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November 25, 195'7
The City Commission of the City o~ Clearwater met in special session at the c~ty
Hall, Monday, November 25, 195~() at 1:30 p.rll. \'lith the following members present:
Lewis Homer
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Samuel J. Roberts
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
James H. \'/a tldns
COlluni ssioner
Also present were:
Jack Tallent
Ben Krentzman
S. Li cldon
Sgt. B. Lecouris
City Nanager
City Attorney
City Engineer
Representing Police Chief
The Hayor called the meetinG to order. Conunissioner Roberts moved that the
minutes of the reGular meeting of November 15th be approved in accordance with copies
submi tted to each COl1unissioner in ,'rri tine;. I,1ation \'las seconded by Conunissioner
L'/a tIeins and carried unanimously.
In regard to the request of f.'Ir. \'/. L. TillIDlons to exchangc property wi tl1 the City
in the vicinity of the south\'lest corner of '/Jatel~ Lot One, City Parle Subdivision,
the Hanager reported tl1a t a~ter chec;dng \'li th tl1e~i ty Attorney he f'ound there was no
way that the City could take advantage of or utilize that property; therefore, he saw
no reason \-rl"ly thc oriGinal request; should not be Granted. Commissioner Strang moved
upon reconunenda tion of the Ci ty r'lanager, the Ci ty Engineer and the City Attorney, the
offer of \'1. L. TinU110ns as contained in the letter from his agent, Nicholas J. Rompon,
da tad October 25, 1957) to exehanr;e qui t claim deeds ~Ol~ certain proper-ties in the
vi c1ni ty of I'later Lot One adJacent to and east o~ Coronado Drive be accepted subj ect
to the provi sian that f.1r. Timmons at hi s expense \'11 thin the per:Lod of six months
complete the bulkhead adjacent to the propert:,.' so th.at j.t connects \'li tl1 the City's
existing bullchead, that he fill the area to the \'lest of the property) that he baclefill
~rom the bulld"1eac. at h:Ls expense and that tIle proper Ci ty officials be authorized to
execute and deliver the necesscll:y" qt.:l.i t clair.1 deed from the City. fw1otion \'las seconded
by Conunissioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
, ,1',<.;,
The r.Tanager reconU11ended that the sidei'lalk en the east side of Coronado Drive
that stops at the end of the Ci ty property should be extended south along Mr. ~'l. L.
Timmons' property. Commissioner Strang moved that the proper off'icials be authorized
to write a letter to ~w. Timnons requesting t11at he continue the present sidewalk
line at hi s expense to malce the area uniform. Notion was seconded by Conunissioner
Insco and carried unanimously.
COlmnissioner Strang moved that the next item "Calvary Baptist Church Request
Easbment" be tabled until the representatives of the church are present either at
this meeting if they come in today or if not Jchat the item be put over to the next
meetinS. Notion i'laS seconded by Commissioner Insco and. carried unanimously.
In regard to several recent requests for exception to the ordinance regulating
driv0tIJays and curb cuts, the f\1anager presented "rri tten recommendations to govern
the use of City right of i'lay or parlC\'/ay for parlcing purposes. Conunissioner Strang
recommended that the Commission asl~ the Attorney to amend the Ordinance to let the
En0ineer use discretion and if necessary refer for approval of' the Commission where
there are no curbs but "lhere there are curbs to uphold the ordinance. Conunissioner
Strang moved that tho Attorney be empowered to prepare the necessary amendment
to this ordinance to cover that problem of approval by the City Enc;ineer and the City
Conunission if the EnGineer thinlcs it necessary and that the permission be gran.ted
\'lith the understand:Lnr; it is a temporary permit revocable by tho City at any time.
r,10tion was seconded by Conrrnissioner \'latlcins and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Insco inquired as to the proe;ress of construction on the Negro
Youth Center. The Engineer replied that the contractor had been held up wa:l.ting f'or
the City to do its portion of the worl( but that the City was preparing to pour the
concrete floors now.
Commdssioner Insco asl{ed about a statement appearing in a newspaper to the effect
that the City Engineer' s of~ice had no proGram for drainage in Slcycrest. The
Engineer stated he \'1as as!{ed for complete plans, that he had overall plans but not
complete detailed plans for the vihole area.
The r~anagel" }1resented a request f'rom the Creole r.~otel in the 300 block of
Coronado Drive which has an exi sting off street parking space nO\'[ on the right of
\qay and wishes to gravel the remainder of'it. The Engineer did not recommend gravel
on the right of way. Commissioner Strang moved the request of the Creole Motel be
approved subject to the fj.nish surface being blacktop, that the permit be on a
temporary basis subject to the City's right to terminate it at any time. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
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November 25, 1957
A re~uest was presented by f'.1r. Iii. L. 'llimmons and Frank BOi'nnanJ o\'mers ot: Lot B,
Columbia 7r3J asking for offstreet parlcing on the right of' i'lay. Conunissioner Roberts
moved that the request be granted subject to the f'inish surface being blaclctop and
that the permit be on a temporary basis sub~ject to the City's right to terminate at
any time. M.,tion i'ms seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
A request from r/1r. 1.1. H. RippardJ Q"l.'mer of Cavalier Apartments located at Gulf"vie'i'l
and Third Street \'laS presented aslcing permlssion to surface part of the street right
of way. Commissioner Roberts moved that this be approved subject to the area being
blacktopped and that the permit be temporary subject to the City's right to terminate
at any time. Notion ViaS seconded by Comm:l.ssioner Strang and carried unanimously.
It was reported that ~1r. R. F. Peters, l~l Papaya Street, had requested permission
to pave a drivel'lay to ))e IClcated inunediatcly behind Buclcleys Restaurant and requested
parallel parldng of'f of Papaya Street in front of his business. Commissioner Roberts
movcd that this request be granted subject to the finish surface be1ng blacktop and
tllat it be en a temporary basi s subject to tl1c Ci ty 1 S righ.t to terminate at any time.
Notion ViaS seconded by COl1unissioner strang and carrJed unanimously.
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Th.e Manae;er preocnted a req\.C st from rrormi trol :~~:nGineers ~'111O have rem.odeled a
buildinu; on the northeast corner of North Fort Harrison and Jones Street. The req.uest
was for permisslul1 to move an existins :::;ldm'rallc up next to their bul1d:l.nc; on their
property and to use the City riGht of I'laY for parl:lne; and for permi SSiOI1 to break the
curb do\'m. 'rho NanuGer said that he and the EnGineer did not rcconunend placing a
sidewall~ on pr1 va te proporty. Conuni ssioner Strang moved the request be denied.
r~otj.on 'i'Jas seconded by ConU11i ssioncr 'dJ. tl;.:ins and carried unanimously'.
I\. request i'las presented :from Nr. vIm. H. Bax.tnik, Harnden Drive, to permit parldng
of'f street and space for visito:i."'s by mal~inc a c:Ll"'cular drive on a lc/c of' '(0 foot
frontaGe. The Attorney I s opinion was that thi S l'las prohi bi ted by the 9resent ordj-nance
and l'lould be covered by an amendment to the ordinance. Cor:-unissj.oner Strang moved that
the request be tabled unt:Ll the ol"dinance is amended. Notion "\'las seconded by
Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
The Mayor inquired Jf the r/1yrtle Avenue pro,ject VIUS not completely approved :from
Dr mIl Street south. The EnGineer said tlla t the State had the plana 30-50% complete,
tha t field cre\'IS Vlere chec:cinc drainaGc in the area 110\"1 and the only thing that \'10\).1d
be req1..l.1red of the City -\'.[Ould bc to move the utilit:i.es 1.'lhen the c,::ntract 'was let.
Conunissioner Insco aslccd if the City 1.'-1i tl1 :L ts Consul tint; Engineer l,'lent to I'lorl.;: on the
drainage pro~ect now or even if it had a few months ago would tile City have accomplished
the same amount of' enc;:Lneerin2; and have it done on :its own before the state could do it.
The Ensineer said he thollsl1Je the State 1'lould complete its i'1Orl:: first as they are
making studies in the :field nOVI. It i'las estimated that the State in draining thi s
project Ylo'....ld do aOOl1.t :;il20,OOO.00 \'lorth of drainaGe ~'lorl: fcr the City j.l1. the area
of Drew Street alone.
In reGard to the reQue nt of r,'lr. H. :r. B::H;ldnJ Sr. -' to chanGe the 11.ame of Gulf
~'1a:{ Boulevard South and Gulf i'lay Boulevard Eortl1, the I\1anacer reconunended that Gulf
Hay Boulevard North be c11ungcd to Ba;)rimy Boulevard nnd that Gulf ~oJay Boulevard South.
oe changed to South Gulf Vie',-: Boulevard. COllunissioner Insco moved the request be
granted author:Lzinc; the chance and that the Attorney be a.d"chor:~zed Jco prepare SllCh a
Hcsolution. r'10tion .,lao neconded by COlmnlssioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
Regarding the bj.ds for dry cleaning police and Fil"e Depul"'tment uniforms, the
Manae;er reconunended accc))t:Ln::.:; the lC\'1 biel of Sani tar:,/ Cleaners, Clearwater.
