09/23/1957 ~ .,C\"'.'.,( < ~..,' -' ,~ ,'. :..... .:. ; :.,.... .' ',..'! . ~ ..., I . ...;~:';..~ ~<, ,.:'~f~:~' :~,~ ~~.~ .~:~~:)\~: , ".I.....:"... . ....... ".:~':' ,.: :.',~.. ,~.r.~; .t~::..,;~;..:...:;,~.<;i:j;i;lL:,.,..,~:~~, ,': ::~,", :._ .,..1 '."'.v:~.'J"'"",,_,~.!~ ". . ~::.,;'V;::, ".', ::. .,~ I::'::"'::':;~/~\~~;~":::'~::'>'::' ::'.\::~.~~',..:. ;:.;'\::;:.S ~j~':j':;~:~~:,:~~\~it~~~?:{~.~,....:: ~ "'. : - '. :1 . ,":f...i::..:<n:.l~;l <.......i..;;.~l'~:~~.1:~.~i~~~.,;..!tv.,j~euc:.~~~.tr1rJJ~Gt~:1~~b:.;~ ;:.:.:~;. t( J .:,-.k. f;..'l':.t-,:..~?'ht:,~.~ .,' "::"~ '" ~._.',.~.:I:'...:.<;,;:.,"::.J..:':...:: ::.;~~~. :. l,';;:, Co'.. >. : CITY COMr'lISSION HERrING September 23, 1957 The City COlrunl S 81 ('Ii (1' the City of CI eap\'la tel" tllet in special session at the City Hall, f1onday, September' 23,19::)'(, at 1:30 P.~T. \"lth the i'ol1rJ\'llnl~ members present: ',>,"'/:.J.c').,. ... ,):, ; ,,' ','" " .""r~.. ','" .'.':',>\''\; ;};.; ,~~,,~: ...':~;.~., , '.'.". \'; ~ , ' , .' ^" . j ., :""}':':,);:\::: : '~1 :'" "', " : ,\".... LC\'ll [3 Homer ,1/. E, Str'rJ nlC J .Jr. Samuel :r. n.oiJe l~tD *C1 eve11L.ld :rll~CO, Jr. .Jalue sa. dn t:c1. n8 I.1ayop -Co1l11l11 s:Jlo11er Conuni. sSlc.'l1cr COl1unJ. DB l.oneI' CommissJoner C(lllunl 3S JoneI' *J\bSCllt a t first of meeting. Cumc 1r, later. ,':'.',1-' '. ~' Al so present \vere: .Jac;~ rI'al1ent Ben I<rcntzmun S. L:l.ckton Pa tr, pau.L {,Ie.!. ssner C1 ty I'ljana[;;er C1 ty J\t tc;rney C1 ty En::::) neer Repre :;:3ent:lnc.; PlJIJ c:e Chief '1'l1e mectin(;; vias ea11ed tu crder b~' the jI~ayor. The 111'locat.Lcn it/as given by the Reverend D. P. f-1eGeacilY, .Jr'., of Peace I',lcn1or':l.al PresbyterIan Church, Clearwater. Comm:l.ss:i.c,ner :Jat:dn3 lll('\/ed that the m~,ni..i.teG 01' the pee:ular mectine; of September 16th be appruved in ac c(lrdane e wj th copt es sullmJ t tc:;d t(; each Cc,/Tunj. ssi l'ner in '!/ri tlng. i\1oti UIl VW.s seccnded 'uy C(;r.U11:i. s s.L eneI' Robert::; and carried unall.lml.,usly. ConunJssionel' LlUl.:Ci came iil at tllJs l;j.l1K~. The f,jayor' ann(.lHlcecl a PubLic lIearj 11;':; on tile request of the Corc,nadc, Hotel to relax sutbae:, l'e~tI'lcLi';llS In Lot 1, B.l.oc, !~, Ce,J.umbia Sul)(l.ivJ.s:!(ln, to allcN.J an addi t:!-.on to the ilutel nn pN)[>crty Hi1i ell j 8 P l'c:S(~n t-Ly Zvl1cd R-M. Ti1e Zoning Board recommended t11Cl.t tl1(~ al.Jj~Ji.cCl.ticn bu al)provccl as it ~'/ould be :L11 cc:nf'rmity l;,lith the presently ex:Ls Li_ng s"Lruc tlerc or the n( \r'ti1(;l~.Ly >::~ld. j' tl18 betel prov;.ded that the plans are approvcd by the :3l;atc :r(tel Conun:~ ss:!..on. Iilr. Llo;yd Pl1ilJ.~.1Js 3pc::e ell behalf cf Hr. ./LLy Bu<..:;~ley \'1111.. l,;lans tu c:j?ero.tc t;1'.~ P0st;:hlrant in tile i1otE~J. and Hr. a. H. Bas.dn, Sr., addressed t~le C(;mm1ss:i.on 1'(1" the l.i:r:esc-mt o':Jricr:J (;i' the hotel. Mr. H. ',I. Gpcen, reprc:.:>cnt:i.nu; ti1e Clear~'/ater Beach Res,;rt J\.ssuclat'/;n 'I~.j(;'~ted un the bas1s that Gran t:i.nc the rcq\.lcG t ',rc'ldd be settli1r~ a precedent. 1\f ter 11av:1.ns held thi s Publ ic Hear:i.ng and heard 11(; lOi"al val:Ld L.b;jecLi.\ i"J.1 COllmli ssi':.l1cr Strang moved the request to relax setback res'cr~j.ct~L\ ns en Lot .1, Bloc,: 1\, Columb:la SubdJ,v:i 8Jon, be granted accord:i.nr, to the rec()mmcnc1a t:t. n of the L;oninc Board and s;.iD ;jeet to the apprc val of the Hotel Comrni s s1 on uf the: .'3ta te of Florida. {.loti' n ;..;as Gcc()ndcd by COl1illl:L ssi coer Ha tIeins and cal~r:L ed unanim: uSly. 1\ Public HeCl.rin~: i'/a s calle d on the I'c:qucs t of' David GeJ.s t for a fi ve fa ot setback from First Street for Lc,ts !.j.}~ and 1.1:>, JJ1Iyd-;nli te-S.:ci. nner Sl.lbdi v:Lsie'n, the prol)Crty beinG presently z'Jned R-j'l. '1'he ZonJn~ Board recommended that the applicatj ')n be approved because the setback of f'1 ve fcot .i s in :~E:eping wi. th tlle present locatJ.c;n (,f the Cl;ronadG l1c.tel. CommJssio!Jcr Strang sa:l.rJ he i'Jould not; part:icipate as he ~'JaS an interested party. r.!r. ll. d. Green) I.1r. Ernest Bari.ser and Vl.I'. ,James Nr,votny alse, objected. Commissi0ncr Roberts ffic,ved tc; Cl,nt~n"L.w Ie-he Publi.c Hearlng to 1:30 p.r,'1, en OctGber '7th, 1957, to allow the Conllnisslon to v:Lew the area. r.1ct~j en .was seconded by Corrunissionor Insco. Upon the vote be:~.ng ta~cenJ COlmlli ss:Loners Rooerts, Insco J i,'latkins and i!omer voted 111\.yell. Corrunissioner Strang cEd nvc vote. I',lotlorl carr.:i..ed. The Nanager stated that a request had been rece:L ved from I.1r. \'/m. IJ, Castagna, attorney, f'(Jr permi ss:.i.cn tc' con struct a SinGle fami ly res:Lden ce 1..Tl the front pcrtion of Lot 1, Bloc~{ 3" North Shore Par;c Mr. castacna 'das present. It was explained that there v,as an exi stiq; i'our unit al)artment ouilding (,n the rear of the lct, The Zoning Board recommended that the request be dC;l:~ed and that this De referred to the ref'erendum f11e, The City Attorney explalned ti"lut this \'iculd be considered a hardshi.p caSe as it was a request fer permission to c(\i"lstruct a specif:ic oll.J.lcling un a specific le,cation. Commiss:i..oner ;'[it1c1ns !n(lved that ti1:Ls be scl1edulcd as a Public Hearing and brought bac:( to the ConunisslGll at t11e earliest p<Jss1ble date. ~l(Jti(ln was seconded by Commiss:Lcner Strang and carried unanlmcusly. Regarding the bids ror resurfacing Missouri Avenue from Court to Cleveland, the flJanager reconunendecl acceptln[J~ the lu"\'Jest bid ot: ;p4" 293. 71.t from Hadl ey-r.1i chael &: Co., Inc., C1eap1tlater. Commissioner Strane; l1lC,ved upcn recorrunendatj.c-n L'!' the proper officlals that the lOHest b:l.d of $4,293.74 from Hadley-Michael & Co., Inc.~ be approved and the proper off:i.clal s be authorized to exeeute the contract 1\)r r~Ussc)lJri resurfacing from Court to Cleveland, r'lc;tion i'iaS seconded by Comm1ssicner Insco and carried unanimously. The IVJanager recommended acceptlng the Ic!\"[ bid of' $3,375.00 f'rom Ray Birl{beck of Duned:Ln, to construct sani tar;y and storm Se\'TerS in .Jeffords Street extension. Commissioner Strang moved on the reconunendatJcJn uf tl1.e propep aff':l.cials that the low b:l.d of' Ray Birkbeclc, Dunedin, for the Jeffords Street extension of sanitary and storm seVIers at the 10\'/ bid of $3,,8r(5,OO be approved and the proper officials be authorized tc, execute the cJ::ntract. f'Iotion "l,vas seconded by COnlrhlssioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The ClerIc presented a list of election vlorlcers for the special election on October 15, 1957. Commissioner lvatklns moved that the list as submitted by the City ClerIc be ap~roved and the proper authorization be made to pay $13.50 per day for clerl~s and ~12.00 for inspectors. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. .~&.-~,..., I .':"',.. && !?~;:.!. .; . \ ".tl:. I:' :~.:~~i:; . .. }.",., f~Wi't~;\(~~.,l,:A;~i ~~~"u"i: ....,,'~' '. Jli',~ .....,~~~ ~\f{i~tr..~~ l~~~~d,;~f::~'" . :.. .. ' .... i: " ~ ~.: I: 11 ,...........i::t.~,:" . ".." "..' .: ,';..:<:.";;'/1<: I .. ';>>"~.:::;, , ',/.- l\~.' <1':":t."~' .~i:.. ~ ;~~~~t~r~t~~ ~~~~j~. !t~'A: :~~~t .~\tji i. .'1 1. 1)\:..", .', -,:: ,~. ,\', ',' I .1;.:: ~,,~,?,,~:":!'.'7""-:~:.1(~.~i~.~~~~t:~\~~'.~(i~':-~r.~~J:~ ., l~.., ..' ~ ~ . .-, '., -,..;y'.....: ;..:.;;. .~- .:~.i.::L:.0;~~'-~~;~i;;,~~.",... ,~;~:.,,:,....,~.j:.~~.~,~~!~~~~:j:.:. '.,: . ....'. .". !~,,~ ~;;,~;.~i.~::(L.