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February 10, 1958
'fhe City Commission of the City of Clear'flater met in special sessi,on at
the City Hall, Monday, Febr\~ry 10, 1958, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members
pre sent:
Lewis Homer
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Cleveland Insco,Jr.
James H. Watkins
Herbert R. Fields
Also present were:
Jack Tallent
Ben Krent zman
S. Lickton
Capt. F. Daniels
City Manager
City Attorney
City Engineer
Representing Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the
Reverend Paul Kinports of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Clearwater.
The Mayor announced the continuation of the discussion of February 3rd on
the parking meters installed on Clearwater Beach. Mr. Joseph Schultz reported
he had found a majority of the thi~ members of the Clearwater Beach Business
Group objected to the meters and a majority of the Clearwater Beach Association
members polled were also objecting. Mr. Leonard Merrell asked questions about
a report on the meter installation dated February 7th prepared by the Manager
and the Police Chief which contained recommendations for modifying the parking
meter program. Captain W. L. Clark and Mr. James Olson asked that the meters
be removed. Mr. Bert Mixon, parking meter engineer representing the Magee-Hale
Park-o-Meter Company, discussed the parking meter program.
Commissioner Insco proposed since Commissioner Fields had not had a chance
to review the parking meter contract that the Commission be furnished with copies
of the contract for study along with the Manager's report and make a decision at
a later meeting but in the meantime that the Commission authorize immediate re-
moval of all meters on Mandalay from Bay Esplanade to Acacia Street and all meters
south of Lot 1, City Park Subdivision (the Everingham parking lot) on Gulf View
Boulevard. Mr. W. H. RipFard protested if meters were removed from Mandalay
starting at Bay Esplanade that persons seeking free parking would park in front
of his apartments just outside the meter area.
Commissioner Strang reported the peti.tions received February 3rd asking
removal of the meters had been checked (by Traffic Division Personnel), that
there were 940 single signatures of which 731 persons were not directly af~ected
and 209 persons lived or owned property on the metered streets. Commissioner
Fields suggested bagging the meters and not charging for them during the ne~t
six weeks to help the businessmen and motel owners dbring the remainder of the
winter season. Commissioner Insco moved that the Manager's report be received
and tabled for study and that it be brought up ~gain within a reasonable time.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
Regarding the bids received for construction of paving, curbs and catch
basins in the Industrial Park, discussion of which was deferred last week,
Commissioner Strang reported that he, the Manager, the Engineer and two paving
contractors (inCluding E. H. Holcomb, Jr., the low bidder) had met to discuss
the specifications concerning the shel~ base. He stated the group had agreed
the basis of payment for the shell base should be the number of cubic yards
installed on the street 12 inches deep, loose measure. Commissioner Strang
moved that the contract be awarded to E. H. Holcomb, Jr., in t he amount of
$26,570.78 with this stipulation on the basis of payment for shell, with
everything else to be under the contract as specified, this being made part
of the record which is that with the understanding to which the contractor has
agreed that payment for shell base shall be on the basis of number of cubic yards
installed on the street twelve inches deep loose measure, and the proper o~f1cials
be authorized to execute the contract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Watkins and carried unanimously.
The Manager requested that Item 3, "Bids, Rebuilding Water Tank, East Avenue",
be deferred until he received the written recommendation from Briley, Wild &
Associates, Consulting Engineers, on the subject. By consent, the item was de-
Concerning the bids for painting the Marina Building, the Manager recom- .
mended accepting the low bid of $3,750.00 from John B. Tucker Company, Clearwater.
Commissioner Strang moved the Manager's 'recommendation be adopted and the proper
officials be authorized to execute a contract with John'B. Tucker Company for
$3,750.00 for painting the Marina Building as specified. Motion ~as seconded by
Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
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February 10, 1958
The Manager reported that bids had been received for various sizes of fire
hose. He recommended acceptif1g the low bids of $<J~O.OO for 1,000 feet of 2~"
hose and $272.00 for 400 feet of 1," hose from Fountain Fire Equipment Company,
Tampa, (both bids subject to 1% cash discount) and the low bid of ~Jtl.74 for
150 feet of 3/4" hose from Bert Lowe Supplj' Company, Tampa, (this bid subject
to 2% cash discount). Commissioner Watkins moved the recommendation of the City
Manager, Fire Chief', 'l'reasurer and Assistant Purchasing Agent on bids for fire
hose ror the Fire Department be accepted and the proper authorities be authorized
to sign the contract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried
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The Engineer announced he had scheduled the awarding of bids for repaving
and drainage of Watkins Road ~or March 3rd. Cornmissioner Watkins requested the
Manager write a letter to the affected property owners notifying them of this.
By consent, the Manager was so instructed.
The Manager reported that the Civil Service Board had requested that some
aetion be reflected in the minut f~S concernin g the eighteen months' permissive
pay increases since a motion ~as on record on January 13, 195a, to withhold all
wage adjustments. Be consent, the matter was deferred for discussion at a
later meeting.
