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December 30, 1957
The City Ccmn1ssion o~ the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City
Hall, Monday, December 30, 1957, at 1:30 P.M. with the rollowing members present:
Lew:ls Homer
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Samuel J. Roberts
James H. \1a tldns
Commi B si one r
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
Also present were:
Jack Tallent
Ben Krentzman
\L B. Mackey
City Manager
City Attorney
Asst. Police Chier
The Mayor called the meetin~ to order and stated that the purpose of the meeting
was to forma11y adopt the departmental organization plan. He said this plan had been
in effect in the City since April and was completely adopted when the new budget was
adopted and the City has maintained its accounting procedure on this basis since the
first of July. Commissioner Watkins moved that the City of Clearwater's organizational
plan a6 previously approved by the Commission and as included in the current budget be
reapproved and formally adopted. Motion was seconded by COrrIDlissioner Strang and carried
The Mayor said he would like to recognize the personnel of the City that worked on
Sa turday afternoon and Sunday tu repair a break: in the sewer line to Clearwater Beach
and recommended that the Manager be instructed to write a letter of thanl<:s to Mr. Paul
Kane, Mr. M. C. Duffey, r~. Joe Raye and the crews who worked with these men ror the
outstanding job that was done in a short length or time. By consent, the Commission
agreed to this.
The ~ayo~ reported that the City had received an offer of $1,000.00 deposit for
a 90 day option to buy Tract 8 1.n the Industrial Parl(, in the name of Thomas S. Hood
representing a company which did not l'li s11 to disclose its name for publicity yet. He
explained that thi s company Ni shed the option to be subj ec t to test drilling ror \'leight
bearing character of the soil proving satisractory to light industry facility, the
test to be made at the company's expense. Commissioner Watkins moved that the City
enter into a contract with Thomas S. Hood for the sale of' Tract 8 in the Clearwater
Industrial Pa~lc for an amount equal to $3,150.00 per acre included in the tract with
the contract to give the purchaser an option for 90 days on the payment by it of
$l~OOO.OO to be 'applied toward the purchase price in the event the option is exercised,
to be retained by tIle City in the event the option is not exercised; the contract to
be in the usual form used by the City and to adclitionally include a provision to the
efrect that th.e purchaser shall have the right at his expense to have a weight bearing
test made on ~he area i'lith the proviSion that in the event the test does not indicate
the soil would be suitable for ltSe by light industry, that the purchaser shall be
relieved or obli~ation and shall have his $1,000.00 returned, and that the proper
ofricials be authorized to execute the contract. r.10tion \.,as seconded by Commissioner
Roberts and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney reported that Mr. Ray H. DePasquale who had entered into a
contract with the City on October 30, 1957, for purchase 01' Lot 1, Industrial park,
has called attention to the ract that the City was not able to get all the improvements
in within the time provided by the contract and that he is forced to take advantage of
the provision in the contr'act '.'/h1ch rel:Leves him of his obligatj.on. The Attorney
explained that this will require the return to ~~. DePasquale of the sum ()~ $1,575.00
\'lhich the CitY' has been holding as earnest money in connecti on \'1i th the contract.
Commissioner Strang moved that the request of Ray H. DePasquale ~or the return or
$1,575.00 earnest money deposit which the City is holding ~n connection with the real
estate contract between him and the City dated October 30, 1957, covering Lot 1 of
Clearwater In~ustrial Parl( be granted and that the proper officials be authorized to
return said anount to him upon release of both parties from the contract. Motion was
seconded by Co~missioner Watkins and carried unanimously.
A letter 'Was read signed by [V'Ir. Al Rogero, State Road Board member, and Mr. H. M.
