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August 26, 195"(
The C1. ty COllun:lssion of the Ci ty of Clearwuter met in spec:ial session at the City
Hall, Monday, August 26,195'(, at 1:30 P.~L \'l:tth the follow:1.ng members present:
LeVli s II mer>
Iv. E. Strane, Jr.
Samuel J. Roberts
Cleveland Insco7 Jr>.
James I!. ','/atldns
r,1ayor--Culrunis sloner
COllID1:i, s610ner>
Commi ss:loner
COlluni ss:i.oner
COlllllli sS.l,oner
: ...~. ' ,
Also present Nere:
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Jaclc Tallent
Ben }(rentzman
S. Liclctoil
Patr. Oscar Underwood
City Nanager
City Attorney
Ci t;), EnGineer
Representing Police Chief
'l'11e IvlaY(jr called the meetinG to order. 'l'he invocation was Given by the Reverend
Robert E. Goleman7 .Jr. ~ of the Firat Christian Church cf ClCar\'later. The fI'1ayor
announced a Public H8arlnc on the construction ',If a t\venty fo,~t pavement and curb :In
::JatJdns Road frcm Bay Avenue to ~'/ateI"s Avenue. Ire introduced Hayor Bruce Taylor and
Corrullissioner H. E. R1.;_c~_cr of Belleair and :i.nv:i.ted them t(: partic:l.pate in the discussion,
The Eng:Lneer described the pro,je ct and e S'c::.lll::l ted the t( ,tal cost at; ~3, 961.00, and
stated if' ilalf of tile project \liaS charged to Bellea:i r ~ the remaj_ldl1G cost of :PI, 980.00
could be assessed at $11.66 per lineal frcnt fort to the abuttinc property owners.
r'1ayor Taylor reported that 11:LS Commission had felt B_~lleaj,r could not afford tc pay
11alf the Cl~st. Mr. L. B. GoodinG ob,jected tl.: a full assessment _ R:2verend Robert
Colcman7 property Cll'lner ell. the Bclleair side, ob,~iected to the barricade erected by the
City of CJ.earl';ater. r'Iayor Taylor asked for a 1':1 ve minute recess, After the recess"
r.1ayo~' Taylor repo1'ted that he had cl1ec::ec.1 '\'/:1. t;'! h:l.s Conuniss:.i 0n and had been gJ ven
authority to [:;u u.p to :;11,500.00 as Be11eair's fJ:1are of' the project and that Bcllea:l.r
\'Tou.ld put the me-ney :~.n C3crC:\'1 \'111 en . the b:j,cls are recej,'!ecl. Conun:l.ssioner Roberts
sUGgested that thc property owners be as se sGed for curb and dI'a::'Lnar;e only. J\fter
l1nv:lnc; l'leld this Publi c :reari n[; and heard :iO 10[:;a1 valld fbj ect:' ens" Conuni ssioner
Strang muved that ti.le project "oe aut11or:Lzed and tile prLper cff:i.c:i.als be authorized to
tal;:e b:i,ds (')11 t:lis pr<.,;jcct alld the prooic~ct be aS8essed upl.n completlcn of the worl-: (:n
the oas:Ls e,f the pr0pcsal of' the TO\'ln of J3ellea5r payJnr.:; up te, ~~)l ~ 500, 00 and the Ci ty
of Clear\'Tater' pny:i.ll[:; approxJ ma teli :;;1,200.00 a.nd the balance of a},:>proxima tely $1,300,00
be ussessed tc the ,propert.:.y (;\,Tders 11":. tho C1 ty ('11 n propcrt:i, ,'n ClS t(, ht1\'J' the bids c(,me
:Ln a::.:;n.:Ll1s t the' se f'~,.s' 1.re3 , !\le,tioll ~'Ta3 ::Jec( 'nded by COllUli:i. ss:i.oner :,/a tl~Jns and carr:Lcd
nnanJmc"usly, By con:Jent, the Ccnun:i_ss:i,(,ln rccpw:Jtccl the Eng:i.neeI' to 11ave the barricade
ta; :cn dO\'l!l,
!' n.', ,<"'" '..,I..~','.\
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^ Publ:i_c :'Iear':L1C ':las cD.~_led t!1 crJnstr~J.ct,:'!1 of a t','/elve 5_~1cl1 stc'I"m se~-ler :Ln East
l\venue f'rom 120 fc(~t noutl1 "f' Sj1esnut Street to Chesnut Street and an eight :Lnch storm
se~':er :1.n TU.ri'ler Street 100 feet i'lest of' Eant :\venue to East J\venne, The Engineer
estlma ted the tc.tal CI)st at ;::,2, '(11. 00. I-Ie sa:J.d chat since tr-1C S8abc,nrd Air Line
, -
R::dlr(ad r:Lgl1t (,1' ','my :1s j.ll th:::: m:!.ddlc '1' East i\vcY1ue he had clils:i,dered that the
street l1ud t:1rec slc1es and nftcr dcdt.:.ctJ. ;'1[; aplJI'oxima tcly 10~~ as maLntenance of the
';C1tcl1"uas:i.ns, he cst:i.matcd the cnst nt :;a.3s per l'rt)nt r"ot. r,Ir. ,Jo'~ln I3atstonc saJd
he I'laD :;.11 f'av( 'r 0f' the pro:i C'ct b~.,t tllUtJ.[~~lt . tiler l)rl'i)(~rt:l_cs ~,:'l acl.;accnt areas vwu.ld
be~iCf':Lt b~,/ tllcse ::.nlj)rO'lemonts and nl1iuld share .>', t:1C cost. It I'ras tile Eng:1,neer's
reconuncndat'i,('n that tll:; r; slL-'i..:ld be an a::;8eGSr,1~~nt frr ab',.d~t:;.n:_; prop'Jrt:i es ,nly. Hav1ng
held tll:~,s pUbU,c ~kari:1f'::, Ccmmis:3ioncr ::lut:::1.,ns m:,vcd tilat the ConU1l:i_ssion authorize the
prc.i ect and ac1vert:i 30 i'( r iJ:i.ds aJ 10. ~:p,rl ccmp1 et::, 11 that th8 ClS3es Gment be made l1n the
bas:l s of abuttinr:; and ad,;':i. nine; l)rC'pCl't,:. eo and 'c11': se 3cr\.rcd iJ;/ .t~hc a ssessmen t ,
r,1nt:L on ';fa s 3ccondecl by Cnllllll.i 3s10;:ler ,stranG o..nd carried -dl'lILl:Lmc'llsl::,'.
The Nayor ca:Ued n P'.lbllc :-rearJnc ();1 the: reque3t of Cro';/n ,"": l"1cCrillus for an
exccpt10n to permJ t constru ct:: u: of off':;_ cr.: im:Lld:'I1:-~ to ~1CUSC PU-!)lj,c acc,.:1..l11t:Lng firm
on Lots 5 and G, Block M, ~~blscus Gardens Subd:ivision, property being presently
zoned R_ll-, The Zonin[; Boar>d rcconunended that t;w request be ,r,.;ranted as the buildj ng
planned bacl; s up to Business zon:i.ng. Tile: Huyor inqu:Lrec1 if there 1'lCre any obJections
and. there I'lere none. Nr. ':Ira. Crc,vl11" Jr." Has present. C('rrun:LssjJI~ler ':Jatlcins mcved
that the request fCJr var:i.o.nce of zoninG for Lrjts 5 and 6; Bl()cJ~ f'1" rtibiscus Gardens
Subdivis:!.on, be approved upon the recorruncn.dutJ.'n of the ZoninG Board and the City
EnGineer having no (II);; cct:tOl1S, Hct:1.on \-Ta:3 se cC'i1ded by ConulIi ss1011er Roberts and
carried unanimously.
['\. Publi c :rearins Tilas announced on tllc requcst e,f f.1r. Am. Kn:Lght for extensicn
to non-conforming R_l!, "dSe of Lots 19 and 20, I, n.s1r::..ew Subdiv:i.slon" by addition to
present motel" property oe:i.ns presently zoned H-2. The Zoninc Board reconunended that
the request be granted if t~le peti tiCJner l'li'lltld observe a twenty-f:lve f'oot setbac~'~
from Yelvington fl.venue. Hr. L. F. H::l. tts, o':ll1er of L ts l6,. 17 and 18, LonBv:Lew,
Objected tu grantinr; tho request. fiIr, Kni:.:;i1t stated that if he I'lere required to set
bis proposed motel 25 feet from YeJ.v:!,ngt()n it l'wuld not help 11im any: therefore" he
VoIithdre"'1 his request.
^ Public Hearing l'las called on the request of r,1rs. r.1ac II. Coll:Lns for R-1l- use
(to conduct a boarding huuse) on Lot 23} Bloc~; II" Lalceview Height s Subdi vi sien,
property bei11!; presently zoned R-2. The ZoninG: Board reconunended that the request
be granted. f.1r. Peter l:!iebe protested that runninc; a boarding hOlJ.se :in the area
\^lould devaluate his property. He also ebj ected on behalf' of f'.1rs. Priscilla Keith \'/ho
was present. Obj ections were read from r.1rs. Anna Voerster, 1\lrs. Tetula r'lcMullenJ l\'Irs.
Lessie \1aters and telephoned obj ections Vlere presented from Mrs. T. Ie. Perkins and
Mrs. Hazel Berry. Having held tIlts Public HearinG and hearing valid objections,
Commissioner \'1 tlcins moved that the req1...lest be denied. fJ!otion wa s seconded by
Conunissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
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August 26, 1957
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Tile Manager presented Hesolution 5'7 -4.J.~ which would require thirty-four property
O\'ll1ers to clean their lots of \'leeds and underbrush. Commissioner Stranr; moved that
Resolution 57-44 be pasned and adopted and ~le propcr officials be authorized to
execute it. Notion l:Tas seconded by Conunios:it.,ner Insco and carr.led unanimously.
The City EnBineer left the meet~nc at this time -- 3:15 P.M.
In. regard to the cC:lll.fJlaints concerninG the unsanitary cond:ttions at the rear of
the Food Fair shoppinG center, the Nanac;er read a letter from Mr. GCfJrge McC:~ll..
Assoc:late Chief Sani tar1an" County Health Department, statine; that he had made a survey
of the l>u:tldinc; both j.llsj.de and cut und hIs investiga t10n revealed no unsanitary condi-
tions un the day of' tl10 inspcct:i.on. fiIr. A. E. Peterson asked that the City request a
retain:Ln[S \oTall be buJl t . r.,Ir. Ralph r.1ol ter complained of the noise from heavy truck
traffic down I<:eystone frc'l1l Druid. The Iv'laycX' sugGested that the Ci ty asl<: the owners of
Food Fa:Lr to plant a rOi.'<1 of' pnnl':. trees to pro1!lde a screen for the rear of the stores.
The ~'Ianager offered to me et \'/i th l\1r. Nolter and Mr. Peterson and malce a personal
inspection of the area.
The Manager presented a letter GivinG a tab;,.l.lation on bids f'or renting of vehicles
and c'.mtainlnc his recommendaticn that such vehicle rentals nC.lt be accepted as the cost
would be too hiGh as cor~ared w~th the purchase price of jdentical vehicles.
A tabulation on bids received for 'ch::LrJc~7 -three trucl:s and autos vlaS presented
\'1i th the reconunendati')j1 frolll the fijanaGcr thi::tt the 10\'1 bid of' Larry Dinunitt for
::il~0,1~)j.5.00 be accepted f'or th:!.rt~7-one trucJ([3 and cars, that the 10\.1 bld of *1,861.00
f'rcm Kennedy t:c Strlcl.;:lClnd f'c,r one trl.lc:~ and the 10\'1 bid of :?2.. 2013 .50 f'roll1 Oranc;e State
r,1otor Company for one truc!;: be accept ed. HC:l.\dng considered the abstract of' bi. ds f'c,r
the purchase '.f mctor velL.i.clen a3 presentod b~/ ti18 C:i. ty r;'1ana[~er and the rec(lnunendations
of the City ~1anaGer and t218 Purchas:i.i'1[~ Acent, C<!nmdssjof1er Insco moved that the lO\'lest
and best bids for thc rCi3jJective VC[Ll.c:Les QS sil(i;.'l[~ therec,n be accepted, the same be:lne
thlrty-one ve~11c1es i'rom ]~arry Dinun:Ltt f()r a t~. tal (,f :);110,LI1.I'5.00, one vehicle from
Kennedy ['.: Str:LcLland at a cpst of f;',l, :JC1.00 and <.ne veh.icle from OranGe State Notor
Company- f'or the sum of ::i2..203.50 and that tiw f)ruper offJ.c:!,aJ.s be authorized to cum-
plete the purchase and ma~ce payment for tIle same. Motion \'ms secon.ded by Commiss:toner
Roberts and carr1 eCl unan:1.mc'usly.
A letter from rljr. .James lfinscn I'TaS read asting that h:i.s res:i.[~nat:L()n from the Civil
Sel"vice Board be accepted c1'.fectivc an of' Aue;uf3t 26th. Commissioner Roberts moved th.e
acceptance of l\lr. V:lnSi)ll' s rcs:!.Gnat.ion fr(;lll the Civil Service Boa. rd \'11 th regret. IlLotion.
was seconded by Conut1iS;J:!_olll::r Stran;.; and carr:i.ed l.m a ,Tl nlt.JU:::; ly .
