented. The Attornep ex- plained the former lease expired September 30, 1g57, and the new lease would ex- pire November 30, 1962, the time set for all leases in the Marina Building to expire. Commissioner Strang moved the proper officia7.s be authorized to execute the lease. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. CT`PY C(Y�I�SSION MEETING February 2y:, 195$ The Att�rney repr�rted tY�t on July 23, i956, the Citp sold I.ots 5�12, Pine)alas Groves, to Mr. J. Franls Hancock, Jr., for �$O,OOO.DO; the Ci.ty took back a mortgage of �60,000.00 dated November 2, 1956, on which �20=OOO.�O has been paid leaving a balance of $�40,000.00. He stated A3r. Hancock would like to have an ex- tension of �he t erms of payment at 1<he same interest rate, �.°fo, and if such extension is approved, he will be able to negotiate this obligation and obtain the money to pay the City. The Qttorney explained the method of payment would require the City endorse the obligation with recourse to Lhe bank. He presented Resolution 5$..2Q which would approve the proposed extensipn of the mortgage with the following terms; �10,000.Q0 payable on May 20, 195$, �10,000.Q0 on November 20, 1Q5$, �10,000,00 on tRay 20, 195� and �10,000.00 on November 20, 1959• Commissioner 3tran� mAved that Resolution 5�-24 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Mr. David Caesar, owner of Lot 1, Block 3, Druid Park, (20$'] Druid) asked that some of the land to the east of his property be cleared at least fifty fest east from his property line. He explained there was too much undergrowth to be cleaned with a mower. By consent, the matter was turned over to ths Mana�er and Mr. �aesar was asked to meet with the Manager regarding the problem. Commissioner Strang suggested acting on recommendations made by Briley, Wild and Associates, Consulting Engineers, in a letter dated February 12, 195�, concern� ing the award of bids for ga�te valves in the w�ter project so they can be ordered instead of waiting until the next meeting. The Manager read the following reco�a- mendations; Item 5, �ate Ualves, units a tr� e �4�2�.t�6 J. B, C1ow, Birmingham, Ala. Item 6, Tapping Valves, units a& b 1725.Q0 Frice Bros., Dapton, Ohio Iten 7, Pressure Reducing Valve, 20" 1540:J0 Ben F. Crabbe, Orlando, Fla. Ltem $, Check Valve, 76" HuY� �nd 5b7.q2 M& H Valee, Anniston, Ala. The Manager joined the Consulting Engineer in recommending the acceptance of these bids �s the lowest and best bids s�eceived. Commissioner Strang moved the valve awardsbe made according to the Consul�ing Engineerts rscommendation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carrie�l unanimously. The Commission now adjourneci as the Ciiy Gommission and actin� as Trustess of the Pension Fund, heard a letter read from Mr. Dave Caruthers, Policeman, stating he was requesting retirement effective March 1, 1.95$, after a period of twenty years of employment •r�itii the City, A letter was read from the Advisory Committee recom- mending Mr. Caruth ers be retired at a pension of �120.27 per month in accordance with the requirements of the pension law, C.ommissioner Fields moved that the pension of �120.27 per month ba approved for Mr. Caruthers e�fective March 1, 195$, and t hat a c�tation be prepared for him for his outstanding service to the Citp. Motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting w�s adjourned at 6;00 P.PR. ALt�st: � Cit C2erk yo - omm�sinn r CITY CONMi ISSTUN idEETII�G February 24, 195$ �.GEnDA Aublic Hearin CITY COMNlISSIOn MEETIAiG ,'avin; an Drainage Alley between Court FEBRU.4RY 2l�, 195$ a�d Franklin - from ACL RR East 2�� 1:30 P.NI. Feet, Continued Invocatior. Introduction Minutes of Pre�edir.g T�eetine Public Hearings Reports of City Manager RepQrts of� Ci-Gy ��lttorney Ci�izens to be Heard Other Commission Action Adjournment P�Ieeting Pension P�an Trustess Fte orts from Ca,t Mana er 2. etter rom learwater Beach Resort Assoa. re Parking Meters 3. Consider Request of JC�s for Property !�. Hi�h School Bank Boosters Re�uest Contribution 5. Closin, a P�rtion of Port Way 6. Rec�uest fcis AF�,roval of Drew Terrace Subd. 7. l�equest for Approval of Drew Manor Suhd. $. Request for Approval af Lemb� Subd. 9. Approval of Repla� of Portion of Parkwood Subd. 10. 9pplication of Commercial Sia"ns 11. Appiication far Corrunes•cial Signs 12: Permit for Commercial Si;�n 13. Service Station Permit, NW Corner Fairmont Str. and N. Ft. Harrison 14. Advertising AcGount, S2a-0-Rama 15. Bidsa Nicholson Street Sanitar}r Sewers, Bettv Lane to Jef�erson 16. Bids, Clearwat�r Marina, Additions t o Dock Facilities 17, Bids, Z'raffic Si�ns fer One-Way Street Pro �ram 1$. Bids, 19$ S„n Posts for Qne-4Vay Traffic Program lg. Bids, Traffic Signal Controllers for One-Way Traffic Program 20. Bids, Galvanized Pipe for Utilities Dep�. 