11/27/1957 , , ~"'''''f'l''!'V-~.,f4,,,., .".' ",.'.. '..' ~". " ,"': .':,,' '",:c ...~.,,' '>.f~;'t'f<:<;:~":,,:.g),, '(,'2; ,:";( , ~~~~:~~~;~~;'::~~i;::>/i;:::';.!:t,~~& ,':;:;::'i~:;S~~~~~~~~.,,~~~,::i, r.:.i~~~:,;~1ilii:;A~~,~~i~l;i'l;'b':'~i;ktriir&~'~~;:~~~:S;~;,.,.;;:t;~~~~~'i!L~~~;;i2J~,":;};}~i~;~/;:, <~r~1~.f:'iri , CITY COMf\l1SSION r.mETING November 27, 195'( The City Commission of the City o~ ClOar\1ater met in speoial session at the City Hall, Wednesday~ November 27th~ 1957, at 11:00 A.M. with the following members present: ---..-.. Le\'/i s Homer W. E. Strang) Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Cleveland Insco, Jr. James H. ~'latl;:ins r~.yor-Oomnissione~ Conun:l ssioner Commissioner Commissioner C0l1U11i Bsioner Also present were: Jack Tallent Ben Krentzman City Nanager City Attorney The Mayor announced that tllis was an official meeting of the City Corrunission and that :it w01.1ld be necessary f'ol'" the Conunlssioners to sign a waiv~er of notice. The Comrrdssioners agreed to this procedure. The r.layor stated that the purpose of the moet.1ng \'/a s to di scuss on a friendly basis the Resolution i~lich was presented to the Civil Service Board last night from the Executive COllini ttee of' the City Employees I Association. Tb.c Resolution which l'laS read stated that it had come to the attention cf the Executive Board of the Employees' Associa tion that tho Oi viI Service l"'egulations have not been strictly complied \'1i th in regard to classification and reclaBsif~cation of positions, transfer and replacement of personnel and hirinG of additional persoj,1nel.; therefore, the Civil Service Board "V/ao requested to ma)ce a formal investiGation at; the earliest possible date to determine 1'Jhether or 1l0'C any such violatioIl e;cin'cs. The Resolution i'las dated November 20, 1957, and SiGned b~/ nj.ne members of the Executive Board. The ~1ayor asked \'lhethcl'" the action i'rus taL:el1 by the Executive Board or after a meei.~inG 01' the entire orGanization. J.lr. .Jcc Bcc~() President or the Employees' Association, replied that action oric;inated by inquiries to the Executive Board members) that a meet::.nr; L'f the Executive Board l1ud been called and a motion made that such a Resolution. oe dra\'ll1 up and presented to the 01 viI Service Board) that the Resolution llad been prepared by Hr. Royce Kilpatrick) attorney for the Association, had been si(;ned b~: the aecuti ve Board and sent to the Civil Servi co Board. ~ Upon being asl.ccd i'lha t the objections of the employees Here, f;1r. Becle replied that the employees raised no speclfic objections but had been i.nformed of cases vlhere the hiring or transfer of employee s from one ca teg ory to another was done without due regard to Civil Service procedure. !';Jr. Bee],: pointed out that the Resolution does not criticize the reorGanization plan, the classification plan or the pay plan. The Nayor as~::cd if that mea'~lt the emplc;yees \'lould state publicly that they have no objection "'co the reor[~anization plan. 1.1r. Bee::: said tl"lc employees have not been advised on the plan and have not studied it. Nr. Bec;~ 1,;E}!'