09/09/1957 .'.\'..,....:.:..,.... ..~.:.':.v:/"~!.~.... ':~;':". .J ".V ,,' ''':"''1::.' . , ~. """~'...' '. ;;r,... . -..... '-~ ;; ..~. . . . . ." . . .:.. ':'.~;:~~; ~.:"..=..".;~.~~.J/~:J!3::::;:,L:.".'~i:,; ':.,:~.:..;.;.~ "j ~ :. ~",\':. t.:'~::.::,':.."'::~:,~~;.:../~1 ";1 "." (.'. n', , . CITY COl\lMI SSIO N MEETING September 9; 1957 'rhe C:I. ty COlllin:l ssi.on i~f the C1 ty \1' Clearwater met In special sess.ic:n at the Ci ty Hall, MDnday, September 9, 1957, at 1:30 p.r.'!. v.,rlth the fullc.wing members present: Lcwi s Herner ~. E. Strane, Jr. Samuel J. R0berts Cleveland Insco, Jr. James H. dat!dns Mnyor-Co~n1ss1oner C( mm:\. s si onel"l Conuni ss:Lc\ner Comm:L ssjoner Cc..nmJJ. ssj, oner ..l..'...""....,.i.""..~ ":1)".' ')}.1~~'fi;~(\:~'~>:~~:~():~',':~:,,:,;,;',,':' j.' ( "":!.:T';;'J~""" Also present were: Jacx Tallent Ben Krentzman S. Li cJ{ton Patr. B. Manghelli Ci ty rvlana~er City Attorney City Engineer Representing Police Chief . .' \ ;-' '~":'.:: : ~::.. .. ".,,, : . . c ~ .... .. .... . .........1 ~il1t The meeting wac called to order by the Mayor. The invocation was given by the Reverend R. S. Lambert of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Clearwater. The Mayor asi<.ecl jT the Conunissicn \<las ready tc appr;:.'ve the minutes for July 29th, August 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. The C1 ty Attorney recunmended that the me. tJ el1 ('1' August 26th conccrn:L ng tbe ~'Ja t:.jns R.:::ad pavinG pro,iect be rosta ted for the record. After hav:\.ng held thi. s Publi c Hear:1.ng and heard no legal '.;al~d. obj ectjl. n, COl1uni ssioner Strang moved that the project be authe,rj,zed and the pr;'~l)er c.ffic:1als be authlO;rLzed te, talce b:1.ds on thi s pre: ject; that upon c(mplet:i.on "1' the ':lor;,., payment therefor' be made en the basis of the 'rown (,1' Belleair pny:i nc; ;j11, 500.00, the pre'perty owners tCl bc assessed f\'r 1300/::'000 per cent ()f' tilc total actual cost <,'1' curb and drainagco and the balance of the cost (;1' the total project be patd by the C1ty ::)1' Clearwater. filctic'n \'las secc:nded by Cornmt ssioner' iJatl-:.ins and carried unan:1.m. usly. C\.munissi.oner Insco lnc,ved that the mhlutes of the meet:1.ngs of July 29th, August 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th be approved as amended in accordance with copies submitted to each Corrmds si c:ner in wr:L t:i.ng. Huti cn VIas sec',:nded by Cc:rruni ssic.ner Strang and carried 1.1l1anim;.;usly. The Cj. ty Attorney sUGGested that the Ill(;tion en July 22nd appreving the type of' b10wers to be used ill the Marshall Street Plant Addition, be clarified. UpGn the assurance by Harold Briley, the Cj.ty's Cunsultlng Engineer, that the type of blowers included in the cUltract (,f Henry G. DuPree fer the Marshall Street sev.,rage impr(Nernents meet the C1 t;)7' s specif:Lcatj.ons and are satisfactory, Cc,mmi sS:l,'ner Insco mClved that the previc~us acceptance cf' that contract be ratifJed. Mot:Lon '\'las secended by Comrnl ssioner Roberts and carried unanimously. A re-hearing was annuunced In the request of the Full Gospel Tabernacle to erect a church on the north 161.4 feet of the Sl.utl1 !~5 (.l~ feet ui' the east 12l~. 5 feet of J.,()~ 1, Replat of Lal\.e\'lc.:.d, property be:ins presently zuned B-1. rllr. Rebert \./. Balcer" a ttc'rney-, appeared on behalf of the church. f.'Ir. John Benller representing Mr. J. Franl~ Hamricl{ objected to gran tine the request. r'lr. ~vm. J'l1acKenz.:le, attorney, present ed a petition of L..'bject:Lon fr,lll thirty-three affected property u\'mers. In response tc. the Mayorl s request for a standing vote, fifteen persons stood as being opposed tc: granting the petition. After having re-held this Public Hearing and heard no valid reason for change in the previc,us dec:Lsi,:on, Conunissioner Strang ml~,ved that the previous action be rat:i.f:L ad and the request be denied. r-'loticn \'lClS sec~'nded by Conunissioner Rebert sand carried unan~mously. The r.1anager repl.rt0 d that Mr. Al Rogero, State Road Board member, had requested a Res~lution asking the State RLad Department to maintain Memorial Cuaseway except for beautification and that the City would continue to maintain the double bascule bridge a t the east end of the Causeway. The Cj_ ty I-\ttorney read the Resolut1cn. Comrhl ssion~r Roberts moved that Resulution 57-46 be passed and approved and the proper officials be authl r:Lzed to execute it. Notion i"1a:3 sec(;nded by Conunj ssioner InscCJ and carried unanimou.sly. In regard to the ccnstruction vf a sanitary sewer line in Betty Lane ncrth from Palmetto, the I'-1anager re cOnIDlended accepting the luw bid of Smith-Sweger Constructlun Company in th.e amount uf :~7,339.00. Conunissioner Strang moved on the recc,mmendation of the f.'Ianager, the Purchasing Agent and the Ci ty Engineer that the lc\'.[est bid c,f ' $7,339.00 submitted by Smith-Sweger Construction Company for the Betty Lane sanitary sewer project be accepted and the proper officials be authorized to execute a contract. Motion \'las seconded by Commissioner Via t1c:i.ns and carr:L ed unanime,usly. In regard to the pa:yment of :;;1, 82r( .70 for mattresses and bux springs for the Fire Department, the J'l1anager reported since there was no amount set up in this year IS budget to cover this item intended tc be paid last year he l"lecummended approval of a transfer of $1,827.70 frOln reserve for emercencies to Fire Department capital outlay. Conunissioner Roberts moved the transfer be approved. J'l10ti (In was seccnded by Commi ssioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The Manager presented Resulution 5'(-4'( which WGuld requ:lre furty-one property owners to clean the~r lots of \'leeds and underbrush. Commissioner Strang ml:'ved that Resolution 57-47 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carrled unanj.mov.sly. ~-------- II 4.P ..... .. ~~. ,-~' :.: , 't-.-l:"- \. '... ;jJJj,~":'J/".>::~:":; ~~:;~~~:~:'~'.:~;i~;t;~~f:' ~3 - J..,~: !~i~h:l:'~~i~!:fK ' f" \., ,. ,...1"..\,..",.. , t).'i~)J1f~~~ ' r.,:;\:;~~~t. .. ~ !;.:.' ':". '. '.' ~....: :~t.:::-.:~.._ ~:~;",,:~ '.,_ .1.. ';!,~';;.l.",'~~:", .....,: ;,..", ,,# " ':, ~ ,..'..~ d."'. -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 9, 195'{ ',;.i:bf.