21. Bids, Sale of Surplus Building, 3165 Gulf- to-Bay Blvd. (B1dg. East of Bay View Czvic Center) 22. Surplus Well Lot 23. Bidse Seat Cushian and Program ConcessiUn, Jack Russell Stadium 2�. Old Aerial Fire Truck 25. Littls Pass Report Expendittzres Re orts from Cit Att�rneY 2. Fceconsider�tion of ancellation of Sewer As�es� �ent for Right-of-way from Miss Elsie Duncan 27, dssessment Resolution - Gunn Avenue Pavin� 2i. Consirl eration of Ordinar.c e Annexin� Lakeview Fstates 29. Approval Renewal of Reducecl Obligation at City National Bank 30. Resolution makin�; Sugplemental Assessment� far Bri�htv�ater Drive Sewer Installation 31. Ordinance Annexing Rollins Subdivisa,on 32• Ordinance Annexing Oak Acres Addi�ion, Uait 3 - - ----------------------------�_-------------------_��____�_ February 15, 195� Hon. Lewis H. Homer, I�iapor 3�on. �+iembers oi City Commission City HalZ Clearwater, Florida Ger.t ].emen : The Clearwa�er Beach Rescrt Asso�ia�tzon Y.eld their re�ular meeting on Clear- ��ater Beach, Marina Buildin„ on February l2, 195$, and b3r an overwhelmino majority, instruct�d the Boar3 of Directors, V�zth the c oop�ration of the Farking Meter Cam- mit-tes, to Urorl� out a suitable compromis� progr�m which would �ive relief to their members and ot her citizens of Clearwater Beach, and at the same time, *r�e believe, woald be acceptablP to the City Commission, On Feoruary ll�th, the said Board of Directars met with the Farking Committee and after a aisaussion, adopted the followin; p1an, for your consideration: 1. t��mov� all meters on Mandalay r_orth of Baymont an both sides of the street> 2. Remove a11 meters on both sides of Ba3= Esplanade and Rockaway. 3. �lso, take under consid eration paving the Fverin�ham �arking lot and inst�Tl parking meters zhzre, afti�r discussin� this with the State Road Board so that there vaould not be unnecsssary expense to the City in cass the �tata Highcriay would go thr�ugh this property. We wouid like t� have you understand that we do not lirnit ourselves to this as our finaZ Fosition on the parking problem, and reserve the right to discuss with the Gity Commission, on a friend].y and cooperative basis, any ch�nges or improve- ments in this parking meter. situatinn, or o�her parlcin�; Froblems. Very truly yours, /s/ Adon L. Smith,Jr. �s� James �1. �rovotny, President Chairman Parkin,; Neter Comm. /s/ Joseph Eetts, Vica Presicient �s� Uoris E. Hastie, Secretary CLEt�Ft[�Ta'1'ER BEACH RESORT AS�O�IAZ'IOAt, INC. CIZY COMMISSION MEETING �ebz•uarY 24, 19$£� Hon. Lewis H, Homer, i�fayor Hon. Members �f City Commission Ci�y Hal]. Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: February 21�, 195$ You are undoubtedly aware of the �errii�c blow SuffeY'ecl b}� the resort motel in�ustxy in this �r�at city durina the inclement weather of' recent weeks. We could cit� case after case where motel op�r ators are on th� brink of financial ruin as a result of this situation. It is so grave th�.t aie are �onvinced that unl�ss xeme.dial action is taken at once, �he city is �oino to suffer irreparabl2 losses . Tcr yau, we are sure , it is r�eedless to pQin� out the tax_ revenue losses our fair c�ty* may saffer as a rzstilt of this sitiiation. The City Fathers have svlsely seen fit to aFrro�ri�te certair. monies from tax income each year to adv�rtise in r_crth?rr media th� at:,�ac�i�Ys ar.d enchant- ment o#' visitir_5 this won3erital. sectio� of our cour.trp. TrJe appreciate and com�ier.d the thcu�;ht����ness oi our City Fathers in so doin�;. 44e halre re�sr�n to believe tha.t s�me of the loss�s suf£�red b3J our ir.dustry mi;ht be recov�;?'ed b3r c^.Y: 1T�t'.?�.ciq=� ;7�tr�7''`..,1_'.7Y � :aT+;i•-,� rY. .,?_^?�:CI 2f'. %��i,.+^��^.:1.: {' \i15?t.OT`S t'.7 T.ti1S $T'8cl 1T7 the ;v�elss �et�veen nowr an� Jvne lst, ??]a frzrther LPlieve that unless *rte are succ essful in so doin�, �rave econo�nic consequences will be the result, There- For.e, we ur�e the City, throubr the Citq Comnis�ian, to ;ive consi�eration to an immediate appro�riation �o the Cleai�urater Chember of Comr,�erce, for the purFose of acivertisir_g ihe attracti��eness of a visit to this area in the v�eeks bet�a�en now and June lst . �'de bel� eve that a good ca_mpaie'n i w3ged in zhe i-r�nediate future, will rzsuli. in a f?�ar_cial return well in excess of the agpr�priations made for Lhis p�r�:oSe. �l�ain, may we ir.tgress upon you the gravity of the current �itt;- ticn and the dire need for immediate aet�on. It is our beliei that the l�dver•tising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce is well prepared to launcrt such a campaion irimediatply uron kno�•,ledge tha� the iur_cls are availabl.e. Res�ectfully y�urs, �sf Jarres A, Novotr.y, President CLEAR�vATER BE9CH RES�R^1 ASSOCIATIGN, INCORPORATED R�SOLL�i'ION 58-18 ��;HEREAS, aftpr x�uLlic hea� ino or. the 1�th day of March, 195?, the C9.t5 Comr�ission of the Citg of ClearwaLer, Florida, determined that certain work ar.d improvements hereinaftur described should be done ar.�i made; 3nd, ?VH�REAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as iollows: Const•ruci, pav�emsn�, curU and draina�;e in Gur_n Avenue froM Gulf--��-Bay Houlevard to Rainbola Drive. Clearwa�ex, Florida The propert�es �'acir.; ancl abu�Ling these im�rovemer_ts are �eer�eri to derive sgecial benei'its i;herefrom. :^.�I-ILI�E�S, un�ier the provisions af Section 123 and other pertinent ,r,ro- visions of the G�.ty Charter, after said imgrovem� ts shall have bee.z com- pleted, th� Cit} Coinniission shall assess the cost thereof 3�ainst thz Fro- �erti?s facin� and ahutt�.n:; 2nd *�eceiving ber.efits fron s�id imFrov�merats so n1� d e; and , WHER��.S, certa�n parcvls of real estaLe iacin� and. abutting and ir. th� vicini.ty of' sai� im�rovesn�r_ts have been benefir.ted ther�tp �r_d tn� ,r..r7-rata cast thereof sY�all l�e assessad against such prc�:er�h5=, �i0."', `!'H�REFJFiE, BF IT RES�LVED �Y THE CI`15' COi��2ISSICII� OF TH� GITY OP' L'LrART4T.4TuR, FI,�RIDAj II1F SE.