07/22/1957 ....~~......' "'VW-o'- ,I 'Ij.t~~;~~ >;'~l ....', .., .'. '.,' .'...,'...:.. '.', :';"~'j':': ".to"f. / '~"":' "'.; ", '~:f:,::,~",,\:'-e'!::7':,,>:~,;r~':~~~!Jt... _ , '''_''':~'"Jo';.I..t..j.::':'..:...-::.~,{;'':_r~..:..',~,,': ,.,;....' . . '. "" ",'. ':, .:.." :'..'_;.'.~~ L";:':i~:''';;~'~','.:'.l/::!i:l.::'\ ....:.,'... l'~".... ,'.\.....:.~,,~ "'~..........:. ,~"'-l . .,. ....,.,.'. :'.'..:":,, ::stiiE{i:l~~~lE!~,iicl~~'65:fl;5~lli~~&~~~h8~~Q~I~~Mi~~;i",.,.::'. '':;".' - /0 CI'l'Y COMl\lI SSION f'1EErrING .Ju ly 22, 191)'( The C1 ty Comllli ss:ton <.f tIle C:i. ty of CJ. C'ari'f11 tor met in specj,al se 3sion at the C:t ty Hall" Me:nday, July 22, 1957, at 1:30 r.M. l,'lith tllC i'011(li'lJ.ng members present: Le\'11 s Homcr W. E. strang, Jr. Samuel J, Roberts Cleveland Insco, Jr. James ll. ,'latki.ns f,jay (;r - Camni s s:i. (> nor C"mmi usi Gncr CUllImiosloner COlllmi ss:loner Cll1ulli ssioner . i ' " I . /' I., ~.. . ~ \' , 1",;,,:',::,/, I..','. . !, ! . ! f. I".' Also prenent wcre: Jaclc Tallent Ben I\:rentzman S. IJicJ.:ton Capt. '0'1_ Beam City Nanager C:\.ty Attorney C:tty Engineer Representing Police Chief The Naycr called tile meet:Lng to i.:rcler. Tile invl..'ca ticn vIas gi yen by the Reverend A. N. Bostrom c,f Clearl'later Bible Ctm,rcl1. By C('llGCnt, the approval of the m:Lnute s of tl1.e spec:i.al meetinc or .July dtll I'TaG deferred to the next meeting. 1,....1-. A let'cer .from Concressmanilm. C. Cramer ,'laS read by tile r'.la~ror i'lh:i.eh stated that the Senate Apl)ropr:Latj,(,ns COnU11:l ttee had ap 9r:,ved :r19, 000.00 fer a survey of the Ljttle Pass Inlet and stated that 11e antle~pated approval by the Senate and the House of Representatives. The [.Iayor explaLled that tlL:.G '..ms a prel:lrn,inary step :in the hal"bor improvement program and a dj,rect result of the COllullission's trip to 'dasl1ington. The I'layor annc:'U:1ced the cc;nt.L m.lU t.L (;n ()i' the Publi c Hearlne; on the c()nstructi on of paving, curb, dra~~ nac;e and sanl tary sel'lcr :1n Lincoln Avenue betNecn Court Street and Druid Road. f'Ir. Charles Phillips., Jr., attorney representinG fvlr. :NlcJ{ Lembo, reported that f>'lr. Au(;ust Fostsr had agreed to a;l eXCha!lCC of property. rvIr. Arthur Jordan, on behalf of' Mr. JUde, Chambers, and f'ir. Ll(.:yd Phlllips representing I\'lrs. Elizabeth Lind \'lerc present and participated 1n tile discussion. The Hayor suggested tha t the Public H8arlng be ccntinued fer \ nc \'Jee;,~ tel allc,vl the property owners to \'fork cut an agreement pc[;ard:!.l1[; the needed riCbt of \'lay. Commissioner~'1atlcins moved that the Public Hearine; be adjourned until July 29th. Not:;on \'las seccalded by Comrnlssj,uner Insco and carried ununim~~sly. f\.. Public Hearh1g \^}'as anncllnced (,n cunstruct::. on of an eight inch sanitary se''ler in Betty Lane to serve JJots 1 thrcue;h 11, :lnc1ua:Lve, Block E, Pinebroo1{ Unit 2; Lots 8 through lll, Bloclc