The r1ayc'r reccmmended the appc;:Ln tmo;lt .:::1' I.-Ir. Cllarles Co:l t to .rill the unexp:lred
term of r.Il". Vinsoll on the C:Lv:: 1 S,::rvicc Doo.rd. COl1un:1.ssioner Rober'cs moved the appoint-
ment of Charles Co:L t to f:l,ll the ulle;cplrt-;d tr;:l.'la of r,1r. V:Lm:;on on tIle C1 viI Servi ce
Board. Motion ldas seconctcc1 by Conun:iss.i.ol1el' Insco and carried unan:i.mously.
The City Attornc~r read Resolutioll 5'7-LI.:5 \'II1:1.el1 I'Mu.lct vaGat~e the portion of the plat
of Del Oro Groves l~rin~: \'lost (f' tIw center' :L:i.ne cf r'''knterey Avenue as reuqested by
Hr. R()bert :1. i,'lil sen" l\ttorney, on behalf (If' the (;l,'Ti1crs (.if the property involved.
Commissioner StranG me'/ed that Res luticn 5l-L~5 iJe passed and adopted and proper
officials be authorJ.ze<.l 'c,) execute :i,t. r'lotlon \'/as sec{)11dcd 'oy Conuni ssloner Roberts
and carried J.l1an:Lmo\..1s1y,
The City Attorney presented .for :Lts thj,rd reacJ.ine Ordinance 742 which \'lCu1d
regulate Belici tat:Lons 1'01:' c:lar.L table purpcscs. 'rhe Attorney read a letter f'rom r-1r.
Robert NcDermott on behalf of' the American LeGion Turner-Brandc)n Post, No, 7 which
suggested changes in ti18 Ordinance. r,jr. C. F. Darling, President of the Clearwater
Federation of Civic Clubs also objected tG certain secticns of' the crdinance. Colonel
!',laricirl Sanders repl"esenthlg Ba~rvj,e\'/ Clvic Club obj ected to the ordinance. The
Commj.ssioners sugGested rcvJsions in the Ord1nancc ~'lhici1 Vlere noted by the City Attorney.
The Attorney read the Ordinance as amended. Conunissloner ':b.tld.ns moved that Ordinance
742 be passed and adopted on third and final readinc an amended and the proper
officials be authorized to si[;n it. Nution was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and
carried unanimOUSly.
Conunissioner Insco sUGc:.;ested tha t the Commlssiol1 consider hold:\.ng a work session
bef'ol~e the next regular meet:Ll1G i'/:~ tl1 the City Enu;:i.neer to dl scuss the street resurfacing
program.. streetlightinc;; the specifications fop thc fire trucl:S and :further drainage
problems. By consent, the Commission agreed to hold an execl.lt:i.ve sessicn on Thursday,
September 5th.
The C1 ty A ttorney reported that theClcar\'lB tel" Yacllt Club had requested a permi t
for the construction (if a s'.'Tinuning pool on City property and that the lease agreement
does not require the consent 0f the Commj.ss:Lon. Ccmmiss:Loner Insco moved that t11e
Conuniss:l.on go on recol~d as havinG no object:i.on to the construct:i.oil of' a s\^linulling pool
at that location provid.:Lng it complj_cs \'I::.th all State., City and County lavlS. Notion
\'las seconded by Corruni ssloner Ha tldns and carried unanimously.
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August 26, 1957
COlnmissioner Strang moved that the City Manager be requested bo ask the Personnel,
Director to furnish with an eligj.bility list for the position or Fire Chief. Motion
was seconded by Comnussioner Insco and carried unanimously.
The Mayor explained that an agreement had been requested by J.\'I1nneapolis-Honeywell
showing that the City ,~ill furnish fire protection within six miles of the City limits.
The City Attorney stated that he had prepared such an agreement in accordance with the
Resolution adopted some t~me ago. Commissioner Watkins moved that the agreement be
approved and the pruper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded
by Conunissioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
The Commi ssion no't'! adjourned as the City Conunission and acting as Trustees of
the Pension Fund heard a letter read from the Advisory Committee recommending that
Willie Bryant, Laborer in the Refuse Department, and Eddie Hunter, Laborer in Reruse
DEpartment, be accepted into membershj.p in the Pension Plan. Conun:tssioner Roberts
moved that the two employees be accepted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco
carried unanimously.
The Commission re-convened as the City Commission.
Commissioner Insco moved that the City Manager be authorized to request an
eligibility list ror an Assistant Police Chief. Motion was seconded by Conunissioner
~/atkins and carried unanimously.
Conunissioner \vatkins moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion 'IflaS seconded by
Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 P.M.
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August 26, 1957
AUGUST 26, 1957
1 : 30 P. M.
Public Hearings
1. Paving Wd. tldns Road
2. Storm Sewers, East Avenue
3. Request for Variance of Zoning for
Lots 5 & 6, Block M, Hibisous Gardens
L~. Request for Continued Variance at:
Zoning for Lots 19 and 20, Long View
5. Request for Continued Variance at:
Zoning for Lot 23, Block H, Lakeview
r.Unutes of Preceding Nectings
publlc Hearings
Reports of City fv1ana[:;el'
Citizens to be Heard
Other Conunission Action
Meeting Pension Plan Trustees
Reports from City Manager
6. Lot MO\'lin8 Requests
7. Verbal Reports and Other Pending ~~tters
Reports from City Attorney
IT:"" Ordinance /f!7Ji,2, 801ici tations, As Amended,
3rd and Final Reading
~1r. Jack Tallent, City Manager
Mr. O. H. Anderson, Building Inspector
Request of ~w. William Knight (Lon~ View Subdivision, Lots 3,4,19,20,21)
AUGust 9, 195r(
It is the Zoning Board's recommendatil,n that f\1r. \'Jilliam Knight be granted continued
R4 use of Lots 19 and 20, providing at least 25 foot setbacks w~ll be obServed,
from Yelvington Avenue.
Attached hereto is letter of l-'equest, petitions and map.
Da te:
~lr. Jack Tallent, City IvIanaGer
Mr. O. H. Anderson, Building Inspector
Request of Nae II. Collins (Lalceview Heie;hts Subdivision, Lot 23., Bloch: R)
August 9.. 195r(
It is the recowl1endation of the Zoning Board that Mrs. fwlae H. Collins be granted a
continued use of this property to be operated as a boardinG house by her under the
hardsh:tp ru1inc;.
Attached hereto is a petition and letter of request.
Illr. Jack Tallent, C1 ty ManaGer
Hr. O. H. 1\nderson, Building Inspector
Cro\'ffi & r'lJcCr:i.11us, Certified PubJ.:Lc Accouhtants (IJots 5 &= 6, Block N,
Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision)
.I\ugust 9, 195r(
The Zoning Board recommends to the City Conunission that the request 0f Crovln and
McCri11us be granted, as the building plamled, backs up to Business Zoning, and since
they will be used for public accountants, it will not be detrimental to hearing.
Attached hereto are 6 copies of letters of request which include -- (1) drawing of
area ShO\'ling the t\'IO lots in question, (2:) enlarged dra\'ling of the tVlO lots showing
location on the lots of both the building the:,r Vlant to erect immediately and a f'uture
proposed expansion, (3) floor plan of the building to be constructed.
\'lHEREAS, the present o-vmers of the pruperty covered by the portion of the plat
thereof as hereinafter described have requested that the same be vacated; and,
~lI-IEREAS, said property has never been opened to public use, is not nOi" improved,
and the present OVTners thereof have presented to the City Co~nission of the City of
Clearwater for approval a replat thereof 1'*1ich is acceptable to said Commission; and,
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and to the best interest (If the City that the
portion of the plat hereinafter described be vacated;
FLORIDA, in session duly and regularly assembled, as fo11ol'lS:
1. That the fpl10wing described portion of the plat of Del Oro Groves, as
recorded tn Plat Bool{ 12, page 2, Public Records of Pine11as County, Florida, be
and the same is hereby vacated:
: .'
"," ',.,-,
" ;,' '~"""'l"" -l..'~.<l.......,.:..,.....~'. .~",,"".: '.'" .... ":,~:":":~",: ,':j:
1\LtgUSt 2G, 195'7
J\11 that port:I.on of sa:td l)lat l~r:l.n~ \'/0 :3t of the center line of
Nonterey Avenue, as sho~'m on sald plat.
PASSED AND ADOP'rED, thi.s 26th day of Auc;ust, 195'7.
/0/ Lm'll s Homer
/s/ Lucille B. Bell
Acting C1ty Clerk
Aug. 15, 1957
Honorable City Corrullj.ss:l.oners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees of the City of Clearl'iater Employees' Pension Fund, you are hereby
notif'j.ed that \'I111io Bryant, a laborer :i.n the Refuse Department, has been duly examined
by a local physician and desicnated by him as a II First Class" rislc
The above employee began his service with the City on Nov. 26, 1956. He 1s
under 1~5 years of age (born Sept. 4, 1915) and meets the requirements of our Civil
Service. It is hereby reconIDlended by the Advisory Corruni ttee that he be accepted
into membership.
Very truly yours,
1\dvisory Corruil:L ttee of The Employees 1 Pension Fund
/s.. Paul Kane, Cha~l.rman
/ Sf. Helen Peters
/ sl Ed Blanton
Aug. 15, 1957
Honorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees of the C:L t.jT of Clear~'later Employees' Pension Fund, you are hereby
notif'ied that Eddie Hunder, Semi-slcLJ.led laborer in Befuse Dept. has been du.1y
examined by a locaJ. phys:Lcian;l.nd des:LGnatcd by hj,m as a IIF1:" st Classll risk.
The above employee beean his service vli'ch the City on Jan 1, 1956. He is under
1~5 years of aee (born Hov. 10, 1931.1,) and meets the requirements of our Civil Service.
It is hereby reccrrunended by the Advi sory Committe e that he be accepted into membersh:lp.
Very truly yours,
Adviso~J Committee of The Employees' Pension Flmd
/ s! Paul Kane, Chairman
/s! Helen Peters
/ s/ Ed Blanton
5'( -4L~
\1HEREAS: it has been determined by the City Conunissj.on of the City of Clear\'later,
Florida, that the property described below shoi),ld be cleaned of' weeds, grass and/or
underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and failure of the o\'mer thereof' to
do so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereof against the
respective property.
NOH THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Conunission of the City of Cleari'later,
Florida, that the followinG described property, situate in said City, shall be
cleaned of' weeds, 8rass and/or underbrlJ.sil \'lithin ten (10) days after notice in. writing
to the o\'mers thereof to do so and that upon fa:!.l ure to comply \'Ii th said notice-,
the City shall perform such cleaning and charGe the costs thereof against the respective
properties in accordance i'li th Section 123 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater,
as amended.
o 1-'fi\I ER
David Per sonne
1710 Harbor Drive
Louise H. Shadman
1017 Moha\'llc St.
Anthony Caclwwslci
P.O. Box 276
Robert Heilman
Lot l~
Blocl\: D
Avondale Sub.
LC)ts 13 & 14
Blocl, d
P..vondale Sub.
Lots 5 & 6
Bloclc A
Barbour f10rrow Sub.
Lots 7,8,9-,10 &38339
Bloclc A
Barbour Morrow Sub.
, , .:. ~ ..,..r'''~..'..'. "::',:'.'-,..'f;.:.~,;,,,'":..,'r::.. ,>~'...~,...,:;_::-::~.;';.ilo;_:,;<,,, p
-dll- ggu-
-~ - '*
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a'#..f.'Jtl.!::tff ~\~,a.....Q.Gt~~.... ".:"J1't:1.-L.\, ..1'.,..,. '...~..""" ~..~~.. J "'~ . \ -\ .,..'.,.';,",..";:',", ..,. ' ,f, '" 'tllj., #~ 'I' i"I ..,'...',';....,',".,'.~,.,"":~, ,...,"':,(:',.,",..:1",',.:...~.,(J....:;-v.,.:I.',-:,,'t,';,.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,w,',,r,;I,,",,";,,,,!,..,~,....\,.rr,;~"""":'~"""""",!.,!',',~~'\':~,'{~:~,,",~,'::'" '..,'.".,'....,'." 7':7~~..~.~.-,:,J,'./.
. S::J~~1fil~~~~:,. ,:~:~....~I~ o.;-..,,~;~?~:./~?~". ..'1 ,':: .,~,~~~>~_:.., ::{.'. ::\,.~,.:;:.. <,.,,: ;:~0,:.8,~: :',.,~.":.,'~~;, . .." ~ - "' ~ '\'. ~.-; <
.';j '.,!:ii~~~#:i~~i~t~LS:;j;~d.;;~~~~t.ai~L:;:;l;~~i~ji,:~';2tl~!aU~~~~~~ii~~~~~.~:~~i~~~i~~ii~L~i~,;~~~~:~~~Jj~~i~~~~~t:
" :
. ;.'
" !.
", .'
Peter SApourn
86L~ Eldol"ado
Dee L. Peterman
lLJ,25 E. Pine
Lewis L. Palmitier
l511~ Walnut St.