�i."aION DUI.Y I�I��D RE.^.-IJLARLY ASS�NiBIED, 1S FaLLOV�'S : l. That th� above ciesCribed imFrovements in the area of G�unr. �lveruc frcrn Gulf -to-Bay Boulevard to �tainbo�a Drive be ar.d tre s�me are hereb}* accepted and ap�.�oved as havin� beer complet�;d. 2, That the fo1l�i�uing d�scribed prn�erties iacir:g ar.ci abu�ting ar.d in the vieir.itp of t he aioresaid impraverr.ents are hereby deemed to have Ueneiatted by said improJement�s ir_ the following gro�orLions of the cost t,izereof, and the same are hereby assessed in accordance lvith the fcllowin? schedule: (Cont�nued) � ,� ..,. �� .� a , � ASSESSPtIENT GUNN .AVE�UE PlIVING `rOtal Gast �6 07$.76 ^lotal front foo�age �39� Cost per front foot l�.36 plus Property Owner FY�ont Foota�e A�oun� Gunnts �ddit-ion Block A o�t 'i'' , Sam Buchman 1606 E. Broadway Tampa, Florida Lot 6 Effie �rotan 611 North Avenue LesAngeles 51�, Calif . Block B- Re�lat of Gunn's Addition ot Raymond V, Simmerman 1725 E. Iiagno�.ia Drive Cleaz^�,rater, Florida L'ot 5 Raymond V. Simmerman � 1725 L. I�Sagnolia Drive Clear-�vater, Florida SkYcrest, tTnit 1Q Tract A South of Herman Geist I,ot 5, �lk M 905 Ridgewood noad Dunedi.n, Florida �31ock IYI Lot Dale Swar�tzbaugh 17 S. rirst Street Canton, Illa M & � 3$-5621 C�nstantine Farms S 33p� of the 2140 Gu7:f-toaBay Blvd SE� of the NEµ Clearwater, Florida See> 23-29-15 less W 30t for st and less S 50� County side Constantine Farms of Gunn Avenue 214.0 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd Clearrvatez�, I'lorida �in Escrov� $�2,423.7� 13a.00 � 567.71 �.30.00 io5.00 Y05.00 3�..00 102.00 z$�.00 5�7,71 45$053 45$.53 14.$ �47 k45o43 l,zzz.73 506.00 �x2=2o9,65 1392.00 �6,U7$•76 � QI7.'Y COt�u�'iISSTOIV I�i��E2"ING FebruarY 21�, 195� (Continued) 3. '1'hat is aswessrnents herein made are not paid within thirty (30) d�y� fi'rom the d ate hereof, Lh� Ci.ty xreasurer is hereb� directed tp issue and sell certificates of indebtedness unrler Section 12Ly of the City Charter, which cer�i:fa.cates sha11 bear interest at the rate of ei;ht ($°fo) �er anr.um a�airtst the �'oregozrg prqperties for the assessments herea.n made imrnediately uroon the expiration of the foregoin� i:hirty-day Period. FASSED AP1D ADOPZ'FD, this 21�t�?lay of February, 1G5$. _fs/ Zewis Homer P2apor -C omrniss i on er Attest: s R. G. Whitehead ity � erk RESOLUTION �5 �-19 ?"JHE�REAS, after public hearin� on the 15th day of OatoUer, 1Q56, tYie City Commission of the City of Glzarwater, Florida, determined tra� cErtair_ work and imr�r�vements hereinafLer described sho�zld be done and made; ar_ci, WHE�'tEAS, pursuant tYireto said irnprovements haue beer_ made as follows; Construct an eight inch sanitary sevter, manholes and appurtenances in Brightwater Drive from t he center line of Hamden Drive easterly approximate- l.y 2050 feet an d in Hamden Drive from the center lir_e of Bri�htwater Drive souther ly to Fii'th 5treet extended and construct a se�n�a,�e lift statior_ in the area of the easterly portion of Fifth Street extended ar_d construct necessar�* force main frorn the lift station to the existing sanitary sewer ir_ Hamder Drive. The properties fac ing and abuttir_� these i.mgrovements are deemed � o derive special benefit� therafrom. �+�HEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and otl?er Fertir.ent �rocisions of the City Charter, after said imprevements shall have been completed, the City Commissi�n shall assess the cost thereof against the propexties fa�ing and abut- ting ar_d receivin; benefits £rom said improvemer_ts so made; and, T1dHEREAS, cer�ain parcels of r�al esta�e facing and abutting ana in the vicinity of said improvenents have beer� benefittad thereby and the pro -rata cost thereof shall be assessed against such propertf; and, V�iHEREAS, by Resalution No. 5$-12, adapted reUruary 3: 1��8, a shhedula of assess- mer_ts was adogted by �rirtue of wh�ch the Ci�y of Glearwater assumed respons�bi�ity -- for one-half the cost of the sewer lift station installed in connection with said groject and certain properties as t herein described were incorrect��,� exempted from assessment far their pro rata share of tYn cost of sewer ir_stallaLion and certair_ other properties therein described were incc�r rect�y assessed for a purported pro- �ortionate part of the aost of such setr�er installation; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary to make certain supplemental assessments and to can- cel certain assessments preciouslv made, all, as hereinafter set out; NOVd, 'i'HE�.ErORE, B� IT R�SOLVED BY '�.�;iE G�fiY COI��tI�SIOI� OF ^1HE CIlY OF CLEAR- LNA'1`E�R, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AATD REGULARLY ASSEifBLED, AS FOLLOV�IS: 1. `Phat the followino described pro per�ies facing and abutting and in the vicir_ity of the ai'oresa�d improvemen ts are hereby deemed to have been beneritted by said impiovsmerczts in the following proportions of the cost thereof, and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with tY� following schedule; PN.OPERTY OtiVNER FRONT SEWER FOOTAGE Lot 2 Ernest 0. Spoonamoz•e 0 213.73 105 BrightF.ater Dritre I,ot 5 Alexander Topicz 56.64t 201077 123 Bri,�tw�ter Drive Lot 6 Alexander Topicz 56,6�.T 201,7� 123 Bri ghtwater Drive Lot 51 D. Ross Campbell 60' 21.3.13 12.