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January 27, 1958
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at
the City Hall, Monday, January 27, 1958, at 1:30 P.M. with the following
members present:
Lewis Homer
Cleveland Insco
James H. Watkins
Herbert R. Fields
w. E. Strang, Jr.
Also present were:
Jack 'j,la.llent
Ben Krentzman
J~ E~ Anderson
W. B. Mackey
0( J ,- A
oc .17: ()
It was reported by the Manager that Sperry Rand had requested fire protection
servic~s from the City and the City Attorney had prepared an agreement similar to
the one ,the, City has with Minneapolis-Hone~ell except since the traveling dis- '
.' . .tance is,'.further to Sperry Rand a cost of 1300.00 will be charged. Commissioner
;:".\' ",Watkins moved the agreement be approved and the proper authorities be authorized.' .
\';,,~,~"/"; ;,..,:::\'...... ,.../;;:;:~~,~,execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
::~:'~t~ti~;,;,":?:':, ",' .
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City Manager
Cit y Attorney
Representing City Engineer
Asst. Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the
Reverend Paul Kinports of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Clearwater.
A letter was read from Mr. Lloyd Phillips, attorney for Mr. G. W. Boswell,
stating his client was constructing an addition to his shopping center on
North Betty Lane and since the County Health Department would not approve a
connection to septic tank, he was requestinB permission to tie into the City
sewer on Springdale. Mr. Phillips and Mr. Boswell were both present. The
Manager did not recommend granting permission because similar requests from
outside the City had been denied. The Mayor said he understood Mr. Boswell
had the alternative of constructing a separate package disposal plant. The
Mayor asked if Mr. Boswell would be willing to have his property annexed to
the City and Mr. Phillips asked time to consider. Mr. George McCall repre-
senting the County Health Department explained the County had put a hold order
on final approval of the new buildings. By consent, the matter was postponed
until tba Commission heard :further from Mr. Boswell on the matter.
Regarding bids for electrical materials for Marina walkways and new pier,
the Manager recommended accepting the low bids following with 2% cas~ discount:
Gen. Elec. Supply, Tampa
Elec. Supply, Tampa
Graybar Elec., Tampa
45 condulets, hub plates, plates
95 receptacles & covers
90 cutouts
Commissioner Watkins moved upon the recommendation of the Electrical Super-
intendent, City Treasurer, Harbormaster and Assistant Purchasing Agent and the
City Manager that bids for the electrical materials for Marina walkways and new
pier be awarded as stated in this letter, these being the lowest and best bids,
and the proper officials be authorized to execute the contracts. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Attorney presented for its first reading Ordinance 761 which would
declare the City'S intention to annex Fair Oaks Subdivision Second Addition.
Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 761 be passed on its first reading.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 761 be considered on its second
reading by title only wi~h the unanimous consent of the Commission. The Attorney
read the ordinance by title only. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 761
be passed on its second reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 761 be considered on its third and
final reading with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Insco ~d carried unanimously. The Attorney read the ordinance
in :full. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 761 be passed and adopted on
its third and final reading and the ".pr.oper ,author~'t.ies'_,ber:eiuthorized to execute
it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously.
The Manager presented the plat of Fair Oaks Subdivision Second Addition and
reported the developer had signed the Ordinance 632 contract and posted bond to
cover improvements. The Zoning and Planning Board recommended R-l zoning. The
Attorney pointed out there was an old cemetery located on this property but the
Zoning and Planning Board had approved this plat as the only available method
of handling the situation. Commissioner Insco moved the contract under the pro-
visions of Ordinance 632 with Mr. M. E. Sever covering the Second Addition to
Fair Oaks Subdivision be approved; that the plat thereof be approved and the
proper officials authorized to execute the same, it being understood that the
property is to be annexed in accordance with the request o:f the property owner
and the ordinance of intention adopted by'the City Commission; that the property
will be zoned R-l residential by the City. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Fields and carried unanimously.
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January 27, 1958
The Mayor suggest.ed a motion be made t.o sho'~ intention to widen) straighten
and pave Pierce Street. and Drew Street and be furnished to the Building Inspec~or
to give notice so that buildings wou1d not be built in the future on the proposed
ri~hts of way. Commissioner Insco moved t.he City Engineer be instructed to pre-
pa~e a map and proper descriptions indicating the rights of way required for the
extension of Pierce Street easterly to its intersec~ion with Gul~ to Bay Boulevard
and on Drew Street from j.1issouri to Clearwater Bay and that said maps and descrip-
tions be 1urnished ~o the City Bui~ding Inspector and the City Attorney's office
in order that necessary steps can be taken to begin acquisition of rights of way
and that pros~pective builders that might. otherwi.se request building permits in
connection with ~he right of way which would infringe on the right of way can be
advised. Mo~ion was seconded by Comnissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Manager reported t.hat over a period of t.iule several employees had made
claims regarding their status or step standing in the present pay scale that they
were due more money according to the present pay plan. He stated at the request
or the Civil Service Board he had held a hearing with about twelve of these em-
ployees and found t.hi::t.t he could not technically or legally find any way to assist
them with the exception o~ five police officers who were caught. between the change
of classific ations. He ree OIlImended that Paul Meisner, Monroe ~Uller) James
DeGrath) Anthmny D'Elia, Edwin Kent be allowed retroactive pay from the date it
would have been due (the dates vary and aD back as rar as October 4, 1956).
