09/30/1957 ,;., :,2,;(:!;..;tf<,;gQ\t~~,~::,'.".'" .' ;~+~'~d~o.".~?,;,;.\}:,.!""..",;"...I" ,...... , ~",~"""""",,-,--,~__.,"'''4 ....J.~",...>".. .-..~,: ~... ,...' " .' ..~, . , '1:'~. '; ~,..l~.... , . \ '~:..- \. ~,.." . ..'. <'~. 'j:..!", .',:"..\ /'.. .' . , .:. ~ u;:..' :: .~... .~." ".~ ...~~ ,,:", ~:~.,: ~'~;"':~~:.:".:.~;~~.~:::..~...~~~.::~ ; ~ "~\~:';"~ ... . ' .....:.:.^::.:::..;<.:.:~.'. ;~..< L_' . ;,.~' .:' CI'I'Y CO~1f.1ISSIOH I,mETING September 30) 19:)'( The City COllUlIi ss:~on of the CJ ty (:1' Clcl:l.rwa ter met :i. n spec:i,al scos1un at the City Hall, f.10nday, September' 30, 1951) at 1: 30 p, [,1, \'6 th the fol1o\1J.ng members present: Lewis Homer 'I!. E. Stranc;, Jr'. Samuel J. Roberts ClcvclaEd Irwco, fJr, James H. datJdns 1\1ay, 'r-Commi sol ()ncr COliuni s s1 one r COllulli :J::J:;_Gller COJnll1i s s:i. oner' Comm:l sBi oner Also preoent were: .JacJ( Tallent Ben: K1"ent~~lJ1Uil S, Lic;:ton Det, -Sc;t, ','fm, McClamma C:'. ty r/lanaGer C1 t;y Attorney C1 ty En[;:i.neer RepresentinG P011ce Chief The ~1ayo1" called tj-le meet1ng to order. ~~j1e :.Lr1V(;cat:LCl1 vias c;:'Lven by Dr. D, p, McGeacl1Jr) Jr.) of' Peace I,'jelll, r1al Prcsbyter:ia.n ChUPCr1, C1 ear\'la tel". Commi ssioner Insco moved that the minutes (If the spec1al meetLn:': ,.J' September 23rd be approved in accordance \.11 tl1 co p:Le fJ si.J,bmj, cted to each CCinuilJ, 8S~~.C.li1Cr :i.n \'lX":~ tin:;, Motion was sec onded by Conunissioner Roberts and ca~"'r:;oed unan:1.l;1( us.l;y. ':/1 tl1 the cl,nsent If t.ile ConunlssJ."ll) tile I.layur chanGed tIll) (;rdcr of the agenda 11'1 (irder t<.. ta~:c 1.[1) (;';/l) Jet leY'S from t~ll~ C1 v 11 S rvice Board, The first letter reported that Actins Cl1:!_ef R. C, DO"oSi il \'1aD the "nly applicant to pass the examination f(;1" promotJc.,n to Fire Cil:i.ei'. rl'lw ),Iayor rc~c(. Tillllellded the appulntment. Conunissiuner Insco muved that R, C, Doboc'fl lie appc;illtcd F'_;.re Chief', N()t:Lon vlaS seconded by Comm1sDloner Roberts and carl':i.ed unnn:Lm,u,;u-JIy. The second lettur i'rolil tlle Civ:i 1 ~~er\fice Beard requested approval of the :1>500.00 fee set by Mr, -Royce lC:Upatr:i.c;( to represent ti1e Civil Service Board in the mandamus suit. Comm:issi()ner 1n8c(: llK'!ed that the request f'rom the Cj.vl Service Board i'or the amc~unt of muney tc be pa:i d to an attorney t, represent them be approved as no)t tD exceed ;?500. 00 for the to'Gal C(.'st, and that the transfer of :funds be authorized frcm Unapf)ropr:i ated surplns. r.lotion vTaS secui1ded by Cor.uniss:Ll.'llcr Roberts and carrj.ed unan:Lmously, The Mayor ann<....unced a Publj.c Hearin:.:; on tJ.1e c0l1struct1lJn cjf a forty-ti'lO inch st(;rm sei'/er line in .Belcher Road from a pc.j,nt .'150 feet south cf Gulf to Bay Boulevard southerly f'c,r 1)500 feet. The Eni~:Lneer cst:i.mated the pro.;ect i'J'ould cost appr0x1mately 028,000,00 and said it was hoped that since t~le state Road Department and the County ilfere both affected that they ':.,rould eacll aSSume c:ne-tI1:i.rd of tile cost. Jie reconunended that the remainder of t:nc pro,'ect De 8.S~,,;(~ssed un an area bas1G rather than tc- the ab\I.ttin~ prcperty mmers. [\11". Ba SCI)m Bar.oer and IfJr. Leo r.lartin \'lere present and objected to the pro.jeet. ':lritten oojec'c:;.cilS \'lere re:cc:;'vecl frcjm ,Jean C. Rossi.. Leo r.lartin and Bascom Barber. Comrn:L 8s:"ner RobertG ffic,ved that the Conunission having cOlls:Ldered the drainage pro blern presented at the i n'cersect:j. (:11 cf Belcher Road and State Road 60 and havins fOl.l.nd that actioil :Ls necessary to clorreet the drainae;e problem there and that the drLlinac;e c\.nd.L t:L n i1as been'~reated and is resulting from and will benef:i.t bot;:l property (.,;\,/ners \'i:Lthin the City of Clear\'later, the State Road Department and tIle County of Pj.nellas) that the Engineer is authorized to \'lC'r~\: in conjunction with the County of Pinellas and the State Road Department fer the purpGse of preparinG f:i.nal plans to remedy the: s:1. tua tion and that the Conunissiol1 gel on record as approvinG the project prov1djo~~ that the State Road Department will con- tribute one-third of the cost thereof, the County of Pinellas Gne-third of the cost thereof} \'11 th the remaLlin~; third to be asscs[:led after an approprla tc public hearing al3ainst benefited pro!>ert;:,r o\'nlers lyinc 1;11 thin the area ser'ved by the drainae;e pro " ect . f.1oticn ,'.,ras secluded )JY ConUllissJ, (.-ner o':b tLLns and carried unanlmc.usl.y. Commlss1cner ':ldtL1n:3 moved that the Public :i:car:Ln;; 011 the Belcher Road storm sewer be cancelled and a new hearinG be scheduled as soon as possible, Motion was seconded b;y Commissioner StranG and carrled una;l:Lmcusly. The A~torney presented on its second reading Ordinance 7~8 which would establish r'eEll.J.atlon~ at the Clear\'rater Marjona) f1v,niclpa1 Doc:.: and other City-ovmed dcc1~s. Commissioner \'latldns moved that Ordinance '(L~(3 DC read on its sec('nd reading by t:Ltle only. Motion \'laS sec<>nded by Corrunissioncr Roberts and carried unanimously. The Attorney read tile Ordinance by title only. Conun:Lssir.mer '.'!:"1t>.:ins mcved that Ordinance 748 be passed on its second readin~ by title 0nly, Motion was seccnded by COlTullissioner Insco, Captain ':J. L, ClarL representinG the COl1r:'ercia.l Boatmen of Clearwater presentGd ob.ject1ons to the Ord:Lnance. r"lessrs. Bob BeatIe and Henry DeSoto added additional objections. Mr.~.