Geo~ge McCrossin
ll~09 No. Garden
Vincent Cobelo
1424 E. Pine
H. B. DeRemer
P.O. Box 3865
St. Petersburg, Florida
Dom.1ni c Scripa
318 Parl-r Avenue
Syracuse, N.Y.
Ralph N. Raynor
25 So. Bay Ave.
Islip, L.I., N.Y.
E. S. Ga~d
Betty Drew Apts.
Robert I. Lyon
c/o 3.J. Wetherford
105 So. Ft. Harrison Ave.
John Kazik
5314 18th Ave. So.
Gulfport, Florida
rt!:rs. Merle Chamberla:Ln
150 Church St.
North Adams, Mass.
G. Hugo Mell
3830 Berry Ave.
DJ:>exel Hill, Pa.
L.P. & G.P. Hovey
Salvador Greco
808 Mandalay
Jacle Feiles
3609 15th St.
Tampa, Florida
Robert ~. Simonin
'II aodland Rd.
Canonsbur~, Pa.
Hebe L. Dinunitt
603 So. Ft. Harrison
Phraso Kcumaris
265 Cherry St.
New Britain, Conn.
TIlO.rnas Holmes
Kenil\'wrth Pl.
B~ooklyn, N.Y.
A.~thur H. Giese
4005 ~10nona Dr.
Madi son J.~, \-/i s .
Cha~les Schnedier
Box 903
Ned L. Kramer
432 Poinsettia Avenue
Harry Silos
401 F4irfield Bach Dr.
Fairf'~eld, Conn.
Parle Bartholomew
YaCht Basin Apts.
\val tel' P. DAvi s
208 Melrose St.
Melrose, Mass.
",J\.J:Ithu.r Rutenberg
,'," 11~40 Gulf to Bay
'. ....
August 26, 1957
Lot 11
Blocl;: A
Barb our MorroN' Sub.
Lot 3'7
Bloclt ^
Barb our ~1orrow' Sub.
Lots L~ & 5
Bonair Hill Sub. iJ4
Lot 6
Bonair Hill Sub. #4
W 201 of' Lot 14 & Lot 15
Block F
Boulevard Heights
Lot 19
Block J
Boulevard Heights
Lot 6
Block B
Druid He:Lghts
Lot 6
Bloclc 1~
Druid Parle
Lots 33,34,35,36
Bloc1c ^
Highland Grove Sub.
Lot lLt,
Block E
Keys tone r~anor
Lots 124, 125
Lloyd \'lhite Skinner Sub.
Lot 7
Blacl{ B
fvlcVeiGh Sub.
Lot 8
Blaclc D
flJ.cVeish First Add.
Lot 1
Block 35
Mandalay Sub.
Lots 5 &, 6
BJ.ocl{ 18
I/Iandalay Sub.
Lot 7
Blacle 60
I/Iandalay Sub.
Lots 1 & 13
Blod~ 81
~'Iandalay Sub.
Lot 1
B10cl~ 28
Lots 5 &. 6
Bloclc )~6
fl'1andalay Sub.
Lots 7 (2; 8
Bloclc 46
I'landal ay Sub.
Lots 8 & 9 & S. 20' Lot 7
Bloc}.;: G
Navajo Pa:rh: Sub.
Lots 13,14,15 & 16
Block F
Sall s Sub. Fj. ~st Add.
Lot 2
BlocJe B
Unit D, Slcycrest Sub.
Lot 6 3 & l~
B10cl" B
Unit D, Slc;rcrest Sub.
Lot 7
Bloc}.~ B
Unit D, Skycrest Sub.
Lot 2
Bloclc C
Unit 9, Slc;{crest Sub.
Lot 3
Bloclc C
Unit 9, Slcycrest Sub.
Lots 8 & 9
Bloc1<: K
Slcycrest Terrace Fi~st Add.
r6 . 00-
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':., ',:' ''-:,': '.. '~::..':i:;>n<~'Mary Harding S 50' Lot 3 & Lot 4 '
':. ,"'~::>",'!;>\', '400 Edenvi1le ' Block D " ',. ',:"~:?(2':}W',;, ,.,~,....t..".",'.',,:,;
.' ":... :~:':.:. " 'City Skycrest Terrace First Add. "', .''':~<:~':'':::F~~~~U<',~'~~~:<:~'',:':':':~'~';,:
" Charles Faro Lot 3 less N 20' & Lot 4 less N 20' ','" ~, "'22'.,OC<~.i.
6854 De Anza Avenue Block I <, . .. ':::: ,).:';r: '
Riverside, Cal:1f. Skycrest Terrace First Add. ,:, ",' :)' ,"/;f;~1~
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City COllUllission of the City of ClearW'ater~" Flor1da;i/F
'< This 26th day of August, A.D. 1957. IS/,,::,:;.~,;,:j?'ii
", " '.. '. ~;;~-~6=ssioner ' ;': ,'-::,..<,,; ;~,:{:~~?;-~;:;}~;>~l~
':,":-':',' ATTEST: <:..' . . /:;j~~::< ".;:j~'.,r' .", '" .
',,' >~,'..~ Is/ Lucille B. Bell " '";".'~''''' "':o~";i.;:+~'~'~::
,,;c' A ti Cit A di t and Clerk " . " ." ,'" -:;<=C::l:,\,~,;.c~;s:i{~,':-;
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. Sect10n 1. 'tb1a OI'd1nance may be cj,ted as the "City or Clearwater Char1table
Sollo~celt .
sect10n 2. AS used in this Ord1nance -
~e term 'boardt mean., Charit1es So11cj.ta1;ions Board as created and,
appointed as hereinafter p~vided. ., _'
(b) 'l'he term "registrant" means the holc1~ ot a valid pel'll1t duly issued,
under the te~ or this Ordinance. ..
(0) "SolIcitation" and "So11cit" mean the request d1rectl.l 01' 1n41"01;11 to~'.
amy contribution on the plea or representation that such contribution.. ..
v.111 or may be used roJ!' any chaJ:-;1table purpose.. and also mean and 1nol\lCkt
m or the tollow:1ng methods or securing con1inbut1oB81
(~ ~ OP written request.
(2 ~e d1atr1but10n~ c1l'culat10n~ ma111ng, posting or pub118h1ng or &11T
handbill.. written adv81'tisement or publ:1cation~ .
(3) '!be mak1ng of' any announcement to 'the prea., ove~ the mc11o, by
televi81on. by telephone~ or telegraph concem1ng an appeal..
assemblage.. athletic or sporta event, bauar.1 benet'1 t, C8Vl1p81sn..
~ .' contest, dance, cJr1 ve.. entertainment, eJCl'l1bl tlon, expo.1 t1on, ~..
perf'ol'lDl.r1ce, p1cn1c.l sale, or social gatner1ng, tdl1ch tbepul,)11c J..
requea1;ed 'to patronize or 1;0 'lfb1en the p\lb11c 18 req,ueat;ed to Mke
(4) The _le o~, otfer, or attempt to aell. any adV'e~ti8eJllent.. adver-
t1sing space, books" card, maganne, .merchanUM, subsoript10n,
t10ket or admission.. or any other thing, or wb$l'e the name or, &n7
ohar1table person Is used 01" ~terred t;o in uv _ucn appeal..
an inducement or reason tor making arq such B8l~, or- .hen or 'mere.
1n connection with any BUch aale~ ~ statement: 1.8 made that the
whole or any part of the proceedS from 8n3" 8UCl1. sale will go or
be donated to any charitable purpose.
A "sol:lc1tat1on" as defined herein shaJ.l be desaued completed when
made" 'Whether or not the person making the same rece1 vea 8lV
contribut1on or makes any. such 881e.
(4) "ChaZ'1tabletl means and inoludes ph11anthrop:1c" social service, patr1.ot1c,
welfare, benevolent or educational (exoep1; re11gious educatiion) e1the~
actua'l or p~rted.
(e), "Contribution I mean. and lnoludes alms, to04, clotldns, money. SUbscrip-
tion" ered! t. propertY', t1nanoial assistance, or donations under the
guise or a loan of ~nGy' or ~ropert:r.
~ No person shall so11c1t in the CitY' or Cle&1Water unless he holds & val:1d
. pellll1t authorizing such solic1tat1on.
(b) . 'lbe prov1a1.ona or this Ord.1nance 8hall not apply 'to aJlI' person lakiftS
aol1.c1tat10ne, 1nclud1.ng solicitat1ons tor educat:lonaJ. PUl"POaea,. ,101e1r
tor a church or a re11gious cOJ.-pont1on or a r:orpoI-at1on or ~ un2.nool'-
porated association under the superv1sion and con'tl"'Cll ot &n7 such chua-ch
oza religious cor,porat1.on,; Prov:1ded. .~t 8\1oh church, relis1.oua oorpora-
t:1on, coz-po~t1on or unincorporated aS80ciat~on1s an oqan1za1;1on 1d'dch
baa been 8J.'8.n~ed. exempt10n from. taxation under the ps.-ov181ons ot Sectj,on
SOl. ot the Internal Revenue Code o~ 1954; Provided. tul-ther, '1!U&t such
e~t1on.from the provi81ons of this ~nance shiU! be 1n etteot onJ.y
aQ",:long a8 such church, re11gious corporat:1on, corporation, or un1n-
col'PONted associat1on shall beexemptf'rom taxat.1onuncSer the jm)-
v1a:lons ot Section 501 of the Internal Bavenue Code ot 1~~. ,
(c) 'I'he prov1a1ona ot th1a Ol'd1nance aball not a>>pl:rto 8IQ' peNOn malc1ng
" 1J011citat1ol'la exclua1ve17 among t;be membel'8lUp of'tihe 801.1clt;1ng agency.
'/;",. Seotion 4.. CiIABl'l!' SOL:tCITA'rIOHS BOARD CREA~. lJ.'b.e" ,18 hereb)' cnatec1 foJ:it the
.,~~.t1'8t1.0Z1 ~ th1a Ordlnance, a CbUity So11citations Board wh1ch &ball De oOJDpoaecl
:C)~;..8even (7) lM1Dbel'S who 8ba1l aerve 111 thout remameratlon ror suoh s81'Y1ces .ancS who
>eha11be appo1.n~e4 bJ' the C1't7 Manager and with the conaen1; ot the Cl1;yCoDlD1..10n.
'; BlOb' member ,or 8a1d Bou4 appo.1nteCl ,by the C1.ty Manager Sball hold ottj,oe toze 'a term ot
. oDe (1) 7- an4.t'1~a1the appo3.ntee8 be1"eundel' aI'e to be o1t1~ ot C18U'111il1;er
fro.1D the tOllo1d.Dg 0 t1ona: Cleal"Water Merchants A.8.oc1at1()n~ Better BuB1n"..
~.. Cl8U'lll.tier JUnia Aasoc1at1onjl Clearwater <bulbar ot CO.-el'Ce anc1
" :" Cl....te JwUor ~"'ber ot CoDD8roe. ~e other members ot the Eoaft aball oondlt
;\,' ;~;,\..::,~'or,S'he:Gb1erot rOUoe and C1t7 Attomey o~ said C1tyor ~erB -or ~e1r8'tat~ .
fl:~<:,;,:.;".:}::.;\ ,::"~pJ>>01.~"'. bJ',ea2.c1. C1~~ O1't101als. '1Jr8 vaoanciesoccum.ng lhall be 1'111ed 1l'l t.be, same
~~i':t~~:;{.t.:',.J:;>j~i:;:r,:\; "'~:'..?'l~,;:...,.pL'OV14e4::~r 1n' ~e ' or1g1nal. appointment. . .
. Sec~1on 5. BOAJU) OBOANJ:ZATIOR. 'l'hat the Board ahall elect a oba1~ and
Seos-etal7 rrom 1~8 l1118111berlb1p and sbal1 adopt I'\llea and resw.at1ona tor the oon4uot ot
ita bua1ness and thI'. t1mes and placea ot ita meetings. !'our (4) meDIb.. or -.14 BoI2'4
eba1l conatitute a ~~rWD ro~ tne t~8&ctlon or bU8inesa.
Seo~1on 6. APPLICATION. Appl1cat1on tor a pem1t to so11c1.t &1 hez-e1n 4e8ol'1be4
tor an;v purpoae ror wh.1oh a pel'lD1t 18 required by this Ord1n&JlCJe ehall ba 8ubal1ttec1
on a tOI'lll to be pro'11ded "J':i tile Board and sworn to bJ" the appl1can1i or one umbel' of
app11cant organ1atlon.. and ehal1 be tiled. with the Clsz-k or 'the Cttty ot 01euw.ter,
.lfbo Ihall reter J.t to the Board toJ!' aotion. 8&14 applicat10n 1tba11 be in 8ub8tant1a117
. the following rom.. and. ahalJ. require the tollowing 1nroJ'li1&~i()n a
. <a) . Name or ol'Sa:n1ut1on app~ing tor a pe1'ID1t to 801:Lcj,t, the address of 1ta
headquartU'8~ and 'the nauae8 ot const1tuent oZ'g8ll1za't10na 1t represent8#
1t aDl.