A letter w~s read from Mr. Herbert M. Brown, attorney, on behalf of Mr.
Myron C. Moore, owner of Lots 12 and 13, Block Y, Bay Terrace Addition, asking
that a portion of Port Way be vacated. Commissioner Watkins moved the letter
be accepted and re~erred to the City Engineer. Motion was seconded by Commis-
sioner Fields and carried unanimously.
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rrhe Attorney reported th (11:. he had prepared a renewal of' t:.he leases with
Mrs. Valli P. Briggs for the space in the Briggs Building (415 South Garden)
being used by the Building ILspection Oepartment at a rental. of $125.00 per
month and for the space being used by.the Engineering Department in the Briggs
Building (417 South Garden) at a rental or ~150.00 per month. He explained
the current leases will expire on March 1st and the proposed new leases will
run from ~larch 1, 1958, for a perio,d of three years but they c ontain a pro-
vision for cancellation of the lease upon six months' written notice if' the
City constructs ~ new City Hall or City Muniei.pal Building. Commissioner
Watkins moved that the leases be executed and the proper of~icials be ~uth-
orized to sign them. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and
carried unanimously.
The Attor~ey recommedded approval of a request from Mr. Lawrence Thornton
to assign his in~er~st in the lease dat:.ed November 15, 1957, ror Room 3,
Marina Building, being used ror a fishing tackl.e and sports equipment shop
to his partner, !vIr. Aubrey '1\. Stanley. Commissioner Watkins moved to consent
to the assignment of the interest of Lawrence Thornton to Aubrey T. Stanley
in the lease covering Room #3 in the lwiarinR Buildin~, and the proper officials
be authorized to execute the assi3rlH,~_'nt.. i'~otion ltJas seconded by Commissi.oner
Fie Ids and carried unanimously.
t-Ir. Walter Artley speaking on behalf o.f the American Legion, reported
t!1e l.ocal post, \'laS having the Di st-rict. 7 convention in April and ~'Jould like
to do soma gl'adir.g; and beautific ati on on its proporty in Suburb Beautiful j
however, t.here was some difficulty in establishing the location of the center
of Turner Street. Commission~r Watkins moved thAt the City Engineer be
authori zed to co nfer wi th 1-1r. Artley and he~p in e stabli shin& the center
line 0 f Turner ~tree t in that block. Motion was 5 econded by Cornmiss ioner
Insco and carried unanimously.
fhe Mayor read a letter fronl Mr. Al Rogero, State Road Board member,
stating that the State Road Department is proceeding on completion of con-
struction plans for the four-laning of U.S. 19 from Gulf to bay north to Tarpon
Springs. The letter reported it was planned to have a regular interchange at
tI. S. 19 and Gulf to Bay rather than the cloverleaf formerly re'1uest9d. The
let:.ter also expressed appreciation for the li~hting the City had provided at
the intersection of Gulf to Bay and U.S. 19 and asked that in future planning
the City establish the same lighting for ~he intersection of Drew Street and
ij.S. 19 as a safety factor. Cow~issioner Wat.kins moved the letter be accepted
and read into the record and recommend the mat ter be turned over to the City
Attorney to decide whether or not we can es~ablish lights out:.side the City'
limits. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously.
A letter was read from Mr. John C. Bro'Wn, Presiderlt, Clellnwater Senior
High School Band Boosters, stp..ting tr.et the high school band had been invited
to appear in Washington, D.C., during the Cherry Blossom Festival on March 29th,
195e, and explaining that an additional $2,000.00 or $3,000.00 was needed to
help finance the trip. The letter requested some aid from the City in financing
this trip. Commissioner Insco moved the letter be received for study. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Fiel ds an d carried unanimously.
Commissioner Strang mentioned that since the Engineer had just completed
a map of the water mains allover the Cit:.y, he would like to recommend to the
~lanager, the. Engineer and the Water Depar tmen t tla t so me of' the budgeted funds
be used to tie some of the water mains together and eliminate some dead end .
lines in the so uth end of to'Wrl to help th e low pressure problem in that area.
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February 10, 195a
Commissioner Strang asked in the beach clean-up program whether the sea-
weed was being picked up just on the main City beach or whether it was being
picked up between the groins also. The Manager replied it was intended to
pick it all up from one end of the beach to the otner.
Commissioner Strang said he had received a report the cabana on the south
end of Clearwater Beach on the property of W. D. Owens rormerly used by the
Fort Harrison Hotel guests was a health menace and asked the Engineering De-
partment and the Building Inspection Department to check it to see what ~as
wrong and do whatever was necessary to correct it.
