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December 9, 195',
The City Commission of' the City of' Clcar~'lUter nl<.1t in opecial aeooion at the City
Hall, Monday, December 9, 195"( ~ at 1: 30 P. N. \'11 th the follu\'l:1.nl.;; m0mbc:~I's prcoent:
Leuis Eomer
W. E. StranG, Jr.
Samuel J. Roberts
Cleveland I11.cco, Jr.
James H. \'/atk:i.ns
r-layor-Coffimi U 131 Oller
COliUni saioner
Conuni sDioner
Comni ssloner
Conuni s8:1.oner
Also present were:
Jac]\: Tallent
Ben Krentzman
S. Licl-::ton
Patr. Peter Scott
City Manager
City Attorney
City Engineer
Rcpresentinr; Police Chief
The fiJ:ayor called the meeting to order. He announced the first item to be
considered ~Tould be the report of the Engineer on the proposed vacation or an easement
in f'avor of Calvary Baptist Church. The Engineer explained he had given copies of a
map oho\'1ing the property involved to each Conunissioner and that Parcel li6 as indicated
on the map, an area 32 .feet by 56 feet., he considered the minimum amount needed by the
Ci ty. The flJayor stated the Commission had vie\'led the property on the si te.
COlmn:l.ssioner Roberts f'eJ.t the City T,:lOuld be asicing for too much property as the ease-
ment to be vacated was of no particular value to the City because of its location.
Dr. R. H. Center speal-:ing as Chairman of the Trustees o.f the Church said that the
survey of' the church IS property had been sent to NashviJ.le., Tennessee, for study as
to the proper development and that the church would not be able to give an answer to
the City's proposal ul1.t:Ll the plans are returned. Conunissioner Strang moved the
matter be tabled until they have their plans and T,'re can sit do"m and \'1Orlc this out and
knol;l what \'le are ta11dng about. r-lotlon I'Tan seconded by Commissioner '..tatl{ins and
carried unanimousl~l.
Nr. Harold Briley, Consulting Engineer., described the second phase of' the water
improvement program and recommended cons-'(;r'l.lCL..rlC the r(JlloT..l~.nG transmission mains:
Sunset Point Road .from t;l1e County main to Cl carl'ra tor Day, then south to the center of
the Ci t~r j another main alone the Cause~'JaY to ISland Es ta tes j one on South Myrtle
from Druid to Lalcevie\'lj and one in Be11cair Street near r.ussouri. Af'ter inspection
of the 'dater tanh: on East Avenue and Grove Street, he reported that the roof" cab/alIi:
and m,'lay braces need rep1acinc; and estlmatcc::. Jell,? cost at appl""o:;cilllately $15,000.00.
He estimated the cost of' the entire pro~'ect a8 ;)529,300.00 and aslccd authorization
tc proceed \'lith the sU.l'veys, plans and spocificatj.ons. Conunissioner Insco moved that
the City Enr:;ineer and the Consul tine:; EnGineer be authorized to proceed \-lith the first
section in an amount not tc: exceed ~;529,300.00. Notion \'1aS seconded by Commissioner
\'/atl\:ins and carri ed unanimously. The C1 t~r Engineer recommended the. t the r-.1yrtle Avenue
\'Fa ter main be completed f}.rot in order tu be 1'11:11 shed \'lhen the Sta to \'Ias rea dy to
pave J:l'lyrtle Avenue.
The Engineer stated that he \'lolJ.ld 1i1::e tel mal;:e a report on the pier extension at
the r.larina but he \'lCluld lil::o to request tila'c the Harbormaster be pl'esent at the next
meetinG I'lhen it vrao di GCU saed,
In regard tc the requ.est of Hr. Charles r\'1. Phj.llips, Jr., f'or permission to
erect a temporar~r sales o.ffice on property ol'med by the Horth Bay Company in Island
Estates., a plot plan vms subml tted. as requested by the Commission at the last meeting.
The J.\layor explained that the propo "ed bu:l.l dinG l'lould be located on tile T,'lCst side on
the entrance street into Island Estates north or the drive into the new sewage
plant. Conunissionel' Strang moved the requGst 01' the l':orth Bay Company for the
temporary office accord:'..ns to the plan submi tted and the plo'e plan submJ. ttcd be
approved for a period not to exceed three years sub.] oct to revocation by the Comrni ssj.on.
r.10tion I',as oeconded by Conunissioner Insco un.d carrted unanimousl:y.
The r'lanager presented Resolution 5'(-67 1'1111ch 'would require six property O\'mers
to clean their lots of 1'Jeeds and undel'brush. Corrunissioner Roberts moved t;ile adoption
of Resolution 5'7-6'7 and the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Notion '\'las
seconded by Con~issioner Strang and carried unanimously.
The Attorney presented Resolution 5'/-6[3 \'Thich \'lould assess the cost of construc-
tion of sanitary sem}r, pavJng and drainar;e in LaSalle Street from Greem:lood Avenue
easterly for approxirna. tely 1320 feet. COITUllissioner Strang moved that Resolution
57-68 be passed and adopted and the proper of.ficials be authorized to execute it and
the assessment be spread. I.lotion "Ias seconded by Conunissioner ~'!atIcins and carried
r>1r. Lee Reid complimented the Ci t:{ Ensineer and his sta.ff for their excellent
\'lorl:: on the Jef.fords street extension f'ill: seai'lall, sewer, drainage and paving
Mr. Charles N. Phillips, Jr.., reported that the plat of Island Estates Unit 2 \'Tas
ready to submit btlt there \'/as no Zoning Board meeting sched,J.led for this month as it
\'las not possible to obtain a quorum. He asked if tile plat could be submitted directly
to the Commission ror approval as he had tentatj.ve approval f'rom the members of the
Zoning Board. The ~~nager suggested that ri~. Phillips submit the request directly to
the City Planner and that tlIr. \I/oole could talce a poll o.f the Zoning Board members
and submit the result along with the plan at the next Commission meeting on December
16th. Ey consent~ the Commission agreed to this procedure.
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December 9, 1951
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'rhe 1\ttol">ney read on its firot readlng Ordinance '/54 containing re'/ision13 in
the election ordinanceo "lhich Hould elindna tCt:1C provis:Lon calling fel" the idea tlfi ca-
tion slips to be retu.incd in a box prov:Lded \'li th a loclc. He explained that the
revised ordinance 1'loulc1 fullo\'l the State Im'J in the requirement that the box:es be
scaled and kept for a certain length of time. Commissioner Roberts moved the passage
of Ordinance 75l~ on first readinG. f10tion '..ms seconded by COllunissloncr Strang and
carried unanimously.
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ConunissionCl"> Huberto moved the consideration of Ordinance 754 on second reading
by ti tIe only w:1 th the unanlmous consent of the Conunission. ~10tion \'las seconded by
Commissioner Strane and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance by
title only. Conunissioner Roberts moved the passage of Ordinance 7Sl~ on its second
reading b~l title only. Hotion i'laS seconded by Conunissioner Strang and carried
Commissioner Roberts moved that Ordinance ~(5l-I, be considered on its third and
fj.nal readinG i'lith the unanimous consent of the Comm:i,ssion. r.10tion was seconded by
Conunissioner Strang and cal"ried \..manimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance 1n full.
Conunissioner Roberts moved the paGsage and adoptj.on of Ordinance 754 on its third
and final reading and that the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion
was seconded by Conunissioner Strans and carried unanlmously.
The Attorney prcGeated a proposed letter aGreement 'I.-lith f.1r. Harper Mercer to
operate the t\'lO neN parl'::Lng luts leased from 1\11". 'd. H. Taylor and f/lr. Larry Dinunitt,
Jr. J for :~350. 00 for> one month until December 31st malcing it available to the public
\'lith rates comparative to other conunercial parl~inG lots operating in Clearwater.
Commissioner Hatkins moved that the proposed letter aGreement with Harper Mercer for
the operation of the Ci ty par1:1n[:; lots l{;nOWll. as the Taylor lot and the Dinuni tt 1 at
be approved as to form and that the proper officials be authorized to enter into
such an agreement e1 ther "11th I'.lr. Mercer or some other person v/ho mi[;ht operate these
lots. Notion Vias seconded b~l Conunissioner StranG and carried unanimously.
The Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 755 \'lhicl1 declared the City's
intention to annex. a part of' Lot 9, I!anousel;: IS Subdi vi s:L on in Section 22-29-15. He
reported that the City had received an casement to the cast twenty-five feet of the
property for right of ','lay purposes and that although there is a trailer parle locat~ed
there no\'1 the property 1'1ill be zoned R-l in the final annexation and the trailer parle
will be considered a non-conforming uoe. Conunissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 755
be passed on its first reading. flIotion Nas seconded by Conunissioner i'latldns and
carried unanimously.