Johnson, District Engineer, First District, ",hich requested the removal of all parking
on State Road 595 (Fort Harrison Avenue) from the south City limits to the north City
limits and also on State Road 60 (Cleveland Street and Gulr to Bay Boulevard) from
the Gulf' of Me~j,co to the east City limits and asl(ed that this be effective on
Februa~ 1, 195~. The letter stated the State Road Department realized that the
removal of pap]{ing could not be 100% effective immediately and indicated a willingness
to discuss suggestions or a one way street system to move trarfic fastev and still
maintain parldl1g. Commissioner Strang moved that this letter be received and acknow-
ledged f'or our consideration. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried
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. ,.'.: ,', \ .... '. :, ';-'"' "'," " :' '; ". I])ecember 30 1957 !~""'" "., ',' { '. ". . " ,
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;~:';<:>~.:::':"'::<.;~'I;i,};>." Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission '" :,'" .' .,
. ;:;'>,:<\,,,,':,:';j _!';;X";:': .: CIty- of Clearwate" . " " . ' -. . ',. ~,.~";~,;,,~.~.f.,.j.~,},:..:
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The City Commission will meet in special session in City Hall auditoriu~on '.
'Monday, December 30, 1957, at 1:30 P.M. ' .' ~:.. rO""
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:~' :. '<-:",':" . '~:'~\;::'..'''' ',.,The above scheduled meeting is for the purpose at: reapproving the Ci:ty:?,.~o.ve~~,e..r::t(
'. ',':' ", '.;.~;~;':: ,<'. :,'., ,.departmental organization. '" , ' ;; .:,",'.,}:
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Dec�mber 3�� '957
The City Commisa':on of the Cit;� of Clearwater meti in special session at the Oity
Ha1�., Monday, December 30, 1957, a� 1:3� P.M. With the following m�mbers present:
Lewis Hamer Nlayqr-Cornmissioner
W. E. Stran�, Jr. Commissioner
Samuel J'. Roberts Commissicner
James H. GJatkins Commissioner
C1ev�land Insco, Jr. Commissioner
A7�so present were:
Jack Tallent C3ty Manager
Ben Kreiz�zman C� ty Attorney
Ul. B. Macicey Asst. Police Chief
The Mayor called 'che me�tin� to order and stated that the purpose of the meeting
tivas to formally adopt the departmental organization plan. He said this plan had been
in effect in the City since Apri1 and was completely �,dapted when the new budget was
adopted and th� City hatt maintained its accaun,ting pr�cedure on �his basis since the
first of July. Commissioner Watkins moved that the City of Clearwater's organizational
plan as previously approved by the Commission and as included in tr�e current budget be
reapproved and fbrmally adoptecl, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried
The Maynr said he �vould like to reco�n�ze the gersonnel of the City tnat workecl an
Saturday afternoon and Sunday to repair a break in the se�ver line to Clearwater Beach
and recommended that the Manager be instructed to write a letter oP thanks �o �Ir, Paul
Kane, Mr, M. C. Dufiey, Mr. Joe Raye and the crevas vrho worked v�ith theae men for the
outstanding job that was done in a sYiort length of time. By consent, the Commission
agreed to this.
The Mayor reported that the Gity Yiad received an cTfer oi $1,000.00 deposit for
a 90 day option to buy Tract 8 in the Industrial Park, ;n the name of Thomas S. H�od
representin� a company vrhich did not wish to disclose its name for publi�ity yet. He
e�;.plained that �this company U�shed �he option. +o be subject to t�st drilling for taeigl�t
bearing character of tl�e soil proving satisfactoxy to light industry fac313ty, the
tes� to Ue made at the company's expense; Commissioner 4Ja�kins moved that the City
enter into a contract tivith Thomas S. Hood for the sale of �r�.et $ in the Cle�r��rater
'' In�ustrial Park for an amount equal to �3,150.00 per acre included in the traci,tvith
' the contract to give the purenaser an option for q0 days on the payment by it of
,�1,000,00 to be'applied toward the purchase pric� in the even� t.he option is exercised,.
to l�e retained by the City in the event the option is not exercised; the contract to
be in the u�ual f�rm used by the City and to additionally iriclude a provision to ihe
effect that the purchaser shall have the right a� his expense to have a tveighz bearing
test made on the area with the provis3�n that in zne even� the test does rot indicate
the soil would be stti�able for use by light lndustry, that the purchaser shall be
reliQved of obli�ation and sha11 have hi� �1,000.00 returned, and that the proper
officials be authorized to execute the contract. hIation was secondea by Commissioner
Roberts and carried unan:i.mously.