~. Green of ~le Clearwater Beach Association asked that the Ordj,nance be delayed. Conunission~ r Roberts moved that the motj.on to pass Ordinance 748 on its second readinG be tabled until we have a chance tu furtller cons:i.der it. r,10tion \'laS seconded by Commics1oner Strang and carried unanimously. : ~,.;.-' . .. ." ~ .: , ;:i .~:. . ". --.. .;;..-- _L!- b...- - --- ........ -. - -. _~...4>.....- "'" .' ~:.~. ',. / :: ~~'t~:~;!i'l..'~~l;'::"~;~~;;~' 7~ r""'. I' 'J< 'H..fi;~.~.',. 1~!'I..?,::~.!,...'f! e.tl~~l '!J'\.,J ~1.~~ *~:S~f?,:,:~~r':.~~~..~.;.':1 tbh!"'v;'~ ,.{~i>q-; " ~~~~~~!~', ,,: :.' 'J~:')",,:. -..., '.' I ! l , "". ",.~, ,"P- IF" '"""'" - -- .~ r ",' \!"\;-. : ....,. ~ , ~ "'",..".,' ..- . ,','. .~ .I~ :\"''''':~~~':''~<'' .~\.,;'.::. ...-......., "q' ".'~' ... ; ~ ~~ .~::::.i~'~~~::.0.:.:. ~', :~. "~"_:::" " .:, "," '.' :, : '. , ' ::, ';. ";"':~;:;)~:l;.f;;:~~'f,:'>~'ii\:t~~'is:~~i;i~~:;;:}/:;,:::,: ~,ei~{,~:i;:'~:;~l~~il~<i:te~j~~;!fhi;;;~t{{~ (,:::f . 0'" .,'.><."',,"..,.......'_.1.... " ",.._,.,(..,.___.~~_~.,.>.ollio...l,......I...,..\,.I.i'W."..,...h~._,._,.~..Il',,"o,,t "-"'i(~T .. " , '1.t ".'i~<f.\J ; ~'I). i'(.{l ~JJ' , ..\~:tT/ fJ.'/:{" ~~;:\~ ,;'Y.' ,;~~~; "-1,' ",O,.."'~~-J ': -:",;::'/,f'~"';'l >.!.'~ .:'~'::,~:~~~,,\' J ' ':., ~::., :,:/.':.7;~,;'i,..;;':. 'J?\~ ,..' ": ' . t .' .....""..., ,,'" :\,\;:,.:/:,;<};~';}., .(~~; ;;.;.z:JS::' ''', :,",C:-:'~, ;;' I;": .:~.~ , . \' : ~_., I ' . i. '. ,1." .. . ':')::'\,;.:');,;?:o:':~ , ;'::;"\;<.,(:..:;:,':;,...'.f, ?~iitif\l~lj;: ":;;tti~i1~~;\1 -2- CITY COr,jMISSIOH NEETING September 30, 195'( The rvlayor announced the ccmt:l. Tl\:.a t:1.( II (If' tllC Pl.1blt c :Icar:lnL:; on the request cf David Gej.st :for u f1ve f()(,t sctbaci; frOll1 PJl'st Sl;rc()t i'or I,oto lfl,~ and l~5, Lloyd- l,'.ful te--Slc1.nnc l' SuodJ. v:ls:1.t)j'1, t~lC pro iJC:rt~r r)l~:~,n;: pre Dently z"llcc1 l1-Iv]' 'l'he Zonlnc; Board hud reconmlGndec1 apprl. val of the api)l:1 (.)[1 tJ,l), 1, C(~IllTll:L 3G:l.~)nJr ,Stranc.; as!{ed to be exc'U.sed f'rom vaptoL c:L:pa tJ on as he l'm:3 an :1.n tl:rcst0<1 purt;~!. Nr.:!. ;'1. Green reported that Mr, Ed D(;U'LCr and r,Jr. aarold r:lcDride \'lould \Ii tl1d1'':'1\'/ tlle:l.r Qi) ,jc:ut.i ','~ IS -j f the ('~'iJ1ern of the prci.)ol't~/ l:n the ll(,rtL G:l.<le cf Fh"st strc(.~t \'l,)\:.lcl bave .:l 1':1 \fC fo(~t sidc\'lall: constructed, :from Coponado 'to Onlt' Vicl'!. Conuniso:l.oner noi):~rLs commenteu. t~lat VTaS a reaGonable request but tl1cl\tGil t the ui dCI'Iali{ slw't.,ld iiG rcqll'red :lnst end uf roque steel. Af'ter having l1.e1 d tl1:L:3 P'1UU,C iIeapInC; and hearinc ill; valJ d ! :1),,: cc t:i.<n and on the reconunenda tJ,c1n of the Zon111G Board., COlluniso:Loner Inscc moved tlUl t the rcqllcst of' David Geist for a :f:t'/e :foot so tbac:( frcl1I P:1.rst Strc8t iJe cra;1tcd and tl1a ~ tIle ~:!;,'lner and the Coronado Hotel be roq....wsted to lJ'..lt Ll a ri'le fo,:t fj:j.dc\'1a:U~. I.lotiun 'T,'/a3 :3cconded b~.r Conunissioner Vlutlci.ns. Upon the Vf'to bOi,11S ta.:cn, Cr'l1U11:i.:ClsJonern Inscc" ','/a'G!~:Lns and Homel" voted " 1\ye" . Commissioner Rubert s ve'ted 11 noli. j'lo't.L on cal'r:t cd. COllmd ss10nor Strung did not vote. J.\ Publl C llcarlnL.; ,'I<.Uj called en tllC CI,' lr;"~r;.lCt:~, n ,.'f pavement, curb and sanitary Set'ole!' in Che strnl t Street f'pom East Avenue tc, C()"0.rt Street. The Engineer explalned thn. t 3Jnce there '.'lCle. a fort~l fact pavJ.l'lS co-termilll'us in this area he had planned a f'orty f(J,it pavJng. ac saj.d that c,ne b1(:c:(. already had sani tary seVIer" therefore the ost:I_mate for that 01\..(:, ViaS :;',G,i~3 I)(:~l' f'l'lJnt f'Ul,t and for the o'cher blc-c:( lnclud:ine; can:Ltary se\'ler the cct:Liilated Goat '\'I:..1n :"S'.63. 'l'jw r::aY\lr asLed :l.f there l.'/ero any ob,~ cct~:t()ns and thcr"':; \-Iure: ':1One. :La'l:1. ;lJ~ ::tcJ,o(l tiLl.S PubLic ;Icarint; and hav1n[;; heard no '.TalJd oL.1,iectjon, ConllnJss:i.oncr Ro:)crts mo'/cld tllat ti'lC prL ,ject o.f pav:Lnc Chestnut Street f'rom East Avc:p..w tc; COP1.-.t Strcc:t be ::lljprCV(2d. tile: prope:r' ()ff:L c:ioal~:; :Je authnr:Lzed to pr"ceed a:ld that the C,'!:Jt ,f t:10 rI' ,jcc:Jc::',:::l -::uInDle'c8d oe aSGcGsod tc the prc,perty C\'/:1Cl'~ un bc.til 5:0.08. r~ot:~CI1 \'J:.18 :3CC'.I1HJ.cd I);. COll~n:Ls85,oner Stranz:; and curried unanimt.ll.sly. Tho Iv!a~ror al111lUnCGcJ. 3. Pu:)lic ':leal'L1i'::; '~)ii t]h~ constr:,i.cti on I_~f a thirty feet paving and curb ),]1 l<:e:ystonc .'\vetluC frcm G1.llf to :Bay D01..l1 evard to Drl.'.id Road. The I'layor inqulred if there i'H::re any ob"jc-::tlons and tll(~C0 i'ier-c n(~i1e. ;:avin::.~ held this PublIc ~-rearinG and hearinG nu val:i.d ob,jectic,:oJs, Cr)li~;I:.i.suloncr :/a1::,>::L:H'> mcved that the Commiss:Lon approve the !\eys tone Avcnue pa vj n[; and CU1"U ::'1;; 9ruj ect end tlla t the assessment be placed against the property owners and the P1'o9cr 0fflcials tc authcrized to proceed. r"1oti en i'laS seconded by CCllun:L s slone1" LrlSCI.) and r.~arr:i. ed unanir(](.,usly. I\eL.