'lb~l Names . and addresses or :1t8 pr1nc1pal ott1c&rs and manager8.
'l'b.e p~se for Wlt:lch such so11e! tat10n 18 to be ma.c1e.
'lbe name' o~ the person or persons by whom the reoeipts of such solioitat1on
8ball be ctlsbux-sed. , .
(e) The name and address ot the person or persons who w:1l1 be In d1rect ohUge
ot conductj,ng the aol:1c:1tat;ions. ' . :,' .
d (:) An ou.tUne o~ the method or methodS to be used in condu.o1;lng tl1eaol1cltatJ.on.'
(o) The tilDe ~~n Buch ao1icitations 8hall be made# g1.\dng the proposed dates for
the beginn:1n.s and ending of such solic1tat:1ons. . . . .
(~""'} The a.mount or ~ wages.. ~ee8~ comm1ss1on8# expenses, 01' emolument8 to be
expended or paid to anyone in connection w1t.b. such. 8ol1o~tation together nth
tbe manner 1n which such wages" tees" expenses" comm1ssions or emoluments are
to be expended" to wh01i1 paid, and the amount thereof. .
(:1) A finano1.al statesnent to~ the past preceding fiscal ,ear.. ea1d statement
gi v1ng the amount of DlOne~ 80 raised" together wi ~ the coat; ot ra1a1ng it..
and tinal d18tribution ~nereor.
(J) A full ata:tement or the character and extent of the chari. table, relig1oua,
educationa1 or ph1J.ant;hroplc work bo1ng done by the &'ppl1.cant organization,
oza b7 the con"tituent oZ'gan1zatlons it zaepreaenta# within tile O1ty o~ C1earrwateza.'
(k) Such other intormaUon aa may be requU'ed bj the BoBPd In order- for such
BoaI'd t;o determine tully tile kind and character and. worthiness ot t#l1e pro-
posed 801ioi tat~.on and 815 to whether or not such ao~icl tatlon 18 in the
interest of protecting health" life and property of the c1t1zens o~ (:learwater
an4 in the interelt o~ prelJel"V1ng and entoroi.ng g()od Gov~nt and ror the
securit;y of 'the City ot Clearwater. .
TO THE c:t..m1k. Upon rece1.pt ot an applIcation as provided in Section b hereof', the.
Board shall make, 01' cause to be made# such 1nvest1gation as Sba11 be deemed neoes8U"y
to perf'ol"1n 1ts dut1.es under this Ordinance. Upon request, the app11ca.nt ahaJ.l make
available ~or inspection by the l30ard or any pez-son deaignate.d by Sot tor stich purpose I.
811 ot applicant' 8 books. records and papers at any reasonable 'time bcn'ore the applica-
tion 1s gm,nted" c:luri.ng the time a permit is 1n etfect# or after a perm.t baa exp1red.
\ The Board shall i8~ue the permit provided tor :in Sect:1on 7 hereof' Tlrhenever .
1 t' ahall 1'1nd the f'o1low1ng~1factfJ to exist:
(a) 'l'hat all o~ the statements made in the app11cation are tI-Ue.
(b) 'l'hat the app11cant has a good character and reputa ts.on for hones1;y and
1ntegr.1. ty, or it tb.~ appl1.cant 1s not an ind1v1.duaJ. pel"80n# that ev81"1
manag1.ng of't1.oer or agent of the applicant has a good character or reputation
,tor honesty and integr1t;y.
(0) That the con'trol and supervision ot the solicitation will be under respons1ble
and reUab1e persons.
lfde~ i'hat the app11cant has not engaged in any f'raudulent; transaction or enterpnse.
i'hat the aol1c1tat1.on w1.1J. not be a t1-aud on the pl.1'blSoc.
'l'hat 'the 8011.c1tation 115 PI-Ompted solel.y" bY' a desire to 'cinanoe the charitable
cause deB<?r1bed in the application, and will not be conducted primarily for
private prot1.t. <
(g) Tbat the COR of rais1ng the funds will. be reasonable. Any auch ooati in
excess cr ~ot tile amount collected shall be considered to be unreasonable
unless special fact;8 a:re presented showing that pecul:1ar reasons make a
cost h1gb.~r than 2~ l'eaBo~ble in the particu1ar case.
The Board shall t:Lle in the office ot the Cj.1;y Clerk and shall notify the applicant
of its deci810n UJlon each applicat.ion within a reasonable time not to exceed t:1tteen
(15) ~s. .
Sect:1on 8. PBRMI'1' ISSUANCE. Upon receipt ot wr1tten not;1ficat:1on of approva1
f'rom the Boa1"d as prov:lded j,n Sect;1on 1 hereof # 'the C1~ OlerIc shall issue a perm1t to
such appl~cant fOil! tl'1e per10d dea1gnated in 8uch not~ficat1011.
" S8ctj,on 9.. P~1' DtJRA'l'ION AND m:lEWAL. '!'he Board ahall detem1ne .rrODl the app11-
cation, the pe:r~od It1%' wh1cb 8U~ permit shall be approved and granted; and lthether
sa1d pend.t shall prOv1de &eperate periods for c:l1tf'erent typea ot 801io1 tation by
a>>p11cant ~ an~ the l30ard 8hal.l CeM1.h' to the 01 ~9' Clerk the period or periods tor 'tIlUoh
~d pe1'id.t abaJ.l be 18sued# prov1ded that no such permj,t ahall be issued tor a
pe~04 in ex~e8s or one i'ear.
" '... ~.. ~ ~. :' ,.-:
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Seotion 10. REQUIRIm REPORTS _ The Board D87 requ1re tZ'Olll &nJ' peI.'III1t.tee h8NUtl4er
~ reports or :1ntol'DatJ.on at. any t:1m.e and at such 1.ntervala .a 1n the d1'cl'et1on
o~ the EoU'CIllhall be neoea8&l7 tor the 8UC088atul adm1n1.stN:t1on or the provision.
ot t.hS.a Ol'd1nance and the p1'Otect~on of heaJ.th., Ute and propeM;1' or the cit1sena ot
tile cs.~ of 01earwatw.
Section 11_PEmlI~ NON-~SlPERABLE. Any' perm11i approved and 18sue4 under th1a
Ord1niiiice 8bal.l be non-t;ransf"erab1e; provided.. however. that th1a 8hal.l not; >>revent arq
peN1t.tee trom ualng aJW number of Bo1:1c1tora and representat:1vea as aball be reported
to the l3oaI'd.
SectIon 12. REVOCA'l'ION DB PBUtI'1'. It. upon reoeipt. of' wntten .1nfo1'lll&tion, Ol"
upon 1t8 own 1nvestigat.1on, the :Board shall N.nd that any' agent or r-epreaen1;atlvo ot
t1\e pern1 ttee is misrepresenting or III8k1ng untrue statements in the epp1icat1on.
Ol" that in any other Na1' 'the 80llai tia.t10n has been conducted. ot- 1s be~ conduoted 111&
a JDanner In1.l1dcal to the prot.ection of health, 11te and property o~ tl1e cil;1:zene: or
the 0i.t7 of Cl.earwatex- and not in contol'll11ty with tl1e intent and puro,po8e of 'tibia
OJ.-dinance, OJ' represents 1n lU17 way that any pe1'lD1 t granted hereunder 1a an endonement
or fJuch fJolic1.tation, tl1en it. sba11,be the dutY' ot the Charity SolJ.cita~ion.Board to
Z'eVoke aa1d J)erm1t. Prov1.ded, howev8x'. that betore ~ pel'lD1t. :1s revoked the aa1c1 - ..
Boal"Cl shall 81.ve theperm.ttee twenty-four (24) hours notloe in wr1.t1ng that a b8U'1r1g
1.81;0 be had, and that at sa1.d ne~ng the Board shall ascertain the racta and 1t aQ
~lJOna aboV'e 8et forth tor' I-eVok1.ng the perm1t are found to exist the peJ'lDi't aball
be :'\-evokec1.
Sect10n l~_ APPEAL. An apJ)eaJ. may be tal(en from any act or sa1d Board in gan~1l1S,
re:tu.slns or revoking &.nT pem.1t to the C:1t~ OoDlllds8ion within ten (10) da~8 atter- an
&01; or 'the said Board concernj,ng wh:lch the appeal 1s to be taken.
AlJ. pea-eons to whom perm:1 ts have been .18sued under th1sOrd.1nance f5ball t'\1rnj,ab propes-
credent1.a.ls to their agents a.:nd sol~cfltor8 for such 801icitation. Such credentials
ahall include the name of the pexmit holder. the date. a statement deacr1blns aa1.d.
hoJ.der's charitable activ1ty, a de8c~pt1on of the purpose ot the solicitation. the
sisnature of the perudt holder or of the holder's chief executive of~ice~, and the
name.. adcSrea8~ age, sex and aj,gnat;ure of the solicitor to whom sucb ct-edent1als are
188uedand the speclfic ~er10Q of t1.me during Which ea1d solicitor 1s authorized to
soJ.101t on bebalt of the perBit holder. I
A copy of BUch credent1a.J.s m~8t; be flled with the Board at the time tne appl:1cation
to'r a permit 18 tiled and mus't be approved by 1t as conforming to the requirements of
tM.8 Section before such permit iB l.B8aed. No person shall 801j.c1t under lUW' pe1'lD1.t
granted under this Ordj,nance 1tl1tbout 1I11.e credentials required by tb1a sect10n and a '
raclU1D11e co~y ot sa:1d permit in IUs possession. Sa.1d cx-edentials and copy or the
pezm1t must be shown, upon reques~, to all persons solicited and to any pollce ot~lcer
01' the C1't:r or Clearwatex-.
No agen't or solicitor swall so~1c1t contribat10ns for any c~itable purpose trom
~ person in tne City or Cl~t;er, unless such person has been gr.anted a p~t
under the prolfisions of tl11s ()rd1nance.
Section 15. BOOKS AND RECORDS 01' PERMI'r HOLDERS. Ho person shall 8011ci1; any
contr1Dut:1ons fOr any chari table purpose without ma1ntaining a system of' account1ng
whe~by aJ.l dOl'lAtions to 1t me! disbursements are entered upon the books ot- records
of such person's treasure~ or other t~nanc1al offIcer.
. Section 16. PENAL'l'Y. Arrf pe~son, organS.zat1on, society. assoc1.at1.on or
corpo~t;ion, or 81V agent or represent:a.t1ve thereof who shall v:101ate any prov1.s1ons
ot th1o.., Ord1l'18.llce 8hal1 be subj ect t;o the penal provisions prov:1ded in Sect10n 8,
Chaptex''!l\"t~of the Code of the C1ty or Clearwater.. 1950. Each day's continu&.nce of ~
violat1on '01' this Ordinance ~11 const1tute a separate offense.
Sect:1on 17. It any- part ot this O1'd1na.noe or 8.11y' rule, regulat10n or requirement
here~n snaIl be held to be inval:1d by a court of competent jurisd1et:1on~ sucn :1nval1dity
ahal1 not af~ect the validity of any other part or section or othe~ rule, re~at:1on
or requ1.rement ne:re1n.
Section 18. TtUs OJ.'d1nance aha.11 become effective upon 1 ts p&ssase as required.
by law..
July 1" 1957
JUly 8. 1957
August 26 ~ 1957.
/8/ Lewia Ho~
Att;est; "
:/8/ Luo:L11e B. 41
. Ac1;ing C1tiY' Cler-lt
. .,'
.~, :'
- .
". . ~ . . /'" , ' .-
1\"; . h .~'J ". ~., :-. ........ .".' ...,
.-. -....
Au�lzst 26, 19�'�
Tl�e City Cc�mmiss�.on of the City oi G1ear+rra�er met in special 3essi�n at the City
3Ia11, Monday, Au�uc�� 2a, 1g57, at 1:30 P.N, t�tith the fo7,loUring members nr�sen�:
�,et�ris :I� mex
Ld. E. Stran�, Jr.
Samuel J, Rober�s
C1eveland �nsco, �r.
James Ii. x�Jatkins
Also pre�ent Were:
Jacli Tallsnt
Ben Krentzman
S. Lic��ton
Patr. Oscar Underti�rood
PQayar-Camm3, s si oner
Ccmmi s sa. oner
City Manage�
City Attorney
City Engineer
Representi�g Police Cnief
The Mayor called the nleetin� to order. The invocatian was �-�ven by the Reverend
Robert E, Coleman, Jx., of the First Christian Churen cf Clearsvater. mhe h7ayor
announced a Public �Iearin� on the constructicn of a t*rrenty foct �avement and curb in
;•Jatkins Road frc�m �ay Avenue to L�Jater� A�renue. He introducecl I✓Iayor 3ruce Taylor and
Comrn'�ss9.oner H. E. Fiuc?:er oz Bellea�r and invited �them ta particzpate in the dzscvss3,cn.