Conunissioner Strang moved that Ordinance rr55 be considered on its second reading
by title only \'lith the unanimous consent of t~"lC Cornmission. r.1ation 'Has seconded by
COl1U11issioner \'Jatlcins and carried unanimoc.l.sly. The Attorney read the Ordinance by
title only. Conunissioner StranG moved that Ordinance 755 be passed on its second
readinr; by title only. Notion was seconded by Corrullissioner ~'JJ. tl::ins and carried
COlnmissioner StranG moved that Ordinance 755 be considered on its third and
.final reading with the unanimous consent of the Conunission. r.lotion \'laS seconded by
Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance in full.
Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 755 be passed on its third and final reading
and adopted and the prol'er officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner ~'Jatl:ins and carried unanimousl;y-,
The f\1ayor reconul1ended that since the classification and the organi zation chart
had been approved by the Civil Service Board that the fl1anager see that the department
heads receive copies and tl1a t copies be sent to the l:mployees ' Association so that all
the employees can be advised of the organization chart and the classification
defini tions that \'lill accompany it. By consent J the COl1Ullission :Lnstructed the
~~nager to do this,
The I'~ayor cOl1Unentcd that many publie-np:Lri ted citizens devote numerous hours
to serving on various City Boards without any recognition. He suggested preparing
a citation so that when a man has completed service on one o.f these boards tl1at the
Ci ty can avlard him a nice citation. He presented a specimen citation for the comments
of the Conuni ssioners, Conunissioner Insco moved that the COlluni ssion acc?pt the fI'layor' s
recommendation and provide citations for people \'J11.o have sel"ved for the Ci ty of
Clearwater. f'.10tion \'Tas seconded by Conunissioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
Conunissioner I'latlcins advised the COl1Ullission that he had been notified that the
Federal Goverl~ent had approved the City's purchase of radio equipment for Civil
Defense under the matching fund arrangement and 1'10uld assurne 50% of the cost \'lhi oh
would be approximately $5,000.00. The Mayor expressed appreciation to Commissioner
Watldns for his Nork as Civil Defense Director in securing these financial benefits
1"'01" the Ci ty .
There being no further business to come before the Board,the meeting adjourned
at 3:05 P.M.
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WHEREAS: it has been determined by the City Commission of' the City of Clea~water,
Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of' weeds, grass and/or
underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and f'ailure of the owner thereo~ to
do so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereof' against the
respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the city Commission of the City of' Clearwater,
Florida, that the f'ollowing described property, situate in said City, shall be cleaned
of \'leeds, grass and/or,underbrush wi thin ten (10) days after notice in writing to the
owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said notice~ the City
shall perform such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respective
properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter of the City of' Clearwater,
as amended.
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Cornmdssion of the City of Clearwater, Florida,
This 9th day of December, A.D. 1957.
DECEMBER 9, 1957
1:30 P.M.
Minutes of' Precedine Meeting
Public Hearings
Reports of City Manager
Reports of City Attorney
Citizens to be Heard
Other Commission Action
Meeting Pension Plan Tru6tees
Vincent A Ign1co, et a1
1487 Gulf to Bay Blvd.
Kenneth Deering
14550 Monica
Detroit, Mich.
Harry Delamater
19993 Lernmane St.
Detroit 40, Mich.
Hugh Donald
522 Norfork
Dunedin, Florida
Andrew Frisella
c/o Shoreline View Motel
Apt. 17, 1941 Edgewater
Highland Pines Land Co.
Hercules Ave. & SALRR
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
City Auditor and Clerk
December 9, 195T
/ '70
Reports f~om City Manager
1. Report rrom the CIty Engineer, calvary
Baptist Church
2. Other Reports ~rom the City Engineer
3. New Frojects with $2,000,000. Revenue
Certificate Issue
4. Private Lot Mowing Requests
5. Verbal Reports and other Pending Mattera
Re~orts from City Attorney
0: --n:eSo-rutI"on Levying Assessments for Improve-
ments in LaSalle Street from Greenwood Ave.
1320 Feet East
7. Consideration of Ordinance Chapter 7, Sec.
44 (0) of City Code to ConfoP.rn to State Law
Concerning Receptacles for Voting Identiri-
cation Slips
~~ SE t Lot 25
Blocl<: J
Boulevard Heights
Lot 15
Blocl<: A
Gulf to Bay Acres
Lot 17
Block A
Gulf to Bay Acres
Lot 3
Block 31
Highland Pines 5th Add.
Lot 4
Blocl-c 31
Highland Pines 5th Add.
Lots 5, 6 & 7
Block 31
Highland Pines 5th Add.
/s/ Lewis Homer
Mr. J. Tallent, City Manager
O. H. Anderson, Building Inspector
A-6 (Request of Island Estates - North Bay Company f'or erection o~ tempora~y
sales off'ice)
It1s the recommendation of' the Zoning Board that we grant permission to erect a
temporary Sales and Info~ation off'ice on the properties owned by the North Bay ,
Company, in the area known as the Island Estates. This is granted with the understanding~
that the structure will be removed at such time as the City Manager, Oi tyEngineer and': ' '
Building Inspector require.
original letter or request with plan.
, "
. .',.
, :-',.'
. .' '. ..., ~'.'; . "',l ,.... ;.,rtl !"."", --....
Florida 40
Lot 47 Lenn Baker 40 65.S3
Lot 4S Susi e Camptell
I13? E.ast r!.adi son
Glen rW~lter, Florida 1,0 65.e3
Lot 49 Susi e Campbell 40 65.S3
Lot 50 Susie Cnri''t~)t ell 1~0 65.$;- 136.32,
Lot. 51 Fees Ltpr-ett
11:~6 LaSnlle
C lea r....mt p.r , Fl orid~ 40 t5.83 136.32
Lot 5'" Fess Lif-":'"~tt 40 (;5.83 13L..32
Lot 53 r{c. si e Lee 1'hom,:.15
703 ,~.'tb ;\ v....r:ue
Er'qde~ton Floridc:t l~O 65.$3
Lot 54 Rosie Lee: ThonHl S 40 65. i~3
Lot 55 T!:elr~cl C rer s l-a ..... etal
1144- LaS~llr.
C1 ear.....r.l t.(' r, F'lorida 40 65.83
Lot 5~ Frank F:lctridp:e
5?R Herdrix
C1 B.!l r\".rater, Flo'!'ida 40 c.5.e3
Lot 57 Ra ~!n1 or.d Scriven
3?O r.:~d ison
Clea !'water J Florid a hO 65.e3
58 Lee Ro~r Srr.ith
1500 ;':orth J;!nr! ison
Cleal'wHt,er, Florida 40 6S.S3
59 Sa 1'8 h t. Pni.:::e, e :-.<.1 1
115? LaSalle
Cli;!f\ r1rN!ter, F'l oric.ia l~O 65. $3
Snrn :1 B PR i rre (!t,al 40 65.83,
'Evelirrt r.1vles
11'~ -. .
r,n~rr:<1 r. ','
Clcarv:l'Jt,e1', Florida 40
" Albe:.rt l'::~lf1s
,:1?05 Hbosevclt
Cle~r\'..~t8r., 'Florida,
63 Ch,-'i-lip Smith
11 ?F~ Engrn;m
Cl e:..r~ 'atr'. r I Florida l~O
c4 ''::';ueen C. Cofer, etal
909 I'in rshn 11
Clear\'.'::lter, Flori~la 40 '6r:. 8~
,? ~
Lot 65 Qu ee n C. Cofer, ettll 40 65.8)
Lot 66 ,Qu een C. Cof(~r , etal 25 41.10
P'''}' r:c. ?
. ~: t . ,
1 Daisy Crt to
11(:5 LaSalle
Clearwater, Florida 25 J+l.lO
? Dai5Y Cnto hO (5 .83
3 Dflisy C",to 40 65.83
4 Rov Ferguson
6lj~ 1st Avenue t.; orth
St. Pett> r'sburg, Florida hO 65.S3
5' M~ rn'l. rl?t Hr{rris
Greem\'ood Ap,q,rtments
Bui.ldinf: C; Anartrr..er.t ?
. , Florida 65 ~ ~3
Clean,rqt\:"r, 1..0
Fortune Bell
1153 LnSalle
Clearwat er I Florida 40 65.S)
7 Forttme Bell 40 65.83
Fortune Bell 40 65.83
Fortune Bell 40 65.S3
Sam Devine
1149 LaSalle
Cl ea rW<.~t er, Florida 40 65'.8)
Sam Devine 40 65.e)
EllR S~ith
llhl Madison
Clearwater, Florida
Ella 'Smith
- '."., I
;;' :\~~~t9J';k~t~~~)~.hji:2~;~~~~~jj~~~~~~t.~~~~if~.;~~~1~i~",;~)
AMlNDINO SBCTIONS 44 (0), (el, (t) AND (s)~ CHAPlKR
1. 0'1 '1'HB CODE or THE C1'1'!' 0:1 CLBARWA'IBR.