~al"'di ~lG the 01 ds fell" pl'0.mbillL; constru ctJOIl a t the Col'o red Y01..J.tl1 Recrea t:iOI1 Cen.ter, tho I>Iall:lger r'ecolllrnended acccpt.i.J1:~ the lc\'[ b:iod ("f ~~l59,( .00 frcm Henry r"l. George. Corn.missioner> Stranc moved the rcccml1lcndat:;,I..11 lie aceepted and thc prcper cff'ic1alG be authorized b 12]:ccute the cuntr-ac t . I',lot:i. ~)n VlJ. s seccnded by Commi osioner Insco and carried unanim(J~!sly. The City Engineer left the me.,,~tL1L at tl1:1...n t..:1.mc. The 1'.1anager presented nesolut:ion 5'/ -52 \'I1'1JCl1 \'lOuld rcqu:Lre t;'lcl ve property ov'mers to cJ.ean their lets if Heeds and underbrush. ConU111ss:loner Strang moved that Resolution 5'(-52 be passed and ado[)ted a~ld t:'ie prq)er offic:i.als be author:i.zed to execute :it. ['.'lotion ViaS seconded by Comra:LssioEer Insco and carr::,ect \lnanimeusl;'l. Tablllat:i.ons of the bids recel. vod for an aerlal ladder truc:., and one pumper type truck \'/ere prcse~1ted b~,' tile [.tanaGel'. By c('nselli~, tho Conunlss1cn rcceivedthe bi.ds and :l.nstructed t:nc j:ianaccr to set up an appointmci'lt 'Cc, see tiLLS tYIJe of equJpmcnt demonstrated :1.n Tampa.. The flIanae;er r0ad a letter of' appreciat1.::r1 f'rom thirty-eight persons fer the cleaninG of Slcycrest IJa:.c b;y the lal-::e mct'wr. COllll1li ssioner Strang moved that the letter be accepted. f.1ctj.on \'las scccllded by Commissioner ':Jat;:1ns and carried unan:Lmon sly. Due to t!le bad condit:Lcn of the streL:Jcs f'rolll bavinG Sc ml..1,cl1 rain and lacle of personnel to do the pcpairing) COl11mlssiuner Insco suggested that the fl1ana3er be in6tructed to discuss with the Engineer the pODsibllity of gettinG bids from various :firms tu tal.;:e care 01' thc~ street repairs. By Ct..;nsent, the Conmlission agreed to this. Commissioner Insco alsc aSl:ed .fer a wee:,:ly report as to t'/hich streets had been t^lor;(cd on. The Attorney presented Resolution 5'1' -53 \'Thich V101.l1d vacate all of Franlclin Street between Avandah Court al1d Lincoln except a seventy fout riGht of way as requested by the affected property C'V/:l.ers. Conuni ss:l.oner Strang moved that Resoluti on 57-53 be paosed and adopted and the prolJcr offic:1.als De authorized to execute it. Motion VJas seconded by Commlss; OYler Roberts and carrIed unanimously. Resolution 5'('_:;il authorlzin:::; the payment of ;;i7 ,500.00 tc. Briley, Wild and Associates in connection \,ji til the r'larina Sta ti en Se~'/ae;e Treatment Plant ViaS presented. Commiss:i oner Roberts moved that Resolut:ion 57 -5L~ be adopted and the proper of'ficials be authorized to siGn it, r,Iot:Lon was sec()nded by Commis sioner StranG and carried unanimously, ,; .' ';' ~-----"'. 'I Y7 " ' t ~~ ~)~:::~z ':~j , '1 l . ..';" . "'i ,,\ ~ i' .. . ! :,,':~:1~:f;'3. <:,,;/., :;; *', < '., f' \'<, .\'. ~ ,:.; , ;".:: .; . f . : ' ! .- , " !:;, " I' i f " i , ) . 11' .tl"'. .....;1.~f{ i~. , ~t::.. ',;;... .~ '~ ... .. ~,"*,..t""""" - \'~ . If '~1;,;,-:-::~ ',.. . '.~. ~~~~ ~"~ ". ,>:"J~'f;1'1~~~.'41'l>!t;;:<;;;i~?';{~:t16i. .~~~. ~'~~~\~''''If,!,~,)f1., ," r~~:t' ., "(' ".~'~~:":':~:..)': ~: ,i,:.')t": ',~',~.r..r :.~' ~.., . ..:~1t ::~,~ _. ..~, ~ . '" "f . .... "\.,~.....~ . ,'ill' ~'1l1(A\~:Ilf.;~'",,~<*w'" ~~>,. ," ...~~ . :':.~~.'" ....T. ^:~ '" ,"ll "" . _.}~ ....1 ,",'" , ... . .. }~'rf\ ' , i, 1 (. ,\..,," .. .:';':1,).%", : ?;~2:;;~ ....... .H!';~~i\~~~~~:~';;~:)~~~j{~ , , }/){1~{t:~t?~VlI\p..., ..\..... .~.,. .<'. ':" ! ::'1- ; . ~ ;.. ;':" '.."" ':I; j;l ;' '" I ~'~.:\ :';I~?:" ~ '. j' ,R' t.~, ',' l,,~ >,-l:o;;' ( '!':;:>.'~ ~..~:;:i;{';:"':".';..: ',.., "',:'.,,~:' :':~":::8:;::t ' ~,.: """ :~, .. "",' ',' . '~\'i"';O.( :);.,::,;,.' r '.: :.: ';;';; ,; .' , '. ":'0'," oL~,'4f,. ":>.'~'.~,)' ."/;', The Attolmey reported that th~ City had been made party to a suit agains't the ",:' 'Clearwater Flying Company brought by Kenneth J, ~'/ermling for the Peninsular Steel .;' "~, Building Company seel<:ing the enforcelnent of a lien against a portion of O:1ty-owned ; ,,' " ' property under lease to Clearwater Flying Company on V'lhich the company has begun the < , " erection of' a h::mgar. Conunissioner Insco moved that the Attorney be authorized to >' 1\, take the necessary action to defend the interest of the City therein. Motion was ;', seconded by COITlIllissioner Strang and carried unanimously. t'" : ,,' -3- CITY OO~~ISSION MEETING September 30, 1957 '/:' . ,i~, \ "f ,,~, r 1: ' . ~ 'J( l. ," \.' " " ',0 ':;!~ ';;~~',i2}?'~ ., ~ '::~~:~;';~~:~)':,::{ Conuniss:l.oner Insco suggested some actlon be taken on the motion of September 23rd ,/'~";',\:',".::" to table discussion on rodent control to this meeting. Commissioner Insco moved ':o:"o;,,~;,:',:,~~'I:, that the Manager set up a meeting \.,ith the County Health Department officials, Motion,):;~,"; < ':;,~ was seconded by Conunissioner vlatldns and carr1ed unanimously, ,,:, J..,~, J. .. ':.,:' Conunissioner vJatkins moved to adjourn the meeting, Motion was seconded by , ~. o' ,;,>!f::; Conunissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 P.M.'o o..,.~.i,<~,)?i , ,>,,,;' , :. I ,;;,,:::':0:'" ' . ":'<;'!; . ~~~W;i~f~ : ":';"'{:;:~')7 pi .' ,:....,..: "~'<, ' }~f~;;:'oi ,0::: :: ,:o,:;:.-i,:> :/ ~ 1',:~J ",' , . .'.~, ~f' ~.",.f' . ..:....... '.,;, J..., " ':., ." '''''', , , 0 . ;': .1.:;.. , .: ;~ ';;Y:': '~;:)ii :.,~;. ,\/\' :.,. ,0 , '0': j'}' o;~~, .,?:, :.:' "':.',:'!:t,C"'.', .. ,~o:' :"\L: ;'r " ',:0, 'j'i; '.', ',~,:; .. ::~'::'o' "';:;i; 0';" .' ,:'}:;:".> ,,:".':;',; ":;, ,'::.: ::,';'..,.. ,0 -. " ", ><.';'-~~:;'~/':'; .', ~.i. ':";"";' ,'-'w ' :, , ;'00: " . '0';. )J M r~,,'.y ;J\{' ::,~ ., '0. 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',' ^ '<,-~: .~:O:./;: ~...; ":.! 7\: ;;:-:y!;;;r;;". !<J<\I'::~'i:~.:_~:;'::~~7'~~7''''''; "::" ~. ,"~:-"U "~lrl"""'.M<wc.~"PtI:r~l"";\'~.~~~~\hotwll1!:~Jlrl,h...\.r,~.~f:,~'t~k..:-,;.,\.. .'\,..."h.~ . . "', ~:::":~ '~.. 'I!",.. " - uat.