~~1.h~1ii0..b!;@{ilii~i~;L{~~~~~~l~~':~:.,:;,\:/:f':: -2- CI'lY COMf1ISSION f1mETING September 237 1957 The Attorney st8.t;ed tllat the Clerk had madc arrangcmcnta wl th the County to have u deputy sheriff present at the pDllinc places outside the City and would like the COl1Ul1!ss:icn I s consfmt to 1'cqutcsU.nL;; the Poll ce CiIJoi' furnish a .f)c)l:i.ccman for each precinct inside the C:L ty. Conunl Gsloner .-fa t;., J.ns miNed tl1a t the Clcr~\. be authorized to rcquest deputy sllerlffs to be at the poll1i'lC placcG (juts:idc the Cit~l and that he be authorized to pay them :;;12.00 per day and that he alsc be autl1cr:l.zed to request Chief ()f Police to i'urni.sr1 policemeL at each one c,f the precincts inside the Clty. Noti,m \'In.S seconded by Comm:lssioner Roberts and car1':Lcd unanimousJ.y. The ManaGer IJresentcd Re sC'J."l..ltil. i1 51' -50 \'/11) cll \'lOl~ld require seven property OVlll.ers to have their' l(.ts eleaned (Jf i'leads and UllclCl"br-".sh. CC;llUnissioller Roberts moved that Reooluticn 5'r-~50 ref'err.i I"l[; to certa:i.:l lc/c m,. \'/inL apl)llcatiu!1s be approved and the pr0per offic1als "be a\!.ti:'::r:ized to G:iG~l :i.t. l'lot5.(j}1 \.,tlS sec(;ndcd by Conunlss:toner ~'JIJ. tlci.ns and carl"l (JU llnallJm(Uf3J.~'. The r,lnna~;er rC!)(Jrted ti1at he ~1(id tal::ed \"lit:l autl1or:l.t:Les at the County Health Dl?partment c(\l1Cern:LllC; :t'ulleilc control and tilcy :mcl eiTered tc help the City get started by dona t~. t 1[; Ct haH' JCO:-1 plc: uv true.;, DDT dUGt:i ne equipment, etc. He stated tlwt 0112 GI11{.Jlo:,/oc: \'!,1l!.cl be j'!eaded alene \"l:i_th (tilcr eq',L'tpment at a c~,st of ;~37600.o0 l)(~r ~lelJ.l" and that tile CCJunty ':lOLl1d super'!:j.se tr)c;: \''/c'r;~ if the Ci ty ~"culd Underi'lrite it. lIe r~ecc.,nullcndcc1 D.p~)r..pr' '.Ct t~i nc the m,un (',f ;;;2.. "(00 .00 to C3.r'X'Y the prvc;ram from October 1 st. COHuniEll31oncr HOOC1'tG llluved that tllC: [llan be i/!"G J.nl;", effect and the necessary funds be tran sf erred i'rom t,l'lai)l)r('l:.;r:~a tod Gi.\rpJ.I.~G. ['luc:i..- n ~'ms Dee',. ndcd by Conuni ssi oner ~'/atlclrw. The Nayor' 3~\:'::;0e::;ted that t11c CUl1ll:LiG:~:j.(:'11 meet as a Conunittee to discuss the proGram \'lJ.th the r-.1D.llCiI~Or and tilC San:i.tar:i.an oci'(,re 3pproprj.atJ.ne; any muney. CorrunissJoncl" StranG li"!(;vcd the lllotL(.;1 be tabJ.co. until i1cXt I'ICC.... f,Joti(jn was seconded by C\'l1UldGsiuner Ij}:')C( and c~.{rr.Lccl Unall.~L\~J.::.;l;/. The ap91:Lca.t:i(,n i'(;1" a reil~.ral of' thc <llJ.ct.i.Oll license In the name uf ~1:o1tlard EwLnC or in the name; ',f' ;[c'.'lard the Trader CUrlJ'.ra ti on I'las c'-..n3:Ldered. The J.\~El.nager r<..:ported that \'Jh.lle L;11(: nei:::;llbort.> arc C(,!)t~.nuall:l ma;:l;}g complaints tile Fire Chief and tho Polj.ce Chief have reported tl1er:~ iJ.r8 no 'l:Lc.la tions. He sa:i.d the Engineer stated -there I'TaS n verixJ.1 Qi;r,2emcllt that :rl.\'Tard ~.lCuld surface the par;dng let if the En;.:.~lneerLt1[:; Department cUd the cmc:~ necr5.j'l3, that SL\Cil i'lor~: had beon i'lnished and presented to :Tv:mrd. b1.l.JC iU', 9ilVL1L:..: ;-ws bet~:'-: cL::nc'. Tile r..:anagcr Gtatc::d the Heal tl1 DelJartment :111. a J.ettc11 0;1 3ep'C81i10er 20tll rC~')(lrtc:d th(~ busii1CSS oJd n,;t meet the State Beard of ~!ca1 tll standards rep.'l.rdin:.::; res trr.il)l11S and f:Lx.tures, ti1<..1 t paper and trash "t'ms blc'\'!inC (;nt (J (tiler~ Dropertj.e fJ and SL\,.).:;csted tl1c~. t a retaJnJ.YlC; i'c:nce siwuld be prov1ded. The r\'lana:~cr requested 'chat ehaL1s and lx;sts 'oe installed to prevent cars driving over the curb and that the dr~vcway entrances be paved. Mr. H. Lalle Coachman agreed to have the chainG j.i"lstallcd and tl"w pavinG of clrlvevIaYs done. Comrnissione11 \'latldns moved tha Jc thel:L cense 1)0 e;ranted 1"_1' (;l1C yc:ar tv HOV.fD.l'd to.:: Trader 7 In c. 7 under the same condJ.t:ions as pre'fj.uusl~y cranted. !\'iG'CJ( II \'TaS secc;ndcd by Conunissioner Roberts and carried unanj,m,:.llsly. lJ.~hc r-.1anacer sa:i.d the COl11mlssioncrs had L1diea ted they "ol'.uld l.i.1:e to return to hav:Lns meetinGS oil1;/ (.Il 'Ci10 f:~rst a:ld th~.rd I,Tondays: l1o','Tever, the EnGineer had scheduled public l1.ear~.llL:;:3 foX' Septemoer 30th s,. :Lt i'lould be necessary te., have a mectine; then. The 1\t torney rc::p'rteci t~1a t Hr. J. j,1. :!er:ixlG i1ad applied to have hi s tcmp(.rary permi t f'or a bai t stand at the r.lun~L cipal Doc.:' renewed for (ne year and asked that the perm:l.t j.nclude the rlC:'1t to rent f:.ve i)' at sl.Lps at the r.iunicJ.pal Dock and that ill e;~chanGe fox' colle ct J.)li~ and rerai ttj nL tilG rentals tc the :.Iarborma ster that he be [;;rant(~d free llse of bl-,a t s-LJp Ho. 5. The Attorney read the l)rqxsed temp;:>rary perm~. t. Com.11l1ss:tuner StranG moveci. t:lat the extension ,,1' the a2;recment be approved and the proper off'icinls be :;l1J.tllOP:~.zeu tc' SiG11 it. [.jr>tir:m was secr.'nded by Conunissioner Roberts and carried unan:lll1<.\.lsly. The I\ttorney presented Rcsol-<ltJ.c.:l1 5'(-5J. aSSeSS:.l!1[:; the cost of sani tary se1'ler.. curbs and pavement :i. n Tttrnep Street rrolll Greell\'lO~cl j\.;enue tCJ f"Ii sso"Llri Avenue. Commissioner Stranlj moved that Resolutir..n 5'(-51 be passed and adopted and the proper of'fic:i.al s be author:Lzed t, e;<.ecute it. l'Ic,tion I'Tas secc,nded by Commissioner In8co and carried unanimously. A plat of Par~ci':(:>:.'d Subdj. vision I'TaS presented for apprc'val and the Attorney stated that Nr. R. I'lard Rodgers, President of Par~:i'mod7 1nc" had sisned al1 Ordinance 632 contract7 posted bond, and had made ap91icati~'n for annexation by the City. Commissioner Strang moved the approval of tl1C plat of Parl:wo()d Subdivisiun and that the proper offi c::'als L')C D. uJchorized tc exec"l1.tc :1. t. Hotic'll \'m s seconded by Cl'mrni osilmer ';<Jat:-;:ins and carr:Led unan:UtKusly. Conun! ssioner Stranc moved. thn t the cc,ntrac t furrn under the provi si ems cf Ordina~ce 632 as presented by Parkwood7 Inc., a Florida cGrporation, cover~ng Pa~a1ood Subdivision bo accepted and approved and delivered to the City Clerk for the official reccJrc1s. I'lotion "/as seconded by COlluilissioner \'latIdns and carrIed unan:Lmousl-y. ......._~. to .'. ....'. '..tIT''1''>''''''~<'U'M\l~~'~;...,''';:~r''''''-'''''~t.",:NiM';.,f-rJ;;'~~:~h'~J~~/';}\:....,o..>J..;..:;,.~:.J~f~t:"':+.!'":' .;..-:'.l'~".:- 1 ~....., ....0;:.:. '.., ,:~ .l(,,' .", ~;-: f:,...., "':::)~." J:'.'~~(";,~~:1~,.,:,~,v,",~~f't~; . ,. .." .;:.... '(",'1.' .',;:~ J,..: .:' . if ,. 'r;:""" '\ ;.' (~:i"::'..~."':'l:-," ":.''; ...... ,.......,;.:.;-.. ....., ,,; ~:";'..'''''''''''-.~ ;. '. ." .'.,.:.....,1:.:. ff1'm!!!~{~.:~~~;;~;;;G'.~ll..c.. ~c,'.;''''';;;''''u';"~;rdt;i~ui.~~'i-~,~~iJ.0a".",;c,,:.:..i:.8~tiid''t CITY COfilNISSION NEETING September 23, 195'7 AGENDA CITY COMMISSIOn MEETING SEPTE~mER 23, 1957 1:30 P.M. Public Hearings r:-------ReCluest from Messrs. Bucldey at al for Variance to Coronadc, Hotel 2. David Geist Request for Variance, Hew Con- structIon, Lot l~4 and Lot 45" Lloyd-\Vldte- Skinner Subdi ViStoll, Clearwater Beach. Invocation Introductions Minutes of PrecedinG Meetin~; Public Hearines Reporto of City Manager Reports of City Attorney Citizens to be Heard Other Commission Action adjournment Meeting Pension Plan Trustees Reports from City Manager j:-----Jfi3pJ.