F, and Lots 'r through 12, 1310clc G, Fairburn Addj,tion. The Engineer explained tha t the plan had been revised to :Lncl'.).de the lots en both s:ldes of' the street and the estimated cost _vas ~;5.46 per front i'out. I'lr. Paul DanahYJ Jr., attorney, presented an object:I_oll on behalf 0f Mr. Husford Brac>~ett, o\'121er of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Blec:';: F, Fairburn Add:ltlon, statinr; t'i1at the propc:sed se\l[er '1.'Jculd net benefit the pro1Jerties :i.n Fairburn as their septic tarLc Jnstalla t:i.cns vlerc \,[c1rlci.ng satisf'actorily. The City Attorney reported written objectlcJns received from Colonel Harold D. Woolley fop Donald J. it'Joolley, ~1rs. Floyd J. !<':orbal a~1d P,ir. ;dalli s Cady, o....'mers of property in Pinebrool{ Unl t 2. Other ob,j ectlons \'lere vo:L ced by fllrs. J. D. Bullae]:, \'lallis Cady, Fred D. Saunders, Hrs. C. 1,'1. Pici--:erinc, and Nrs. Ployd Korbal. Some of' the objections \'lere based on the fact that septic tan;;:s \'ler8 function:i.ng adequately and ether property 0\l111erS were of the opinic1n that tho ne"l se1,'lcr sl1cu,ld Dc installed at the City's expense as the City had permitted the oriGinal connections to the transmission line _ Conunissioner Strans conunented thaJe :Ln view of tIle infurmati<.n that I'm.'\[ sewa~e 1 s being dumped on the properties cndanGorj,n0 the health ()f everY':Ie in the Ci ty he thought that the project shc;u1d ce dOlle :},nuued:l.ately. After ,!:lavinG heard thls Public Hearing and havinG heard no valid lec;al object:i. (;ns and in the in.terest of' public health and sanitation) COl1ullissioner StranG mr....i/ed that this prc,ject fc,r sanitary sel'Ter in :Betty Lane to serve Lots 1 through 11" Blocl,: E, PJnebroo);' Unlt 2; Lots 8 throue;h 11.1" Blocl{ F, and Lots '( thrcugll 12, Bloclt G) Fa:Lrb1...trn J\dditj,cn, be approved and the proper officials be autllcrj,zed to GO ahead witll advertisinc the project and proceed \'rith tt and that the prot,.iect be assessed to abuttinG property Ol'lners according to the City Engineer's recommendaticm. I\lotion vIas seccHlded by Commissioner l;latkins and carried unanimously. A Public Hearing VTaS called on the request cf Mr. C. <T. Thurnau fur a fifteen foot setback from Vine Avenue for Tct 8, Drew Park Subdivisi0n. The Zoning Board l'econunended that the request be approved as 1t 1,'lould be 1n ezm,fc.rmj ty vIi th the existinG buildinGS in the area. The Mayor inquired if there ware any objections from the audience. Mrs. I'IIarie Pf'ei:fer as:'~ec1. qnestions as to the plans for the pro- posed hc,use b'llt made nl' 0)) Je ct:t. on. 