'.. .WHERBAS, Section 44 (c)~ Chapter 7 of the City Code requires the C~t7 to turn1e
'a box or can tor each voting machine in each voting place and. provide a t;hat eaonbox
or can ahall be provided with a look 80 that it ~ be seoQrely locked; and,
WlIEREAS, tur'ther prov.1.a1ons ot the eleot10n code requ1.re tha:t voter ldentitica-
tion 8l1ps shall be retained by the c.1 ty Clerk for a reasonable P4.tnocl rw eaCh
eleotlon# and it baa been the custom to retain suoh slips I.n the boxes or can. in
which they were 1n1t1ally placed at each elect10n; and'
WIIBREAS" seotions 44 (e), (t) and (g) ot sa1d chapter reter 'to "locked" boxes
or oans 1 and~
WIIBREAS" such boxes or cans are expensive" ditf'1cult to move and unneoe.8U7jan4~
WBERBAS, section 101. 47 ~ subparagraph 3, Ploric:Ja Statutes 1955" rela~1ng to the
conduct ot State and County eleotions. author1zes and prov1.dea for the uae of
indiv1dual oontainers tor the purpose ot holding such voter~dent~ticat1on slips
w1thou~ requiring that the same be a box or can and without requUt1ng tbai; the same
be provided with a look; and~
. WBERBAS" the prooedure authorized and followed under the S't&1ie law provides ~or
the uee or individual oardboard. cont.Uners tor that purpose, wh:1ch can be securely
sealed and eas11y transported and stored~ and it; is de8ired. 'to adopt such procedU%'8
tor use by tne City' ot Clearwater 16 all elections conducted by 11;:
Sectlon 1. Sees. 44 (c), (e)~ (f') and (g) Chapter 7 of the Code or the City ot
Clearwater" FJ.orida 1950 are amended to read as tollows:
11 ( 0) Reoeptacle To Be Prov:idedj Seal1ng.
"1'he City shall .turn1Bh and the City Clerk 8ball aupp1y sutf":101ent containers tor
each voting machine 1n eaoh voting plaoe~ each container 8haJ.l have a slot large
enougb tc recej,ve the identification slips" and shall be of such nature thatlt
can be securely sealed.
"Bet'ore the polls open, the elect10n clerk in the presence or all ~n8pector8 and
tne public~ ahall open the oontainer and ascertain that it i8 empty, and w1111e
empty shall securely seal same and plaoe a Beal aoross tihe l:1d and bo~ ot the
conta1ne~ leaving a slot open without breaking or removing the aea11 and the'
elect10n olerk or inspectors shall 81gn their names upon the seal. Printed
tome or seals shall be f'urn1shed with eaoh container.. oon1iun1ng a statement
over the place tor the s1gnature that the container mss opened~ ~t1ed.. and
sealed while empty ~ore the pollS were openedj the signing o~ the certiticate
~1 constitute tbo eleot1on clerk's or inspeotor's certificate to the taets."
" (e) Cert1t1cation by ot1'10i&1 operating mach1.ne.
"Be.tore ~ elector enters a vot1ng maohine he shall de1ive~ the identification
ellP. B1sned by auch eleotor~ and certified to by the a1el'k or inspector, &s
bere1narter proVided, to the clerk or the :1nspector operating the machine on
wb10h B\1ol1 elector expects to vote and the olerk or inspector 8hall alao sign
such 811>> 8S herein provided tor" in the torm hereinafter- prov1ded, and such
s1gnat;ure &hall constitute an oath~ O~ af't.1rma'tion. as tio tile matters and taots
Bet torth j,n the printed matter above his signature, and thnaeupon the clerk or
1napector 80 receiving and 8igning such identification Slip al1all deposit the
aaae t;hrough the sJ.ot in the sealed container hereinarter- provided tor.
"(1') S1gned deposlted slips prima .taale evidence of vof;lng.
.n'l'he S-dent1t1cat1on 8J.ip, when signed by any person as an electo~ and b7 tne clerk
inspeotor coJDp8l'1ng hi. 81gnature and by the clerk OJ:' in&pector adm11itirig b1m '
,the 'irot1ng ma"Chine and de~81ted 1n the oont.luner, herein proV'14ed tor, aball
'fade evidenoe that the person whose name appears therein a8 an eleotOr
the vot1.ng machine and that he then and 1;here voted. . ,.....
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;:D"';:;:;Yi,',',...a. CLBAmIAUR '1'0 ANRBE BB rR01'BR'.rr lmIUmlAftlB' " ':/";
::;~i,/~' .. ,0 " ',' DBSaP~' WHICH XS fJ.'O BK KNOW'R AS A POJrJ.'XOlf . . ,:,/7
, ,"':,.;.:: ,":LC1I' 9 IN HArroUSBK'S SUBDIVXSJ:Ott, Ilfio ~ ~ " ,:,;'
.', . '. ' RAm ~s fJ/1 ~ CD."'l rJI OLBAIlWADR.. J'LOJIIDA. "."',
, (::J .t~'''': . UJt(Xf ,ftB EIPDlA'BOH ,0-, ~ (30) DAYS JBOM !'IlK ' ,;:",:'.:
F:!;. :.;' PASSINO OJ' ~ ORDDANCE. ACCOBDIND '1'0 !BB PlIO- ',,'~'::"'
.;:.. C", ... ' VJ:S%OHB 0lP SBC:n:ON 171.04.. J'LORIDA ftATU'lBB 1955J . ,>/:
.. A.tm PROVIJ)DIQ JOlt 'IHB *Jr~.lVIii DAD OJ' mIS OR- .. ", ,.e7
, " '," ,.}{:J~::.L J,,:~. ;,'." "t., MNAHCB. .~:::~.:.,":':~','~:,~.',~,:',.:.:.::".,'.,,~,:,~{.:.,,"':.',
' " " ,,'y,,;;;;:;~:::,.:.X' ,:' '; . . ';'.',
",< :.;..~,('L//> . .-:.~BB ~, ORDA%mm 'B'f 9B C1'1Y COMMISSION em ~ Cr.IY QI'OLBAmIA'lBR.. J'LOUDA. ;r;"...-;':..~,,(
~~::' >/?r;:l/~:,~l~!?~;:.~::r:" . , , " " '.:~ .:;"',.l~,~t..
~:':,:'~.;i.,:;//::,:t'/~,~;:~,;::;.,,> ' Section 1. '!be 011:7 or C1earwater.. J'101".1da.. acU,ns b7 and th&'o~ l1;a.OJ.ty .,.... :'l';;:"~:"
:~~'~,;;.(I~,:~::.'~,\,(?~,~t< . CoaDIa81on.. here~ declares 1ta intention to armex into the oorpomte 12.m1U o~:,.tb..;:':.,~t.::;.ji
);,:z;:::.;,::~S~~{~;~~:.:r.\::'.: ,. : ,C1:t7 or OleaJ'tBter, l'1orida.. the t"ollow1ng desCU'1bed lanu ly!.ns con1;1suoua to~::.:\:i.~j;~l~
. .~.:~~.):\r:,~,~~,,:<. :,'" terrJ.t tor1aJ. 11m1ta ot said C1",~ 1lJb1ch lands conta1n less than tien (3.0) Ng1.~..::~~:;.{~/',..~;:.,
,..,' ..\'."...1 voeft, >~\.."....'.",.
f;f}'~r~~:[:\~;Yr: ' ,":, , ' ' . , ,:>~ :l~~\t~t:.. .
:;";',,'.' >;:--st;'t(~}:':,',:,' " Lot 9 in". E. Hanousek'a Subd1V'1B1on of the W 1/2 ot '" : '.i'-'<:'/";>,:;.:
.,{a<'.":,'~;r,>:::!,::.:;'J:;':(:;;,.f:;: :,~,,: tile 1m 1/4 and the BE 1/4 or the NW 1/4 ot Sects.on ..;.~<:;:~"':-.:,
~l~~~t~\~.,.,~~~~~~:~\\''!,::.:~F~ ,,; 22. '1'wp. 29S. Bge. 15B~ leu tho South 100 reet or "'.. :,,:;},:~f
,,,,/:.ic; ."1' '.'f'i "'(,{'"'~.l .' "F ' tme BaR 75 tee1; tibereot , '". <},
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:*:::~s.;~:j1;i;~~:':,:\~:~:;.~:"\:' <', ':.- ' Seotion 2. !be C1~ or Cleanate.. act1ng bl and ~U8b 11;a 01_, ~4 ..10ft, .';:',~t'i'"
;.;i~t'.:>,:\.~,/f::1~::;..:" :.': ht8Q48 ~o annex the forego~ landa acoordtns to ~ prov1a1oJUI or Seot:1on. In,~,.., :: ,:.. ",'"
I;,::::;~><:;.:':?~:::.;{/ ,.'"I'lodda. statutes 1955. and to ~t end the C1~ Clerk 18 heNb7 d1reoted tio publ1~: ,....I::,~;;;,\:'i ,:~j:
;,~,F:..'.:-.,::;:'}:: "::');~".' ',': ~s Ord1nance 1n the O1euwater Sun6 a nelf8J)aper pub11lSb.ed 1n the 02.Q or 01......\;.,..1 '.:~:,.xr! ;:k
~(~:}~r~;,:j(:;;.t '.:' . ': .' onoe a week ~or tour conaeout1 ve weeks 1mmed1atel1 ar~er the pe8118ge ~ tb18 ~. /:.~:'":~ , ..