He recolnmended that an appropriation of $1)004.36 be put into the Police Depart-
ment under personal services from the salaries account 01 \~ich $626.36 would
cover retroactive pay through January 31, 1958, and $378.00 would cover the re-
mainder of the fiscal year. Commissioner Watkins moved the approval of trans-
ferring 'that amount over to the Polic e Department to take c are of this ma tter.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
Resolution 58-9 was read which authorized payment 01 $1,706.81 t.o Briley,
Wild and Associates, Consulting Engineers for services in connection with the
Marshall Street Sewage Treatment Plant. Commissioner Watkins moved Resolution
58-9 be approved and the proper authorities be authorized to execute it. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously.
The Attorney read Resolution 5$-10 which would vacate a sixteen foot alley
running west from Orange Avenue between ~ots 1 and 6) J. K. Cass Subdivision.
He stated the present owner, Mr. M. J. Schuller) had requested the vacation
and the Engineer had approved subject only to an easement for any existing utili-
ti as. Cornrnj.ssioner Watkins moved Resolution 58-10 be approved and the proper
authorities be authorized to e~ecute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Insco and carried unanimously.
The Attorney reported receipt of a letter from Mr. Joseph YOlmg, attorney
for Mr. Ed C. Wright, requesting the City quit. claim any interest it might.
have for t.he purpose of clearing tit.le to any portion of Sand Key lying sout.h of
Little Pass. He pointed out that far some time the City has been attempting to
obtain an easeme nt. from t4r. Wright for iraprovemen t of Watkins Road and suggested
an exchange of deeds. Commissioner Insco moved that the requested quit claim
deed from t he City of Clearwater to Ed. C. \'lright covering all lands lying
south of the channel of Li~tle Pass as described therein less and except the
City owned property in Governme~ Lot 2 (Section 17-29-15) and less and except
the Oi ty 's right to jurisdiction and aut.hori ty over t he right of way of a con-
templated bridge causeway over Little Pass be approved and the proper o~ficials
be authorized to execute the same and that it be delivered at such time as the
City obtains its required right of wa~ for Watkins Road. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Attorney reporte1 at the conference in Jacksonville on Friday) January
24th, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representatives had suggested a Resolu-
tion be prepared outlining the requested channel improvements in Little Pass,
authoriz~ng the proper officials to appear at the public hearing on February
4th in order to submit substantiating data as prepared by the Harbormaster to
the Corps of Engineers and indicating the City's willingness to do the following:
a. Provide without cost to the U. S. all necessary lands, easements. etc.
b. Hold and save the U. S. free from damages due to the construction works.
c. Contribute an equitable amount to the first cost of the improvements.
The Attorney stated he would draft the Resolution according to this summary.
Commissioner Insco moved Resolution 58-11 be passed and adopted and that the
proper officials be authorized to execute the same. Motion was seconded by
Cornmissi oner Fi elds an d carrie d unanimous! y . The 1-1ayor added tha t the entire
Commission. the Engineer, Attarmy) Manager and Harbormaster had gone to Jackson-
ville and had found the engineers very cooperative and that a fe-w changes and
additions had been s~gested to strengthen t.he petition for this improvement.
It was reported by the Mayor that the Commission had received the letter
from the Civil Service Board pertaining to its investigat.ion on irregularities
in the hiring and classification of personnel. The Attorney stated he had been
present at the hearing and had received a copy or tre r.ranscript o~ the testi-
mony. He recommended the Commission study this transcript before t.~~ing action.
Commissioner Insco moved ~he Commission receive this leteer rrom the Civil Service
Board pertaining to this matter and that the Commission be given ample opportunity
to study over the testimony. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and "
carried unanimously.
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JANUARY 27, 1958
1:30 P.M.
January 27, 1958
Reports from City Manaser
1. Request Sanitary Sewer, Boswell Shopping Center,
Nortih Betty Lane
20 Bids, Electrical Materials for Marina Walkways
and New Pier
J. Second Addition to Fair Oaks, Request ror
Approval of Plat
4. Other Engineering Matters
5. Agreement, Answer Fire Calls, Sperry Rand
6. Verbal Reports and Other Pending Matters
Minutes of Preceding Meecing
Public Hca rings
Reports of City Manager
Reports of City Attorney'
Citizens to be Heard
Other Commission Action
Adjo urfMent
Meeting Pension Plan Trustees
Reports from City Atitorney
7. Payment to Briley, Wild & Associates
8. Considera~.on of Resolution Vacating 16 rt.
Dead-end Alley lying Immediately West of
Orange Ave., per Plat of J. K. Cass Subd.
WHEREAS, Briley, Wild and Associ.ates have heretofore been retained by the
CiCy o~ Clearwater to perform services as covered by the statement thereror
hereinafter described; and,
WHEREAS, said services, as 50 described, have been performed and there is
due and payable said Engineers ~rom the City of Clearwater the'sum of $l,706.al,
according to the statenent of said Engineers dated January 1;. 19~~, a copy of
which is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof;
CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, ~n session duly and regularly assembled, as follows:
1. That the sum of $1,706.$1 be paid from the Construction Trust Fund by
the F~rst National Bank of Clearwat.er, Florida, Trustee thereof of Construction
Trust Fund Agreement dated June 10, 1957, which Construction Trust Fund is de-
rived from proceeds of the sale of Utility Revenue Certificates Series of 1956.
2. That a certified copy of the Resolution be delivered ~orthwith to said
Trustee, which said certified copy shall constitute the direction of the City
of Clearwater to said Trustee to pay the roregoin~ sum directly ~o the said
Engineers forthwith in compliance with Section 3 (b) and other provisions of
said Construction Trust Fund Agreement.
PASSED Al\;1) ADOPTED, '.tHIS 2'T''aay of January, 195e.