'l'here ~'lere nu other obJect:'.uns. Comml ssioner Insco moved that the request of r"lr. C. J. Thurnau f'('r a fifteen foot setbacJ': for Lot 3, Drew Par1{" oe Granted on the recommendation c,f tho Zon:lnc; Board. r~otj,on was see onded by Commi s si oner Rob crt s and carr.!. ed unanlnwusly. The Nayor announced a PUblic nearing 01'.. the request of' Nr. C. Ii. Ha;yeG i'or a fifteen foot sctbaeJe f'r()m I'Il:L ssourl l-\venue .for Lot 5, Block la, Country Club t\ddl tion. The Zoning Board recommended denying the request for a fifteen foot setback but grantinG a twenty foot~ setbac:": from ~1issouri as it \'louJd be in conformity \'lith other improvements in tile area. fVlr. John C. Polhill ''las present on behalf of' rVIr. Hayes and stated that his client vlould accede to the t\'lenty f'oot setback f'rom Mlssour1. r,ir. John Hanna and ~1rs. E. Burton Beers obj ectcd to the grant1.ng of the t\'lenty font setback. Commissioner Strang reconunended requirinG the petl ti 0ner tc. :.;:,eep a thirty- five foot setback i'r.om Jach:son Road to be ::_11 line w:L th the exi stlng houses. Having heard this pUblic Hearing and having heard no leGal obJ-:=ctl<iD, Conunissioner Roberts moved that the application for a fif'teen foot setback be denied but on the reconunenda- tion of' the Zoning Board that he be permitted a twenty foot setback on ~tlssouri Avenue with the stipulation that he \'1111 aGree to a setback of th:i.rty'~five feet on Jackson ; Road. Motion \'ias seconded by Cmnmi&sir)!ler Strang and carried lmanimously. .....';., . '. . "":'''l'~.,{ .- ....--~~- ---.-. " ,..', ,':,"::, ,L,~':,;.:::: :.,:::: r'L~':',:>(f~;,: ,~i,i,~:\!,::>i~):;;:';)';)~::::<";';i:?Pt~~rW1i~~}:H";.'ir;~~,,:,"" .;.~. .' ."...J .......:v"'....!.;'O".l:~\ '""l.: ....:t.......,... ,.r;A:f'o.....yl..."'.,.t".I'lo;...vt..t'Jotv.......;:..r~.,.......~'voll'~....h'41.,.~~........."..~1l(~~'1\, .~t~\':'\_f~" t-:....;.\:~ S....~.. .}.r~!l'" tI::2.~~ :tr.\1 "'f~/,.: // .\' . '. . ,"~.;.' " , !.. . " ";- '. . . ,.' . ~. , -' , .:.',. ,- ',"'.' . ',;.' I.., ;.. ,V". n .f: ,/~ .""'i.....', ,j~, J) ~~t~tlt);iI ~'~J;} ~~;t~~~~Jf:~i'?'~ ';;<a:~,7iJ:\ I ;fi:i,'~'{;~/(; I ~:~~J?i"<,::tl '~~' '::;::tJ<:')~}:,' 'I' ~ ' ,;,' ',..' I'.'" ..::1>.... rS(;;:" ~;'~:!~~;~{~~'~J?~1;: -2- CITY CO Mr.'lI SSION r.1EE'I'ING July 22, J. 95'{ TIle I/lana[jer expluj ned ti1C:l. t 'chree b:i do 'o/erl) rceel 'led tc, ll1uW lot 13 L'n a contract basl.~ a.nd reconunonded acee~)tJ ns the 10\;1 bi d ,11'" Mr. ~rerber't 1.'.1.eld13 ut a cost of :;:.3.00 for 6, Qoe sqLlare fur; t and :,i. '(5 cent 13 fop caul1 udd.L tlonal 1,500 square feet. Conun:l. S:J:;.()!lcr StranlS moved the proper (,ff} 01a1 s be Clutlwri zed 1- () prepare the contract and return J t to tl1i~ nc;{t meeting f(n" aCC(1)tai1Ce of the Conun1. 130:1 on. f.lot:1. c,n via f.l sec()nd(~d by CUllunlss.i ("mol" InGeu and carl":Led unan:i.m0usly. It \'laS reported by the ffJanager tll.at six bids had beoll rece.L vccl for the drainage and gradinlS of the Industrial Pur!,: and recollunenc1ed that the luw b1d cf :;;19,060.75 from the Stansfield C0!1s\;ruct1o,'l Company, 1\.l.mpa, bo accepted. CClllmlss:i.oner Roberts moved c,n the rccommenda tlo;'l ()f the C:i. ty Enr:.;ineel" and the Purchasl ng Agent