Tlze Enga�neer describecl. the prc,ject and estiniated the tcstal cost at y3,961.00, a.nd
s�tated :�£ hali' crf the pro,ject was charged to �elleair, the remaini:�g c�at af $1, 980.00
cou�d be assessed at ;p4.66 per lineal fr�nt ic;�,t to the aputting prom�rty cwners.
i�tayur Taylor reported that iiis Comm3:ssion had f'e1�E Belleair could not afford tc: pay
half the cast. Mr. L. B. Goading objected ta a full assessment. RAverend Robert
Caleman, prop�rty armer an tne Belleair side, ob;jected to the barricade erected by tne
City oi Cleartivai:er. Maycr Taylor aslced for a f?ve minute reces�. After the recess,
Ma;�or Ta�Tlo.r reportecl that he hacl chec?�ed with his Comm2ssion and had besn g� ven
au'�izority to �o up ta y,�., 500. 00 as }3eileair � s share of the pro ject and tha� ��,lleair
?��ou.ld put the mcriey in escrai�r vahen the bids are received. Gammissioner Rc;berts
su�,�,ested thai, �he property oUmers be asuessed for curb and draina�e cnly. Af�er
haV'7ng held ;his Public �Iearing and heard zzo le�al valid objeet2�ns, Commissioner
Stran� m��ved that tlze praject be aLtthorized and the prcper �ff:?cials be autY?arized to �
�a'_ie �ii:ds on t�.is p� c ject ai��3 the pro�ect be assessed upon completi�n ai the tror'_LL� r:n
'che bas�is of the propcsal of the Towr_ of Belleair payin� un tca �1,500.OG and the Git�
of Clear�•aater paying �ppro;;imately y1,200.�0 and tne balance c�f a�proximately �?,300.00 �
be assessed tc the �roperty ovtizers in the Ci�� on a aropart�.�n as tc hc�w the b3ds ecme
in a;ai?zst Lhcse f.�.�gures, l�fotion vras sece�nded by Commi.ssianer �:lati_�ns an�' carrieci �
tu�anir7ously. By consent, the Ccmmission r�quested the Erigineer to nave the barr?cade
tal-en dot•rn.
l Public Hearin� tvas cali�d on construct�� c�n oi a ttvelve ; r_ch storm se:ver � a;c Eas�
�vet�ve from 120 feet south ci Cizesnut S�reet to Chesnut Street and an eig!zt incxl storm
setver 3.n Turner Stree•c 100 feet West of East t�senue to East Avenue. The �'ngineer
e�si,imated the tc,tal cust at �2,711.00. Iie said Lhat since zha Seab�ard Air Line
Railraad ri�ht oP tvay is in the m�.ddle of East avenue he had ccns� dered tYia� the
street had tlZree si des and ai ter cieduct7 i�g ap?�roximai.e?y 10 � as ma�nteilanee of the
��atc?Ziaaszns, he es�imated �i�,e cast at �1,$5 Aer front fc�o�, FSx�. Joizn Batstoaze said
i�e tva� ii� favc�r ai -che �ro�7ect bt�t thoL?;lit ���i2er prcperties iz ad�acent areas zv.tt'1_d
bei7efzt by �tlzese improveme�zts and shculd snare �� �b:e ccsL, It ;vas the En�?neer's.
recoi�u;iendat=ion that tla-�s sh+�i?lcl be an assessrne��� tor abtittin�; properties r:i�1y. �;avi?sg
held �h:is Public Hearin�, Ccmmissioner ��7at?�ins m�ved tlia� the Conu:Lss?on avt<Zor�_ze tne
pr.��ect and advert� se for 1�ids and 1,ip:��n cc�rn�letii,n th.at �l�:e assessmznt be made c�1 �he
bas:i.s �f abu�tin� al-sd ad�c�;�lin; pr�perties at�d tlY�se served by tlze assessment,
t�'ICi�? an �eas secc�nded Y�y Ccmmissione.� Str•2i� a.zcl carried �zna�imct�sl�; .
The r4ayor ca].].ed a Public Hearin� oz7 the requ2si, of Cro,vn �; T�icCrillus zor an
excep�ion to permLt construct^ on oi' off�t cE puilding to hc�ttse public acc:�ttn�i,zg f.;.rM
c�n T ots 5 and 6, Bloc'_� I�1, H:.bisaus Gardena Subdivisicn, property he�ng presentlyr
zaized R-4. The Zanln� Bc�ard recommendecl tiZat tl�e request be �ra?zted as zhe bu? lding
planned baci-:s ug i:o �usii�ess zoning. The �layor inquired if there ��rere any t�o;;�ecio,�s
ai�d �i�ere t�rere none. 1�Tr. x�Im. Crot�ni, Jr„ t��as preseilt. C�mmissic�ner ?,dat�:ins mcved
�hat the request for varianc� of zonin� for Lots g and 6, B1c,c:L P�i, �iibiscus Gardens
Su�divis�on, be approved upon the recommendati�Yr� of the Zoning �oard and the Gity
En�;inPer having na oi�jec�io�ls. Piotion ;vas second�d by Cornm�ssioner Roberts and
carr3.ed tznanimausl;�,
A Public ITearin� was announced o�z tl�e request o�' Mr. ;�dm. Kni�ht for exi;ensi,rn
to non-conformin� R-�l- us� of' Lots 19 ai�.d 20, I, n�view Subdz.vi.sion, by addition tc
��^esent matel, property ue�.n� presently zoned R-2. The Zoning Board r�commended that
�he request be �ranted a.f the �etiti�ner would observe a twen'�y-five ioot setbac'_L
from Y'elvin�ton llventze. Mr. L. F. G^7atts, o��mer of L ts 16, 17 and 18, Longviet•r,
c�b,;ected tc.� �rantin� the request. Mr, Kni�ht stated thaL if he tvere required ta set
��is prc�posed motel 25 feet fram Yelvington i� tivauld not kzelp him any� therefore, i,e
�vi-�hdre.•a his request.
1� Public Hearing [aas called on t11e request csf Mrs, r�Tae H, Collins �'cr R-4 use
(to conduct a boardin� I���use) an Lot 23, B1oci;. ki, Lakevievr Heluhzs Subdivision,
�ro�er�y bein;; presently zrtned R-2. The Zan3.n� Board recdmmended that ti�e re�uest
be �ran�;ed. Mr. Petar ;�Jie'be pro�zsted r.l�at rtu�nin; a boarc�in; house in the area
Nrould devalLiate P�is prt�perty. He also c�b jected nn behalf of i�1i s. Prisca,lla Kaith tiv'no
wa� present. Objections were read frc�m P�ss. Anna V'oerster, M�s. Tett�la %YcA:ullen, l�u=s,
I,essie ;�Jaters anc� teleuhaned objectians were presented from B'trs. T. 1�. Perk�ns and
D1rs. Iiazel Berry. Havin� F�e1d thls Fubl.ic Tiearin� and hearizzg valid c�jecti�ns,
Comm7 ssioner ;Q �1fin5 moved thai; the reauest t�e denied. Motlon was seconded by
Cammiss:�oner Sirang arzd carried unanimously.
�" /
Au�us� 2u, 195f
The nTanager preseizted Ii�solution 5'(-4�� tvizie�l tvould reqtiir� thirt3r-fc�ur pr��perty
oiv��exs �o c],eaaz Llzeir lats of tveeds and underlartish. Cc��mu�s31.�i1er Si;ra11� maved tila�;
Resc�lzib�.oiz 57-�F�F be passed az�r� adapted a?Zd tlae �ro�aer ���'f'�.c:i,als Ue authUr3zea tc�
execute iL, D'fation. �vas s�c��a�c�ed by Comm3.sal�+7icr Insco �,nd carx�ed una.t��m�ixs:Ly.
The City En�ineer �.ef�L the meetin�; at tliis t:tme •-- 3:�.5 P.n4,
Ii� re�ard to t11e e.�mplaints conces�z�wn� th� tuisanitary condit:tox�s a� �he rear of
� �iie Food Fa3r sho,apan� center, tlze Mana;er read a J.e��ei� from Mr. Ge:�r�e MeC� �.1,
Associate C11�.�f San°itar2an, County I-�ealtla DE�a,i tment, sta�in� tlia�; kie had made a�ut vey
oi' the buildin� both 3ns�ide ai�d cut an� x1:Ls -?r�vesti�;at�ai� re�%e�,led iii� �,uzsanitary c�:az�.c11,-
t�? ons c�n ttie day cf i::�e ins�ection. D1r. A. E. Peterson aslced �hat tlie City request a
re�Laining tvall be built. NTr. Ralph Mol�er cam�lained c.>f tiZe nv:ise f'r<ant heav3r true.c
trasf�c clo�v�z I{eysto,le from Dru�d. The Mayor su��ested tl�at the City a5�t tl�c owtzeis c��'
Food Fair ta plan� a rotiv o�' punlc trees �o ;�:.rcvide a screen fcr �xie rear of the stares.
The Manaver a�i�red to meet tivitlz Mr. ��olter a,ad Mr. Peterspn azzd ma'.se a pers�nal
insgecti.on of the area,
R'he Manager presented a leiter �i;t�n� a taul:lat3on on bids fc�r rei�.t:ix�� of veh:Lcles
and containin� his i ecommendatian t1�at stten v�i�icle rei�tals net '�e �,ecepted as the cos�
t�vould be toa liigIl as cornpared `v�'�Iz the purclzase pr_ice of ident� ca1 veliicl�s.
A tabulatioi� a�� bids received for th�irt3*-tnree truci:s and atttc�s was presentec�
tv�.�tlz the reconvnenflatic�iz �rc�m t�Ze Mana�er �lzat the low bid af Tarry Dimmitt for
t'➢40, �5.00 be accepted flor ih_rtST-one truc'.Ls aizd cars, that tlze 1�.••t•� bid of w'l, 3fi7. . 00
irom I�ennedy � Stricl�latad f�r ons trLZeG; and �?ze lc�v b:id oz ,;2,208,50 from Oran�e State
I�iotor Company for or.e trkci� be accepted. Havi�z� considered the abs�ract of �aids ic�r
the u�2rchase �f mctox v�iii.cles as prese�zted b�= �Li1e City P4ana�er ancl the rec:ommendataons
Qf t�z� Citg Mana�er and tnz Pt,irc:�asi�g A�ent, Corrunissioner Iizsca mi.�ved tizat the lcr[vest
and best bids for the res�ee;-,i ve �*enicles as shatvn thereon be accepted, the sam� be:ing
t'�ir��r-�z1e ve�iieles �r�in T�arry Dinunitif f'car a i„•tal of �40,4L!5.00, one vehicle frnm
Iiennedy ��� Str��cl:].and at a cc�st cf �1,3�1,00 and o�ze veizicle fram Oran�e S�ate Mcator
Compa�zy x"ur the suxn c�i' �?2,203,�0 and that tize arUpex officlals be autilorized �c� com-
plete �,ie purchase and ma_ce paymen� �'or tize same. PToti�n �qas seooi�ded Uy Commissioner
Roberts and carried unanimc�usly.
A lett;er from P'Lr. James Vinson was read as��ing tl?at h�s res��nation from the Civi1
Service Board be acceptecl eFfectiJe as of Au�ust 2Gth. Gammission�r Raiaerts mvved the
acc�ptance of I�1r, V�ns�t1's res?gnation frvm t}ze Civ11 Service Board with regret. P�oticn
tivas secoi�ded i�5 Comr��.sv:;.aner Stran� and carr� ed una,zimously.
Ti�e T�iaycr reccmmended tlze appo�ntrneni, cf T��r. Charles Coxt to fill the unexpired
�zi�m oz I�7r. Vin��i� on tlze Civ__1 S�rvice Board. Coirunissioner Rober�s maved the ap�oi�z'�-
ment �f Cnarles Ceat to z�ll �he une�pired term of Mr. Vinson on �he Civi1 Service
Board, trotion .�ras seconcied bj Commissio�zer Tizsca and earr-ied unai�imously.
The City Attorney read Resolution 5�-45 ti�rhich rr�vld vaca �� the porta.c:� of the plat
pf De1 Orc, Croves ly-� n!; ttest �•f i.he center 1;ine ;�f Manterey Avenue a� reuqested by
P�1r. RUbert :t. G,'Ylscn, :��Etorney, on behalf Uf iine c�rVmers of the property involved.
Comm� ss�ozier S�ran�; ir.oved tlzat Resc.lu�icn 57-45 �e �assed and adopted and proper
officials pe autllar� zed tc� execute it, T�Totion ��1as seconded by Corruniss? oner Rob�rts
and carried anana.mc�,.�ly.
Tl1e City Attorney presented for �its �hird readin� Ordinance 742 ivhieh ��vould
regula�e solicitations for c?�aritable purpcses, mhe Attorn�y r�ad a let�er from P�ir.
RoverL DicDermc�tt on behalf of the Amer?can Le�ion Turner-Erandc�n Post No. 7 which
su;g�st�d enan�es in the Ordinance. P�7r. C. F. Darl:ing, President of the Clearwater
FederaLior_ oi Civic Clubs also objected to c�rtain secticns of the ordiizance. Colonel
P�larion Sanclers r�presenLin� Bayvisvr Civic Clut� objected �� the nrdinance. The
CQI1llR7.SS103'1G''!'S suggested revisions in �he Qrcl��nance whiciy vaere noted by the City At�orney.