~i'- ~~~~i:id;\Q t. .,. fa; ""'l'''~.c. .,tf/'" '!"'I ,'; /t~~~0l@::.~: "~2;;l;~ '.. ~ ':. ,.:,.1 ':,:trt 'J..'~, ~;~~~ .t!~J'~ "'i~~~I~l. .""'...,.,..,"""'/""."'~-~ ;I;.'~~~n'i~^~J! ;1,",. " '.""" c, ~ . 'Y;'1{~t~1~ , , '. . ~, "f':~.' ,..' . ':' . ,..' ~:'....l,.:;. ,~.. ~..:~" .:';~ .' . ~ 1 t, ,:r' ' , t I I :~~m: .~! ( The !\1anac;er I'cpcrtcd l;ha t ~lrs. Gordc!Cl vn I11nms of the LeaGue of vlomen Votel"S had C(;'}11pIimented the COllunissi(\l1 on the 1l1J.rrnt ,ny exl sting amc,nc; the Commissioners, the r~anager and the A tte,rney. The !\'ianagcr sUbCe sted that tile COl1unJ,s si( 'n have 1 t s policy 1n ree;ard to streot resurfacJne; on rec' rd. COffi111.Lss.Loner Inl3co mt,ved that the City COl11miss:l,on adclpt the pol:!. cy on re ouri'ad.n;.~ tho. t nCI re [Juri'a C.LllG aha 11 be done i'lJtl1'-'llt proper curb and, or dra:Lnae;c except \'111011 the ct ty En:..-;:.!..ncer dctcnnjl1t)u that curbs and, or drainage are not aCent mical '.'r practi.cCtl f'rom the Stn..:'lclpl lnt d' maintenance 'A' the road. Motion \ras secrndcd by Conuni.ouloncr:l.,;,tl,:t.ns and carr1 cd ul,:,1l1Jml,usly. Ct\nun:Lssloner 1n3C,. In"ved ti1.at ':IJ th t:1C carry-evcr <>.f the tax m(,ney and wJ.th the ant:!. c.Lpated tax fiwney ,,'ri. thln a short par:i,1 d t r t:l.me tl1a t the Conunission instruct the Engineer to prepare a list of' prj,opJtJr reads and streets fd~ rcsur.facing in the amount of fpIOO, 000.00 tl. be spent ut th~. s tlmc Sl: that we can get Oil!' program under way j th1s to be ta~wn from the two mill tax levy that has been placed against the citizens of Cleari'later. l\1ot:Lrn \'ms secl,'nded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimc)usly. In the absence of havinc any salary ad...iuGtments and/(,r nel'1 pay plan ready .for adopti(,n, tile t'llanaGer sugGested that the Conunissi on cnd..rse a C1lst cf Ii ving increase to every City employee, the effectlve date to be September 28th. Commissjoner Strang moved that the employees be G:i.ven a cost ,,'f 11\l:i_ng raise and that the Manager use the amount cf ~j50 ,000. 00 as 3. Guide to be used :1.n makinG up increases and that the tlianager cl1ntinue his e.fforts to expedi te the rcv.l.sJcn .:,f the pay plan, r,1c.,tion was seconded by Commissicner Roberts and carried unaa:Lm,usly. The City Attorney read on its first reading Ordinance 71[5 which would revise the City BuildinG Code by cl1anKi.ns tile spe <.::i L"",cations for Cincrete rna sonry units. Ccmm:l.ssioner Roberts moved the adoptJ.on (,f Ordinance 7J~5 on :Lts first reading. Notion was seccnded by CunUl1issh~lner ':ht:cins and carried unanimously. Commis s1 oner Roberts mc,ved the ccnsldel'a t:Lon (, f' Or.dinance 7'-~5 by ti tle only wi th the unanimous CGl1Sent of ti'1C Corrun1ss:i on. !-lotiun was seconded by Corilln:.:Lssioner Strang and carried unaninlO' {sly. Ti1e Actornay read tho Ordinance by U. tIe \.,nly. Conunissioner Roberts mc,ved that Ordino.l1ce flf5 be passed on :Lts seccnd readjne. f\1oticn vias seconded by Conmlissioner :,'l.lti~:lns and carried unal-~:~_J11c.~J.sly, The Attorney read a s'-l[:;gested amendment to the restr:Lct:l.: ns If the Industrlal Par~~ which '^lould prevent spe culaU.:.'....~;, '),)11 .l nc:':.ud:i.i'lL; a 90 day cpt:L on fe'r the City to re-purchase at the same i)r:i.ee and D..lllend:illr..; tile requJ.rerne:nts concerning ho'l/ much land should be occupled by bu:i.lc1L1GS. COITUnls3:.Lonel" ':Iatidns moved tc approve 1-:he amendment to th(~ protect:2.ve c(- \fc.mants (;f Clear~'l1l tel" Induscr1al Parle and authorJzing the proper of'f:tcjals tv execute the same. fl'loti. n \"Ja:3 secr ;1ded b;y Ccrruniss:Loncr strang and carried unanlmuusly. The Attorney presented a pJ.at of Del Orc Estates and stated that the developers had s:i.gned an Ordinance 632 c:.mtract and pt,stcd $5,000. 00 b(:i'.::1.,~~( ) eaveI' improvements. He stated that he had a letter requestinG: anne.xatlon uf the !Jol"'tjJm outside the City limi t s. Conuni ss:loner Robert s mev-od that the contra ct vli tll the devclolJers c,f the area to be l{novm as Del Oro E~>tates lJndcr the provisions c,f Ord:Lnance 632 be approved, it appearing that the same !las been appruved by the proper City officials; that the required security deposit has been ma~e with the City and that the plat of the subdi vi sl on. to be lcnC:'\'/tl as Del Ora E~ta te s as subml ttcd by the devel11pers be approved and the proper City officIals be authorlzed tel execute the same, Motiun was seconded by Commissioner '.1at~dns and carri ed una:l1mc,usly. The Attorney read on :Lts first readin~ Ordinance 746 which would declare the City's intention te, annex a portion (:f DeJ. Orc Estates. Conunissioner Strang moved Ordinance '(1~6 be pa ssed on :.L t s first readin~. r-1(;tiun was oeconded by Commissioner \'fatkins and carrj.ed u!lanimcA.lsly. Conunissioner Strang moved that Ordlnar\ce ~(L[6 be considered cn its second reading by ti tle only by unan:i.mous consent of the Comm1ssicn. f'lotion 1,,'las seconded by COIillni ssioner vlatkins and ~arr:.l.ed unanim':Ju sly. The J\ttorney read the Ordinance by tttle only. Commissioner Strang moved that OrdJnance '146 be passed on its second reading by tlt1e only. Notj.on vias secc.'11ded by COllunissioner \'latldns and carried unanimously, Conuni s6ioner Strang moved Ordlnanc e '746 be c;onsidered on j,t s third and final read1ng by unanimous consent of' the COlluni ssi on. Motion I'ras seconded by Conuni ssicner Insco and carried unan:i.!nous1y. The At~orney read the Ordinance in full. Commissioner Roberts moved the passaGe and adoption of' Ordlnance 746 on Jts third readinc; and the proper authorities be authorj_zed to sie:n it. Mot:i.on \'ias secc.nded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously, The Attorney presented a contract fep tile City to be furnIshed \'lith Pyrofax gas installation to furnish power for tile operation of radios at the Police Station in event of' failure of power. Commissioner Watkins mOl/ed the contract be approved. Motion \'/as seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanillh)Usly. ,....-;. :" - ....i....-. ~""~--'~,"i~- --.- ~ " , ,e . - .. ~ ",. .. . :...., - . .' .--\'. . < . ,"if:..'~ : . '-..... -.' ;0 t., I' .P<::t' - 'r,' ,'..;;t.1fd-i:~ .,>" l:>i" . J ~:Vn.J.I"""I'\~ ,.....J "~~V::i'!B't~",''lI.'J:t5~''a~~' q.,)';J .'1..