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_.,A.. .--- -...II LI. "..I. .. 1 f �,. � CTZ"1 CUP�1i4T�NI(7i? T-��T�IvG oe�aUer 1�, :1.�j5'r Ti�e Glty C�mrniN�:i.r,a1 cf tii� Gzty �if C1ear<<,rater met :i.n special, seNsian at the Ci�ty dIa?_:1, T��urNday, peiouer 7.0, 1�5(, at 12;0(7 o�olucl: r�c;on with �he i'c�llc�t��ing members �7x'fi.J�J4}�k'Fi: � � . �,evris Iioraex T��Iayo�-CorvnissiQn�r ;,1. �. S�ran�, Sr. Ccnunissianer Sarriuel �T. Roberes Cc�mmissianer Clevela��a 7nsco, Jr. Ccmm:issiolzer ,7�,liaes Ii. Z�1��'_�i�1� Commissicner A1so ��re�ent vae:r�: � Jael: T �llent C_ty T�Za,na�er Ben iirenL-zma�n Ga.�;,r AttUrney The rneetin� v�aN callcd ir� oraer t�� �',l�,e I:ia;�vr. The C1e���. preue�:ted tF2e lis� cF irce'_i��lc�ex� cer�ii'i�d 'ay �ixe County St,:��rvi�pr v,f Re�isLrai,� on and stated that n;� had. ��?i� req}.�.est fcr a chanoe of re�istra���:�,z f'x����;t i•1rs. B2argaret Gear�� yrhase i�ame vaa� c,n tlle 19.st �s a�'re�halc�er :Lix Precinet �b2 but she vtas narr a fr�ehrld.er i.� Prec�inc� 3� a��ci lzad �zc;t cl-aa��ed h�r re;:':scratxon. The Attorne;� recamrnrsnd�ct tnat tne request r,s „rai��bcci s3.i�ce a:�c l�ad: .�ui�rn.���L-sd a svrorn s�a�ernenL 3n apz�l�rin� �',:r aL� abse�ltee oall��;t. Gi�. �rL�ce �d�bb ancl Cu� ,i�±ci P.Iar�qn Sanclers a�1:ed questians aa tc� hcti•t tll� e2ectic.n tvo�.:l�t t�e cc.�;id;zcted �.� �l�e 4err�tor�r tu �e as�;�es;eci ;•rhiciz ;;ere a:is�•TEreu i�y tne Cler:`; a<id L;ic ��torney�. �lfter i�.avin� l�,eld the d�:!ly ac?vertised ��u:'u1�c �acar`�x�� as requ�rec� i�,i,P ��1G' :%Y'f�'�IZFt..�1CCa 3t1G� 'e.i1C:C'G' CJG''�Il;� ri�i SU,�jG-'S'GEC�. CrJ1'1'�C'G.�C�i10 (''��'121' i:I23i� �j'1G-' C'�I1G' f'�_'Y' iiai�,�aret Geor��, Cot�wiss�o:zer Stran� movecl t��� ap�roval of t�e l:is� of f�eehciclers CJ,t?8.�.'il l_(,'fa. "EG VCt2 1,i1 �i1G' ft�x"i.Y1COIYL,iv �wY?1ZE.'�clw_t;l: P�.@C'`�'_.i7 C�:?'I'vCi,@CZ c'i.5 S't?i�o@3�2C�. G� c.1e �ity' C1e�zc �Eo ecver �he �ituat�on cf P�tar�aret C. Gec•r�,e. T•ioticn ;•�as seccnded �y Comn�?.ssio�ler Roi�er'cs and carrzed unana.m.ousl;; . Tl1e Gler:: subrr��'cecl a report s�at�?.�� tl�a� ize hacl ir�s��eeted tt�e ;rctind machires tc, Le ,.�sed in tlie e3.ect�vri c>,� October 15�Iz a_2d zc�una trzem te: be c�rc,�er3;� �repared �'�r �i�e �lect'� u�z. Ccrnr�xi.ssiu��er 2nsco mo;red i,i1e special re,�,�rt o£ the Cit;� Cler'-e i�� ;cece-t vea. D�o�iGn ���as seconded by Gommi,ssic; �er Roberts and carr-? ed unar.imFusly, There beln; tza i'�art:zer bus:iness to e�me �ei �•re tize Board, tne mee��.�� z•�as ad,1�.�rL�ed at 12:25 P.T+T. A'ti��;st: � n�—, �.tity 1er�?� a✓ - c nn-' ss= ��! � � ��� ,$.+A�.1y,: �'{e. /"r� Y . . . � . � . - . . . . . . . . %A� . .. � . � � . . � . � � . �., . . . . . . . . CITiF Ct?T�+2?'SSS��,i T��L'�'TI�G OctqU�� � 0. 1ca�'; Oc�;obe.r �.. 1�5'�' H�n�rable Mayor a�za T�:�maers of C:Lty Cc�rn��iiss� <�z� C� �cy of Clearwater C? ear�vater, Flc:ricia Getat�emen; T�i� C�ty Conunissi�ri iva.'?1 meet in apee�:al seusJ.��zi ii� ti�e c:L�LSr iia�.1 a��d:i�c�r�.um r�i� _' �r'izursciaSr, Qetouer 10 at 1�;�0 a'eloc>. ,Zo•��l i:� rece�ve tlie :l:Lsi; cs qual.:tf3ed free:.�47.d�rs Por tli� si�ee7a1 el�ci:�c�ii �.7 ae izelt� c:�ri Tuesday, Octof�ex 1�. :�t tl��� s meetin� i,lie c�r,u:r� ssi�_Z tvi;ll i:ave �ch4 1_Ls� ec�rected ,+.i' ��c NF���t?ld �;�peai �iiat any alan�e i1�s ue���i ��nipr��erl�* added tsr �.�7L'�ted �i^t�rn same. � � �'a��� �l�ful�y, � ; s, Jac?c Talle:nt Qiiy 1�Taiza�;er Octob�r � �, 1�'S; >3onoraUle Mayar and i�lemi�ers af City Cor�ui�a.ssi.�;1 Cizy af Cleartaater C1ea,iwater, Florada C�eri't1 emen s Tne C�� ty C`ommission tviil meei in special session x;1 tiie cit�+ tza11 audi�c�rium on �°JedtiesdaJ, Oc�Gober 1�, 195`7 ai; 12:OQ o' eloc'•� alcon for the pura�ase oi canvass:t,��; t?2� resLilts oi the st��cial eleetia_z bei}��; he1.d on October 15, 1�}�"�r Fai tl�,f ul ly, � ,��sf' �7ac'� Tallent � City Mana�er G � . .. .. � . �rt�� . .. . . . . . .. �.i