/s/ Lewis Homer
Att est:
6s/ R. G.
ity Clerk
Whi te hea d
WHEREAS, the plat of J. K. Cass Subdivision, as recorded in Flat BOOK 10,
Page 39, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, indicates a 16 foot alley
running West ~rom Orange Avenue between Lots land 6 of said Subdivision; and,
WaEREAS, che obvious intention of said allev is for the purpose of pro-
viding access to Lots 3 and 4 of said Subdivision; and,
WHEREAS, Lot. 5 1 through 6 in cl us i ve of said Subdi vis ion are in c onunon
ownership and che present owners thereof have requested the City to vacate
said alley; and,
WHEREAS, said alley serves no useful purpose to the City or to the general
public except for utility easements and it is deemed to be to the advantage and
best interest o~ the City chat the same be vacated;
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January 27, 1958
That that certain 16 foot alley lying West or Oran~e Avenue and between
Lots 1 and 6 of J. K. Cass Subdivision, as shown on the plat thereof as re-
corded in Plat Book 14, Page 58. Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida,
is hereby ~acated and released and the City of Clearwater hereby quitclaims
and re1eases all its right, title and interest th~reto, to persons entitled
thereto by law, subject only to existing easements or uses for utility
easeme lltS,
PASSED AND ADOP~ED, this 27{~ay o~ January, 1958.
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
~ity C1erlt
/sj Lewis Homer
WHEEEAS, the City of Clearwater, Florida, has heretofore requested
Federa1 aid in connection with the improvement of the Channel through Little
Pass from Clearwater Bay, Florida, to deep water in the Gul~ o~ Mexico; and,
WHKREAS, che District Engineer of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers at
Jacksonville, Florida, pursuant to Section 6 of the River and Harbor Act,
approved March 2. 1945, has been directed to make a survey of said Channel
and has scheduled a public hearing to beheld in the Municipal Auditorium,
Clearwater, Florida, on February 4, 1959. beginning at 10 A.M.; and,
\~EREAS, the Harbormaster has prepared a presenta~ion in the form of a
brochure r~presenting ~he City's Brief in support o~ its application, which
has been carefully examined by the City Commission and it is desired to
approve and adopt the same. to authorize the City Harbormaster, the City
Manager, the City Attorney and other City officials to appear on behalf of
the Oity at said hearing, to formally make certain commitments on behalf of
the City and to renew its request for said improvements;
1. ~hat the presentation on behalf of the City in the nature of a
brochure representing the City's Brief, as prepared by G. R. Olliver, the
City Harbormaster, is hereby adopted and approved and the Harborrnaster is
directed to incorporate certified cop~es of this Resolution as a part thereof,
and to file necessary copies thereof on behalf of the City at the public
hearing in connection wi th said impro vements, to be held in Clearwater on
February 4, 1958.
2. That Mayor Lewis H. Homer, Cicy Commissioners Herbert Fields,
Cleveland Insco, Jr., W. E. Strang, Jr., and James H. Watkins, City
Manager Jack Tallent, City Harbormaster G. R. Olliver and City Attorney
Ben Krentzman are a~horized co appear on behalf of the City at said hearing.
J. That as an inducement to the authorization of said improvements,
the City of Clearwater guarantees that in connection therewith it is ~illing
and ab1e to:
Frovide without cost to che United States all necessary land,
easements and rights-or-way specifically including spoil area
in ~hich dredged material may be deposited.
Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the
construction works.
Contribute an equitable amount toward the first cost o:f the
requested improvements.
4. That the City again requests favorable consideration of its
application and th e authorization of said improvement s.
P~SSED AND ADOPTED, this 27th day of January, 1958,
kS/ Lewis Homer
At,t est:
:.It-'Rd G~Wh... itehead
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, 'January 27, 1958
January 17, 1958
Honorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees o~ the City of Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund,
you are hereby notified that Denise O'Leary Clerk 1 in the Finance
Department, has been duly examined by a 10cal physician and deiig-
nated by him as a "First Class"risk.
The above employee began her service with the City on May 9,
1957. She is under 45 years of age (bor.n Oct. 30, 1938) and meets
the requirements or our Civil Service. It is hereby recommended
by the Advisory Committee that she be accepted into membership.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Commit~ee o~
The Employees' Pension Fund.
~s/ Paul Kane
aul Kane, Chairman
~s{ Helen Peters
e en Peters
/5/ Ed. Blanton
Ed1.ITa nt on
- ~ - ~ - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - -
January 17, 19S5
C1t;y Commission
Ci~y of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
I represent Mr. G. Wm. Boswell, o'Wller of the Boswell Shopping Center, . located on
North Betty Lan\:. We now nave in the "hopping center a grocery store, beauty
parlor, barber ~hop, bak6ry shop. and several apartments. We are at ~he present
time constructing a storeroom to be used as a w7_l1w grocery store, and' also
three additional s~oreroom8.
Due ~o the character of this land, there has been a great deal of dif~iculty ex- '
perienced relative to septic tanks. Mr. Boswell has been visited by the Health ..
Department and they are insisting he tap into the City Sewer on Springdale Street.
Mr. Boswell is most willing to comply wi~h t;he1r wishes and will eventually be
desirous of having all storerooms and apartments tapped in~o this line.
However, due to the necessity of continuing with our construction, we are forced
to request immediate attention to this'peti~ion and ask that we be given ~he right
to tie into the City sewer immediately. ,
This ma~ter has been fully discussed lIIi tb the Engineer, who will inform you as to
his recommendation.
Very &rul~ yours,
/s/ Lloyd M. Phillips.
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Section....!. The Cit,y of Clearwat.er. Florida, aet,ing by and t.hrougb
it,s Oit,1 Commission, hereby declares 1&s int.ention t.o anDex into tbe cor-
pora~8 1im1~s of t.he Cit,y of Clearwat.er. Florida, ~he fo~lowing described'
lands lying cont.iguous t.o the t.erritoria1 limit.s o~ said C~ty, which lands
contain less than ten (10) registered voters.