&. CITY COM~lISSION 1\1EE.'c:eING September 30~ 1957 . ~. ,. , ..' ~'lHEREAS: it has been determined by the C:ioty Conunission of the Ci ty of ClearNater, Florida~ that the property described be1cJ\'l sll\.'Li.ld be cleaned (Ii' Heeds j gras sand/or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days nut:i.ce and failure of the owner thereof to do so, the City should clean sl:ch property aDd charge the costs thereof against the respective property, FO'~.J THEREFORE BE IT HESOLVED by the Cit;:! COltU1Jission of' the City of C1ear~'laterJ Flor:i<ia, that the folluw:l.ng dcscr~.becl prc'perty J s:i.tuate in sa:Ld C:l ty, shall be cleaned of l'leeds.. Grass and; or underbrush 'il:L thin ten (10) clays after notlce in \'lri. t:' ng to the Oimcre 'cherf:of to do Be' and that upon i'aLLurc tCI cc\mpl:y \'lith sa:ld nct:Lce, the Ci ty shall perform such cleanln~ and charge the cost thereof against the respectlve properties ill accordance with Section 123 of the Charter of th~ C~ty of Clearwater) as amended, PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Comm.ssion of the City or C1earwater~ Florida) . Thi s 30th day of September ~ A, D. 1957, AG Et\TDA CITY COMMISSION f1EETING SEPTEN13ER 30, 195'( 1:30 P,N. Invocation Introductions rtlinutes of PrecedinG 1'1eetlng Publ ic ~Iearln[js Reports of City r-IJanuGcr Reports of City Attorney Citizens to be Heard Other Commission Act10n Adjourrunent ~lectin.[!; Pension Plan Trustees OHNER Fefloe A. Dominquez 1i21.!- ft'ul ton Avenue Cit;,r Thomas L, Schro;'lcr 206 H. Nasonl c V:LC1'l 1l.vcm.w Alexandria, Virginia Victor Sellers, etal. Bo:;\: D Oldsmar) Florida Eric [;lorrell 420 Lexington Ave, New Yor:~ Ii', Ne1'l Yorlc Henry Custance South Cove Danbury, Con~l, Le\'1is .1\. Duncan 607 Grant Cit;r Albion C, Crandall 137 1,'1. l~l st. St, Indianapolis, Indiana Peter H. Simonin 227 Garfield Ave, Avon by the Sea, N.J. S. r.1. Serafin 17 S. Cirus Ave. City R. J. Naer;art 219 S. .Jupi ter City David Hichman 69-60 108th St. Forest Hills, L.I,~ N.Y, Vito A, Tagarel1i 1369 Franklin City "',' , , . ~Il~~i~~~~<;.;.)~~~~~ 'J, \fuitehead . :~~F:o:0:~;r~';i.~;;.)0" 01 ty ..A ud1t.dr ' ,and' Cl,erk "~~ti~i!~!~i~i;[ti~jy;,~:;t\'!I;': ,'. .... ... :.r..' ...', -- ~, 71 Publ!.;: JI:ar1nl3.l3. r, J.Jc>ti31f~45; Lloyd-\vhi te-Slcinner Subdivlsion) Geist Request 2. Chestnut Street Improvements 3. Belcher Road storm S'.:;\'1cr Lj,. Keystone Avenue Pavlng and Curbi.ng Roporto fr'olll Clty f.1anagel" 5~-- D:ldD, nOP1umblng Colored Youth Recreatiun Center 6. Other Engineering Natters 7, Private Lot Mowing Requests U. Verbal Heports and Other Pending Matters Reports from City Attorney 9:'--' Cons.:rae::>atlon (d: Ordinance No, rh8 - Operation of f'larinc Propertles 10, Resolution vacating all except 70 rt, Rj.c;ht-oi'-Way of Fl"an]-::l:l,n St, between Lincoln Avenue and l\vanda Court 11, Resolution - Payment to Briley, Vlild &; Assoc. $7500. RESOLUTIOi-J . 5'{-52 -- DESCRIPTIOH Lot 12 Blcc1{ 13 l\vonda1e SUll. Lot 3 Druid ACl~e8 1st Add, IJot 25 less ~!. 70' GlenvlOcd Sub. COST $~OO 18.00 17.00 J..JC,\ts 7 (: (3 Block 10 Iftandalay Sub. Lot L[ Bloc!\. IlJ. Mandalay Sub. Lot 1 Un:L t 'T Oak Acres Lot 2 Unit 7 Oak Acres Lot 3 UnJ. t '7 Oak Acres J.;ot 6 Block B Sl<ycrcst Unit 9 Lot {' B1ocL, B Sl:;}rcre st Unj. t 9 Lo t 38 Block E Sunset Point 1st Add. Lots 3 - L!_ Block 3 Tae;arelli Sub. 1 9. 00 21.00 21.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 21.00 /6/ Le\'lis HOllIer Mayor-Con~is6ioner '".,.,... .~,.,..'~.... ~ "q.....?. ....;,. >.' 'fi.t :,..., ." ...;;7';~~"'-::';:_'fVA.~"" ;1_' ~ t.l~l<: ~ . ...'...., ':.:: l::~ :. . . .. -. ,- ': \:~~!~}::l~1:;~'~~"~' ","":;'~';> .,,,,;~, ""::.::~;t~?,!.~?\~~C:~J~~:~~~~~~: }~." . :. ""'.~:'''{'';''''I' ,:;,...:.,.... . <;--:::.,'Y ,',.', ,.~ _...;~ ;~""';~~'":~;~;';':'i'G;i~;:~~iA~j~~~~~.t:ii~~~((J~t.,:~~;~~~~.,~:,,:;,:;;,j:_~j:~,.~Lio;;:C;:>2:;&.t2G&.~H~;~~t~t~~tj~~~j;~\]fi~:~i:':" CITY COMMISSION r,ml1TIl,m SelJtembol" 30, 195'7 RESOLUTIon --1T6-:--ST--S3 1:lH2RE^S, the pJ.at of' IUb:Ls;::us Gardcf18 8'\..1.1.Jc1:Lvis:Lon, as rccol"ded :i.n Plat Book lL~, page 53, PublJ.c H::}corclG of P:i.nel1as;ount;;r~ Flul":l.o.D., indicatcD a ric:ht-of'-'l,.'lay for that portion of FranLl:i.n 3trcet bounded (,n tiw East by Avanda Court and on the West b.y L:tnco1n i\venue., a1 sc :~ilO~m a G Floral ':lay, \'T111 ch is :tn excc ss of the amount required by the C1 ty for r'iGht-or'-l,'Ja~r purposeD; and, ~HEREAS, the City hUG recently autllcrizad the improvement of sald portion of said Fran1clin Street, the c()Jl1plet1on of .'Jh~,ch leaves excess rJsht-of-way as sh(Mn on sa:Ld plat ""/I1J.c11 :1.0 n(;t required by tho C:L ty and .'li1.LCI1 should be l"eleased and qui t- claimecl to the persons cnt:L tIed thereto lJy :UnT; and, t'JHEREJ\S, l t ls deemed tc, be to the advunta:::.;e and best interest of the City that the same be accompl:i.sllcd.: nmf" THEREFORE, DB rf HESOLVED BY THE CITY COI.lIUSSIOn OF THE CITY OF CLEAmoJATER" IN SESSION DULY AND REG~TJARLY ASS:s~r.1BLED, AS FOLLO'dS: J., That the foll('1'Tin;~ descr:i.bed port:~lns of otreets 5.11 Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision, Plat Boole 14, pace 5J, Pinellas COWlty Records, are hereby vacated and released and the City of Clearwater hereby quit-claims and rc1cases all of its right" t:!.tle and interest therc::n to persons c~-lt:Ltlcd thereto by la.'I, sub~ject only to existing casements fur ut:Lli t:1.cs, :1.f any: (a) That portJon uf Fran]-cl:1.n Street, from J1.vanda GOU1"t Oil the East to Flcral :'lay, also l::nOi'm aa Linculn Avenue, on the i'k~st, South cf a line ~)aralJ.el to and 35 feet South of the center line (,1' said Frai'l~~l:i.l1 Street. (b) That p()rt:Lo~1 of Fran:~l:i.n Street from l\vanda Court on the East to Flol"al i'lay, also