08/12/1957 Cleveland Insco Commissioner \:'f',::::,l\..... . :." ~.,:'. ,.t.'::; ..7,'~:?"'" .....~...1!-:...l; Y'.'~;/f:'~~?i'~~.~r~:.,:,~j:~::~:~'~~.;,\.' , , , ';r"'j!)'ifr~~:d!,\.:u,;,a;;~"";I"L~:'""C! L""",'. '.. '. . '.,' . . ,....,.::-:..-::....:..~ . ,...:.;~~'.:.;..~;.:'l~'~... .1::~~USt~;:t:..!2.l~;:.!:.;~~ ~ ,.,~,,,,:, "'" ".;",,_:,;:,,:,;t;,;;i~I~t~t~~~~,~i'i}:!:'i'ii',~"i.;.. -:;S3 - ,j\~~: :,;~\t; '"I.- ",;!"",..,..i, ,,&, ;~: r : '\ ~.: :~'. 't~::.~,;~;\.l.~\~ /~~.; ~} ,'" "'v .',>",\"j~ """"..,,' ""J , ";',j"':';:f:\C:>t:.,::~1 .';;,';,!,~lF:1 . .,';" .". , CITY COM!\IISSION I.mETING August 12, 1957 The C1 ty Conunission of the City of Cleart'ia ter met in special session at the C1 ty Hall, Monday, August 12, 195'7, at 1:30 P.M. with the f'011()\'1ing members present: __ _ J ~.....",J ,....... Lewis Homer W. E. Strang, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts James H. ~\/atlclns Mayor-Commissll)ner Ccnunissioner COlJuni sS:;.oner CommissJoner Absellt: Also present were: .Jack Tallent :Ben Krentzman S. LicLton Det. Eugene Sheets, Jr. City Manager City Attorney City Engineer Representing Police Chief The Mayor called the meetln[; to order. The invocation was given by l'vlajor Fox of' the Salvation Army. rrhe City Attorney read on 5- ts first reading Ord:Lnance 7L~4 pro- viding for a special election on October 15, 1957" to determine 1'111ether Chapter 5T-122T, Special Acts of Florlda (If 195'7, shall be ratified, pcrta:l.n:tnr; to the annexins of' certain propert;)T :Lnto the C1 ty. Ccmmi ssioner Rc,berts mnved that Ordinailce 7!~l.j. be passed on :1. ts first rcadJnc;. r,10tion vms seconded by GOllunissioner ltla tl<:1ns and carried unanimously. Conuni ssioner Roberts moved the cons:Ldcra tlc,n of Ordlnance '7h4 on second reading by t:1.tle cnl:l with the tmani.mous consent of the Conunissicn. Hct:Lon v.,ras sece,nded by Conun:tssioner Strang and carried unan1mously. The Ci ty Attorney read the Ordinance by t:t tIe only. Commissioner Roberts mc>ved that Ordinance '(LI,L~ be passed on second read nc by title (lnly. Iv!ot:Lon was seconded by Conuni ssioner Strang and carried unanimously. ri1r. Bruce I.-lebb ob~iected to settin[; tile referendum on October 15th as he f'el tit ~ave insufricient time tc have the lists of freeholders prepared and also beoause many qualiried vc.tel'S l,'lould still be on vacat:1.c>n. The fv1ayor stated that the County Reg:L strar had inforJned t11e COllunission the lIsts 1'1Ould be ready at the tble set. Conunissioner StranG mcved that Ordin::mce '7L~l~ be considered on its third readlng \'11 th the unanimous consent c,1' the COlTunissJc>ners present. [\10ti:~'n was seconded by Comm:i.ssioner 'da tIeins and carried unanimuuGl~r. f},'l1e ;:;1 t,!,l\'ttorney read th e Ordinance in full. Conunissioner Robertf3 moved the passa[~e and adoptiL11 of Ord:1.nance 744 on its third and final readinG and tile proper ()ff~,c:tals be a',,~thcrized te' execute it. I,lotion was seconded by COIlUldssioner StranG and carr:ted unan:i,mc:usly. The Engineer announced the Pllbl:Lc HearinG on draj,nac;e fer the north end of Clearv.Jater 1'las scheduled fC1r August 19th and (ne fer East Avenue drainage was scheduled for l\ugust 26th. The Nanagcr reported that the constructicn of the nm'[ NeGro YGuth Recreation Center 1'la s belnc; delayed by the c( 'ncrete stri!:e and as::ed 'chat three months' addi tional rent on the present 'nul ldhl~ at \\40.00 per month be approved for the period begj.nninG .July 1st. Corrullissinner StranG moved that ~)l20. 