-:rcat:Ioi1'i'<:1" Perrn:l.ssion tl\ Construct a SinGle Fandly Residence on Front Portion of' Lot 1, BIt c]{ 8, l'.forth Shore ParJ-c Subd. 1~. Bids.. f<1issollrl J\ve. Resurfacing from Court to Cleveland Sts. 5. Bids., .Jeffords Street Extension Sanitary and storm Sewers 6. Elect1ol1 Boards :for J\nnexation" Vot:l.ng Date October 15 '( . Pri vate LCJi'/ Mowing Requests U. Verbal Rep(,rts and Other Pending I\"latters. Reports from City Att0rney ~- Apl)rOvaror Consideration of Temporary Fermlt of ller:Lng Batt Stand 10. ^ssessn~nt Resolutiun - Turner street from Missouri to Greenwood 11. COllsider'atlcn cf Ord:tnance Regulating Clcari'/a ter Harina 12. Intention tl Annex Parl\.1'1ood Subdi vi sian To: From: Subject: Date: Mr. J. Tallent, City r."1anaeer filr. O. H. Anderson, BUild:LnC Inspector Restaurant 1\dcl:L tlon at Corunadc: ;rotel (Lloyd r.L Phlllil)S) 9/13/57 It j.s the recommendati~Jn of the Zon1ng Board that the apl)lication for the construction of a building in accordance VIi th the plans as submitted along the north property line of Lots 46" 47, go, 91, 92, 93 of the Lloyd \fuite Skinner Subdivision be approved; for the reason that this is in conformity i'lith the presently ex:tsting structure of' the northerly end of the Coronado Hotel, and would not be detrimental to a property ONner., 01" the public at large" previded that the plans as submitted are properly approved by the State Hotel Comm:i.ssion of' the State of Florida. Attached hereto is original letter of' request ~....:i.th setbac1<:s, survey and plans. To: From: Subject: Date: r~. J. Tallent, City Manager Mr. O. H. Anderson, Building Inspector Setback ChanGe of David Geist (Lots 44 and L~5, Lloyd \ful te Slcinner Sub. ) 9/13/57 It is the recommendation of the Zoning Board that the application of David Geist f'or a setback change on Lots 44 and 45 for a rive root setbaclc instead cf the required ten feet be approved f'or the construction of a building in accordance with the plot plan submitted; for the reason that the setbac!c of f'i ve feet 1. s in lceeping wi th the present location of the southerly line Df the Coronado Hotel" and for the further reason that the setbacl: of eighteen feet from Gulfview Blvd. is conSidered more desirable than a ten foot setback from First Avenue. Attached hereto is original letter of request with set-backs and plan. September 13, 1957 City Zoning Board City Hall Clearwater, Florida Hon. Zoning Board: I hereby ask your consideration as to my application for a setbacl< change on Lots 1~4 and 45, Lloyd \'lhite Slcinner Subdivision, Clear1tIater Beach" Florida. As shown on the attached plot plan, the building that I contemplate will be within all the setback restrictlons excepting on the First Street side (South) of m.y property. At this line I am requesting a five foot (5') setback instead of'the existing ten foot (10') requirement. I would like to point out that the only other building on this side of First Ave. is the Coronado Hotel, and it is set 4.9' from the property line, evidence the enclosed plot plan of their property. (Continued) ',,' .., .", " ...... . ".p.r.".":";';'~~",':'" . ,.' ~ i ,_...~~~:' .!".'\,'.; ,. 0.CJ '. ./ t.,' . .... ,. .:"'"'.:..',\.':''' .: ,'; ~ ~,: . . '. ~,. I ... ..'~::. \.: .'" :; '.. :\~~~\~:.?~:?,~OO;~:I;: :.?:~~r~11:~~~.S .. ..' '. ,~.,.,it ',',:'. J , ,.' '."j ;,.:,:: /.',.1:: ~;ii:.:~:<:~i0;,,1;;~;.:ji&;;i:;.:;: ~'.. . .i.'i: ,~;,,;ci~ ': ::':"~~;';~21'!'~4:;i'i~1:::L~>i'.':'""". ,,;,"t:':::iv,.:::::;st~~g~~~TI.8i;~i~{~~Kl~~~i1~~~~~~~';~rj> '.~ g~ .,~J"';'.""J"l,".,,~..I.;""Q It., '.D CITY CO~iISSION r~ETING September 23, 1957 (Cont:1.nued) As my propercy is only approximately 55' x 901 and my intended project will entail a substantial investment and further that we have been able to contain ourselves within the restrictions except for this one side, vlhicl1 already has a nonconf'orming setbac}<, I would appreciate your favorable action on my request. Sincerely submitted, I s/ David Geist / s/ Joanne Geist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. J. Tallent, City Manager Mr. O. H. Anderson, Building Request of ~n. J. Castagna, 9/13/57 To:q From: Subject: Date: Inspector (Lot 1, Bloclc 8, North Shore Park) It is the recommendation of the Zoning Board tl1.at 1..'le deny the request of Mr. Castagna to rezone this property from ~-2 to R-4, and \'Jill re.fer this to the Referendum file, as it is a matter of re-zoninr:;. Attached hereto are plans and original letter of request. September 10, 1957 Zoning Board City Hall Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: I respectfully request your consideration of th~s application f'or permission to construct a single family residence building on the f'ront portion of Lot l, Blocl\: 8, of North Shore Park Subdivision. This request is occasj.oned by the fact that the lot in qunstion is in an R2 zoned area and there is already located on the rear p\)rtion of said lot a four-unit apartment building. As will be noted from the enclosed exhibits, the lot is 50 feet by 119 feet and the existing structure occupies only the rear 29 feet of the lot; there is, therefore, ample room for the proposed constl'"luction, \'li thont in any \'Jay adversely af'fecting the general appearance of the area, but, in fact, Jmproving it considerably by the addition. The addition will be in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, except that the Florida room at the rear will be el:Lmlnated and the garage vl11l be 12 feet wide instead o~ 20 ~eet wide. These changes are deemed necessary to achieve the best utilization of the land area. The lots inunediately tu the east of the sub~;ect lot are zoned RM as are the lots to the north adjoining those across LeBeau Street, and the proposed construction will simply provide I1vinr; quarters for the owners, i'T!lO ~...(;uld then be able to derive maximum return from the full util~Lza tion ()f the propert~r. Permission to constI'uct the proposed improvelMmt \'lou1d eertainly eliminate the exist1nc; hardship occasioned by the necessary maintenance of a separate residence for the O\'lner or the consequent loss of revenue from occupancy of one of' the existing units. I tender my regret at not beine able to be present in person to discuss this request \'lith. you. H01.'lever, I have an appel:late heaI'ing in Tallahassee on September 12, which cannot be postponed, and I, therefore, request in absentia your favorable consideration of this application. Sincerely, /s/ William J. Castagna Enclosures HJC: A.I RESOLUTION \'JHEREAS: it has been determined uy the C1ty Commission of the City of Clearwater, F'loridu, that the property descri bed belc.vl sheJtl1d be cleaned of' i'leeds, grass and/c1r underbrush, and that a~ter ten (10) days notice and failure of' the CJ\'ITler thereof to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereof against the respective property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that the following described property, situate in sa~d City, shall be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days af'ter notice in writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said notice, the City' shall perform such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respective , properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, as amended. (Continued) ". .~...., ,.... '" ...-.........~~..."'..~....,.....:. . 10 :'.'~f.?i, ,,'~t..~.. .i~\;(~~( .. .:' ~~1;~ii .) iiit,r;;o;.k:;.. ~[fY. ., "", :," -, ":'.---'-'..' '. \f:~ ;...r, '.', '.'1' '\ -" , . . 