ConIDD.ssioner Roberts moved tl1U t ti1c bid of Sani tar~r Cleanero bc accepted. I-loti.on l:las
seconded by Conunissi oner \'Iat:~ins and carr:i.ed unanimously,
Commissioner ~'IJ, tL:lns moved to authorize tile talcinc of bids on liC;J..1t \'1e:i.Ght
vlinter sh:trts to con.form to the same color scheme as the .vli.nter uniform shirts on the
basis of tl'lO pel"' man In the Police and Fire Departmenta. fJIotion VIas seconded by
Conunissioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
In regard to the b:1.ds for Fire Department \'linter uniforms, the r1anager recom-
mended accepting the 10....1 bid of t.mrtin 1 s Uniforms for 30 pairs of trousers and 2lfO
shirts at :~l,216.50. Commissioner StranG moved that the ~janagerls rccornmendat:i.on be
accepted and ti1e l0\'Iest bid of' :;;1,216.50 submitted by Hartin's Uniforms be accepted
and the proper officials be authorized to execute a cc:ntract. Motion was seconded by
Commi ssioner ~'la t1dns and carried unanimously,
A request \'las presented from ':larren C. Strawn, Pastor, Seventh Day Advent:tst
Church of eleart'later, 1'01" use of t'1unicipal Al1di'col"ium for a series of evangelistic
meetj.ngs in January and Febru~ry, 195D. The Manaser recommended that the application
be approved with the rcntal rate for non-profit instrumentalities to apply subject to
time schedule beinG Horkea. out. Commissioner Strang moved that the Managerls recom-
mendation be accepted subJect to the Policemen's Ball on January 18th and other annual
commitments. Motion was seconded by Co~nissioner Watlcins and carried unanimously.
The Reverend O. E. Burton and Mr. John Bohannon requested on behaLf of Calvary
Baptist Church that a twenty foot easement on the west side of the church's property
be vacated as the ChUl"ch vlo1.1ld like to use the property in its buildine; program. The
Engineer reconunended if the City vacates the easement that the City reQuest the church
to give an easement through Parcel 4 as shovnl on the Engineer'S drawing to give access
to the roadway through the church'S property to Osceola. COlnmissioner strang moved
the matter be referred baclc to the City Engineer f'or a layout there showing the needed
property on the west end of Parcel 114 and that Vle have the Attorney prepare the propel."
vacation of Easement #5 and the three foot reversion and that the Engineer tell us
::<\'lhat we need off' of Parcel 1/4 either in an easement or deed. Motion was seconded by
':06mm.1ss1'oner \'latkins and carried unanimously.
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November 25~ 1957
The Attorney read on ittl first readinG Ordinance 753 which i'lould amend Ord:t.nance
62"( and amend the Zonin~ liInp of 1953 subject to referendum on December 17" 1957.
Conunlssioner Strang moved th.o.t Ordinance '753 be passed and adopted on its first
reading as amended. r-1o t:tOl1 was seconded by Commissioner Vlatlcins and carried
I'-1r. Ralph Richards" represcnting tl1.0 o"'m.ers of vloodmere Heights and acreage lying
between \'Ioodmere and Grand Vie\'1 Terrace nortl1. of Dre\'l Street and r>1r. Roy Ahlgrim,
O\'mer of acreage \'lcct of Ne\', {\'Iarymont First Addi tion, requested that the proposed
R-2 area be enlarged to extend to the north lindts of their property next to the
Airport. The Conunission aGreed to this chanGe. Conunissioner 1:latlcins moved that
Ordinance 753 be considerod on it s secl:,nd read:i.nc; by ti tIe only \'1:L th the unanimous
consent of the Conuni ssion. Notion \'1as seconded by Conunission:r Insco and carrj.ed
unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance by title cnly. Conunissioner Strang
moved that Ordinance 7'53 be passed on its second reading as amended. Notiol1 was
seconded by Conunissioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
Conunissioner Strane moved that Ordinance r(53 be considered on its th:i.rd readine;
wi th the unanimous consent of the Conunission. f,'Iotion \'laS seconded by Comrni ssioner
\~atlcLns and cal"ried unanimou sly. The Attorney read Ordinance 753 on i tG third reading.
Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 753 be passed on third and f'inal readlnr:; as
amended and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Notion was
seconded by Conunissioller Roberts an.d carried unanimously.
The Attorney presented Resolutj,on 57-63 authorizing the payment of' $ 15.58 from
the Construction rrrnst Fund of 1955 to the Flrst National Bl.1nl~ in payment of' the
statement du. ted November 13, 195'(" for trustee f s compensation. Conunissioner Jlatlcins
moved that Resolutj.on 57-(j3 be passed and adoyted and the proper of'ficials be
authorized to execute it. f,1otion \vas seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried
The Attorney presented t\'IO proposed leases f'o1' space j.n the dO\'llltO\'ln area to be
used by the City for parlcine;." one from Larry DillUl1i tt, Jr., cover:Lng Lots lO." 11 and
12, Blocl( 6, r\'lagnolia Pnr)\J 1'01' tv/O years at $1'''(5.00 per month contain5.ng an option
to purchase, and one \'1i th [vIr. 1:1. R. Taylor for the \'lest 35 feet of Lots 2 and 13" all
of Lot ILl-, Bloc1\: 6." No.~n()lia Par:c" (except that portion of Lot 2 now rented to
Foremost Dairies" Inc.) for a tNO year peri.od at the same rental. It .,'1as pointed
out that \'1hen the City secures title to Lots 6-9" Bloc]: 6, from the Seaboard Railroad
by agreement it \'''111 consti tute nearly an eiltirc bluclc available fur par};;inG.
Conunissioner Roberts moved tr1at the lease '.'lith Larry Dinunitt" .Irq and hts wife,
and also t~le lease u:i.th Hr. Taylor for 'cl1e lc,ts described by the City Attorney be
authorized and that the proper officials be authorized to siBD both of these leases.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimouoly.
Commissioner ~-latlcins inquired how 1011e i t ~'l0uld ta~ce tc' prepare the lots for
parlc:1.ng and '-las inf'ormed that :l.t \'las possible to parle on them nO~'l but the Engineer
,.'muld have to make a survey bef'ore ma1<:in[!; recommenda tlons. COlJuniss10ner StranG
suggested advertising for bids for someone to lease tl1e property from the City anci
operate it as a parldng l(;t. Conill1issioner StranG moved that the proper of'ficials be
authorized to take bids to be opened at the next meetinG. Hotlon VlaS seconded by
Conunissioner i'latlcins and carried unanimously. By consent, the Engineer Ivas instructed
to prepare estimates of cost of' preparing the space for parkinG.
!\'Iajor O. lUuegel appeared on behalf of the Bay Vie,'l Civic Club pointtng out that
the members of his club after neGotiatinG "lit:l the City for the use of the old radio
station buildinG at the Hest entrance of Courtr~ey Campbell Causel'lay had done a Great
deal of \'mrk in rehabili tatinr; and maintaining the buildinc and had purchased
equipment and furni shin[~s fOl'" the inside of the buildine;. A1'ter a conference with
fI'Ir. J. T. Beck" President of the City Employees I Association." f<1ajor Kluegel said it
had been agreed that 'ci.1C Bay Viel'l Club would continue to operate tne building until
the first of the year' and t11en the Emplc)yees I Association ~li11 take over custody as
granted by the Conunission. The riIayor said it \-!as f'elt that by giv:Lng custody to the
Employees I Association the outside area 'r,.'/c'uld be developed and it would produce a
full use of the site.
Conunissioner Insco conuuented that the City 'planner had been on the job for
several \'ree1{s now and he \'lOuld like to i~nO\'l ,'1ho. tis beinG dcne on an overall plan.
The Nanager su[!;gested that since Conunisoiol1er Insco had not been at the recent
meetinG of the Conunission \'lith the City Planner that r"Ir. ~'/oo1e contact Corrunissioner
Insco to discuss the general plan.
Conunissioner Insco repo~ted that several \'lee}(S ago the Civil Servi ce :Board \-'las
requested to hold an exa:ninatJon for the position of A.ssistant Police Chief and this
has not been aCCOml)li SllCd yet. The ~1an8.gcr said he \-'lould check on it. Commissioner
Insco suggested that the Conunission meet \'lith the Oi viI Service Board as soon as
possible. The Manager stated he would see if the meetinG could be arranged for on
Tuesday ~ November 20th, as -tl1.e Civil Servi ce Board was meet:Lne; then.
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::: , :., ,':'", ).- ,;,'S(':i:'. .... '. ." The Mayor reported that the Oonuni ssion, the Oi ty At torney and Manager' had ,attended A;:::,';Pf:,',:',
", ' ':': ';'" ': ;"(':":': ".:'thi;: Florida League of Muni ci pali ti e s Convent! on at Daytona Bea ch November: 17 ::l9tti;':arlCj,'~;'~';l;):,t:,':..,....,
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,,' Commissioner Insco asked if the report he requested on the Youth Mal'i time ~:OEnjter: ';:',\,\;""'" l':~?-.;~::C/:
.,':\':. ",';'( was ready and the Manager said he >1ould prepare it for the 00mm1 sSion, .. . . :,: ,,, i."..o;ii';";',
.,)~";'~iJ;;,:;:. ~djOU~~:~e a ~e~~r 0 n~ . ~~ther business to come before the Board, the meetinll. :,;:j,ik!l(~~!~
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Invocati on
Minutes of Preceding Meeting
Public Hearings
Reports of City Manager
Reports of City Attorney
Citizens to be Heard
Other Commission Action
Meeting Pension Plan Trustees
November 25, 1957
Reports from City Manager
1. W. L:'T1mmons, Request Quit Claim Deed,
Coronado Drive and Water Lot South of Marina
2. Calvary Baptist Church Request Easement
3. Request for Extending Driveway Widths beyond
Ordinance Provisions
4. Other Engineering Matters
5. Request to ~hange Street Names on South
Finger, Beach
6. Bids, Dry Cleaning and Pressing Uniforms
7. Bids, Fire Dept. Winter Unirorms
8. Rental, Municipal Auditorium by Religious
9. Verbal Reports and Other Pending Matters
Reports from City Attorney
roo Consideration of Ordinance ~53, Amending
Zoning Ordinance
11. Resolution - Payment to First National Bank
NOVEMBER 25, 1957
1:30 P.M.
