01/13/1958 :", " Also present were: Jack 'l'allent Ben Krentzman S. Lickton Sgt. K. Williamson ......:<'!.,."... " \.,:.ii.' ~j~~;;::,;~'t':';"';;'~'.~;It.-;.:::" "'." -- ' . ~~~t; ;~~~i~!i;.,;..,;,.;,.,;\.~","" ~,"." '0 ,. '.'"./,. ,1" ,~." '11 ,.' .' ,..;t'W ~*~~: .;. ... \,:">,,. .,..:. ~,'~i ~ " \ ". '." l j ,~<,' J""~\ ...,.i:'. '1:~~' ""~~) ,',., " ',"',' ; . ~, . :.' t,,:'::' , .1 '. t '. .j " I. "",I, 4:.~;, ,~. > . " . ;;':..~.:.~:~;,:':i S!.j~;,~.~:' ....: ::::.:' ':',.:. '.. .'; ,i.\ ::,,~.:'p~;.; .;2. '.L,' ...;~ (,.";'~':'.~ ;'',t, :.......',...~. Le~i8 Homer W. E. Strang, Jr. Cleveland Insco, Jr. James K. Watkins Herbert R. Fields Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner CommisSioner Commissioner Commi ssioner i:~; >>." \""" )'lit~~;~~~ !!~~ll~1i; 1. " "'. :,'. .' ~ ,'. -'''.' . CITY CO~~ISSION MEETING January 13, 1958 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, Monday, January 13, 1958, at 1:)0 P.M. ~ith the following members present: }.', "";,.: . v' "" ",', " i ". . City Manager City Attorney Ci ty Engineer Representing Police Chief The Mayor called the meeting to order. ~he invocation was given by the Reverend R. M. Cochran of Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clear~ater. Commissioner Strang moved that the minutes of January 6th be approved in accordance with copies submitted to each Commissioner in writing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. In regard to the request previously considered of Mr. Wm. Ward for three addition- al taxi permits, the Manager reported that he had provided the Commissioners with copies of the quarterly reports of a~l three taxi companies for the last three quarters. Conmissioner Strang moved that he be granted three additional permits as requested with no additional street spaces as he agreed. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Fie~ds and carried unanimously. The Commissioners expressed a desire to receive copies of the quarterly reports in order to be more familiar with the taxi operation in the future. The Manager presented Resolution 5g-3 which would require three property owners to clean their lots of weeds and undergrowth. Co~issioner Strang moved that Resolu- tion 5g-3 be adopted and the proper officials be aut horized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Mayor explained that the Fun 'N Sun Conuni.ttee had asked the City to consider sponsoring a rodeo in connection wi~h the Fun 'N Sun Festival and that the City would have to underwrite the guarantee to the persons who put on the rodeo. He said he had discussed leasing the footbal~ stadium for this purpose ~ith Mr. Floyd Christian, 'Superintendent of Schools. He recommended authorizing the Attorney to prepare an agreement ~ith the School Board for the lease of che stadium for three nights for a fee of $1,000.00. Commissioner Strang moved that the proper officials be authorized to execute the necessary documents to lease the Clearwater Kigh School Stadium from the County School Board for a fee of $1,000.00. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Mayor reported that the One Way Street Conmittee had net wi th Mr. Al Rogero, State Road Board member, to discuss a proposed one ~ay street program and that all present had voted endorsement of the one way system. He explained the City has been given the choice of either removing parking from Fort Harrison and Cleveland Street or estab1ishing a one way street plan in a letter from the State Road Department. Chief Booth and Captain W. Carey presented diagrrons of the proposed plan which would make For~ Harrison one way southbound from Myrtle to Franklin using Garden Avenue and Osceola Avenue for northbound traffic and cer~ain other downto~n streets ~ould be one way as indicated on the plan. Mr. S . R. Bo~en of the North Shore Association requested a public hearing on the subject and staced that the North Shore Association was opposed to the proposed p~an as ehe proposed northbound streets were not adequate to handle heavy eraffic~ The Mayor explained that although this item was not on the agenda publicity had been given in the Clearwater Sun.. Mr. H. H. Baskin, Sr., spoke in opposition to the plan and recorrmended that pm-king be taken off Fort Harrison from Drew to Court and for a certain distance on Cleveland Street to help move the traffic through the downtown section faster. He asked that if the one way plan was adopted that it not be put into effect now during the height of the tourist season. Mr. Maurice Thayer, Mr. Wesley Short and Judge John Bonner recommended the one way system. Commissioner Watkins moved that the one way street pro~ram as presented and as approved by the various associations of the committee be put into effect as soon as it is practicable and that a sufficient amount of money be authorized to instigate the project not to exceed $10,000.00. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. Mr. Wesley Short presented a Resolution from the Clearwater Merchants Association asking that the Commission appoint a Parking CommiSSion with authority to emp10y an engineer to make a survey to determine the best locations for suitable parki~ facili- ties near the downto~n business district. Commissioner Watkins moved that the Resolu- tion be accepted and made a part of the minutes and deferred for further discussion until the next regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and calTied unanimously. . .} '. . ....--...==: -... ~~- 1. M..~~-__ Y' - " ";'... " " ,P.'. . . ", '\ .\. :.",1'; :~..'!~.:,~.. ; , .', . ~i . ." , . _,;!";;",,,)~~,,",,~,,;~';"->'J~:'f_""'" '~;""!::')~'~"",;:_';..:' ,.>'-,,,~~,.:. _' ',: .:'''.. "S:~!:'C~!'.~) .'.~:l~;:'\~:J:~\1i;~4~~~~~~~~~1~~f~ik~~t~;~.;: ~ ...... ",' .......:....,..,.i ..:. .z "... ..;;. .......-..:. '::::I!i . ~.., ":,:,I,,\~,,\.,,q~'I' : ..'~':'~<~':...t':" .~:;,:,:...'<" ':':"':')~"':J:~~~';',"'I ".,.,,,/. "1'", ,'\ '_.;1'- ~~i~~' .~~ -2- CITY CO~lISSION MEETING January 13, 1958 In regard to the bids for traffic signal at North Fort Harrison and Myrtle considered at the last meeting, the Manager explained that by adopting the one way system the requirements for the traffic light l'() uld be changed and different equipment would be needed. He said that the Commission could either accept the low bid and reduce it to fit the new requirements or reject all bids and re-adver- tise. Mr. Aubrey Ort, Electrical Superintendent, estimated it would take from two t() three months to secure the equipment if it was necessary to re-advertise. The ~yer suggested deferring the matter for one week as it was expected that Stat~ Road Department engineers would be in Clearwater during the coming week and could be consulted on the proposed traffic light. By consent, t l'e consid- eration of the bids was tabled until the meeting of January 20th. The I'I1anager stated t.hat subject to the approval of the classification . plan for City employees ~here is a new pay plan pending; in the meantime, the ~ present pay plan provides for permissive increases now for those persons who ~ J \ have been in the first. step for eighteen months. He said he could not give an ~. \6 estinate on what was left in the salaries account until he knows the effective ~\ date of the new pay scale. The Mayor suggested since the Commission was meet- \d ing with the Civil Service Board and the Employees Association on Thursday night, '\ January 16th, with the hopes of finalizing the ne'W program'.that the matter be tabled until we have the finalized pay plan worked out and effective dates set. Commission- er Strang moved that the Manager be instructed to withhold all wage adjustments on the eighteen months period or ~teps as tmy are called in the present pay plan unt.il this Commission and the Civil Service Board meet and get the actual date estab- lished. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Mayor recommended tmt Commissioner Insco be aut horized to attend the exec~tive committee meeting of the Florida League of Municipalities in Jackson- ville on January 19th to discuss plans for the convent ion in Clearwater from October 23rd to October 25th, 195a. Commissioner Strang moved that Commissioner Insco be authorized to make the trip to Jacksonville and t hat traveling expenses be au~horized. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unani- mously. In regard to the request of Mr. R. J. McDermott, attorney on behal~ of pro- perty owners in Bayside No.5, that the City ordinance on liquor zoning he amended to provide for the s ale of intoxicating beverages in Bayside No. 5 and filled land to the east of Bayside No.5, the City Attorney reported that he had prepared Ordinance 756 which would amend Section 4, Article 1, Chapter 15, City Code. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 756 be passed on first reading. MOtion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that second reading of Ordinance 756 be deferred to tn e next meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unaniIllously. ~he Attorney reported that the original purchase agreement for acreage in Sections 1-29-15 and 12-29-15 wlth Constantine Farms, Inc., had included a right of ac~ess for Constantine Farms from fifteen acres lying north of land now platted as Clearwater Industrial Park to and from a well on t.he property purchased by the City. He presented an agreement approved by the Engineer limiting Constantine Fanns right of access to the platted streets and alleys shewn on the plat and an easenent lying north of Sunnydale Boulevard. Commissioner Insco moved that the agreement be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unaniIllously. ~he Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 757 ~ich would annex into the City part of Lot 9, Hanousek's Subdivision. He explained that the property was o~cupied by a trai~er park which would be considered non-conforming use and the zoning to be established in the ordinance would be R-l. Commissioner Strang move~ that Ordinance 757 be passed on its first reading. ~tion 'Was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimOUSly. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 757 be considered on its second reading by title only by unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by COl1missioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance by ti"tle only. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 757 be passed ('In its s~cond reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carriEd unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 757 be considered on its third read- ing with the unanimous consen~ of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unaninlously. The Attcrney read t.he Ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved ~hat Ordinance 757 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. .", . . , ..' ....' , . ~.~- _. ....,....... . . . .' <" "I!\' (2~3 ..: " . ,.'.{, " . . i .. I . " ',./.: t :.:,., ,< i . ". .; ; I ~ '" . .. .... ..... ~ . '. , . '.. "-.~;""(t ;;/ ,I'- ,....,~:~ -':~~\~ Jr....-:{.1P<~~t..;"\<\"j..-IG~-"I;>~r;:l)-t~~I:t,~";~bl\]i.t ~~~~~~~-~~~~~,. ., ~. ~ -1- 011'Y COMMISSION MEETING January 13. 1958 The Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 758 which would declare the City's intention to annex Rollins Subdivision. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 758 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Oommissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 758 be considered on its second read- ing by title only with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fi'31ds and carried unaniDlOusly. 'l'he Attorney read the Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordiname 758 be passed on its second reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Commissioner Scrang moved that Ordinance 758 be considered on its third and ~inal reading by unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Attorney read Ordinance 756. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 758 be passed on third. and final reading and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Con~issioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 759 which would declare the City's intention to annex Oak Acres Addition Unit 3. portions of Oak Acres Addition, Oak Acres Addition Unit 1 and Oak Acres Addition Unit 2. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 759 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Watkins and carried unanimousl)r. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 759 be considered on its second read- ing by title only with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. 'J.'he Attorney read the Ordinance by title only. Cornmdssioner Strang moved that Ordinance 759 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unani- mously. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 759 be considered on its third and final reading with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. 'l'he Attorney read the Ordinance. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 759 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded hy Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attorney presented Resolution 58-4 which would authorize payment from the Construction Trust Fund of 1957 to Briley, Wild and Associates for engineering services. Cornmissioner Strang requested that since the Resolution ~as not on the agenda that it be deferred to next week's meeting. By consent, the Co~ission agreed to this request. The Mayor exp1ained it was necessary to have a motion to receive the audit report ~or the fiscal year ending June 30. 1957. Commissioner Strang Doved that ~he audit report for the ~iscal year ending June 30. 1957, from Turnburke. Brock and Raines be received. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. There bei ng no further business to c orne before the Board, t he meeting 'Was adjourned at ~:lO P.M. ~~/11~" ... yor- omm g'5~oner -- Attest: ~ CJ.~ ler k :. I:...... .. . . . .. ...' ': ,.'>~~~W;!;, .'X, ~'.:~r:'(':{~.';.".~i:;.~>:' . .' .... . '...:. .:.. .... .,:.~:.~.';:~~~...-\".~. .::,,"'.~.;,.~~.:l..~.:.~.;~.~;':.:'_.'.:,;,,::~:~< .~" .... .""';,' , , ..' '..", ,,;,."'\..-' . i.... _ ',l'; ~ _._ _ 4~ r ~~ti~;~A~~'i~{ ..; ':'p.,r1r~4' :lli I ' '-' '" I.L;;\,~i..~ :.'~~~ .~.> ,<'1 l'.<U~',:""" '"':':r.~~t'~,:",:.;:::~t~ 't.::"':::.: . .. ,t.' " ..h~ .... ,.,..' .'. ,'. ".~:., .~x'i.~;:"'..:...L...""._,.~.~:.:,~ ,';',,,""'" "",..i,.,", .";":';;,;"'j..~;;i;;""""J;A:.2.."":~~,,;,~,,-,,,,,,c.;':2:L~~} · AGENDA CITY COr1MISSION MEETING JANUJ\HY 13, 1958 1:30 P.H. CITY COMMISSION MEETING January 13, 195:3 Heporto from City Man.ager r:--Reqtlest;-"3-itdMITOi1ilI Taxi Per-mi t B, Ward 2. Trafflc Signnl, N. Ft. Harrison Intersection at Myrtle - Pleu Bunt - Mohawlc 3. Pl'ivate Lc)t 1\1oHing Requests h. Verbal Heports and Other Pending Matters Invooat:l.on Introductions ~JI1nuteo of PrecedinG Meeting Public Hearings Reports of City Manager Reports of City Attorney Citizens to be Heard Other Corrunission Action Adjournment Meeting Pension Plan Trustees Reports from City Attorney S-:--Ainendmc11t-to -()rCf.lnance Regulating Sale of Intoxicating Bevera~es to Include Area on South Finger of Clearwater Beach 6. Considerati0n of Agreement with Constantine Farms, Inc., Clarif'ying Right of' Access from Clearwater Industrial Park 7. Consideratiun of Ordinance of Intention to Annex Oak Acres Addition --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION 58-3 \'lHEREAS: it has been determined b;l the City Comrili s8:\.on of the City of Clearwater-, Florida, that the property described belc\'l should be cleaned of \'leeds, grass and/or underbrush, and ttlat after ten (10) days notice and failure of the owner thereof to do SO~ tIle City should clean such property and charGe the costs thereof' against the respective property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City C01Mlission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that the follUi'.