/~;';~:;:>:,\,:;:. ~;,/ '. ' 'Section 3.. 'lh1a o~e BhaU become et.tec~1ve 1.mmed1atelJ' upon iota pa8__'~"":' ",,:.?i J/:)-',;':
" 'J < '.;,/.<'<>"; r?,;,,' . , " ,"1 ,:.:
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::.";..,',;- ': ..' ::~'i' '};::;:;: >:.;).::' .', '.' PASSED ON PZR.S'.r JtBADINO Deoember 9~ 1957 " ,,,' ".' .' .'.. r,:": ,.
it~~ :":>;,r~~ j:Zl' ;'t.~.(>", PAAmm ON SECOND BEADING :December 9~ 1957 ' ..U:'';~'';'',:L.'r;'::'
::':;:'~ '>.ii. i.',' ",;;,,:\,:<,' "';':~,.:i;/";~~: :.:'
tk;:;," ;:~'::<?: PASSED ON THIRD AND J'INAL' , "",::}+ .' \:':;::~"." ..'.'.'
".{', '" ;':':'. ,;;'/" :'..' . '~, ',;<. :'~'.: "!~~':i:'> ", ..,
?!;'r,-.',:,>;) .. '. BBADIHO AND AJ)()ftBD December 9, 1957 '<.::..\ .1:<.>;1'
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December 9, 1g57
The City Carrunl.saion of the City of Cleart�rater met in special aession at the City
[���.1, P2o�day, Deeelnner 9, 1957: at 1:30 P,P�t, vtith the i'ollc,t�r:tn� members present:
Levti. s Homer
I�� . � Stran�, Jr .
Samuel J. P,.oUerts
Clcveland Insco, Jr,
James �, t^latl�ins
A1so pre�ent were:
Jack Tallent
Ben ICrentzman
S. Li�lctor_
Pa'tr. Petex Scott
Mayor-C:. rruni s sioner
�omm:t.s sioner
CiOTi]i[I1. S u� O't10x'
C-lty Manager
City Attorney
City En�;ineer •
R�preserttin� Police Chief
The MaJor callecl the meeting bo order, .ie announced the first item to be
coiZNldered rroulcl be the report of the En�3neer on the prop�sed vacation o#' an easemeiit
:Li� favnr of Calvary Baptis� Church. The En�ineer explained 'ne had given copies of a
map shot�rin�; the property involved to eacl? Comrru.ssioner and �hat Pareel �'�y-`�o as indicated
�n the niap, an area 32 f ee� by 56 f ee �, ne considere�d the minimu.n amaunt needed "py the
City, The Mayor stated bhe Commission had viejaed the property olx t�e site.
Cotnmissioner Roberts felt the City vrould be asl�ir� fcr too much property a� the ease-
ment to be vacated t�Jas of no �articular va1v� to the City because of its 1oca�ion.
Dr, R. H. Cen�er spea:zing as Chairman of the Truste�s oz the Church said that tne
survey of the church�s property had been sent to r?ashville, Tennessee, for study as
to the proper dAvelcpm�nt ancl thati the church tvc�ttld na� be ab� e to �ive an answer �a
tlze C�.ty� s proposal unt11 th� plans are re�urned. Commissior.ar Strang movecl �he
matter be tabled w1ti1 the,y- have tneir pla_za aizd T�re can sit do��m ar_d cvari� this ovt and
teno,l ti-rhat rae are �a�,::Ln; abaut. f�iction v�as seconded by Comit�i_ssiaizer �•datkins and
carrYed unaizimously.
Mr. �arold Briley, Consulting �n�ineer, described the secand phase cf zhe �rater
:ixaprovement pro�lam and recomanended cca�s�ruc��ng the f�llo:�i�_-?� i,ranumission riains:
Sunset Point Road from the County main to Clear47ater Bay, �hei� sott�h to the center of
c�ie City; another main alon;; i,he Cause;�ra,y- �n �'sland Estates; one on South Pfyr�le
from Druid �o Lal;evle;a; and one in 3ellea-ir Street near NIissouri. Afi,er inspect� on
of the �vate.r tani: oiz Eas� Avernte and Grove Street, ne reparted that �ize roof, catt�ral:c
ni�d st�ay braces n�ed replacir� and estimatecl tia� cost at appro �ir,iately �35, 000.00.
ile estimated the cosi� c�i' �i�e entlr.e �aro�iect as �529,300.00 ancl ass;ed av�horiza�ion
tc �roceed tivith the surveys, pl�,ns and specizicatjoizs. Gori�rnissioner Insco moved that
tlie Cif;y �n��.r.eer and the Consult:in� Er�;in�er ae authorizeci tc ;�raceed �•ti �h the T irst
�ectiviz in aiz amotuzt nat �c e:�ezed y�52�, 300.00. Motion tvas seconded py Commissio��er
�Jatiilils and edrr.ied u,�anl.ma�,�sl�r. The Ci�y r.,�;iizeer recommended that zhe �'ryr�le P.�eni2e
r�ater riain be Colt�ple'ced f'i_rst in order tc b� i`� rzished �ahen the State c�ras r� dg ta
pave P��yrtle Ave�iue. -
Tne En�i�eer stateci that he woitld li:.e tc� mal.e a repert an the pier exzeiZsian at
tlZe t7arzna but lZe c•rould lii:e to request �i�a4 ti:e Narb�rmaster be presenti at tYie :�eyi,
mee�_�n�, Zrzzen it c�aas discussecl.
In re�;ard tc tl�e reques�, os Nr. Glzarles T�1, Phillips, �7r., for permissicn �o
ereci; a�emporary sales ai'fice on �ron�»i,y ot•�n7ed by �che 2dr�rt_z �ay Company in Island
Lstai�s, a ploL plan ��as submitted as reqt�es�ed by the Coinmissioiz a� the last meeti;�g.
The P�1ayo:c e:nplained tliac tlze proposed builcLn� i•�ou,ld be loeated �n the ��1est side on
the en�rance street :Ln�co Island Es�ates z�prth of the drive ii�to i.he neti�r set�tage
;�lant. Comnrission�r S�cran� moved tiie request o�' �tie I�Tortn I3ay Company far the
teni�orary off:ice aGeo�d�_1�� to tlze �lan su�m:i.�terT ai2d tlze �10� Alaz3 sut�mitted be
a;?proved for a per�ic�c� rz�z to cxceed three y�ars sup„ect to revoca��an by tlze Com.mission,
P-lotia�z i��as secoi�ded U;� Cotrun:Lssioi�er Tnsco ancl carried unanin�cuslj�,
The T�iana�er presexzted ResolLttion 5�"-o`f :�t�iicis GJould reait3.re six �roperty o��rners
�a c1�an tlle3r 1oi,s of ��T�ecls and underbrush. CommiNsior_er Roberts mcved ti�e adapt�an
of Re�olu�ion 5't-67 and �he proper ofiicials be au�horized to s;;n it, NIotion was
s�conded Uy Commissio:ier Strano and carried L��animotzsly.
The Attorney presented R�solutior_ 5;'-uu i+rhiclz t��ould assess the c�st of construc-
t�.on of saniL-ary s�tver, pavti i�g a�zd draina�e iiz LaSalle Street from Greencvood Avenue
easterly for a�proximatel�r 1320 feet. Commissioner Strang moved tha� Resolu�ioz�
57 �v be passed and adopted aizd tiz� nropex� arficial� �e authariaed to ex�cute it and
the ass�ssmeilt ue sprea�. P�Totion t�ras secanded i�y Corr:rnissio:Zer �ta`�icins and carried
u��an°� lnc�u.sly .
T�?r. Lee Reici crmplimQnted �lie Ci�S Bn;ineer and hi� stai'f for tlieir excellen�
i�aorrti o,z �he Jeffords Stre�t excensioii P:�11, seatrall, se�•ier, cliaina�;e ai�d nav:i.n;
NSr. Charles t�2. Ph9.11ips, Jr„ reported thai; tlie plat of Island Esta�es Uni•t 2 Z•ras
ready to submit but �here t�as no Zonin� Doard meetin� scl�eduled ior tlzia month as :i.t
�,vas not gossib�.e �to c�btaii� a quorum, F3e asl;:ed 3.f the p1a� could be su'bmitted direci;ly
tt� tlie Commis�ion fai a�proval as he k�.ad tentati�re approval irom the memoers of the
Zonin� Board, The NTans�er su�gested thai; NIr. �hillips submi� tlze requesi, directly t�
blYe City Plaizner antl tha� P�Ti . iloole could ta?.e a. �o� 1 of the Zoni�� Board members
a��d NuUnLit the resttlt a].�n� witlz the plan at ttle i�e:� Comiru.ssi�n ineetin� vn Dscember
�.�th. �y consent, �he Comni:tssioti a�reed �a this pr�cedure.