00 be appropriated for rent of a building for the Negro Youth Center for three months and that the am;::unt be appropriated from nnappropr:tatecl surplus tc' the proper account. Hotion ViaS seconded by COJTI.mi ssicner ':!at1dns and carr:i. cd unanlmci.lsly. ,\'..."-', 4J~~ The City Attorney stated that the Planning Board had brought to his attention the announc ernent of an irliprovement in the C1 ty for ~'1hich a building permit \'1ould be requested j,n the near future -- the ~'J. bb Bu:Lldin[; at the southeast corner of Chesnut Street and South Fort Harrison Avenue. It was br<:>u[';ht (Jut that (>11 Hay 9 J 1957, the Planning Board had reconune'nded steps be ta:ccn to \, btain necessary right (If \'lay to widen Chesnut Street as there was only a tilirty foot right of way from South Fort Harrison to the Atlantic Coast Line traclw. COlTuniss:loner Strz,:1g m<ved that the rj.cht of \'la~ agent be granted authori ty t!', nCGot:Late for requJ.red r5..r;ht of way \'1est of' the I\CL tracks and f;~lr vrhatever is rcqu3-red east of the trac}~s. Notion 1'1aS seconded by Commissioner i'/atk:1.ns and carried u.nanimously. 'rl1e drainage prcblem and sani tary se.'lers in the area cf nOl~th (,1' Drew Smo.ll\'T(lod" GlenvV'Ood and RidgeVlood, 1'1ere d:i.3cusscd. The Enc~:inecr stated he had plans prcpl.lred to imprlJve the drainaG;e. By consent, the Engineer ~'1aS instructed to put the l)ro,iect out for bids. The Conunission hav:i.ng requested an employment l:Lst for (;;he pest tien of' Chief of POlice from the Personnel Director on ,June l~tl1J 195'7 J and none haVinG been received to date, COl1Ul1issloner ~vat]cins moved that the appointment of Irving Drioben as Police Chlef be continued, pendJng the establ:Lshment of' an employment liot, as a temporary provisional appointment and that the Civil Service Board be notified thereof and requested to authorize the same. Motion t'/aS second.ed by Conunissioner Roberts and oa.rried unanimously. '.,' ..: , , .,......... -----...,,~ ...... t 'I"" t!:.fi."jj.~'ill'!~1t~)ilt~~"',~;' .::.:~~.r"Xi,. ~\... ',.~;~~~ .~~l'" ~jf' )<, .'," ~'-" .:: '.' ;,;" ,', . ", . 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Reports from City Attorn~ , " , """'.J:(~;r:~E 2. Consideration of ()rdinance #44 'Provid1I}g<;"~i."'- Special Ref'erendum Election ". ,:,:''''~~~' ., ,;.I;.. , . i t"'" ~- ,P ,..::,..;\:,.,' ""::"'::'::"'_""::""':".::,.'~,~,'~""".':::",:~,':,::,:":""",',:,:",~~,,,:,,,~,.~.,~,~,j ., .. . ..... ,', ,.y~,,;. .;., ;.~,i,'.;.,,',f':""::';i.,l;:..~.~~:l :~, " ,::~..~r~~.~:~~ :~:'~~:,.,:; . .~-- .. -r '" 'i :,~i,j\:~~.:.'.:~!~~ ~.t ,\'j .'~, ". ',:' ", . , '.. ::~!'\:X.'~:' ~h:,) . " '" ;":X";h;(c~. , .' ~ ,,' it'.. ~ .. ':.-. ~:_~~":;>;';~:.";"'~ ".. . , t' _" ~': F", ,< ~ '!~>.r_,__..:,;_,:.: 'J" r" .,)_... 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" . it' ... ~. .'~':""" . -, '. " t" ',~ '~'~'"r ':~'>;;' : '~!r~~}:~:~' '~:~;~A~ti'~'~:'j~.~~3;~:T.:~"\': ',' . '. .:',' ." .' -";.' ~:' #~~i~;;iL~/~;~",\:'\':;~,;~ifh;;~';;~L;: ;:,;:;:',;;!:::;ii;;';;~:I:~);idltY~<0.;~Si.iJ...