'I., ~ ~:"! ~.~ ,. . . . . '"., ,. ~,,' ~':. . '.......;0,..;. . .: ~.., [e", ~. ,: . .:/'.:....; .....,;.....~.'>..\..~::.:.;..,:o. ::.::. ~::.: -.I... . . ,><~:, 61~~;:;r;;-":!~j:~~~:f;~l.:j:;i;~de~~~~~~frh:.:~:.';~'!" ,; ,::.~:~::.i:.::;:L~;~:~:., ..;,.;.:~: ..:';Jf:t~:..!.t;.. :~~;," .:.:;, ~\~.> ,. .;~,. ". ,.....:.:..~..: .;;~;~ ~ i;<f:: ~~IL:.>::~:..;::;&;;:i)}~;t~fi.\;~/l,~;~~j;~~~~ilit. '!~f~~~; . ( :'\., ;Lt;-aJ;,:):tAi"-\~"~.Aol'I~~>l.~.dAtJt%f.!d~~"t)lK4~ I. . OWNER E. G. ~1oore 1424 S. Highland Ave. City Clarence C. Ziemlce 1152 E. River St. Elyria, Ohio Grover C. Moore, Jr. 113 Frederica Dr. City Highland Pines Land Co. c/o Frank Hancoch: Hercules Ave. City Robert I. Peacoclc 6908 Vaughn Ave. Detroit, Michigan 1tlayne R . Cob b 935 Lakeviev/ Dr, City Elmer H. Kreml{(: Jansen Nebraska CITY COMMISSION ~mETING September 23, 1957 (Continued) DESCRIPTION Lot---rr- Bloclt 1 Druid Park Lot 10 Block 2 Druid Park N. 20' of Lot 59 & N 20' or w~ of Lot 60 & land to north Grandview Terrace Lots 1-3-4.-8 Block 34 Highland Pines #5 55.00 COST $ ro:<Jo 18.00 17.00 16.00 . Lot 6 Block 34 Highland pj.ne s 7~?5 Lot 6 Block 28 Hiahland Pines #5 Lot 12 Block D, Unit 9 Sl-cycrest 17.00 18.00 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CJ ty Conunissiun of the Ci ty of Clearwater, Florida, Thj. s 23rd day 0 f Sep tember, A. D. 195'(. /8/ Lewis H. Homer l\1ayor -Conuni ssi c.ner ATTEST: /s/ R. G. \Vhi tehead Ci ty Audi tor and Clerl{ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESOLUTIOlJ --rro:-57=5T HHEREAS, after publ:l.c hearing on the 5th day of r'1arch, 1956, the City Conuni ss10n of the City of ClearvTater Florida, determined that certain \\'orlc and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made; and, illiEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct an eiGht inch sanitary sewer, concrete curb, thirty foot pavement and necessary drainage in Turner Street from the East line of Greenwood Avenue to the t'/est line of f'.1issouri Avenue. The properties facing and abutting these improvements are deemed to derive special benerits thererrom, WdEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinellt provisions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Conunissiol1 shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting and receiving beneri ts from said imr)rovements so made; and, WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and abutting and in the vicinity of said improvements have been benefitted thel"eby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against such property; NOW, THEREFORE3 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COr~4ISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATSR, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSE~mLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the above described impr0v~nents in the area of Turner Street from the East line of Greem'rood Avenue to the West l:Lne of Missouri Avenue be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the following described properties facing and abutting and in the vicinity of the aforesaid improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefitted by said improvements in the rollo\'ling proportions of the cost thereof, and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the fol1ovTinc; schedule: 3. That if assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days :from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates of indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which certificates shall bear interest at the rate of eight (8%) per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing properties ror the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 23rd day of September, 1957. ,...., /s/ Le\'lis Homer Mayor-Commissioner '. ~'. ~... "'~"""'..':" '.~ '~~.. I ., ~ '.. .~.... . ,_ I, ,'..... , . .' ~ .......,.~~. 1/ ~ Sanitary Sewe.r and Paving Street from ~issouri .to SEWERS Total Cost.: Total Fronta~e: Cost per front foot: $6229.32 1907.20 feet $3.26 pIlls P A VIrm Total Paving and Sewers $9112.76 2367,.15 teet $3.84 plus . $15,342.08 Total Cost: Total Frontage: Cost per front foot: Owners Footar:e Paving Cost \, MARANATHA SUB'DIVlSICr BLOC K A 4 W. A. Walker 531 South Greenwood 16 C1ear\'later, Florida 61.25 235.79 'I. \'1. A. Walker 60.01 231.02 W. A. Walker 60.01 231.02 A. Horace Bucknam 1128 Turner Street Clearwater, Florida 60.01 231.02 Irwing Ii'. Barnes 531 South Greenwood Clearwater, Florida 60.01 231.02 Angelo M. Carapelle 1140 Turner Street Clearwater, Florida 65.01 250.27 c/o Advent Christian Church 1148 East Turner Stre~t Cle ar\'lat er, Florida 110.02 423.54 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 1 W. A. Walker 531 South Greenwood Clearwater, Florida 70.01 269.52 2 W. A. Walker 70.01 269.52 3 vi. A~ vla1ker 70.01 269.52' 4 w. A. Walker 70.01 269.52 5 w. A. Walker 70~Ol. 269.52 6 w. A . Walker 104.83 w. A. Walker (PAVING ONLY) 119.95 „r- rl r' ,- �f �, 0 cz�y comr�zsszor�r i��rrrr� Septernber 23, 1,��7 �i�;1i,TNt�nda�y �p��ss3.r�tx c;f the G3.�y of�C'leart��a�er met in s�ecial session at the Ci�y �� ^'�P���b�x 23, 1957, at ],;�0 P.M. with �he f�11�sw_n� members present: 'Lewis H�mer P;:�yor-Commissioner UJ. E. Stran�, Jr. Cammissioner Samuel J. Robert� Comm:i.ssioner *Cleveland Izlsco, �7r. Commissioner James H. �rtatl�ins C�mmia�iGner '�Abserxt a� first of ineetin�, Came in later. A.1sa present were: 7acic Tai,lent City Manager �en Krentzman City Attarne5 S. Licltton City ??nt�ineer Patr. Paul 1�Zeissner Re�resenting pa�ice Chief The meetii�� U�as called to arder �y the Mayt�r, The insrocaticn was oiuen b.y the Reuerexzd A. P. MeGeacily, Jr., of Peace Memorial Presbyberian Chu-rch, Cle�.rwater, Commissianer Glatkins rnc�ved �hat the minutes of the regular meetin� of September lbth Ue aPproved in accordance vaith copies subml.tted ta each C�tnm�.ssicner in writin�. Mot�.ori was secanded by Comnlissioner Rober�s and carried unar.imcusly. Commissioner Insco came in at this tim�. Txze f�fayo� announeed a Public Hearing ozz tne request of zhe Carc+nad� �Ictel to re�.ax setbacl� restrictivns un Lot l, �loe<<: t�, Columbia Subc�ivis:'ton, �o allc�w an addi�t3.�n to the notel on proper�y which is �resently zcned R-P�1. The Zoning Baard rE�omme��ded tha� the a�pl:lca�cion be approvec� as it would be in ecnf*��rmity ca�itn the pr�sently existing structure oz” tne nortIzerl� end cf �he llcte� prov�.ded tnat t�e plans are appro�ed by the S�a�e ic>�el c:ommiss?on. Mr, rloyd Ph-�113.ias s�ot_e on behali ci P�7r. ':J.:11y Bucliley tivhr �1ans to r�perate the restaurant in tlle hotel and Mr, Ii. �i, I�as��in, Sr., addressed tile Commission s^cr t'rie �resent owners of �he hotel, P:Ir, �r, ;�, Creer+, representing tne Clearwat�r Beach Resort Associati�n cojeexed on tne basis L-hat �rant-�ng tne reqti�est t•r�u1d be settin� a precedent. After hafino held tn:zs Public Hearin� a.nd heard nr� 1e;a1 va1:Ld object:ic:n, Coramissicner Strang moved the reguest tG relar se�back restrictic.»s cn yot l, B3oc'<i A, Golumbia 5ubdivision, ne branted accord�li7� to th� recomme��dati�-iz of �Lhe Zoil�ing �3oard and sub�ect ta tFze apprcval of t�Ze iiotie? f'omrnissia�z of the Szate of Florida, i�Totic.n vras secondeci ay Comtr�isai�ner 4�ta�ic�ns and carr_l�d unanime,us�.y, A Public Hearing ti��as ca.3led on the request of David Geist for a fiv� faclt se�Gbac1� from First Street for Lots 4�- and �k5, Llr.