� ^;
/� /
Deceinber �„, 1�57
Tli� Att�rney read on its first readix� Ordiriaz�ce 754 e�ni�llr_1.r� revxa:Luns ln
i;ile e1@ction ardinanecs Svilicii tiJauld elimina�e t.1e provis:ic�n ca11:In�; z^cr tkie �.d�ntiP:�ca-
ta.csi sJ.3.ps to Ue retaifaed 3z� a box provided ta:i.�h a loek, tie ex�lained tha'� the
revised ordi�ance vrould fb].7 c�ia 'che Stai:e 1at,t in tize reqtzirenezzt tl1a�: ttle boxes be
sealed and l;.ept for a certa�.iz� lengbh oT time. Commissianer Roberts moved the passame
of Ordinance 75�� oiZ fllst �eading. Motion tv�zs seconded Uy Comm3.sszaner Stran�; and �
carried uizanimously .
Comnussioizer Ro'aerts moved tha caxzs:ider�t�.on of OrdiLnailce j'51E oz1 seeond readxxi�;
by title only �,�rl.t}?. tkie unail3rnaus cansent oP tlze Commissior_, l�7otion ivas seconded by
Coinmissioner Strang az7d carried unanimously. The A�torney read the Ordirzance by
tiile on1y. Coirunissioner Rcberts moved tkle passa�e of Ordinance 75�E on its secnnd
readin� by title only, Mot:ion was seconded by Commissioner S�ran� and carried
Comrru.ssioner Roberts moved that Oi�diriance 754 be considexed o.Z its tliird and
fanal readin� ti�riti�, tlze unanimaus consent oz 'ti12 Commi.ss�on, l�7otio:� tvas sECo1�,dCd Ujr
Comm-�ssioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Attorney read i;he Ordinaiice in ful�.
Coirun�.ssioner Rober�;s moved tlle passa�e and adontion of Ordir�atice 7,5�F c�n its third
and fiizal reading and t�at the proper esficials be authorized ta EXBCLt"�@ it. P1��ion
was seconded by Corruiussioner Strand and carried u.i7animouslf.
Tlie A�torney �rese�zted a p�oposed �et�er a�r�emeilt tivitki Pfir. Iiarper Mercer i.o
operate the t��ro netv parr�iz� lnts l�as�d frorn Pltr. �•d. R. Taylor and Mr. Larry Dimmitt,
Jr., for �;350.00 for one month until December 31st malcin; it available to the �uUlic
t�iith rates comparative co o�her commercial �arl:in� lots o�erat3r,g in Cleax�vlater.
GomnLssioi�er �latkirzs moved that tre pro�oaed letter �greemen� t�ith Harper b7ercer for
the o�eration of tize City parl�ir�g lots Isnoj�m �.s the Taylor 7.ot and the Diirunit� lat
be approved as to form and thaz the proper afficia�s be autilorized to enter inta
such an a�reement either tvith N1r. Mercer or some other person vrlio m:Lght operate these
lots, i�Io�ion Uras secoizded by Commissioner Stran� and carried unanimously.
The A'ttorney read cn its first read9.a�� �rdinance 755 which declared the City's
�ntention to annex a part of I�ot 9, Hanouse�c�s Subdivis:i_on in Section 22-2g-15. He
reported that tl�e City had recelved an easement to the eaN� t�venty-five feeL of the
aroperty for rig�zt of vlay purposes and �hat although there is a trailer park located
t_iere now the property i�nll be z�ned R-1 in tre final annexat3.on and the trailer parlc
ti�ri11 be considered a non-conforming use. Coinmi�sioner Str�,ng moved that Ordinance 755
be passed on its first reading. P+lotion tivas seconded by �orrunissioner LJat�eins and
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Szrang moved that Ordixiance 755 be considered nr_ its second reading
oy title only ��i th the unannimous consent of tize Commission. Motion vaas seconded by
Commis�ioner VJatkirls and carr�ed unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance by
title o�z1y. Commissioner Strang moved thaL Ordinance 755 be passeci on its s�cond
read?iz�; by title only. Nlotion was seconded by Commissioner ��Jaticins and carried
Commissioner Stran� moved �hat Ordinaizce 755 be considered on ita third and
�inal reading tivitlz the Ltinanimotts cansenti of tl�:e Cominission. Motion i�ras seconded by
Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attoxney read th� Ordinance in i'u11.
Commissioner Strang motred that Ordinance 755 be passed oiz its third. and final read:�ng
and adopted and the prot�er ofz"icials be authorized to eYecute it. Motion ��ras seconcled
by Commi.ssioner sJatl�ins and ca�ried unatv.mously.
Tlze Nayor recommendecl that since the c?asslfication and. the or�aizization chart
had Yaeen approvea by tihe Civil Service Soard that the Managsr see that the department
heads receive copies and that eopies be sent to the Employees� Association so that all
the employees can be advised of the organization chart and the classiiication
def�nitions that �•aill accompany it. B;y* consent, the Commission instructed the
Tfiana�er to do this.
The Mayor commen�ed t11at maizy publzc-spirited citizens devote numerous hoLtrs
�o �erv?ng on variuus City Boards i�•rithou� any recogni�ion. Ne su��es�ed preparing
a cit�tion so that Urhen a man has completed service on one of the�e boards tk�aL �he
City can ati�iard him a nice citation. He prQsented a specimen citation for the comments
af the Commissioners. Commissioner Insco moved that the Commiss3.on accopt tlze Mayor's
recommendation and provide citationa for peo�al� taho have served for the C7.ty of
Cl�arUrater. Pr4tion vras seconded by Commissioizer Roberts ancl carried unanimovsly,
Commissioner ti�Jatkins advised the Comm3.ssion that he had been notified that tlze
�'ederal Government hacl aQproved i;he Gity�s n�,�rchase of radio equipment for Civil
Defense under the mai;ching �:uncl arrangement and Gvould assume 500 of the cost which
v7ould be appraximately ;�5,000.00. The Mayor expressed appreciation ta Cer.unissioner
'v�lat3�.ns for nis ti�ror�� as Civil Defense Director in securir.� these finan.cial benefi�s
For i;he City.
There being no further business to come before the Board,the meeting adjourned
at 3;d� P.I�t.
C:i Clerk
5ro -Co ni oner
DECENfE�R 9: 1957
1:30 P.M.
M3.izut�s of Pxecedin� P�eeting
Public Hearings
Rennrts af City Manager
RepQrts of City Attorney
Ci��.zens tc 2�e Heard.
Other Cormnis;,ion Action
Meeting Pensian Plan Trustees
/ 70
December,9, 1957
Report� from City Manager
l, Repor from the City Engineer, Calvary
Baptist Church
2. O+�her Reports from the r��y Engineer
3. Nevr Pro jects w3.�h �2, 000, 000. Revenue
Certifi,cate Isaue
4. Private Lot Mowing Requests
5. Uerbal Reports and other Pendi.ng Matters
Reports from Czty Attorney
�, - Resolution Let:ying Ass�ssments for Improve-
ments in LaSa11e Street from Greenwaad Ave.
�320 Feet East
7. Considerat3on of Ordinance Ghapter 7, Sec.
44 (c) of City Code �o Conform to Siate I,avr
Concern�.no Receptacles for Voting Iden�zfi-
cation S1ips
GVHEREAS: it has been determined by the City Commission of th� City of Clearti�rater,
Florida, that the �roperty described belov� shauld be cleaned of tiaeeds, grass andjor
underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and iailure of the ojmer thereof �o
do so, the City should clean such prqperty and charge the oosts thereof against the
respect3�ie property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLUED by the City Commission o£ the Ci��r of Clearvrater,
Florida, that the following described property, situate in said City, sha11 be cleaneu
of weeds, grass and�:ar:underbrush within ten (10) days after natice in �miting tc �he
pwners thereof i,a do so and that upon failure to comply v��ith said natice, the Ci�y
shall p�rform such c7.eaning and aharge the c�sts thereof against the respectiae
properties in accordarice vaith Section 12$ af the Charter oi' the Gity of Clearwater,
as amended.
Vincen� A Ignico, et al L�& SE 2 Lot 25 �1`-8.`00
1�F87 Gulf to Bay Blvd. Block J
City Boulevard Heights
I�enneth Deering T�ot ly 1.00
�4550 Monica B1ock A 7
Detroit, Mich. Gulf to Bay Acres
Harry Delamater Lot 17 )_7,00
19993 Lemmane St. Block A
Detroit 40, Nlich,. Gulf to Bay Acres
Iiugh Donald Lot 3 16.00
522 Norfork Block 31
Dunedin, Florida Highland Pines 5�h Add,
Andrew Frisella Lot 4 16.00
c/o Shoreline View Motel Block 31
Apt. 17, 1941 Edgewater FIighland Pines 5th Add.
Highland Pines Land Co. Lots 5, 6& 7
Hercules A�re. & S4ZRR Blocic 31
City Highland Pines 5th Add. 27.00
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida,
This 9th day of December, A.D. 1957.