$ Brightwater Drive Lo�t 53 Frank Skisak 6Q' 213•73 120 Brightwater Drive Lot 5L� C. Gilbert Nielson 60Y 213.?3 116 Br�.ghtwater Drive 2. The follo�aing assessments heret�fore incorrectly made and levied by virtue of ResoluL-ion 5$-12, adopted February 3, 195$, are cannelled, and tl� City Clerk a� City Treasurer are authorized and dirPc�ed to so advise persons to wham they were directed and to take such other steps as to render them null and uoid. (Continued) 0 �.� / ., �;:. G� �,r• CITY COI�S�SISSION MEE�i'ING FeUruary 2Li,, �.95� (Contintied) PRQPFRTY O�VNER FRONT S�WER FOOTA�E � Lot 3 `l'homas J, lh�allace Q' , 213.73 115 Brightvzater Drive Lot !r. Thomas J. Wallace 5$.51 20$.y.3 115 Bri�htwater Drive Lot 7 RobErt P. Scott 56.65' 201.$0 125 Brightti�ater Drive Lot $ Robert P. Scott 56,6F�.� 201.77 125 Bri�hhtwater Dxive 3. `Phat zf assessments hexein ma�e are not paid within thirty (30) days frc�m Llze date hereof, tk�e Gity `l'reasurer is hereby direeted bo issue and sell certificates of indebtedneGs under Section 121� of the City Chart�r, which certificates sha11 bear interest at the rate of eight ($jo) per cent per anntun agair.st the foregoino properties for the assessments herein made inunediatelSr upon the expiration of the foreg�ing thi��y-�ay per�.od. pASSED AND All�F`i'ED this 2/�th day of February, 195F�. s Lewis Homer Mayor- oMmissioner Attest: /s/ R. G. VJhiiehead City Clerk February l , 195 Honorable City Commissioners Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees of the CiLy of Clearwater Emplo�tees' Pension I'unct,, �rou are hereby notiiied thaL i;� view of the attached YeLter from Mr. Dave Caruthers, who has com- gle�ed 2Q years4� months S�rvice with the City, the Advisory Conmittee recommends Zhat he be retired at a pension. of �12Q.27 per month which amount is arrived at as f ollows: Total wages paid for the last five yea•rs �17,707.66 Average per year 3,54�.•53 Average per month 295.�-3 2� x z95.13. . . . . . .5>9026 20 years 1�2 months service x 5.9026. ..�120.2� montl�ly Pension Nir. Carutl�rs meets all Lhe requirerr�nts for retirement under our Pension rules and has giver. the City many years of �ood service. Respectfully submitted, ADVISOFtY CON�1I1'TEE oi the City Employees' Pensior_ Fund Paul Kane , Chaii man �„Js� Edw�n Blanton /s� Helen Peters /s� I hereby certify the above dates and calculations to be correct according to the records of this off ice. /s/ Fran�c Abernath�, City Treasurer Advisory Committee of the e s February* 17, 195$ Employes' Pension Fund Dlear�aater, Florida Gentlemen,• Having served the City of Clearwatsr for a peri:od of twenty years, I re- spectfull� request that you consid er my request for retire.ment to become effective Marcr� 1, 195�. Th�nkin� you for your considerat�,on of t his request, I remain Sincer?ly yours,. �s� Dave Caruthers Police Departrn�rlt Clearwa�er, Florid�; CI`PY COMMISSION MEETING Feb�uary 2k, .195$ RESOLUTION � WHEREAS, the plat of Bay Tr�rrace Addition, Plat Book 13, page 22, Public Racords of Pinellas County, Florida, indicates a dead-end street designated as Port Way, running East and West from Doaglas Ayenue to the right-of�wap of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; and, WHEREAS, the owners of property adjacent to the Western end of said Street have requested that a portion thereof be closed and vacated; and, WHEREAS, the portion oi said Street hereinafter described serves no useful purpose to the City or Lo the general public and it ls deemed to be to the acl- vantage and best interest of the Citp that the same be vacate3; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED BX THE CITY CO'ULMISSION OF THE GITY OF CI,EARWA�I'ER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: l. That that portion of Port Way as shown on the plat of Bay Terrace Addition Suhdivision 1yir.g West of the Northerly extension of the line between Lots l and 2, F31ock Z, in said Subdivision, is hereby vacated and r.leased and the City of CleaYwuater :nereby quit-claims and releases aZl of its rioht, title and interest thereto, to persons entitled thereto by 1aw, subject only to e�isting easements or uses for utility easements. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 21�th day af February, 195$• /s/ Lewis Homer Mayor-Gommissioner Attest: /s/ R. G. �hfhitehead City Clerk FtESOLUTION 5 dl� 4 VdHEREAS, State Road 60 is a duly designated and State maintained highwap, a portion of which passes through che municxpal limits of the Citq of Glearwater; �nd, WHEREAS, the intersection of said 5tate highwap, known.-within �he limits oL the City as Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard, and Lake Arive within said City, is a heavily traveled one, at which traffic congestion exists and numerous acci�ents have occurrsd; and, WHEREAS, i� is deemed neeessary and desirable that a traffic control aevice ba installed thereat, which action requ:�res the consent and assistance oi the State Road Department of Florida; NC�W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY t1HE CITY C�SISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEAHWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY A ND REGULARLY ASSEI4IBLED, AS FnLLOWS: 1, That the State Road Department of Florida is hereby requested to author- ize and assist in t he installation of necessary and suitable iraffic control de- vice or devicvs at the intersectzon of State koad 60 and Lake Dr3ve within the limits of th� Caty of Clearwater, Florida. 