�yd-s�lhite-Slti�ner Subdivisien, tize �ro�erty being presently z�ned R-P�7. The �onin� Board recammended ti7a-e the appl_ca�i�n b� apuroved because �he setbac�c of five ie�t is in i�;e2p:i.ng tvith ilze present 1,ccat_cn c,f t:ne Ccrrnzadc ,I�,zel. Comraissioner Sf;ran� said he would not part:icinate as he ;�ras an interesteu party, I�1r, H, :�t, Green, I�Yr. Ernes� Barger and Nir. James P,cvotny alsc c�7�Jected, Commissic:ner Roberbs mcved tc c�ntinue �he Public �earirzg to 1:30 P.h7, cn Oc�vber 7th, J.957, to allc;w the Commissian to view the area, 1�Tct3on was seccnded by Commissioner Insco, Upon tn.e vo�e pezng taken, Commissioners Raberts, Insco, ;laticins ancl :iomer voted "Aye" . Co,-nmissioner Strang did noz vc�te. MotiG?z carried. Tne Manager stated that a request had beer_ received from b�.r. ;1m. J. Gastagna, attorney, f�r pernissian to construct a single fa,mily x�esidence cn the front nrrt�cn of Zot 1, Block 3, North SIZore Park. Mr, Cas4a;n� was presenz. It was explained tnat ti�ere was an existii� fot�r unit apartment p�zilding un t?xe rear oi �he lc�t. ThE Zoning Board recommended tY:at the request be den:i.ar� and that this be referred ta the rei'erendum i'ile, The City A�torney explaine� tllat this tvc.uld be considered a hardship case as it was a r�quest fcr permission to caalstruct a specific tauildir_g cn a specit'ic lc,cation, Cpmmissioner �+I.atkins mpved that this l�e scheduled as a Publie Hearing aizd braught baclr_ to the Cpmmission at the earliest pessible date. I�iotit�n was secanded by Commissi�ner Strang an3 carried Lu�animously. Regard:Ln� the bids ior resurfac�ng ivLssouri �venue £rom Court ta CleJeland, tlze Manager reconma�rded acceptin� the 1otv�st bid of �4,293.7� from Hadley-Michael �:�c Co., Inc., ClearVtater. Commissioner Szrang n?c:ved upon recommenuation cf �hz proper oz"i'ic�lals tha� the lowest bid of �4,293,74 from Hadley-Michael & Ccy., Inc., be approvea azld the proper cff?cials be authorized to execute the cantract �'or T��issauri resurfacing from Cou�t to Glevelan.d. Mot3oiz was seconded by Gommissioner Insco and carried unanimausly. Tl�e I�tanagev r�cammei�ded accep�ing the l�>w Uid of �3,875.00 from Ray Birkbec?i os Dunec�in, to ce,n�truct sanitiary and storm sewers in Je�'fox�ds Street extensien. Commissioner Strang mc>ved on the recommendai�on c,f tlie �rope� �fi"ieia].s tkzat the low b:i.d Uf Ra,y Firkbeelc, Du��edin, for tk�e �7effords S�rest extension of s�,nitary and storm sewers a� the 1,ow bid of $3,875.00 be approved and tile proper officials be authc�rized �c� execute the c�;niract. Ma�iai� was secanc?ed Uy Commissioner Roberts and carr3ed unanimously. The Clexi,: present�d a 7.isi� c�f election tiavr?cers for 'the sp�cial electioiz c�n October 15, 1957. Comm3ss:Laner Waticxns moved tl�at the list as sLibmitted by the Cit� Clerlc be ap�roved and the proper au�horization be made ta pay �13,50 per day far cl.erl�s and y�12.Q0 £or inspectUrs, Mot�.on was sectmded by Co�tun3s,�-loner Roberts and carried Liizan3mc�usly. C;� C.1� � ��, CITY COn7�ZTSSTON r�ILETT_NG Sep�emi�ei 2�, l;?5! �'he A,t�orz�ey s�a�ed t�iat the Cler:c had inade arra7i�;�mc�nt� tv..; �t1 i:he G�un�Ly �i,t � Iiave A depaty sheriff piesei�i; �t tlie �c�,13n� ,�]��,ces oui�side ta�e Ci�� a,nd tvnuld �:i:lte �lie C�i;miissioiz's Garisent t,� i4q��est�n� tlz� Pol:i.oe Cliie� iurnisi� a�ar�la.cetn�zn fpr eao}.�. pr�c3,11ct in.side tl�e C��tsr. Comm:Ission�r �+Ja�t}ciizs m: ved t�1a1: tl'�e Cler.: be auth�rl2ed �r� reques� deputy stier7t`fs t� Ue at the polliiz� places putsa.de tkze C�ty and �k�at lz� U� author:3.zed t�Q �ay i:i��m y77.2:Oti per daz, axzd tha� h� a:Lsc Ue autllc�r3.zed to requeu� Chief of Folice $o zuri�:ish policemen at e�clz �ane �i �tze prec3.tzci:;� inside L-he CitS�. �Totion tvas seconded by Comm� ssioner Roqerts aud carried una�l3.inously. Ti�e Me,na�Ez� presented Resol;.ztic�n 57-5G tivh�ic},1 �vould requxre seven �r�perty c����n1er� �o have �heir li:ts cleaiied c�f t��eeds azid tuYderUrtish. C��i�uniss:Loner Roi�erts moved filia�; ReNal.ution 57-50 referrin� ta cer�ail� lot mot;r�,ti� appl3c�,tions be a�prc�ved and the pr�ner o�ficials b� �u�hcrzzed t� s-f�ii it. i�iotlen svas see.:z�ded 1:y Convn3.ss:.c?;zer ;dat?fzns and carried, ui�za�zitiic��.�sly. Tize l�iana;;er reaozted t.za,t he �zad taL'.ed i•ai�i� autizc:ri�7_�s at �ize Coui��y I�I�:a7,�:11 De�ar�meilt ec�tzcerni?�v rode_�t control and �h��* ,iad �:f�'er�d tc. iiel� the Ca.ty ��t stiar�ed. by donat=s7; a l�a? f�o?� �� c<� u� tx�uv.s., Dlli dus�iri� eqtt ��men�t, etc. IIe stai:ed Liiat o��.e eni�3loyee i�rc�21d ae �leeded alcng tv'�_th ti�l�er equi�niezzt at a�,��t c.f i;�3,�i0C�.QQ y�e� ;�ear a;zd thai �i�:e Couizty tvauld supervise c�ie t�acr:c if the City t�J�.:uld iuzderSvr: te i.i;. IIe recamm�ncled apprcl�r�a�'1i1;; the sum rf i�;2,;C1�.0�i to carry th� pr�,�ram from Qci,�Uer lst, Comrn.zssioner Roberts muved tIiaz the plan u� pu� in�c effeat an� t.ie izecessary �';��:i�3u be �ra��sfer�ed iror,i 4uzap�ro�rYated sur�ius. P�iui.:i�>n cvas secc:nded U� Cemrru.ssio�z�� l�la�'_:ins. T:�e T�Yayor s�,��;,es�ed tnat the Conuaiss:�.oiz meet as a C�mmittee to c3iscuss the pro;rani �vith the Mai�a�er anc� �z�e Sanitarian bef-.�re appro��riatl.n� anf m�.n�y . Coirun.iss� c�;zer Straiz�; mGved the mati�n ue tab? ea u;itil ��ze�;t t�ree:>, P•IoL�.un ti°aas s�cc�izded by Comraiss�'.ener I,zsc�� and carried uila?iirnc;usl�� . �'he ap_�licatian for a reneti�ral of the aE�ct:io�; J�icense _ri �i�e ?�a�ne of I3o�varcl E�+ri�z� or iiz �IZe narne ::� <�cr�ard the Trader Cor��crat3o�z tivas c�:izsider�d. The AZana�er rE;�arted �ha�c i•�l�lle zile ne��Uhi�ors are cc:it�i?ually nia.ci•r?g comnlalnts t�ze Fire Chief ai�d tn� Palice Ghie�' ��dve reported tix�re are �Zc� vic:latic�ns. :?e said t12e Lngine�r stated �her� ti•aas a 1erl�a; a�reeme�it tx�at :Ieivarcl :•rculd surface �17u �:�,rrci�z� lct a�£ L-he �n�;7 neer�-7�U D�partme_zt r.Lc� 1;I�e en�� neeri���;, t;1at sueh �,ror'� hacl bee�� iinished and _�resen�ced to :3��vard but �io t�avizz� i�as been dcne. Tne t��Iana�er stated the H�alth �7eoartmei�t in a letter o_z Septemoer 20t1� re��orted the business d� c� nct meet �he State Bcara c�' r-Iea? th stardards regarditzg restrooms a?-nd ii�tures, tha'c pap�r and trash tvas bl�i,ns:� cnto otizer propertiea and su��estecl that a re�ainin�; fence should '�e prov�.ded. Th� T��a:zager requested 4hat chai�zs and posts be �nstalled to �revent cars drivinb c�ver tne curb and that the dr_vetray entranees Ue paved. P�Zr, H, Lane Coachman agrezd to have the chains inszall.ed aizd ��.e pa�ri,�� os drive4qays �one. Commissionei :Nlab�.�.ns moved tliat thelicense be �ranted fcr crze year to Ho��ard the Tracler, Ine., Lu-ider tl�e same conditicns as l�re�aiausl;� �;ranted. !�'[otieii S�aas secondecl l�y Corrui�issioner Rcberts and carr� ed unanYn�c�zs1J. Tl�e f•7anager said the Commissioners riad i�dicated they wculd lil�e to rettlrn tc? havin;; �ueeu-r_"s o?z1;yr en tne zirst and th�ird T�Iot�days; however, tlze Eng2neer had scheduled public hearii�;;s for Se�tember 30th st� it would Y�e izecessary tc have a meetin� tiZei�. The Attorx�e�T r�ported t�at P-ir. J. P�I. �'erii�o had appliec� ;o have his tem,�craxy pern�t for a bait stand ai, i.he T�Iur_icic�al Doe':� renetved i'or cne year arzd asl�ed that the permit �nclucie Lh� r_;i�L �� reni f� r� i��_.ai; sl:i�ps at the A4wzicipal Docl:, and i:I�at in e,cchaizoe fpr collectiz�� and rerzLL3n�; the reiZtals tc tt�e 'rIarbormaster th�.