l~no\'m as 1,:i.nc(,ln Avenue, on the 1:Iest, North of a line 9ar1..1lJ.el te, and 35ft. Hort;l (jf' the center line of Fran:'::lin Street, . PASSED AND ADOP'EED tll:i, s 30th day of SeptemiJer, J.95,'. AJetest: ,/s/ R, G. ;.nli tehead Clerk / G/ LC';/i s Homer j.ln;yor-Conun:i. ssioner ----------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLlJTIOH -1~fO:--5'( =-0 v[I-IEREAS, Bri1ey, 'dild and Associates have heretofore been retained by the C1 ty of Clearwater to perform services as covered by the stateme~t therefor here~nafter descr:L bedj and, i;JHEREAS, said serv:i.ces, o.s so describecJ... have been performed and there 1s due and payable said Engineers from thc Ci ty (Ji' ClearHa tel" the sum c.f' ::>7500.00, accord:l.ng to the statement of saj.d En[;:tneers dated September 25, 195'(', a copy of \'lhich is hereto attached and by r()fere:lcc made a part ;lCl"cof; NO':!, THEREFOHE, BE IT l1ESOL"TED BY 1':-!:2: CITY Cor,lrUSSIOH OF THE CITY OF CLEAm1ATER, FLORIDA, in session duly and regularly assembled, as follci'ls: 1 That the sum of 07500,00 be paid from the Constructi0n Trust Fund by the First Nati onal Banlc of Clear','Ja tel"", Florida, Trustee thereof c;f Construction rrrust Fund Agreement dated .June 10, 195'(, Willch Constr\.l.ct:1.0)1 Trust Fund 13 derived from proceeds of tile sale of Utj.li ty Revenue Ccrtif:~_ cu tes .'3eries cf 195::). 2, That a certifj.cd copy of this Hesol11.tion be delivered f:-:rth\'Jiti1 to said Trustee, v/llj.cil said ccrt:Lf:Led copy shaJ.l ce'l"lst:L 'eu te the direct:L<..,l"'. of the C1 ty of Clear\'Ta tel" to said Trustee to pay the foreGoinG sum directly to the sa:Ld Engineers f'ortl1i'Tl tll i.i1 c(Jmpliance I'T:!..th Section 3 (b) and other provish,ns of said Construction Trust Fund Agreement. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 30th day of September" 195'(. Attest: /3/ R. G. \'Jhitehead City CIeri1-\: /3/ Lel'Tis Homer rlJayor-Corruni ssi oner ;, ., .,,..', " '..'.1, . .. ~. . ". ~;. ' --- , ,,' "." .... ~. ..._, ." ,'" ., 1 {, ,.: . -..J.. ---. go I, .' :'t :~~~' ;,r 1;?lf!~11 I:,,:,:'; .i..,~}::,!~;j~j,., ;;:;~}<t+:., ")!:i,~:,., .- l' 0 CITY COt�'�Ix�SIQid I1E�,TII�1G Se�temb�r 30, 1�5'7 Tiie C9.ty Catnml.tis�tan u�' the City r,f C]:�art�later met in s�ec'�al sessiGiz at �he Ca.ty iI�,.l.l, Manday, Septemb�� 30, 1957a a� 1:3fl P.F�[. vr�.th the fo7.�Uta�n� mernbers �aresen�: Lew�.s FIomer PZay�:r-Commi�syc>ner t�J. E. Stran�, Jr. Carnmiss? aner Sarnuel J. Raberts Commissioner C1evelarrd TnNca, �7r. Commisa�t oner J'�,mes H. ��latl�i.ns Camm3,ssianer A7, �c� present were ; Jaek Tal7.ent C:Lty Mana�er Ber KrEntzman City Attorney S. L�.cit�an Gity Eno-,neer De�, -S�t .'.�Jn1. McClamma ReF resentit� pc;1.i ce Chief �'he P4ayc�r eal.led tlle mee�ing ta oxcler. The ��vc:ca�icn ti�ras �:�ven by Dr, D, �, PfcGeaclYy, Jr., of' Peace T�Iemc�r;lal Presby�;er�ian Church., Clearrlaier, Comrnissi�+ner Insco rnov�ci �h.at t11� rnin�.?t-ea uf the special meetin� ��f September 23rd be ap�rc•�ed in accordanc� witil r�N��es sj�l;rr�cted �� eacli Cc�rnm;i.ss:ioner ��z tivr��.�-in�, P�iotipn was secc:ndec� U�= Corrunissioner Rr,beri>s and ca�r:ied u,izan�?mc�usly, :T'iziz the c�nsent ��f i;ne Commissiun, tYie T�7ayur chang�d ttie arder af the agenda in nrcler t;c� ta=.e tzi� tt�rc� letters i'rom i�e Clvil S:�rvice Board. Tn.e iirst letter rej.���r�ed that Actiny Chief R. C. Dabsciz ti�ras '�he c�r_ly ap�lican� to pas� tne exanLnation Fc r prcmptic:n tc Fire CI�� ef . Th� T�'tayor recc-rnrnei�ded tne ap�cin�ment. Commissit;ner ?.��cr� mvved ti�a� R. C. Dops�n be appoinLed rire Chief . Notio�z vlas Neconded "qy Ct�nunissa.o�zer Roberts at�d carried unanima:xsiy. The seeond 7.e'ct�r irorn �1zE CiSr3,l Ser�r� ce Bcard requested appraval cf the :� 5CO3 00 i'ec set b;,r Mr. r�oyce Is',ilpa�ricic t� re�resent tn.e Civil Service Board in �he mandamt�s s�,?i.t, Commissic;ner z_lsco mc:ved that the reques� From the Ciwl Service 3oard for Lne ariicviz� of m�neJ t-� �e paid �o an attorney �u renresen� them �e a���raved as n_:t t:, e�;ceecl ;�500, 00 far tne �ota7. c�st, a�zd that t?�e transfer of fuizds be a?; �hc�r� zed frcm :a'.�a�i�rc,nriated surpJ.��s. i-Yotion iras sec��zded 'o� Commissic,ner Ro'aert� and carried urianimc�usly. The NTaycr ann�tzneed a, Pablic Hearin�� a�z tne co�zs4ructic�n af a farty-�t��o inch s�i�rnl setiaer line in BeZener �oad irom a pain� 450 feet soutn uf Gulf ta Bay Bculevard sout�ier�ur fc�r 1,500 feet, The En�ineer est9.r,tatecl tne pro�ect t°r�uld cr�st a�pr;�x_mately ,;s2u,a00,00 and sai,d it was hcped �hat since tile State Road Department and the County trere br,th affecter� i:lzat t11ey iaould each assi,une �ne-tn:irci az ci�e cos�, �ie rec�mmended thac �:�e remainder e�f tn4 pro�;ect be assessed on an area basis ra�her than ta �lie ai�uf;t�s1� ��rcpert� ot-,mers. I:Zr. B�;scam Ba,rber and P�ir. Lec Martln were present and o'u�ec�ced �o tlle project. i�lrittez� abjec���}�s t•,rere r�ce_ved zrom J'ear_ C. Rossi, Leo P�Tar�ir �,nd BasGonl Barber. Cumnv.ss_c�ner Roberts mc�ved that tile CommiGsior_ having cc,ns?dered tlze dra-iila�;e problem preseaZ�ed at the :Ln�erseci,�_on cz Belcher Road a_zd �tace Read �i0 a±zd liavin� fnund that actioiz �_s r_eeessary to cnrrec� t11e drain_a�e �rvbleitt tnere and 'cha�c tlze drainage ec�nditic�l izas 'aeen nreated ane� � s res�l��ng zro�n aizd w-�11 benef�_t Uc;�;� praperty owr�ers wlitnzn �ize City c�i Cleaswater, �Y?e State Road De��artmen� a�zd tlZe Coun��r of Pirellas, -chat the Engineer i s author� zed to tvcr".