2, ThaL a certi.fied copy of this Resolution be furnished: Nonorable Wilbur E. Jones, Chairman State Road Board Tallahassee, Florida Honorab7.e Albert L. Rogero, Member St�zte Road Board Tallahassee, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 21�th day of February, 195$• Attest: /s/ R. G. Whitehoad City Clerk /s/ Lewis Homer Mayor-Commissionex� � GITY CUMMISSION N1EE�ING February 24, 195$. �.FSOLUTION _� WHEREAS, State Road 60 �s a 5tate desi�nated and maintained highway runnin� from the Easternmost limits of the Ci�y of Clearwater to the Western limits thereof; and, WHEREAS, said highway is the main East and West arterial highway through said City, is heavily tra�eled and is cf utrrost importance to the City; and, WHEREAS, the surf�ce of said raad is at this time in a state of cli srepair in that there are numerous depressions, ridges and other t;raffic impedimen'ts thereon and the sur��ace thereof cortinually appears to be flaking or deter3orat3.ng so that in wet weather there is a mnd-like surface thereon, and in dry weather there is dust arising therefrom; and, WHEREAS, it is deemed urgently necessary and desirable tha.t said highway be repaire�i; N05J, �IER�FORE, Br� IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY G�l'IMISSION OF THE GITY OF CI.EARWATER, FLORIDA, II3 SESSION DULY ANll REGULARLY ASSFMBI;ED, AS FQLLOWS: l. That the S�ate Road DL,partment of F�.orida is requested to give immediate attenti.an to the repair of State"Road 60 within the limits of the City of Cleaiwater,. Florida. 2. That a cer�ified copy of this Resolution be furnished: Honorable Wilbur E. Jones, Chairman State Road Bo�rd Tallahassee, Florida � Honorable A.lbert L. Rogero, Member State Road Board Tallahassee, Florida PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 24th day of February, 135�. Attest: �s� R. G. Whitehead City Clerk RESOLUTION 5��— �s/ I,ewis Homer Mayor-Commissioner WHEREAS, the State Road Depar'tment of Florida has heretafore assumed as a project, designated as Sec. �560, the exten:�ion of Myrtle Avenue wi�bin the limits of the City of Clearwaters Pinellas County, Florida; and9 WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has been furnished with necessary aligiiment and right�of-w�y requirement s for said project from tY:e Soubh to Palmetto Street within said City; and, WHEREASz it is necessary and desirable that said proje�t be extended North os Palmetto Street to an intersection with Alternat� U. S, 19: NOW, THEREFOR.E, BE IT RES�JLVED BY `iHE CITY COMMISSIOPI OF THE GITY OF CLEARV'lATER, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: l. That the S�ate Road Department is requsst�d to d�signate and iurnish the :;ity of Clearwater, Florida, with an alignment map and right-of-way requirements for the extension of Sec. 1560 from Palmetto Street in �he City of C;learwater, Florida, North to an interaec�ion with Alt�rnate U. S. 190 2. That a certified copy of this Resolution be furnished: Iionorable Wilbur E. Jone�, C4�airman State Road Board Tallahassee, Florida Honarable Albert L. iiogero, �ember State Road Board Tallahassee, Florid a PASSED AND ADOPTEDt '�his 24th day of February, 195$• /s/ I,ewis Homer Attest; Mayor�Commissioner /s/ R. G/ Whitehead City Clerk CT'PX COh,MTSSION MEETZNG February 21�, 1q58 . Honorab�.e Mayor and Merobers of Citq Commission City of C1e�rwater City Aa�.l Clearwater, Florida: Febru�y 12, 195$ Gentlemen: Re: Bids on Materials 195$ Pro gram Water �prpvements R�-�ference is made to the bids as rpceived on February 4th by your Purchasing Agent and in accoidance with the specification as prepared by this firm. All bids have been checked as to proper extension and have been tabulated for your infar�mation. Enclosed herewith are six certified copies of this tabulatian in order that each of you may have a copy for your information and files. With respect to Item 1 and 1-A, 3 and y., it is-recommended t;l�t these bids b� held until we receive bids for the installation of �hes� materials, at whieh time it will be possible to more accurately evaluate and determine the type and quantity of the materials which will be used in the project. Witl-a respect tb Item 5, Gate V'alves, all units a,b,c,d,and e, it is r�commended that award be made to the J. B, Clow and Sons Co., Birmingharn 2, Alabama, as bezr.g the Iowest and besb bids received. With respeat to Item 6, Tappi.ng Va�i.ves, units a and b, ii is recommended that the award be made to �ha Pr�.ce Brothers Co., Dayton, Ohio, as being the lowest and best bids recei�ked. With respect to Item �, PreQsure Reducing Valve, 20TM complete, it is recammended. that the award for this itera be made to Ben F. Crabbe, Orlando, Florida, a� being the lowest and best bid received. WiLh respect to Item $, Check Valve, 16^ Hub End, it is recommended that thz award be made to the M. & H. �dalve & FiLtings Company, Anniston, Alabama, as being the lowest and best bid recei�red. Your attention is called to the fact that alI of the u�ts covered in the above recommandations fully �eet all of the requirements of the spec3fications and it is re$pectfully requested that pou take immediate action on