[ing descr::'i)ed property, situate in said City, shall be cleaned of \'leeds, grass and; 01'" underbrush \'-11 thin ten (10) days after notice in wri ting to the ai'mers thereof' to do so and that upon failure tc ccmply vlith said notice, the City shall perform such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respective properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, as amended. o \'IN ER Josephine Williamson 2906 2lt1:;11 Ave. Tampa, Fla. DESCRIPTION M&-Bl'('-l - 11388 Sec. 22-29-15 Part of E~ of S} of ~} of S~~ of NEt of SW4 less N 1121. Bloclc Bless H. 100 I and less ~'J. Ill-. 38 I for Street. Bonair Subdivision Jones Subdivision of Nicholson's Unplatted Blocl( 9 COST $28:00 Walter N. Conard 212 S. Orion City Marion Blackburn 1834 Brightwater Blvd. St; PeterSburg, Fla. 19.00 69 . 00 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Conunission of the City of Clearwater, Tt'lorida, This 13th day or January, A.D. 195J. ATTEST: /s/ R. G. \fuitehead City Auditor and Cle~c /s/ Lewis Horner Nayor-Commissioner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION ~'n-IEREAS, The CLEl\R~vl\TER MERCHANTS ASSOCINrION" representi ng a majority the merchants in the downtown business section of Clearwater, feel that there is a great and grovrlnr; need for addi tional off- street parlcing facil j.tles adjacent and convenient to the dmmto1m area, and \'H-IEREAS, The Association feels that such additional parking facili t1es vlould be of' general benefit to nIl Clearwater cjtizens by affording greater oppcrtunity for shoppers and others \'1110 have business in the downtown area, and WHEREAS, the Clear1'later Merchants Association has investigated plans and methods by \'1h1c11 many other cities have met similar situati0ns in thei1.1 bus:i.ness districts, and ~iliEREAS, ~'/e believe that the plan employed by the City of' Orlando, FI orida.J offers the most effic-Lent and practical method f0r a systematic development of off-street :pa111dn[; areas for the accommodat:Lon of shcpperG ;:md others having necessary business :Ln the downtevm sectj,0n cf cur Ci ty, THEREFORE BE IT Rl!:SOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Cleal"'water Merchants ASSOCiation, that (Continued) . ,,- ,.' ",.~-~~; ''':. .~ ~ " . nlL---. _.. 1 4> ; ., t ~ T .. . .',' ~ ' -. : .' ~\O.;,{!,~,~ ~-W ~'-~~- ~'i-;~';;- , . ' . -;'.~' '-; .~ "'~ . .... /~~/~~~""'~'" \ ,~;" ~ '; . ~~~1f~ ,.- .., ..... ',. . .It,., -:."~.,:;:T :;;'<.'," ;":: ~"'.'::" ',.. i ,. r ,,'~:l";'-"':", ',' :,f ", _ :\:~;;:..I,,:.!'::''',,},.;~~i}~<~,.\~1"1f ;it1:;~~. \;' -) -' ::::'~; ..t>'./~,~, I "(.....,'._".,.':.:~':-,~ , ' _~ _, 1....f.~;~<~I..'~.U.1;.+olf<.J ~'1~-;;.ll,f ..:.:..~~'.~;::.',',,:-.'....,,'~. . '.'. .' ., .:""" '.":c' ,." ., -" . ';;(J:::" " )... ~\ n, ':'\"~::' :,;,:,,"::..:,:/," " J.'.'" .. .. ,-,;,.",., "" ; _, . _",' :"'''''~''''',,{i '., \',,:: ,">,:<;: " ',. ,.{!~'i< ":'" ',.', ,,",'.. ,.',. , , " ",'::,",. ,:iit':t!.~\;:~::':~i:~~~:~;;(S':):~i'~~",," \" 1';"'( -: ..:....' ';,'::'. :.'.;:..,....'...:.. .' ~, ~ ' ';'~;j~"" .~:"f,..t,f)f~;."".'-f). ';.I'J;..~}.-Ar.I't'\'.4..." ;:',>,~ ;.S '.:." .~_;~.. .("...,/~~~:: ' ",'., ..,,~ ~ '\\:'_;:~;:"~"':o.. ',..~~ .~J~. ..~,I""'" r.;f!. if~,t..\ , '",," ,. )f? ,':C' ,.' oI~a~e~~sf~ ~N l~~'rn!G-: ." ,..,. <""}':?);~;;'~~~}0K2~:qit@ : ':,';,::: ~;: ,.,~,: :i: ,: '. '. ;. . ,,,'J-.<:""" ';'f ,"':; > <: ' .' (Continued) : ""', ...:./,..'v.(.:.,~~.,:,j!..:;.:."!".,~,.,,.,.(:.;~.~~.~ ' " ',' :. :';;.'>('''' . '''! '0;" 'l ' ,.' :-.:( .:>' The Eoard of City Conun.l.suionors ()f the City of Clear\'later be asked to appoint . . ''-,\:'':.:Y;{y\ 1nunediataly a Parkine; COl1unlasJ.on, with authority to employ a competent reputable '.', ,:'~!>,;.;; i',':.} and acceptable one:l.ncer, au \'1as dune by tho City of Orlando, Florida, for the '.,' .';,"~f,:\':1 purpose of malcing t1.11 cnr.;incor.lng survey tu dotor'mine us quicJdy as possible the boat (",:~'"."".~:;;:I locations fur sui tubln purldnu.; facilities.. adJacent and convenient to the downto,'1l1 ' ..,'.'.Li~;;< business dj,strJot, und r'. ",_~:;:'.~;. r t: ~ , .. , . . " r "'" I'"l~' 'e - . ... fd ~ r ~; t BE IT li'URTHER RESOLVED, 'llhut 1;11c Buur'd of City Corrun:lssioners be requested to ,. pluce this Resoluti~ll1 011 tho J\genda fo!' act:l.on at its next l"ec;ular meeting, and.",:-,.:,!':;_ THJ\'r the lVlerchan t S ASDocla t.l. on Off' - stroot Parlcing Conull1 t tee be, and is hereby <.::::~'~~{Zr.~ authorized tu r'opreocnt tl10 t-1oI'chunts AssDciation in all negotiations with the City ~; ~.}\;: of Clearwatel" in matters pCI"tnining tv the :lncreuse of pal"ldng i'ac:l.li ties in the 01 ty :','.'" i~\(E':' of Clearwater, '. ,~ .:,,',:;;:/" " . .;.'}; ,,',:', ":.".,(',',: /13/ Le\'lis C. Barber, :>':;"I c.....;, Vice-President "';"."Z-, <i'[c..i~ ~. (Presiding at meeting)' '"",:,>~ '.".x;:!.~r:~p i~/Ei~l~ Bro\'ffi.... ' ~;:;")_' (, ',' -~ ;;:};~.; ~\. Secretary : /~:HJ;;-/\;;~)::~-','~'/:':'{~':'~.\:.: .:; ~-- ---- -------- - --- ~-~-- --- -- ------'------- -------- --- ------------ ~- ~-.~~~-~.~ ~'~'~~~:l~J2f/.,'.!, \'..~..:~...' ~ ~ - ,. >: r ".. ".' . - PASSED and ADOPTED this 9th day of Jalluary, A.D. 1958. ... :" .,. .' : .,> ~ ; ,;',,-,, '., ';':', :.... . .;';'::' .::,,- .... . " "'.. ~.',;{. ;;::':'::": ::',:~~';.,:;; ;,' :~:,,: '..' :" ',; ,;.., , , ',.'. .,' <;..j.. ,{ .f" ,(:,:,'.... ..\{:::{~;;~':,: ;::. ..... ;', ::,;::L;,:, ",. (f' .'" '<Y:'.'<: L;Y?}:::. \\, ,'.:, . ':' -" '.., ~i., /1" ., .,f '\ _' ;~l~ .~;\. .' '.......;..'...,. ?~~\~L~~:f ' " ;'."~ ,', " '.!';.'.;.. :<':."..: :.... ~.,~. .C.,; M0' " ',l,I;??,; ;' :,. >~:~~~(r;.t~;~~i.~i:, ",r..:I,~.."', ~!~'i .. ~,. " '-::"~,',.';~.:;,:,:;"".-,':'t~~.~.r,"""'.~i.',:~.";,~,'~;-~, '~lt.:; ~;:;~:;}';'" ' >::'!'~',~~~' ':'~:,~':~';'''''''''-:'''~t.,-" ,:,.::,.-;;;c..- ,,"'~c ;;7!- ~ ~"~....,,-""-~~~~~;..,~~~l~J:;.'i;:"'..;*7 '::;;- !.":-->:. ';"7;:~~:~~'; .'. I " ,~'/;' !::( ;:;.:', " :{' . ;~ ~1 ..~ i \ .... ;n I , " ;,' I ~ , 1 , . 411 .,1 \~ j 411 f; :,l , ! 41 ,. '1 t ,j ~t '- 11 : 0..,' ! 10. . ~ "l <" .. .~. t t ( ,. r " .. f.:_\ ~ - ~. i - .. ~ ~ & " . , ' ...,' '.' . . .' ,,'~ ~J,J;~~Yi";.~' ::;'i*'~:~t~~ .' v.'.... . ~ . '.. t :~,. ~;'tJ!t~r;t{ ~ht~~'1~~~"'r~" ~, .!_~:~;~, ;,,1 .....,,[ '~,~<~,.:.. _~ q'>~'l',~k~'. '-f\ :- ." '~"."', ,.'I'i~I'~~~,i~~;\I%:. q;,'t1~i'~~ffil-.~f.!'" J. ;;.:' '.')';~;'. ':' . 'f. .. '7Vt".'.{!:;. ,...... ",,::"::7"'~..:.drJ:,~';'~~~~~~';,..., "', "':'\~"?':N~':;;fX ;1""'~~ : :;W;l <j?~:' :};i,,;;":;!' ~~;.~i.~ ;t;'~'b;0!~}~i';,;'(.~ ....' 'V' ....... ';.... "'{ ':>'/!.:'C. '.:~.::'.~,'.'.:.;..,,;..,'.,;.'.:,;.;. '~""'."J:,j:,i.~,......':.,~.:..[~~~):l{; f'.;. .;~;;,~~~; :,,,-,,~~ ;;''';X'">'.:'' " 2<:::". . ORDDfAHaB 10. 121.. ' .'..... .. :\.7: '?;~j/~.~?;, .. .::;:.{": ORoINAHCB ADIIINCI AClUWIJI '1'0 JD DOWN AS U1f 9. ::~<:'~t~r/.\~: ;.::,.. "J':: .;';'f:<"~)';J":. '. .,. B. HANOUSBK' 8 SUBDIVISION, :Df.rO 'lD COBPOBlU ';' '\".Y;,: , " C',.., }'; i;\(;,',f: " LIMI'lS or .,. CI'fY OJP CX/&QWATBB. I'LO!UJ)A. AlI1D RB- '::,:::r ::> ": :i,,: ,:;";:,;,:~}?Vf"':;r?::" ~., ~~~=-~~ ~oJ:r~rQJ:m:~OJf' .. ..... ", " .' 