Commissioner Insco suggested that Commissioners Watkins and Fields
should be supplied with copies of the architect's drawing of the proposed
City Hall as he thought the Commission should plan soon for a new City Hall
and a new Police Station. He explained some of che overcrowded conditions
at tre prp. sent Police Sta tion. 'l'he M.llyor suggested the Manager might re-
commend some plan of financing. Commissioner Watkins thought the Planning
Board should be asked if tm pro posed 10 cat ion on C:ourt Street was adequate
or whether the Cit..y should use the pro perty on Osceola overlooking t he Bay
near the City Auditorium. The Mayor suggested taking it up at a future
meeting after getting the facts together on it.
The Mayor announced that he would like to cal~ a special meeting at
3:00 P.fvl. on Thursday, February 13th, as that was t.he date of' Boy Scout
Government Day. Commissioner Insco moved that a speCial meeting be called
on ThurSday, February 13th, at 3:00 P.M. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Fields and carried unanimously.
The Mayor reported the proposed location of a colored beach on a
portion of Courtney Campbell Causeway would not work out for adequate facili-
ties and the cost involved was excessive. He suggested a study be made of'
the old location and that the Conunission discuss it, when the inforrration
was available. Commissioner Strang suggested some new aerial photos would
help. The Engineer pointed out there was no in~ress or egress to that beach.
By consent, the matter was deferred far study.
The Commission now adjourned as the City Commission and acting as Trustees
of the Pension Fund, heard letters read recommendin~ that James Dixon, Laborer,
Utilit ies Department Sewer Division; Isaac Schmel1ing, Laborer J Utilities De-
partment Refuse Division; Charles 'fowne, Laborer t Utilities Department Re.fuse
Division, be accepted inco membership in the Pension Plan. Commissioner
Watkins moved the three men be accepted as members in the Pension Plan.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carrLed unanimously.
there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting
was ad journe d at 5: 15 P .1-1.
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February 10, 195$
C1'1.'Y CGr-1MISSION i:-1EE'l'ING
FEBRUARY 10, 1958
1 :30 P.M.
Introduct ion
Minutes o~ Preceding Meeting
Public Hearings
Reports o~ City Manager
Reports o~ Ci ty Attorney
Citizens to be Heard
Other Commission Action
Meeting Pension Plan Trustees
Beports from City Mana~er
Findings, Parkin~ Meter Installations
Bids1 Industrial Parkj Paving, Curbs
and uatch Basins
Bids, Rebuilding Water Tank, East Avenue
Bids, Painting Marina Building
Bids, Fire Hose
Other Engineering Matters
Verbal Reports and Other Pending Matters
Reports from City Attorney
8. Leases, Inspections and Engineer's Offices
9. Stanley to Thornton Lease, Room 3, Marina
Honorable IvIayor and Cit~r Com:nissioners
City of Clearwater
City Hall
Clearwater, Florida
February 5, 1958
This is to advise you that I represent r~r. Myron C. Moore and Betty Jean Moore,
his wife J who ar e too O\"llers of Lots 12 and 13 in Block flY" of BAY TERRACE
ADDTI'ION to tre City of Clearwater, which said rroperty is at the dead end
of Port Way and the A.C.L. Railroad.
This street dead ends at the railro~d and there is no right-of-~3Y to the
West of the property in accordance ",lit h Page 1 of you)" City Plat Book pre-
pared by the Engineering Department of the c:i ty of Clear'llater. Mr. Moore
and Mr. Lloyd A. Gilley own the pro perty on both sides of this d end-end
street) ::I.nd both of them are desirous of closing th is street at its end
so tha t they may beautify the area and make their property more desirable
and attractive.
Of course, as you know, the effec t of closi ng that portion of tre street
that abuts their property is simply this; that half ~oes to the O"'l1er on
the north side Which is owned by Mr. Moore, .and half ~oes to the owner on
the south side ""lhich is owned by f-lr. Gilley.
I respectfully request that you place this matter or. your agenda at your
earliest opportunity for disposition, at which tirr.e I should very much
like to be present to speak for the proponents of this closing.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Herbert M. Brown
Attorney for Myron C. Moore
Honorable Lewis Homer, Mayor
Commissioners, City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
February 7, 1958
Persuant to our telephone conversation yesterday, I enclose herewith the
proposed itinerary for the Clearwater Senior High School Bana during the Cherry
Festival in Washington, D. C. next month.
Certainly, it is not necessary for me to waste time and words selling you
on the value of the band to Clearwater and this area. Not only are they re-
cognized as a great value from the musical standpoint, but also we must look
upon them as an outstanding grou~ of young people, well up in all their schol-
astic subjects and att itudes for making outstanding c it izens for the f'uture.
This trip would not only be of an educational value, but also it would
be very helpful in other ways.