No. 57:Q3"
WHEREAS, the First National Bank of Clearwater, Florida, is Trustee under and by virtue
of a Construction Trust Fund Agreement dated November 28, 1955, which Construction
Trust Fund is derived rrom proceeds of the sale or utility Revenue Certificates,
Series 1955j and,
WHEREAS, said Bank has submitted a bill in the amount of $15.58 for its compensation, in
accordance \{ith the provisions of said Trust Fund Agreement, which said bill should
be paid from said Trust Fund;
in session duly and regularly assembled, as follows:
1. That the sum of $15.58 be paid rrom the Construction Trust Fund dated
November 28, 1955, by the First National Bank of Clearwater, Florida, Trustee thereof,
to the First National Bank of Clearwater, Florida, in payment of its bill dated
November 13, 1957, for trustee's compensation as provided in said Agreement.
2. That a certiried copy of this Resolution be delivered forthwith to said
Trustee, which certified copy shall constitute the direction of the City of Clearwater
to said Trustee to pay said amount directly to itself. This is the final amount
due Trustee on this Fund.
PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 25th day of November, 1957.
/s/ Lewis Homer
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
Ci ty Clerl<
October 25, 1957
City Engineer
City of Clearwater
Dear Sir:
My client, Mr. W. L. Timmons, has authorized me to submit for the City's approval,
the enclosed drawing of a proposed swap of lands.
Mr. Timmons would like to Quit Claim an eight (8) foot parkway adjacent to Coronado
Drive and East of said Coronado Drive, and any encroachments of Coronado paving and
curbing now existing to the City of Clearwater.
In return, Mr. Timmons desires that the City of Clearwater would rurnish a Quit Claim
deed, of the cross hatched area as shown on enclosed drawing, lying in Water Lot one
(1) of City Park Subdivision, to him.
Mr. Timmons would also be willing to construct approximately eight (8) feet of bulkhead
ror the City, adjacent to the City's existing bulkhead, and also construct the proposed
bulkhead as shown as soon as possible arter the City would grant him a permit.
I feel that this proposed plan would mutually benefit the City of Clearwater and Mr.
. Tinunona, and clean up the shore ~ine adjacent to the Marina which looks so well,
except for this one area.
/s/ N. J. Rompen
Nicholas J. Rompon
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~~ ~ l"~/~~1!,rj,\d'ft'v, .........:.., ';l~'\ ,;' . . ,:t ~'h::,'l.:'1~1C~~~2.\,,;,,~~.~n...~~k;Ii.w.tif~. ' . '~11:~ " '" ' 'L.~'.:.w.....:'" "-'.:,!.j;.'~ .... '.
~...~ t.' ~.~si~~:';~~"koo.~1&f!'~~"",v",*i.~~~~ ...... >'W~N ltt:ir.
section 1. The fOllow1.ng descr1bed property 1.8 nereby clas8it1ed and zoned as
here1.nafter 1ndicated and the zon1.ng map of 1SJ53 of tne cnty of Clearwater. Ploricla"
815 amended, 1s amended to 1nd:lcate i;hat tact as hereinafter 8et out:
Zoned. as (B) Bu8iness:
1.. 'the South 200 ft. or the BE 1/4 of' the SE 1/4 of See. 11, '1'wp. 298" Bge. 15E~
less the West 170 tt;. thereot.
2.. Lots 1 and 31 ot Woodmere Heights Su.bd1v1uon. plat book 45, page 45,
P:lnel1as County Records.
3. Lots 1 to 11 1nc1us.1ve, Block A, lots 1. 2.. 2]. and 22, Block B, and the
vacated allcq' lying between Blocks Il and B. all in Drew Heights SUbdivision,
plat book 11, page 101, P1ne1las COW'lty Records. ,
4. '.rhe South 200 ft. of the East 340ft. of West 675 tt. more OJ:' leaa of SW 1/4
of Sec. 12, 'l'wp. 29B, Rge. l5E. '!'he East bounda17 being the Weat Boundary
of New Marymont SubdiviB1on. plat book 30, page 33" P1nellss County Becords. .
Zoned 88 B-2 - Duplex Residence District:
1. The North 1130 ft. of South 1330 tt. ot BE 1/4 ot SE 1/4 ~ See. 11. 'l'wp.
29S~ Rge. 15&.
2. Lots 2-30 inclusive ot W'oodmere Hej,ghts Subd:tvision, plat book 1~5, page 45,
P1nellas CountY' Records.
3. Lots 3 to 20 inclus1.ve, Block B" and lots 1-28 inclusive. Blook C, of
Drew Heights Subdiv1.s1on" plat book 11.. page 101, Pinellas County Records.
4. The North 1130 1't. 01' th.e South 1330 f't. or the East 165 1't. ot the West
495 tt. or SW 1/4 of' Sec. 12, Twp. 293, Rge. 15E.
. Zoned as B-2 - Duplex Residence O1st1'1ct I
'lhe North 150 tt. of' SE 1/4 of the HE 1/4 ot Sec. 22.. 'l'wp. 298" Bge. 15E"
less that part included in 1;he Third Add1 t1.on to Salls Replat SUbdi v:laion.
Zoned as R-4 - HUl~iple Dwellings, Hotels~ MOtels~ Apartment Houses, Medical
Allot Block H, except lots 12 and 13~ Hibiscus Gardens SUbdiv1sion, plat
book 14.. page 58" P1nellss County Records.
Zoned as (B) - Business:
'l'bat certa1n parcel of' property now existing.. extending Easterly t'rom the
East right-ot-way line of p~ ~ve, as platted :1n Bays1de Subd1vis1.on
NO.5" and recorded in p1at book 38, page 38~ P1ne11sB Count:; Records..
IJ'1ng between Gulf \illY' B1 vd. North, and Gu1t Way Blvd. South, as said
boulevards may be extended. said parcel not to exceed 250 tt. between
said boulevards..
Zoned as (a-H) - Nul t1ple Dwellings.. Hote1s ~ Apartment Houses, and L1m1 ted
Business D1stnct:
'!hat certain parcel 01' property now ex:1st1n.g extending Easterly from the
East proper1;y l:lnee as platted in Bayside No. 5 S\.lbdi vision. recorded.in
plat book 38.. page 38, P:lne11as County Records.. less that portion there or
lying between Gult \lay Blvd. North and Gul~ WQ' Blvd. South. as th.e7 DIaJ'
be extended.
, . . '~..
. .
.' ..:::~:.seCtlon 2. 'l'he zoning map o~ 1953.. as previously amended, and as aaended bytb1s.
<,;'>;:':,"::.Q~c., 1s hereby re-adop'tect and approved as.so amended except tbai; 1t 1s hereby
';:' ..' ,'::::.;r.I'e"'~te4 as "ibe Zoning Mlp ot the C1t:r of Clearwat;ez-. lPlorida of 1957". and .
d~Th(;.'..::,',::::~..~nance 627. tne01t)" zoning ord:lnance. as amended, 1.s hereb:ramended1n each .
;:~k~:~,;";.,,,;':':"~8tance_ in 1Ib1ch a zon:1ng map 18 referred to bY' prov1c11ng that such zoning map ahall
:fi;~);'\';>;;'-.:.:)/.:;;\:;'<:"'i1:Mt:.e.on1Dsmap ot1957. '!be Ci'tJ Engineer 2.8 horebJ' authorized and directed .to. .
it,;~;t;:'::Xi.~."'~~:,i{,-i~;g;;:"t~:0~;.;~e ,zoning ,map ot 1951 1n separate sheets, each ahee'l; cov~1nga pox-t1an of .... . ..
i~.~.;;.;2.i;,?:>.;;,},;.;~;;,.:.~.eg.~.:.Jr.(;}'~'~r._Q:...:.1nd1cated tbereon, an4 eaab aheet. being des1anB. ted liThe. Zoning Map or the.
,~~~~t'.'>":.""::"!;;~:<l~;:':~~~r~.~Cl__~.:Pla., of .1957, Sheet ot .11' .Sa1d Jllap a8: heMtor01'e ..... ....
:~~.~.:'~.~':: ...'ii118Dde4 bereb7, 18 bAtrebJac10pted and approved as so alilended, arid '
. . . .:,~~c.:.:~. the 0!.1i7 o1'Cltaaa-water aM aa14 zoning _paa 80. adopted ahIlll
. . ';',biCiIil'Ucl\att_..the'et~eot1.ve c1a~e of' ~aord1nance~. . ..... .. .,",..
,~. HA~i:il~;~,,;~fi~'i:l~~?;;;;ic"~i'~>~:';':' ',' . "
:':/~ ....,:>.,'.,:.,' >~
"l: ;'(~ '~l"
Section 3. Unnumbered parasrapl1 2 or Section XVI or Ol"C:U.nance 627, aa amended~
the C1ty.Zon1ng ordinance, is amended to reaa aa ~olloW8:
tlPer80n8~ t'11'DlS or corporations deaj,ring to appeal any rLllJ.ng or the BuS. 1 ding
InS{)8ctor shall so notify the Board or Adjustment and Appeal in writing w1 thin twenty
(20) da7s a1'ter SllCh. r\1li.ng has been made. It
Section 4. Secti.on XVII of ord1nance 627 ~ as amended, the CltJ' zoning oJ:ld1nance..
is amended to read as tollows:
1 . A Board 01' Adjustment and Appeal is hereb3 established. The word "Bo8.l'd."
when used in tlUs section BhaJ.l be oonstrued to mean the Board of Adjustment and Appeal.