that the bJd of :p19, 060. '(5 from the Stansfield Constructj.r.,n Company be accepted and the proper officials be authorized to sign the contract. r.1otion was seconded by CllnU111ss1oncr Insco and carried i.l.nan:i.1ll0usly. The Manager rc;quested permissicn te, ollrro\'1 when necessary an amount nc,t to exceed $150,000.00 to use in the General FWld until the propcr'ty tax money is collected in November. Commissioner Insco moved that the Finance Director and the City ManaGer be permitted to 1.>01'1'0\'1 only if' and when necessar'Y an amOl.!;}t. that may be needed not to exceed ~150,OOO.00 at the lowest interest rate possible to meet current expenses or the General Fund until suffic~_ent property tax monies are rece:ived in November or thereafter, that it be a loca' banl,: and tila t the bcrrOi'linc; be spread equally between the lU\'1 bidders if there 1s mc,re than cne at the le\'l bid. Notion \'las seconded by Conuni ssioner \'la tieins and carried unanimously. The rvlanager expla:l.ned 11'. a let tel" that the ChLl.mber of Cor.unerce had applied for :;>5,000.:10 to finance its .July budget 1'<'>1" advert1sLng and pu1Jl:Lcity or une-twelfth of the amount appropriated for the f'i seal ~rcal'. He: requested approval to permit the Finance Director to bOrrOi'I any propor'tLmal amount apppopriated to the Chamber. Conuniss10ner Insco mo\;ed the request of the Chamber of Conunerce for $5,000.00 for theIr July advertisjl1r; and publicity purposes be granted and be cont:i,nued on a month tc. mcnth basj.s as per the l)olJ.cy :in. the l.last. f.1ot:i.(;n \'las seconded by Conuuissioner datldno and carried unanim,: usly. It \'/as reported by the Manager that u letter had beell rece:L'led from Mr. Robert I:I. Balcer on behalf uf' the Full Gospel Tabernacle asldns for...'p re-hearing on the request to erect a church on a portlGD of Lot 1, Lalcewood Replat, in an R-l zone, as facts have been discciVered \'II1:1.c11 matcrlally chan[::;(; the picture as presented oriGinally. By ccn::lent, the i\1ayo1'" instructed che Manac;er' to advise the applicant, fill". Robert i'l. Balcer, that any infc;rmatiCin he may have pursuant to a re-hearing on the sub,ject should be suom1 ttcd t\.; tile f.Iana;:;er to determine \'lhether it \'larrant s a re-hearing Or' net and that the cost uf a r'e-haar~n~ will be charged to the applicant with payment 1n advance. The ~1ayor recoumwnded that the COl1:~l,:,ssj.()n conf:1.rm the appointment that \'las informally agreed upon 01' Leon ~11tehurst, Jr., as Associate Municipal Judge effective on July 23rd and that tile salary be $1,200.00 per year. Cown:1. ssioner Roberts moved that Leon 'dhi tehurst" .Jr., be appointed Assc:c:La te 1,'iunLcipal ,Judcc ef'fecti ve July 23rd. Mot:Lon I'las seconded by Cc.mmlss1oner ':Iatldns and carr:ied unanimously. Resarding transf'crs in var:i.ous rental spaces at the IvIar:Lna Bu:LldinC, the Manager reccmm1Cnded that the Chamber of' Conunerce