<.."",~ --,'<' , ., 'r, ., -,,7';.>" ";'''.~rlrJ'''''!lj.')\'';o''t. "il:~.."']t~,.,~I4i!;:.,:.;,,,c;l;,';,"'~~tfr<"''''!)J~-;''''~!-''~l'.;p!''~''i'''i'i;:'tr""'1'l1I11t.i" .",.~AA,"\,.,~''t:W'''''\'''''l~"\,,fl'll, '!:;~~\'1;;\~C'<'lf1~{~j;;'~l";':j~:;.,l"'W: :.<.i:~~~~:;r:.':" .~ . ';~'.' . ,~,' '.. , ''! ..,. .:':' .. < ,. ,~}~;, , i!jfS:lff1J{!.Wf j, I .... ',f ;..', .:. ~; " . ". .<55f)~ , ; . ..".,' :.:; \, . ~:.:;~~ ,; I> ,I' J;' f . ~, r " J.. . 1 ~ 1; -3- CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 9, 195'7 The Attorney rep.orted that a letter addressed to the Conunisaion i'rom the Civil Service Board requested that the minimum qualirications contained in the classification and pay plan f'or the positiun of Police Chief be reduced from the present requirements of twelve years of progressively responsible pollce experience to at least seven years of' proBressj.vely responsible police experience. Having considered the requclst of the Civil Service Board tha t the C1 ty Commission approve a change ill the minimum qualif'ication requirements under the class tltle" Police Chier, Par. 3, subparagraph tb) of' the Classification and Pay Plan of the City of Clearwater as previously adopted by the Civil Service Board with the approval of the City Co~nisslon, and the City COlrunil3sion having heretof'ol"le consi.dered the recent data concernj.ne this sub,ject, secured by the Civil Serv:Lce Board from other cities in Florida. and havin& heretofore and at this time cc-nsidercd tile minimuro qua1j.flcatlons in ]. ts 9pinion req'uired for the City of Clearwater, Commissioner \fatldns moved that the request of the Civil Service Board for a change of' said minimum qualif'ications be denled and disapproved an.d that the Civil SQrvice Board again be requested to provide the City Corrunisslon with an eligibility 11at for the position of' Police Chief, secured in accordance with the Civil Service Law and the Classification and Pay Plan now in eff'ect. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. t"o..:' i + t ... l' ", Conuni ssloner Ha tl::ins as}-::ed that a ruling rrom the At torney be requested concern- ing whether or n(it a person to serve on the CivIl Service Board must be a resident of' the City. By consent) tile Attorney was aslccd ror an opinion. Conurdssioner Insco thought the f'lanager" Nr. Paul Kane and City employees should be cOlruuended on the sandbagging to save a house and sea\<1a11 on Clear\'1ater Beach being threatened by the hiCh tide and \<11nds (,n Sunda~r. Conunl ssloner \'la tlcins suggested the fJIayor \'Trite a letter of apprcciatlon to tile department heads concerned. The Engineer discussed the drainage at Belcher and Gulf to Bay Boulevard and other drainage problems in the City. ConunissioncY' Insco moved to adjourn. l\'Iotion 'was seconded by Conunissioner 'Ylatldns and carried unanimuusly. 'J?he meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M.. Attest: '/)j?/d.'/,.;} '. ". .... 1Ilayor-{;C~~----~~ ~~~ . ." ; ,.J " ".',- ,.; ; .' " I ~ , . ~/' .r ._ "-', ~. ... , :. ... .. ,,, ; '. ,. .,.', , ' .. ~, .,': ,~ : c' . . I .. ", r. ~, :." . '. ': ,., <;;~i<:-..:,':' ," ,. ". ,",' ..,..,:",:.:'.! L, ';>;. '. . ," .,... . ' ". , /.~.r ':.:; ,(':,~,:;::",:;,:t:" :,;::~ ,,::;,';:c.,,~.,.:..,:'. . ;,: ..," '. ..... . ,: '... " ..' >,;~.); ,',. ,':. ::::~',.",. ,;. .:':. ." .," ,;,," .. '" ','; ~; ''",.,;;,.t~~~:;{.;",'\,:,:'';,':~,..i,'>':'~: ",:.::','..' ,,' , '" , ',' , . ,.', ,::'j<':;,\',:::':~, ,,\fjr':;;!"i" ;;.,.:;,,;,;'):.... !;;';T,;;;';: '., ..." , ii':; \d?,.;:.,: ,,,>:, ";;:, .:';"" ,,':;, ;;;,>.:' +.,0 'j,! >:),;"'., '~;?D " ,'" \::' <:~ "~,em':: f ',; ~~~'~~;~zti? '.' ',:.i ::;;"; ~ ,:".,;'I,::;:.J' ,; ,,:;Joe "":i;;:"~o; )' " ..:\" ,{ ::,:,~,> ~:i." ',., ;. e;: A / .'1" ,;,..~,,:;' ,',', Y,,:' "~c. ;':. :";.) ;:\ :/': ;, ""t:; '.'"';.,,":~ .... ...." 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" 1 \:';'" ~ '1 i~ ~ ,~ ~ . ;. # ] " ..~ ~"":" -aa.'!'""..,.... ,.~~c." .. -:....LL. s~ " " , . , . ", . . '," -., :~': '~:j ~" ;!".~(' " j./~ ..: >:;,;. ~". .,,:, ')'.'. '..;.'. ;:,.>\~.~~.~/.;~;-:.'.;::;,":::.~ffW~.~' .~B:::L,,_,.,. ....,'c.., , "c.:':[;)"'''''\;'''',;;~,,,,,,,,,,c-,~='';..,~,,,,~,;,,~,...u,,,,,,,~,;,,,,,:!:;;,ijl~~~~~;1~1jj'4j1J~:',;;;1,\<&)iy' ...... CITY COr~~ISSION ~mETING September 9 ~ 195'( AGENDA CITY COHI\IISSIOl.J r.IEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 195;' 1 : 30 P _ 11 _ PublJ,c !IearinGs 1. Re-hearIng, Full Gospel Tabernacle Invocation lntroduct:l.ons N:tnutcs of Prec.ed:tnc r,lcetincs Public Hearings Reports of City Mana~cr Reports of City ~ttorney Citizens to be Heard Other Conw1J.sSic.ll ActJon AdJ nUl'r"lmen t Meetin~ Pension Plan Trustees Reports from City Manager 2. CallSe\'ray, Part of S'R 60 3. B:lds, Betty Lane Sani tary Sewer 4. Approprlatlon Transfer 5. Prlvate Lot Mowing Requests 6. Verbal Reports and Other Pending Matters Reports from C1 ty J\ttorne;y 7. Ordinance #'(4~-Amendine; Building Code 8. Consideration of amendment to the Restrictions on Clearwater Industrial Park 9. Ordinance 1/7 L~6 - Intenti on to Annex a Portion DelOra Groves -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION -f~5T-LfG \'IIIEREAS, tvIelnorial Cause\-'lay 1n the City uf Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, is directly connected t,) and is an extensir.:"l llf State Road 1/60, and has fl:rmerly been designated as a State Road but the maintenance thereof has never been assumed by the Flor:i.da State R()ad Department; and, -i'lHEREAS, said f.lell1()r:Lal Causc\'lay :is a l1i[)1\'laY facUlty Nhicl1 is used primarily 'by inter-city traffic or:Lginating on State Roads //60, !fl9~ and f119A, and said Memorial Causeway is so Ilcavily used by inter-city traffic that it is inappropriate that the maintenance tlE:roc.:f be borne by the C1 ty of Clear\'1ater; and, ':nIEREAS) Pierce Bouleval.....d and Pi eree Street i'rom :L ts c;_'nnect~.on wi th l\lemorial Causevla"JT on the I'fest tu :1.ts juncture "lith S+ate R(lad /f6o via Green\'lood AVenue on the E.l. st is a connecting IJn:t tc State Rt:ad 7;1-60~' 'illl:!. ch will help to rel:i.eve traffic conGestion (,n Sta te Road .;~6o; and) :-/HEREAS, Pierce Boulevard and Pierce street has recel1t1y been (opened and paved throu~h from