Begin at. t.he BE corner of the RW~ o~ Sec. 24. Twp. 29S
Rge. l5E for POB; run thence I 0 40' 15" E, along the Rorth-
Sou~h half section line o~ Sec. 13, !wp. 29S. Rge. 15E.
25.SS ft.; run t,hence N g90 18' 5~" w. ~56.20 ft.- run
thence S 00 40' 15" W. 110.0 ft.; run tlence N 89~ 18' 54" W
96g.12 ft.; run thence N 100 01' 34" E 50.gg ft.; run thence
It 790 58' 26" W 60.00 ft.; run tmnce N 89 18' 54" W 156.07
ft.j run ~hence S 00 03' 18" W, along the ~O acre line,
561.95 ft.; bun thence S 890 56' ~2" E, 109.90 ft.; run
thence N. ~2 44' 33" E. a8.50 f~.j run thmnce sagO 18' 54"
E, 1198.66 ft.; run t,hence . 00 19' 15" E. 107.79 tt.; run
thence ~long the Arc of a curve to the righ~, whose chord
is fi 16 33' 23" E. 37.98 ft.., and whose ragius is 67.93 r~.,
and whose Arc is 38.50 r~.; run ~hence B 32 47' 31" s, .
106.26 ft.; run thence along the Arc of a curve to tohe left.
whose chord is N 160 33' 23" E, 22.37 ft.; and whose radius
is 40.00 ft., and whose Arc is 22.67 ft.; run thence N 00
19' 15" E. 14-7.g4r~jrun thence along the Arc of a curve
to ~he left, whose chord is H 15 5~' 53" W, 22.37 ft., and
whose radius is 40.00 ft., and whose Arc is 22.67 ftb; run
thence N. 320 09' 01" w. 111.65 ft..; rUD ~hence N 89 04'
52" W, along the North line of Sec. 2~, Twp. 298, Rge. 15E,
47.73 f~. to POBj less aDd except, the follo~ing t".o parcels
o~ land: The Sout,h 147.84- ft.. of' the North ~64.0 ft., or the
Eas~ 73.92 ft. of the HE ; of the NWt of Sec. 24, Twp. 295,
Rge. l5E, and also the South 1~7.84 ft. of the Nortoh 264.0 ft.
of ~he West 73.92 f~. of t.he IW~ of the NE~ or Sec. 24. !wp.
298, Rge. 15E. ~o be kno~n as Fair Oaks Subdivision, Sscond
. Sect-ion 2. 'rhe City of Clearwater, act.1ng by and lihrough its City
Commission, intends ~o annex the foregoing lands according to ~he provisions
of Sec~ion 171.04, Florida Statutes 1957, and to tha~ end t.he City Clerk is
hereby directed to publish ~his Ordinance in ~he Clearwa~er Sun, a newspaper
published in the Ci~y of Clearwater. once a ~eek for fo~ consecu~ive weeks
imaediately after the pass~e of t,bis Ordinance.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effect,ive inwediate1y upon its
PASSED ON FI RS'!: R.EADING January 27. 195B
READING AND ADOPXED January 27. 1955
~I Lewis Homer
. '. .' A~test:
I.' "
:.1el It. G. 'Whi'tehead
.~t.y"b1errc. .
, ;..
January 27, 19$$
The Ci�y Commission of the City of Clearwater met in spzcial session at
the Ci�y Hall, Monday, January 27, 195$, at 1:3U P,If. with the fullowing
members present:
Lewis H�rner
Clevelan d Insco
James H. WatYins
Herbert R. Fields
W. E. Strang, Jr.
�lso present were:
Jack 'Pallent
Ben Krentzn�an
,T<; E: Anderson
'A. B. Mackey
Citiy Manager
Cit y Attorney
Represent9.n; Gity Engineer
Asst. Police Chief
TY:e Mayar called the meeting to order. The invocation was giver_ by the
Reverend Paul Kinports of St. Pau1's Lutheran Church, Clearw�:ter.
i# let;ter was read from Nfr. Lloyd Phillips, attorney for Mr. G. hT. Bostaell,
staLing his client was constructing an additior_ t o his shopping centsr on
North Bett� Lane and sinc e the County Health Department would not approve a
connection to septic tank, he was requesting permission to tie into the Cit3*
sewer on Springdale. I�ir. Phillips and Mr. Boswell were both present. The
Manager di�l not recommer_d granting permission because similar requests from
outside the City had been der_ied. The Alayor said he understood Mr. Boswell
had the alternative of constructing a separate package disposal plant. The
Mayor asked if Mr. Boswell would be willing ta have his property annexed to
the City and Nir. Phillips asked time to consider. Mr. George McCall repre-
senting thE County Health Department expla.ined the County had put a hold order
on final approval of the naw buildings, By consent, the matter was postponed
until ti� Commission heard further from Mr. Boswell on the matter.
Regarding bids ior electrical materials for 1�Iarina walkwaps and new pier,
tl�e Manager recommended accepting the fiaw bids following with 2°� cash discount:
Gen. Elec. Supply, Tamga y.5 condulets, hub plates, plates �61�1�.,1�0
Elec. Supply, Tampa 95 recepta,cles & covers 2L..7.50
Graybar Elec., T2mpa 90 cutouts 55.44
Corr�nissioner Watkins mo'v2d upon the recommendation of the Electrical Super-
ir.tendent, Cit y�reasurer, Narbormaster and Assistant Pur.chasing Agent and the
City i�anaoer Lhat bids for the electrical materials for Marina walkways and new
�ier be awarded as stated in this letter, these being the lowest and best bids,
and the proper off icials b'e aut?�orized to execu�e the contracts. Motion was
seconded by Co�rnnissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Attor:�ey present$d for its first reading Ordinance '761 which would
declare tne Cityts intenLion to annex Fair Oaks Subciivision Second Addition.