�= �i: ec n,,�u�Yct�� r:n w�.th tize Coturyty of' Pinellas ai-�d tlze State Road Department for tne pvr�ar�se of preparin� �'izzal plans �G remedy tne situa�iori a73d t1�a��, tize Camm�ssiotz �c o<i z�ecc;rct as appravin� �ne pro ject provid� n; that ths� State Road t�epartment �ail� cc-n- tr�bL?te one-third of �i�e eost i,nereof, tne Ccuntiy of PineTlas cne-th-ird of �ne cost 'che�^eef, witli tize remai_�7nu third to b� ^.ssesued aft�r ati ap�ro;�riate pu'�lic hear•tn� a�,;a�? ris�e bene�'i�ed z�ra,�ei z�T ov�lers 1y_n� ct:izizii� �,ze area served b5 tne dra�.na�e ;�ro,'ec'�. Moticx� tivas secc7�ded by Commissioner iJatk�ns an.d carried una:�imous�y, C�mmiss�f aner '.Jatle�lns moved txzat the �ub2ic Hear�;n;;; or� tiie 3�lcher Road stc;rm setiver be cancelled a�ir1 a �zec•,r h�arin�, bz sch�du:lecl as so�n as pcssiu� e. �.iotion i�ras s�cc�nded by C�mmisszozier Stran� and carr��.ed L�na�_za.mcus�y, Ti�e Attor�zef �rese,ztad on i�s seceaZd read.i_n;; Drclinance j'� i:1��icii t�tou7.d esta�?ish reL;u� at � on� at the G�. earwai�er Mara.na, yTun� cipal Do c.� an� o�her Ci � f-ormed d� el._s , C�nu�nissioner t�latlt�liZs moved �hat Ordinance r�;u Ue rea,d oi� its sec� nd readir_� by ti tl� Oi11.jr'. i�10'�].0I7 �vas secc�nded by Commiss3oner Rouer'�:s and carried ti?��animously. Tlze l��t�r,zey read tize Ordinarsce b5T ti�le only. Canun:i.ssioner ;d�.t:,:i��s mcved that Ordlnanae f4� be passed on its second re�.din� i�y title on1y, i�Yotion tvas seccnded b� Commissiuner Insco. Capta.'.i� ;v. L. Glar?� representin� the Com�ercial Boatmen of C1.eari�aater presentecl obJe�:�ic7ns to the Ordinance. Nlessrs. Bc�b Bestle and �ienxy DeSotn added ac�ciitional obJect:icns, PYTr, Ii, id. Gree�1 �f tl�e Cleartiva�er Beach Assoeiat�on as.,ec� that �ne Or�inat�ce be delagred, Corrunissio��r Rnberts moved that the moti.an ta pass Qrd:tllaizce 74u oi� ita seco,2d reading be tai�led vntil tive have a chanee tc furt�zer cc�i�t��.der i�. P�Totlan tivas seconded by Comnussioszer Stran� and carr3e� unai�imously. ���.� .. � . � � � . at.irr �.:: � r� -2- CZ�'Y COA'Il�LSS�OI�Y P+L�'�TING S�ptember 3p� ��57 T12e Mayor antzotinced th� epntirzuatic�i� a�' tkie Pub13.c ,�ear:i.t7�; c�i1 the re�ues'� 4'�;�" David Ge�s� 2or a five foc�t setb�cl: �ront Firsi; S�reet f'c�x �,cats �# and 4�, T,loycl- STnite-Sl,3.nn�� Subdxv�.s'! on, t�ie prc�aerty b�3n;; pr�sently z��ii4d R-P4. Tlie Zonin�; i3c�ard Izac� reco7nmended ap�r4>va�. of �Glze app13 cat3.oi�. Comm3.ssic�n�r Stran� a�slted 'L'ca b� e�:c;u��c� fram �E�ar�icipa��,�n as ne tvas arl �nteres�ed party. Mr. .i. �f. CTreen r�garted Glza�; Mr. Ed Bar�er and ris. �3arold �ZcBride would t�+l�hdrat�* tlieir ob,jectit:;is if �he c�tivtiers c�f �;lie prc�;�erty on the nur�i7 s-� de of k'3.rsG Stre�t tvould l�ave a five fbc�t side�•ra11c cunstructed, from Coronad4 �o Gulz Viet�r. Gommissioner Rol��lts nc�mmen�Led �L-l�at tvas a reaucinable request but ttzau�izt tlle sidet�r�lit shcL?ld be reqti:�.red inste�.d <�f reqikes�ed. After l�avin� �zeld �?iis Piabl:lc iiearin� and hearin� nv valid c�b4iects.c:i� and on t11� recc�mmenda�:i,c�n os �IZ� 2oning Baard, Commisaioner Insc� moved iliat the request of David Cte;3,st �'ar a f3.ve footi setbac�c from Firs� Street be Grani;ed and t1�at tlzc o?�zex and tl�e Corot�adc Hotel Ue requested Lo �ut �in a five zoc�� sidet^,ra1�;.. P�otion was secot2ded bt� Cammi.as:ici�er s•1a.tl;::zr1s. Upon tlze v�te Uein� talcen, Commissioners T�zscc, ,�1a�cl;iizs and Fiomei^ v4�1;ed "t�ye" . Gommissioizer Robert.s voted "No° . NTe�ti�n carried. Convnissio��er Stran� d3d n�t vote. A PuU7.3.c 'rIear?n; t•tas called c�n t11e c�'�llstrtzeti�-n cf pavemezit, c:ar�i a�id sana.tary sevaer in Chestntit Szr2et from East Avenue to Court Street. The EnUineer e�cpla:;.ned that slizce there TNas a. forty foet pavin� co-terminczls in this ax2a he had planned a forLy ioat paving, Ne said tha{: or_e bl�c., already had sa:ii�ary setiver, therei'ore the estimate for tliat i�lc�eiN was $6,43 �er fraizt zoct and t'c�r tf�e �v,aer `a1c�c1� ine7.�;d!.i1� sa?iitary sewer the estimatied cost was t;��.�3. The N!�yc�r asi:ed if ti�ere tvere an�r ob,;ect?ons and there werz �aane. :Iaviiz�; helcl tri�}s Public iiearin�; and lzav'ln; heard n� va1�d oU��ecti�n, Cor,unissioner Rouerts ntavecl that the prcject oi pavin� Chestnut Street �rom .�ast Avenue t.fl CaL?rt Street• be approved, t2ie proper oz�'�c?als be autiicarized to pY'.:CLed ax�d �hat -�he e�s� �f tne prc,ject va:ieii comp].eted be assessed �.: the prc�,laex�y ct^rners cr� bc�h sides, I�Io�i�iz wa;s secandea bJ� Conunissic�ner Stran� a_id ca;rr3.ed i?ilanimcusly . Tha P�Zayor annuLuzced a PjxUlic Hearizl� on tne constructic��z c�' a thirty fo�=t paving ai�d c�.trb in Iieystane 9ventte from Culf' to Ba�r Boulevard to Druid Road. The Mayor i�zquixed if tIlere z�ter� any objectioils ar'�c: i;here taere ncnne. i�avin� held tlzis PuUlie �earin;� and he�rin� n� valid objec�ions, Conunissi�ner l�Jatkirzs meved that the Commission a;�.�prove the I�eyutone Avenue l�a�in� and c��x�b'�zi� pr.ojeet arid that the assessinent l�e placed a�ainst the praperty owners and t�e proper cfs-�cials be autlzorized tn proceed, 1�icLi�n t�aas seconded 7�� Comm? ssioner In�cca a�1d carried unanimc�usly. Re�;ardin�; the bids ior plumbing cens�ructioi� at the Colored Youth Recreabion Center, the ASana�er recoznmei�ded accepti.