~~~~~~E~~;~i:!~~~i~.J~i~,'~:1L~J~;:~~~~:~~:L8.i;'~;i~1~~~~~' " ',' ,.1.... :~;/.;. :., '.~-' ':'. J ORD~ANCE NO. '(44 AN ORDnlANCE PROVIDING FOR A SPICIAL ELECrION ON OCTOBER 15. 1957, POll ~ PURPOSE OP DB'1'BRKOaNG WHETHER OR Nor CHAPl'ER 57-1227 SPECIAL A01'a OJ' FLORIDA OJ 1957,. PERl'AINIlII '1'0 'tHK RBDDININO OP i'lIB BOUNDARIES 0-, 'mE CI'lY 0., CLBAB\lATBR, PLOR- IDA,. '1'0 INCLUDE CERTAIN PROPER't! '.00, BE ANNBDD '.rHERE'.rO. SHALL BE RA'l'IPIEDj PROV'IJ)DKJ POR REGIS- 'l'RA'rION AND QtrALIPICA'l'ION 0.. ELEC'N)RS; PRovtmHO rOB '.mE MANKER AN]) CONDUCT or SAZD BLEC'nON; PRO- VIDING J10R i'HE DESIGNA'1'ION OF POLLING PLAOBS ANJ) on:rCIALS IN CONNEO'l:ION WI'1'H SAID ELECTION; PRO- VIDING POR PlJBLICA'l'ION OlP NO'rlqE OP 'rim PURPOSE OJ! SAI:D KLEC'l'ION, 'l'HE POLLIHI ILACBS AND '1'S CLASS OlP PERSOHS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE 'rJ:IEREIN; PROVIDING POR DE'1'ERMININO '.rIm RESUL'l'S OF SAID ELEC'1'J:ON AND 0B:ft'1'I- nlRO SAID RESULTS 'ro THE SECllE'l'AHY 01" arAB AND PROVIDING POR THE DlPEC'1'IVE DATE 01' 'lBIS <mDINANCE. 'BE I'l ORDADmD BY 'rHS CI'fi COMMISSION OJ' 'rHECIft or CLEAR\iATEB: Section 1. '~t; a speoial elect.1on shall be hel.d f.n the anner herein p1'01dcied and accord1ns to app~pnate laws and ordinances of th.e Cj,t;~ o~ GlefUWWater and State ot Plor1cia, on TueadaJ. October 15,. 1957, for the purpose o~ dete1'lD1n1ng wbethe19 or not; Cbapter 57-1227. &.Pec~a1 Acts of Plorida of 1957. anall be rat1~ied, sa~d Ac~ pertaining to the Ndefin1t.1on of the boundaries of the C1.1;y ot Clearwater to inolude annexing certain pr'Operty thereto. Section 2. At sUet special election, Chapter 57-1227, Special Aots o~ rJ.or1.4a ot 19$7 abal~ be submdtted to a separate vote of tbe qua11.t.1ed elec~or8 ~o are registered freeholders residing in the 01 ty of Olearwater as presently ooneti ~\lted and in the area wh1cb would be annexed to the City of Clearwater- bl Nt1f1cat:1on ot laid Spee1al Act;. Sepa",te po11:1ng places 8ha.ll be provided 1n the area to be annexed and in the Oi tv, and the vote 1n the Cj, ty and in the area to be annexed Sba11 be :1n4ependent11 counted. Section ~. Persons shall be considered as qual:1tied freeholders ztea1cl1ng in toe respec't~ve area who shall be regj.stered as such according to law, as ev1denced by tne reoords ot tbe Supernsor of Begistration of P1nellas County, Plorida, and as shown on a certif"ied l1st thereof submitted to the City Olerk by said SUperv1sor f"irteen (15) ~8 pr~or to said election. Registration books for ~e purpose of said election BhalJ. be closed th1rt~ (30) daY's prior to and inclusive of t11.e eleotion date. Section 4. The list so certified and subm1 tted by tbe Coun~ Su.perv180r of Reg18tNt:1on 8ball be open to publ:1c inspection at tbe 01'1'"1ce otthe City Clerk up<)l'l rece:1pt o~ eame froll1 said Supervisor and it shall not be necessary to othe%'w1se publish the names listed thex-eoll. ' .. Section 5. At least toW' days before the date of' said election the 01 ty CoIIID18IJion ot the City 0'7 Clearvater# Plor-1da. ahall meet at the City Hall. for the purpose of rev1e'tl1ng such registration l:1at and to restore any name or names to hob 118t as IIIIQ have been 1JDproperl~ omitted or stricken theref"rom.:Tbe r.