be permitted to move from Roc,m 2A to Rcom 7 (beins vacated by i\11'. ,John B. pj,ersGn.. Niagara MassaGe), that Messrs. Da v:i.d E. Hand and George Butcher, fv1ar:1ne Sales, be l)ermitted to move fpol11 Room l~ to Rooms 2.1\ and 2 (Fr'ed 1\ndrm^ls I lease for' marine hardware beL1S assigned to MaI':~ne Sale 13). Conlini ssioner Roberts moved that the propel" Cj,ty off:i.c:Lals be authcr:1.zed tu siGn the leases In ac cordance \'lj, th the statement Iwre, th(~ Chamber of' Conuncl'ce intc, Space ;~7, the f'olarine Sales intc Space 7~'.:2 andl~2A, date (.'f cxp:i.r'ation not to exceed those cf' present leases. ~lotlon ViaS seconded by Conuni sG:i.oner ~:JatLins and cal~rj.ed unanimously. In l"ec;ard to the survey of drainaGe cond:Lticl1S on north Clear"'latel~ Beach, the En[!;ineer reported that a study had been maclc and a may prepared sflOl'lin;:; the elevat~,ons e'f' the various area:.>, 'cile 1 UI'lest be::, ll[; 2. Jo a'0<)V8 sea level. Since all properti es :in the area from Acacj,a to the Carlouel fence oet~'lccn the Gulf and Clear....la ter Buy Nere ,affected and cC1ntribut:Lng t,. the drainaGe viator, he reccmmended that the property assessment should 'be on a squape f<..'c,t or lot basis I'J1 th an ostimated cost of ;p35.00 per lot. He stated that storm se"'10rs i'l:i.ll nc,t p:ic':, up all the l'later at high tide 11<; matter \'lha tis done. r!Irs. Clifford f\1cKay asl:,ed several Qllest:i. (,,1113 "'ll1ich wore ansl'lered by the i\layor as tc the prope,sed assessment. Conmuss:Loner Roberts moved on the recom- mendat:i.on ()f the Ene1neer that a Public Hearir'l:::; cf the prcpcrty ovm,crs (.n Clearl'1ater Boach included in the sUr'vey of the fu~ineer be called at tIle earliest time legally possi ble. r\~otlon \'lUS seconded by COlIun:l ss:Lur~er H:l tlcins and carried unanim(;usly_ By consent, the Enc;:i.necr \'las Granted perm:i. SD:~O:'l tt, not:\.fy the l)rnperty c....Jners ~-f the hearin::; merely b;l publ:Lcatj.cn in tile ne"'lsl)apcp l1sing an ad lar'L;or than the nc rmal 1e::;al n()tice. Concerning the reauest of r,tr. H. .J. Dielschneider for i'mtor' maln extenslon to his proposed s.t..lbdiv:Lsjon south of B,)11eal.r Street near II:Lc;h1and Avenue, the Engineer reported that he had prepared a map to show the recc:nunended sJze of main needed for that area. He said due to the Growth of the area it wj,ll eventually require a ne\'l tap to the County main on Bclleair Street. He estimated the proposed extension of an ei.ght inch main plann.ed to SGrve 660 feet on each side of thG street at $2,560.00 and suggested a charge of' $120.00 per acre. The Mayor reconunended the Engineer be instructad to set up an. area assessment map extending into the County area and indicate the assessments the City expects "Go receive from that ares "/hen all property mmers have tapped on the main, It \'v'as suggested the other property o'\.'ll1ers be '. , ' II~;'ij:,>., ..... .... is.'