�z; the l�t�v bid of �597.00 from Henry M. George. Comm�lss�oner Strang moved zhe recomr,.endaticn be acceptzd and the proper c.fficial� be aut,�orized tc eiecuLe the contract. Nlotic�i2 was seccnded by Commissioner ?nsco and carried vnar_imaus�y. Tne C�.ty Engineer lezt the mesting at this tinze. Tize s�Tana�er preseilted Fiesolution 5�-52 r�hich j,rould require twelve properi,y r:tiTi�ers �o cleafz their lais cf T,�eeds and uizderbrusn. Commiasioner Strai�g moved �hat Resolution 5�-52 be passed and ado_pted and the prcper officials be authorize� tc� e::ecLite it. I�Zotion t^ras seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unaizimausly. TaUulaticns or ihe bids rece:iued ior an �.erial ladder truclw and one �umper type �r�tcl� i�rere �resented py the Man�ger. BJ consent, the Commissi���. rece_i.v�d thc ba.ds ar_d. instructed 4he b2anaber ta set �;p an appointment tq see tizl� type af �quipment demonstrated in Tanpa, The Manaoer rLad a letter of agpreciaticn from thirty-e;ght persons fcr the c_leanin; of Skycrest La}:e by the lalre mawer. Com.miss3.oner Stx�ang m�ved that ttle letter be accep�ed. Ric�ion was seconded by Commission�r Wati�ins and carriecl unatlimously . Due to trie bad conci-lticn af the strects from having so much rain and lac:c oF pers�nne? to do tne re�airino, Gommissioner Insco sLlggested that tl2e A4aizaoer be instructed �o discuss z��ith tlle Fngineer tne possibility af �ettin� bids from varicus f'rrris tc� ta'�e care of th� street repairs. B;� ecnsent, the CommlNs•ion agreed to this. Conunissioner Insco a1s� as�eed fcr a wee��ly report as to which streets had been wor,s:ed on. The Attorney presented Resolution �7-53 whieh would ��aca�;e all c,f Franklin Street between Avandah Court and Lineoln e:�ce�t a seventy ioc�t ri�ht of way as reqLt2sted by the affected pra�erty awnnera. Commissioner Strang mov�d that Resolution 57-53 be passeci a.n.d adopted ai�d the pro�er officials be autlzorized tn execu�e i�. r4otloiz vaas seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. Rese�luti�n 57-54 authorizing the payment of �7, 500. 00 �� Br:i.l�y, v4:i_ld and Associat�s in connection vritn the Marina St�tio,1 S�vaa�e Treatment Plant was presented, Commissi.oner Roberts moved tnat Resolutian 57-54 be advpted and -�he praper oif:ic:ialG be authorized tc sign i�E. T✓Iotion was ssccnded �y Commissioizer Stran�; and carried unariiine,u sly . -3- CZTY COP�'CLS�T_GY�f T��'��TJG Septem?aer 3�, 1957 The A�tc�rney rep�rtecl tiiat the City nad been made party ta a suit againat the Clearwal:er Flyin�; Com;�ariy brott�h� by Kenneth �. rJermlin� far tize Peninsular Steel Bu:i1.t1:Ln� Com�a,ny seel�in� the eni'areemcnt of' a, lien a�ainst a portlo:� c�f Ci�y-owned. pr.operty un.der 1ea�e to Clearwater F1yln� Gampany on T,�h�.ch •tne eGmpany has begun the er�ct:�.�ar.� c;f a hangar, Commj.ssa.aner Insec muved bhat the A::�orney '�e authorized tc ta��e the neces�ary ac�icn ta defend �the 3.nteresi oP the City i;nere3n, Mat:ion v-ras aecc:naed by Camrniss�.c�r�er Stran�; and carrzed unanimously. Cornmissic�i��r Inaep sv��;es�ect some a�ta.cn be taken cn �I�e mc�tlun of September 23rd t;o ta'b:l.e discussis.�rz on rodeiat contrcrl ta th:is meetin�. Cornrna.ssi�ner Insco mav�d tiza� the Mana{;er �et up a meeting vrzth th.e Courlty .ieal�En Deparzment ofiic3als. P�1oLivn was s�c�nc�eci by Comml�s:L�ner i�dati�i�Zs ancl ca-rr�ed unanimously. Cc,mma.ss�.oner ����.�'..clns ln�ved tc� ad�ourn the m��tin�. Mc�tir,n i�ras secondefl �y Comm:i.�Nioner �tx�an� and carried unatlirnously. The meeiing irras ad;'o�r;zed at 4:5!J P.A7. ./� � _ +iay ar�Cc:mrr�'' s�o�Ze��" . AL-Lest: --l� !` -� Clt� er�� � � :�GEI��DA Cl2'Z'' C01�1MISSION R�TE�ING S�,PTER1BF,R 30, l95 t 1:'aQ� �P.P3. � ZIIVQ4S'�10Y1 Z�itraducti�:ns P�Zi�zutes ��' Pxecedin� Neetiii,�, P�;'ulic �iear�i�s Renor � s of City hlana�er l��ports o+' Gity Attori�ey Citlzer.s t4 be Heard OLher Commission Aot�.an !�d� our_~ime=�t T,ieei,�n; Pension Plai1 Trusi:ees Cd�Y C�NIltiTI�SIQN Ni ��'TXNu Sep�emi��r �0, 1�5�� �uialic I-Iear3,izu� , L��ts , 5; Lle�yd�.aJlii�e-S1�inner SuUdivi.ai,�ar�, Ge�.st Req,uest 2. Cliestnut S�reet Tin�?ravem��iis 3, i3elet�er R.oad St;orm Se.tver �. iiey Stone Avesxue Pav� zz; a,id CurbinE; I�epor�Gs from City l�7ana ;er 5, i B s, Plumbin; Color�d i'ou�li �tecrea�Licn Cenr�r p`. O�h�r �n;;ltleer:�r�� R2a��e�s 7. Priva�e 2,ot MoF•rizz� Reques�;s �. Verbal Re��rts and Otizer I'en�in� P%aat�er� Repoi��s i'rom CitsT 1����zxze,y �. Gpnsi�era iol� c:;�' Urd:i.�iai�ce No, 'j'!;� - Operat3on �f Piar�z�c Frcruerties 7.0, ResolLttioil vaca�i;7,r�, a�l �xcepz 70 i'i.. R�.;ht-of-Way �f Fran1�1 � n St , bettve�sl Lincaln Avenue a�d Avanda Ceurt 11. Resolut�.�n - PaSnnen�c to Brile�, 1�T31d ^ Assoc. :�7500. RLSQLUTIOiV 5'7-52 ',1:i�R^AS: it zaas beeiz determined 'oy tl�e Clty Comm:i.ssion of the Cit;r ai Cleart•later, Florida, tlzat the pro�ertJ described belort s_i���;1d Ue cleanecl :�z c�ree�s, �rass and,'cr ui�tierbrusil, a:2d 411at ai'ter ten (10) day s n��i,�? ce ai�d fa� lurE ai tile o�vner tlzereof to cic s��, the City should clear_ st�ciz propert�* aizd charge t;Ize costs tliereof agaa.nsi� �clie respect�ve xir�perty. i�?�;1 T'�REFORE �� 1T R�`SOZVED by the City Corrmussion oi the City o�' Clearwat�r, �1c.rida, i,nat the iollc;r'_�?�; described pr:.perty-, si.tuate in said C-ity, shall be cleaned oi vTeeds, �ras� and��or L�ndeibrusiz t•aithizz te� {1�) days aitier no�ice a.n writ:'�.ng t� tne ai��e_rs �lierea� tc� do s:- a�a.d tha� upon iailt�re tc� camply taith sa5.d izctice, the Ci�y shall �erfarm �uch c-eaiz?n; and cn.ar�e the cost t}zereof a�aiil�t �i2� respective �rof7�r�ies ii? acecrdailee Z��r �h S�C�3.012 128 cf tlie Gharter of tl�e Cit� of Cleartiaat�i, as arner.ded. O�tt�1�tZ DESCRIPTI ON -0OST rel:iy�e !