Commission.er Watkins moved that Ordinance 761 be passed on its first reading.
NIotion was seconded by Commissionts Fiel�s and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 761 be considered on its second
readirg bq title cnly witi h the unanimous consent of the Commission. The Attorney
read the ordinance by title only. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance �61
he passed on its second reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and
carried unanimously.
Cummissioner VJai,kins moved that Ordinance '761 bp consid�red on its th�rd and
final rea ding with tihe unanimous aonsent oi the Commission. Motior_ was seconded
by Gommissioner Insco nd carried unanimously. The Kttorney read the ordinance
in full. Commissioner �ratkins moved that Ordinanc� 761 be passed and adopted on
its third and final readin; and �he:gr.oper autkzor�:�ies.<be:_authorized �o execute
it. NIotion was secorided by Commi.ssioner Insco and�cariied unanimously,
�he Manager presen��d the plat of Fair Oaks Subdiuisian Second Addi�ion and
reported the developer had signed the Ordinar,ce 632 con�ract and posted bond to
cover improvements. The Zoning and Plar_ning Board. recommended R-1 zoning. Ths
Ai;torney pointed out tYtere was an old cemetery located on this propert}* but the
Zoning and Pla7nin� Board had approverl �,hi� plat as tb� onlg available m�thod
o.f handling the situatio n, Commission�r Insco moved the contract under the pro-
visions of Ordinance 632 witn Mr. M. E. Sever covering the Second Addition to
Fair Oaks 5ubdivision be approved; that the plat thereo£ be approved and the
proper officials authorized to execute the same, it being understood that the
property is to be annexefl in accordance with the request of the property o�,mer
and tk�e ordir.ance of intention adopted by the City Conunission; that the property
will be zoned R-1 reszdential by the City. Motion was seconded by Cou,missioner
Fields and carraed unanimously.
It was reported by the Manager that Sperr� Rand had requested fire proteation
services irom the City and the City Attorney had prepared an agreement similar to
the one the City has with Tninneapolis-HoneyweL except since the iraveling dis-
tance is further to �perry Hand a cost of $�30Q:00 will be char ged. Commissioner
Watkirs moved the agre�ment be approved and the proper authorities be authorized
to execu�e it. Mo�Ci on was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
•'� ,
�2 _
January 27, 195�
The Nfayor suggesteci a motion be made to show intsntion to widan, strai�hten
and pave Pierce Street and Drew Street and be furnished to the Building Inspec�or
to give notice so that buildings wo uld no� be built in the iuture on the proposed
rights of way. Commissioner Insco moved the City Engineer be instrizcted to pre-
pare a map and praper descriptions indicating the rights of way required for the
, e:ctension of Pierce Street easterly to its in�ersection with Gul.f to Bay Boulevard
and on Drew Street frc�m ,'�lissouri to Clearwater Bay and that said .,;aps and descrip-
tions be furnished to �he City BuiTding Inspector and the City Attorney�s office
in order that neces�ary steps can be takEn te begin acquisition of rights of way
and that prosFective builders that might otherwise request building permits in
connection wi�h Lhe right of way which would infringe on the right of �ay can be
ad�ised. MoLior� was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unaniruously.
The Manager reported that over a period of time several eraployees had made
claims regardin, their status or steg star_ding in �ne present pay scale that they
were due more money according Lo the present pay plan. He stated at the request
of ihe Givil Service Board he had he].d a hearing with about twe].ve o� these em-
ployees and f'ound zhat he could not technically or legally find any way Lo 3ssist
them with the excegtzcn of five police officers who were caught between the change
of classifications. He recommended that Pau1 i�Ieisner, Monroe I�4iller, James
�IeGrath, Anthony D'Elia, Ed�ain hznt be allowed retroactive pay from the date it
would have been due (the dates vary and o back as .far as October 4,'1956).
He recommended tha.t an appropriation of �1,004.3b be put into the Police D�part-
ment under personal services from the salaries account of ti� ich �b2b.36 woulc�
cover retroactive pay thro�gh January 31, 195$, and �3�$.00 would cover the re-
mainder oi the fzscal year. Com�-nissioner Watkir_s moved the approval of trans-
ferring Lhat amount over to the Police Departrnent to take care of this matter.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
Resolution 5$-9 was read wrt?ch authorized payment of �1,706.$1 to Briley,
P�ild and Associates, Consulting Enginaers, for services in connect�on witn the
h7arshall Street Sewaoe Treatment Plant. Commissioner P7atkins moved Reso�lution
5$-9 be approved and the proper authoriti�s be authorized to execute it. R'lotion
was seconded by C�mmissioner Insco and carried unanimously.
The Ati;orney read Resolution 5'$-10 which would vacate a sixtoen foot a].Iey
runnin� �aest from Orange Avenue between 7Lots 1 and 6, J. K. Gass Subdivision.
He stated the present ov�ner, Mr. Ni. J. Schuller, had requested the vacation
and -the �ngineer had approved subject only to an eassment for an� existxng utili-
ties. Corrunissioner Watkins moved Resel�ition 5$-10 be approved and the proper
authori��es be authorized to execute it, I�lotion was seconded by Coaunissioner
Insco and carried unanimously.