( continued)
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February 10, 19Sa
To finance 115 on a trip such as this is rather an expensive outlay;
hO\'lever, we feel tre ef:fort is f'or all outstanding cause and well worthy
of our best effort. For the past several years, the Band Boosters have
anticipated this invitation and after financin~ uniforms, instruments, and
several o~her necessary expenses, which the school cannot furnish, ~e have
managed, through our efforts at the football games and other activities
to keep up with all these expenses and put some aw~y earmarked for MAJOR
TRIPS. Ho~ever, we find that we need to raise an, additional $2,000 or
$3,000. If you and the commission can and will make some kind of contri-
bution, you are assured~ of not only a good investment, but also sincere
appreciation f'rom the band members and the band boosters.
For your inrormation, we have been elected to represent the State
of Florida as well as Clearwater. This is a distinct honor in view of
the many bands ~rom the state that will attend. We have much to do within
a limited time and will be very gr~teful for your prompt consideration and
22 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH. You no doubt will quickly recognize your picture
in the band uni~orm with the Jackass by its tail. After your amusement
with it, please return it to me in the enclosed envelope.
Please make check payable to ClearwaLer Senior Higp School Band,
earmarked Washi~ton trip and mail to me to the address below.
Sincerely yours I
Clearwater Senior High School Band Boosters
/s/ John C. Bro~m, President
John C. Brown
P.O. Box 330
CleaI"'\'later I Florida
Honorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
Feb. 3, ~95g
As Trustees o~ the City of Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund, you are
hereby notified Chat, James Dixon, a laborer in the Uti~itie5 Dept., sewer
division~ has been duly examined by a local physician and designated by him
as a "First Class" risk.
The above employee began his service with the City on July 29, 1957.
He is under 45 years of age (born Apr. 6, 1921) and meets the requirements
of our Civil Service. It is hereby recommended by the Advisory Committee
that he be accepted into memberShip.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Committee of The Employees' Pension Fund
/s/ Paul Kane, Chairman
/s/ Helen Peters
/s/ Ed\'lin Blanton
Feb. 3, 1958
Honorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees of the City of Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund, you are
hereby notified that, Isaac SChmelling, a laborer., in the UtiJ.ities Dept.
Refuse division, has been duly examined by a local physician and designated
by him as a "First Class" risk.
The above employee began his service with the City on June 10, 1957.
He is under 45 years of age (born June 14, 1919) and meets the requirements
of our Civil Service. It is hereby recommended by the Advisory Committee
that he be accepted into membership.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Committee of The Employees' Pension FUnd
/s/ Paul Kane, Chairman
l.s/ Helen Peters
IS! Edwin Blanton
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.. Clear~ater, Florida "",;,>:
Ge nt lemen : : " ':,:~~::.~l
As 'llrustees of tb City o~ Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund, you: \:<'~;:"
are hereby notified that, Charles l'owne a laborer in the Utilities Dept.' ,". ;'i,>i:,,:,
Refuse division, has been duly' examined by a local physician and d'signated:).~;~:',::,
by him as a "First Class" risk. . ,,' -:.>i-';.~;+\:i. ,"
The above employee began his service with the City on July 8, 1957.': : . ::~::':":;!f;.i>
He is under 45 years'of age (born Dec. 22, 1932) and meets the requiremerits","i:?C:",<";!
of our Civil Service. It is hereby'recommended by the Advisory Corrimittee,':7>..,,~.;;:-,/';
tnat he be accepted int 0 membership. "~::'~''::;'
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Advia:>ry Committee of
The Employees' Pension ~lnd.
Paul Kane, Chairman
Helen Peters
Edwin Blanton
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Fel�xuary 10, 195E�
`Phe City Qommission of th� City of C1e�rY�a.ter met in special session at
the Ci,ty Ha11, Monciay, Febrtzary 10, 195�, at 1:30 l',M. with tne :£oJ.lo�,ving members
Lewis Homer
w'. E. Strang, Jr.
Cleveland Ihsco,Jr.
�fames H. Watkins
Herbert R. Fields
Also present were:
Jacak Tallent City Manager
Ben Krentzman City Attorney
S, Lickton CitJ Engineer
Capt. F. llaniels Re�resenting Police Ghief
Th� i�ayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the
Reverend Paul Kinports of St. Paul�s Luthe ran Church, Clearv�iater.
Z'he Mayor announced the continua�ion of the discussion of February 3rd on
the park�:ng meters installed �n Clearwater Beach. Mr. Joseph Schultz reported
he had found a majority of the thirty members of :he ClearU�ater Beach Business
Group objected to the meters and a majoriLy of the Clearwater Beach Association
manbers polled were also objecting. Mr. Leonard Merrell asked questions about
a report or_ the meter installa�ion dated February 7th prepared by the �+Iar_ager
and th� Police Chief which co ntained recommendations for modifying the parking
meter program. Captain W. L. Clzsk and Mr. James Olson asked that the meters
be removed. Mr. Bert I!+Iixon, p�rking meter engineer representing the ��Iagee-Hale
Park-o-Meter Company, discussed ths parkin� meter prn�ram.