The A�torney read the Ordinance as amended. Commissioner ,^Jatkins moved that Ordinance
742 be passed and adopted on third and finnal read3ng a� amenc�ed and �he proper
of.i:icials pe au�hcrized i;o si�n i�. Mvtioi� Uras seconded by Commissioner Roberts aiid
carr-�d unanimcusl;�.
Cornmissic>ner Insca suUoes`�ed tnat {�he Commi ss �_on cansider hoJ_di_ng a T,vork sessa�n
before the n,ext rebuiar meeL-in� v1_th the Ci�Ey En�ineer �o disevss the street resuriacin�
pro�ram, stree�li�htixl�, the speclf�-cations ior the �'ire truc�>s and furth�r drainage
prablems, By cons��t, the Corrunission a�reed to 11o1d an �xecut:Lve �essicn on Thursday,
Septembei 5th.
The Ci�y Attarney repor�ed that theClearvaa�er Yacht Club had requ�st�d a perm�� �
for �he construction oi' a sia:i.nu�aing po�l on City property and �lzat the lease a�reement
cloes not require the conse�lt oi tn.e Cormnission. Commiss�oner Insco Ynuved tha� the
Cor�riti.ss�:on go on record aa havin� no objection to tne c�nstru.etz.o�z af a sw�mmin�,• �o�,l
at that lccat3�n p-rov � d�_ng :it compl:Les vr:;_th all S�ate, Ci•ty a�d County laws. Mo��::1.on
ti�aas seconded b;� Gomm�ssioner E�laticiris and carried unanamously.
Au��.st 26, ? 957
qc,nunl�siotiex Stran�; mr,ved that the City P+fana;er be requ,ested to ask the Personnel
D1,xec�ar t� furniah w:t�h an �l;i.g:ibility 1:i�� ic�r tihe ��,sit:tun of` E'3.re Ch�.ef, i�4o�lc�tz
waa �econded �y Comm�.ssJ.or.er Insco and �a�ried unanimously,
The Mayar explairied th,at an a�reement had been reqves��cl b� NLinneapolis-�3oneyTsrell
ukzc,���3n� that the City� ivi11 furniph fire prc�tect_on c+�ithin six miies of the City 7.imits,
The Cit�T A�t�orney �ta��d that h;e hacl pre� �,^ed such an a�re�ment in acc�rdance wlth �he
Resolution ad���t-�d uoms Lime a�;o. CammiN�ioner iiatkins moved tnat the a�reement be
approved and the propex ��t'i':ic3.als be author:i.zecl tc, executc :i.t, t•2ofiicin +rras seconded
by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimousl�.
mhe Commisston noc�r adjourned as the Cit�J Commission and acting as Trustees of
bhe Pe{zUion Fund heard a letter read fram the Adviscr;� Commit�ee recc�mmend�.ng that
'�lil7,ie Bxyant, Zaborer -� n the Refuse D;:partment, and Eddie H��nter, Laborer in Refuae
DEpar�men�, be accepted �nto membership in th.e Pension P1an. Cammiss�.oner Robexi,s
moved that th,e two employees be acce�ted. M��tion vras secpndecl b;� Commissio�zer Ir�sco and
carriea unana.mouuly.
Tl�e Commiss:i.oiz re-conveneci as the C�.ty Cor.imission.
Ccr�.:niss:Loner Insco moved tIzat the City Mana�er be authc,rized to request an
�1i�iUillty list fc�r� an Asszstant Police Chief. T�(nti�n t�ra� seconded by Ccmmis�3oner
I�laticins and carried unanimously.
Commissio�ler i•!a�?iins ri�ved to ad jouxr_ tne m?et � rt�. Mcticn :vas seconded by
Corrutu.ss�oner Stran� and Garried unanimGvsly. The meetin� rlas a�journed at 5:35 F.fi.
y •�a,� - ui �slaner
C:i y . -lerl�: ___.�"
,�� " �
^' -
ALi�us� 2�, 1�5 f
AG�NDA Pub13.c Hearings
GITY COPYNLSSION MEETI�TG Pav3rk; t�fa .tins Rqad
AUGUST 2u, 1�5% 2. SL�rm Se��vers, �as� Avernte
1: 30 P. Pt. 3, Rea�.test t'or Variance of Zc�nin� f'or
Lots 5 Fc b, �le�cl: A7, Ti3.biscus Qax��t�s
Invoca-�ion 4. Request �or Contizzued Variance c�F
Tr�tixoductic�Lls Zonii� for Lots 19 aixd 2U, I�n� V3.ew
r7:�.nutes of Precedirz;; '��e�,in�s 5. Pequest far Contizz��ed Varlance of
P�:bl:ic Hearin;s Zonln� fcr Lot 23, B�.ocic Ii, Laitevi.evl
Reparts of Ci�Sr NIana��r Hei�l7ts
Citizens to be Heard
Other Commissiqn Act-i��n Reports from City Mana�er
Ad,�ournm�nt �ot 1�1ow'�n� Reques s
TfeeG�ng Perzsion P1an Truste�s 7. VerUa1 Reporl;s aiZd O�her P�ndin� �latters
Reports frQm City �ttorzze,y
t�. OrcL-Lnance ;r� 2, a ici�a�ionsy �s Ainended,
3rd and Final Readln�
Ta : B1r . Jac�: Tallent, City Manager
From: Mr. 0. �i. 9nderson, 3uildin� Znspector
Sub�ect; Request oi �'Ir. i^7illiam Knight (I,on� View Subdivi.si�n, Lats 3,�+,1�,20,21)
Date; August 9� �.957
IL is the Zon�ng 3oard�s recommendati��n that Mr. 1�Jilliam Knight be granted continusd
R4 use oz Lots 19 ar?d 20, providing at 1eas� 25 ioat setiUac�cs zv__11 be cbserved,
=rom Yelvington Avet�ue.
Attached hareto is le�ter of requeat, petiticns and map.
To; Tdr. Jac=� Ta�lent, City Mana�er
From: Nfr. 0. H. 9nderson, Building Inspector
Sub�ject: Reqtzest of I�lae H. Collins (La'_�cevie�v Heights Subdivislon, Lot �3, B�.�c�t FI)
Date: August a, 1957
It is the recommenda�ion of tlze Zoning Board t�zat 1�1rs. NIae H. Collins be �ranted a
co,z�inued ase of this propert;� to be at�erated as a board:ing house by her under 1:he
hardship ruling.
Attached here�o �s a ae�ition and letter oi request.
To: Mr. Jack Tallent, City Mana�er.
From; r�•r, 0. Ii. anderson, Building Inspeetor
Subject: Crovm �: PZcCrillus, Gertif_ed PuU1xc Accouiztants (Lots 5 R; 6, Bloclt M,
Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision)
Date: Au�iast g, 1957
The Zoning �oard recummends to �he C,iLy Commission that the reqttest af Croo,m and
MeC-rillus be gratzted, as the build�ng planned, bacics up to Buuiness Zanings and s:ince
they tai�l be used far public accountants; it t�rill not be detrimental to hearin�.
At�ache� he�eto are 6 copies of let�ers oT request tivhich include -- (1) drawing of
area sho�ain� the tvro lota in question, (2) enlarged drawing of' the tva'o lots shc�win�
location on the lo�.s af boch the buildin� they want to er�et �riunediatel�- and a future
pro�osed expai�sion, (3) flcor plan o�' the building to be ecnstructed.
� 5`---��
`�JI�EREAS, L-he �resent owners of the property covered hy the portic�n uf i;he plat
thereaf as nereinai'ter described lzave requested that tre same Ue vacated; and,
;J;3EREAS, said propert� has never been opeized to public use, is nc�t nc;w iniproved,
and the �rese�t ovozzers thereoi have presented to the City Cairuniss3.on of the City o£
Clearwater for approval a repla� thereaf v�la.ich Is acceptanle to saira Gommission; and,
t�lHEREAS, it is de�rned adv� �able and to the Y�est inte�est ��f the City that ��ie
portion of the plat nere:inafter descr:ibed be .;acated;
;dOG�, TiiEREb'dRE, 3E I'z' R�SOLUED HY THE CIT"Y COSaf1ISSI0N OF T:iE CI�'Y Ok' CL�/�R:°7LiT�R,
F?�ORIDA, in sessicin dulv and regularl� assemb�ecl, aN folluvrs;
7.. That �che fr � 1«�•� �,�� deucribed port-i wn r�F the p1a,t �;f' 77e7. Qro r,r��v�s, �,a
recorded in Plat BooL 12, pa�e 2, Public Recrrc�s uf Pine�.lau Caunty, Flor�.da, Ue
and the same is hereby vacated:
� +� ~�
I� F
I �
. . � j � � �� �� � .
. . . �� .. � �.
� CZ�'X CpP�IlUtIS�TO�T i�ETTr�Is
kus;ust 2�, 1.g57
( Cont:�nued )
�111 �hat p�rt:l.�n raf sald plat lyiti� :�Iesb o� tl�e cen�Ger 7.ine c.�f
Monbere� �venue, as shovrn .iz s�,ld �la'c .
PASS�D �1ND ADOPTLi�, this 26th day of. A�7gus�, 1g57.
1`a� �e;�ris �uiner
Mayor-Camm:I, s sioner
js/ Lue:111e 73. F3c11
�1cbJ.ns City Clerlt
Ru� 15 � 957
x�anorable City Commiss%.oners
�� � -
C1ea�iaa�er, F],arlcia
Ge�z'c� emen:
�s Trtz � �ees of' the City of Clearti�tatsr L•�n.x�lo;�ees � Pens; �n Fuz�d, �rou are her�by
nati�'i�d �;hat i�Jill:ie L'ryant, a lab�rer in the Re�'use D�partmer�t, has beer dul;� e��am3.:zed
ia�� a 7�;cal phys3c3.an and desi�natecl b�r h�rm a� a"First Class" rlsic.
The above emplt•yee 1�e�aiz ris service >vith tne C:L�y oiz T�cv. 25, 1956, ia'e is
u�1�.�r �k5 �ear.s oz a�e (burn Sept. 4, 1y1�j) ai�cl meets the r�qu-�remei7ts ai' cur Ci�r:il
Sexvice. It is lz�re'a� �ecctiunended b�T �h� t�d�isory Committee tizat .�e oe accepteci
z}zto rnemberslz�p.
TTer�T trl.ly y curs,
�1dv;lsory Comrnit�cse c�f Tfze �nploye�s� Pensi�n Fund
,� s, Pau? Fiane, Cha'srman
� s; iie? ei1 Peters
; s j �.d �lanton
:iona�al��.e City Commisc��ners `''a�• i5, ��:i
C:�_eart�rai;er, Fl�r-� da
�s T:cus �ees of i;I1e G��y of Clearj�ater Ernp? oyees � Pensicn Ft�.�.c�, you are hereb�
natifled that Ldd� e Ti-Iunder, S�m�.-sl�illed la'borer in Refuse D�pt, has been d.aly
exani:i.ne�i by a local ptiyszcian and aes?gna��d o�r Iiim as a"h�;'st C1ass" risk.
Tl1e abov� �mplc�yee '�e�ar_ his serv�ice ti�ritzi tize Czt;� on Jan 1, 1g56, xe -is under
{r5 yea� s of a�e (born i�Tov. ZQ, 193�) and meets tiie requircmeiz'�s oi �tzr C�vil Service,
I� �1� he�eby recc:mmer_ded by the Adv? sory� Comm� �tee t�-!at �7e be accented intc members?�ig.
Very truly ycurs,
Adviscry Commit�ee cf The �inplo�ees� Pension Fund
,; N f' P�u� F{ane, Chairman
j s/' �e:�en Peters
; sy �d Blantion
�sor�u�rzarw �
'�,IH�R';:5: it h�.s been deternilned b5* :�he: Citj� Commissio�z of t.�e C?Ly �f Ci -r.a.r[•rat�r,
Flo-riaa, i:hat tl�,e praper�y described i�elai�r shc�ald be cle�,�led c� �reeds, �rass and: cr
underbruslz, ancl thai, �.fter ten (1.�) da;�s z�ot�.ce and failure af the at�r��er tFlerer= to
do so, tlze Gity shotild cTean such properi;y a,nd char�e the e��sts tlzerecf a�ainst tne
reGp�ctive proper��*.
A10:�! THEREFORE Bi IT RESOLVED by the City Conunissian cf the City of Clear�ra�er,
Florlcia, that the �'o].1a,vin�; descriped property, si.tua�e in sa:d City, shall be
cleazzed ef tiveeds, �rass �.isd�or unaarbrL�sh i�*itii�n ten (10) days ai�er not3c� :;.�� t�m-'_t�.n�
to ��ie ot•rizers tllereoT �c� do So and that Ltpon failure tc comply v�itti said iz. tice,
tlze Ci�y si�.a�.l perform such claanin�; and charge tiie costs �i2ereof abainst the respec-�ive
pr��pervies in acc�rdance ti•rlth Section 12u oi tiie uharter of �ne Cit�r of Cleartvater,
as ainei�ded.
Dav;i� Persanne Lot 12 1�00
1'j]:G :Iark��x Drive Blc�c�c U
City Avondale SLtU.
Lou�,se fI . Shadman L�:r �s 13 � l�1- 23. t�0
1017 MGhac�ri� S�, B1�ci� d
City l�vondale Sub.