�1TT.�ST :
/s� R. G. Whitehead
City Auditor and Clerk
� s� Lewi s Homer
To: Mr. J. TaZlent, City Mana$er
From: 0. II. Anderso�, Building Inspector
Sub�ec�: A-6 (Request of Island Estates - North Bay Company for erection of temporary
sales office)
Date: 11f22�57
It is the recommendati�n o:f the Zoning Board tha{; we grant permission to erect a
i;emp�rary Sales and Information office on t:�e properties oivned by the North Bay
Company, in the area known as tne Island Estates. This is grante� taith the understanding
that the structure will be removed at such time as the Cit.y Man,ager, City Engineer and
Buildin� Inspector require.
Attached hereto is ariginal letter of request with plan.
, . . . 8 . ' . . . . ' ..��,� .
� : � � � . : �. . � � � . . . . . . , . . �.. � . � � . . . � . � . . . ,
. � , . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . �. . . . . . " � .�. . . � � � . . . �. . � . � �.. . . . ,.. . . .. . � . . . .. � .
. , , .. . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . , . . , . . ,. ,. ., . . . ... . , . . : . .. . , . ...,. �.�..
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. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . , . . . :; . , � i: �
. . . . . . � . � � . . . . . . . . . . . ,.
� ' . , . . �. . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . ..
., � �. . . . . . . . . : . � � , . . . . � . � . . . I � . � . . . � � . � . . . ... . .. ... _ .. .. � . . . � . . . .. �
..,..., . . . .
� � . . . . . . . . � - . . � . . . . . .
. . �, �,. .. . � .. . . . . . . . , . . . . . i . . .. . . . . . . . . . . � . � . � � . .. . . . .
{ . .,� , . � � . � . . �. . . . � . � � . .. .. � � . . . . . . .� � : . . . ... ' � .���.. . � . _ � � . . �. . � . . � . . � . . �
L�3alle 5treet Sewers'and Pavir.g '
j Pa �e 2
A a S E 5 S"� i: I� T _
_.,� �_..__.��._,_.
Pronert Owners Sewers Paving
Sanit2ry ���v�r :�r.l F<�vir�; in Foota�e Cost Cost Tata1
LaSa1Te StreYt .from ^�reenvrc�� I;:O f:et E:=,#.
Lc�t 45 Edc?ie i�cCants
uE'''�'�;r •
11��1� L. Sa11e , ;
-_` .
Clear•rrat � r, Fl,cra.da t�0 � 65 $3 ��'136.3?: �:2G7.15
Tat-tl Co.,t � ?.��n���.QG
To�al Fror,L�-e: ?4.�C' z�Ft Lot 4f, Lena Baker
� 3oat �e r , r��nt for:; ; a� . � � o ,
�.loC��� r_tts ll, q �r.�tnar
Glearaater, Flor�da 4� 65.�3 1�C.3? ?0?.15
P.'�`.'Ii:.; , Lot G.7 Lena Baker L�0 65.$3 13E.3? ?0?.1S
Total Cost: �,`F3,92�#„•4 Lot 4�; Susie Carn�Y:el1
mot-al Frorta��;: 2t : 0 f eet � 13? rast L:aclison
C�.t ner� fr�rt f:c�L; 5.;'..��C' r:?u� C3:earwr.�er, Ficrida C,0 E��.�3 13E.3? �0?0l5
Lofi� 4� Sttsie Gampbell �:0 �i5.$3 13E.�? 202.15
�e;•r�:�s Pavirz� Toia3 Lot 50 Susie C�r:�t,�el1: �.0 ES.d� I3co32 2G?,1
Prox�Grt�� Q;�mers Faata�e Cost Gost 5
� rR�ET'�'C0� Pn"'r: . r�� �� - Lot 51 Fess LzF"ett
11?F LaSalle
BI,OCY; E Clear�rr<t�r, Flori�<L 4C E5o,�3 13�,3? � �
. �: �ly
Lct 5" r e ss Li e•�-� �L-
Lo�: 35 Eoo�-�r �. Taylor 40 C5.�3 ljE..32 ?_Cr^ol� '
�Ol� Semir.cl�
'' Clear; at�sr, Flcrida f�5 ;;�?_�`;��E£� �<^8;�„t�£i L�t 5: t�csie Lea T�1nMas
_,v _a _
7C'? "tt�: .��� rue
Lot �C Peagsr ;iilliar;s Er�der�on, Fl.eriaa 4C b5,�3 l�f .3f „a?.1�
�].earra<<ter, Flori;da Lot �4 R�sie Lee [F:ari�s 40 E�.r? 13E.3�
40 �65.$3 ifr_.32 �02,1K ?G?.15
' Lnt 37 I�or =-es Lyncfi Lo� 55 3P:e1.r^a Crer .��iti =t�1
' 110F' La }�11� 114L LaSalle
�lear�ater, F1Grida 4� G5.E�3 1 E,?2 ry-� r C1ear;,�aYer, �'1er•i�ia 4C Ej.$3 13E.,3� -,C:,^.15
3 , �. .l� ,.
Lot �� 2�?itcnPll i`a,n•�el.l Lot Sc Frark Fl�.ric;�e
111.Q La�u11e S''� �?�rt9rix
Clearw<t�r, Flc�ric?a 1�0 (�5,�3 l�� ,:� "U�.ya , C1ear.�rater, Flc•.i�a 4� f.5,$3 1�Ee?" �G^e15
Lo� 3> J�mes J. Bullard .T..o;: 5'% :?a�=n:or.d Scriven
1112 L�Salle 3^C� Niadi�on
Clear��r3ter, Flori�a 40 �5,�3 .13E-32 ?D:'.1� _ Glear.���ier, Fl�ri;�3 I�G ES.v; 13�.3? 2Q^.15
Lot 4.0 Fa,Te J. Jacksor. Lot 5� Lee T�a�r ��:ith
].112 �alm F�?uf1` 1:5�� i:cr�h ii�_ai�cr.
- Cl�ar�vater, Fl�rida � Cl�ar�,rat.er, �loria� 4:�� E5.$; l;?E �3? ''C''>15
4� E.�.�? 1?Fv32 ?D?.'l;
Lot 41. Faye J. Jac�:son 1�0 E5�$3 13C.3� 202.15 Lot 5� SaraM �. P-�i�-�, £:�-.�I
115^ LaSal�e
Lot 47 Cicern Smith Cl��r.•�+.�tes^, F.Iori�ia �.0 e.5.;�3 ?' 13` .3? 2C�.-^.15
lll�i LaSalle
Gleartivatar� Florida ��t fC� Sara?, �, F'ai�e, ���.,::1 40 �5.�3 13�..3� 2C�^,15
40 E.5.�3 13E,32 2C?.15
Lo�t �+3' Garf�Elci Smitii Iaot E.7. Evelz: � i'ivles
13C2 t enrsz�lvar�ia 1]."t' r.._..:3r. _
C1Farwater, Flor�ida C].ear�•..t �r, r^lori�ia 40 f:5„ h? 13E ,"^ :'!1?,7;5
40 65,�3 13Fo3? �i:^.15
Lot 1�4 Fr�r.k i,'ast:in�ton �at E? A1LFrL ?'b1Fs
71,.14. Lircolr. 1"(�� ?'����Pti�cl�
C7.: arT�rat�r, Floriria Clesrr•�-�t,Fry �'l�riria �G � 5,�3 l?�" ,3" ;s��.:15
4G �9,�3 13F;.3% ?C�^<15
,_ .�
� --� ,_,,,�
i "
�t . _., _ _ ,_
�, - Z�Salle Street Se��pr� :�r,d Pavir.�;
P3�e 3
�etrers Yau9.i;�:
Frat�ert�.� G��mers Foat,a�.� �o;.;t, C��.t; Tat�.�l
Lot C3 Ch:�rii,e SniiiFi
11�'`. �n�r^nn
' C1F�?"-at�'r, F1ar;da iF0 �uE'�.i�3 i;l?E�>�2 F;2Qe�.:T�
Lo� E4 ;ueer. C= t,o;er, et�l
4C� i�`�rsh311
Clcar:;�a�er, Fl�x•i�ia l+Q GS.��: 1;f.32, 2Cc.1S
Lot E5 �u�et� C. Cofer, et`1 40 i::; n�`3 13� .? 2 .'�n.1K
Let E:E ('uean C. Cofei�, et.al 2� 41, z0 �5 .19 1<� .29
�� ''.T"':CC'� F `. t}: t"C. 2
L ,Ccx F
�Ot 1 Daisy L=:LO
1105 Laaalle
Clzarwat�r, klori�.a 2S �1.10 Fs5.19 12E .7A