-eg1stration list so revised and completedahall constitute tne list o~ voters elLgible to vote ~n such elect~on. ,Notice ot ~etlng to %'ev1ae the 11st shall be given at least one week bet>. said ~~eot1on by publica~ion one t~me in a newspaper of general c1rculat~on in iBe C1~1 o~ Clearwater, Florida. Sect:1on 6.. The C1 ty Comm1 ssion shall cause to be publ1.shed in a newspaJler of genera~ c:1~ilJ.ation il1 the City once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks a notice atat1.ng the purpose o~ th.e election, the poll.1ng )>>laees, and the 01a88 of persons e11g~ble to V'ota there1n6 the r1rst pu.b11cation to be at least ten (10) cSa~s before the date or theelect:1on. Sect10n 1. Absel1tee voting &hall be allowed and where praoticabl.e the >>~vis10ns of Sec~1on J.cJr..6l - 101.70 1nclusive6 P10rida Statutes 1955, as amend~d. &ball be followed 1n connect1on therewith. Section 8. Votes in su.ob elect:1on shall be cast at po1.1s as hereafter des~gnated by th.e C11;y ~lDID1as10n, w1tl1. notice tl1.ereof being given as l1ere1nabove >>rov1c1ed, 'l'he polls 8hall o>>en at 7 o'clock A.M. Easter.n Standard ~ and close at 1 o'clo~k P.M. Eastern Stan4arcl Time, on the date of suoh election. Section ~. Inspectors and Olerks ot the election shall be appo1nted by the Clt~ Comm:1sD1on exoept that 1t t11.e CoDl1da81on shall fail tQ- appoint same at leas~t'Wo dayll beto" the da.te of the election" tbe Mayor-Comm18B1oner of the City of Clearwater shall appo1.nt tbem. Where p08sible. Xnapectors and Clerks 8hal.l be residents ot the precinet in 1Ib.1ch they a1'e serving. Section J.O. Vot:ln,g mach1.nes ahall be used and the ballot .hall conta1n the following que8tion and be in 1;he tollonng forms "1)0 TOU favor the rat.1.tication of Chapter 57-1227, Special Ao~a ot P'loJ."1ck.. 19;7, rede1'1n:1ng the bounda17 l:1nea ot the C:1 Q' o~ Clearwater.. P101'1da, to annex and :1nclude the areas 'therein deecr1bed'?" /. 3l CI�.'i' COT�SSIODI P+IEE'.I'ING A,��us1; 12� 1957 The Ci�y Comml.ssion of thc City of C7.earwater met �n �pec.� al s�ssion at the City ;:Ia�.�„ Monday, Aia�ust 12, 1957, at 1a30 P.T�n. 'v�ith the folloTrra.ng members gresent: Let�ris �Ic>mer Mayor-Cammias2raner 6�1. E. Stran�, �r. Cc�mmias�.oner 5amuel �'. Roberts Comrnissioner James H. ��fat�v� ns Commi�ss9.oner Abser_u: C7.eveland Tnscc, CGrrunis�ioner Also �resent were; �7ack Tallent Cit�r Mana�er Ben KrenL-zman (:it� Attorney S. Licl.ton City Engineer Det. Eu�ene She�ts, Jr. Representin; Police Ch�ef' The MayAr called tti:� m�eting to carder. The ilz�ocatian vaas �iven by Nia,�::r Fox of the Salvat3.on Army. The City Attorney read on i�s first reaclin� Ordinance 744 pre- vidin�; for a special election on October 15, 1577, �o det�rmine t�rhether Oha�ter 57-122(, Special Acts o£ Florida c,f 1957, sliall be rati�'ied, pertain�ng to the annerin� oi certain property 3.nto :�he Ci�y. Commissior�er t�cberts maved that Orcl?2lasice 744 be nassed on �ts first rea@ing, A'Iot3on vras seconded by Comm� ssi.oner .