� he be �rarited iree use o�' l�c-•at s�i� iTo, 5. Tne Ai,�orizeg read the prop�sed �emporary pern?it. Gomni:i.ssioner Stran� mov�d t<7at tlze extens�en c;i the a�reemen� �e approved and the pr�per officials ae av�Iior�?zed t�-� si�n it 1-Ze�ti�n tivas Se�o�,aEa �sT Comm:Lssio�er t�oberz� and carried t�nanimcusly. T?Ze Attorney presented Resolrzii�n 57-51 assessi��� �he cost at' sanitary sewer, curt�s and pavement :i_n Turner S�reet from Greenvroi;d A�enue to �liss�+ixii Avenue. C;:�nur_i.ssioner Stran� mcved tnai, Reaolution 57-j1 Ue passecl and aclo��ed and tY�e proper e�i'f'ia�a�_s '�e autY?Gr�.zed t� e<;eeute it, t��o�ion t•ras sec�nded Uy Conunissipne-r Insco and carried unanimcusly. f� plat cz Par:�,vc,vd Subdivis� cn ���as pres�n��d f'or apprc.�val and the AttorneJ stated that 1"�ir. R. ;�lard t�od�ers, President oi Par.Ut:�od, Inc., had si�i�ec1 an Ordinance iu�2 contract, posted bond, aiid 'ziad matle a���licatien for annea�at; � on b� the C! ty. Cattu;u.ss? o�zer StranQ mcved �Lhe approval of �Eh� ;�'1at af Parlcwt�od Subdivisir�n ancl that 't'sie pro�er of.fic;s�.ls iae av�,horized t,, e;wecute a_'�. Motion ti•ras secoz�ded Uy Cc�mmiss�.c�nar :7at,::yns aizd carried ui2an_�.in<_�asly, Comm:is�ici�er Strarg -rnoved that the contrac� far•m under tlie ��rovisions ci' Ordina�zce F�32 as presen�ed by Parl�,o�cd, Inc., a Fl�x�ida co�pc�ra�ian, cr.,,�er.'n� Par'.:rord Subdivisiai� b�: accepted and aZaprc�ved a��d del:L°,r�red to L-ne Ci�y Clerac i'�r the �•fi'_cial recr,;rc�s. 1'�Fatiail was seeo:zclec� i�y Conuii:i.suic�nex ;fatl:,ii�u and carr:ied �?�i�a:l:i.mously . _, _ .� CTTY COP�I'f��SIO:? P�'��T�r�iG usp�err��her 23� 195 T Tlxe Attc�riiey re�d rrn it� i'�:r�� re�d7n� Grd:Lnaizce ?47 v�h=�ck± ��rG.ti�ld. cleclare tl�:e C:�.t��s :�nLeAzt:i.�ri ��, annex p�.r�wvaoc.d Subdivls3�n, C�mr!i-F saa.oner Strang m�ved �hat Ordinailae jt!7 i�e aaused on ;i�N f�.r,s� read�.n�, r�oti�.,n w�,N pecc�ded by C^mm.tssic���r Tnsec� and carried x �izarl�i.r�t� �tt �1;� . C� ru�t3.�pi.�r_er Strail� nxc.�ved that Urdinance `j1�`j be ear.s-� dered �.,n 1t� aecond rea,cl _n� k�y t.i.tl,e c;��:L-,;; . L�otion tqas seconded b;� Commissioner insc;;; ai�d carried tinnatil.rn�_�v�1.y. The ��tnrriey read the Ordir_arzc� b;; titl.e cn1y, Ccmm3.ss'� r�ner Stran�• muved Ordiilanne �1!'�' Ue pas�ed on its secund read•�n� 'by �;it1e rn1;�, i�Tc,t;rUn was u ��c<,iided by Cornm-� N�i r;��er TA2sco and carri.ed v.�zan�_rrAc�uN1;r, Cc�mrr' ss:i c�ner Stranf mcs�recl tlia'� Ordznance 71i-7 be eox�si c�ered cn its third at.d f:i.�:a:l. reac�� n� .r�.t�i �he ,.�nani7nc,us consen.t c�' �Ixe Carnmission, i�iG�` on was seconded by Cc�r,u;2Lssioner Insco aiicl carri,ed unanimously. The Attorney rcad tr�e Ordinance �.n Tull. C�anu�iiss::oner- �Lran� rnoved that Ord�nance 'T�l-7 "uE passed and adapted an i�s �hircl and z:l,na�. rc�ad2n�; and the �ar�p�r of'fl.cials be auth;;rized tc ehecuue i'c. t�otic�n caas :�ecc�nded lay C�mr.Liss:i.s�n�r Irisco and carried una���rn�:u.s1J. TIZe ;l�torney r�ad ��z �. �s �': -ruf read:t.n;; Grd:i.�ance 74� t�rr�ich rro�a � d establis_n r��ulai,�.ui�s f��r the C1eal ti�aa�er i�tariiza, thc- r•4�.�n:cl�al �oc1c atzrl oi,h�r �� ��T-ot•rned c1c�e �, Corc;��:tssipner Sux�a;n�; m�aved thaL- c�rdj �Za�Zce 71�u ae �ass�d oz! wts first -reac;i.n;�„ T�Zut_ _�n t•�as secr;i�ded. i�y Camm=ssio��er Inscc and car�iEd ui��,iz=rnc-;����y , CC;Ii2Y71:LSS:Lt;T1E:T' .T�..iluGO SL?�;y;88'GG'd SiY1CC,' Gi1E'"t^C: :723,5 t.'.:i.i��'" `v� 7G' 2, 1T1E.' 'G+,�1�', �3Y2 TS:OiiClB.�'; ��efat.ani�c;r 3Q;:ii, thac ci�e Geis� Izearin�; i�� acz°ra�.c�d t� i,�a� da�e. Ccmmissi �ner ila'�� �,P,s rrtoved tha,i; t�ze previr�its r2���' c;�z ae a,�e�,acci i�, read that �i2e Ge� �t puu3ic �i�ar_at;; i�e set far .1et� ,�;r�nQay, Sei.te�!ber 3�t��, t�iatiian ti�ras sece;t�cled iay C^rm�ssiuil@T' I11NCG . TJur;n clie vc,te uc:'-iz�; i,a'.:en, Ccm.�L sNi:�;i�ers :latit? lzs, Insea, Roperts, ard :icmer �ocecl "�1�e°. Cc.nu,:�s��.c,,er Stran_� c��.d: tici, vote. i7ot�on carr�i,ed:. Tlzer� bein� nr iurt:�er i�L�s�.ness tr c�_�me oe£nre tne 3oard, ��Z� meetir_g j��as ad,;o�lx:Yed a4 1+:30 P,i�i. < : � ��er- an �� . � ,:.�ner A�LeSi.: C:�' � _�� � �i ���r� � . er�: � � r Ci'�Y CQD7f�1x5ST��' 1�A:�TING Septembei� 23, 19�'i �1GENDA Pua? ��e �~Ieaxitie;s CITY COR�`�7ISSION DIEETIi�'G 1. � Request :frc�sn Messi 3. I3ttc1s7.ey et; 11 i'c�r SEPTEhTBER 23, 1957 Varlance tc� Coranadt� 1Iute1. 1:30 P.M. 2. Davict Ge3.st Rec�ue3i; f��r Vaxlar�ae, Necv Cc�n- strtizet`:c�n, Lot �+4 and I�ot �5, I,1�yd-:^Jk�a.�e� Invocaticn Sl�inner SLik�div:Ls�u�z, Clear�vater Be�.ch., Iiltr�duc�cions N7in�?�es caf Prececlin� F�1eet?r.� I3ep.�r�Gs frc�m Cii;y MA�za;;er Pul�lxc Hearir_�;s �. A�a;��.ica �.an f�Tr pErnLissie�n tc� Cons�rt�et a Re�orts of City Mana�er S�z�1e F�n�.�.y' Residei�ce can E're�Yxt �ori:in�� Reports o�' City At�orney of .Lvt 1, Blc�c�t F3, A?urt�i Shcre I'arl; Su'iad, Ciiiz�n� to +�e FIeard �. Bids; NLissourl ,Ave. Restir�aaiizj; froi� Cc�?xrt� Other Cc�mmiss��n Acti�iz Lfl Clevz�.and Sts. adjc,ur:vnent 5. Bids, Jefi'ards Strcet �ten�ic�n S�tz:L�ary' �NTae�in� Pefzsi�n Fl�.zti Tr�xstees �,i�d Star,n 5�wexs ii. �lec�ion Baards f'or '>tuzexa�:ien, V�t��.z��� D�,�;e Octc�l�er 15 `�. Priv�:te I,�;�* ATotawn�; Rec�ttesLs u. Verba3 Re�a;;rts a,i�c? Otlier Pendin;; riTatt�;rs. Repc�ri:s from City A�tc�f�ey �. t�z�proval � Qons era��c:n �^f Temp�rax�J Ferm_i� of ,-Ier9.n� �a;3.t Stand 10; Assessnlent Resa�uti�•i� - Turner Street ir�m tTissouri to Greenwoed 1�.. Corisideraticn cf Ordinance Re ;ulatin�; Cleartivater DTarina 12. Intentiuti tc+ Ar�u�ex Far:�ivood SuUd?va.sl�il To: Nir, J. Tal1e :�, Ci ty P�lanaeer From: P+Ir, 0, H. A1c��rson, Bu-�ldin�; Inspector S�abject: Res�aurant �dd=ticr_ at Corci,��dc i-Io�i.el (Llo;�d M. P1Z��11zk�s) �ate ; �', 1 �; .� f I� :Ls cize rec�mmez�datio�Z �f c'_ze Zcnin� �oard tizat the app�ica`ciox7 fc�r the censtruc���_�ri c;f a hullding in accordaizce �•ritll -the 31ans as s�ai�mitte�l aloa�g the azor�.n pruperty 1�.��e c+i L^�s ;'�, 47, 90, �1, ��2, �3 of the Llc?�d :�iite Sl:inner SuUd?viulcr;� be apprc�ved° fcr the reascn L:nat th� s is ir_ ccnfarmi�y �•rlth the presently existin� structLtre of the nortlierly end ci the Coronadc� uotel, and tivauld not be detrimeni,ay to a property ou�ner, oi: �he punl3c at lar�e, �r;�vided that the plans as submitted are properly approved by �ne State Hotel Comm:i.saion oi' �he Sta�e �f Florida. AttacZzed hereto is c�ri�3na1 letter of repuest t°�ith setbacks, survey and plans. To ; P�Tr . J. Tallen �, City &lanager From: h1r, 0. ;�. Ande�son, Bullding Slzspec�or Subjeet: Set}aac�c Cna�zae of David G�ist (Lots 44 and 45, Llryd �+Thlte Skinner SuU. } Dat e: 9 f 13� 57 ?t 3s tne reccmmendaticn of �lie Zoning Board tnat tr.e appl�ication of David Geist far a setiUaek chan�e on Lots 4�4 and 45 for a�ive f`oot setbaelc instead of tlze requirecl �en feet be approved for the ccnstru.ctian af a building in a;ccordance w�th the plet plan submit�Eed; ior the reas��� thai, the setbae?