The City Attrrzzey reparted that Mr. Ray H. Detasqu�le who had entered into a
contract witri the City on October 30, 1g57, for purchase of Lot l, Industrial Par1;.,
has c�lled attentian tio the faci that the Ci�y vras not able to get a11 the impravements
in tiv3thin the time provzded by the contract and that he is forced to tiake advantage of
tize provision in the contract vrhich relieves him of his abli,ation, The Attorne;�
e�.plain�d that this tvill require the return tc:, nIr. DePasquale of the sum �t' �1,575.00
� which i;he City has be�n holding as earnest money in connectic�n tvith the contract.
Corru�n:issioner Strang moved that �he request of Ray H. DePasq_uale for the return �f
y1,575.00 �arnest money deposi� which the Glt;� is holding in connection with the _eal
�s�ate contract between him and �he Citry da�ed October 30, 1957, covering Zot 1 af
Clear�vater Industrial Park be gran'i,ed and tiha� the proper o�ficials be authorized to
r�turn said ainount io him upon release of bath parties from tihe contract. Mot�ion vras
seconded by Commissioi�er '��aticins and carried unanimously.
A let�er was read s�gned by P�r, A1 Ro�ero, State Road Board member, and hTr. H. M.
J�hnsc�n, District En�ineer, First District, which requested tlie removal of a31 parltiing
on S�ate Road 595 (Fort Harrisan Avenue) from �he south Citg limits to the north City
limits and also on State Road G0 (Cleveland Street and Gu1f to Bay Bouleva�d) fro:n
the Gulf of Mexico to the e�.st Ci�y lim3.ts and asked that �his be effectiv� �on
February l, 195�. The letter stated the State Road Department realized that the
removal of parka.ng could not be 100� effective immediately and indicated a willin�ness
ta diacuss sttggestions �r a on� �,ray s�ree� system to mcae traffic faste�+ and 4ti11
maintain park:Lng. Commi.ssioner Strang moved �hat this letter be received and ac:fnow-
led�ed for aur consideia�ion, MotiUn was seconded by Commissioner t�Jatkins and carried
tuzanimou sly .
December 30, 1957
Tn regard to the req,ueat of 1:he State Road Department to ba,i1 parking �n Sta�Ge
Road 5g5 and Stat� Road E�O, Commiss�oner S�rang moved that i;he Mayar be empc�wered to
call upon necessar�,� businessmei� to help us in these plaris and s�t up a Committee
immediately. Motion ti�tas seconded by Conunisszoner Raber�s and carriec� unanimouuly.
The Manager reported that byds were Ueinp� received fiox trat'fie si�nal 1i�hts at
1c30 �'.M. this same aPternoo�2 and asked 1�" �he Commisslon tv3.shed to consider those
bids at th�s meetin; even �izou�h tlzey tivould nat be cample�ely i;abula�ed. Tt taas
`" agreed to consider the bids at the next re�;ular meet;t�g on January 6th.
There be3ng no fur�I�er business to come l�efore tYae Baara, the mee�ing was
adjourned at 2:05 P.M.
� y� a. ner � r�.�.�.__._...._.
Cit _erk
December 30, 19�j7
� December 26, 1957
F•xono�able Mayor and Members of C�.ty CommiSsian
Ci1>y of Clearwater
Clearwater, �'lorida
�lze Clty Commiasion wi].1 meet in special sessicn in Clty Hall auditorium on
Monday, December 3�, �-957, at 1:30 P,M.
The abpve schecluled mee�ir�g is far the purpose of reapprovin� the city government's
departmental organiza�ion.
�sl' Jack Tal].ent
City Manager
�.. i �