The Board. shal~ consist ot five members. all of whom shall be t~ers and l'881dents
of the City 6 appointed by the MaTor and approved b1 the C1.ty Commiss10n. '.l'b.e term
of of't1ce of' tb.e members of the Board &ball be ~or tllree :vears.. excepting tbat the
membersh1p 01' che Bo~d appointed shall serve respectivel:v for terms of two for one
year~ 1;wo tor two years6 and one for three years. 'Jhereatter6 membe1>>s shall be .
appointed tor terms of three yeax-s each. Vaeancies shall be 1'1.l1ed tor an Wlexp1red
term. onl~. Members sl1.al1 be removed for cause by the 01 t:r COIJI1D1ssion" upon wr1'tten
chargee and a1'ter pub~ic hearing. Members mal-l receive such compensat1.on as may
from t~me to tLme be set b:v the City Co~ssion.
2. The Board s11all elect 1 ts ONn chairman and v1ce-chairman who Shall serve toz-
one year. Meetings of' tne Board s1u.l.l be h.eld at the call ot the chail'Dan" and at
such other times as tl1.e Board may determ1ne. Sllcb cluUrman.. or in his absence the
acting chairman, may administer oaths and cODlpel t;he attendance of' witnesses. All
meetings ot the Board shall be open to the p\.lblic.. The Board shall keep minutes ot 1ts
pro ceed1ngs6 showing the vote of each member upon each question, or ir absent or
tailing to vote, indicating sacn ~act, and snall keep records of its otr1c1al actione,
all at w.h1ch shall be immediately filed in tne of~ice at the Eoard and ahall be a
public record.
3. The Bc:>ard :mall hear appeals from IUlY dec~sion or action ot tne Build1ng
Inspector and determine the rights of the appl1~t. Appeal to th.e Board ma~ be
taken by any person, firm or corporation aggrieved, provided notice therEof,
together with ~rounds thereof, are filed in triplioate, in writing, w1tb. the Board
wi thin twenty (20) daY's after suoh action of tile Bldlding Inspector. Tl1.e Board shall
torthw1. th tranSlDi t one cOPY' thereof eo the C1 tY' E\1.13.d1ng Inspector ~ who ahall then
forthw1.th tran~t to tile Board a11 the >>apers oonstituting the record a~on ~oh the
action appealed trom 18 taken. Each appeal shall be accompan1ed by a p~nt sut1'i-
clene ~n amount to co~er the costs of pllblis~ng and mailing notices ot hearing or
4. The Board shall,6 after due notice and wi thin thirty (30) days atter the
filing of the appeal, hold a publ~o neax-ing thereon and prom,ptly render :its decis1on.
At the hearing, any party may- appear in persoll or bY' attorney.
5. The Board shall have power in speci~ic eases, atter due not1ce~ investiga-
tion and hear.1.ngs as aforesa1d6 where there are p1"'8ct.1.cal difficulties or unnecessary
hardsh1.ps in the way of oBr.r,1ing ou1; the strict letter of the proviSions or this
ordinance, to determ1ne and vary any suoh provisions .1.n harmony with the general purposes
and 111tent of the zoning oI-dinance so that the publ1c health, safety and general
welfare may be secare and substantial justice done.
6. Any person adversely affected bY' a dec:1sj.on or the Board~ or any ortj,cer,
department head~ board or bureau of the C1tyaay appeal such decision to the C1ty
Commission. Such appeal shall be taken by fi1ing ~tten notice thereof. in duplicate.
wi th the 01 ty Clerk wi thin ten (10) clays after the decision of the Board. The City
Clerk shall forthwi tn transm1 t one copy tl1ereof to the Secretary of' the Board, mo
shall then forthwith transm1.t to the Clerk for the use of the C1ty Commission, all
the papers constitu.ting the record upon wlUch the action appealed from is taken.
Each s\.lch appeal. shall be accompanied by a payment sufficient in amount t;o cover the
coat of" publish1.ng and mailing no1;ices of hearing or hearings.
1. The Commission shall~ af'tep due not:1.ce and within a reasonable time atter the
fi1ing of the appeal6 hold a pUblic hearing thereon and promptly render ~ts dec18ion.
At the haring6 any party may appear in person or by attorne1. The hearing betQre the
Comm1ssj,on shal~ be de novo.
8. The C1.ty Commission shall have power, atter due notice and hearing as
aroresaj,d~ to reverSe any decision of the Eoard when in its d1scretion the deo:1sion
ot the Board is not justified upon the groundS set out in subparagraph 5 hereof'. It
ahall likewise nave power where, in its d1scret:1on.. tl1ere are practical cS1f't1oul t1es
or unnecessary hardships ~n the way of c8r.r,1ing out tl1e strict 1etter ot the provisions
of this ord1nance. 'to determine and vary any- sucll provisions in harmony .nth the general
purposes and intent of the zoning ordinanoe 80 tllat tile public health, safety and
general welfare may be secured and substantial. justice done. lJhe deo1sion or the
<:i1;J' Comm1.aa1on shul be superior to 'that of the Doard and shall. be b1nd1.ng upon all
conC)erned.. subJect only to court review as prov;1dec1 by law.
'. . . . Sect10n ~5. Al1 ord1nance or })ans ot ordinancee in conf'lict herewith azae to the'
exten~ ot suoncont1ict hereby repealed.
" ',.1.:;"~'." .
. .,
,:x :
NovemUer 25, 1g57
Tlie City Comml.�s:i.on of the Ci�y of C1e�.rrr7ater met; in s�,ecial session at the City
Iia11, Manclay, T�Tovember 25, 1�5.1, at 1: 30 P. �4, iv3�th the following members present :
�,evr,Ls Homer
S�J. E, Stran�, Jr.
Samuel J. Roberts
C1eveland Tnscc, Jr.
Jarner II. 4•faticins
Also presen�G ti�rere:
Jacic Tallent
Ben Krentzman
S . Li c�ctan
S�t. B. Lecouris
tQa.'yor-Commis Sioner
Coram3.s si oner
Comm3.s sioner
City Mana�er
City Attorney
Clty Engineer
Representin� Police Chief
Tize Mayor called the n�eetin� to order. Gommissioner Ro��r�s mozred that the
mii'�utes of the regular me�tin� of November 15th be approved i�1 accordance i�ri.th copies
st?Um:i.ttetl to eaeh Comm:issioner in vTriting. P2otion vras seconded '�y Commissioner
��lat?�ins and carried unar�imously .
In re�ard to the reqLtest of Mr. ��1. L. Tirnmons to Exchan�e property vrith t�ze City
in tne vicin_ity oF ihe s�iuthvaest corner of ;da�er Lo� One, City� Par1= Subdivision,
tiie P•Ya�a�ger reported tha� after checl:ing Cvit,� the ^iLy Attorney he found there r�as no
Uray �l?at the City coulcl tal:e advanta�e oi or ut:ilize that pro�eri,j�, therefore, he sa,v
iZo reason t�thy the ori��.nal req_uest should not be �ranted. Comm:Lssipner Strang rnoved
upoiz r�ca,�nmend�ticn o#' the City PHana�er, th� City �'ngineer and the City Attorney, the
oTier of ti�t. I,. Ti.mmons as contained in tYie le�ter from nis a�ent, I�Ticholas J. Rompon,
da.ted Octoper 2�, 1057, �o ereszange quit clalm deeds f or cer�ain properties in the
�iciiz:itJ oi' ;�Jater• Lo� One ad�acen� to 2nd east ox Coronado Drive be accepted subject
to the provision t1�a� T1r. Timmons at his expense tviUhin bhe peri�d of six mon�Ehs
com�lete the bulkheact adjacent to the property so that it connects ��r?th the City's
exis�in; bulkhead, that he fill �he area t� the c�rest os tne propert�, tha� he bac�4f�,11
frorn the Uvl;;head ac his e�pense and that �ne x�roper City a2ficials be authorized to
e:tecut;e and deliver �he i�ecewsar�f quit clai?n dePd ircm th.e C-� ty , rlotion ��Tas seconded
by Conunissioner Rober�;s and carried uranimously.
The P�tanager recomrnended �hat the sidevralk �n the east side oi Coronado Drive
that stops a� the end of the City property Si10Li� C� b2 exteiZded soutll alono Nir. ;•J. I,.
Timmons� property. Comrnissioner S�rang moved thai, the praper oificials be authcrized
Lo ��rr3.�e a letter to P�tr. Tira�nons reques��n�; that ne continue zhe Aresent sidetival4�
1i.ze at his e::pense to ma��e t11e area vniform. P�1o�? on v�as seconded by Commissioner
Insco and carrzed unaniniously.
Cc�nm3.ssioner Stran� moved that i,he nex� item "Calvary Bap�ist Church Ftzquest
Eas�ment" be tarled until the representa�ives o.i the church are �resent eitl�er at
this meeting if they come ��.n today cr if �ot t;.zat the item be put o�rer to the ne�;:t
mee��in�;, t•4otion :,�as seconded 'py� Commissio5�er Insco and carried unaniinously.