.'cicned a List lA t'.'/Gntr.-fi ve perS0nG that the C:L v:1.1 Service Board had discussed \'litll the Na::1t1ger as the C:L vil Service Board thollGht they ..,rere :In illegal posi tions. The J';Ianager s ta ted in 'cl1oSG cases w(l:Lch had b00:1 reported by the Civil Service Board t!1Ut the violations 11ad be(~n ccrrected or a suff'j_cient explanation given to the BCJard. Ti1.c Hayor asked 'che empli.,yees to clar:d'y their pcsi tiun en the organizatL,!fl progrum publicly as he and the other Co~nisGioners did not wisl~ to adopt the new plan in the face of' opp0s:i.tJ.011 from the employees. r'Ir. Bec:( expressed the th(,ught that the maJ ori ty of tl1.e employees feel confident <:,1' the abllj, ty or the Conuni SSiOI1 and Civil Service Board to institute an organization plan tc, the complete sat:Lsfaction of the employees. It i'ras agreed thu t the Execl1.ti ve B(jard \'/ould 11ave a meetinG to consider the issuing of' a pu.blic statement t(J clarify the matter. The meetins was ad~ourned at 1:15 P.M. 1\ttest: f.!~~ ---,- / ," :', '.. I," :'., , ". " . ~~ -. -~. "I! .. .,' . \~1',~.' I~.~', .'. ~~... '._ ',,' ..,' ~"..,..._. ,,' ,.."....... <, r....,.. , ;,v~~';~.!","';~~:j.~t~Jf'~Tn~f ,! P �� � C:[TY GOM�ZCSSION MLETING Navember 27, 19�7 Tlze C�,ty Cozrun:Lsaion of the City of C7.earwater met in special session at thc City Iia�.l, �,Vedne�day, IJovember 27th, 1957� a� 11;00 A.S+�, wi�h the follow-ln� members present: Lewis Homer Mayor-Commissioner UJ. E, Stran�, Jr. C�mmissioner Samuel J. Ro'�erts Cammissioner Glevreland Insoo, Jr. Comm:i,ss�.oner James H, 4+Jat�cins Comrnissioner A].sa pregezlt ti�rere; Jacic Tallent 73�n Krentzrnari City Ma,nager City Attorney T11e TQayor annottnced that this vras an oi'ficial meet3no af th� City CorrLmisaion ancl �liat it v�ould be neceasary f�r ihe Co�;tmiss•�onerr� to sign a tvaiver of not�ce. The Cqnunlssio�lers a�reed i,c thi� procedure. Tl�.e t�7ayor sta�ed '�l1at the purpose oi tl�e me�ting ;ras ta cl�scuss an a friencll�r aasis cYr� Resolution tiahlch �aa� present�d to tne Civil Servi^e Board last ni�nz fram tlie �r>ecutl.ve Committee of the CiL-y r''i.nployeea' Associatian. The Resolut3_on Trrhicr tivas read s�ated that it hac� came to the attention oi' ti�e F.�eecut:�ve Board of the Employees � Assoc:Lation that -the Civi1 Serviee regulations �=.ave azc;t b4en str:Letly co;npliecl t-T� th in re�a:rd �o classiFication at�d reclassli'ica�icn cf p�sitions, �ra��sfer and replacement ofi �er:�an.nel and hiriiz� of additianal nerso��el; theref'ore, the Cizril �ervice Board t�aa� rec�uested to ma�.� a forinal 3.nvesti�ation at the earlies� possible date to dete�mi..ze ;ailetl7er or �iot t�.i�y �uc1z v�ola�ion e<cists. T;ne Resolutio�� t•ras c�ated Novembe-r 20, 1g57, azld s•i�ned by i��ne iiiembers cf the Exeeut:i.ve �oard, The nla�or as<cec� ,��netller i;he action t•ras ta?