�dat?cins �zid carrrecl unanimously. Commias3,o��r Roberts moved tk�a co�siderat_ur_ �f Ordinance 744 on secGnd reacling by t�.ile cnly witiz the unanimous consenL of ihe C�mmissian. b7oi:ian vras seccnded by Gommissioner Straiz� and carried unanimausly. The Ciiy Attorney read the Ordinance '�y tit7.e c�n1y. Commiasi�ner �toberts maved that Ordinance 74� be passed on second � ead__ng by title only, Motion t�ras secnnded b� Comr�iasioner StranQ and carried unaizimously. Mr. Bruce t�debb crbjec��d to setting ihe referendum on Oc�ober 15th as he fel� i� gave insufficient tlme bc have the lists of f.reehalders preaared and alsc ber,ause inany qualit'ied v�ters ti^iould still be on vacaticn. The �iayor stated tha� th� CountJ Re�-�.strar had �.nic�rmed the Commission the lists i-,rauld ne ready at tI2� time set. Comm�issiozzer Sirar_� mcvetl tha�t Ordi��ance ?4� be considered on its third readi.�g witlz the ui�ailinieus ccnsen� c�� the Conmissionera present. tyToti�n tvas secati�ded by Commissianer t�Ja�kina ancl carried unastimc:uslf. The �ity Attorney read fhe OrcL.n�nce in. full, Corrunissioner Roberts moved the passa�e and ado�i,ic�n oi Ord_nance 744 eri i.ts third and f_?zal read:in� and tM1Ze proper offic7als be autn,orized tc� execute it. P�Zc?tlon �vas secon.dzd by Cormnissioner St.rang �,nd carried Lu3an�.mausl�,�. The En�ineer aruzcaunced the PL.b1ic Heariizg an �3rairAa�� ic�r vne nor�h e;�d �f Clearvrater was scheduled for August 19th and cne fcr E�.st Av�ni�_e drainage �vas scheduled far l�ugus� 2utiz. TY:e Manager reporte� that �ne con,str�:et� un of ths netl I+Ie�r❑ j'`c�ath Recre��.tion Cen'ter was being delaJed by the cencrete stric�e and as:;:ed that three mes�ths' add3tio1Za1 ren� cn the preser�t building at :,40,00 per mo�th ne approved. zcr tne �era,od be���nn�ing �uly J.st. Commissinner St'ran� r,ioved tlzat �120.00 Y�e appropr�azed for rent of a buildiiz� for the I�Te�ro Youth Center fcr three incn�iis and that the amr.tu�L b� appropr3.ated from Lulap�ropriated surplus te �he pro�er accoi?>Z�. t?ot_�n was seconded by Commissioner ,dati�ins and carried unanimausly. Tlze City Attorney stated tha� th� Planniiz� Board had brough� tc�l�is attention the a��nouncement c+f an i�npr�vemen� in tne City for which a bziildin� permit would be x�equested in the near �'uture -- the ?+l�bb Building at tihe sou�heast ec�rner af CY?e�nut Street and Sou�h �'ort FIarrison Avenue. It was Urc�u�ht ou� �hat �n May g, 195`�, tne Plann:Lng Board had recommek�ded steps be �al�en t� �b�ain ne.cessarv ri�,z� rf S�Tay to widen Chesnut �5treet as �here was only a tiiir�y foat right oi Fvay frcm Soutri Fort Harrison �o the At�.antic Goast I,ine trac'.cs. Ccm.missioner Strang mc�ved �hat ti�e ri�ht o� tvay agent be �ranted authority tc� ise�otiai,e for requ_�:red right caf vray wes� c�f the ACL tract:.s and f�r tvhateuer is required east of the t�ae'_�s. Nlatic+n tivas seeancled by Corrui�.saioner :�'atxins ar�d carra.ed unanimc�usiy. The draina�e prehlem and sanitarv setvers i:� tkze a�ea of nortn ��f Drev,T -- Sm�,lltaoad, G1:entivood ancl R_i.d,r�,�tivood, were diseussed. The Er�izzeer stated i�e rad ;ala_�s prepared to improve tl�e draxnaae. I3y consei�t, the �`ngineer tva� i��struc�ad to put ti�e :,�ro;iect ��ut �or b:Lds. TIZe Commissi�n havin� reques�ed an emplc�ymeny 17st for che �asit�oi2 cf Crief' of F01:Lce frcni the Paxsc�nnel Airector c�n June jFtki, "i 957, and none l�aviy7g been rece� ved �o date, Comniissio�er tVat':�7_ns nicved �izat the appaint�nen� �i' Ir�,3nb Dribben as PclicP Cliie�' be continued, pendin� the establ:Lsiunent �.