Antllony Cacl;:otivsl:i T�ots 5�; � 15.��
P. 0. I3o:i 27G Bl c clt A
C-lty Barbour Marroti�a Sub .
Robert iieilman Lots 7, ii, 9,'10 �c3�, 39 3�.Oc�
7.j;�70 Crestviet� Bl�clL A
Ci.ty Barbnur Murroe•r Sub.
f., ...
Aut;ust 2G, 19a7
Peter Sapourn Lot 11
3u�6 �ldorado B1c�c1� R
�� ty Barbeur i�Torr�iv Su�
Dee �,. �'eterman �,ot �7
lZl•2� E. Pi1Ze Bloc3�. A�
C-r �y Barboux 1�Tc�xro��r Sub .
S,eti�Tls L. Palmi�ier Zots 1� 8� 5
151�� :Valizut SL . Bonair H:il1 5ub .;�
C1eor�e DZcCross�n Lo1; 6
1�Oq No . Garden Bpnair Hi7.l Sub .;;�4
Vincen� Cobelc� W 20 � of Lot 14 �°c I,ot 15
142�- E. P;ne Block F
CL�y Bouleva.rd II��� �h�s
2-I. B. DeRemer Zot 19
P.o. Box �865 B1oc1: J
St. PetersUurg, Flora.da Boulevarcl Hei�hL-s
DoF:�.nic Scripa Lot 6
31v Par�ti Aventie Bloc!;. B
Syracuse, N.Y. Druid He��hts
Ral��h �'. Raynor Zot �
25 So. I3ay Ave. BZ�c'c 4
Isl:ip, T,T„ �,T,y, Druid Pari;.
�. S. Ga�d ��ts 33,3�,35�3�
�ez�y Drevt Apts. Bloc?� A
City I-Ii�izland Grove Sub .
Ro"uart I. jyo�z I�a-t 14
cfa �'.J. ��Jettieriord Blocic E
105 So . F� . Har�'� son Ave . Iiey stone :�ianor
Janr_ I�azik Lots 124, 125
5314� 1Sth �ve. sa, Llayd L�Jh�ite S?�ii��er Sub.
Gulfport, Flcr�-da
��irs. Pterle Chambexlain Lot ?
150 C?�urcii wt. Block B
'��`Ic.rt?�r�Adams, Niass, rlcUei�n Sub.
L�� 3
Bi� .;i;: D
T�eVei�h First Add.
G. Hugo r,Tell Lot l
3c�30 BArrf Ave. 31eck 35
DreYel ;-ti11, Pa. P+4andalay Sul�.
L.p. �, G.P. Hcve� Lots 5 e� 6
�tuled.in, Bloc'.> 18
PTorida 3•Zaizdalay Sub .
Salvador Greco Lot 7
u03 T�Iandalay r3lock �Q
City r�Tandalay Sub .
Jaciti Fe�l,es Lo�s 1�. � 3
3009 17ti� St. Blcc'c �l
Tarn�a, Florida P•�1ai�dala„ Sub.
Rob�rt �. Simonin Lat 1
�loodland Rd. 31oc1� 2�3
Canonsbur�, Pa � T��iandala��
x-i�be �. Dimmitt Lots 5�. 6
UO3 So, F�. Harr� son Bl:;cic �;.�
^j.ty Mandala� Sub .
rt�rosr; I����zmar:i.s I,ots 7 �: u
2�5 Cherrf S�. 3� ocl: !'r5
13e,�r Britair!, Conri, T�tandalay Sub.
T:�c�mas iioimes Tots 8�; ��: S. 201 Lot 7
I_eni? vr�r�n �1, Bl��c!t G
Brc�a.lyn, T?.'Y . T?aJa je Par:c Su7� .
t�rthur H. Giese j ots 13,1�?,15 w 15
�r005 I�2onona Dr. Ble�c?c F
i�ladiso:�: �;-, ��Jis, Salls Svb. r�.xst Add.
Ch.arles �chneciier ?�o� 2
3ox �03 Blcc?: J3
C�.ty Jnit D, ,S�cycrest Sub.
?�ed �,. Kram�r Lots 3 �, Z;-
�l32 P«:ins�ttia �1Je�2�.?e B�oc�: B
Ci�y UtZi� L�, S'::�,�crc�t Sub.
��arr;;T S-i lc,s Za L 7
�;�Ol Fa�.r�'ield B aclz Dr. BZ�c'� B
Fa.-1rf�e1�, Ce1nn. 'Un-it D, Si-:�,�cres'c Sub.
tar�� Bart'_�o7_cmet�r Lot 2
Yahhc Basin t�pts, 131oci: C
C; t;� � TJni�E � �, �l�cycrest Sub,
'rlalier P. D`�v-� s Lot 3
?_Oo irlelrc,se St, BZcrcIt G
ri7e7.�ose, T�Zass. U�ii� 9, u3�;�cre�� Sub.
Ar�ii�,=r Rvtei�i:5er� Lots � ��: �
1�;�'.0 C�uli' ��� Ba,y E7.r�ci: I�
Ci�;� S2.ycre�i: Terrace r1.rNt ,'�dd.
� /
7,6 . Cl0
l9. �0
�.--o :-@�J- `
2"j , d0
1�u��ist 26, 1957
PQaxy iiarcll �1� S 5q � T,c�t ;�:: Lot �
1kOQ �ae�2v:t7.1e � � 21.0�
Blc�ckc D
c��Y Skycres� Terrace First Add.
Char�.4s Faro LLt 3 less N 20� �; L�t 4 lesa PT 2p� 22.00
u�5�!• D� �nza l�vei�ue Bloc:a T
R's verside, �a1i�. Slcycre�� Terrac� F:i.r. st Add,
P115S�D ATTD ADOP'��D BY THE City Comrnissian of the City pi' Clearwater, Flarida,
TIz�.N 2�i;k1 day of Au�;ust, A.D, 1957.
!1T'i'�;S`L :
� u/ T�u�i11e B. Bell
Ac�;.�.z�� City Aud� t��r an.d Clerk
�s� Lecri,� IIomer
�RDINANGE N0. :t�2
�eetion 1. Th3.s Or�3,nance may be c3.ted as the "City of Cler,;rwater Charitabl�
5o7.i�c�a�-.ons rft3:nance" .
S��t3on 2. As us�d 3n this 0�dinance -
a e tex�a �boax�di mesns Ghar-lt�es Solicita�l�an,s �oard as created and
�ppoinied as h�ereinafter provided.
{laj The �erm "registiran�" means tYae holder of a�va13d pexnnit duly issu�d
under th� tzrms of �his Ordinance.
(c) "So3ici�ation" and "8olicii;'F zaean the request directly or indirectly �or
any contribution on th� p].ea or representa.tior� �hat such con�ributian
wi1Z ar ma.y be used for any charitabl� pu�pose, and �lso mean and 3nclude
{l�of the follawing methods o£ securing eantr3butlons:
(h�al oxF written requeat.
(2) �'he d3.stribution, c3rculation, mailing, posting or publish3.ng a� a,n3*
handbi�.3., trritten adver�isemera�� or publica�3.on.
(3j TYae mak3.ng of an3r annou�Gement to the preras, over the radio, Uy
t�levi�ion, by tele7ahone, or tele�raph �onc�rn3n� an ap,peal,
assemblage, athletic or sports event, bazaarfsb�n��i�, campaigny.
.antest, dance, clrive, eniertainmen�, exhibition, expos3�tian, partY,
�ex�fox=ma.nce, picnic, sale, o� social �ai;hering, vrhieh �he public 3.a
�equest��. to patronize or to v�n�e12 the publ3c 3.s reqnested to make
(4) The sa].e of, o£�er, or at�emp� to se17., �ny ac�ve�t�.s�m;en�, actver-
�is3r� space, Yar�oks, ca�., �gazl.ne, me�charldise, subs�eript3.on,9
ticket QP admission, o� any other th3ng, or �there tYze name of any
ol�a.�ifsa'ble person is usec's or referrec� to in an�r �ucri. appeal as
an inclacement or rea�on �or making any such sa1�, or V�hen.oxr where
in connect3.on. �r.ith an� such sale,. �,n,y .s���emen� 3s made i;hat the
whole or any part oP t.l:� proce.ei�s from any su�h sal� will go os�
be donated to an�r charitable pur,poae.
t� "solicitation" as defined herein shall be d�emed comple�ed when
macie, zvhether o� no� the �ersor. mak_ir.� �he same s��ceives any
epntrib�tion o� �aizes any such sale.
{d) "Ch�si.�abZe" me�ns and incluc2es philant�ropic, soc�.�.l service, pa�riatic,
?�relfare, benevolent or educa�ianal (exc�gt religious education) eith�r
ae�ual ci� purpa�ecl.
(e) °Con�r3.but3ora" meanS and 3nclkdes alms, £�od, c3:o�hing, mpney, subsc�ip-
tion, eredit, px�operty, �'inancial �,ssis�ance, or donat3.ons under ti2e
guise o�' a loan af` money or pro�ssrty.
Secf.ion 3.
� No pe�san shall so].icit � n the C3�y �f C1e�a^a�a.ier un'! ess he holds a vaZid.
perm3.� autlaos°#.zfng such �olie3tation.
(b) The p�ou3�ions o� �ia�s Ordinarzee shall no� a.p�aly t;o any person malzing
so13c3.tat3ons, 3.nclucling solici�a,tions ��� educatiorkal purpose�, .solely
for a church ar a r�lig3.aus corporation or a c�rporation c�r any unir�Gor-
parated associatioza under tlae supex°vis�on and con�rol o� any sue� chureh
ar religious corporation; I'rovided, 'TY�.at �uch church, .x°eligiau� corpora-
tion., corpo���ion or unin�orpora ed associat3on is an or�ani�at3on whi�h
has been �ranted �xemp�lon from ta:x,a.tion under �lze prouis�.�ns af �ection
501 0�` the Intex=xia,l Fiev�nue coae of 1g5�; Prov3d.�d £ur�her, That such
e.�►pt3on i^�om the provisions o�' '�h3s Os�dinance s a e n eP�ect only
s9 lang as suciz churoh, reli�ious corporat•�on, corpar�.tion or unin-
co:��rated asso��.a�ion skia�.l b� exemp� �rom •ta�ca.tion unde� �he pro-
v3.sions of Seet�.on 501 0� �he intiernal Revenue Code o� i95�•
tc) �.'he grovision� of th3s Qrd3.tlaxice skiall na� �pp�y �;o a.ny pe�srsn making
solici�at3.ona exclua3veiy a.m.ong the rrcez�bersh3p of' the solicitln� ��eney.
Sect3.an 4. �rTA%22Zi'it' S(}T,IGLTATI�NS SQA�ii> GREt�.T�3. Th�re is hea.�eby� ex^eated �a� the
a�iin�s` a� oP this Ordinance, a Ctiari�y SA1�citati.ons �oard �rh�ch sha11 be comgosed
a� seven E7} memY�ers vdho shal� serve vrithou� ��muneration �ar sueh serrr3c�s and Vrho
�hall lae appointecl '�y the Ci.iy P�aa�nager and witia the ec�nsent of t12e Gity Camm3.as3oYx.
Each membe� oE said �oa�d ap�aQ9.n�ed by tche City Ma..na�er sha7.1 ho].d of g�.ce f or a�e�n of
one (7.) year and fiv� (5) raf, the appa3n�eea hez°�unde� are �o be e3tizens ai' Glearurater
from the Po7.lca�ing o�e�nia�ia�iont�: Cleaxwater Merchants Associatian,. Be��e� �us3ness
B�x^eau, Clear�ra.�er i+i�.nist�r3a1 Aasoci�:fiion, GZea.rcyater CYxamber of comme�c� ana
C1ear�rrater Junio� CYiamb�;r +�f Com�erce. 2'he ather members of the Boaard shall cor.a�sb
of the Gh�.�i' a� I'oZi�e a.nd Cit�r A�torney of said C�ty� or members oF the�.r staPi'
appQ3nted hy sa.�c� Cit;� Ci�i'icia7.s. Any vacancies occur�ing sha11 b� filJ;ed 9.n �he eam�
mararter as .p�ov�:ded �'os in �he ori�in.al apnoix��ment.
Sect�.on 5, BOARD Ql?GP.i3IZA�ION, That the Board sha3.7. eZect �. chai�rman �,nd
Secre a�z�o`m itis meiabership and flha11 adop� rules a.nd regula�iona For the canduc� oP
9,tS bus:lne�s a:�a tr� ��.m�s a.�a �a.aces oP 3.ta m�etings. Four (�F) ntembers o� said Board
sha1�. constitute a quox��um i'crr the tran�act:Lon -o� businesa.