its CC'lloe cticn \-'li th r'1emorj.al Cause\'laY on the ~'lest to its juncture with State Road /160 via Grcerl\'lood Avenue on the East and is hence an additional traffic f'acility serville; to mal\:e r'1emorial Causc\'laY more readily available to inter-city traffic; and, ',.mEREAS, the C1 ty' of Clear\'later is v1:i.ll:i.nE tc C(\l1t:L nue to maintain the shrubs.., f'l ()\'lerS and trees alcA1C the Cauoe\'\Tay fer j., ts beautj.f'l ca tiCil1, and in the absence of the abi li ty of' the State Road Department tc d,_ se, is w:i.lling to maintain and operate the double bascuJe dr-a'.', span at the Eastern end of said Cause\'1ay: NO':l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Conunissicm of the City of Clear\'1ater) Florida) in session duly and rer;ularly assembled, as fCllIe-\'lS: That the State Road Department of Flor:Lda 1s hereby request.eJ. to assume the maintenance of that part of State Road :/;'60 in the City of Clear\'1ater, Florida, from Ft. Harrlsun Avenue ~estward to the Gulf of Mexico, excepting cnly that the City of Clearwater \'lill maintain the shrubs, f'lc.:wers and trees alc'ng the Causeway f'or its beautification) and \'Jil1 c-.~/ntinue t/:' maintain and cperat.e the double bascule draw span at the ea stern end of sa:id CaUSe\'lay., and that the City Clerk is directed to send certified coples of th:Ls Resolut.:lc n tu the Hc,norable ~'lilbur E. Jones, Chaj.rman) State Road Department J and to tile Honorable Albert L. Rogero, r,Iember, State Road Department. PASSED Al'm ADOPTED, this 9th day cof September J 1957. I. S/ 1e\'1i s Homer Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /.8/ R. G. i'fhitenead 'c:t't;'{ Clepl-: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESOI,UTION --~rT-IV( \vllEREAS: it has been determined by the C:Lty Conunlssion or the City of Clearwater_, Florida.. that tIle pl'operty descr:Lbed bele-v1 should be cleaned of ""leeds, grass and.. or underbrush, and that af"tor ten (10) days not:ice and failure or the owner thereof to do 60, tho Ci ty uhoulcl clean such property and charge the costs thereof' aga:l.l1st the respective prope~ty. lJO~'I THEREFO~E BE IT RESOLVED by the Cj.t~~ Conunlssion of the City of Clearvlater., Florida, that the followinG described property, situate in said City, shall be cleaned of \'Ie0ds) grass an.d/or underbrush 1.1i thin ten (10) days af'ter notice in \'lrJ.ting to the owners t;hereof to do 5(> and that upon failure to comply with said notice, the City shall perf'orm such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respective properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter of' the City of Clearwater,. as amended. ,'. "f. . .....,.. ,'. ~~~<"'''!~7~,;;;~;~~~~~;;.:7~~;'~':r... OWNER WIllIam L. Ferrell 922 Pinellos City \voodro\1 Raulerson 1231 Ewing City Merl D. Williams 3257-A So. Lenox M.D. waultee '(, IlIi sconsin Albc~t R. Blackert 1006 E. Druid Rd. City Marvi n Ill. Granll ey ~'Jil1iams Bay ~\Jisconsin fvIinnic S. Engle 326 Third Ave. So. St. Petersburg, Fla. Thomas J. Flaherty 1518 Abraham St. McKeesport, Penn. H. Blyth f.'Iayers P,O. Box 719 City J, A. Ogden 1020 Sunset Point Rd. City Mar8aret S. Edmonds Box 158 Hinton, West Va. Walter E. Hammersley 1110 t'layne Ave. Dayton, Ohio George C. Moon, Jr. lL~23 So. 1-11ssour1 City \-1. F. Hutchins lt24 .Jeffords St. City Georee R. Smoyer 420 Cleveland St. City Ed. C. Wright P.O. Box 24 St. Petersburg, Fla. Charles H. Andrews LH Main St. Spencer, Mass. Bessie S. Hollingsworth 512 So. Ft. Harrison City Bert DeGroot c/o Alfred J. Toth 3053 Cherry Lane City Lena M. Forshee 600i 13th Av~. NW Largo, Florlda Carl J. Delucenay 1527 So. Missouri City Edmund A. Monroe R D 1 Grafton, Ohio Merton R. NaIl 1929 S. i'lalnut Springfield, Illinois ABC Homes, Inc. 1L~5l Missourj. Ave. City ~'li1liam L. Lowe 381~3 N. Oconto Chicago, Ill. John F. Sage ., 626 N. Garfield Jaynesville, \'1iscon6in Blanche ~i. Bird ,1729 Gulf to Bay '.:C~ty '::" .,. CITY CO~WISSION MEETING September 9, 1957 DESCRIPTIOl~ L"OtJT Blocl{ 11 ~1i 1 tOil Parle Sub. Lot 12 Block 11 Miltun Park Sub. Lots 2 &; j"~ Blc.cle H. Unit 10, mcycrcst Lot 2 Ft. Harrison Sub. COST $ 'I"5:"O"0 15.00 23.00 15.00 Lot 1 J. P. Little Sub. 20.00 Lots J.~ 0: 5 Palm Bluff 1st Add. Lot 61 Enghurst 20.00 16.00 Lot 3 Bayview Hts. 1st Add. Lots 1 & 2 Blocl{ D Navajo Park Replat of Lot 3 - Lot A Block A F10ridena Sub. Lot 1 Bloele A Peale Par'l.;: Sub. Lot 2 Blocl-: A Peale Parl.;: Sub. Lot 1 Bluff' View 15.00 15.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 17.00 Sec 21 Tnsp 298 &~e 15 M & B 40-10603-H Be~. NW cor of SEt of 8E~ run E 3rr3. 5'7 I &: S453 I for POB th S 00' S '70 DEG 56 min l!.2 see 115.72' to rd. tl1 N\'J along E bdry of rd 95.84 Ft, E 165.92' to POB. Lots 9, 10, 11 Bloc);: ll~ Be11eair Sub. Lot 1 Blocl.: D Peale Parle Lot 20 Hollingsworth Estates 19 . 00 20.00 17.00 17.00 Lot 9 Bloc1'.: 1. Druid Parle 16.00 Lot 10 Bloclc 1 Druid Parle Lot 12 Bloc].;: 1 DruJ.d Park Lot 1L~ Block 6 Druid Park Lot 1 Bloelc 1\ Skycrest Terr. 1st Add. Lots 12 - 13 Blocl.;: C S::\118 Sub. Lot 9 Block B, Unit D Skycrcst Lot 10 Block B, Unit D Skycrest Lot 12 Block A Suburb Beautiful 18.00 16.00 18.00 17.00 23.00 19.00 15.00 16.00 , ' L ,-... ..' '.~'''''''''''''''''r~~~'-:I:;!~.......'~j;O:V:;~''~~;;';''';:':':'..'.'':''f'l,',,\'~.i..:'~' .i'''\":,...........-:::~,~::-'''t;...-:*~.:;~.....~...../~.:\ '-:-....., .,~""'~... .... . ,:: ~.. ., -?"~",!-";.':=~;,o;""\'<;JoYr-'\"tTl;-"'!*~..~~~~~".\;i4.<~,,,~,"''<l!rt~,,~~;~#,,,~':>;I~!:~:.t"'r;;- ,��' ,� �' ° _ t : :�.�; � _ _ . _. _ : : . _ . _ ,.,_. .w�,,,.,,_ .,w , ' '�,� �:. ,. _ _ ;. ; � �: , _ ,, ,, , , _ : ,,,,.,i . . ; J � ' _ , CI�'Y CQMM�SSION I�fEEZ'ZI�G Sentemb�r �7. � ca�� : � , ----- -� ..�... „�.,, �� ..��a����4�C�.• ,���� �.n �pec�al Session at the City Ha].1, Monday, Sep�ember 9, ].957, a� 1;3� P.M. ,;lth the Pal�owing members nresentc , _ , �ew3s Hamer Mayor-Commi.ssioner W. E. Strang, Jr. Coinrpissioner Samuel J. R�,berts Cammiss�oner C1eve7.and :Lnsca, Jr, Conimissinner _ James H, 'r�/aticins Comm�.ss:I.on.er _ Als� present were: Jack Ta1l,ent City Man�gex _ Ben �rentzmaii City Attorney S. Lickton City k'ng3.ne�r _ Pa�r. B._ Man�helli Represe�ting Po1:Lee Chief ' The meeting was called ta ord�r by the Mayor. The invoaation was iven b g y the _ Reverend R. S, Lambart a�' the Episcopal Church af the AScension, Clear�rater, i•ne Mayor as?