Lot " �a�s� C�tc !�0 E5.�3 13r .;�? 2Q2.15
Lot 3 D�i:-r Cr+„p 4Q E.5.�3 13t.32 ^(�k .I5
Lot 4- Roy Ferp;tzson
F1t� lst �verue I�ortn
�t. Yetersbur�, Flc �iria 4� 65,�3 13C,3^ ?.02,15
_ Lot 5 i�'-�r."3ret h,arris
' �xre�r..t�ood 9p�rtmer.ts
Su'_�_l�lin�; >, Ar•�rtrer.t 7
C�.B-'�T'VJ3t�2'} F''ZOl'lCi� �,� C�j.�`� 1.3� •3� ��2<�.5
Lat � Fort�ur.e F�ell
115� L3S�Tle
Glearwa+er, Floric?� 4.G� f�7. �3 13 E� .3' rC�? .1�
Lot � F�rttme Ee11 4� E5.�3 13C.3? 202.15
Lot �3 Fqrtune Be11 4Q E�: RF?3 13E .3� ?C'�<15
Lot 9 Fa.rtune �'ell 40 E�5.t�3 13E,3? 202015
Lot 10 Sam Devine
17.1+9 LaSalle
Clearwnter� Flor�da 40 E�S,$3 7-3�•3? '�?.15
Lot 11 Sam Devine 40 E5.£�3 13f a3� 2C:?.l5
Lot 1? ' E1la S�+ith
111L1 I�adi�on
ClearGr��pr, Flori:'.a G.0 E,5.Z3 1'>;f .�? ?C?,15
Lnt 13 Ella Smith 40 E.�.�3 13C,�� 20?;15
Lot 1!+ Icla Jenkir.s _
343 � 1' ���ratv
�Ptrc�t �', ��.ich�"^,n �C ESn�'� 13�. a� 2C1?.15;
�- �
e ,� I,a aa17.e atreet Sswers �r.d Favin�;
Page 4
. Sewers Pavin�
Pronprtv Owr�er$ F�ota�e Cos� Gost Tntal
Lot 15 I�a Jer•icins; 4p iiC�.t?? S>1;F,�? ��:�.15
. Lot 1F Leiris P.paZ
1I.5 Lsa�lle _ ,
�1���rtv,t^r, r^l.ori.�?a _4� E5.�3 l;Ee3? �Q2,1�
Lot I." Le+�;is heal �,Cr £.�.`�� 13t ,:� 1G2.15
La� ls; EdrlxP ��.�ast�in�tan
1133 �a�al.le
C? earw��c�r, Flori�.ia 1•t} E�S.�3 �.3�.32 202.�.5
Lot 14 Gorer.a Far��r
1133 �a.aalle
�learw�ter, Fl�rida 4.� 65.£;3 13E..3? 2C�2,I$
Lati ?n Jcae Rcame
�sr�;er�:4aod An�rtr::er.ts
k?uildi,r.� 1.?.�, A�artr� n-� 3
Clearwatcr, �lorirla t�G E,S.$3 13E.3<: Ft;7.15
Lot ?1 L�x1a Fdlara
11?tr r'��m Bltzff
�learv�atar, Flor.�.da IHO E5,�3 1`E.32 ?�^.�5
Lot �� crur�n �r �oa
� C.j� R�v. F.L. i'�.nR:ul3Hr,
311w �o�i-�er Aver.ue
Set�rzr.�, Florida 4Q 65.R? 13:.1? ?G?.I�
�,ot ?3 Julii.:s �13,ke
il°3 LaSall? atreet
G1Nar�•„�t�r, Flori�a 4-t7 E5.�3 I��E,.32 rG?.15
Lot ?G. Juiiu� T1�!;e ' 4G f �.r13 13£ .32 ^C�?.1� �
�+Ot ?S rc;c..:• ,t'&••n@ I
� � � ill� La:aal,3e � �
Clear�Uater, �'lorii:a 1+C� CS.�`'3 T?E.3? 202,15
I+�i. ?� Lc.OT?�:^t� i��T.�P,r��-g
:1117 L3Sal1�
Gl��arvr�ter, F`14rici� 1+0 b�.:n3 13C.3? ?0?.15
Lqt 27 C}; =rles r. '''a.xvr-ell
3f l7 ,, ;�.'as}rir.ffi:�n
Cl.partiva�er, Flcric�a �� E�,�3 13b.�2 2fl�,15
Lot ?� Virgir.ia ��ia�well
1C��� �ladis�n
Glear�,�atar, �'lax•icia �G E;,?� 13f_,3?_ 2(;?,1;�
1,0� r�% J, �%. li2'1F'?'
I7.i1 I:��a i le
Glnarwat;�r, Ficric3r� 4� �S.c�3 13e,3� �n^,15
Lob 3G L•rrii� fiuelec�M� �i�t�d,an
�(�5 LaSalle
�learG�r3te; , F1o�ida 1,0 t 5. �3 13E .3? .�t� ^.�;�
, t
-.� �
-... ;,�
� Laa�.11e Stree� SPwens ar,d 1'�vin�
P��P 5
" + � 5ewers P:tvin�
Pronert,r Gwr.�rs Foota�e G�st � Co�.t Tat.f:l
. ,,
Lat 31 Ko�er Isaac ,
�7_ 1 �?, S, i:ashir��ton
Glearura�er, F'lorida 1�C� �G'S.�33 ;;;,13�.a' �F(�?.15
Lot 3? G, �, Putled�*e
> f305 LaS�l1e � .
�lear^�v~ter, Florida £t5 ^��roEa$ ?�3�668
TOTaLB 2620 ,�1�.03?..00 ;r�92�,91+ y 12,96(1.91�
� ieet
� . . .� .. . .. .
! �. . .. � . . . . . . . . � . .
! . . . � . � . � . � . � .
t. � . � � . . � ..
. .. . . �. .�. . � .: ... .. � .
1. �r"""� . .. _ . .. , . . .= . . . .. � . . . . .
F� . � � �� . .. . . � . . . .
. . . . . �- . . .. .. . � � . . . . . . . i.� �.. .
. . . . . . . . � . .. . ��
. . . � .. � . . � . . �1 ' ..
� ��
December 9, 1957
No. 57-6$
WHEREAS, after public hearing on tY:2 4th da,y of June, 1g56, the City Commission
ot' the City of Clearwater; Florida, determined that certain v�ork and improvements
hereinafter described should be d�ne and made; and,
GJHEREAS, pursuant there�o said improvP*:��cti5 kiave been made as follovrs:
Construct necessary eight inch sanitar3� sewer and appurtenances
and construct a 30 foot pavement, curb and necessar;y: drainage in LaSalle
Street, trom the East lir�e of Greenwood Avenue easterly a distance of
approximately 1320 feet.
The properties iac-in� and abutting these improvements are deemed to derive apecial
b�nefits therefx�om.
GJHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of
the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City
Commission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abucting
and receiving benefiLs from said �mprevements so made; and,
WHERFAS, certa:in parcels of real esta�e facing and abutt3ng and 3:n the vicinity
of said improvements hav� been benefitted thereby and the pro-rata aost thereof shall
be assessed agalnst such Yroperty;
l. That the above described impravements in the area of LaSalle Street irom
Greenwoad 1320 £�et East be and the same are hereby accepted aizd approved as having
been complet�d.
2. That tlze f�llotving described proper�ies facing and abutting and in the
vicinity of the a�oresa:Ld improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefitted by
said improvements in the following proportivns of the cost thereof, and the same are
hereby assessed in accordance Urith �he �ollowing schedule:
3. That 3f assessments herein made are not paid within thirty {30) days from
the date hereo�', the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates
of indebtedness under Section 124 of the t;ity Charter, which certificates shall bear
interest at the rate oi eight (801 per annum against the foregoing properties for
the assessments herein made imme�.iately upon the expirat-on of the foregoing
th3rty-day� period.
PASSED AN� ADOPTED, this 9th day of December, 1957.