111.04. :rL01u:DA. STA'1'UTB8J ZQHDG ~ ANNAl>> r.BOIBRft',: )~c.. .~ :~': .' B-1 USmBNTIALJ AND rROnDDCI JOlt '1'D lU'.alTXVB ,.;' "/~\;'kY.,., .,.,;tf:; DATB. . :' :.~ir.~':'>'I. '. '/1' ,,'":.;;, '. WIIBRIAS, the 01t7 eo-s.811on or the 01ty ot Cl.uwatel', ftOftda, ..oted ..' . ";,,'.\,~,,::,.;,.,, ONlnanoe Ifo. 755 on Deoember 9, 1957, t4Uoh QN:1nanoe 4eo1an4 t;he lnteratlon o~ Ia1d: . :,~:'.7', :.' , C1V to annex Lot 9 or II. B. HanouMk'. Subd1v18lon 1ntro the oOJ.'POftt. l11d.t. o~ ,be . ;;,'.'>: C1. or CleaNater; and. ' .. ' ',- WHBRIAI. 88id OI'd1nanoe wa_ pub11abecl once a week tor to\.lr oonHout;lve _eke in the Cl....t.r Sun, a newspaper publlab.4 1n the C1t7 ot OleaI'lAlGe&-, JIlol'1da. pl'Oot or 'ftUQb pu~11aatlon 1s hereto attached) and, WHBRBAS. II10N than thU'tl dQa haa explred .inee the enaotlDfmt or ~. 110. TS5, and no resl.tared voter or the 011;1 ot Oleal'W.ter, no 01meJ' or nel ..tate'in the tCTitol'J' to be annexed, and no person whomaoever baa obJeoted to auob anMDtilon or haa applied to the C1rou1t Court ot tile S1xth Jud101al C1S'OU1t 1n an4 rol' ~118. County, l1ol'1cSa, setting rol'th ~ objeot1ons to aa1d annexation) &114, wmautAB, all of the provisions ot Seotion 171.04, Plonck Statute., bay. been complied with,; f, ": ;..-- "'" ... ,. ;~ ," :" ;>,' .' ; T ,',' ~. ,'C'" . ." ".;',.~ . ,. , "';"',"'. ':.' . . :,,>"~ ':.' .: :'~<:., ". ", ,I'" ~ ,0, , , I.;.... ".': .. . L.:~>, ' . ~ '., ~ . > 7 >, ,ttJ,j ; ..' .;:~',:.. : <".,.,,"",; "- ;....?:':~,~,'J .,:..r.. , . .:. ,'.,: ". , ....': . .;' : !,\i:~'~<'::: ,~. . ' ' od'" ,.,,, ., '. J' \.. '?1i~ -\". : ,,<', . ':, , I' NOW' ~ maEFORE.. BE IT ORDAINBD BY '.rHB CI'1'Y COMMISSION OP THB crrr O'B OLBARDRR, JILOBIDA. , .. , '. ',' -' ' v>, " ' Sec1i1on 1. The C1.t~ ot Clearwa1#ez-.. act1ns bJ' and thl-ough ita C1t7 eo-1a.1on, by thi aut;hOnty and under the pl'Ovi81ons ot Sect:ion 171.04 1'lo1"1c1a Statutes, benby ennexea :into t11e corptJl'ate limits ot the C1ty or Clearwater. J'lol'1da, and re-detJ.nes 'the bounda3:7 11nes ot aai.4 011;)' 80 8S to l.ncJ.ude the tOllow1ngl Lot 9 1n P. E. lIanoueek'a Subdl.v1e1on or the .. 1/2 or ime HE 1/4 lUId . ;::\;;.:,: the SE 1/4 ot the NW 1./4 or Sec1;10n 22.. 'l'wp. 298.. Bse. lSB, les8 the::,:,:" South 100 .teet or the East 75 teet thereof. Reeorded in Plat Book 1, .; '\75.":"" Page 41, Official Records or Pine11as County. Pla. .:;~:);, :;:.: .<:<; '," ,:,,':::,. '::: . Said p1"Operty 1a hereby zoned B.-l.. Res1dential. and the C1~,. Bns1neer and tile . ....,:: ..,'.'~/:!:;'''-; . City Clerk are d1rected to include in and set ou1; and show upon the orriej,al col11J1g ::. . "<.\ ~:,:' .' IIIaP and other official mapa ot the City ot C1earwatez-.. the forego1ng propert:.v dt.h; :.,. {'F . ~,. ,,1ts aon.1ng all indicated. . . . ,:\",;.,~.~ .' '." '.\';,"";;. . Sect10n 2. Tbis ~ce 8ha11 become effective 1mme41ate1y upon ita ..\';"~j;;';F"'.;~J,\r."(;:' passage. .' "'" ."; :\,,::,\' :' . " :.'<"'" :<..-..' / , . ;"." c." .,.. :;,.,-,,:: " /,,;.:':?i.. -',;), c'~2 ::~' , ,~ . >" <:.~.: ~>', t~;...:;.:~.:..:..<~,~J Xi':::.:. :. .':' , ('~<., >"';,. ~(..'.,' ::':,-,: '. ,. .)>>' ~ ,. ~ " , .; ~ . .J " -.;.\ . '.' .'~' l, : ~ .~:: . ~ . .. ,:.: +'~ " .' ",' '.1" " PASSED ON F~ RBADXNG Jan. 13, l~ . . , PASSED ON SECOND BEADING Jan. 13. J.~ , ,. ':'0' . :;;, .',',', .. PASSEl> ON THIBD AND PINAL Jan. 13, 1958 '. ''', :,:,= '.:'--'i:;" . .REA.DING AND ADOPTED ...... {~i1~!... .";,, ':;"'2;;'~~:;.';" . , ..:,' ....'.,',.-- ''':~'. . 1 ",. /::.'. "'.'_'. , " ' .<- :{,...;,".;> . ' .. )sl Lena Homer ".,C:',::;, :~' ..... ':{:i\::"::"':~<},;:: '" '. , Ma;vor-CoDdssloner .', .'. : ..... :.t:.. ~':;{f/ ::' ':';\"~' <\A~t~8t: . .';""'.:::;: ::.:'~ :.;,.~:.>,'.::i;:) ,.':~~:'r ~18l' R. (J. Wh1 teb.ead '. '. "","-/j:): .. ., '.' '," .', ;'~\:( :;. cs.tJ' CJ.ark';'-:i:.' . .", .. )~::. ,'.' .:;):+!; j:':>?~':":'" '., ", ..)X:':':L:/).~:;"/... ; ':.",.,:~.~',:~;.~":;,,:':;";:1: · '0' ' ;',':' '? ,';,:{:: .: ,. .. ,'...., " '.' """:'}':.":', ",".'< :".'''', ;. ".,: '.,;. ," '" :, .,' '. '. .. ,::'~\.....:,,?.:,;. '. ',.>;.' i",._ '. :. ',,;' .:. ':'::.:';L.',~':: '. <. :" .c.... <;:::',',:i ';;,;Y':::i::'co":,:;,y :::.;'.'".' '. '.'. :," .,,' ,i':..... . ,::,;.:;',:, .....,., ';;z:2: ". .... :'..i'" 'L<::;" ....:. ..-;-. ;., :;".):~'/':,c :",...<.{"....,.; :-". :.....'. .'.,,'J.E'..:.... ....>.',:::;~.:. 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'" t~~:!1Wf.'~~~~b:~~~~~\~~~~:~~~;~f~~~(~~~/~~~~~~:%~~1'~f'~'~. e.._!" ,I~ .,t,,, ::' ~~. :~:,....,..r. _, :. ,. ~~ :. ,'!y~~l"~~r.' . M'. ~. ".' . C' .', . ., 1 ..,: "'. ~, f ;. f. 1 ( { . t , ,j 'J ..' "/; .,'.."', ""1:::," ." .. "" .....:(:~ -...... .... .." ',' : ......:.~..<:.;;.:..:. .',' .;.~,.~.:>.!...p.~:.~.:...:,..;...:.:.:~.,:..~,; .;:.:;.~:.\~.:f.{....\..f.~.)i(:~:k.:.:.)~,.,1./;.~, :".~..;U. ~,:, :.<.::'":~';.:". ,:..: ~.''>: ,::.' .. I ',Cl);j', ,.. .. ,.'c.':>.;,' . ,'. ,.,',' . . . ". .... . ;";..:' ;.".,: "., . ,.,.,.,.." '""~GJ.."". , ~t~?:;;)fl:;" ;i~';;';";;::'\;':::r:' .'." " S':~""".,.:;' "',, Q...'DftIN"'-.M. 'l.'~9"'" " ,,'..', "<;;'.".;:...:,','.':,.'~.:':..~...,..'...:.'~;;.,,:,.~:'.:.;.'.;.i:':'::":!;,:":,'",,.,...,\.:;.:,;.:,''J:j'.".',.,f.!.~~di~~}1~~~J;ta>" · ;,;,,':;~~,.?:~,-;F.;::;/~:::;k~;; ,;:' .';:' '. ::{,>. " "', ftU ",..va "V ' :." . . j '. . t., ". ";,; '.:'[;J :.'. :,\,.:.::-/./,c.. '.," . '.. ., 7~;i~::i:,::.,:,~,{,i}Wt >:':::"<,F'~':"::':~" ,:/'" , ".' , i;':'X:;::,;:'J.,:;,:,J,;i::,:} . ,')~l~~t('~:;:,;::~V.. . ..: ANICNIWA'ncn.mBR3=~BDER. '1'OANOPO~OH~011EN'1'WHI~:OH~IlJ'S~JQfOJdWH';' ",'~',,',':,;},,~,~,',;.,;,:,;',,::,:',::~,:,."'_:",~,~_:,',:::,,-,:,:','::':';~',',~,:;~,:':',:,:";}"':' ;~\f;~,.,':! ::,':':.:,;'~:::;:;'>f~.,:,'~:':\-i<':'':'. ....IU:I ..on .... :'._ .t.....f' s."-" ~ - ), 'A > ," ., . > i. ":;::<'>." .. n i~r:,~;,..::.'.:./:;." .'. ;.:":>" "c";:,:':,:"" ' AS OAK ACRES ADDITION UNIT 3 AND POI\'1'IONS CD WHZOII .ARB . ;:) i,~~i.> ~~~;.:.. ..~.;, :. .....'!:c~;~~::..~ IN OAK AORBS ADDITION, OAK ACRES ADDrrION' UNIT 1 ..,;..::<:,~z " . , ". :g2{~~:;~' ';. AND OAK ACRES AmmON UNIT 2, Dll'O TH.B COll- " . . .', '.' . ,.' . . PORA'rB ~S 011 THE cr1'Y 01' CLlWlWA'lD. x.oRIDA, ':.~ '._ :...".:"':'<~.><' upo~r'1'HE EXPIRATION OP THIIl'n' !30) DAYS PllOll THB "~/iii~,.. .: .C', PASSINO erg THIS ORDJ:NANOB, Aoo RDINO '1'0 'l'lIS PRO- "':,'.',: ". VISIONS OF SBC'1'IOH 171.04. lPLORIDA ftA'l'U1'BS 1955J .;'<.:..' ).'::, '-' ....,.. AND PROVIDING 'OR '1'HE El.'PBC'l'IV'E DATE or 'rHIS 00- ., DINANCE~ BE r1' ORDAINED B! THE C:t'n OOMMIS8:ION OP '1'HB CITY OP OLlWlWATIR, rLORIDA: ~.:t"'it~ ~~;ltt~!: . \ ) ;'ttfl :,,';, ~. , I ! ., ~~.: ,~~!jX::,' :.?'I:.( '.., ::'1 :,' .. e' 'r ~ , ;; J l' ;, '{~., ~/~''"J' .~.~.~.~~ -. "J ":~:."'" :.. '. .",...., ;): ,.:.">.: ,:':: :.::r ;;,~;. "i,'.;"; Seo1;10n 1. The City ot Olearwater, Plol"1da, acting by and 'tb%'oUSh It. City . ; ..':,,-',.:'.;. ;"'.; CoJlD1a8Ion, hereby deolares ita intention to annex into t11.e oOJ'pOrate 13mt. ot 'tbe,>:,:,;, : i., .C1tJ' of Cle&rIBter, Florida, the following described laBds wb1ch doll 11e ocmt1suou~' >'::.':('<' . to the terr1 tonal 111111 ts ot said 01 ty, whion lands contaln 1e8s than ten (J.O) . ,: 'A'C;~~::..:'~'.::.\'1 Ngieure4 voters: . ;.;::,~;...>p .',:,';; '. ""~;i;j' ':\\."':' Beg1n at the Northeast comer of Sec. 23,.....Twp. 298, Bge. 15 Hi . ',i;:",'C ',,') and run thence N. 880 59' 48" West, 821.~ ft. alO~ the NoZ'th,:,;,c,..c Une ot sa1d Sec. 23 tor POB; thence oontinue w. 88 ~9' 48" . .,:" ,t':c;~<:'., W 1403.0 ft. thence S. 00 a' 39" K. 390.0~ ttr. thence South ..' ..:,Y.