In regard ta several recent reque�ts far e�ception to the ordinanee regulati��
drlvet�rays and curb cu�s, the Manager presented vr_ritten recommendations to govern
the use of City right of tivay or parlccaay for par?�ing purposes. Commiss3,oner Stra�ig
recommended Lhat the CommS:ssion ask tlle AtLorl7ey to amend the Ord=nar_ce to leL the
�rigineer use discretion and if necessary reFer for approval Gf' �he Commission T��here
there are no curbs but t-�h�re there are curbs to uphold the ordi�ance. Cortvnissianer
Stran� moved that the Attox�ney be empoi�r�red to p.repare the necessar� amendment
to this orci�.naiZce Lo cover that problem o_ apprcval by tkze Gity �n�ineer and the City
Comrru.ssian if the Engi�ieer tnin?�s it necessar�* and tha� t1�e permissicn be granted
tiv-lth tlz� understandins it is a tiemporary permi� revocal�le by ti�e City at any time.
Motion tvas seconded by Comrnissioner i�da��>�ns ar_d carried unanimously.
CommissiozZer I�sco 3nqvired as �o tlze pro�ress of �onstructian on ti2e Negro
Youth Center. The En;ineer repliud �Eha-t the coi�tractc�r izad beeil held up j�rai.tin� ior
tne City to do its port3.ar_ oz the work but tha� the City t�ras x��epar_ng �to pour the
concrete f loors no�v.
Commissioner Insco asl�ed about a stat�ment appearing in a�eZ��spauer to the e�':fect
that tlze City Engineer�s ofiice had no pra�ram for draiMage in S1Lycr�s�. T1ze
�r_gineer stated he taas aslc�d for cc�mplete plans, tIza� he had overal� plans vut not
compl.ete detailed platzs fUr �he whole az>�a,
The Manager r,resen�ed a rec�uest from the �reole Motel in the 300 bloc�ti of
Coroizado T�iv� �vi?:i.ch lzas an existiil� ofi' s�reet �arlcino space not�r on the right of
t�ray at�d ��rislres �o �ravel the remaiz�der af it. The En�ineer did r.ot recommend �ravel
nn the right of tvay. Commissioner Stx>ang moved the rec�uest af th� Creol.e Motel be
approved s�.tbject to tlze finish surface bein� Ulaclvtop, that tne permit be on a
tempor�,iy bas3,s subjeet to �lie City's ri�ht io terminate �lt a�c any �ime. �Iotion 4vas
secanded by Comm:i.ssion�r Roberts and carried unanimously.
r `�
cz� car��zsszo�v� n��rzNcT
;+Tqvember 2�, 1�5(
A rec�ueSt c�tas presented by D�, t�d. I,. Timmoils and Franlc Botvman, otvners af Loi; B,
Columbia �r3, as?�if7� for offstre�t parlcii�; o�, tl�ze ri�lzt of. tray. Camm�ssioner Rcaberts
rnoved -�haL the reques� b� �ranted subject to t��e finish sur:face beJ.n� blaci:tnp al�d
that the permit be ozz a temp�rary basis subjec� ta clle City�s rl�lit �o i�ermina�e ai:
any time. NT+�tion was seconc�ed l�y Cortunissioner Stran� and carric:d ui�animous:Ly.
A request from i�Tr. W. H. Rippard, o�v�zer of Cava'lier Apartmenis 7.aca�e� at Gulfvi.c�•1
and Third Street ivas presenzec� asking pei�mission to surface par� of tlle stree�t ri�ht
` of tvay. Commissioi-�er P�oberts moved thaL �l1is Ue approved sul�ject to �h� arca be�.�z�
blac�Ctc:pped and tha� ti�.e per.mit Y�e temporary sLibject to the Ci�y�s ri�ht tca teim3na�te
a� a�iy time, bSotio:n was secor�ded by Commi.ssi�ner Strai�� and carried unanimuusly.
It i�ras reported tY1at DYr. R. F. Pete�s, !�I Papaya Sf:reet, nad reques�ed perm:tsslCn
to pave a driveivay to be Iocated immedial;ely aet�ird Bucl��eys Restaurant and requeated
parallel parlcin� ofz of Papa3Ta Street in frozit of his busiizess. Commi.ssioner Roberta
nloved that this repuest k�e oranted subject to tlie finislz surface beiiz� blacl>top and
tliat it pe can a tiemoorary basis sub�2c1; to tlie City� s ri�llt �u terminate at any �;lme.
Nlotion tvas secondeci by Comm3.ssionen Stran� and carri.ed tinanintau�ly,
T1�e Dlanager �rese�zted a rer�� st zram Term7.tro1 '�n�ineers �v1�Q have remocleled a
b��ldin� on the nort�ieast corner of North Fort ��ari:ison and Jon�s S�treet. TiZe req_Liest
tivas fbr permissioii ta move an e visting sld�ival�L up nexi �o �heir 7au11d�j n� on tlle � r
�rape�ty and ta use the City ri�ht of t�ray for parI;.iizg and for permissipiz to break tiie
ct�rU dotv�z. The i�ia�la�er said tihat he aild �he En�ineer did zzot recorunend plac3iz� a,
sideti�aa"�1;. cn privai,e pro�erty. Commissianer Stran� moved the rec�ues� be denied.
P�lotion t��as seconded by Canu7t_tsszo�zer ,•Tatl:ins and carr�ed unanimously.
A request ti�ras presenbed f'rom n7r. :�r5n. �+. Bart:iik, Hamden Drive, tia permit parl;in�
ofi street and �pace for visitors b3T malt�n� a circular drive on a 10� of 70 foot
fronta�;e . The A�torney � s opinioiz Zvas tliai; �hi s��ias prohiUited Uy tlle prese?�t ordinance
azzcl tvou7.d be covered by* an amendnient tio the ordiilai�ce. Corrunissioner Strang mov�d tl�at
tl�e reauest be tablea u�z�31 the orcl�.nance is a:aei�ded. i�lot,ion [vas seconded by
Commiss-io?zer Rober�s and carried unanimously.
^Yie NTayor inqulred if the Piyrtle Avenue pro ject t^ras not com�le�elJ approved from
�re;•r Street south. The En�ineer said that che Si,ate had the piana 30-50o complete,
tl�at field crews ti��ere cliec'-�in� dra�nage in tiie area noc•r and the or_ly thing that c�;ould
be reqtzired o� tl�e Cit�T v,rotild be to move the utilities ti•rhen the c�.�ntract waa le�,
Ccmmissioner insco as'_:ed if tilze City t�ritlz its Consu]:ting En�inEer Tvent to worl;. on Lhe
draiiza�;e pro ject noir or even if iL i�ad a fet�r m�nths aga �aould the City have accomplished
tne same amauizt af en�i.nee,rino and have 'st dQne oi� i�cs ov,m b�iore the Sta�e cou�.d dr_� it.
The �n�in;:er said Ize "��lOLl�ht �he State ivould ccmplete ii,s erorlc f3rst as they are
nia, ��i�3� studies in t?ze f:ield :ZceJ. Zt vras estima�ed �riat the State in draining this
:aroject t•ro_�ld do apo,�t :�120,000.00 ��rortn c,f dr.ainage vtorlc fcar the Ci�y in the area
oi Dre��� Street alane.
I�1 re�ard to t11e req_uest of DZr �. �i. Bas?:in, Sr., to chang� thn name of Guli
;day Bou'� evarcl Sovth arid Gulf ti�day Bottlevard itior'tn, the i4lanaber recomrne7.zded i:hat Guli
',Jay Boulevard idorth be ci�anGed to Baytivag Bo�,tlevard and thai, Gu1f ?�lay Bculevard Saui,Iz
ae cizanged to Sot�th Gul� V3ei•� �oulevarc�. Coriunissi�nex Insco movcci the request be
�rai�ted authorizing the ci�an�;s ar_d tnat the Attorne� be at11;1zor_`�zed i,c prepare uuclz a
��sol,t�t? o�z. Ntot�on t•ras wecor.ded by Comr-�issioner Roberts ancJ cair? ed unai�imously.
Re�ardi?� �he bids for dry cleanin� Police and F'ire Deparcment uniforms, tne
Nia;la�er recommexzded acce��inU ti�e los�r bid os Sanii,ary Cleai�.�rs, C7,eart^�a�er.
Caramissioner Roberta r.toved ti�at tne bi�. �i Sa.�.itary Cleaner� be accepted. AZotion t�ras
secnndecl bj Comm�ssioiier �lat'_.ins and carr�.ed una,ni.moLtsl�r.
Cammissioner '!��?�:i�7s nioved to authorize the tal:in� of l�ids oiz li�nt tive:i�h�c
�r�?zi,er s'r_zrts to cc�n�arm tp the same color scheme as tlle tiviizter u�iit'orm shirts o�1 ti�e
basis oz Li�ro per man in tne Police aizcl �'ire Departments. Motior� t�ras seconded by
Camm`�ssioner Roberis and carried unanimously.
Ir. regard �o tne bids for Fire Departmeni; t��inter. uniforms, the Manaoer recom-
?rtended aecep�ii�g the lotiv bid af T�7a;rtln� s Uni� arms ror 30 pairs of trousers and 24Q
an-_ri.s at Y1,216.50. Commissinner Stran� move� �hat the Mana;er's recommendatiun be
accented and the lorrest Lid oi .p1,216.50 submitted by Mart?n's Unifc�rms be accepted
aizd tlre proper oi�'icials be autlzorized ;c e�eeute a cc�n�raet, Mot:ion Uras seconded l�y
Cor:�m:i.ssipner ;lab,��ns and carried unan:imousl�T.