�en �y the '��>eeu�ivz Baard or after �.: me�i�in; of �he en�:Lre or�;anj zation. bir, Joe Bec:r., Pres-� dent of tl�e �;mnlcyees � Association, repliecl 1;nat act:i.an originatecl by itzauir.ies ta �ne �,recut?ve Board members, that a mee���n}�� af the Enecutive Board had been called and a motiion made tl?at such a Resolutlon be dra,r�a u� and �resented tr� che Civil Serv�ce Board, th�,t the Resolttt:;,on had beei�z z�repared by rZr. Royce I,ilpatricl;, attorne� fa� the Associa�� on, llad beeiz signed by tlle E::ecu�ive Board and se77� to the Givil Service Board. Upo�z b�in� as?ced ti,rnat the objectio�s of t�e emplc��es ivere, �•s. Beck replied that the emplo;�ees raiued ::zo specific objectic,ns but had been iniormed of cases t��here �he hiring or transt'er of emplr�yees �rom one categary to another z��as done ti�Ti�hau� due re�ard to Ciuil Service procedure. I�1r. 3eck poin�Eed out that the ResolL�tioa� does not cr�,b�,cize tihe reoroanization plan, the classiz�cation plan or the pa� plan. The I�Zayor as.�ecl i�' that meant t�ze em�loyees ��roul.d state publicly that �hey izave z?c� ok�,jeetic�n i,o tlze reo-r�anization �lan. T�lr. F3ee�c sazd t1�e en�plc,yees have no� l�eei: ac�.vi�sd on tl�e al.atl and have not studied it. T,u�. �ec_� metzt�cned a Ilst :.�f' 'ccve.�ty-five _�ersuns tlza� the Ci;ra,1 5�rvice Bcard ilad discu�s�d ;�,r�1;lz tile Ria.z�.;;er as 1;he Civil Service Bcarcl tb:a��;I1� tiiey t+�er� i: z1le�•a'� p�3s-? c�oizs. The i�Tanaeer s:4�i;ed in ��lose cases ti�r:iiciz izad veeii repL�rted by ti_e C�v_�.1 u S..xv:.ce Boarcl tnat �i,he �,�ic:�a�iunN lzad bee_1 c�rr�eted or a suzf?c-ie:z� e;plaszaL-i;3az �t_,;e�a to uhe Bi�ard. Tiie MaurGT' aslfed �he ertpi+.yees ta clar�=y ti�eir posiLi�Az t.n tiie crganiza�i��� prc��;raia pttblicly as he and ti�e utizer CormtLs�? Gners did tzot wish �:o adcat tize neri �7.ar, iiz �he face af c��pc�si�1c,13 frc:m trze eniployees, T�Ir, 3e:e:� ex�ressed t?ze tncu�ht tizat �h� ina j��rity vf tize emp� oyees fee�. coi��'ideZt o�' �ne abil? tu� o�' �iie Comrn�ssion and C'=vil S�rv� c� I3o�;rd tc. i�ist�, ci�t� at. �r�an��zati�,l p7 a�n t� the c��mplete satisfacticn :�f tne einx�l��yees. It ��ras a;;reed Li�at t?Ze E<cecti�ive �c;ard tivould iiave a rtieei�rz,; tc cc.ns:ider �iie issuiii� vf a pualic siatemeizt tv clarify t�ie matter. The mee�irz� rras e�;:o17rY�ed at 1:15 P.T+i. l��;tes1;: r � [ C:L C_errti ___, 0 . ) � � T�1ay � -Co� ' ss� iz r � ,. FI.� � . . . . . . . . . � . . �� � . . . . ' . .. � . . . . ! \`^ `/ GITY COI�IMMISSION b7EETING November 27, 1957 GtAIVER OF SFECZAL CONIIti7ISSI0N MEETTNG Knot�r al1 persans trat we the undersigned Gomtnissioners of the City Commiasic,n of the Gity of Clea�.rw��te�, Florida, do hereby waive notice of a Special Meeting a£ said City Commis�ic;n tvl�ich was held at the City Ha11 in the Ci�y cai' Clearwater, Florida, at 11 o�clock A.M., �Vednesday, November 27, 1957, and we da hereby specifically waive notice set out iiz Section 18 of the Charter of the City of Clearwa{:er, Flarida, and we do hereby severally consent to said meet�.ng at time and place before said. � s j Zewi s I�om;er I,Eti+lIS IiOMER MAYOR-COMMISSIONER js�` Cleveland Inscc, Jr. ;'sj W. E. Strang, Jr, CLEVELAND INSCO, JR. 4V. E. STRANG, JR. COAIl�IISSIONER COMMISSIONER f`s� Samuel J. Roberts �sj" James H. Watltir�s SAMUEL J. ROBERTS JAMES H. WATKINS COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER , ,�, . . . - . � ; ■ s