5ectlon 6. APPLICA�'ION. A}�glica�ion gor a; pe�rm�.t �Eo salic3'c. �;a h�re3n deseribed
i'or anY purPase far' �Ihicla � permit 3.3 reqia9.�ed by thi$ Orci'I.naaac4. s12a1,1 �e submi:�teci
on a�'ox�m to be p�ovided by the Board aa�.d su�arn to by the agglican� o.r one snember o€
a.pp7.icant organiza,tion, and sh�.11 be €3].ed ��..�in the Clerk o�' tt�e Gity oP CZearv?a�er,
Urh� s�aa.�.l x�eYer it to ti2e Board gor action:.. 5a3d appliaation �ha7.l be 3n :substanti�lly
�he fallota3.r►6 Porm, and s12a].7. requix°e the €oZZaw�.ng in.Faz'�t�tien:
{,a) iJacne of' ox°ganiza.t�:an appl.ying Por a}sea�nt3t to sol3.c� �, the ar3ei�e�s Q� �.ta
heaciquar�era, and the names q� consti�uent organ5.zatlons i� reg�eseni�s,
ii' axty.
�b Names a,n.d �.ddresses og its principal of'ficers and managers.
c The purpose For �rY�ch sueh sa].icitation is 'td be made.
d ".Che name of the person or �ersons b� �rhom the rece3. ts o'
skrall be cl�sbursed. P F sucYt sai:�eitai3;on
(e) 7?he nattte and add�esa oi �he pe�son or person� tvno �.11 be in direet �harge
of'conducting �he solici�ations,
., �' An outline of ths me�hod or methods ta be usee7. in conduc'�ing the soli�iia��on,
" ��� The ��.me urhen such soliaitatiQn� aha.11 be m�.c1e, gi.v�.ng �he proposed c3a.tes for
the beg�nnir� and ending oP such sol�.c�tationa,
(iaj The amount oP any t,rages, iees, coa�i.ssiana, ex�enaes, o� eanalum,�nts �a be
expended or paid to anyone in connectlon t,t�'th such �olicitation together tsrlth
the m,�.nner in Trri�.ch such vtaoe�� Pees, expenses, eomu�3.ssions o� emo7,tunents are
�o e�e expended, to �vhoaa pa3.d, and the amount thereo�'.
(i) A financiaZ sta�ement for �he past �recec'�.n� Fisea'� year, �a3d statement
giv3ng �he amount o� mqney $o raised, to,gether �#.tch �he cost oP raisin� ii;,
and fYna1 ci�.stribution thereof„
(� j A f'u.11 s�ater�ent of the charac�er ancl ex�ent o�' �he �hari�able, re�,igi.ous,
educat3onal or gh9.lan�h�apie �,rar� be�?� done by t;he applicant orgarii.z�.t3.on
or iay the conatituert o�ganizatians i� repre�entis, �v3th3.n the Citiy of Clea�ev~a,ter. �
{k, Such other info�ma,��on as mag be r�q�red by the Boa�d in order Por such
Baard f.a �e�ermine f'�z7.1�r the k�nd and character and zrorth:tness of' the pro-
posed so3.ic3tation and as to ��rYzether o� not sucn s6lieita�i:an 3�s in %h�
3nt�resi of �rotecting hea3.th, life and proper�y aP the citizens o% Glearcra�er
and: in the in�eres� of preserv.Lng and en�orcin� good; Gavernmeni ans� Yo� �he
security of the Ci�y o� Clearirater..
TO TIi�-rC.�_�. Upon.rece3.pt o# an applicatifln as provided 3n Sectian 6 hereoP, the
Boaard shall make, or cause �o be ma.de, sucn iYzves�igation as shaa.Z be ciee�ed necessary
to per�orm its dut3e� under �his Oz�.nance. Upon requeat, the appiicant sha12 make
available for irzspect3.on by �he 3oarc3 or an,y person desigriated by it for sueh gurgose,
a7:1 0£ a,pplicant � s'books4 records and pav�ers &� any reasonabie ��e befare �he appliea-
tion is granted, during the time a permi t is 3.n -e�'fe�t, or a�'ter a pex�.� has expir�d.
The Board �all issue the pexymi� provided for 3n Section '� hereof �Thenever
it skk�a3.l i'ind '�l�e foliocz3n� ',fac'�s �o ex3.s�:
�a That aZl oi' �he st�'�ements made in the apglica�ion are tru.e.
b� That the applicanz ha,s a good character and reputa.�J.on Eor honest,y and
�n�egri�y, or �� the applicant 3s nc�t an in3ivicival persan, tkx�� evsry
manag3.rlg of'�3e�r or �gent of �he a�p7.ieant has a good eharae��r or x�eputat3.can
.for honEsiy and 3ntegrity,
(c� Tha� t�ie control and supe�3.sion of` the soliclta.i:ion �r331 be unde� �e�pons3ble
ancl rel3:able persons.
d That the a.pplican� has no� engaged in any fx�auciulen� transact3an ar ent�rprise.
e Tha� i:he so].3.citation ti�3.13 nat he a fraud an the nu�13 c.
� TY..a� �Yie so13.c3�a�ion is prout�teci Salely bg a des�re to finance the chax�3.ta.b?e
cause desc�ibed 3.n t2ae applicat3on, and t,ri31 nat be condueted. primarily far
priva.te pro�'it.
(�) That the eos'� of ra3.sit� t12e �tuzds tai17: be �eason�l�3e. An,y such cost in
excess of 20,� o£ t12e a,maun� collee'��d, sha7.1 be considered to be un�easonab� e
uil7.ess spec3.a�, ia.cts are greseni�ed shotr3n� �hat �e�uliar reasc�ns make a
cost h3�her �ha,n 20� r�asonahle sn the pa�ticular �ca,se,
The Board shaL1. f'3.1e �r� the offias of ��e City Clerk and sha11 no�;iiy the �.pp7.icant
of its d:ecis].on u�on each appl.icat3on with3n a reaso�able t3me na� to exceecZ �3f�een
��5) ��s-
Se�;.tion 8. PERP��' ISSUAN�E. U'pon receipt of turitben not3�'ication o#' approval
�'rom e�oax• a� px�ovided in Section 7�aereof, the Citg Clerlc shall issue a perm3.t �o
such �.pplicant �a� the periofl des3�natPd in sezeh notSficaiion,
Section 9. PER,MIy DURATIOI�3 AND RET1EYiAL. The Bcaarct shall determine from th� anpl.i�
ca�3.on, ��Fie pe�3oa fs�r tahich such pexmi� shal.l be approved and gran�ed; a,nd wi�ether
s�id permLt sha11 prov�.de separate �er3ads for d3Pferent �y�es of` golicita�3.on by
applicFznt, a,n� �i�,e Bo�rd. �lzall certii�r �o �the C3ty G].erk tYae p�r3.od or periads �or ��Ysich
�a�.a �e�m3.t n�a�.� �� �.s8uea, provided that no sue�. pertrt3.t sha11 be issue� far a
pe�i.bd in e.xcess of one year.
Sect3:an 10. 1�QiJ�RTNG REPOR�'S. �,'he Bo�rl ms,y require �'x�om any p�zanitte� h.erc�undex�
a�ny repa� � or 3.tif"os�ma.t�.an �t �y time �nd �,t auch intexrvals as in thQ discre�ion
of tlle Bo�tr�l. shall be nece�sary f'a� tl�e sucaess£u]. �dmini.st��.tion o�' �he p�avls�ona
of �h3:s Ordinance arid �tte p�otection of hea5.�h, lif� and ps�epex�ty of' the c3.�izens o#^
the C3ty o� Cleaz�ra.�ez�>
Sect3on �1. gF�lT� NON-TRE�1�'�1�E. i�y ,pe�m9.t Approved arsd issued under �Glqis
Qrdinanae be non-ti�,�xas3�e�ab�:e; p�ovided, hot�ev�r, �ha�C th3s .s�a,s11 not ��ev�nt any
g�rmi.��ee irom usin,g �2,y nl��nber of so23ci�ors and rep�°esentat3�ves as sha,7.l be reported
�a �he �Q�rda
:S��t3an i2. REtiO�Afi�QAt DE PE13t�T. SfY unon rece�.pt o� taritten 3r�for,�a.tioz�, or
u�son s oian nveatig�.tion, the Boa�d �ha1l.f�nd �hst any agent or represen�ativ� o�
�he persaittee 3s mi�repre.�sn�3n� or �k3n� un�xue s�a.temen$s 3n the applirsation,
or t2zat in any other eray the solicitat9.on has been condueted or is being conducteri 3na
a manner inimica� to the pra�ec�ian oi' hea,lth, life and prap�rty of the c�.ti�ens of
the City of Cieaa�va�er �.nd not in conformit�r ur3th the intenic and purpose af this
O�dinance? os repx�esents in �ny �,ra�y that any pess�ni.t gran�ec� Ysereunder is an endorsemen�
of s;�ch sol3citatian, �hen 'iL- s�'��11 be the ciuty o� the Charity Sol�.citation Board to
r�val�e sa3:d pe�.t � �ov3,ded, lza�re�er, �h�t bei'ore any per�nit 3s revoked the said
lioascl �hal3 give the germi�.icee �wenty-fotxr (2�) liaurs notice �!n rrriting tha.t a hPar3ai�
is .t;a be h�d, and tha�c at s�,3.d h�aring the Iioard shaT1 a�cer��z3:n tlie facts and if any
re�sons aiaove set fo��h fbr revakir�g the permi� are £ound to ex3,st �he perm�.t sha,11
be i�evokerl.
Section 13. APPSAI,, /�n a}�peal m�� b� tais�n �rvm any sct of said Hoard in �s°anting,
re�u� ng c�r re�o r� an,Y p�z�3.t to the C3t� Co�nission ari�hin ten (10) days af�er an
act of the said Board concerning whic;h �k�e �.p�eal is to be takena
A�. persons -o �s+ om pern�.ts Yiave be�n issued uncier th:is Orc�.l.n.ance sila�.l furra.i sh proper
credentials to �heir agents and solic�tor� .for such solic3.�ation. Such credentia:ls
siaa�.l include the n�tme af �1ze perm3t holder, the clate, a statement clesc�ibing said
lxolder+s charitable ae�iv?ty, a deser3pt3:on ag the purpose of the sa3.3.citation, the
si�nature of �Iae permit hold�r o� of the holde�s s ck�ie�' execu�3ve o�fice�, ar�d the
name, ad�esa9 ,age, sex and. signatu,�e of �he sal:icitor to �rhom such, creden'cials ar�
issu�a ana tn� specific pe.�iod af `ci�e during; which said solici�o� is authorized to
sol3eiic nn behalf of the permi.t holde�:
A copy of suct� credeniial:s mus� be ��led t�th the Board �,t the t3me the arpl3.cat3on
i'o� a permit 3.s filed and must. be agproved. by it. �.s confqrmir� to th� requireme�ts of'
ichis Section before �uch permit is iasued. lUo pex°son sYia.1Z so7.icit un@e� any �ermit
granted under tla3s Os°d�.rzaazce Bvithou� the creden�3.tt3s req,u3x�ed by th3.s ;seetion snd a
Paesim3.le co�� of said perm3.t �.n his possession. Said cr.edent3�.l� and eopy of' the
perm3.'t mu�t i�s shos,m, upo� s�eque�s�;, to a7.7: persons solic3.ted and to any pol�ce of'ficer
o� the Gity oP CZear�aa�e�.
r10 a.gent ar so].$ eit�r sha11 solicit con.tributians �or any ehaz°3t�b1e �urpose from
any per�son in the Gii:y o� Clearwa`cer, un].ess such. person has ve�n g2°anted a pe�nit
w�zder t:h.e pravisiona o�' �h3s iirdinance.
Sec:tian 35. $Ot�FL.S 1�3F3 RE�ORD� �R' PERt�TT IiOLD�RS. ATo pexson shall s�lic3t any
contri utians or ax� c.�.aritable purpQse vri�houic ma,intaining a sys�em o� acoounting
wh.ex�eby ��.3.I danations �o i� and disbumsPments are entered upon �he books or recards
of such person�s treasure�° or other gin�n.ciaZ officer,
� Seetion l6, PEP3AI;�Y. Any person, o�gan3:zation, so�iei,y, associ�:tion or
corpara o� �, o� an�r agen� or representat3ve �hereof trho shall viola�e any provis�.ons
of �his. Ordl,nance shall, be sub,�ect �o the penal provisions prav3dec3 in Seetion 8,
Ghapte�'���. of �he Gode o� the �iiy oP Cleas�c�rater, 1g50. Eaeh da.y+ s cont9.nuance o� any
vio].�tis�n 'af tt�.i.� Or�ria.n�ee shall constitu�e a separ�.t� ofi'ense;
Sect3on 17, I�' ar.y pa�t .o� �his Ord3rsance or arly rule, regulat9.on or rec�u3.x�ement
here3n s.1 e�eia �a �e 3�vaiicl by a. court of competent juri�diction, such invalid�.ty
s1�a11 n:ot affect the va.l3di��r of an�r ather part o-r section or othar rule, regu�.a�ion
or reqL3xem.ent herein.
Section 18. Th�.s Orc'l3.nance shali becoa� eff'eciive upon its passa�e as requ3:red
b�* la�:. -
PASSE3) �N rt'HIRi1 1�1D �+'ZNAL.
/s/ Lue3.�.2e B � Be�i1
Act3.ng City �leri�
� 4;
Ju�:� Z� �-9�7
���3* �, �557
August �6, 1g57,
�Sf LG'V7'3.8 $OIt�Z'
Mayorw^omm�1. s sione r