�'� request i�ras �areseilted from `f7arren G. Stratvn, Pastor, Seuenth Day Advent:Lst
ChL?rciz of Clearwater, for use of P�'tunici�al ALtclitorium fbr a�eries of eva�z�;eli�t-� c
nee4izz�s in January anci February, lg5u. The D�ia,naoer rccornme�lcled t�lat th� ap�rlicatic�n
be apPro�ed t�ritl�x tl�e r�ental rate for non-�roii� :�nstrwnentalitieu tc� a�ply sub;Jeci; tG
�inie schedule pein� t•rcrl>ed ot�.t. Cornmissioner Stran� moved tha� the Mana�er� s recom-
me�ldation ae aecepted sub,;ect �o the Policemet�� s Ball on January lvtl'x ai:d c.,ther aflntta�.
cami;zitmei7ts. 1�lotioiz ;-ras seaonded by Cnmm:tss7otzer VJaticins ancl carried unanimc�usly.
l�ie Reverend 0. E. 73urton and Yim. Juhn Borannon requested oi�, behalf c�f Calvary
Baptist Church that a t;°�er�ty foat easement on tize tvest s� tte <�r the chu.rch� s prop�rty
be vaca�ed as the enurct� wotzld li�•.c ta use txie �rcperty 'lrl �� �s bt�ilc�itig pro�xani. Tiie
�ngineer recommencled li' th� City vaca�es �lie easement �hai, �aze CiLy request t.�� ci�urch
to �ive an easement ti�r�v�;h parcel � as snG�;m on the rn�ineer'� draeiln� to �ive acce�s
�co the roadt•ray throLz�h tlz� church� s pr�perty to Oseeo�a. Coz;�rni��ioner Stran� movecl
tiie matter be referr�d bac� i,o the City En�ineer �'or a layovt 'cl�.exe shawin�; the aieec�ed
proc�erty on th� vleat ena oi' Pareel ;,'-�F a3�d �;hat ti�re hav� the l�t�orn�;� prepare tlze Y�raper
v�cati.on of Easement j�5 and the three i'o�t reverNion and tha.t the Eri�lneex i;ell ua
i�a�lat tive n��r� �f£ trf �arcel �4- either in an eauenient cr a�ea. iyTa�iot�, ti��as secoL�ded by
Co�_,Lssinncz� 4�JatxcinN and ca-rried unanirncusly.
November 25, 1�5`7
Tlie Attarney read an :tts firs� readin� Ord:i_nance 753 Vrh3ch t�1ou1�: amend Ordi.nance
G2`r and amend the Zonin�; t�la� of 1�53 subject t� referendtun on December 17, 1957•
Comnu.t��ianer S�ran� maved that Ordinance 753 be passed azi& adopted en ite firs'c
read:.�:n� aa amet�d�d, t�7o�ion vras seconclecl by Comm�.ssioner ��Iatl�in� and c:3rried
P�u . Ralph RickiardN, represent:Ln� thc ovr_zers o�' �°Joodmere ;ie3�nts and acrEage l;�i��,r,
�aott�aeen l400dmere ana Grand View Terxace nprth of Drew S�reet and Prir. Roy l�.hlgrim,
ovmer of acrea�e wes� of Neti�� Marymont Fir�t Add-ltion, requested that the proposed
R-2 area be eizlar�@d �o e�tend to the north limits of the:ir Z�roperL-;� ner.ti to �he
�lirpor'L. The Comm:ts:�ion a�reecl �a thi� chan�e. Commiss3oner ;1atk:Lr.c moved that
Ordinanc<e 75� be considered on its seccnd read:in; by title onl3T vrith the unan;imous
aonsent pf th� Commission. Motioz� ui�s ��cvnded by Commissiors�� Insco and carried
unaizimpusly, Tlze Att;arney read the Ordinance by t3tle cnly. Gommissioner Stra?�
move�. tlzat Ordinance 753 DE passed on its second reading as amended, t4otion was
seconded by CommiEsioner Roberts and carried vnanimousl�f,
Corrunissioner Stran� mozred that Ord:inance 753 be considered on its �hzrd rea�ing
taith the unaizimous consent of the Comm:i.ss•i on. P�totion �tias seeonded by Commissioner
l�/a.tic`�rZs and carxied unal�.imoixsly. The A#;�arney read Ordinance 753 on its third reading.
Corunissioner Stran� mpved that Ordinance 7�3 1�e passed an '�hird and final readin� as
amendea and adopced aizd the praper of=iclals be authorized tc erecute it, 1�lotion vras
secoi�ded l�y Commiesioner Rober�s and carried unanimously.
The �ttorney presei�ted Resolu�ior_ 57-53 authorizir_� �he paymen•t of �y 15.58 from
�he Cotzstruction Trust F`und of � 955 t� tlie First �Iational Ba?�� � n�:ayment of the
statement dated Vovember 1.3, 1g57, £ar trus�ee�s campensation. Commissioner ;�7ailtins
znoved that Resolu�ion 57-63 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be
autlzorized to �xecute it, rlotion ti�ras seconded by Commissianer Roberts and carried
The AttGrney presented tvro proposed leases for space in the do,•mtovm area tc be
use� Uy tne City for parl�ing, one from ZarrnJ Dimm3.tt, Jr., covering Lots 10, 11 and
12, Bloci� 6, P�tagnolia Parl�, for Livo years at �175.00 per mor_th conta� nino an at�tion
to �urchaUe, and one v�i�h Mr. ��7. R. Ta�1ar for the rrest 35 fce� ofl Lots 2 and 13, a�l
of I,ot l�-, Bloc�t 6, f�ia nolia Par�, ( exeept �Y-�at portion of �,o� 2 notv rented to
�'oreinost Dairies, Inc.� ior a i,�•10 year pericd at the sar�e reaztal. It :•tas pointed
out tiiat ti•rhen the City sec�zres �Litle to Lots �-�, B�.ocl� �, from ti?e Seaboard Railraad
bf a�reement it v�riL constitute nearly an e�z�lxe ulnc?� available ��r para:ing.
Com�ssioner Roberts moved -�hat the lease tri�h Larry Diitun-ltt, Jr., ar_d his ��rife,
and also tlie lea�e ,•rith P�Tr. Tajrlar for the lots describ?d b� t12e Ci�y Attorneg be
authorized and that tne pro�er offic-�als be '�,uti�or:i.zed to s:ig't1 pot:i of these leases.
Mot3.an t�ras seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried un�.nimously.
Commissioner t°Jaticins inquired hotv lcng it tvould ta'�e tc� prepar� the lcts for
nar::in� and was infarmed �_�at it iaas possible �o �arlf on �hem not•i but the Engineer
i�roi�ld have t� ma?ce a surve�r before making recon�mendat_ons. Commissioner Strang
sv�geui;ed advertisinb for ;�ids for someone to l�ase t.1e proper�y fram the City axa.d
�perate ii as a par:�in� l�,t. �ommissio�er Stran� moTed that i,he proper officials '�e
authorized ta tal�e Uids ta be opened ai, tne i7e�� meetin�, ldot�on ti�ras seconded by
Comm-� ssioner aJai;l�in� and carried u;�animously. By conseizt, the En�ineer taas � nstruc �ed
i:o }�repare estimates of cos� of prepariiz� ��ie sz�ace ior par;cin�.
1'�[�:,jor Q. i�1Lte�e1 appeared on bena�i of the Ea;� Vie�7 Civic Club pointiazg out t:_: �
t�ze m�tribers of izis club after nego�iatiiig �vith the City for the use of the old radio
staL-ion puilc�in� a'c tlie t•�est e�ztra��ce of Courti�e�r Campbell CauseT�ray had done a�reat
deal Gf caoric in rellabilitatin� and ma� ncainiiz� t?�e buildin�; a�zd had purchased
equipment and furnisizi��gs f'or the inside of •the Uuilding, Af�er a conference wit:�
Ns. J. T. Bec�e, Presidexit oi' the Ci�y Employees� Associaticn, i�lajor �Lluegel said it
had been a�reed tiiat tl�e Bay View G� ub 4veald co�'tintte to opera�e the building untiT
tl�e first uf the year a��d the_7 tlle Emplcxyee�' Ass�ciatioxl vrily �alte cver custod� as
�rant�d 'py tli� Commission. The hiayor said it ��ras ielt that by �iving custody to �he
.�mployees � Assaciation tiie outside ar�a tvc��tld be devel�psd a�.d it v�rould preduce a
fu11 use of �the s•� te.
Conunissioner Insec commei7ted that the Ci�y Planner had been oiz the ;job fdr
seveial tveel;,s notiv and he i�rould lil�e to l��oz•t v1ha� is being dcne an an overall plan.
The tdana�er su���sted 'tllat sinc� Cammissianer Iilsco liad no� been �,t the recent
meetii� of tlle ComnLssioi� with the City Pianner that P�ir, ��oole coi�tact Comrui.ssioner
Insco �o discuss the ��r_eral plan.
Comm3ssioner Insco reported tlzat sev�ral rreel,:s ago the Civil Service Bo«rd tivas
reques�ed te hold an e:camination for the posi�ion of Assistant Palice Chief and this
has not been accomplished yet. The A1ana,�er said he �v�uld clzec« oi� it, Commissioner
Insca sug�ested thai, the Commission meet cT1.'c;i t_ze Civil Sarvice .3oard as soon as
possible. The P4a�la�er stated he tvould see ii the meeting could be arranged for on
Tuesclay, Noveinber 2q�1�, as the Civil Service ]3oard jaas meetit� than.