�. Donina�aez LG� 12 y,lo O�J 1'�2�;- Fu� ta,z �venrt� Blcc_> �3 C3.t;,� Av�nd�.1e Stiu. T��oma.s �. ScI�rcyer I,oi� 3 1�,00 20v :7. Niaso_z-lc ZTie:r t�ve��:ze Druid Aerc-s Ale::ai�dria, Vir�;:izia lst r�cld. Vici,or Sellers, etal . �,ot 25 less _�r. ; 0' 1{.�Q �o�c D Gleizivoca St?b. Oldst�ar, Flor�? c�a ��rio P'Io�re11� �ois 7� �> j � � l��'.00 E!�2� �,e�tin�to:� Ave . B1�cIL IO ;;���r Yor•:� 17, i;et�r Y"or'_c T•iandalay Si.�u. ;?eilr�r Custanee To� 4 ?1.0� So�,z�� Cc�ve �lac?;: 1�;� Dai�bz?ry, Ca11n. P-4anclalay S�?b, LeLviu� A. D�.ncan Zot 1 �� 21.D0 ca07 Gra.zt Unit 7 CiL-;; Oal: Acres t'11'o_ion C, Crandall Lo� 2 20.00 137 �J. 41st. S�. Unit 7 Inc7.ianaaolis, ?nd�lana Oa1� Acrey PeUer H. Simonin Lot 3 2�.00 227 Garfield A°ae. Unit 7 �1v: �<z U�� �he Sea, P1, J. Ualf Acres S. Tr�. Serafin Zot � 20.00 17 S. Cirus AVe. Bloc?:: B � C��;T S'�ycrest Uni� 1 � � � R. �'. i��aU;;art �ot 7 12.00 21� S. J'upiter Bloc7: I3 � � City 5ttycres-� Unit � David Riclvnan T,ot 3?� l� . p� 69-6a �.o�ti1 S�. BlacI� E � Fox'e3� ;ii�.ls, �,.Z., IT.'`?. Stulset; Po:i.iz� l�t Add. V'�1to �. ia;arelli Lots 3-�!• 21,00 1�6� I'ra,�.!Llii� B1ock � City Ta�;are7,3i ,Sub. P!1SS�D Ai�T� l�D��PT� E�� Ti3� Ci �;�° Coi��t�� �_�.;.�� af tlie C:t.t� nP C7 ear.�a�tcr, F1r�riaa, T:��z N�Oi;h day o�` Se;� �;�;:,:itia�r, A, D. 19�j7. � � �TT�ST; ; s�" Et. T. 'rlh.itehead Ci��% 1�ud-itor ana Cler'm jMj'' Z,ai•r1.s ,tom�r Phayar- Cc�zun3. s r�� r a ier GIT`I COP��ITSS2C��? %T�;�TI>1G u�E.'jJ'CG3ITl67�'Y' jC)� a-irJ7 R.rNOS�TJT1GiP i;c;`,��'(-�� ''JIJ'�iir,1�S, 'thc �;:�1a, of i�.I7:i_uct?� Ga,rdeXiN NL?lx:t-1_"v:i�:Lr>i1, a,; recc.Y�cXad :in P7.a,t B�<:. 1L1� r�a�,°c ��, Pu1�1.ta R::ec•rd,� c�:C P:Lne11a� '"ount;r, F�orida, iilc�ica,tea a r3.�;hL-of--.��a� f:-.r- � i;kzai; i�or�L:i.r�n oi' I'ra.�:z��11r� Street ��,ow.�.ded c:z� tne �a�t by t�va<zda Court and G;�, tne .'�:,,t r�,y L? ��cn7n 1lvenue, �,1, o'.�z�;;m a� F'l�ra,1 `;daJ� ,��h�Gh •la in e;;.eass r�� �ne amc�un�c req�?.':rer� k�;� ��1�. C,:Ltf fr,r ri�hL-r,f;.�aa;r �7urpoue�; atY�,, :J�Ia%REAS, L'h� C��ty lzaa rece:l�ly auth�r�zed the im��ravems�.li, cf �a� d portir:n vi �a:i.d �raizi�lin S�ree'c, �i�e ec,mi�Zetian a�' i-�1�.1,ch 1.ea.ves exee.� r�:�izt-of`-:vay as s:�ct•a� ��i� u�,•� d�l�,t vrh � ch �� � nu � requ�� red l�y ; kZ� City a��d ��aizich �haU?1_d �ac re�.eas�d ancl q�:;1. �- G1a;.n�ec� �c� �lzc �aersr�ns e_nti.tled �hereta r�;r lati•r; ar.d, :TI.�;R�.AS, j.t is de�:m�d 'cc; be tc� tize advax�ta�e and '�e�t -?;�terest af the Ci�� tiza� �he ua�uc ne accr�mplished; :1ti'.°!s TFLI�.LFC}R;�,, F:� IT :ii�SOLV�D B'Y TiiL' C2TY COP•ZT�IZSSIOai DF TH3 CITY Gr Ci,E'�1R':�1AT �R, 1:_? SLSSIO�T DTJT�Y API� RTGU'�1�RT_,�l ASSrI�L�D, AS I`�T1.,CI:iS: l. Tiiai; tiie ir��l�t•r:Ln��� descri;.red �c.rt �_?N r� streets ?xz '3•ibiset.s Garder�s �t�qc��viNion, �'1ac Loa?� 1L!�, j,�a�e 5c�, Piiie?las Cotuit;� Recqrds, a,re :�ereb;� vae�.tec� aizd x e1ca.,ed a�.c? �11e C7 c;� af Clearvrat-er i�crei�J qr.�zt-clair�s and releases all c�f � ts r�:Z�C, �'�.tle a�:d !n�eres� th�rc;_n �L; �erse;�7s �i�.titled t�zereto L;,r la;t, sua�;ect ��,3� tc �«_�.s,.�:�� �a�e{��e:n'cti fvr ia�Zli��:Es, ii anfc (a) Ti1at y�ort��an cf Fran':li;.z �tre��, f'rom A°�anda Court c,_2 t:�e �aUt �o Flcral 't�tay, a7.s� '_rnci•Tn as I,iLzcc+3n i�venue, o-ri �I�e :t:-u�, Soath cz a linu ��arallel. tc aild 35 x: e�t SOiJ �?7 of tne ec��ter 1� ne ef sai.ct Frai2 �1:� n Stree�G . (�� Ti�r�i, pr,r�ion c,f �`ran�::Iin S�crea� irom u.•aYzda Co��rt ra�°� ��i� E�s�t �a Fl�ral ;•ta;�, also �wnovan as Lii�cr_�,-� ���el1uea oi1 '�he ',7es�, 23crth Gz a ?:ine ;c�arallel i.c� and. �5 it. z;or4ii ci tize cen�vr ?�ne c�' �'ra.�?�l��.n i���!"'P::�� , PASN�'D �1�1�i ADOPT�D �ciii� 3U�lt day os Se���e,nuer, 1;57. ;'s,y Le:�� s �Iomer Tu3.y OY'-COTilIR]. S:;i.Qi1�l' :����'si.: ,• s; �. G. :•Jl�iteilead Clera: R'�SOLu'TTOI? PTo . 5� ?��Ris:�S, �riley, „J'i� d atz� l�ssocia�es ilave �zereta_ �^re Ueen retai�-�ed b3� the Ciiu% oi C1Garviater to i�erf�ryrrl serv:i.ees as covered p�- tlle sta�er,ie,-�� i;1?er��or n�re�xzai ��r c�escrioeda ar��7, :r-�Ri�A5, said serviceu, as so de�cr��?�ed, FZave qeen peri�rmecl ai:d t_�ere is dt?e a��c� payable .�aid E��zE;xneers zran t3ie City c�i' Ci.�arc°,rater �he sum c.i ;;7500,0�, aecc�rd:i.n� te 'che stat�ment of raid E�Z��neers d.ated Sent�r.l�er 25, 1�5;, a ea�„ c� ,v.zcn is 1�.eiei;a attached azid uy refer�z�ce niade a��art i�eren�'� ii0:d, TiLRE�'ORE, B� TT Rr�SOItTED Bv `�' �� CITY COT�TU'�SSIO_? �JF T�' C i T`3 0� CL���:t�TER, rT,ORIDA, in sessioi2 duly anc� regulari f asser.ii�led, as foll�tvs: 1, Tha� tl�e stiu� c�z ;�'�5Q0.00 ae pa9_d fro3;i ��e Construc�L-ivrt Tri?st Fund t�y �ne �'�1rst rTafa. oiza7. .�'aniL ci C1ear.va�er, �1o.ri.da, T�:zstee thereof �,f Co�zstruc�icn Trti,�t runcl .1�reentezzc dat�d Jttne 10, 1��7, ti�rfiich Construc�in�1 Trust ru3ad Zs derived �ram �rc:cecds ci t:ie Sale c:;f iJtil�ty I'�eve��ue Certii-aa.tes Series c�f l�F�. 2. That a cer�ified co�sST vf tli� s Resoltttia.z be d�liv�r�d i.-rtiatvi�h to said Trustee, iakia.cli said c�ri,:_.i�ed cu��€ slYa�l ec..:si,it�2i,e c%ie direc'c:��n uf t?�e City cf Ci ear=rai;er to said Tr�.zstee to pay the fare�;c�in� st;m d? rectly ��., :�,'<1� sa�! d E���� �ieer� furt�ic•1�� �il �.z�; c�.�m�al�.a:lce �•r_'�.cl� Sectioiz 3(b) and other pravls•���1s �f sa3d Cflaistruct�lc�.� Trus � F�.�iid t��reeine�z�� , PASSED AT'L� ADOPT��, �cil-�s 30tiz day cf Se;��cember, �,�5`( . ; �; Let1i s F�omer• PTay*or-Goruni ss ;cii�r A�'i,e� � : , �,; R, �. t�Jhii:�kxead C9_�y C7.ezi1