�ed if the Commissicn was ready ta a�prove th� minutes for July 2qth, August 5th, 12th, �.gth, 26th. The qity Attorney recomme�zded tha�,the mctic�n oz August 26th conaerning the "vdatkc�.ns Road paving pra ject be restated for the r.eeord'. APter havi�Yg held this Public I�earino and heard no legal valid ob jectic;n, Caznmissi.aner SLrano mc�ved that the project be authcrized and the praper oT£iczals be autherized t� take b;ids i;hls prGjeC�; that upon ecmpletion �f the work �n vf the Town pf Belleair , Paymenz there`°ar- be made cn the basis 13�0 000 , pdy�'�� �'1�50U.00, th,e pxaperty o�,mers to ,be assessed fr�r /3 per c,eri� af the total acttlal cost ef curb and drainage and the ba];ance c�i' the cost of the total �roject be paid by �the City o�' Cleartvater. Mct;-c�n Vras seccnded by Cammissioner ?,Jatkins and carried unaiiimcus7,y, CGmmissio�er Insca moved tHat the minutes of the meet.ingu of ,7uly 29tk�, t�ugust 5th, _ 12th, 19th, and 26th be approved as amended in aceordanee with c�ipies submitted to each Comtr�isa�.uner in Trrrizing, i�lotion ulas sec�nded by Commissioner Strat�g and carried �inanitnously. Tl1e City At�orney su�gested that the mc;tion on July 22nd appr�ving the type of blc�wers to be used :�n the Marshall S�reet P1ant Addztion, be clarified. Upcn th� a,ssurance by I3arold Brile3r, the City's Consult�ng Fngineer, �hat the type �i blo;�rers ' included in the contract oi' Henry G. DuPree fox the Narshall Street sewage imprr�-uemerzts m�st the City's speclfications and are satisfaetory, Commissioner Inseo moved thz�, the prevlaus acceptance of �nat contract be ratif�,ed. I�toi,ion taas seccnned by Co„unissianer Roberts and earried unanimously. A re-hearino was announced �;n the �eauest o�' the Full Gos�el Tabernacle to erect _ � a church on �he north 1.61.4 ieet of the sauth �5'j.4 fee� af the eas� 12�.5 ieet of - - Lot l, Rep� at o�' Lakewood, property being presently zoned R-1. i�ir. Rc�hert ZJ. Baker, attcrney, app�ared on behalf of the church. I�Ir. John 3cnner representin� Mr, J, Franie - ;iamricic oo,jected to granting �he requ,est, Mr. �dm. iVlacKenzie, attorney, Presented a petitlan of objection frcm thirty-three afzeeted property avrners. In respons� �e the Mayar s:request for a standing, vote, fifteen persons stavd as being opposed to,grant�ng th� petition. After having re-held th3.s Publie Heari chan e 3n the ` � and heard na valid reason f�r g previous decisic�n, Commissianer S�rang moved that t11e previous action be ratified and the request be denied. MotiGn was sec�nded by Commissioner Rcae�^�s ar*d , carriec� uz'�animously. The Manager reported that Mr. Al Rooero, State Road Board member, had requested a R�s�lution asl:ing �he S;Gate R�ad Denartmeni• to maintain Memorial Cuasezaay excep� for- , b�autif3,catian and tha,t L-he Ci�y wauld contir�ue to mainbair_ the dauble bascule bridQe at the east end of the Causeway. The City At�orney read the Resoluticsn. Cominissioner : Raber�s moved �hat Resc�luticrn 57-46 be passed and approved a�d the praper oiiicials be au�horized to execute it. Motion was seccnded 1ay Commissioner Insca and carrzed _ LTnanimously . In regai d to the cc�nstruction �f a sanitary seTr�er line in 3e�ty Lane n�r�h from - Palmetr�, the Mana�er recommended acceptir�g the lakv bid of Sm3,-�h-Sweger Cons�ructian Company in the amount o�' $7,339.00. Commissioner Strang moved cn the recc�mmenda�ion ' t�i tlze Mat�ager, the Ptmchasing Agent and the City Engineer tha� the lctvest bid cf �7�339.00 submitted by Smith-Scveger Constructi�n Company'z'or th� Betty Lane sanitary setver pr�ject be accepted and the proper officials be au�horized to execu�e a cc�ntract. ' AYotiqn was seconded by Coinm�,ssi�ner Waticins and carri,'ed unanimeusly. , _ Ir� regard to tlze payment oi �1,327.7q for mattresses and bc?x spring� for the Fire Department, the b7anager reported slnce there was no amount set up in this 5=ear�s budget to cnver this i�em intended to be paid lasti year he recc�mmended approval of' a_ transfer of $1,827,70 from reserve for emergencies to,Fire Department capital oublay; C�mmissioner Rober�s ihoved the transfe� be approved. Motion Wa�,seconded b;� Gommissioner rnlatltins and carried unanimausly• _ �'lze Manager preseizted Resc�lutiori 57-4( which would require furty-one prc�perty awners tza clean their lots af weeds and underbr�L7.sh. Cpmmissioner Straiig maved that Resolttti.oi� 57^47 be passed aizd adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execu�� 1t. Mot3.on was secanded by Commissioner Roberts and carr3.ed unaniniausly. ;.� . _ ; ; A .�, , � �u �,, , - _ � ,: .zY% ,�� : .,.e+ _�_ _ . .��"� CI�S'X COMMISSTON M�ETII�G ' C2TY COMMISSION P�lEETTNG Septemb.er 9r 1957 _ SepL-e�nber 9, 1�5'T _ , The Planager repr�rted tkiai: Mrs . Gordvn �+1i1.1.�.ams af the T,ea�u� c�f' 1�omeY� �T�texs The Abtorne re crL•ed �liat a letter ad � . �, ad e�m limented the Comnt:Lssian on tl�e ha.rmc�n ex�.st�r.. amc�zl � tMe Corr�m:i.ssio�aerp the 3T p dres�ed tc-the Gommis��nn 2rcm the C3.vi1 _ h P � � � a S�xv3.oe $oard reqLiesbed that the minimum qua�.lf3.cations cor�tained in t .. _ he classxficat�.cn Manager and the A�ttarney. and pa.y plan for the pa�it�.c�n of pol;ice Chief be reduced frozn �E:�e pre�ent re uirements r�f ttive7.v� ears of' � The Mana er su estec3 tlzat the Comm3.ssion kzave �.ts pq7.3.cy 1n re�a�d tc� stxee� J' nro�reapivelj� les��xar�3_�].e pr�lice exp�ra.ence 'tp at least seven g �g� T �. � y�a�s esf �ro�rensively res�nnsa.ble police exp�rience, Iiav3n. cot�sidered resurfacing on reccrd, Comm3ssio�iex Saa�co matecl �ha� the Gity Commis aan ad pt tl�e r , � the reqtzest . _•' �, *,� a� �he Civi1 S�� ,rice Board tha:t the City Commission `a rove a Ghan e i .. oo�s.cy en resurfaca.no trat no resurfacin� sl�all Ue don� w3���cu� pro�er cuxla and, or ua �, � ;, , , _, , �p . � n, the mznimum 7.�, �. atic� xequlrerr�ents undex L�ze class tiitle, police Chzef' Par,' sub r dra�,raa�e except ivhen the CitsT rn�iizeei� determines that curlas and, or draina�e are _ • , 3, para�raph , �n) a�' �Liae C.Lassifica�iorl and Pa Plan of the C3.t - `' nat ecenom3cal ar pract3.cal fram thE standgc�:Lnt C�' maintenaizce �f i:l�e ro�d, l�Tatlon, tiva� ., Y y of Clearwatex� as preva.ously adr�pted secc�nded b Commissioner 'v�I��itins' and ca:rried unar�lmausl , , by the Civ].l Snr�ice Board with the apprcval s�f tk�e C1.