The Attorney reported receipt of a letter from Mr. Joseph Young, attorney
for Mr. Ed C. Wright, requesting the City qui� claim any interest it mi�ht
have for the pur�ose of cleari.ng title to any portinn of Sand Key lying suuth of
Little Pass, He pointed out th at for some time the Gity has been attempting to
obtain an easement from PRr. Wright for irnprovement of Watkins Road and suggested
an exchange �f deeds. Commissioner Insco moved ti�t; the reques�ed quit claim
deed from the City of Clearwater t� Ed. Q. Wri.oht covering a17. lands lying
south of the channel of LiztZe Pass as described therein iess and except the
CiLy owned property in Goverr�rnerit Lot 2(Section 1'7-2a-l�;i and less and except
the Cityts right to jurisdzction and authority over t he right of way of a con-
templat.ed bridge c�useway over I,ittle Pass be approved and the proper officials
be authorized to execute the same and �ihat it be delivered at such time as the
Gity obtains its required right of way fvr Watkins Road. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Fzelds and carried unanirnously.
The Attorney reported at the conference in Jacksonville on Friday, January
21�th, t he U. S. Army G�rps of Engineers representatives had suggesteci a Resoiu-
tion be preFared out lining the requested channel improvements in Little Pass,
authoriz2ng the proper off icials to appear at the public hearing nr. Februax�y
i�th in order to submit suUstantiating data as prepared by the Harbor:na.ster to
the Corps of Enginesrs and indicating �he City�s willingness to do the following:
a. Pro�ide without cost to the U. S. all necessar;r lands, easements, etc.
b. Hold and save the U. S. free from damages due to the construction works.
c. Contribute an equitable amour.t to the first cost of the improvements.
The Attcrney stated he would draft the Resolution according to th is summary.
Commissioner Insco mov�d Resolution 5$-1T be passed and adopted and that �i�
proper officials be authorized to execute the same� Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Fiplds and carried unanim�usly. ThE h'iayor added th�t the entire
Commission, the Er�ineer, Attorr�ey, i�an�.ger and Harbormaster had gone to Jackson-
ville and had found the engineers very cooperati�re and that a few chan�es and
additions had been s�gested to strengther_ the petitian for this improvement.
It was raportpd by ths Mayor that the Cammission had received the let•ter
from the Givil Service Board pertaining to its investi�ation on ir•regularities
in the hiring �nd classificatzon of personnel. The Attorney stated he had ieeen
present at the hearing and had received a copy oi �Y� transcri�t of the testi-
mony. He reco�runended the Commission study this transcript before takin�; action.
Commissioner Insco moved the Commission receive tnis letter f;om t he Civi1 Service
Board pert aining to t his ma�ter and tha� the Cornmission be given ample opportunity
tQ study ozrer the testimony. Motion was seconded by Commi,ssioner Fields and
c�rried unan:imously.
January 27, 195�
`Phe Mayox stated he had not ha d sufficient time t;; co nsider recommendations
for persons to be appointed to the Parking Advisory Fic�rd. ;:�y consent, the matter
was deferred to next weak � s meetirig.
It was reported by the Mayor that Gommissioner Strang had telephoned asking
to be excused from ihis meetin� because of important business, Commissioner
Insco moved that Coramissioner Strang be excused froin this meetzng. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously,
The Mayor suggested reconsidering t he matter of t he names placed on the plat
appr�ved for Island Esta�es Unit III last wesk and returning to the name origin-
ally requested, Midvaay Island, instead of Midwa�r Island Drive since there v�as
only one street on each island. Commissioner Watkins moved that the motion
approving the plat of Island Estates Unit ITI be recansidered and t hat the motion
be amended to approve the plat in the form in Nhich it was submittQd� Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried ur.�nirnously.
Commissioner Insco moved the Commission mesti*�g be adjourned. Motion was
seconded by C.ommissioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
The Mayor introduced Vir, Gustave �avas, owner a.�' proper�ty on Cleveland
Street in ihe dov��ntown section. Mr. Kravas conmenc��d the CiLy officials on tha
manner in wh�:ch they were transacting their business.
The Commission, nov� adjaurned as the City Gommission and meeting as Trustees
af tha �ension Fund, heard a let;t�r read from the Advisory Committee recommending
that Denis� 0'Leary, Clerk l, Finance Departmerrt, be �ccapted into membership
in the Pension Plan. Commissioner Watkins moved that she be accepted as a mem-
ber. Motion was seconded by Qommissioner Insco and carried unanimously,
Thare being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 P.N.
Att e st t
i Clerk
Mayor-Co. • ssi , r —
c� r ' r,
� 1. "' C�C,,,.r
: �
J�nuai y 27, 195f3
XGFI\DA Reports from Citv b'fana�er
JAI�UARY 27, 19S$ 1. Request Sanitary Sewer, Boswell Shopping Center,
1:3D �.M. North Bett;� Lane
2. Bids, Elec�rical Materials for Marina Walkways
Invocation and New Pier
Introductions 3. Second Addition to Fa,ir 0aks, Request for
Ninutes of Preceding tdeeting Ap�,roval of Plat
Public Hearings l�o Other Engineering Ntatters
Reports of City Manager 5. Agreement, Answer Fire Calls, Sperry Rand
Reports of City Attorney• 6. Verbal Reports and Other Pending Matters
Citizens to be Heard
Other Commission Action Reparts from GitY AttorneY
D+ieeting Pension Plan Trustees 7. Pagment to Briley, Wild & Associates
$. Considerakion of Resolution Vacating 16 ft.
Dead-end �111e�> lying immediately West o,f
�rar�e Ave,, per Plat of J� K. Cass Subd.