� af five feet is in 2ceeping with the present lccation cf the southerly line af the Coronado Hotel, and for the further reason that �hE setbac�c of eignteen feet froin Gulfview Blvd. 3.s considcred more desirable than a teiz foa� setbaelt from First Avenue. Attached hereto xs ariginal letter of' request ti�r�th set-backs and p1an. Septemher l3, 1957 Ca.ty Zoning Board City �all Clearvaater, Florida Hon. Zoning Board: S hereUy ask your co�sideratio� as to my �pplication for a setbaclt chan�e n:i Lots ZF4 and 45, Lloyd :�Ihite Slt3.nner Subdivision, Clearvaate-r Eeach, Floricla. As sha�rn an the attached plot plan, the building �that � coxitemplate wi21 be within alZ the setback restrictions excepting on the Firat Street side (So'uth) of my property. At this line I am requestinb a five foot (5� ) se�bacic �.ns�ead af the existin� teiz fcot (10') requirement. I t-�ou1d lil�e tt point �rut tizat th� anly other buildin�; on thi5 side c�f T'irst Ave. is �he Coronado Hotel, and it is set 4.9� from the proN�rty line, evideizce the encic>sed plot plan af �ne3r pxoperty. (Contlnued) �� CITY CQMMTSSIGP� MEETTNG � Sept�mber 23, 1�57 � � � � ( Cont:Lnued) 11s my property is on.�.y appr��imately 55' � 90� ancl my lntended pro;ject Un11 entail a �ubsban,t3.aJ. inve�iment �,nd i'urther tha� ���e have been able to ec�nbain onrselves ,vithin �h.e re�tr�,etl.ans exee�t f'or this on�, slde, which already h�� a no�c�ni'�rming setbac'r, I would appreci,ate your favorable action on m,y request. Sincerely subtnry tted, j sj David Geist jsj Joanne Geist To;q Mr. J. Tallent, City Manager �'rom: Mz-, 0. H. And�rson, Build-i.ng Tnspec�or Subjeet: Request of vJm, �'. Casba�na, (�ot l, Blcci> 8, Tdor.th 5hare Parit) Da�e; 9/�3j57 It is tile recommendatior_ of �he `Loning Boa.d that i��e deny the recaLtest ai' N',r. Cawtagna to rezone this pro�erty zrom R-2 tv R-4, and i+rill �efer this to tne Referendum fi1e, as it is a ma,�ter of re-zorzi_n�. Attach�d hereto are plans and original letter of request, September 10, 1957 Zonin� Board City ?ia11 Clearcvater, Florida Gen�lemen: T reap�ctfully request ,ycur considerat3on oi tizis applicatlon zcr permis;,icra tc; construc� a sir�gle i'amily residence z�uilding c� the front portitin �f Lot l, Blacl�: 8, of Piorth Shore Parlt Subdivi�ir,n. mhis request is ocrasi�n�d by the fact that tne l�t i� quryst�an is in an R2 aoned area and there is a.lrea<iy located or_ the rear pertion �� said 1ot a f.aur-unit apartme�t b�ildi?�a . As wi11 be noted frcm the Pnclosed e:�hibits, �ne lat is 50 fee� �y 119 ieet aiid tlze ex:�.stl.ng s�ructure occupies anly the rear c9 feet of the lt,t; ihere is, L�e�efore, ample rocm for the proposed censtractien, vrithaut in any way adversely afiectin; �he gez�eral appearance of the area, but, in fac �, � moro•ring it cuizs-� derably by the add? ticn . The addition tvill be in accordance with the a��tached plans and speciiications, excelt that the Florlda room at ihe rear will t?e el�rtinated and �he �;ara�e �vill be 12 feet tivid� ��nstead of 20 fee� rricle. T'nese cnan�es are deemea riecessary to act-�iev� the best ut�lizaiion of tile land area. The lots immed:iatelSr �v the east nf t�ie aub�;ect lct are zoned RT�i as arc tne 7.c �� tc, tne north ad�aiz�in_g tZzase across LeBea�.i Street, and the pranosed ccnstrucvicn t•r�1I s?mp.iy provide livirz�; quarters for the otv:ierN, *vhG ivould the�z be able to deri:�e inaxim;3_m return fr�m the fu11 util_�zation oi �he prepert�r. Permission �o cc�nstrt?et the prop�sed �m�rovement i+rould certainly elimirzate tlze exist7.n� hardship occasic�ned by the necessar�% mainteizance of a separate residenc� i'ar ti�� at�rner ar tlze ecnsequent lcss uf revei�tte from occupancJ �f e.i1e �f tiZe existin� units. S tender my r�gre� at not bein� able ta be present �.n �ersc:� �co discU.ss thi.s ieques� t�ritii you. Kowever, I Tzave an ap�ellate hearin� ii� �'ali.ahassee on September 12, which cannot be po^tponed, and I, therezore, re�uest ii� absen�ia your favcrable consideratir�n of tl�iis appl:ication. Sincerely, j sj ;�Ji11� am �. Casta�na Enc�.osltres '^IJC : AJ RESOLUTION `°J'tIEREAS: i� i�as been determined by the C�ty Ccinmissit>iz �f tize City af Clear�vater, i+'1c r��ta„ th� t the ;�r�.perty described belc�rr N�z;�.�,�1d ae eleaned cf c,reeds, �;r�ss and; ��r �iiZderbiush, a:zd that aft�r te�z (10) days xzct_ce aizd fail��re cf the c�tmzer therec�i t do sa, tne City should cleaii such property and charge the costs thereof �.gainst the respective property. NO:V THER�FORE BE IT RrSOLVED by tlle City Commission of the C3.ty c� Cleartvater, F1.or3.c1�., i;hat tl�e fo�1o*Niz:g clewcribed proper�y, situate in said Gity, �hal�. be cleaned oi' weeels, �rass and�or iulderbrush within ten (10) days after notic� 3n tivriting to the vtiv��ers �hereof to dr� so and that t�pon failure to comply with said notice, the Ciiy siia�l perform such c]:eaizing and charoe the costs'�hereof against the respective praperties in acec�i�danoe tvith Seetion 12� of the Charter. of the Ci�y of C1earNrater, as amenc�ea. (�antinued) � �l � CTTY C4MMTSSTON MEETING Sep�emk��r 23, 1957 (Continued) 0,•JNER DESCRIPTION CC1ST E. G. Moore Lot�-^ �l�.b'0 142� S. klighland Ave. Bloclz 1 City Druid Pa�it Clarence C. Ziemke Lot 10 1t�,00 1152 E. River St. Block 2 Elyria, Ohio Druid Park Grover C. Moore, Jr. N. 20� ef T,at 59 �C N 20� ot' 17.00 113 Frederica Dr. id2 of Lot 60 C land to north City Grandvieiv Terrac� ?Iigizland P�±i�es Land C�:. Zots 1-3-4-8 55.00 cjc� Fxanl� Ha:�coc?: Blo�k 34 fiercules Av�. �Ii�;hland P°�nes m�j City Robert I. Peacock Lot 6 16.00 6908 Vau�hn Ave . Blocic 34 De�Gr�� t, nti.chigan Highland �ii�es r;i5 tIayne R. Cobb Lo� 6 � 17.OQ 935 Lal�eview Dr. BlacS� 2�3 CitST Hi�hland Piiies ;;=5 �lmei �I. Ifrem?2e Lot 12 1$ . 00 �anseiz Blocic D, Unit � P3ebraslta Sii3rcre st PASSED A;VD ADOPTED BY THE C:i.ty Commissic�n of the City af C],earivater, Flori.da,, TMis 23rd day� o.f Septemoer, A.D. 1957• ; s� Lej•�is H, iiomer Playor-Conun3. ssioner ATTEST: ; sj P. G. Whitel�ead � � Cit� Avditor and Clez:ti RESOLUT2QP1 �To . 57- t�T'rtE1�AS, after �ublic .zearin�; cn the 5t�i day of Marcl�, 1:95�, the City Commission oi �c:te CiLy oi Clearti^rater rlarida, deterrr�r_ed �l1at certain j�ror�c and improvements hereinazter described should "be done 2n�I made; and, �JiI�REt�S, pursuant thereto said impravemen�s have be�n m�.de as fallows: Construct an ei�izt inch sanitary se��rer, concrete curb, �hirty fact pavement and necessary drait�age in Turner Strent from the Eas� line of Greent�aood Avenue to tlze [Jest line rf Dti.ssotzri Avenue. The �roperties faczng and abutting tiiese improvements are deemed to derlve sPec�ial benefits theref�om. ';IHERr�AS, under the pravis:ions of Seczior_ 123 and other pertlnen� provisions of the City Cilarter, afi,er said improvements shall have been completed, the City Camm9,ssirn sha�3 assess the cost �nereof against the properties facin�; and abutting and reGetvin� ben�fits from said improvements so mw,��; ancl, ',+IHEt�EAS, certain �arcEls of real estate fac�.ng and abuLt3ng and in �he vicinity of saicl impr•ovements have been penefitted theraby and the pro-rata cost thereaf shall be ass�ssed a�ainst suctZ pr�perty; 210VJ, THERE�'ORE, BE IT RESOLV'Ei� B�i T.-�.� CIZ'Y COMMISSIOAT OF TI3� CITY OF CLEARGJATER, FLORIDA, I�S SESS7ppt DtiL'i AND REGUyARLY ASSEI�LED, AS rOLLOGJS: l. That the above descryned imprc,vements in the area of Turner Street from the East line cf Greeriwood l�venue to the ��Jest Iine c�f Mi.ssouri Avenue be and the same are hareby accepted and appraved as having been completed. 