these recommendationsin order that these uni.ts may be placed on order so tl�t theg will be available to the Contractor for incorporation in the project and thus will not delay the con�truetion of this vitally needec3 improvement, It is further requested that you advise us oF your action in order that we may pregare the necessary purchase orders and contracts in connection with your Purchasing Agent. - We sincerely appreciate the cooperation oi t his Cammissior. and also that of all the City personnel who have been so helpful in connection with this pdrtion af the project. Very truly yours, aRII,EY, WILD & ASSOGIATES CQNSULTING ENGINE�RS HDBcmg Harol . Briley Enclasure cc::City Manager - City of Clearwatsr, Florida Citp Engineer - City of Clearwater, �lor�da r�, w, x. Dodg. � CITY COMMISSION NI�ETING February 24, 195$ RE�OLUTION � WHEREAS; J. Frank Hancock, Jr. is indebted to the City of Clearwater in the sum of �40,000.00 together with interest thereon at the rate of Four {4� Percent per annum from July 20, 1957, representzng balance due on a promissory note in the c�riginal principal amount of �60,000.00 given as part payment ior the purchase price of certain propertyr purchased by Hancock from City, which said promissory note is secured by a firs� mortgage date�i November z6, 1956, recorded in Mortga�;e Book 1197, at Page b00, Pxnellas County Records, encumber- ing the property purchased; ano', WI�iEREA�, Hancock has requested Gity to extend payment of said indehted- ness so that it �vill be paid in four principal payment s of �10,000.00 each, to- gether with interest thereon, to be met on May 20, 195$, November 20, 195�', May 20, 1959, and November 20, 1959, and has indicated that wit h such exten�ion the Bank of Clearwater, Clearwater, Plorida, will purchase said note and mortgage ior the bai�nce of principa]. and interest due thereon at the time of said puxchase, providing said note and mortgage, as modified, are assigned with reaourse; and, WHEREAS, City desires to obtain the proceeds from this indebtedneas im- med�ately and is agreeable to as�igning said note and mortgage as modified, with r ecourse, subject to �erms which will protect its interestT NOW, `PHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CON,I�IISSION OF THE CTTY OF GLEAR'�ATER, FIARIDA, IN SESSIOI� DULY ANB REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the pro per City off icials are author_ized to snter into a mortgage extension agreement with J. Frank Hancock, Jr. ex�ending and modifying the tez•ms of said note and mortgage as above set out. 2. That proper Ci�y officials are authorized to assi�ne with recourse, said note and mortgage, as moaifiea, to Bank o£ Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida, upon paymer_t to City of balance of principal and interest due on said note as of t he date of assignment, subject to provis�.on that said mortgage and note shall not subsequently be assigned, shall not be extended or modified by Bank and shall bQ re-assigned to City in tt� event of default. FASSEll xND ADOP`1`ED, this 2�-th dap of February, 195�. �sj Lewis Homer � Mayor�ammissioner Attest: /�s R. �Go ��,W�hitehead it� q Clerk RESOLUTION 5�-17 WHEREAS, State Road Department �f Florida, through its members and officials, has, for the purpase of alleviating traffic co ngest ion on and along Alternate 13.5. 19, whicn is known within the City liYai�s of Glearwater as Ft. Harrison Avenue, rsquested City officials to put into effect a one-v:ay traffic plan by wh ich traific along Ft. Harrison Avenue will proceed only in a Southerly direction, and traf£ic which vrogld otherwise pass thereon in a Northerly direction, will proceed along Garden Avenue, which �s a street parallel to Ft. Iiarrison �venue; and, WHEREAS, such a one-v�ay traffic pla.n has been approved by State Ro�d officials and will take ei£ect on or about April 1, 195$; and, i7HEREAS, such plan will placz on Garden Avenue a lar ge volume of inter-city traffi�; and, WHEREp.S, Garden Avenue is in poor condition and requires immediate repaii: and maintenance; and, WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater, Flo:ida, has necessary funds and equip- ment and is willing to r�move and rel4cate cur}�s f'or the purpose of �traightening. and impro ving the route of Garden Avenue, but does not have the necessary funds and is not able to resurface and improve Garden Avenue; NOPd, THER.EFORE, B]E IT RESbLVED EY THE CITY COIKMISSION OF THE CIT'i OF CI,EARthrATER, FLOP�IDA, I1? SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Garden Avenue within the limts of the City of Glearwater, Nlorida be c�esignated as nAlterna:te 19 Business North't, and thaL- the State Road Department of Florida is requested to designate Gaxden Avenue within the limits of the Ci�ty of Clearv�ater as "AZi,ernate 19 Business Northt�= and that necessary and proper action be taken t o resurface the same and thereafter maintain it as a part of t he State maintained highway systom. (Contintzed) CITY COMMZSSION MEETING February 11�, 195� (Continued) 2. That a certi£ied copy of this Resolution be furnish ed: Honorable Wilbur E. Jones, Chairman State Road Board Tallahassee, Florida Honarable Albert L, Rogero, Member State Road Boarc� Tallahassee, Florida Honorable Charles Fischer, Chairman Board �f County Commiss�.oners Pinellas County Court House. Clea�water, Florida PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 21�th day of February, 195�. Attest: Ls R. C. Whitehead City ].erk �Lewis Homer Ma3ror-C ommis ai on er � ����� ii � Q�iDIN'ANCE N0. 