WHEFEAS, Brile;y, Wild and I�ssociates have heretofore been retained by the
City of Cle�water tv perforra servic�s as covered by the statem�nt tl�erefor
hereinafter described; and,
WHERE�S, said services, as so described, have been performed and tYiere is
du� and payable said Engineers from the City oi Clearwater the sum of �l,'706.$1,
accord.ir.g to Lhe statement of said Engineers dated January 13, .195$, a copy of
which is hereto attaci�e3 and by reference made a part hereof;
CI,EARWATER, FLOHIDh, in session duly and regul�rly assembled, as fol,lows:
1. That the sum of �1,706.$1 be paid from t he Construction Truet FuY�d b,y
the Fi.rst National Bank of ClearwaLer, Florida, Trustee thereof. of Construction
Trust Fund Agreement dated June 10, 1957, which Gonstruction Trust Fund is de-
rived from proceeds of the sale of Utility Revenue Certificates Series of 1956.
2. rhat a certified eopy of the Resolution be delivered.forthk�ith to said
Trustee, which said certzfied copy shall consti'Gute the direction of the City
of Clearwater i.o �aid `Prustee to pay the foregoin sum direetly Lo the said
Engineers f�rthwiLh in compliance with Section 3�h) and other provisions of
said Construction Trust Fund �greement.
�ASSED An� I�DOPTED, 1HIS 2'T`yday oi' January, 195�.
/s/ Zewi� Homer
Att es t :
/s/ R, G. Whitehead
it� y Clerk —
V�HER�AS, tha plat of J. K. Cass Subdivision, as recorde@ in Plat Book 1Q,
Page 39, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, indicates a 16 foot alley
running PJest fr.ora Oran�e Avenue bet�een Lots 1 and 6 of said Subdivision; and,
WHEREAS, ihe obvious intention of said alley is for the purpose of pro-
viding access to Lots 3 and 1�. of said Subd,ivision; and,
WHEREAS, Lots 1 thr�u�h 6 inclusive af s aid Subdiviszon are in common
ownership and the present oti�rners thereof have requested the Cit,y to vacate
said alley; and,
VIHEREAS, said alley serves no useful purpose to the Cit y or to the general
public except �or utilitq easements and it is deemed to be to t he advantage and
best interest of the City that tne same be �racated;
Janu�ry 27, 195$
That tha� certa.in 16 foot alley lqin� G1est of Oran�e Avenue and between
Lots 1: and 6 of J. K. Cass Subdivision, as shown on the glat ther eof �s re-
corded i� P1at Boo;c lt�, Page 5$, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida,
is hereby ttacated and relea;sed and the Cii,y oi Clearwater hereby qui•tclaims
and releases all its right, tstle and interest th�reto, ta persons entitled
thereto by ls.+, sub�ect only to existing ea�err.ents or uses for utility
PASSED NND ADOPTED, this 27f�'day of January, 195$.
�tt e st ;
/s/ fi. G. Wk:izehead
City lerk
/s,l Lev�is Homer
5$-11 .
WHEF.EAS, the City of Clearwater, Florid3, has hereto?ore requestpd
Federal aid in connection with the improvement �f the Channel tYm ougn Little
Pass from Clearwater Eia�, Florida, tc deep water in t he Gulf of �Iexico; and,
[aHEREAS, the District Engineer of �he IJ. S. Army Corps of Engineers at
Jacksonville, Florida, pursuant to Section b of the River and Harbor Act,
approved March 2, 1945, has been directed to make a survey of said Channei
and has sc:neduled a pubZic hearing to be held in the iKunicipal Auditorium,
Clearwater, Florida, on February l�, 195$, Y�eginnirg at 10 A.Ni,; and,
'�nliiEREAS, the Har�ormaster has prepared a pr�ser.ta�i�n in tha form of a
brochure r�presenting the City°s Briei in supporb ai its application, which
has been carefully examined by the City Commission and it is desired to
approve and adopt the ,ame, to authorize the Cit;� Harbormastar, t� Cit3T
;�anager, the Gi�;y Att�rney and other Gity oiiicials to appear on behalf of
the City at said hearin�, to forma�.ly make certain c�mmitinents on behalf of
the Gity and v� reneva its request for s�ia improvements;
L `Phat the presentation on behalf of the City in the nature of a
brochiare representing the Cityts Brief, as prepared by G, R. 011iver, the
City Harbormastpr, is hereby adopted and approved and the Harborm�ster is
directed to incorpor atp certified cop�es of this Resolution as a pzst thereof�
�nd t o file necessar y copies thereof on behalf of tlze City at the public
h�aring in connection �rith said �mprovements, to be held in Clears'�ater on
February �:, 195$.
2. Zhat Nayor Lewis H. Homer, City Cornmissioners Herbert Fields,
Cleveland Insco, Jr., W, E. Strang, Jr., and James H. Watkins, City
Manager Jack 1'allent, Ca.ty Harborr�aster G. R. 011iver and City Att�rney
Ben Krentzman are authorize� to appear on behalf of the City at said hearing.
3. That as an inducpment to the authorizat�on of said iinpro�rements,
the City of Clearcaater guarantees �hat in cannection the�ewith it is willing
and able to ;
(a) Frovide without cost to the United States all neeessary land,
easements and rights-of-way specifically incluuing spoil area
in which dredged material mag be �eposited.
(b) Hold and save the United Stz�es free from damages due to the
construc�ion works.
(c) GontriUute an equitable amount toward t he first cost of t he
requested improvements.
4, That the City again requests favorable consideration of it s
application and the authorization r�f said improvements.
PASSED AN D ABQPT�D, this 2�th day of January, 195$.
/s/ R. Gb' Wh3teliead
ity Clerk
Lewis Homer
Mayor- ommissioner
( ��
January 27, I95g
January 17, 195$
Aonorable City Commissioners
C'learwaLer, Flos•ida
Ger.it lemen :
As Trustees of the City cf Clearwater Emgloyees' Pension FuZd,
you are hereby not,ified that Denise 0'Leary Glerlc 1 in t�e Finance
Department, has been dulp examined by a local physician and d�5ig-
nated by him as a��First ClassT'risk.