~ 880 59' 48" E. 125.0 tee~, thenoe Horth 68 ar' 16" BaJlt 64.48 . . ;,?,,: '.: ,: :::! ft. ~ thence South 880 59' 48" E. 424.67 t~. tb.el'lce So\lt1\ a~ 49' 51" . '-::';f,;'t(;, i:::'\ ,'" : E. 180.12 ft... thence South 50 30 tOO" W. 198. 41 t't... tlumce alone. : .,~~:,,',':..; ';. ;,.' " a . curve to the righ.t whose Chord South 150 40' 21 n We.t 76. 72 .~t. . ..'. ...."'" . ::. Al-c equaJ.s 77.12 t't. and radius equals 217.2 t"t. thenc~ 8. 250 ." ,'ii,i" . SO' 41n w. 41.5 ft. 'thence South. 160 3(5t 18" West, 62.29 ft. thell"Ce . , ..,. " , South 250'SO' 41"Wes't 115.67 tt. thence S. 88C> 57' 46" kat 125.14 " :..,:" ft. thence N. 00 14' c:;8" \fest,. 51.31 ft. thenee S. 880 58' 47" E&8t : 120.0 tt. thence N. 05-l~' 58' w. 156.34 ft. t;bence North 880 59' 48" "" . West 105.0 ft. thence North 00 141 58" West 30.0 ft. to POS.. wi. .... 1s platted as Oak Acres Addi t.1on, Un1 t 3, P1a1; !3ook J&6 ~ Page 6 ~ and '.. Lot 2, Bloak C.. oak Acres Addit1on_ plat book 32, page TO. and Lots 1 and 2~ Block H. and Lot 10 Block F. Un! t 1. Oak Acree Add1 't1on. Plat Book 34. page 31, 8: Lot 14, Block E, Oak Acres Add1't1on Un11; 2. Plat Book 34, page 63. ~L ." " : {~~~ . t'" _ ~ ", , .. ,T~t" " ,~. ,t _-~. "(,;.:, " ' .'";" - .....'.~ '. .,., ..... .1."'::-:" , :, ~,l ., :.t.\~;~::':.~:~ -, . ~;,""'''.. .~~1~( :: . ':~ t... ", :.':3~, " ':~', ' "f~ .~r t c;~ . ~- " ::- ;. .. . '"':/' " ,.:. <: ^' ..,... , -' .' "'. " .' ..,,:;f ".p, .' , i. .' ,', : '?" t-. . ~ .. '," .."~. r . .' ...... . ~ .' ..' . ,. .~... \.,..... ',~ .' "' .: '_.-rt' ... 'f . ~'V " ,; :::~~:~':' ...." . '. .Seotion 2. The City ot Clearwater. acting by and t;hrough its 01t7 Co.s.ss1.on, 'intendS to annex the foregOing lands accord1ng to the proV181on& or Sectj,on l7l~'04, .:nor1da Statutes 1955~ and to that end the C1.ty Clerk is bereb:l diNcted to pub11eb. . this Ordinance 1n the Clearwater Sun, a newspaper publ1ahed1n the C1ty ot Clearwater, once a week for four consecutive weeks 1mmed1ately af'te~ the palJaaSe of thUs Ol'd1.nance. i, ~ "7 .. '';<~' v" .... Sect10n 3. This Ordinance shall become effective f.mmediately upon 1ta passage. 'o." " ,'1, . :,':Jt",t':<.i:;':' .' .." '.: ,:/:,;.,:~. ".;;:;K:.::/ ;" . ,>~:<j:; ..' . ,'.' ,',,''-';:.\ .'. .;: " ... .' .> .. .' ,..... ~:'..;, PASSED ON PIRST READING January 13, 1958 ::.,<:f:i:;;;'P.;,:... pPAA,:SS'EDED 00: =AND~IN[NGAL January 13~ 1958 ", ;,.:'.::::' ":'::": -. .... ~ n .....~ JI: : , .:> ! ,). i..l,.i:\:<.....:' READING AND ADOPTED January 13, 1958::; : :- . . "". . ,.fLi.; t.;~'.J' '.;::;:' .'. '-" .: :.:. . ". ;.; .';:';~! '. ',d:,:;;/./~ ,,},.}.:; ,i:;>.. ~ . ..>:";1 ;i,; .... . /8/ =:..= aa10ner i:a;i'; "i,'..:..'~.;~.;,::...:.:.,,:.';::=;.) ~t~ea~:'. .. ~ .,;.<': .' : ;,:.:'~:: Va/. ~.: G. Wb1tehetld ..' " ,.', .' ....., .....:....,~...:,,:,<,;,L." i'.;: .:.i.,:",,;; .:' ;::~~y c::l~k . . . .', ,::,;:.::;: _."' .' .' ......,:., i: >.~:., .::;;....,'.::.... ~. " . , .;,.;.:;;).;:; ,.. ' ; '. ". ..:....~;d;;</cr:" .;;, 'i" ",,;",.' ;i0'\i;;;;'~:',:,;". ' .. >,~ .' ,,~.:~f;,\,:i';:~ic~~~ ";> ~", ':',., . " . ;:.,.....' ,. ... .. .. '. .:: .'.' ^" ~::':<\~:" ':.':>;':,. U;~~~~j( . ;.:: J'(,.,,;:. " . '::<:. .:'.: ~~'i.>' ..' :~. j;,'? ':;;\,.:',:,:::s'. '. ::.:. ...; '::'. "{(:t'~:,L' ;.. .'.':..:.< .': .... '. ::. .~. ,';. ,',: .... ;' ,.' \":;".' ':,:>.i':.:.'.;:,:,\<, :~: ./: ,;,:.",-",,;;1;.;:';;:',;.:' " : '~ :,2 ,",;.;: .~..:-:,....': '. 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Fields �llso present were: Jack Tallent Ben Krentzman Sa Lickton Sgt, K. William.son Mayor-Commissioner Coimnissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Manager City Attarney City Engineer Representing Peli,ce Chief The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by tr,e RevErand R. M. Cochran of Peace Memorial Prssbyterian Church, Clearwater. Commissioner Strang moved that the minutes of January bth be approved in accordance with copies submitted to each Co►�miissioner in wxiting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. In regard to the request previously considered of Mr. Wm. Ward .for three andition- al taxi permit s, the Manag�r reported that he had provided the Commissioners with copies of the quarterly reports of al1 three taxi companies for the last thr ee quarters. Commissioner Stra�g movsd that he be granted three additional perraits as requested with no addit ional street spaces as he agreed. Motion was seconded by Co�nissioner Fields and Garried unanimously. The Commissioners expressed a desire to receive copies of the quarterly reports in order to be more familiar with t he taxi operation in the future. The I�fanagsr presented Resolution 5�-3 which would require threE property owners to ciean their lots of weeds and unaergrowth. Gommissioner Strang maved tY� t Resoiu- t;ion 5$-3 be aciopted and the proper ofi'icials be authorized to execute it. Motion was secUnded bp Commissioner Fields and carriec unanimously. The Mayor expl�ined tha.t the Fun t'N Sun Co�i�tee had asked the Gity to considar sponsoring a rodeo in connection with the Fun 'N Sun Festival and t h�t the City would have L-o underwrite the guarantee to the persons who put on the rodeo. As said he had discussed. leasing t he football stadium for this purpose vrith Mr. Floyd Christia�, Superintendent of Schools. He recozumended au�horizing the Attorney tio prepare an agreeme m with the School Board for bhe lease of the stadium for three night s for a fes of �p,�s000.00. Commissioner Si:rang moved that the proper officials be authorized to execute the necessax�y documents to lease the Clearwater High School Stadiu� from the Gounty School Board. for a fee of �1,000.00, NIotion was secondad by Coir�nissioner 4latkins and carried unanimouslyv The Nlayor reported that the One Way Strezt Go�nittee had c�t with P�Ir. A1 Rogero, Siate Hoad Board member, to discuss a proposed one way street program and that all present had voted endorsement of the one way system, He explained the City has f�esn given the choice of either removing parking from Fort Harrison and Cleveland Street or establishing a one way street plan in a letter from the State Road Department. Chief Bonth and Captain W. Carey presented diagrams of the proposed plan which would make Fort Harrison one w ay southbound from Myrtle to Franklin using Garden Avenue and Osceola Avenue for norL-hbound traffic anc� certain other downtown streets would be one way as indicated on the plan. Mr. S. A.. Bo�en of the North Shore Association requested a pub3ic hearing on the subject and stated that the North Shore Associatior, was opposed to the proposed pslan as the proposed northbound streets were not adequate to handle heavy traffic. The MayAr explained that although Lhis item was not on the agenda puUlicity had been given in the Clearwater Sun. Mx. H. H. Baskin, Sr., spoke in opposition to the plan and reconunended that pa-r:�i_n.