76� AAT OR'DTN1'�NGE ANh$XTI3G ACR�AGE i'0 $E :;'�Ok�N AS LkKE- VI�Sd �S1[�`�'L5 ,SN`L'Q THE GORPORATE LIMIT� OF' Tifr CITY s. OF CL.EI�RtNATER, FLO�IDA, AND REDEFINING THE B�UNDA.F2X' LINES 0�' THE GI'l'3� TO INCLUDE S�ID ADDSTION, ACCORA- IAiG 1`fl THE PAOVISIONS OF BEC'1'IQId 171.04, FI,OHIllA ST�ITUTES; �GONTNG `1HE AIVNEX�D PROPERTY AS HGItEIN PRO- �rIDED; kPID P80VIJ1ING FOR T�iE EF�EG�.'IV� T)ATE OF THI5 • OP�DIIY�NCE . (AIHEREAS, th� City Cammission of the City o� Clearwater, Florida, enacted Or- dinance ho. 760 on January 20, 195$, which Ordinance declaxed the intention of sai,d Gi,ty to annex I,akeview Estates zn�o the corpora�e limits of �he Gity of G1e�r}+r�ter; and, W3HERFAS, said Ordinance was published once a week for faur consecutive wee:cs in the Glearwater Sun, a newspaper published in t�ie Qity of Cl,earwater, Florida, proo#' of which publication is hereto attached; and, WHEREAS, more than thzr�y ciays haae expzred sxnce �he enaatment oi Ordinance No. 760, a�i� no regis�ered votsr of the City of Clearwater= no owner af real e�tate in the territorp to be annexed, and no person whomsoever has objected to such annex- ation or has applied Lo �he Circuit Court of the 5ixth Judicial Circuit in and f�r Pinellas Coun�ty, Flarida, se�Cting f�rth any objections to said ann�xatidn, and� "WHEREAG, all of �Ghe gro visions of Section 171.01�, Florida Statutes, have been camplied w�.th; tdOG�, `1'EiU1iEFOR�, $E il ORDATNED BY 'PH� CITY GOfl��fZSSTON OF 'i'HE CITY OF CLERF�- Vd�TEA, FL(?HTDA • Section 1. The Gity af Clearwater, acting by and thr�ou�h its �ity Corn�nissian, by the authora.ty and under bhe �ovisions of Section 171.0�., F1.orida Statutes, hereby annexes int� the corporate 7.ituits oi' the City o.f' CZaarwater, F�,orzda, and re�defines the boundary �ines of said City so as to include the following: The N� oi the NE � of the NE �, Secti.on 22 Township 2g South, Range l� �ast, Pi,nellas County, F'lorida, contazning :0 acr�s mare or less, to be kno�vn as Lakevisw Es�ates. All the aforesaid property is zoned K-1 Resider.tial except �he iollowing por�ion tnera�f,, whicn is hereby zoned R-2 i3esidential: From the North�ast corner of Section 22, Tor�nship 29 South, Range l� E, Pinellas Gounty, Florida, run N�90 06' �9" �i� 709.47 feet; thence run S OOo Q2' 3$�t E, 135 feet; along the pro posed centerline of �vergreen Avenue to a Point oi Beginning; thence c�ntinue S OOo 02� 3$" Es 396 feet; thence run 5. $g� 06' 39" �. 3S feet along the centerline of pro- posed streei; the�ee � ur� S OaQ 02 � 3$n E. 133 •3�' f'eet along �the pxaposed centerline of Evergxeen Avenue; tYEnce xun N. $90 07t 50" tiYes� 662e13 feet alon� the ten acre lxne; thence run N, OOQ 024 �$'t�tl, 529.62 �eet along the proposed center- 1a.ne of South Betty Lane; then run S. $90 06t 39tt E. 627 �' feet ta POB. Th.e Gity Engineer and the Citp C1erk are direct�d to include �.n and set out and show upon the official zon.ing map and o�h�r officia�l maps of t h� City ai Clearwater, the f oregoing property V�ith its zoning as indicated, Section 2. 'This Ordinance shall become eifective immeda.�:te1y upon its passage. Atte�t,: �_8. G. ZVhi.teheaa City Clerk FkSS�D ON :IF2S1 RL'ADING F'ebruarv 24, 195$ PASSED ON S�COND READING Febrizarv 24, 195$ PHSS�D ON `1'HIa`tD AND FINAL READTNG l�ND AVJPTED Febrnarv 24. 195$ /s( Lewis Iiomer Mayor -Commissioner ,�;�: �,�- 08D'TI�ANCE N0. 763 AN C1�DTN%tNRE ANTvEXII1G l�CREAG� 'i'0 BE KIZOWh AS ROLZINS SiJBDTVISxON I14'PQ THE CORPpRR`PE LI2dITS OF `PHE G'ITY OF C.I,�ATt51Tn'IEli9 T�'LOI�ID�, AND REDEFINTNG `1'f�E HOUI�DAFi' L•IN�S 0� ^1H� GITY TO Ii�CLUDE SAID ADDI'1'It7I�T Ai;CDRUII�G TJ `1`HE PROVISIOId5 OF SEGTION 1']1.01�, FT.O�CInA 5TA`rCJ'i`ES; ZONI�IG '1'H� ANI��I�E➢ PROP�R7.'Y R-1 .RESIDEPiTTAL; ftl�D PROVIDZhG FOR �HE EF'FEC'1IVE D�im�. WHEHEAS, �he City Cocumission of the City of Clearwater, Flori��, enacted Ordinance No. 75$ on Januarq l3, 1958, which Ordinance declared the in�entian o.� sazd City to annex Rollings Subdivision into the corporate limits of the City of Clear�aater; and, WF€EREAS, said Ordinance was published once a week far four consecutive weeks in.the Clearwater 5un, a newspaper pubZished in the City oi Clearwate�, I'loridG, prooi of which publication is hereto atGached; and, U3h�REAS, more tizan thiriY days have ex�ired since the enactment ai Ordi- narice No. 75� and no registered voter of 1;he City of Clearwater, no owner of r�aZ estate in �Ghe territorp 'to be annexed, and no person whotnsoever has ob- jected to such annexation ar has applied �o the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pinellas County, Floriday setting forth any ob- jections to s�id annexation; and. �t�H�R�l�S, a12. of the provisions of Section I�1.Q1�, Florida 3ta�ubes, have been complied with; NOW, .: `c�.E�'ORE, B� I'i" �1R]�I�I1lED BX rCHE GITY CO:•d�iISSIUh OF THE CItY OF CLEtkR'htA`TER, FIARIDA: Section l. rhe City oi Clearwater, acting by an� through its City Commission, by the auLhority and und�r the provisxons oi Sec�iun 1:71.Q�. Florida Statutes, hereby annexes into the corporat e limits af the Cbty of Clearwater, Floxida, and r2-defines the boundary lines oi s3id City so as to inaluds t;�e �ollo�aings Begzn at the I�TWW corner af the NE' �uarter of Sec. 23, T�ap. 2qS, Rge, 15 E and run tlp nce S, Oo 21' 39" East alonQ the rdortl� and S�uth aenter line of said Sec, 23, 663.51� fset, thence S$$0 57' �5" �ast, 32�,.0 feat, thence S. Oo 21' 39n East, 266.0 feet�, thence S. $�° 57� 1�5" East, 1g6„0 feet, thence N. Qo 2I' 40� �ft, 92g.