Commissioner Tnsco proposed since Commissioner FieTds had not had a chance
to review the parlcing meter contract that the Commission be fu..rnished with copies
of the contract for study along wit h the Manager's repert and make a decision at
a latez• meeting but in tl:e meantime that the GQmmission authorize i.rr,mediate re-
moval of all meters on Mandalay f rom Bay Esplanade to Acacia Street and all meters
sou'th of Lot l, City Parlt Subdivision (th e Everingham parking lot) 4n Gulf View
Boulevard. Mr. W. H. Rip�ard protested if ineters were removed from Mandalay
starting at Bay Esplanade th at persons seeking free parking would park in front
qf his apartments just oiztside the meter area.
Commissioner Strang reported the petitiona received Februa.�y 3rd asking
re�oval of the meters had been checked (by Traffic Division Personnel), that
there were 940 sin;le sign_atures of which �31 persons were not directly affected
and 209 persons livad or owned properts� on the metered streets. Commissioner
rie�as suggested bagging the meters and not charging for ther� during the next
six weeks to help the businessmen and motel owners di�rin� the remainder of the
winter season. Commissior_er Insce moved that the Manager's re�ort be recei_ved
and tabled for stiudy and that it be brought up �gain withiti a reasanable time.
Motion was seconded by Comrnissioner Strang and carried un2siimously.
Regardin� the taids received for canstruction of pavir_g, curbs and catch
basins in the Industrial Park, discussion of which was deferred last week,
Gommissioner Strang reported that he, the Manager, the En ineer and two paving
contractors (including E. H. Holcomb, Jr., the low bidder� had met to discuss
the specifications conaerning the shell base. He stated the group had agreed
the basis of p�yment for the shell base should be the number of`cubic yards
installed on the strest 12 inshes deep, loose rneasure. Commissioner Strang
moved that the contract be awarded to E. H. Holcomb, Jr., in t he amount of
�26,570,7$ with this stipulatioii on the basis of payment for shell, iaith
everything else to be under t he contract as specified, this being made part
of the record which is that with the understa.nding to which the cAntirac�or has
agree� that payment for shell base sha11 be on the basis of number of cubic yards
installed on the street twelve inches deep loose measure, and tk+e proper officials
be authorized to execute the c ontract, Motion was seconded bp Gommissiorier
Watkins and carried unan�mausly.
The Manager reque,sted that Item 3, ��Bids, Rebuilding Water Tanky East Avenue'�,
be deferred until he recei�red the written recommendation from Briley, V�ild &
Associates, Consulting Engineers, on the subject, B� consent, the item was de-
Concerning the bids for painting the Marina Building, the 2�Ianager recom-
mended accepting th E low bid of $�3,750,00 from John B. Tu�ker Company, Clearwater.
Commissioner Strang maved the Managarts�recommendation be adoptsd and the proper
officials be Guthorized to execute a contract with John B, mucker Company for
�3,7�0,00 for painting the Marina Building as specified, Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Watkins and carried unanirrously.
February 10, 195$
The Mana�er re Forted that rids hac� been received for various sizes of fire
hose. He recommended accepting the low bids of �p9$0.00 for 1,Q00 feet of 2*��-��
hose and �272.00 for �.00 feet of l�" hose from Fountain Fire Equipment Company,
Tzmpa, (both bids subjact to l� cash discount) and tk�e low bid oi �$�.74 for
150 .feet of 3�4" hose from Bert Lowe Suppl}* Company, Tampa, (�his bid subject
to 2� cash discount). Comm9.ssioner Watkins moved the recommendation of the City
Manager, Fire Chief, Treasurer and Assistant Purchasing A,ent on bids for fire
hose for the Fire Department be accepted �n�' the proper authorities be authorized
to sign the'contract. Motion was saconded b}r Commissioner Fields and car:�ied
The Engineer announced he had schedul�d�the awardir.g of bids for repaving
and drainage of Watikins Road fAr March 3rd. Corr�missioz�er Watkins requestecl the
Manager write a letter to the a;f�ect�d propert}� owners notifying them of this.
By consent, the Manager was so instructed.
The Manager reportea that the Civil Sert�ice Board had requested that some
acta.or_ be reflecLed in the minubes concerning the ei�hteen months� permissive
Fay increases since a motier_ was on record on January 13, 195$, to withhold all
wage adjustments. Be consent, t he matter was deferred for discussion at a
later meetin,,
A letter was read from Mr. Herbert M, Brown, attorney, on beha�.f of Mr.
I�fyr�n C, yloore, owner of Lots 12 and 13, Block Y, Ray Terrace Addit�_on, asking
that a gortion of Port Way be vacated, Commissior.er Watkins moved the letter
be accepted and referred to the Cit-y Engineer, Nlotiqn was ,seconded by Commis-
sioner Fields and car?^ied unanirnousl;y.