�� �
Noveml�er 25, 19a7
The PQayor reportecl tha�L the Conunissio��., i;he Cii;y Afi�orzzey �.zid M�tna�ar had a�-tended
tli� F? a.r� da I,eague cf Muzzicipalities Convei��Gio�z at Dayto.��, Beaell November 17-1�t� �nd
�hat tize conventio�z for nexi; year had bee�1 at•rardcd tca Clearti•rater at a, t S me tc? k�e se'4
Commissioner Insco a�lc�d ii �lie report lZe requested o�i tlle 1Tautlz Marit3me �ei.ter
was ready and �tze n7anager• said he wou:�d prepare it ic�r ti�e Conmtisalaz�.
There bexn; no furttler business ta come bef��re tlie Board, the mce{:in�;
ad�ourr_ed at 5:1.0 P.2�2,
Ci C ers�
�' � �,
� ' `, � ,
�.� or-����i sl ne��
N�vember 25, 1957
AGENDA Reports from City Nia.nagex
C2�'Y CUP4MISSION ME�TING 1. W. L. Tirnmpns, Request O,uit C1aim Deed,
NO�IEMT3ER 25, 1g57 Carc,nado Drive and Water Lot Sou�:h of Marina
1:30 P,P�. 2. Calvary Bagtist Church Request Easement
3. Request for Extendin� �rivev,*ay Widtha bEyond
Invocat�.on Ordinance Provisions
Tn�roductions 4. Other Engineering Matters
Minutes of Preceding Meetir.� 5. Request to �hange Street Names on South
Publ�.c Hearings Finger, Beaeh
Reparts of City Manager 6. Bids, Dry Clean3ng and Pressing Uniforms
Reports of City Attarney 7. Bids, Fire Dept. Winter Uniforms
C3tizens to be Heard 8. Rentr�.l, Meznicipal Auditor�.um by Religious
Other Commissi.on Action GrQup
Ad�uurnment 9, Ve�b�;l Reports and Other Pending Matters
Meeting Pension Plun Trustees
Reports from City Attorney
0. Cansi eration of Ordinance #753, Amending
Zcning Ordinance
11. Resol :tion - Payment ta First idat� onal Bani�
C�IHEREAa, the First National Bank af Clearwater, Florifla, is 2'rustee under and by virtue
o£ a Construction TruS� Fund Agreement dated Navember 28, 1955, which Construction
Trust Fund is derived from prpceeds of' the sale of UtiliL-y Reve�7ue Certificates,
Series Ig55; and,
4�1�IEREAS, said B�tnlc has submitted a bill in the amount af �15.58 for its compensation, in
accordance with the provisions of said Trust Fund Agr.eemenc, which said bill should
be pa3.d from said Trust Funcl;
in session 3uly and regularly assembled, as follovrs:
7.. That the sum of �15.58 be paid from the Cons�ruetion Truwt Fund dated
November 2�, 1955, by the First :Vational Bank o£ Clearwater, Flarida, Trustee thereof,
to the First National Bank of �learwater, Florida, in payment of its bill dated
November 13, 1957, for trustee's compensation as provided 3n said A�reement.
2. That a. certified copy of this Reso�ution be delivered xorthwith to said
'Prustee, tvhich certified copy shall constitute the direc;;zon of the City of Clearsvater
to said Trustee to pay said amount directly to itaelf. Th�s is the final amount
due Trustee on this Fund.
PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 25th day of November, 1957�
�s� Lewis Homer
/ s� R. G. Ulritehead
City Clerk
October 25, 1957
City Engineer
City of Ciearwater
Dear Si�:
My client, T�Lr. W. T�. Timmons, has authorized me to submit for the City's approval,
the enclosed drawing of a prQposed stivap of lands.
NLr. Timmons would ].ike to @uit Claim an eight (8) foot parlttivay ad,7acent to Coronado
Drive and East of said Coronado Drive, and any encroachments of Coronado paving and
curbing now existir� tc� the City of Cleartvater.
In return, Mr. Timmons desires �hat the Gity of C'learwater would furnish a Q�aiz Claim
deed, of the cross hatched area as shown on enclosed drawing, lying in Water Lot one
(1) of Clty Parlc SubcLi.vision, ta him.
Mr. Tim.�nons would also be i,r'111in{� to construct approximately eight ($) feet of bulkhead
far the City, adjacent to the City's existing bullchead, and alsa censtruct the propo�ed
bulkheacl a� sha�vn as soc�n as possible after the C3:ty would grant him a permit.
I feel that this propossd plan would mutually benefit the City of Clearwater and Mr.
Timmons, and clean up the shore liile adjacent to the hlarina which looks so well,
exoept for this one area.
�sf N. J. Rompan
Dlicholas J. Rompor�
� � cv
�����Ct�'.� 1V� • ��5��
REPFiODIT�TION OF sliy 20NTNt� rZG7? IN �'.�'�AS
SfIF�E`1' a IN A iiS.�;�LE SIZE ftND `I'i? RF��SIGNaTE
`�'HE ZONil�tf'a NfAP, AS AP�..�NTJED,. r`TiIE ZOPIIN�'r
M4P QF '.t'H� CI'1'Y OF' �I+EATiWA�'�R., ELORIDA, QEt'
Sec�io� i, The #'ollotaixz� described praperty is hereby classified an.d zon�d as
he�e3.na�tesG indieated �nd the zoning map of 1}53 af the City of Cleartiraber, F1o�ida,
as amendedy is amen3�d to indicate that fa.et as hereinaPtar set outs
(t�j �oned as (s) �asiness;
'� . The Soutb. 2Q0 f�. o� �h� B�; 3f# of ti2e SE 1/�+ oz" Sec. ]:I, Tvap. 2gS, Rge. l�jE,.
lesa the t�e.st l70 i't. thereo�.
2, S,cts 1 a�*-id 31 of Woodmere Xeights Subci�uision, plat book �+5, pa�e �5,
�3nellas �ount� Recards.
3, T,o�s �. to 11 inclusive, Blocic A, lats 1, 2, 21 and 22', Blool� $, and 'ck�e
vacated a11ey Iying between Blocks �1 and B, all in 33rew He�ghts Subdivision,
p].at book 1�, page 101, Finellas �ounty Recards.
�-. �he South 200 f°�, oF the Eas� ,a,�0 ft. af ��Tes� 675 ft. mare or �.�s�s of S�r! J.%�F
of' Sec. 3.2, Tutp. 2gS, 13ge. 15E. Th� East boundary b�ing �Ize ldest Boundar�r
af' Ne�� A2a.rymont �ub�vlsion, vlat boois 3Q� pa�e �3, Pinellas Gounty R�cords.
{33) Zone3 a� R--2 - Dupl�x Res�.dence Di�ts��.c�:
1. The North 1130 P� , of' South 1330 f�. of' SE � j� of SE 1./�, Sec . 1]., Twp ..
295, �e. 15E.
�, i;ots 2-30 inclusive o�' Woodmere Heights Subdivis3on, pla� book fb5, page 45,
p3.n�Ilas Coun�y i2ecord.s.
3. Lats 3 to 2G inelusive, Block B, and lats 1-28 3:nclusive, Black Cr of
Drevr He��hts �ubciivision„ glat book 11, page ].Oiy Pinellas Coixnty I�ecords.
#. TYse North ?130 xt, of the Soutlz 3,33Q Ft. oi' the East T65 i't. of t%e T,�test
�95 ic. of SW 1%4 af Sec. 12, Tcap. 295, Rge. 15E,
(G) 2oned as R-2 - Dup3.�x Residence Dis�riet:
^ahe �Iort�� 150 i t. af SE ?/� af the NE 3./�F of 5Qc , 22, Twp . 2qS, Rge . 15E,
Zes� tha� pa�t 3ncluded in �Gkxe Th3�d Addif;ian �to 3a11s. Replat Subdivision,
(l3� Zoned as R-4 - Multipl� Dvaellings, Ho�els, Motels, Apartment HouaeS, MedicaT
C? :Lnic:s a
A3Z of B1ock H, except Iots l2 anrl ].�, Hila3scus Garsiens Subdivision, plat
boolt 1�, pa.�e 5$, Pinellas County Reeards.
(E) Zoned �s (B� - Business:
Th�.� certain parcel o�' psoper��r nois� existing, extendi2zg Easterly �'rom the
East right-o�'-tray ].ine of P2rk�ray Drive, as plattecl 3n Bayside Subdiv�.sion
No. 5, and. recorded in �lat bonk 38, page ;38, Pinel].as GounLy Recorcls,
l�ing beti�ae�n Guli` Way BTvd. IJorth, ancl �ulf Way �1=�d. Sou�h, as said
boule�rard� may :oe extended, sa3.ci. parcel not �a exceed 25� �''�. 'betvre�n
said boYzlevards.
{F) Zor�ed as {3i;--M) - MultipZe ihvellings, Hotels, Apartment Houses, and Z3mited
Btzsin�es Distcr3.ct:
Thai certain parce� af proper�y now ex3.s�in� ex'cendln� Easter�ly from the
�ist property Iines �zs plattecl �.n Bayside No. 5 Subriiv3s3.on, Y�ecarded 3n
p7 �,t book 3$, page 38, Pine].Zas Caun�y 13�cord�, 1eIIs L-hat port�.on thereo�
1;�3.ng bei;�aeen Gu7.i' t�ay Bi vd. :�or�h ancl Gul£' 1�Jay Blvd. South, as they may
be extended...