�;� Cor�xrtlssian; and the Cit - Cc�punlssion Y�avin� heretof�are cons�dered the recen� data caneern:3_ng this s�.bjec�,� y Y secr,txed by thp Civ�.l Service �oaxd from other ci�ies in Fler� da and a ,-. ' ' Cemn�.i.sszoner Insca mc�ved that with the ca�ry-aver of the ta�, mcney and iv:ith �l�e ,, _ . _ , . ,, , h vin� heretc,�".,re xnd a{, th�:s t.i.me c�nsld4red the mfin�.mu!� ixa].xf:l,catiens i its 3' anticipated -�ax mcaney t�itl�in a short periK�c1 c�f tlme that the Gommz�s�:an ii�struct the - . , q n gp_nion requixed for i.he C�.ty of Clearvaater, Comm2ssioner °slatkins mpxred thati the re e�t "" Engineer to prepare a 1.ist of pr3ority roads and streets f'c�r re�urf�cing in the amc�un� . ,,, , qu e c�i tne CiVi.l U 000 -0 t' � ne s ent at this time sa tizat we can et oar rc� �am under tva • S�xvs.ce }3aard far a c1lan�e af said nlinimum quala.fica�ions be denied and disa�pro ed __ v c�f �10 � . Q c p � p �_ Y, atld �kzat the Civi1 Servlee Board a ain be re ueste - ` = : ; . th? s�t� be ta}cen froin the ttvo mi11 tax leuy �hat 11as been placed a�ainsi the C3'ti.zetis __ , g q d i,o prova.de the Clty Comm�,as��r� ��azth _ an eJ.iglbility list for �he pasitian vf Po1? ce Chief; secured �n acca . of Clearc�tater, Motien wa:s �ecanded by Comm3ssioner Roberts and carr3.ed unazlinu�usly. .. __ , rdance vrith the CiviX Servic� �,aw and the C1asslficatian and Pay P1,an �ow in eiiect. Matic�n tivas in the absenee of having any sal:ary adjustments and,: ��r new pay plan r�ady �'c?r seco�ded by Cammissioner Raberts and c�.rried unaiz3mcualy. ado�fi3:�n, tl�e Matla�er su�gested t'nat- the Gommissiorl endcxs� a cc�s� nf liva.n� ;�n�rease . t� e er �- em le ee the �ifertive date i,a be Se tember 28th Commiss:ivne S'Lr n- - ��rnrn�.ssionF�r Wailcii�s asked that a rulin� from tlie At�arne be re uested ca:r_�er - �. v y Ci ,� p y , P , �' a� in� whe�h�r or nr,t a person to serve on the Civ�.l Sar'vz � q . n _ maved that the employees be �iven a eps� c�' livrzzg raise and tha� the Prlana�er t��se the , cE Boaxd mu�t be a res�.dent of amourjt nf � 0 OOO.Ot� as a uide �a be used in analsing u inexeases arid that the Manar^er the Caty. By consent, tY�.e Attorney was asked f ar ar� r;�3n�:Qxz, . 5 , � 1� � , c�:ntlnue his efforts �a exaectite the r�'visi�rl t�f the pay glan. Mc���on was uecc�t�ded by Cr�nunissiener Rol�e�ts and earxied unalzim�usly. Comrr�isslvr_er Irisco �thau�h�t th� Mana�er, Ms. Paul ISane and City emp7.oyees shculd be c�uunended otZ �ne sandbag��.n� t�; save a hQuse and seae�;all r,n Clear,�a�Eer 5�ac�± b�sng f. �hrea�en�d l�y the h1�h 4ide and lvinds c,n Sunda , Cammis�ioner ��a-r' • � T12e Cxty Attarney r�ad on its _Zrat rea.ding Ordinance '�4� whietl would revise tl�e ,, y` J w.zns suo�ested �he , City Buildiizg Code by cLan�i,�� the speci�icai�ians fe:r c�ncre�Ge masGnry units, NIayar ti,tr�.te a letter o�' apgrec�ation to the department heads ec�ncerned. Cor.�m�.ssioner Robarts moved the adoption c�f Ordinanee 7�5 on its firsti r�ading. m ,., MotiozZ i•+ras sec�nded by CommissiGner "rJ�t'�: ns and carrxed unanimously. , ..he �,n�ineer di�cussed the draina�e a-c Belcher and Gu1f tQ Bay Boulevard and otner dra�.na�e probl�ms a�� th� City: Ge�mmissi�ner Raberts maved the considerat3.�rn af Ordinance 7�F5 by title only �+ri th . tlze una��imous cc�nsent of the Commission. PQation wa, seconded b Commissianer Stran Cuirunissi<:;.�er Insco maved tc a ljour�, Niat�.on Uras sec�:r_ded by G�mm�asioner y �' `�Ja�'.cins and carried unaii�.mcusl� Th� mezt��n ,� _ and carr? ed unanimously. The AttorneSr read the Ordinance U;,� �itle onTy. Commissic�n�r ' J• � ad'ourned at �-: 30 P.T��. Raber�s maved tha� Qrdinatice 71�5 be pas;sed on its secand readin�, AZotion �vas secaizded b�r Cammissicner Td��l€ins ai7d carried unanimausly. The Attorney read a su�g�sted amendment to the restrictic�ns c�f the Industr:Lal ' ��_�� Par.: which would preven� specu�ation by inclt�.dino a 90 day aj�tion ia� the C:Lty to L1ia� - o �s.� ?�er t Attest:' re-purchase at tne same price and amending t�e requirements �oncernin� how muc£z land - shouTd be occupi ed b�T buildings, Cormnissioner :Jatkins moved ta approvc the amer2dment - to th� protective ec:xren_ai�ts of Clearw�ter Industrial Park and `authorizi,ng the' proper - oific�als t�, execute t�e same. Nioti�n y�as seccnded by Cammissipn.er Strang and carri�d .. � unanimuusly. �` Cler<c - - _ The At�orney presented a plat af De1 Oro �states and stated tha� the dev�7:opers had sigr_ed an Orcli��ance 632 cr�ntract and pasted y�5, Qd0.00 bond tra c�ver i�npr�pveme�its . He s�ated that he had a letter requestin� annexation of the portion outside the City limits. Commissioner Rob�rts; mc�ed that the contrac� r,vith tl�e developeis c,f tlle area to be I�not,rn as �el Oro �sta�es t?nder the piovisions af Ord3.nar�ce 632 be ,approvecl, it apuearii�g that the san�e has been apgraved. by the pioper City officials, that �the ret�uired securit� deprrsa.t l�.ds been made with the City and that the plat of the subdivisi�n to be ksiotAm as Del Oro Es�ates as sul�mitted by the develc7pers be appr�v�d - an.d :,he proper Czty officials ba authorized tn execute the same. Motic7n tivas sec�nded by Commissinner ;+Ia�kins and carried unanimc.usly. : ihe Attorrey read on i�s first reacLn�; Ordinance 7�F6 which would declare the City�s 3.ntention to annex a pr�rtion ci Del. Oro Estates: Commissioner Strang moved Ordii7ance 7uo be �assed on its first xeading. Mativn was seconded hy Coinmissi<>ner �Tatkii�s and carried unan�m�usly. Commissic7zsr Stra.:�g moved that Ordinance 7�46 be considered on its second reading , hy tit?.e anJ.y by unanimous consent af the Commissian. Motian tivas seconded by ' Coirunissioner :�Jat�t3ns and carrxed unanimously. The A�torney read the Ordinance b;� title on1y. Commissianer Strang maved that Ordinance 746 be passed on its aecond : readino �ay title on1y, '�iot�.on vaas 'secor�ded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unana.mou sly . _ Commissioner Stran; n�oued Ordinance 74G be considered crz its �hird and f1na1 readin� by unanimaus consent af the Commission. Motir�n tvas seccsnded by' Commi.ssinner Insco ancZ carriecl un�nimausly. The Attarney read the Ordinance in fu.l1. CommisNic�ner : Roberts meved the passa�e and adoption of' Ord3nance 7�b on its'th;i.rd rea�l3.n� and the ' proper au�hnriLies Yre autharized �o si�� �.t. Motion was secc,nded by Commissioner Insco and carr:Led unanimausly. : The Attarnsy pre�ented a cuntraat i'�r L'ne City to be f'urnished with Pyroiax gas installation ta furnish power for the operatian r.,f radl.;�s ati i;he ?olice Station i� event of fai].ure of power, Comm� ssivner t�Ja'�kins moved the contract be apprr,ved. I�[ct� Ni� v�as seconded by Cammissic:sner Roberbs and carz:ied unara3.m,nus�.y, ' �... `. .,r ' �_.._.