The Attorney reported that kie had prepared a renewal of the leases with
B4rso Valli P. Briggs for, the space in the Briggs Building (415 �iouth Garden}
bein� used by Lhe Building I.:spection Department at a rental of �p125.00 per
month and for the space oeing used by�the Engineerin� Department in the Briogs
Building (417 South Garden) at a rental of P150.Q0 per month. He explair_ed
the current leases wili expire on March lst and the proposed new leases will
run from i�iarch 1, lo5$, for a pericd o� three years but they contain a pra�-
vision for cancellation of the lease upon six months T writiten notzce if the
Gity constructs a new City Hall or City Municipal Building. Commissianer
Watkins moved that the lea.ses be execated and t he proper officials be auth-
�rized to sign them. Motion was secor_ded by Commissioner Fields an d
c�rried unanimously.
The Attorr.ey reaomme�ded approval of a.requast from I�fr. Lawrer_ce Thornton
ta assign his interest in the lease dated I��ovember 15, 1Q57, for Room 3,
Marina Building, bei:ng used for a �`ishingtackle and sports equipment shop
to his partr�er, I�ir. 9ubrey T. Stanley. Commissioner Watkins moved to aonsent
to the assi� mer.t of the interest of Lawrence Thornton to Aubrey� T. Stanley
in the lease covering Room �3 ir_ ihe Marina Buildir.�, and the pr�per officials
be authorized to execute the assiGnmen �, �otion v�as seconded by Commissioner
Fields and carried unanimouslye
Nir. Ulalter Artley speaking on behalf oF the American Legion, repoited
th� local �ost v�as having the District 7 conuention in April and tiould like
to do soma gradir� and beautificati�n on its propert}> in Suburb Beautiful;
howzv2r, �here was some difficult� in establishing tha location of the center
of Turr_er Street. Commissioner Watkins moved that the City Eng�neer be
authoriz�d Lo confer wiLh Mr. Ari,ley and help ir. establishin� the center
line of Turner Str�et in that block. Ma�ion was seconded by Commissioner
Insca and c3rried unanimously.
`1'he Mayor read a i.stter frorn i�'Ir. Al R�gero, 3tate Road Board member,
stating that the Stata Rcad Department is proceeciin; on comple�ion of con-
struction plans for the fnur-laning of U.S. 19 from Gulf to Bay north to Tarpon
Sprinos. The letter reported it was planned to have a r�;ular intercliange at
U. S. �g and Gulf to Bay rath er �han the cloverleaf formerly re�uestad, The
letter also expresse� appreciation for �he li.�hting the City had g.rovided at
the inter�ection of Gulf to Bap and U.S. 19 and asked that in .future planning
the City establish ihe same li�htzng for ti� intersection of Drew Streeb and
k3.S� Z9 as a safety factor. Comnission�r Watkins moved the lette: be accepted
and read into the record and recomnend tne matter be ttmned over to i;he City
A�to�ney to decide wheiher or not we can establish lights outside the City
limit se Motifln caas seconded by Commissioner Ir:sca and carried unanimously.
i� let-��r was read from Mr. Jonn C. Brown, President, Cl�a�water Senior�
High School Band Boosters, s�ating t hat the high school band had been invit ed
to appear in �+lashingt�n, D.C., durin� the Cherry Blossam Festival on March 29th,
195$, and explaining that an addibional �2,000.00 or �3,C00.00 was needed t o
help finance the trip. The lett�r requested some aid fram the City in financing
this t rip. Commissioner Insco moved the letter be received for study, Motion
was seconded by Corimissioner Fiel.ds an d carried unanimnusly.
Commissioner Strang mentioned that sincs the Enoineer had just completed
a map of the wa�er mains all over the Gi�:y, he woul� litte to recommend to the
Nlanagar, the Engineer and the Water Depari;ment th�t some of the budget�d funds
be used to tie some �f the water mains together and eliminate so;ne clead end
lines in the south en��i of town to help the 1.aw pr�ssure problem in that area.
Febru'ary 10, 195$
Commissioner Strang asked in t�he beach clean-up pro�ram whether the sea-
weed +r�as being picked up just on tlie main City beach or whether iL was beir.g
picked up between the groins also, The Mana��r replied it w as intended to
picic it a71 up from one end of the beach to the other.
Commissioner Strang said he had received a report the cabana on the south
end of Cl.earwater Beach on the pro�erty of W. D. Owens £orm�rlq used by the
Port Harrison Hot;el guests was a hea�.th menace and asked the Engineering De-
partment and the Building Inspection Department �o check it to see what was
wron� and do whatever was necessary to aarrect it.