Sect3.on 2. 7'he zon-ing ma.p of 1953, as prev3ously am��aea, �.n,d as amended by this
� ar-�3`.inance, •ls here3y re-adopt:ed and approved a�a sa amended �xcept that it is hereby
redesign.a�ed as "Th.� Zoning i�tap o� the Git�r oP Clearwater, �l:ar3.da o£ 1957"., and
- Ord�nance 62'l, i:he Ci�y zon�..ng ord3.nan4e, as amended:, is hereby amended in eacn
��stance in �rh�.ch a zonin� map is refex�red to 'by provici�.ng ihat suekz zc�nin� map sY:a11
be �h� zaning n�ap af �.�57. The Gity �ineer 1s hereby autharized and d3rec�eci ta
prep�r� �he zon3ng map o£ 1�j7 in separate shee�s, each shee� covex:Lng � portion of
th� ���y as ix�dicated therean, ancl e�.ch sheet being designated "The 2o.�in� Ma.p of the
C3.by rrf GlearK-rater, Fla„ o� 1957, Sheei of " Said map �s heretofore
amended and as amendec� Y�sreby, is hereby a-%opted an a pi oved ac� so amend�d,, �nc1 the
zaning ord3.nance o� th� City oP C].earurater and said zon3ng map as so adopted nhal.l be
enE�reed From and af��r� i�he e%fecL-3v� da�e of tih�.s orcl�.nance.
�ect3.o� 3. Unnumbered paragraph 2 0�' Section XVI oP Ordin�nce 627, as amendecl,
the C-yi� Loni`rig oxdinanee, �s amEnded to remrl as fpllowa:
"�ersong, f3rms or corpr�rat3�na desiring �o appea.�: an,y riaiing of the Building
Ins� ector shall so nut:Lfy the Board of Ad�ustmen�: and P.pp�a1 in wr3ting w9.tY�in tc�renty
(2Q� daya a£ter such ruling has been made."
Sectian 4, Section. XVIT oF ordinance 6?_7, as amended, the City zonin� ardinance,
3s am,en e' o read as folloi,ts:
l. �i Board of Acijuatment and Appsal :Ls hexeby established. Tlze Vrord "Hoard"
when used in thi�s sec�ion ahall be construed to mean the Board of Adjustment and Appeal.
The I3oard sha11 cons3st oi' five members, all o£ whom sha].T be taxpayers and residents
of �he C�<ty, appointed by i;he Mayor and approved by tkte �i�y Commission. The term
of office a�' the members oi' the B�a�d aha7,1 be f'or three years, �xcep�ing that the
membership o� the Boaxd appointed sha11 serve �espectively far terms o� ttoo for one
yeax�, two for two years, and ane for three years, ThereaPter, members shall be
a�goin�ed For terms of �hree years eaeh. Vacancies ahall be P111ed for an une�ired
�erm on1y. Members shall l�e removed f'or �ause by the City Coann3.ssion, upon wr�iten
ehar��s and after public hearing.. Pdembers shall r�ceiv� such compensation as may
from time to time be set by the City Commission.
2. The Board sh,a1Z elect its oc+m chairman and vice-chairman who shall. se�ve �or
ane year. Meeting,� of' the Board aha11 be heZd at the call of the chairman, and at
such o�her tirnes as the Board may deterinine. Such chairmar�, or in his absence the
acting cha3sman, ma.y adm2nister oaths and campel tihe attendance oF sr3tnesses, Ali
meetings of the "--srd sha11 be operz to the pu"bl3c. �he Boar�l shall keep minutes of` its
proc��dings, shnw�ing the vote of eaeh m��mb�r upon eaeh quesLion, or if' absent or
failing to vate, indica�ing sueh fact, ,and sk�al�. kee� reeords of i'ts ofYicial actions,
all of which shall be immediately Fi7.ed in the office of th� Board and shail be 3
publ3c recard.
3• The Baard shall hear appeals from any decisian or action of Che Building
Inspect�r and determine the righ'Es of the applicant. Appeal to the Board may be
talcen by any person, t'irm or corporat3on a$gr�?eved, pravided notice thereof,
to�ether Vrith rounds ther�ot', are filed in triglicate, in cmiting, vrith the Baard
urithin twenty �20) c�ays a:'ter such acti on af ihe Bu31cU.n$ InspeetAr. The Board shall
fGrthwith �-ransmit one copy thereaf to tri.e City ;Fiuilding Inspactor, who shall then
forthtviicYa transmit ico the Board a11 the papers constituting the record upon which the
action appealed from is taken. Each appeal shall be aceompanied by a payment su�fi-
cient 3n amount to cover bhe cos�s of publish3ng and mailing noticeg oi" �earing or
4. The Board shall, after due notice and w3th.in tliirty (30) days after the
fi].�ng of thz appeal, hold a pub3ic hearing thereon and prompt�y render its c3ecisian.
AL' Lhe hearing, any party anag appear 3.n person or by a�torney.
5. The �oard �ha"�l have po�rer in speci�3c cases, after c3ue not3ce, investiga-
tion and hearings as afcrresa3d, where there are prac'tica7. diPf3culties or unnecessary
iaardsh.ips in the �,ray o.f carrying ou� the strict 1e��er of tne provisicns of tnis
ard�.nanee, to determ:tne and vary any such provisions in harmony with the general purposes
an� intent of the zon3no ordiizance so that the pu.bl3c health, sai°e�y and genera3
v�Tel.�ars may be secure a,nd substantial justice done.
6. Any person adversely affected by a decis3on of the Board, or any ofiicer,
d.epar�ment head, board or bureau oi the Ciicy m.ay appeal. sueh decision to the Cit�
Comm3.ssion. Sueh appeal shall be ta�i@11. bST f'iZ3.11g c�itten n,otice thereo#', in dupli�ate,
wi�h the C3ty Clerk �vithin ten (10) days af�er the decision of the Board, The City
Clerk sha11 forth�ith trazrsmit one copy thereo£ te the Secretary oP the B�ard, ti�rho
shaTl then farthwith transm:tt to the Clerk for the use of' �he City Commiss3on, a11
�he papers constitutin� �he record upon which the ac�ion appealed frout is talcen.
Each such appea2 sha11 be aecompanied by � payment sufficient in ameunt ta cover the
cost af publishir� and ma:ilir� notices af' Ytearing or hearings.
7. The COITIIAI_SH1qI1 shail, af tier clue notice and tivithin a reasanable time a£ter the
filing af th� appeal, hald a public hearin� thereon and promptly render its c�eci'sion.
A� the r��ring, any party may appear in person o� by attorney. The hearing bef`ore ti2e
Commiss3.on sha11 be d:e novo.
8. The C3ty Gon�mi.ssian sha7.l have power, after due natice and liearing as
aEoresaid, to r�verse any decision of the Board vahen in its discretion 1:he decision
of ihe Baard is not justif'ied upon the grounds set out in subparagz�aph 5 herenf. It
ahall likewig� have power wherP, in i�� sliscretion, there a.re practical di�f3culti�s
or unnece�saxy hax°dships in �he way of carryin�; out the str3.ct letter af' the provisions
aF th3s ord_tnance, to determine and vary any such provisions 3n harmony tvith �he gener�a7.
�u.rposes and intent c�r" the zon�ng or3inance so that tYae public heal.th, safety and
gener�.l welfare may be secured and substant3al jusL-ice done. TI2e decis3on af the
C3ty Commission sha11 b� superior �o that of the Board and shall be bindin� upan a11
concerned, aub ject only to court r�view as provided :u;� 1«i,r.
Section 5. A11 orelinance or par�� of ort7.inances in confl.ict herewith are to bhe
e�en�ai` suc�i con�].ict hereby repealed.
�,, -�"
.�"` .
/ .� 8
Seetion 6. �houZd any part or p�ovision o�' this ord�nance be dec�.ared by tk�e caurt
ta be nva i� the sauae shall no1: �Yfe�t �he `val3:dity of �he ordinance as a whole,
or any part thereof" ather than �he part cZec�.az�ed to �e invalid.
Seation fi. �Y Perso� or perso�s, :firm ar corpora�ion or aesociaic3.on oP persons,
c,rno s v3a ate ox� �'a3.1 ta comp�.y w3.th a.�y of the tesu�:� Qr provis:tons of tkii�
ordinance sk�a7.1, upan convic�ian 3n the Mtzraiaipal Gourt, b� f3ned no� ex�eeding the
sum of �tao Fiundred (�2C10.L�0) I�ollara, or imor3.acsned 3n the �ity Jail For not exceading
�i,xty ��0� days, or by bath su�h f3.n� anc3 imprisonmen� in �h� di.scretioz� oP the
a Munic3�a1 Jut3�e..: Each da� �hat a violat3.an is pertn3.tted to �acas� shall. constitute
a sep�r«te of�ezlse.
Section 8. Th3s ord3nanae sha1Z take e�'fe�t �rom ai�d a.€ter its pa�sa�e and its
approva� a ma�or3_�y af' the qual3fied vo�ers of th� City of -Clearwater w2zo are
freelaolder� within sa�.a c���r Vot�.ng �� a special municipFz7. eaeation to be held in
eonjunction wi�h the regular municipal elec��.on on December 1'�, 19�7.
FASSID ON FT�.S'� REi�AING, AS A14�NDED Noveanber 25,. Z957
PASS� ON SE�Oi� READTN�, AS 1�1'�+1DED I�ovember 25, 195�
AS ��NDEi?s AND ADOPTE�3 Navember �5� z957
/s� I,ewi s xamer
Nlayor-Comm�.ss3. on�r
/s% is,.G. �3.teheat3
G�.�y Cierk
'• ���,