-f az� ernplc�yme�zt list, as a temporary j�rovJ:s:i.n.lal appc�_i,ntmen� az�d that the Civi1 Serviee Board be ric��ifiecl thereof and i�eq•zested �u auth�rize the same. A'fot9.on tiva.s secUnded by Car,u�i.ss;totler Roberts and car:r�. ed unaniinous�.y . �3 � `\ � , � c+; ''� � ��_ cx�Y con�mzrsslorr n�����rG Au�u st �. 2, 1 �57 Mr. Charles Phillips, Jr., preaented a rev:i.sed plat of �,emba Sul�d�.vJ.�icm and exp].ained thatr twelve fe�t had been �ainec? for ;L3nc��.n Avenue r1.�Izt ���' w�y �y redtzc:Lr� tkze cv�.dth af certain lots, Commissioner t^7aticins maved appr�val of �the pXa� sub�iect to �io�d ta accompany �he 4iclina�sce 632 contra,at and necessary dseda far i�:i,�ht of 'cvay. Motion was secorided by Commissior.er Roherts and carriecl unanimuusly, The Mayor reported that he had discussed Zvith ATayar Nucaio of Tampa �he mat�;er of the colored beacla oai Courtney Campbell Causecvay alzd was iniormed tk�at the City af '�ampa �s unable at this t3me to enter in�o a�{oznt project w?�h the City. The Mayc�r sug�eSted that the Commission zneet a� a Ccmmittee in the not tae d3.si;ant i'uture tca finalize the plans nn �7arious locatians and discuss ivit;h tl-�e Eh;lneer wha� tivould be 311volved. Comma.�sioizer Strang suggested �Yia� the Fngineer �i1d the Recreation Board ma;�e some reeeinmend�tic�ns as to �he site and nialce a preliminary stu�y map. The Nlanager repqr�ed tYi�� the contractar, 1�Tr. HerberL Fi�lds, lZ,�,ci signecl tlze contrac� to mow private lats �'cr �he �i�y snd had been in t:.� picl� tkt� the li.sb .�f reqaests in order. to start the t•roriz, Commissioner Stran� requeNted permission to be abssnt i'rom next Monday's mee�:7.n�, �u�ust 19th. Coiruniss7oner itoberts moved tl�,at permissio�� be granted. Mo�iQn Was saconded by Comt:iissioner I�Iatkins and carried unanimously, There be�ng no #'Ltr�her business to cqme be�'ore the �orruni.ssion, the mceting jvas adjourned at 2:45 P.M. � �iay r-C� ` ssio� — — Attest; 4 i C erk e CITY COMMZSSI02d MEETING 1�u�ust 1,2, �.957 !�G 1'P1DA Rep�rt� f'ram City M�.nager CITX CONIl�IISSION NlEETIPTG . Verbal Reports and Other Penc�ing Mat�ers nUGus� 12, �957 �• : 3a P. M. Reporta f'�. om Cit�y Attorney 2. Cc�nsideratic.n o Or inance �744 Provzdin� Invc�ca'L'ion Spec:;,a1 Referendum Electi�n Zn'�r�auctic;nu PrJ.i.nu�ea of Preaeding T�Ieetin, � �,c�pori;e ai' Gity P+fana�er Eie�art� of City AttQri�ze3r C3.�izens to be Heard Other Gommis�ion Ac�ior, !�d;j aurntnent M��1;:Ln� Penszon P1atz �'rustees � 3.� � " �. Ol%I}�TANCE N0. 7�� A13 OI�33INA.I3�ir PRQViDING Ft1�? A SE��CIAL ELEC`i'=AT3 4�1' OG'1'OB�R l�: 2�57s FOFi 'rH� I'�JRPt?S�E OF D��NIN� t+P;iETH�Ft OR 1�II0'P CH!!�"l'ER 57: 3227 �P�GSAL AG'IS 0� FLORiD,� OF' 1957� PIItT.AIDIINl� TO Tf�E AI^sDE�'�iINC� OF i'FiE BOU'NIiiA�ES Ok' TIiE 'GI'iX Oi+ CLU�1fFtWATERt �`i�OR- iDA, �a INL`LUDF CERTA%I+I �'ROFk�RTY Tif �& A23Nk�CED THEREI.`09 SH1�Y,L BFd Rk�'i'IFIED� F'FtiC�I�TNtt k'OR RECrIS- fiRAfiTt3N AN� QUAL�FTCAfiit?I�I UF Ei,EGT1�7RS; PRt7�DIP� FG1R TIiE MANNk� AND C4NIIUC`I' QF SAID Fy'LEC�.'Ii?N; I'RO- V�D��TC'� FOR THE D�SICN4TTQN flF s C��.LI�IQ� PI.A�E�S AN� Ok`k'IGIALS TN CONiVEC1'IOIJ NlITH SA;Cl7 FLECTZON, Pi�2ti� V2Dl'i�s€� FOR FUBLIi.''ATIOIV OF NOTICE OR '1'FiE PURPOSE . i�F' S�IZ13 Et�EG".L'SaN, THE POi,LINCx .