` be taken off Fort Harrison from Drew �o Court and for a certain distance on Cleve'land Streat ta help move the traffic through the downtown section faster. He asked�that if the �ne way plan was adopted that it naG be put into effect now during the height of the tourist season, Mr. Maurice Thayer, Mr. Wesley Short and Judge John Bonner recommended the one way system. Conanissioner ��Tatkins moved that 4he one way street program as presente� and as approved by the various associations of the committee be put into effect as soon as it is practicable and that a sufficient amount of money be authorized to instigate th e project not to eXceed �10,000.00. Moti on was seconded by Commisszor_er Strang and carried unanimausly. M•r. Wesley Short presented a Resolution from the Clearwater A�ierchants Association asking that the Coimnission a�point a Parking Commission wit h autho.rity to employ an engineer to mako a survey to determine the best locations for suitable parking facili-- ties near the downtow n business districte Commissioner Watkins moveti that the Resolu- tion be accepted and m�de a part of the minutes and deferred for £urt;�er discussion until the next regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner S�,rang and c�rried unanimously. _2 _ CITY COMMISSTON MEETING January 13, 195$ In regard to the bids for t raffia signal at Nor�th Fort Harris�n and Myrtle considered at the la st meeting, the Manager explained that by adopting tYn one way system the rec�uirements for the traffic light �Auld be changed and different ectuipment wauld be needed. He said that the Goir¢nission could either acca�t the low bid and reduce it to fit the new rec�uirements or reject all bids and re-arlvor- tise. Mr. Aubrey Ort, Electrical Superintendent, estimated it would talce from two to three mont hs to secure the equipment if it was necessary to re-advertise. Th2 Mayer suggested deiexring the matter far one week as it was expected that State Road Departme nt engineers would 'oe in Clearwater during tY�e coming �eek anc' could be consulted on the prc>posed traffic light, By consent, the consid- eration af the bids was tabled until the meeting of January 20th. The I�Ianager s�aied Lhat subject to the approval of the classification , p]_an for City �mploye2s Lhere is a new pay plan pendin�; in the meantime, the � present pay plan provides for permissive increases now for those �erson.s tvho have beeir in the first step for eighteen monL hs. He said he could not give an �A ' 7� est�mate on what was left in the salaries accc,unt until he knows the effective date of the new pay sc�I.e. The T�Iayor suggested since the Commission was meet- ���� ing wi�h ihe Civi1 Service Board and the �,mployees Association on Thiarsday night, � January 16th, with the hopes of finalizing the new program.that the mattsr be taUled until we have the fi:nali,sd pay plan worked out and effec�ive date� set4 Commission- er Strang moved that the Mana�er be instructed to withhold all wage zdjustment s on the eighteen months period or steps 3s they are called in the pressnt pay plan until this Commission and the Civa.l Service Board meet and get the act�:�al date estab- lish ed. Motion was seconded 'oy CommissiQner Watkins and carried unani�ously. The Mayor recommended thst Co�niss?,ax�er Insco be aut horized to attend the executi�re couanittee meeting of the Florida L�ague af 1�Zunicipalities in Jacksonv ville on January 1.9th to discuss plans for the converit ion in Clearwater from Oatober 23rd to October 25th, 195$. Gommissioner Strang moved that Ccmmissioner Insco be authoriaed to make the Lrip to Jacksonville and t hat traveling expenses be authorized. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unani- mously. Tn regara to the request of Mr. R. J. McDermot�, attorney on behalf of pro- perty owners in Bayside No. 5, �hat thz Gity ordinance on liquor zonir.g be amended to provide for the s ale of intoxi�sating beverages in B2yside No. 5 and filled land to the east nf Bayside No. 5, thE City Attorney reported that he had prepared Ordinance 756 w��ich w ould amend Section 4, Article 1, Chapter 1{, Gity Code. Couunissioner Strang moved that Ordinance �56 be passed on first reading. Motion was seconded by Cor�nissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Commis�ioner Strang moved that secon3 reading oi Ordinanae 756 b� deferred to th e next meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner �latkins and carriad unanimou�ly. The Attorn ey reported that the original purchase agreement for acraage in Sections 1-29-15 and 12-2�-15 vn th Constantine Farms, Ine., h�d included a right of access for Constant�ne Farms from iifteen acres lying r.oxth of Zand now platted as Clearv�a�pr Industrial Park to and From a well on the property �urchased by the Ci�,ty, He presentad an agreemerit approJed by L-he Engineer limiting �onstantine Farms right of access �o the platted st�eets and alleys shn4vn on the pla� �nd an easement lying narth of Sunnydale Boulevard. Gommissioner Znsco moved that the agreement be appr oved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read on its first reading Ordinanes 757 v3lich would annex into the City part of Lot 9, Hanousek's Subdivision. He ex�lained that tY� property was occu�ied by a traic�ar park which va�uld be considered non-conformi.ng use and the zoring to be established in the ordinance would be R-1. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinan ce 75� be passed on its first reading. Mo:,3�n was seconded by Cormnissioner Tnsco and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance '757 be considered on its second reading by title only by unanimous consent of t he Commissi.on. Motion was seconc�ed by Corranissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attarney read the Ordinance bp title only. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordin�nce 757 be �assed �n i�s 5econd reading by tit1Q only. I�Iotion was seconded by Cammissioner Ynsco and carried unanimously. Corr�nissioner Stran� moved that Ordinance 757 be considered on its third read- ing with the unanimous conssnt of the Commissiar:. Motzor wa� seconded by Commissioner Insco and c arried un3nimouely. The Attor neq read the Ordinance. OommxssiQner Strang moved that Ordinance �57 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper officiaTs be authorized to executa it. Motion was seconded by Gommissione.r Insco and carried unanimously. ��_ CITY COP•�1N:ISSION MEETInG January 13> 195$ The Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance '75$ whic:h wouZd declare the Gityts intention to annex Ro11in� Subdivisi�n. 3ommissioner Strang mc;ved that �rdinance 75$ be passed on its first reading, Motion was seconcied by Conunissioner rmelds and carried unanimously. Commissi.oner Strang moved that Ordinance �5$ be c onsidered on its seconci read- ing by title only with the unanimous consent of the Cornmission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Attorney read �he Ordinance by tit le only. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinam;e 75$ be passed on its sec�nd reading. Motiqn was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Commissioner St�rang moved that Ordinance 75$ be considered on its third and final reading by unanimous consent of t he Commission. iKotion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carriEd unanimously. The At�orney read Ordinance 75$. Commissioz�er Strarg moved that Ordir,ance 75$ be passed on third a�ld final reading and ado�ted and the proper officials be authorized to execu�te it. P+Iotion was seconded 'by Conunissioner Insco and carried unanir�ously. The Attorne; read on its first reading Ordinance 759 which would declare the City's intention Lo annex Oak Acres Addition Unit 3, portions of OaY� Acres Addition, Oak ticrea A�idition UniL 1 and Oak Acres Addition Unit 2. Commissioner Strang raoved that Ordinance �59 be passed on its first reading. Motior. w�s seconded by Com- missioner Watkins and carried unanirnousl�*. Commissioner Strang moved t hat Ordinance 759 be considered on its second read- ing by tit le oniy wiLh the unanimous co nsent of the Corrmission. P+Iotion was seconded by Cqmmissioner Insco and carried unanirnously. 7'he Attorney r�ad the Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordina;nce 759 be passed on its second reading by title only. T�Iotion was seconded by Commissior.er Insce and carried unani- r�ously. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 759 bs considered on its third and final rE:ading with the unanimous consent of ihe Commission. A�Iotion �v�as seconded by Commiss:lonar SLran,g and carried unaniinously. The Attorne3= read Lhe Ordinance. Commiss:ianer Strang moved that Ordinanae 759 be passed on iis third and �'inal reading and adopted and the proper officials be authori�ed to execute it. iKotion was seconded by Commissioner Tnsco and carried unani�ious 1y. T:�e At�arney presented Resolution 5$-4 which would au�horize payn�ent i'rom the Const ruction Trust Fund of 1957 to Briley, S+Iild and Associates for engineering services. Cornmissioner Strang requested that since the Resoluticn was not on the agenda that it be deferred to next., week's meEtir��. By consent, the dommissior� agreed. to this request. The 1�'Iayor exglained it was necess2ry to have a motion to receive t�e audit report f�r the iisaal year ending JllI1G' 30, 1957. Commissioner Strang moved that the audit report for the f isc�l yea.r ending June 30, lg$�, from Turnburke, Brock and Raines be received. ivlotion was seconded by Cor�missioner Insco and czrried unanimously. Thera being no further business to come before the Board, t he meeting was adjaurned at 4;10 P.�I. Att est : f� it C ler k rt .�/ NI-�(yor- or�mi sioner / .� � .._,.. , ._. . _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ � _. _ _ _ _. _, . �. . , .. _..�,,a ,, ... : , ,, � , , �, ' � , ��, ; , „ � = � _.� ' �; , � , � , r. _ �� _ _ _ w � ' � - �'� � �-�'�' � � � , � e: , : � ! ,. _ _ , �,....1 , ; czT� cor�r�ssToc� r��Tz�rG � CITY COMMTSSTON ME�T�NG Janua�,y 7.3z �.95� , „ Ja�uary 13x 19�� J � : ( Ccn� l'riuect ) _ , AG�N�A : Re ar�s from � � Cit,y Manager ; t , CITY COMMISSIOId NlEETING . Reques , 3 A lanAl Taxi Pern�.ts, tVard The �a. : � 1 � � . B ard oi` C�.tr Comm:L�s��oners of �lze Git� �f Cle�.rT�rater .. .y ,, ,' JANTT.IRY _3� 195� 2, Trax:f�.c Signa�., N. �t, PI.ar�ison Zn1:er�ection lmm�d'1,at 1 =,' �. . be a��ced ta appc,.,.n� , ��' a Pa,rl�1.�7� Cnr.un3.�,�1.c�,Z, Tir�.tiz au�h�:ri�y �� emp7.cy a coraUeter.t repu.table ;", 7.:30 P.M. a� I�9yrtle - P�.easant - Mohativk ai�cl a.eceptab�.e erl�lneer, �� Trras dcne b;� ths Cit of' OrXandv -• - � Y , Florzda, for the ,' , �. Private Lat Mowi7g Requests . ,�ur��s� tif makln� an �n�:t.neer�.n� survey to determS:?�e as uicl� .• ,, .- Invocation , 4. Vexbal Iteports and O�;�Zer Fend�,ng ma�ters lc�cal;i.c�ns f� . � ,: ,„ q ly as pusSzbl� the best - ; Tntroductions r sul�ab�.E ��rlc,�n� �'aczllties, ad�a�en� and convenie�t �c+ th� dovJntati•m � � ';�, Pti.nutes of PrPeedin� n7eetin; Reports from Ci�y A�ttorney bu�l.nersN dls�:riet, ar�d ; Public Hearings • nen *nen o r nance Re�ulating Sale df 73E I � �-- ; T b'UR�'H�R R�S0.��1.Cll, Thaf, the �Gard af City CornmLsazoners be r� ues '� Reports of C�.ty Mana�Er Intoxicatin� Bevera�er to Tnclude Area on •. c� t�d t� `' Reports of City Attorney Sout12 Finger of Clearvrater Beacti p7.ace this Re�Qlut:�c;� on �he Agenda for abt:T.un at Yts next re�u�ar, m�eting, and �� , ;I Citi.zexls to be Heard 6. Cons3,deration oi .4greement w�.th Constant��le TIIA�' the Mercha s ^ , 7 , . � ,� , Other Cammissioiz Actioz� , Farms, Inc., Glarifying �2igh� Qf Acaess ,_ nt Asaocl;a�_on Off-Stre�t �'art�-?�z� Camm:Lttee cse, ancl is hereY�. ' au�l��r.,.z�d tu represent �I?e ,qerchants Assac3�ai;xrrn 3.n a11 negatiaticns v�r-±�h -�Y�e Citj ;� Adjournmei�t from Clearivatex Tndu�trial Park oi' Cle�,rrriater in ma�+e , .. • J Neeting Pension Plan mru�teeS 7. Cansideration �f Ordznance o�' Intenti�iZ to �'� 1��Ytaining ta the incroas� ci` pa.�l:�n� f'ac3_l3t:i.es .1n the Cit '. ' ' of Clearwa��r. y '! Anne� 0alt Acres Addition 4 PASSED arrd ADOPT�D this �h da ui Janva ;� 9 Y . ry, 9.D. 1g�3, j � tTHEREAS: it has 'been determined Uy the City Gorruhission o� the City af Cleartiaater; Florida, that �he property described below si�ould be clear�ed of weeds, grass andjpr underbrush, and Lrat after �en (10) days notice and iailttre oi Ehe otivner therea�' to do so, the Ci�y should clean such property �nd char�e the costs thereof agaiizst the respective property. _ N0�+1' THERErORE BF I'� �SOLIT�D by tne City Commi�sion of the City nf C1ear�vat�r, - Ficrida, that tihe fol'lo��ring descri�ed property, situatz in sa�ci City, shall be aleaned oi iveeds, �rass and.�or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice irz writin� ta tn� ovaners thereof to do so and Lhat upon failure Lo camply Txith said notice, the City shall perform sttch eTeaning and charge the c�sts thereof against �he respective propert�les in accordance i,ri.th Seetion 128 of the Charter oi' the City of Clearutater, as amended. ' OSdNER DESCRIPTIOI�T COST Josephine 6�lilliamson i� Ec B 17-1 - 11388 �2$�, 00 2906 24t11, Ave . Sec . 22-29-15 'Part of Tampa, Fla . E2 oz S2 of NZ af SIJy, of NEw os'' SL1u less N 112 �. , ,�alter N.' Conard Block B les�s h1. 100 � and 19.00 212 S. Orion less W. 14.�8' for Street. - City Bonair Subdivision Marion Blac�iburn Jones Subdivision of 69.00 183� �ri�htwater Blvd. Nirhqlsan's Unplatted St: Petiersbu.rs;-Fla. Elock 9 � y� y ' on of the City of Clearwater, �lor�da, This 13thEdaANofADanuaD BYATID �95� Comm�.ssi , jsj Lewis Homer Ntayor-Commissioner ATTEST: �; s� R. G. tdhitehead �itg Auditor and Gierk RESO�LT`PI Oid 'JTHt,R�'AS, R'he CLEARVIATER T�IERCHANTS ASSOCIATIOi�T, xepresentirt�; a majority the merchants in the clot�mtotv�� business section of Clearwater, fe�1 tlzat thei e i;s a ,_ great and �rot+zing nePd fbr additian�l off-street pa-rking facilities ad�acent and `'= _ conveni�nt to �he dot,mi,aiAm area, and i�fFIEREAS, The Associa�ion feels tha� suclz additiona7. p�,rkin� facilities v�rould be oi �eneral z�eiZefit to ai? Clearwa �er c3 tizens by af'fbrdir7g greater opportunity i or shoppe-rs and others vrIza have business in the downtativn area, an�. WHEREAS, tize Clear:va�er Merchants Assaciation has investig�,ted plans and me�i�ads b3T �+ihich nany other cities have met simiyar sit'uations in their bus:Lness distric�s, �nd ti�JIiEREAS, 'a!e believe �hat �he plan einpla;�ed by the Cit� oi' Orl�ncl�, Florlela, af�ers the niost elfic;i.e�� and practica7 methad �'ar a�ystematic cleve7.a�meilt cif c�ff-,�treet par'_��,n� areas for �he accr�mmc7datxan cyf shcppers ancl otliers h�vin�. n�cessary bus:i:ne�� in the dpUmtorrm seei;it�n cf cur Gity, �� TH�,P:EFORE BE IT RESOLU'E�, 'by ��� Board oi' Directars oP �he Cl�ar�^�tater 1�lcrchan�N 4ssoca.a-cion, that „ ` ( Carztl��ledj _ , ,; , _ .:_ ,� , � � ; r �. , ' � ` �"� �.,. � _ � rs-vuyuii�� d c zttee-c� i�.� ) j �'I"1'ES�.' : � ,� s� Tam Brown 1 Se cr��baxy � ,, ____.-----------------------------------�_-___,�---------------�--••-,--------- � ------ � j f, ; � . �i _ � ;, i � � ,; � ',''i ' � , �I , 's' . � , `� ;i _ ,� ;j , - ti r s , _ ' 'I, c , �( ' ., , }' J; i ` :.: � � � _ : _ _ _. _ _ . .. . � , � � �c��::._ t3.RUIN,,�CE NQ, ?�7 ORt7INF�T3�C� �N� ACRE�.C� '1.'� BE If�Ti 0@1N ;AS I',OT 9, �'. �.. TiANOUS�' � SUBDN�SION, 3Y�ifiQ THE CORPI��Ai'E T,IMITS OF TItE (:Z°.E3t Q� CT�Et�itJA',L"ER, FTiORIDAe; AI� RF- DFFINING# � Bt�IIN73A133C i,�I�IES Q�' `X'HE CITY `d'�? 7.i�i�Li7l�1E SA;Ii? AADTTIQN 1�,CCOAL1�I3t� '3!0 � F'ROVTSIONS OF` SECPi'ION �. j3.0lFa :F.F�GIRT�R 5TA2'U'I`FsS� :ZO.T�TTiVC{r '1'HE ANNF�7CED FRf1P�I�7.'Y i�-Z RESIDENT,E'IAT�; 11�'�D FFi�I'iDTt�'C� �'QR °i'A�..