Commissioner Insco suggested that Cor.nmissioners Watkins and Fields
should bs suppli�d with cqpies of the architectTs drawing of the proposed
Gity Hall as he thoiaaht the Commission should �lan soon for a new City Hall
and a new Police Statir�n. He explained sorne of the overcrowdsd conditions
at the present Police Sta�ion. The Nlayor su;�ested the iKarager might re-
commend sorne plan of financing. Commissioner V]utkins thought the Plarining
Board should 'be asked if the pro posed location on Court Street was adequate
or whether ihe Ciiy should use the proper�:,;T on Osceola overlaokin� the Bay
near the City Auditor?um. The Mayor suggested taking it up at a future
meeting after getting the facts together on it.
The Mayor announced that he wotild likp to call a special meeiing at
3:Q0 P.I�1. on Thursday, February 13th, as that was the date of Boy Scout
Goverr_mer�t ��y. Commissioner Insco moved that a special meeting be called
on ihursda?� Febru2r y 13th, at 3:00 P.id. Motion v+as secondec� by Commissioner
Fields and carried unanimously.
The i�Iayor repori,e@ the proposed location of a colored beach or. a
portion of Courtney Campbell Causeway would :�ot =rlork out �or adequate facili-
ties and the cost involved was excessive. He suggested a study be m�de oi
the old location and that the Com.missior_ discuss it when the infortn�tion
was available. Commissioner Strang suogestsd some new aerial photos would
he lp, T12e Engineer pointed out there wzs no in,gress or egress to t hat beach.
By consent, the matter was deferred for study.
The Commission now adjourned as the Giiy Gomr,iission and acting as Trustees
of tne Pension Fund, heard letters read recommending that James Dixon, Laborer,
Utili�S.es Department Sewer Divisior_; Isaac Schmelling, Laborer, Utiliti�s De-
partmPnt Re.fuse Division; Charles Towne, Laborer, Utilities Depa.rtment Refuse
Division, be accepted inLo mer,rbership in the P'ensian Plan, Cos�aissic�ner
Watkins moved the thr ee men be accepted as members ?n the Pension plan.
.�Iotion was seconde� by Commissioner InSca and carried unanim�usly.
�here being no f�ther business to co me be�'ore the 3oard, the meeting
was ad jourr.ed at 5:15 P.i�1.
Att e st ; �
� ��
Ci� Clerk
, � a1�,F�/
i4ayor-Co miss�ioner
L• %
February ,10, 195$
FEBRUA.RY 1G, 195$
1:30 P.'M.
Minutes of Preceding NIeeting
Public Hearings
Re,ports of City P�'fanager
Reports of City Attorney
Citizens to be Hea rd
tlther Commission A�tion
NIeeting Pension Plan Trus�ees
Reports from Citv hSanager
1. Findings, Parking Meter Installations
2. Bids, Industrial Par1:; Paving, Curbs
and Catch Basins
3. Bids, Rebui'din� t�Vaber 'Tank, East Avenue
!�. Bids, Painting Marina Bui].dinj
�; Bids, Fire Fio�e
Other Engineering bia�ters
7. Verbal Report� and Ot?zer Penling Nlattars
Reports �rom Citv Attoxney
$, Leases, Inspect�ons and Engineer's Off�ces
9. Stanley to Thornton Lease, Room 3, 1�larina
February 5, 195$
Hon.arahle I�Ia}*or and Cit�= Commissioners
Citg of Clearwater
City Hall
Glearwa�er, Florida
This is to advise you that I represent Pfr. Mvron C. M�ore and Bstty Jean Moore,
his wife, who are t1� o��ers of Lots 12 and 13 in Block "Y» of RAY TFRRACE
ArDITI�h to tY� City of Clearw�ter, iehich said prbpert5* is a� the dsad en�
of Port ulay and ttie A.C,L. Aailroad.
Thzs street dead er.ds at the railroad and there is no rioht-of-v�ay to the
?Vest oi the property in accordance w;th Page :l �f your Gity Plat Book pre-
pared by the E�^,�inaerin; Department af the city o.f Clea.rwauer. Mr, Moore
and Mr. Llcyd A. GiTley own the property on both sides of this dead-end
street, and both ef them are desirous of closing tilis street at its end
so that they m�}r bsautif� the area and make their �roperty moxe desirable
a�d attraG�ive,
Qf course, as �ou kno�v, �he effect of closing that gortion nf tY� street
that abuts their propeit� is simply this; that rialf �oes Lo the ov�+er on
the north aide v�ich is oVmed by Mr. Moore, and hali ;oes to tk�e owner on
the south side vbhich is owned by Mr. Gi:?ley,
I respectfully request that you place this matter or. vour agenda at your
earliest opportunity for dis�osition, at which time I should very much
like to be present to speak for Lhe proponents of t his closing.
Very truly yours,
�s/ Herbert M. Bp�wn
xt�orney �or Myron C. Moore
February 7� 1Q7$
iionorabl� Lewis Homer, Mayor
Commissioners, CiLy of Glearwater
Clearwat er , Florida
Persuant to our telephone convers�tion yesterday, I enclose herewi.th the
proposed itinerary for the Clearwater Seni�r Hioh School Band durin� the Cherry
Festival in Washinoton, D, C. next month.