�T,,ACES AND THE CIfASS 0�` Pr�2SONS ELIt�IBLE T0 VQTF.s TI•�IN; PRflAIDxNG �'OR DET�gitiTlTJt� �.'TiE I�ESSiJLfiS OF �Ai33 FZECiiON ANta CF,iZfiI- F�IId'G SA�D RESiJTfiS TO 'a'Iii� S£S�RETARY OF S'I'A'lt� AND PROVII3ZI3C� ROI� 'THE ERR�G'i'i"6�E D�.T� QF '1`iilS ORDI�IAi3GE. $E IT 4KDAII�tED $Y THE CI!�`Y CONR+LLSSTOIV OF �'Fi�'s C�TY 0'� CIiE11f3,t�ATr�E'i: Seetion 1. 'Tha� a�pee3a7: e3.eatior� shall. 'be held 3.az �he m�snner here3n prouided arid accor to appropria�e laws a�zd ord3nanees oi' �he Ci�y of t3l�arwate� and Sta�e og Flor3dr�, on Tuesd2�y, 4c�ober 15, 195'T� �p�' '�he puspose o�' cZetermining whe�her or not ��ter 5'�-122?, �e3s1 A�ts rsf Flc�rid�, o� :L957, sYza.3.1. �e rat3 �iec�, �aid Aet gerta3.ning to the re:�e�init3on o� �he bouncl�,ries of the Ci�g� oi C3.e�.rrrrater to include anrex3.ng eer�8in pro�ierty 'ih�reto. Sect3ore 2� At sa�.ci special election, �hap�er 57-1227, �pecial i�ets of F1.ox�ida o.�` 19�sT�'be submitted. to a sspara:te vo�e oP iche qual3�'iec� e�eeto�s vrho a�e re�is�ered freeho�.ders re�iding in tk�e Gity- a� Clearwater as p�esently consti�uted a3zd ir1 �he sre� wh;.ch t��ou�ci '�e �,nnexe� to th� ;3.�y p� Cleas�r7ater l�y ra�i.�ics.tion ta�' s&id Sgec3aZ Act. Separate po113.ng glaees sh�31 be provided 3n the area to be a.nneged and ;in #;he C3.�y, a�d the vote in ths Gity anc� 3.r� the area to be a�exed shaZl be �.ndegenclently coun'��rl. . 5�c�ion 3. Persons shall be consiciered as qual3fied �reQh.old�rs residin� in the respee v�ea tial�o shall be reg3.stexed as suc� aecor3in� to law, as ev�.den�.ed by the rec�rcls of' �Y�e �u�ez°v3.sor of' Regis�r3tion of` Pinel].as �r�unty, Fi�rida, and as �iown on $ e�r�if�ed Zist �hereaf subm3.��ad �o %he Gi�y Clerk by. sa3��: �upexnr�.sor ��.�'�een. {15} �a�r's prio� to said elec�ion.. Reg3.stra�3.on �aaks �ur �I�e �ux�pose af �aid eiec'c3on shall b� cl�sed tnirty (3t1} clays pria� ta and 3.n,clu�ive e� th� elec�io�a ����. Seet�ort �. �ihe i3.s� .�o certifit�d �nd subm3.tteti by �h� �outq�r �upervisor af Regis ra on shall be open ta pub��.c ins�zetion at t�he of'f'ice: ai' the C3.ty C�.erl1 upon receip� o�' same Prom sa3d: 8upe�vi.sor and 3.� sY+.a1.1 no� be necessaxy to othex�r.Ise publisl� �he nases 1is�ed thereon. ' g Section 5. At Ie�st �'ouz� days begore �he dat� of' said ele�fc3on. tY�,e �i�ST Commi�sion ai' �he C3� o� G�earz+r�z�ex�, R3.osida., sha3.1 Asee� at �Yse C3.�y Ha11 �ar tY�e gux�ose af re�vietsr.ing such registiration 1is`c �n.nd to x•estore �.ny �ame c�r names to such �.ist as may ha�re bzen imp�op��ly omitted or.stricken �herefsom. -^he regi;stration list sa revised. + anr� completed sha.1Z cons�itute the 1?3t o�' vcters e�igible �o vo�e 3n �ucl� election. I3otice o% meeting to rev3se the ].ist shall be g� ven at 1eas� ane weel� befo e eaia =�i. eet3on by pub].ication one �ime in a n.e�vspa�aer of genex�al cir�ulation 1.n �he C3�y of Glea2�taatezs, Flarida.. S�etion 6. �.'he City Co�ai.ssion sha�.l c�use �e be published ira a newspaper o:� geaaera c_rc a�ion in th� ��.ty ance a week for two (2) canaeeixt-?