\ FS�'�'��T�SIE DAfiE. Y�AS,, �he C3�y Gomm3;ssio� o� �he G3:�y of' Cle�rt�m��er, F1Qr3�, en�cted 4r�3.nanee No. 7�55 on Decemb�r 9: 7.957� i�sich O�c'iiriarace deelared th� intentic�n af :sa�.c3 Gii-y �o ann�x I,ot 9 a� F. E'. Hanousek� � Subd3.vis3on �.nto �h� corpax�ate limits of th2 City a� G2ea�caa^ter; ana, ti9H�EA5, y,ai d Ord3:ianee �+nas published. once a iveelc �a� £otz� conseeut3ve w�ekq in �he Cl�ax°�ra�eg iurz, a nesvspap�r publ.3shed �.n the City o� C�.eari�ater, �'lar�.da, proaf oi' wki3.ch publ�.ea��.an is hereto a�taeh�d; and, �il�EAS, more �han �hir�y days h�s expi�ed, since the enactment o� Ordinance No, ?55a and �,o registered va�er oF the Ci:ty of �`3:eart,rater, z�a a•�rrzer aP rea1. es�ate in �he ter�itory �o �ie ann�ed, and no persan c,rhomsa�Ver ha� ob�eat�d to such anne�,tian on ha.s applied to the C3�cu3t Caurt oP the S3:x�h Juclicial Ci�at;at 3.n and for P�.ne�.].a.a County, �`1o�3s3a, se��ir�; �or�Ys a1a,y object�dns tfl said annExa�-l�n; �,nd, L�REIkS, a�.� o� the prdcr3s3.one a� Se�tiorz 17�..Q�, FZ�ri.ol� S�atutes, �have beert com�Tied v�r�.t�; NOtaT,. THERE�'ORE, BE 3T ORDAiNED BY 'I`HF' CITY CONINC'C3SIQN 0�' '1`�tE CITY 0� CLEAR..tdATER, FZ(}RID:El; Seet3on 1. The City of Clea.rwa�ar, acting by and thz�vugh 3.�s City Gonunissiqn, 'bg tlze au or �g and und�r the �ro�r3s3.ons a� 5eation 172.04 �'iorida Si;atu�e�, he�eb� annexes into the corpox�'te 3imits af $he �3.'ty t�f' GI�&I'W"�r't4'Z'� I+'Z.Qx'�.Cir.'1� and re-tieyines the bounda� 13,nes af saa.cl: GZty so as. ta 3nclude the i'o1lovTirig: I,ot 9�.n F`. �: Hanousek�s Subtiiv�.sion of the TiJ 1%2 of �12e I�E 1/�E and �Yce SE 7.��f- of t2ze Nid Z/4 of Sectian 22, '�. 2g�, I�e. �.�E, 2ess th.e South 1fl0 �ee� a.� the East 75 Feet 1:hereof. ReCorder3 3n P1a� �aok x, P�ge 4�., O�,�icia�. Heccarda of- PineZla� Cou.*��Ey, F'la. Said property is- h�re'by zoned R-1, 8�siden�Gia1, and icY�� Ci�;� F.s�ineer tand: the Gi�� CZe�°k �z� dix�ee�ed �o include in antl �et out asad shoir upon �he a�'£ici31 �an3ng anap and ath�r offici�l maps of the C3iy og �1.ear�va�er, th� �arega�.ng�, property taitka 3.t� zon-Y.ng as indicated. Sec�ion 2. �his fl�d3.nance sha11 became e�i'ea:;ive immed3.ate�:y upon �.ts pa�sage, PA�SID �N �'3.R�7: READING PASSEB ON SECOND ItEADxNC� PASSII3 O�Si �FL[RD ANFS �INAL �xi3� arm �no�r� At`.as'G; /sf R, G, t�1h�.tehead Ci�y` Clerk Jan. Z3, 1958. Jan. 33� �.958 �'an. 13, �.95$ /s/ T,etrrl.5 Homex Ma.yo�-Comm3.saioner l?RDltsl!'AhTCE 3J{ti. 7�j�. AIJ OR17iN1#11TCE ]3E�i,tiRCNG 't`HE IIiV'I'�N`.�gOI� OFt' TH� �T`t;Y Ok' GZEAftAI'Q,'��i, �.'0 AFSN£}C �'I3� PTt03'ER'PY iiEI�E].'33A�''7'�R DESCR�BED, ta1FiTCI�E IS ti� l3E KIAIO�aN AS �i.QI.S,�N� St7B- DTVIS�ON, T�1T0 '.L'HE COR��RATE �.IE�LC�.'� OF `�,'HE LTTY OF CLEl�t�dA�.'EFZ, �'LO1�DA, U.�ON THE �CPiR.�TIOi+T f1I' ���.x� (3a� �AY�S �'R4M THE PABSZN� t}i� THIS :1I�Di- btA,NCE A�CORAIN4� °i'0 T� �Ptt�TiSI0N8 OF $EC'I'ION 17�. . i3�, ,'EZQRIDA �fii�'�.'tr`.�'Es 19553 A2�tA PFtt�V�DINC� Fo3.i THE E�'ECTxVE D1�TE' t�` THIS ORDZNAY3CE, �E �'J' ORLIA�T+TED BY THE L�iY COP s�SSST�N �5F TFi� ��Z'�1' �� L`.LEARtdA�°ER, 1�'.�t1T3IDA.: Section �.. �Yr,e City Qi Clearcrater, Flcr3;d�, acting Yay �.nd througn iics C�ty Comm9.sa an, e�eb,� dec�.�;res 3.ts in�en�ion to ar�nex into i;�ie' caxfpara�e limi�s c�� �he �i�y o£ �Ieax�r�.�er, �'lorida, �he .�o�Iowing d��ca�.bed 7:an�is iy1n� �onti uous ica the '�err��torial Iimi�s cf sa3d C�f:y, urhieh lancl� con�ain less tlzan �exl (10� regisierea. vo�ers• n�g3�; at the 1Vorthtvest carner af the Northeast Q�zarter of 3ec. 23, � 295, RBe. lyL� anr7. run ih�nee �, t�° 21' 39ir East, along the I�ort�� ana S�u,t�: cen��rZine cf s�:id Sec, 23, 663.�+ #'est, thea�cs S 88 57� 1�5�i East 32b.0 �eec, thence South 0° 21° 39'� East, 256.,:� ieet, thez�c� 5. $$� 57� ��,� Easic, ��o.,'� ��e�, yhenee 2�a�th 130 �3.3 �p" Wes�t, y2�.8� it. to the Section liner �h�nce 23or'ch �$o �9' 48'" West along �hz Sect3on line 522.0 P�. to 'th� n0i3. See�3on 2.. The �i�y o� C1:earwa�er, ae�Ging b� an� through i"�s C3.ty Co�9.ss3,on, i�,�en�s-�ann�x the foregoing la.ncis ae�csrding to th� prov9.r�ion� of' Seetion ].7�.O�t-, �'loricla. Statutes 1g55, and i:o tha,t end �he City Clerk is hexe�ay direc�ed to gublish �h3s Orciinance in th� Cle�rwatex �un, a raevrspape� gublisYt�d in �h� Ci�y o� Clet�r�ssvater;, once � w�;. _-:: for i'our consecutive weeks immedi��e�.y after the passage oY thi:� E?rc33.r�anee. See��oz� 3. Tni.s Ordix�ance �12a1�, become effective ircmecit�tely upon its p�.ssage . P.ASSED OI� �TRST t�EADTRJG PASSEB Q�i SFCONII 1�AI3TN� PASSED O�I TE�"CRD �ID �`IPTAL FiEAl?�NG A2�2 ADOPTED At�ea�: /s/ R. Q�. YJh3�eh.eaa: City Gl��k .T�ua�y 23, �.95� Jan.uary 13, �95� .7anua� 13, 3958 /sf� I.ewis Homer Ma�or-Gommi:ssione� o�nzr�arrc� �sQ. ��� ArI ORDTNAI�ICE I)�SCI,�iING TFi� IN7!�N'i'SON QF THE CI`Z'Y Q� C��Ek1Ri�TATFR fi0 ANN�.jC '� PROPI�2'Y" H�R�-- �2�?A�'�ER ?J�S�R�ED, A. PQi�ixAPI C1F I�tHICi3 TS HIVQII+lN AS OAK ACRE� AbDI'P.ZON UNI`�i' ��NA i'�RTIQN'S QF WHICIi ARE I�+T OAI� A4RE� AI3LI't'IqNg DAI� A�FlES :}3T3]7ITIQN IJNIT ]. 11NA Of�I{ AC1�ES :�DDTTI�N �T 2, �NT4 T�iE CQI�- FORAiis �n1lfi� G�' °iFi� C��i`X t3F cI�"sAiit+iRTER, >''�t1RTD!►:, UPt?I� `i'�E F�PTRATi4N. OF THTRTX (3Q) DAYS FROBY 'l'Ii� PASS�NG i?F �'HIS ARDTNArI�E, ��Ct�Ri3ZN(� T0 TFI� P73€}- TTISIDI�lS C►k' SFsCTTON �.71.Q'-€,, T�T,OR.i�?!1 S'�,�'X'Ul'ES �.�55y ANA PROVTDSNC'� I`t�R TFTE rsFF�CT� 33AfiE OF' TI�CS qR- DiN�INCE, _ �E ,IT QRDATNED BY' TIi� �STY CQ:�IISS�OIV OF' 'i'H� GT'I'Y' 0�` CT,EAi3WAThfi9 �'T,QRiIIA; �ect�.on l:, The C3:�y o� Clear7ira��x�, F].ox�3.da, act3r�, �iy and thr�u�h its ��.�y �omm�:ss o`�r�, '�e�eby� declarss 3,ts intention �o anne� into the coa�posate lianits of th� City of C3.ea,r�tater, Flo�ida, the fo].lowirig c%�cribed laz�ds ���h3,ch v�.11 13e cant�guous to �h� terr3.t�rial lim3.ts oi' said Ci��, wiiicti �ancis coz?.�a:in �ess �har� �en (Z,0) ��3s�ered.voters; Be�3:n �t #�he Nor�hea�t carner' �#' Sac. �C3: Twp. 295i� �eq 1� E, arid run thenee N, $$° 59' t18„ Etea�, �21.4$ f�.: a1Qn� the Nc�rth iirae af saic� �ec, �3 �'ox PDBa `thene� cantinu� N. 8d 5g+ �1.$" tAT 1�iO3.b f�� t�i�xc� S� Od 21.'' 39" �, 394.0� f�. �henc� South 88° 59i �8" E. 125.Q i'��t, then..e Nor�h �i$ o�'� 36,' East &�r�8 ��., thence Sou�h $8° 59' ��" �, 42�.67 ��. �hence South 3�° �9' 5?„ E, 1$0>12 st.,. 'chenae Sou�h �° 3Q� Of3" 4i. 19g,�#7 ��. a thence s.7.oz2g a`curue �o the �ight whose �ha�i Sauth 35d �Or 21:�' We�t 76.72 f�, Arc equa�3.� 77-.�-2 ft. and rad3u� eg,uais 217.2 Pt. �h�nce �. 250 5(3' �2"' �i. �FI.� f�. tk�en�e �outYa ��i° 3�t �.8" kJest„ 6�.2� �t. the�ne.e Sauth 25° 5a� �I"Weat 115.67 ft. tiaence S, 88a 5T' 46" Eaat, 72�.1�F ft. thenee N'. 4� I�Ft 5g" tdest, 5�.w.31 i'�: thence S. &$° �$t �7" East 120. o ft .�hence N;. 0° l�k' Sg" t�. 7� o�� �t . tl�ence North 88° 5� ��k8+' t�Jest ]�Q5.t7 a^�.. 'tiie�ce North 0° Z�1-r 58" I�Test 3a.0 i'�a i:o PaB.: isrh3ch i� p�.a��ec'1. a� ��k Acr�s Ad�3.tion, Un3.�; �, P].a� Boolt �l�6, Pag� �, and Lot 2, Block G, G�.k Acres �idr7�`tibn, plat baalt 32, ps.ge `70, a.�.ci Lo'�s i arzd 2, B3.ock h, and I,o,t 20 Bioc3� F,� Unit 1, Qa3c l�c�es Addition, F'7.at Book 34, �age 3]., & I,ot 2�, B1oek E, Oak .t�eres Addit3.on tTnit 2, P2a� B�ok 34, page 63• Sectian 2. The C�ty oP Cl:earwater, �,�ting b� �.nd �hrough i.ts Gity Commissiar�, 3nteri a a an�ceac ti�e f'�regt�3.ng Ianc3s aecQrc]�.ng �c �he prQyisic��s oi' Seet3on �.7�,.04, Florida Staiu�es 1�5�, ard to �ha� ens3 the C3:ty Cl�rk is he�e'by cl•Lrected to pubZish th3;s O�inanoe a:n ��e Ciearwai�er Sun� a nezyspaper ,pubi3�hed �.n �Y�e C3tY o£ Cl�a.xvwater, �nee a i�eek �a�° four consecutive vteel�s immediately .a�'ter the passa�e af this Orc'i�.nane�. Se�etisrr� �. fiYa:�s �z°c3x�anc� shal�. become 2f'�eef:�.ve 3.mn,�e�.a�e�.y upon its pass�;ge � : PASSEI} ON T7.�iS2t �tEAl?IPTG PAS�ED Q1� uEGQi�i� R�ADI?dC PASSED QI3 THZRLi AN� �'T_AtAL RE�i)ING AAIU A�£?PT�3 A�.tes'c: /sf R G. t�hiteYaead c3.��r �Zer�� a�uary� z3s ��5$ u""ci.TliiB.�r ��s ��.`1$ 3anua�r 13, 195$ /s/ L�t+r�s Hom�r I�,yo�-Coam�3,as3 o�ner , n