2. That the folloz-rin� deacr:Lbed prc�perti�es facing and aUuti;ing and in the vicinity of the aforesaid improJements are her�by deemed to hav� been benefitted by said impravements in the f.cllcwing proporti�ns of bhe cost thereof, and the same are h�reby assesssd in accordance with the follcvrinr� schedule: 3. That i:f assessmenta herein made ar� nct paid tvithln thirty (30) days �rr�m �:e date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to ?ssue and se11 cert3.iicat�s af indebtedness under Sact�.an 124 af the City Charter, whicn cert�_i'ic�,tes sha11 bear interest at the rate of �i�ht (3 0) psr annum a�ainst tlze fare�;oin� properties f'or• the assessments lzere�.n made immedlatel�r upon th� expiration cf th� fore�oing prop��tie�s for the assessments hereizz made immediately vpd;n tY�e expiration of the f�regr_3:n;; thirty-day period. PASSED A23D ADOPTED, thls 23rd day of SepternY�er, 1957 • �'s� Le,�ii� ii�mer Nlayc�r-Commi ssi�ner At�est: y aj R. G. 't�Jhitehead Cit;� C�.erk � _ 7� , � A S S E 5 S M� N �' , _ Sanitary Sewer and P�ving in Tiirrer Street £rom Missouri to Gre�nwood ° ` � , ' � -.. ,,,\�> SE47E�5 ,. . c: . Total Cost,t �E�22�i„32 Total Fronta�e: 1907.20 feet �ost per front foot: N3.26 plus , FAVIP:G ,� „ Total Cost: �9112.76 , Total Fronta��: 2.367.15 feet Cost per front ioot; .�3.$1� Plus Total Paving and Sewers �15,342.0$ yj � . Paving Sevrer Propertv Owners FootaF e Cost Cost �ctal „ MkRAI�ATAA SUBDIVISIGI`� : LUf3 CY.A- ' _:, �t I W� A. U7alker ` 531 South Greenwoad Clearvta�er, �'lorida 61.25 � 235�79 �200.�E �4350$5 Lot 2 '�'. A. ;�7alker 60.OI 231.02 1g6.01 42?.03 , Lot 3 W. A. Walker 6�,01 z31.oz i96.C1 427.03 Lot 4 A, Horace Bucknam ` 112$ Turner Street Glearwater, Fiorida- 60.01 231.02 1a�.01 427��3 Lot� 5 . I�.ng F. Barnes . 537- South Greenwood �learwater, Florida 60,01 231e02 19�.o1 427.�3 Lot 5 Angelo M;, Carapelle 111�0 Turner Street Clearwater, Florida �5,01 250.2'7 212.34 i�62.61 Lot 7 c�o �dvent Christian church 114$ East Turner Street Clearvlater, F1�ri:da 110.02 423•54 359.35 7$2.�9 � . . . . . . �L�Ci1{ B � . .. . .. � . r, . .. � � . � . . . � . . . . , Lot 1 Zti'. A. 4•talker ` �31 South Greenwood �lear�Jater, rlorida 70.01 2E9.52 22$.66 l�9�.1$ Lot 2 ti�, �1� Walker 7Q,01 269.52 22$.E6 49$.1$ Lot 3 , W, A: V7alker 70,Q1 269.52 22$.66 4R$.1$ ' I,ot l� W, A. Walker 70.01 2b9.52 22$.66 49$.1$ - Lot 5 W, A. Walker 79COI. 269.52 22$.66 49�.1� , ?�ot 6 W: A, walker 101+.$3 4U3.56 342.40 745.96 Lot 7 . ��T. A. Walker (PAVIIvG OntLY) �1q.95 461.7? -----� 461,77 ' 4� ��.�., -�f 'I ., , �� . � �i ; , i,\ " ;, '' , �j �. ,:> � � i :: 1 � �. � �'� �._. - � . . . . . � �' . . . . � . . � . .. ��. . Turner Street vanitary Sevrer and Pavin� Fa�;e 2 Pavin� Se�eer Protaerty Otivners F�otae:e Cost Cost Total TURI�R LTR�ET �RC VLS Lot E+ GTTX OF CLEAR:.aTIIi. (PAVIrTG OI�L.Y) Paid by City in retu�n for st�e�t ri�;ht af way 6� ��23o.9$ a✓?3�.9� Lot �l cITY oF cz�,aRj-;�aT�,�. 50 lga,4$ 163.3a. 355.79 1%2 Lot 12 CITY OF CLEA�i.�ATI��i ti5 9E�.2�. F#1.6b 1�7.90 1/2 T,ot 12 Sinion Marks 9 Highland Avenue . Clearwater, Florida ?5 9�,24 :�1,65 ].77.�9 Lot 13 Simon i�?arks 50 197_.4$ 163.31 355.79 Lc,t 1�. Simon Marks 50 192.4$ 1F3.31 355.79 Lot 15 Simon i�arks 50 192.�.$ lE'3.31 355•79 Lot lE Simon Marics 50 192.4$ 163.31 355.79 Zot 17 Simon r?arks 50 1g2.4$ 163.31 �355.79 Zot 1$ Simon It;arl�s 50 19:.1�$ 1t3.31 355.79 Lot 19 Simon t-7arks 50 1g2.1�F� 1E3.31 355.79 Lot 20 Sir*ion niarks 50.';0 1�5.1$ 1f:5oC0 3f;0.7&� Lot 21 Simon Nlarks 54�.30 20q,01� 177.33 3$f .3� Lot ?2 Simon Marks 60 230,g$ 195.9$ l�zb,96 (35) South 132 feet of the horth 1/2 of the North East 1�L� af:�he South �«est lfl� less that Pa��t of Turner Street Groves less TFest,232 .feet and less Tu.ner Street ri�ht of vrap. Simon riiarks 301.00 �115�.75 9$3013 2141,$$ �35-?) Begin 172.25 fee� i:ast of the South f:iest corr.er of the horth 1/2 of the horth �ast 1/4 0£ the South ;'Jest 1,��. (15-2g-15) run �ast b0 feet, P;orth 132 feet, G't`est 60 feet, South 13?_ feet to P.C,B, f�dvent Christian Ghurch 111�$ Turner Street Clears�rater, Florida 60 230.y$ 195v9� 42�.96 �35-1) South 132 ieet of the East • 11�1 feet of the ti°,est 172 feet of the lRorth 1/2 of the �'+orth x'ast 1/4 oi' the South Y�est 1/�. Rose Secchiari 601 S�uth Greenwood Clearwater, Florida (PAVLIiG OP'LY) 140 53$.96 _-.---- 53�.96 f Turner Street Sanitar,y Sevrer and Paving Pa�e 3 propertv Owners Paving Sewer - Faota�e Cost Cost Total � 34� �Vest 11�0 Feet of the South 100 fee� of the Narth 1.50 feet o£ the South 3/1� of the nTorth East 1/t� of the South �dest 1/�,: less the ri�ht of way for Turner Street 'fJ, A. Wa�.ker 531 South Greenwood Clearwater•, Florida (PnvzhG or;�,Y) 140 ;�53$.96 ------ � �. 6 TOTALS Pavir,g 23b�,15 Sewer 190�.20 i�9112.76 �6229.32 �15,342.C$ � OR�IiVAI3GE N0. "j�F7 AN ORDZNANCE DECLARING '1'%T� TN'i�IOI�F 0�' THE CTT3.' (?�' GLE{�RI�A':�ER ''1'0 t�NNE�C TIiE PR�PEFtfi3i HER�T�TA��"i'ER D�S- C�iTBED, i��Ii TS fi0 B£ �NOi+JN AS P�t4d00I3 SUBDZiiTSTON, INTO "iHE �Oi�PQFiATE 7rTi'�CTS OF` THT CITX OF CT�El�b�7ATER, �'T..,013SDA, LP�N 'i`HE �CPTRA`iSON (�' THZRTY (�0) DAYS E`FtOM THE FASSING OF fi`r�IS �RDSN1#NLE, ACGORDINC� TO TFiE Pk20VTS- itaNS OT' ;wEG2'TODT 177.,.04, FI�ORTDI�; �aTATUTES 1955; AND PRO- VII3I�lG FOR, '1'IiE F�'I'ECTIV$ I2ATE OF' mH:[5 ORTITNANCE, BE i`� flRDl�1:CNE� BY THE C�'.L`Y CONA'lISSI�N OI<' ^iHE CI'I!Y OF CI,EARWR2'.�'uRa F�'�i1RIDA: S�etion 1. Tha Ci.�y aP Clearwatex, F1nr3da, act�ng by �,nd �hrough ita Gits= Cou�3.ss on, e�eby decZa�ses its intention �o annex in�o the corpasate limit� of ths C�ty oP �Iear�,r�,ter, Florida, �he folioe33.� deseribed lancis lyin� conti uou� to �he terr3tor3.a2 limits of said City, vahich lands contain less th�n ten (10� regiate�ed 3ro�ers: F�uan the SW c�rnes� af See�3om 1�, 2°t�p. 29 S, Rge. 15 E, a�z S. 89° 03� 26,, East, along the 3e��ion 7�3.ne, 35�+•a feet far P.O.B.; run thence S. �9° 03' �'� �- 53�.0 £ee�; thenc� N. �° fl0� 30" E�st, 1�'�0.22 �'ee�; �hence S. 83° 57' Ol" �7, 123.�F5 geet; �hence N, 89° 03� 55" �, 77.0 feet; �hence N 0° Od� 30" E, 276.Q �t, to the 40 acre 1.ine; thence N. 89° 03' S5`� �r �o the 40 acr� liz�e 6a.0 ft; �thence S., 0 aoE 3a„ t;iest,. 2� A f�; �hence N. �9° 03� �5" Zt►, 300.0 ft; thence N: 0° 00 ��pu E 67..C1 �t; �hence N s$9° O�, 55" isf, 258.].9 g�., thence S. 0° 00� 3p:` W, 3�2.1� Fest; thenc� Iv`o., 890 03 � r'3�'� ItiF� 'j�j. 0�'f:. � thenee .S . 0� 00 � 3p" LJ' 17, 0 t'�� fi.he�lc:e N. $9 ii� 3pr� �J 16�.0 ft.; �henee N. 0° 00� 3p" E, 52�.fl �t; thenee N. 83�' 11� 30" W, ].b&�0 �t. alon� the �l� acx°e line; i:hence S. 0° �2� 26" W, 93�.t1 �eet; filz�nce S$9° 7;Z� 30" East, iC$.�2 £�.; �hence N.� 4ti; 'j'O42 E. 16��0 �t,; thence S, 8g° 43': 5�" �S 579.0 �t,; thenee S. 0° �0� 3p„ irt. �417.13 ft. ,to P.�.B. 1�ss the No�h 330 P�. now 3n th,e C3.ty af G3eari;r�.ter. Seation 2. The �i�ty of Cleari�a'ter, aci:in� by and through, its City Comm:Lssion* intan s o�.nnex the foregoin� lancis aecord3.ng �o the prov3sions a�' Sectiori i71,��, Rlorida Sta�ut�s Ig55,. aa�ad �o �hat end �he C3:ty �lemk is hereby dix�eeted �o publish �2zi.s (�d3:nance .in �ize C1eaa°srater Sun, a net�rspaper published in the Cit� oF Cleari�a.te�, canae a raeek �o�'�aur co�secut3.ve �c4eek� �tnediate'!y afte� the passage o� ti�3,s Ordinance. �ection 3. Th3s ordinance ghall .'become ePflective imwec�3.ately upon its passa,ge. PASS�D ON �`iRST �AI3�hiG Septembez^ 2�,. J.9�7 PRSSFD ON SEC�ND E3F'�ADS2�G Sep�ember 23, Z95'� P�SSEE�? ON 'I'Hl'RT3 AND FI�If�i; �ADIPtG ANF1 AUOPTED S�g��mbe�* 23, '! 957 Attest: /s/ Tt. (�. Whit�l�.��d City Gle, k B �s/ Lewis Homer Nfayor�C�srun�.ssioner