$4 feet to the Section line, thence North $$° 59t !�$'T Z�test� along the Section line 522.0 �eet to the P09e Recorded in P1at Boak 1�3. Page 1�7, Oificial Records of Pine17_as Gounty, Florida. Said property is hereby zoned R-Z, ResidentiaZ, ar�.d the City EnQin�:er and �he City� C1erk are ciire�ted Lo include in and �et out and sho� upon Lhe official. zoning map and oth er of�icial, maps of �he City of �learwater, the faregaing property �aith its zoning as indicated. 5ection 2, This :?r@inanc� skzal�. becomz efiecti.ve � m.r�erlia�a].y txpon its gassage. Pt�:a^SED ON FIFiST READTNG PASSED ON S�GpND REI�DIHG FASSED 02rT THIRII AtdD FTIdkI, REaD2NG ���ID r1DOPTED A�test: /s/ R. G, Whitehead t;i�y Glerk ' February 24L195$ F'sbruarv 24, 19„�$ Februar� 24�, 145$ /s/ Lewis H4mer tiiayor-Commissianer 0 ORDIf�t1NC� N0. 761� �'K �RDI1V�lNGE AIVNEXING PiiOPEh�Y' H�REINAF`lER Ii�S- CRIBE➢� A POIiTZ�JN Or j�HICH I5 ILnOG'dN AS OI►K ACRES ADDITION, UA�'i' a, AND PORTIONS �F ;JIiICH ARL IN `�� '' DAK �CR.�S AD➢TTTON, OAK DaCR�'S ADDIT�OPI UNZT :C AND QAK ACR�S �1DDI^1ION UNZT 2, I1QT0 TIiE CpRFOfiATE L7I�fI2'S OF tHE CITY OF CLi�x.A,Wt�TEt2, F�,ORTDA, AT�D RFs-. DEFIDtING "1'HE BOUND�RY ZINE5 OF THE CITY TO INCZUDF SATD t�DDII^IOht ACCORDII�G fi(3 TH� F'R.OVTSIC7NS �F` SEG-. TION 171.0�., FLORZDA STATUTES; ZONIN^v T1iE ANNE7GED P�t7PERTY it--1 RESIDENTI�L; AND PRqVSDING FQR THE EFFEGTTV� n11�� OF THTS OFIDIN.�INCE, WHETtEAB, the City Commi.�sion of the City- of �Tearwater, F�arida, enacted Ordinance Ns�s 759 an January 13, 195$, which Ordinance declar�d the intention of said Ci�ty to annex propert}*, a portion of which i.s known as Oak Acres Adclition, Unit 3, and portions af which are in Oak Acres Add.xtion, Oak Acrss Adda.tion Ur�i,t l, and Oak Acres Addi�ion Unit 2, into the corporate limits o#' the Cit�r of Clear- water; and, idi�REAS, said Ordinance was published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Clearwater Sun, a newspxper published in the Gity o� Clearwater, Fiorida, proof of �� ich publication is here�o a�tachEd; and, t�7H�R�AS, more th2n �hirty days has espired sa�nce the enactment of Ordinance AIo. 759, and no regis&erec3 vater oi' the Gity of CZear�vater, no owner of rea3 estate in the territory to be annexed, and no person whomsaever has obj�cted to such annexation or has applied to the Circuit C�urt of �he Sixth Judicial CirGuit in and for Pine].las County, Flaricla, se�ting forth any objec�ions tq said annexation; and, i+dHEREAS, all of the provisians in Section 171.04, Florida Statu�es, liave been comFZiect with; NOG��, ZH,REFORL, BE i`i ORF1AIhfED 13Y THE CI`1'Y C0��2�SSTON pF ^i H� CIT`Y' 0�' CLEAR6V�lTER, FF,ORS�?A: Seciion ]... The Citlr of CTearrva�er, acting by ana through i.ts C? ty Gomt,tiss�.on, by the authoritp and unaer tY� pravisi,ons of �ect-�,on 171.01�, Florida Statutzs, h�reby annexes inta i;ha corporate Iimits of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and re-defiaes the boundary lines of said City so as ta include the followingc Begin at the NE corner of Sec-0 23, 2'wP• 295, lige. 35�;, and run thence N. $$° 59° l�$" W, $21.t�$� ft. a1on� the 1V Lane oi said Sec. 23 ior P08•, �hence continue l�T $$° 59, 1��n 6�i. ��.U3,,0 ft. thence S. 0° 21t 39': E. 390.07 ft.; thence S. $$� 59° 4�3" E. 125.0 ft, thence N. 6$° 07T i6tf �, 64.4� i�, thence S. $8Q 59v �,$Tr E, I�,24.b7 it.; thence S. $gQ 49' 57" E� 18Q.12 ft.., tY�nce S. �° 30' O�S' W� 19$.�:7 ft., �ci-�ones along a curYe ta the ri�h1-, �vhose Chord �outh 15° 404 2111 i?lest %6.%� ft. Arc equals 77.12 f�, and radius equ�.ls 2I7.2 ft. thence S 25° SGf �.Z"' td, [�1.5 ft. thence �,. 169 3fi' ,1$" �t�fest, b2..29 ft., thence S,, 25° 50' 1�11t 1V. 1].�,.b'% ft., thenae S. �$� 5?' 46" E. 725•11+ it. , �hence N. OG 14' 5$" to�. 51:.31 it, , tllence S. $$o ,�$+ 4-7" E. 120.0 it. , thence N. 0° �.4' 5$" 4'�. 75b•3� ft,. , thence N,$�o 59t �$t9 5d.. 105.0 it., thenca N:. OQ 1?�.p 5$" bV, 30.0 ft, to POB., whicn is platte� Oak Acres Addition, tTnit 3, F'lat Book l��, Page 6, and Zot 2, Block C, Oak Acres Auditi�n, Plat Book 32, Page 70, and Lots 1 and 2, B].ock H, and Lo� 10, Block F., Unii 1, Oak Acres Addit.ion, Plat Aook 34.: page 31, and I�oi 1�:, Block E, �ak Acy^es Add�.�ion UnZ� 2� P�.at Bqok 34, page 63, 0#'fici.a3 Records, Pinellas County, F'lorida. Said proper�3r is hereby Zoned R-2, Residential.. Sect�.on 2. `ihe Ci�y Engineer and the City Clerk are directed to �nclude �n and se� out ana show upon tl� official zoning map ana oi:her official maps oi the Gity af Glearwater, �he foregoing property with its zonin�; as indi;,atede Sectior. 3. This Ordinance shall become e�fectiive immediately upon its passage. Attest; /s/ R. G. I�Ihiteh�ad. ity lerl� PASSED QId FIRS'1' 1�ADING February 24., 3�9,�$ PASSED QN SEGOh'D F�EADII�G Februarv 24. 19 5$ PASSED ON 1! HIH.D �,iVD FIhlti, F{EADItdG kNL� A�O�TED Fehruarv 21�• lg5$ s/ Letais Homer :b yor-Commissi,oner �