The above employee began her ser�tice wit h the City on May 9,
1957. She is under 4� years of age (born Oc�. 30, 193$) and meets
tha requiremetits of our Civil Service, It is hereby r2commended
by Lhe �dvisory Commi•ttee that she be acce�te� �nto membership.
Very truly yours,
Advis�r� Commit;tee of
The Employees� Pension Fund,
fs/ Paul Kane
Pau1, Kane, Chairman
/s/ Helen Petars
Helen P2ters
/s/ Ed. Blanton
Ed Blanton
_�---� aan».ryi7, 195$--------
City Commission
City of Gle�rwater
Clear�ater, Florida
C:ent leme n •
I sepresent Mr. G. Wm. Boswell, owner of the Boswell Shopping C'enter, located on
North Betty Lane. We z�ow have in the shopping center a grocery store, beauty
parlor, barber shop, bak�ry shop, and several apartmer�ts. We are at the present
time constr�ucting a storeroom to be used as a n']�lI" grocery store, and aZso
threa additional storerooms.
Due to the character of this laild, there has been a g•reat deal of diificul�y ex�
perienced relative to septic tanks. Mr. Boswell has been visited by the Health
Departmen�t ax�d they are insisting he Lap in1;o �he City Sewer on Springdale Street.
Mr. Boswell is most willing to comply vait h their wiahes and wi11 eventually bs
desirous of having all storerooms and apartments tapped in�to this 1ine,
Ho�rever, due to the necessity of continuin� wit h our construction, we are forced
to request immediats attention to this petition and ask that we be given the right
to tie into the City sevt�r immediately.
This matter has been.�ully discuss�d with the Engineer, who will inf.orm you as to
his .recommendation.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Ll�yd M. Phillips
`�4�, �� �'�
OftDINflNC� NO 7bZ
OF S�CTTJN 171.0�., FLORTDA ST�TU^tES 195'], AND
Section 1. T1�.� Ci�y of Glearwater, Florida, acting by and through
iGs C t�"Z;'o� sion, hereby daclares its intention to annex into the cor-
gorate limits of the Ci�y df Clearwater, Florida, �he follotiving c3escribed
lands lying cpntiguous to �he tarritorial ].imits of suid City, V�hich lands
contain less than �en (10) registered voters.
Begin at L-he I�E corner of the NW� of Sec. 21�, T�ap, 29S
Rge. 1SE for POB; run thence N 0° 40� 15n E, along the ATorth-
South half section line of Sec, 13, �wp, 29S, Rge. 15E,
25.g$ ft.; run thence R$go 1$f 54" tt�. 156,20 ft. • run
thence 5 0° 40t 15'� ti�, 110.0 ft. • run 'cl�nce N$9a 1$+ g�.n v�
96$.12 ft.; run t hence �I 1�° O1t�34" � SD.g$ ft.• run t hence
N 79° 5$' 26� �T 60.00 £t. ; run �he nce N�g 1$+ ��.n t�r Z56, 0'7
it •; run the nce S 0° 03 t 1$�T 1�t1, along �he I�0 acre line
561.95 ft.; aun thence S$9° 56t 1{,2tt E, 109.90 it.; run
thence �T. �.2 1F1�. + 33 �+ E, $E3, 50 ft. ; run thence S$9° �$ � g4f�
�� �.9$.66 �'t.; �un thence fld 0° 19t 15" E. I0�.79 ft.; run
thence along the Arc of a curare to the right, whose chord
is i� 16° 33' 2314 E. 37.9$ ft,, and whose radius is 6'7.93 it.,
and whosE Arc is 3$.5� It.; run tnence N 32° 47' 31'� E
106.26 ft.; run thence along the lirc of a curve to the�lef�t,
whose chord is N 16° 33' 23" E, 22.3'7 it.; and whose radius
i5 I�0.00 ft., and whose Arc is 22.67 ft.; run th�nce H�°
19' 15'4 E, 147.g4it�9run thence alon; the Arc o£ a curve
to the 1eft, whose chord is N 15 5t�+ �3tt ��T, 22.37 ft., and
whose radius is i�0.fl0 ft., and whose Arc is 22.67 it., ru�
thence N. 32° 09� Olf� 6T, 111.65 it,; run zhence N$g° p1�r
5�?" �'�, along the North line o£ Sec. 21�, Twp. 29S, Rge. 15E,
47•73 it. to POB; less and except the folloaing t�,vo parcels
of lar.�: The South 1�.7.$ly ft. of the North ?.64.0 �t., o£ L•he
�ast �3.92 �t. of the I�E � of the hi�1� of Sec. 21�, �'wp, 2g$�
Iige. 15E, and also the South 14%,$!� ft. of the North 26�..0 ft.
oi tne �1,'sst '13.92 iL,, of the iV��T� of tha NEw of ,Sec. 2�., Twp..
29S, Rge. 15E, to be known as Fair Oaks Subdivision, Saaon�i
Section 2. 'lhe City of Clearwater, actino by anci thznugh its City
Commission, intends to annex ti� £oregoing lands �ccording to �the provisions
of Section 1'71.01�, Florida Sta�utes 1a57,, and to that end the Git,y Clerk is
hereby directed to publish this Ordinance in ihe Cl�ar�r�ater Sun, a nec�spaper
�ublishsd in the City of Clearwater, once a�veek for four consecui:ive weeks
immediately after the passage of uhis Ordinance.
Section 3• This Ordinance sh�ll becorne effectiv� immediately upon its
/s/ R. G. Whiteheacl
Ci�y lerk �--""�
Januarv 27 195�
Januarv 27 1958
Januarv 27. 195$
/s/ Lewis Homer