�.�.� . ... _. _. __ � : �;s.....' ., � . . , . . . . . . � . . . � .. . . . . . � .. . . . . �. . . . � ' �,f - �' . '� . _ : , _ . . . . . . . , . r. . .. . . . .. . .. � .. . ' . . ' . '..... . . . . . . . . .. � . � . . . . .. . . .. � . , . � . . . .� .. .' .. . , . . . � . � � .� � 3. ; �,r ' _ J, � � _ _ �. F; . ' �� ,. � 4� � ' c��Y con�m7zssza�r r��z�tG . , _ �� ; CITY COP�IMZSSI0�1 MGETINC� j Sep�Eember �� 1�5'� Septemb�x 9� 7.9�7 _ �. AG!�1�TAA Pub7.�.c Iieariri�S � OGI���R AESCRZPTIOI�T I CTTY COh1P17:SSx02d M.EE�'ING R�-�aar�.n�, Fu].1 Gasp��, '�abernacte CQST � 1P �l�:Lazn L. Ferne�l La� 17; P�0 � SEPT�T+ZBER �, 1n5�, �22 �'inel,las B1ack 1�. ' • � 1:3Q P.M. 2e�prCauseoa�CiPaitao��@R 60 � 3 Mi.l�on Parlc Sub. i� � . ,�j•t �j T. . In�o�atinn 3. T3ids� Betty Lane Satz�.i;axy ��1��cr �J��231W�tR� ��erson B1ockG1.1 �5.OQ i Sn roductioils �, Apprapr�.at__oi� Trarsier Cit3' M3.1tc�n �'ar,'ac Sub ; _ NTinutes of Preced2n� 1�leetiizgs 5. Private I,o� T�fGtvin� Requests _ , Merl D. �r13�.1iams . '. Publ�.c F�eariilgs b, Verbal Reports and Otller Pending Nfai:�e�s Lots 2�. �� . 23.00 ._ � Repar�s of City AZana�er 3257-A So, 3,,eno�t Blc�ck H. Reports of City Attc�rney , Reports frcm C:ity At��rneSr NLi.7_wauitee j, ;�fiseunssii Un3.t 7;0, 51�ycrest _ . I�lbc.rt R. Blacb��rt L��, 2 � C�tizens to be Heard ' a, Ordl�anae I y- men yn� Bui�.d3;r1t�,' Cade 100G �. Drti;Ld Eid. �'t Harris ° 15.00 OthEr Conunias:ion Ac�ian v, Cc�ns�derata;on of amendme�l� t�� the Ci�y . an Sua. ' - Adj�ztrrunent Restrict:Lons pn Clearwa�er Tndustr�.a� Par,c ��Iarv3.n r�'I. Gramle Let 1 _ Mee�in�; E'ension Plan 'Prustees 9, Ordinance �}'j46 - Ini;en�3.<3n �o Annex a r•• : � - y • 2a.00 ` Portion Del Ora GroveS 4d117.�.amU }3ay J. P. L�ttle Sub. _ 'rlisc�ansin _______ ATinni� �. En�1e LGts 4' Fc 5, 20:OU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32E� Third Ave. So, Palr.1 B1ufz �st Add. RESOLU��Oi�1 �'� . Petersbu��, F1.a . Tkiomas J. r1�,herl:y Lo� 6i 16.0� ATc� • f- ' 151� Abrahani St . En�hurw � � ,��3�'REAS, Memorial Ca,usetaay in the Ci�y �f Clear�+rater, �'inellas County, Flerida� P�icT�eesport, Penn. Zi. Blyth P�Iayers Lat 3 i S direc�l� conx�ected t�: and is an extensian c,i State R�ad �0, and haS �'c�rmerly beezz o ��.pQ designated as a State Road but the main�enance thereof has n4ver beei� assumed by the p•�• �OX 7�� B�:yview �ts. lst �.dd. F'lorida State Road Department�, �,nd, City J� ll. O�den L:�ts 1 F� 2 ?�. GQ WIiEREAS, said Meniorial Caus�tiaay is a highi��ay facility t�hiclz is used primarily 102Q Sun�et ?oint Rd. B�ocPs � py i�z�er-ciiy �rafiic or3g��z�t3ng on State Roads ;'r'`��� {�7-9� and ,-�l�A, and sa�d Ci�3' �Tavajc Far�� Memorial Causevaa is so reavilT used b �ni,er-cit - trai_ic �ha� lt ;Ls ina �ti ' �Zar�are� S. Edmonds Reb1aL af Lo� - Lot A Y _ ,� y- y f 1�Pr priaLe _ 3 17.00 �chat the maintenance th�r�oi be borne by the City of Clearerater; and, $o1i 15� Blc�e?t A �Iintir�n, ��test Va. :�lcrzdena Sup: :V�'tIEREAS, Pierce Boulevard and Pierce S�reet from its crnnect�oil witih Memor:i.a:1 '.d�ltcr E. Harr�7ieraley LcL 1 1�,�q ' Causeway on. the West uo 3ts junctiure trith Sta:te Road ;�60 via Greenivood l��eilue on the 17.10 ;+layne 9ve. Blocl� t� E�s-c is a connectin� linYt to State Rqad �0,' �rrhich �rill 11e1p to rel:teve traffic Dayton, Ohia Peale Farxi 5ub, congestion cm SLate Road y�60; and, Cre�r�e C. D1oon, �7r, Zot 2 19.00 ' 1%T23 So. bti.usaLtra. ylc,ci� A . i�J?�REAS, Pieres 3ou7�evard and Pierce Street has rece�ztly been apened and paved C-�t� pea].e Par?t Sub. thraugli from i�s coMrazcticn t�ri�h Memarial Causetvay on the ;�Jest zc itS juncture ihTith �d, F. I3Li�clYixZs Lot l 17.00 ' Sta�e Ttoad rr�60 via Creen�voad Avenue on the �ast and is hence an add:itianal traffic �24 J"efforcls St, Blufi Viet�r - facili4g servins to maI�e Memorial Gause�•�ay more readi7.y available ta inter-city� �'-�y ' tsraffic; and, Geor�;s R. Smoyer Sec ?l Tn:,� 2QS 1�e 15 � 00 , �;20 Cleveland Sti, M w B�0-10a'03-HH Be�,: N;d cor of -9. ?Vi��,RFAS, �he City of Glearwater is willii�g to coi2tiizue ta maintain �he shru s Ci�J' S�,,�-� oi SE� ru,� E�73.5?' E. S4 3� �o,, flowers and trees alan� the Causeway fc�r its beautification; and in the absence rf� POB th S o0� S 70 DEG 56 min 52 sec '_ `t;� oi tl�e Sta�e Road Department t.a dc� so; is v�rillin� to ma3ntain aizd operate ��-5.7�' �a r�., zIz t3?'l along � bdry of rd tih e abili 9� . 34 r t, E 1e� ._'� ti�e doubl'e .pascul� drativ span at the Eastern �nd of sa� d Caus�way� , ��'{. C. iirsght Lots 10 l� 5 92 to t 03. _ �a � 20.00 � I�O;�J,.THERr��ORE, B� IT RESOLVFD by the CitSr Commission of th� Citq of Clearwa��r, P.O. Bo; 2� Blac?,: I�- r1r�r�da, �n sesszon dul� ai�d regularly assembl�d, a:s fallqws; �t. Petersburg, Fla. �3elleair 5ia.b, _ Char�.Ps H. Andret�ts Zo•� 1 17.00 , �hat the °tate Road Department or F1ori�i� is heiel�y reques�.e3 to assume �he !c� NTain St, 31ec?� D main�enance of �hat par� of Szate Road y'�60 in tne C=ty af Clearwai,er, Florida fri�m Spencer, tiTass. Peale Pari: ' Bess3e S. IIo11a.n�st�rc�rtl7 Lot 20 T7.ap Ft. Harrisc:n 4venue westNrard to the Gulf of Mcxico, excepting only that tlze Ci�y nf . - . � � ClearP�ater v�i11 ma2ntair_ the shrubs, flcprers and trees alon� the Causeway for ita 512 So. F`t. Harrzsan riollin�st�*c�rt3� is�a�es beautiiication, and w�.�7 continue tc.7 mai,ntain and o�erate the double baacule draw City - span at the sast�riti enc3. of said Caixsetivay, and that the City Clerk is directed tc.� Eert DeGraot Lot � 1�.