�re ttee1es a no��;�e sta�in� the purpose of the eZeetions the p�'�1in� �Ia.ces, anci. the c�,ass of uersons el�.gib7.e LO VO'YL' thereiny the fira� pubi3ca�tion fco be at I�ast ten (l0) days bei'or� the da.te aP th:e' election,. �ection 7. Absentee voting si�all 'be a'� l.ovaed an.d iaYaere �ractica'b1e the prov3.sions of' Sec�fon�.�.61 - 10i.74 inclusive, �'l.orida St�.'�ute� �.�55a a� amenaea, shali be fo2lowet3 3.n conneCt3.on theret�t3.th. Sec�ior� 8. Votes in such election shal�. be cas�� at polls as h�reaf"�ex� d�ai�natecl �y �l�e�'f��mm3.ssion, vaith not:ice �hereag bei�g given aa herelnabove prov�.ded, 2'he po13.s �hal7. apen at 7 o�clock A,:T+i. Eastern Stand��d Tirne and. close au 7 o�clock P.M. Eastiern S�anda,�d Timer on the dat� oi' :,uch e�.�c't3on, Section g. Inspee�Cors anci Clsr�s o� �l�e e3.�etion sh&��. be appointed 'by i:he C�ty Go�m'�i:s�ioM :exceg� tha;t 3.P �he; ComUn3.s�ion sha�.l fail ta•apPc�r;�� same at least ttro days �edore �he da�� o� �he election, t,h� Mayar-Co�s��.aner oP the C1�y �� Glear-vaa�er sha7.1. + appoin� them. tt+there possib3.e, Inspee�ors and G1Px�ks sha?1 ba residenfc� oP the p�ec3nct in S�hich they are servjr�. Section 10-. Va'�in� mac'szines sYlal]. be usesi anc3 the b�l1o� a�a'►]: cantain �h� fc�Zlowt� ir�n anc� be �.� �he So? ioL�rir� �orm; "Do 9au i'avcsr the ratifi�a�C�.an �� Cha}ste� �7-1227,. Sp�cia,3: Ae�s og �1or�.da, �-957: rede£ir�i..ng �he baundary �.3ne8 0� the �i�y of C].�arta�ter, F'lor3da, to annex anci includ� the areas �he�ein descr9:bed7" � 02_ S�ct�.on 1�. A� 3.eas� tihxee t�z� �amp�.e cop�:es af' sa.ic� Spec3�l Act aha,ll be pas�ed m.� e&e�i 'p'� ZaSace an� �a1d Spee�:��l Aa� a,r�.d a�opy of a m�p sho�.ng �he a�ea to be aa�aex�d sh�ll b� publi�hec� �.� �'u1I 3.� a�.er�s�,ap�� of genera7. e�.�cu�.�t�an ir; .Cle�r�.te�, �'],orid9.,, one ��.me a,� :].e�.s'� ten (��) da�s pr3or to sa�.d elec�ion, SQctia� 12. The sesu:Zt of' �he; vo�ing sh.a,i1 be certii'ied by r�tuz°n� 3n dupZ3c�te signec���`iy'�he C�erk and a.ana,jarity of the elect3.on in�p�eto�s,, pne �ap� of sucFi return �ha.11 be delive�e�i to the N�a,y�x��Conanissi.c7ner and t�k� a�the� copy �a the �3ty Clerk, ba�Ia. of vthom sha1Z tra.nsmi� such retuxz�.s �o �he C3.ty Gommission at a, me�i�'ing to b� }�eld. �t 12 o F c�pcl� naon, i�a^,��esr�. 5�3ndax�l T3.me oxt �he da,y Po1l.crr�.ng �he e�ection. �4 suCh meet3n� �hp �3.�y Commiss3.qn atial.3. canv�s� the rei urns and sha3.� 3ndepenc%ntl�r �otal. tha vote aor and again�st Che passa�e o� sa.3:d �pecial �et in the Ctty o£ CZearvr�ate�, and �Y�e vote Pa� -a:nd Aj�,cc'? TiB�� '��'lG' passage o�' �a3.d Special Act 3n �he area to be azzrie�e�l. Sa;Lcl Acti sh�11 be ei'��ctive upon �.ts s�.tiFication by a majoritcy of t1�os� ersons quaSiP3.ed as ��aresa3.d and ac�ua31� vo�3r� bn�h; (lj in r3a3d �3.�y and (2� 3.n th� axea to b2 anne:ced. �ec�ion Z�. T'.ne resul'c a£ tk�e vo�ing on �a,id 8�ecial Aet ahall be cer�3�3ed tio i�he Secre ary oP the Stat� oP tkae S�a,te af F1Qx�.da: in aecordarsce Ur9.th S�:ci�an Zao,3�l, Flarida Stai�'ut�s. S���ion 1�+. R'h3.8 ordinance �ha,�.Z 'beco�te e��ec�ive i�me�3.Atie1y upon its passage. �'ASS�D ON �RS�i' REAT3TNCr Att�;ttF3f 12s 3��57 PAS�ED QId SE�'QN!? iiEAI?I?tlCz Att[SusiG 3.�3 19� PAS�.S°� 0"r.T THIRD �11I13 F+'ZPtk1L READT23G ANU ,�.DOP'1°�D Augus'� :L�> 1957 A�t�sta /s/ R. G. Ylhitehead �ity C7.erk f s f Leur3. � Homnr Pdlayr,�-Comm3. esioner .� � �I?''' ;i ;' ' �