Certainlp, it is not necessary ior me to waste time and words selling you
on the value of the banci to Clearwater and this area. Not onlg are they re-
cognized as a great value from tha musical standpoint„ bui: also we must loo?t
upon them as an outstanding grou�� of young people, well up in all their schol-
astic su�jec�s and attitudes for m�king outstandin� citizens for the future,
This trip would not only be of an educational `valuz, but also it w �u1d
be very helpful in othex ways.
�,�� `''�
Februar•y 10, 195$
'�'o finance 115 on a trip such as this is rather an expen�i.ve outlay;
however, we feel the effort is for an outstanding cause and well worthy
of our best effort. For the past several years, the Band Boosters have
antici��ated this in�itation and aft•er financin, unzforms, instruments, and
severa .. other neGessary expe�ses, which the school cannot furnish, we haee
manageu, thr ough our efforts at the foctball game� and other activities,
to keep up with all these expenses ar�J. put some away earntarked for AZi�JOR
2'RIPS. However, we find that we need to raise an additional �p2,000 or
�3,000. If you �nd the cornmissi�n can and will make some kir.d oi contri-
butiorl, yoti are assur�ed, of not only a good investment; but also sincere
appreciati;�n from the band members and the band boos�ers.
For your information, we have ba.en elected to rapresent �he State
of Florida as well as Clearwater. Tki9.s is a diatinet honor in view of
the many bands from the sta�e that w7 11 attend, We have much L- o do within
a limited time and will be very gratEsful for yoiar prompt consideration and
22 YEf�RS AGO fiHIS I�iONTH. You na doubt will qui.ckl;� recognzze your picture
in the band uniform wiLh the Jackass by its tail. After your amusem�t
wiLh it, please return it to me in the enclosed envelope.
Please make check payable to Clearwater Senior High School Bands
earmarked Washington trip and mail to me to the address below.
Sincere�.y yours,
Clear*,�ater Senior Hi;h School Band Boosters
�s� John C> Bro��m, President
John C. Brown
P.O. Box 330
C�earwater, Flo.rida
------__-�--------------------------------------Feb. 3� 195g---------------
Honorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
Gentlemen :
As Trusteps of tl^� City of Clearwater EmployeesT Pension Fund, you a.re
hereby r_otifiad th at, James Dixon, a laborer in ths Utilities Dept., sevter
dzvision, has been duly examined t1y a �oca1 physician and desigr_ated by him
as a i1First Glass�� risk.
The above employee began his service with the CiLy on Jn'_y 2o, 1957-
Hp is under 1�5 years of age (born Apr. 6, 1921) and meets the requirements
oF our Civil Service. It is hereby recommended by the Advisory Gom�nittee
that he be accepted into membe.rship.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Commi�t�ee of The Employeest Pension Fund
�s/ Paul Kane, Chairraan
/s/ Helen Peters
�s� Edwin Blanton
Honorable Cit}� Gornmissioners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees of the City of Clearwater Em�loyees' Pension Fui?d, you are
hereby noti�isd that, Isaac Schmelling, a laborer:in the Utilities Dept,
Refuse division, has been duly ehamined by a local physician and designated
by him as a"First Class�t risk.
2're above employee be�an his service with the City on June 10, 1�57.
He is unc�er 45 years of age (born June 1�., 191q) and meets the reqttirements
of' our Civil Servi_ce. It is hereby recominended by the Advisory Committee
th�t he be accepted in�a manbership.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Comraittee ef The Employees� Pension Fund
/s/ Paul Kane, Chainnan
,7s� Helen Peters •
�s� Edwin Blanton
?� � � '��'�
, �
,� � �
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�e` .. .. � . . .
C��,�. �. . . � � .
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February 10, 195�
Feb. 3, 195$
�Ionorable City Co�nis�ioners
Clearwater, Florida
Ge nt lemen :
As 1'rustees of tY� City of Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund, you
are hereby notified that, Char2es Tok�ne a laborer in the Utilities Depte
Itefusa division, has been duly examined by a local physician and dasignated
by him as a �'First Class" risk.
The above employee began his service with the City on J�Lt1.3� $, 1�57.
He is under 1�5 ye�s o�' age (born Dec. 22, 1g3?) and meets Lhe requirements
of our Civi1 Service. It is hereby recommended by the Advi,sory Commit�ee
that he be accepted int,o membErship.
uery truly �ours,
Advi:nry Committee of
The Employees' Pensi on Fund.
�s� Paul Kane , Chai.rr.ian
�s� Helen Petzrs
�s� Edwin Blanton
_ �.... ..
. . . . . . �. ���
. . . . . .... . . . `�>