�C1 send ce-rtified copies �f �his Resolu�ivi� tv t:Cie Honorable i+1�.lbur E, Jones, Ch�irman, e,, o Alfred J. Tc�th 3� acl� 1 _ SLate Road Depari,meri•t, and �� the Hanarable A1ber� L. Ra�ero, Membe�, State Road 305� Gherry Lane Druid Parl� _ Depar'tm�nt. CitiSr Z�na M. Forshee Lot lU 18.00 LASSED A�}A ADOPTED, �his 9th day c�f Sep�emUer, 1957• 600� 13�h Ave. �T;�7 B1oc�� 1 i�ar�o, Florida Druid Parlc Carl J. �7e7.ucenay Lat 12 16.00 _ ' 1�2'� So. P�fissouri Bldcls 1 ` �• s� Let�ri s I-iomer Ci'cy Druid Par?r _ Edmund A. t�lonr�.,e Lot 14 n Mayor-Comms. ssioner 7:c. Q0 Attesi,. R D 1 Bloci� � ;: s R. G. Uihltehead ,Graf'L-di�, Ohia pruid Parlc City G7.erk _ : MarL-on. R. Na11 T,ot T _ 17. 0C1 �929 S. �dalnt'st B1aek �� ---------------------____-------,-___---------------.._�.._.�__�_---------__- Sprin;field, Illinazs Sl�ycrest Terr. lst Add. _ _� I3 C I-I�me s, Ii3c . Zo � s 12 - 13 23 . 00 R�SOLUTTOri 1��5�. i�lisso,,tri Ave. B1ae�� G : _ �7-� City Salls �ub. clilliam I,. i,otve I,ot � 19.QU :^I:-iEREl�S: zt has b�en determined b� the C3ty Commis:sion af the City of C1e�rwa.ter, 3��r3 xd. Oeoi�to B1oc�c B, Uni� D Flc�r� da, tha� the property descr�.bed belovr should be cleaned w�' vteeds, �r�,ss and, �� Chica�;�, Ill . Sltycrest underbrush, and tha� after te,� (10) ciays not? ce and failure ci' the avmer thereof tc� Jo17n F'. Sa;e- Lot 10 - : 15.00 do so, �Ghe Ci,ty shouXd clean sucn propPrty and char�e the costs �kzereof a alnst the �2� N. Gar�:icld Blac�1 8a Un:it D , respeetive prap�xty. � ' Jay�esv3.l7.�, .�J_l�cnris7n Sltycrest _ Sd0'vJ THEREFORE B.� ZT RESOLU�D by fihe City Commiss3.on sif �I7e C`i � �f C].�arva�.�er Blanci�e t�2. Bird L�t 12 1�i.00 Flarida, �nat the iol].uvaing descri�ea prop�r��, s�+tuate i.n sa'ia C:Lt� � all b. e� : `x•'(�9 ixua.� 'to Ba� B1oek A ; �f vleeds, ;ras� and 'or underbrush wa,thir� ten 7.0 da� a . �? � .� c1 aned C:�,t`Y Sul�rxr'h Beautii`u1 ' / ( ) J after no�lce xn trrxit�,n� ta thc ' owners thereof to dc3 s<; and that upon failur� �r� c�mp7.y v�i�h sa;Ld i�crtice, the City shall �erform such el�aning �nd char�e the c�.,ats 'r,her�af a�ainst the res eet3.ve p properties :�n accordance wi�h Section 12c� ��f �he Ghar4er ci:f t�ie C;i.t3r c�F Clearwatc�, as am�nded, z ' ' ; � , �, _ � ; �` _ ; S , ,a ii , J _ � ..:F , _ ,. _ _ �; , � � � � �. . _ � � _ � � �'' .�'i __ _ � _� � �_ � � __ � _.�. _: _. .._ _ �.. : _ � _-...,:....._ r ,�� . �9 . . CZTX COA�YTTSSTt��v t��ET�NG , Sep�emUex �� �957 ORDxN1��7CE No. ?�!6 (Gcn��3.nuad) ' AP3 (i�DINANCE DECLARrPiG TFi� I23`1'ENTZON OF ,-,. �' N�. 1� ��>� 9.1� 33 , fJ0 _ �.'FI� CI`.�Y Ol+ C%��iR�lA�.'ER 2'4 ANN�K �IiE PRQ- �u�,e��e S. Causs �f � PERTY IiEET�INA�3.'�R DESCi�BED, YTliICH SS T� 1q�0 iJ. S��iriat�i �d 20 � T,ot :I.� �s 2t?, Bl�,cl;; ,�, T:�nsin Z�, i�ti.ehz;��� T�eys-�one Sub. �3� KhQi�iN AS' D� ORO �S�A7CES, iNTO THE COR- �az�v7.d J'� i�,�wers S Z'% „Ou ��,��: 1'� 7.5 . QU PQRATE �xMIT� OF `� CITY OF CI,�RRWA`�EFt, 1�32 Raanbort Bloc�� Ii �IsORIDA, UPON TIiE F�XI'�RATIQN �F J1'HIRfiY (30) Ci�y I�eys�otZe St�b. DAYS FROM'Z'iiE PAS�IT�G QF TkIIS OTiDiNANCE, CZ�o 'Ntttil�eas T,o� 3 1�.0� ACCQRDING �'0 '.L'IiE PROVTSi�JPiS OF' SEC'PZON 171,A�F, 11Q Co7.eman Ave'. �locl,: �F� FLORTDA STAs^U�'ES �9.�,i�, ANII PROVTI3TNG �'Oft �!`Ii� Spenceport, N.Y, P1a�7dalay Sztil�. �'I�'ECTIVE DATE OF THiS 4�tDiNAN�E. 1'i�11ip II : Che s uizu�, Sr . Lot 1 �u . Q� B� �` 4RDAINED BY 7:'HE Cxi'X "C9MMI3SION OF' THE CiTY' OF .CLEARLdA1F.3,i,,, �'I,OR7DA; ��!0� N. �'t. Harrisn�� l��=e.. Tirir_ Qa1>s Stt�.a, City ' ' _ Section 1. T�e Citj� af C1ea.x�tvat�r,. I'lorida, aa�ing by and thx�ou�h i�s G1ty David re;�st Lc�i,s 2- 3 19.0� Comm3ss or�, ex�eby decl�z^�s its ini�ent3on to �nnex inL-o the corp9rate limits o� �he I�o1i Bree r�pts, B�.ctcll E City af CZearwa-Eer,' Flarida,, the Pd22ewing described Iands 7.y3.ng con�3 uous to tta.e Cleari�rater B�ach, k'1�,, Boulevard IIei�Fi�s St�tb. '�erritpx°3.a1 7:im�.'�s oi s�iti C3�y, ��h3.ch �.and� GU22t3�Y1 Zess �Yzan ten Za re iStered Ro�lerio�t M, Aloran�e �.� G'. Tnt 4(` .: �F� _ 2Q�0� Vo'�ex•5s � � �. _ 2� F, PZad�sc�?z 'St , �ays3.de SLtb . C1�icrzuo, �11. �'h.e Southe�st Quarter (SE 1/�} af the Nar�h- ti2�.lcTred ;^Jil�xam� Lo� 2�F �.� . 0(J � east Quartex� (NE ?/4) o� the South�est Quarter 103� idn. Madzsoil 37,co1; B (SW 1/�} oF SeGtion Nine (9), Toc�n�thlp Citsz 5przn�field ;;'� L I�az�dal,1 E, I'u�i;?zt, Sr. Lat 11 ��.p0 Truen�y-nine {2�) Sou�h, Ras�e Sixteen {l6� �`�st. C�al�er Rd. A1, ��7, B'! cc?> A �e�tion. 2, The Cit o� CZe�.rtrra�er : a,etin b and �hro at�.ar�.ta, G� . I�3.�I��.ai�d Tcrr�ace in�en'�s�o`annex the fore oi 13nds aceoz°di g'�o the � i'ts Cit� �ormniasian, g ng ng grovisions af Section Z71.04, u. James �'a�azi I�ot S2 1�.00' �larida S'�a.iu�es ].955� and �o tha� end the Ci�y 'Clerk is hereby diree�ed '�o publ3.sh '� 1i �alntetto ZaYae 31Uc1� A th�.s Ordina.race 3n �ha CZear��ater Sun, a ne�rz�pa�ez� publi sheci in �he C�t� of C3ea�vate�, : Zar�c�, Fla. 3i��].and T�rrace onee a trte�Fr �ar �our cQnsecutive weeks 3mmedia�7.y a�ter tne passage of il�is ��Z�,ur� ce ��1. Ca�z�en Lo � gu 17 . 00 Oro�.3.nance , �. �?2�j C'! eve�and .�1L�c�. D _ Cit� Glenj��oad � p Qrdinane� shal]. beeome efi`ea�iVs immed�ately upon � ts passage. I�a i.laerry _ze .� . t�aliarl Lc�t 49 7 5. Q� Sect�.on 3. Thi 1932 0�erb�oo?� I31��c_4 G PASSFD ON �R� READING Septemb�r 9� �957 C�i�� Sunset Poiizt 2i�za Acld. �el�r�s T. Pilee Zc� 50 15.dQ PA$SED ON SECOND S�EADZNG Septem�ser 9, 1957 1q30 Sprzn�time B7.�ac;.� G PRSSED ON `L�HIR1: AND FINAT� C7�cy S�nse� Po:,�?c ?�zc� _Add. r�iar� V..�vera Ifot 7.3 22 , 00 READINf� ANZ) ADO?TID Seg�etnber 9, �:957 E�2Q �3ti� llve. Blcc�; � _ St. �'et�rsiaur� 3ea�a, �`l� . A�to,zdu� e uL_3� a L��3.Z'�: t.,' . � i2Sdi1 � �'jl� � �Oi, �C `l`� 09 Ui�ic�n :i 3Q' ���z-L- 3 /s/ �ei�3:s Iiolner Ci'i.I,z Bl�.}c�� S, Fa�* Te?�race Sti;�. 1'(.00 'iarr;� J. Groelze LaG 1 1'; .q0 l�ti'�esti; Mayor-Comm3:ssioner � Glen Dr. 3J.ac3� G �sf R. Cs. 1+1�.teYt�ac3 A1e.�anctr?a, Tia. :I�?llerest ;;2 City Clerk .tl1SSiE7 f�2�D $DOP'j`tr,� ��' 'I'IiE Ca.G;; £`Ontit2'}SSio_2 of t�2e �i'Gy czf Gl,earta.r�..�er, I+'���r'3.da, ti�i'r �t2� day cf Se�ie��iraar, A.D. 1�77• � u,< �e���i s Home-r T.?a�qr - Colnmi ssl oner . ,. � .. - ' 1Y11JG7�� . . . , . � . .. . ' ,. . . . . . . . ... . � . � . � . . .. ' . � ; s, x. �. ��r�z�.����aa _ ^i �y ;�ud3 ��r a'�d C3e �': _ �, .;� , �__ >- 3