js� Lewis Homer
/s� R. G. tiJh�tehead
City Clerlc
� ��
pr�rm� s��r�orrs ��+ (�), 4e), tf) a�m ��}, cxa��r�
�,, Ol� THE COD�` OF TFiE t��l'YY OT�' CI,FsARWATLrf2,
�'IARI�iA, 1�,�Q, RELA�IN(� T0 R�GE.F'�AGi,£S '�0 BE 1'RQ-
ING �^.;I�ER£s01+'; R�EALII3G A?sI, 4RI�IN�lNCE5 AND PAR'1�
I�AS, 5�et�an ?l� (c}, ClzapL-ex� 7 of i:he �t�r Gode requ3�es '�tie City �o fux�nish
a 3aox o� ca.n for each yatiz�,r �sa�hine 3n each vo�ing place �.nd prav3d�s tha� each box
o� can sh.a11 he pxov�ded tu3:th a 2ock so that it may b� seatarel�r ]:acked; a.�id,
iriF�REAS, f.urther provisir�ns of.' �he elee�ion code rer�uire `that voter iclentific&-
i:ioit sl;ps shall be re�ained by the Cit�* Clerl� �ar a. �essona.�le geriocl f'or each
e1�Cf,3.o23' �11c1 �.�', ha8 bee21 �he custom to retaln such sl3.ps 3n �he �ioxes or cans 3n
wizicYa �hey trrere 3ni�ia3.�.y p3.aaed at e�ch e3.�ction; and�
WHr3�2EAS, �ections �C� (e), {�} and �g} a� said cl�p�er »efer �o "locked" hoxes
ar �r�ns; �nd,
1�f�'•REAS., such Uox�s or cans are ex�pensiv.e, diffioul� to mQve and unnecessary; �nd,
u2HEREAS, se�tion 7.41.�7, sub�az�.��a�h .3, FZorida ,�tatutes 1955., x°e7.ating to tihe
conduct of SUate and Gours�y` eZee�ians, a,u�hor3.z�s and pravides �ar the uae of
individual can�a.iners fo� th.e purpose of h�7.ding such vote� 3d�nti�°ication s13ps
y�t3.thout requ3r�ng tlsa,'� tYze sa.mE be a�ox ar can and wi�lznut requ3ring �hat the game
b� provided with a. locks and,
&�EAS, the prac�dux�e a�tthorized and i'a].lovted und�+^ the ;��;ate '1at,z prov�aea f`or
the use csf 3.ndividual �ardboard con�siners for �Y�at �a�gaose, tahich can: be secure�.y
sea].ed ancl eas3l�r :t�anspoz�'ced and stored, and. i� is desired 4o adopt such prueecl.ure
�'or use by the City of GlParwates� �.�h all elect�.ons �onducted by i� a
Sec'�3on 1. Sees, �(e), (e), (f) dnd (g) �hagtex� 7 af �he Cade of the C:Lty o�"
Cleai�rra e'� r��orida: ].95� are amended to read as f`oxlo�rs:
:r �cj Receptaele �o Be Prcvic3ed; Se�,l.ing.
„The t�3.t� shal3, furn�.sh and the �3Ly �leri� ahail supp7.y suf'fici�nt containez�$ �'or
sa.eh vo�ing machir�e �.n each votin� plaee, eaeh coxata3.zzer sha11 have a slat 1ar�e
enoug?� tc� �eceive the 3.dentifica�3on �1ips, a.nd s12a11 '�e oi' :such nature that 3t
can be securely seaZecl.
"Be�ore the pol.ls onen, �he elect3on e�erk in �he p�es�nce oi' a11 inspectars aiad
t�.e pubiic, sha� 1 open the contairter and ascer�ain �hat iL is empty, and t�hi].e
empty shall �eeursly seal same and �lac� a seal across the Z3d and body of the
�az�tainer l�vi��ag a slot apera Vri�h.out brealLin� er �en�ovin� �3�e sea3; anc3 �he
�leetion c7.erk or 3nspect.ors �haZl si�n the3.r n�mes upon th.e seal. P��nted
forms r�P seals sha1Z be furn�.shed v�..ix�: each. container, �or_tainirb a statemen�
over �he place fa� �he s:l�na.ture tYsat t2�e containe� was ape�ted, emptied, a.nd
seaZed while empty be�are the po].3s vtere opened,• �he �3gning of'the certiticate
�Y�all e�na�i�ute the election clerk�s vr inspector+s certif'z:cate 'co the �'acts."
rr��j Gert�.Y�.cat9,on by o��3cia1 �peratir� machine.
"HePore any elector en�ers a voting machine he shal7: de?3.ver the identif3cation
s1ig, signect by su�h eZeeto�,. anc3 certi�`ied to by the cl�x�k or 3.nspector, as
hereir.a£ter provided, to the elerk or �he insp�etar aperatin� the ma.eh3ne on
sahich such .eleetor expe.�ts to vote anci the .cT�rk o� inspecto�° shall also sign
sueh �lip aa. hereir� prov3.ded. �or, �n th� form herei:naf�er provicled, a�a su�r�
si�nature shaiJ. cor����tv.�e an oa�h, or a�i'irmation, as to �h� matters ar_d f'acts
�et forth in the �,r�n�ed tnatter above h1s- s3.gnatures and th�reupon the c1.er1� or
3:nspec�oa� so rece3.v�ng and signing such iderttif'3.cat3oaz s3.;i� .shal7. depo�3t the
s�me th7�ougY� the slot in the s�z�lec2 cantainer hereinafte�° pravided �or.
,� (f� Signed depvs�te� sl�.ps �s�.ma �'ac�.e ev3,dene� o� voting.
"The identi�icat:ion ��i�, tahen sSgnec� by anJ �era�on as an eleetor �,nd by the clerlc
r or �.nspec��a� comparin.� h.2s :s�gna�zzre and by tYae e].erk or inspecto� admittin� him
�o the vnting zttach9.n� and depow�ted irr the container, herein �rovi��d For, aha11
be ��izr.� �acie ev3.dence that the pe�son whos� na.me ap�ears �Ire�ein as an el��tor
waa admi,���d �G the vt��ing maehine and tI�at he �hen and there voted.
� ��
`� (gi Auty of' e1.ec�ion of.�3.cials upan. clos3.i� polls.
,��t shsll be t:�e d;utg ai' the c7.ex� and 3.nspec�o� �o cieposl.t �.lZ unused signature
idez�t�.Pication %? �,nlcs 1n the containe� p�ot�ided Por 3.rrmzecti.�t�ly on ti�,e cl�sing
of the polie, and �1aen seal tY�e s1a� of such cont�.i�.era rra3,th a seaa �igned bg
aZl �he slection of't`ielals �.tz t�.a.'� vo�in� precinc�G anicl 3,t sIIzal::a: be �h�e du�y
of the alerk £o��hv�ith to �eliver th� �s�a3.ec� conts�.iner, con�aining �ne DYficial
id�n�:l�lcativn sZ:ips to �h� cleric c�f �he coramiss�.c�n,"
Sectian 2. �17.1 ardinances a.n� pa�ts o�' ard3nance:s iaa conx''1�.ct herewith axe hereby
repea%i.`�. '-'"
S�c.tion 3. :�t �.s d.�emed �a �he aclvanta�e o� �he G3.�y �ha.� th2s ord3nanee tali�
���ec� mme a�e1y axzd �ha,t %k�e provisions thereof be �ollotred in the conduct a� �che
znixn3cfipal elect3.on an December i7a �957. To that er�d �he�e is de�med to be a
necessity �hat �h3,s ardinance �ake ePfect ?.mmecLate�y u�on 2�s pa�sage.
/sf R. G. WY�.�?tehead
C3.ty C3.erlc
Deeembe..r� 9� �.9�i7
December 9� i957
Decemb�r 9, 1�5'�
/s/ L�t�.s Hc�mer
i�,yor- Comt�is s%oner
/ �� �
oRDINANG� �d0:. ?55
AN CtRDI�V`AN�E 3?8CLl1RING '.�'ii� INi'ET�i`xON Ob' 'TIiE CiTY'
0�' GLF.At%t�dA'�ER TQ ANN""r.7� 'iFiE PROPJ�'i!Y HER.li�'�NAF'.P�R
D�SGR'C}�.�D, iitHiCH IS �xp }3E KNOi�AI A� A: }?b�`i'i0N �F'
ViSTONS OF' SECT�ON 17].. �, FLCRIDA Si'A`1'UTES 7,���;
Sect3on I. �'hhe Giicy af C3.earc�ate�, �.a�ricia, ac�ing by and tihrou�h its Cit'y
Commis� on, erelsy declares i�s 9,n�ent3 on to annex i.n�o the co�porate limits of th�
City aP Clearrra�e�, F7.orid�, the foa.].o�rSr�g described landa ly3,ng conti usus to �he
�e�riicox°3aI limi.ts of sa3d City, wh.icYt larads cantain l�ss than ten (10� segistered
Lot � in R.. E. Harsousek's Subdiv3.si on o#' the �d i/2 oi'
the NE ].f� and �he S� 1f4 of �lze N�� 1/4 Q� Seci�ion
22a T6v�. 2�Sx I3ge. a.�E, lesa the Sou� 100 feet of
tne Ea�� 75 €eet thereof.
Seetion 2. The Gi� o:� Glearc+�ter, act3n� by and �I2rough 3�s Ci:ty Commission,
in�en s� Gnnex �he farego3ng lands accord3ng �o the psovis3ons of Sectiar� 5.71.0�+,
R�flr3.da Sta�ute� 195�:, and to tha� end �he Gity Clerk is here'�y fl.�Lrect�d to pui�liah
�i�.s ;Qx°dinance in �h.e C1.eartaa.�er Sun, �. neurspaper ;pub�.3.sh�d :Ln �he C�.ty of` Clearvla:�er,
onc� � tae�k �o� fou� co:Zsecutive treeks �.u�ee�.ately �,f'�er the. pas�ge o� thi� Ord3nance.
Section 3• TYt:L� oxdinance sha7.I beeome eff'ective immediate�y upan 3�s passage.
PASSED ON FIRST �ADZN� December g, 1�57
PASSE� �N ��C�l+f� RE:AD� �ec�snbe� 9, 1957
READIPIG AND 1�13}OPTED 13ecember 9� �:957
fs/ Lc� s iiomer
Mayor-Corr�p3:s sioner
/s f R. � G. i�3.tehead
City Cler�t