>i,....'j~ .' , ' ",', " , '~11Ut;J;,,. 1~ '; ," ~,." J. ' : It' {t~("..!f"':\l'"I, '~'..."! ' . ~~5,~t~:';\::',;;;":,,:,,/,, ' . ~ ," "'.. ~, . ..-.~~..--~--... >?::~1~ ~.,~;~ .,~~?t~t,~{~~.:' ~ J,,",~~, " "or ':" " ," t .' ,~, "',' , ! " f I' i ; \ I, ,.... j >,,'; ~ , .'.,'" :' . ", ) ,,' , ." -,' > t. ...." '. ,.' :,'.. ... : ~;" , , ' ~ ~ ...,.- ~ ;d1. ~.,", ,-"", -d- - Regard.:I.nr.:; tho ppu[;rcs::J report on the r,larshull Strcc t D:i.sposn.l l-'lant Addi ti on, the TInG:i.necl' reported that; 2~'j of the \'lor _ \'las eOll1pleted and lO~~ e,f the time had elapsed but stated tl'lut \'Ian not~ 'unusual ,',n larGe pro.:iects. He said he expected to have ftnal inspection of the sC\'iage diGester> this \'lce;;: after the pa1.ntin.:.:; \'las completGd, There was discussion us to the type of b=~Ci'\'lel"s to be J.llstallcd 1n tlle Narshall street] ~ Plan t Addition and the En.c:;inecr rc ccnunended tl'1a t the contractor be required to supply the on.e described in ti.1C 8pcIJIL':i ca tion:3. CorrU11i Gsiul1er Insc~; !n0ved that '\'te require ~ the blo'dcr t11at iJaS specJ.f'led (Chicaf,o Pump). I,lotion was sccunded by COllill1isstoner 53 Robert s and carried ullan~L:~L1.!31~r. :"hJ\~i<;\~t~t:':~'~~~t\~:~,t';;:~::'J,.. , ' ", ,,',' '~i~hi.&i;j;:;i;~t;dj,~<:,::: ..',' :",;'.::~~'_~;~I;'. r::..~;;~J:~ .\' h. ;.:.\.~ ~'~~'.......: :~;~.(.;::. ;. , , ...;;;'.,.,....\'..'s..;n-.l.......,..... ;'. _ 1,\'.<~...~ 'J :'t <f \~.. 1. ~. .' . -3- GPEY COMf,1ISSIon I'1EETIHG .July 22, 195'{ " ".,'. ','ijili~l, Q , : ' ..~.", ::,~~:; 'tjJ~"r , >0, " .1 \ " . ~ 'I l . t.~ ~",,>. ' _\'.~' ?J. , , ,r I j' )Y ".."i~',,: . "1\ ..,; . .::.~ .' :";,,':~ ,..,:.,~ 1"G~\~il:~~,,'fpl ':\~'.");~;~,~;d - .' ,', contacted rq;a.rdil1[:; tlllI1C:xn.t:i 011 and payinc u. pr'cportJc,nnte ohare f_f the t:rallGmJ.as1(,l1 line. Ccnun:1Gsioncl" \'f<lt~i::l,ns \Heved .L t be rei'erred bac;.: ';;0 tlw Gl ty En[;ineer for 111 t3 further stud~r and \)r)IlLC ),(.0 ~,,::,th a e.,'1l11)lct0d pla;~ '.'Ti,t;.il all the fa.cts und i'JI~ur'es and the um<;ullt ~)r area to be nCP'/eel ;)jl a C('lJt .OD.S:lfJ,1 nn,d if thc1'Q :~D any ncld:tt:i,r..nal m(lnc~j' 11,:;eded c.xuctJ.y 11' ,\,[ m\.l~h :Lt :1 S <;1;'1<,1. a. PC":~lliUl1c::<.lnt:)':,() 1"1"[,1/1 the G:i..ty r~1:tl1L.\l3e:t". ~'Iot:l.r"m, ':fa S se c(;nded by Cc,rrun:l:3 a1 tilOr Insco and carl'lJ cd tll1anill1(lusly. CLlnmiss~,oncr Insco requested tlla t the G~:nsul tj.l1['; En~ineer and the City Engineer brief tho Conunl ssiGn on t'::le plans on the Beach Disposal Plant. l~iicc~fY~; Comml ssioner> "Iil'c~::i,n[j D. s Civil Defense Director l"cportoc1. that Civil Defense of'f:i.cials had decided tL'la t a \'larninL; system ',:f s' rans Nas needed tc cover the City and some of' the outl~rj n~ areas. l'!e reported that a study made by an ene;ineer in Chicaco j,ndi catcd :i.t ','lOul cl eon t upproxir:w,teJ.Y :)'(,000.00 :fer' compl ete coverage 1'or the City. He said that tf tIle C:i,t~l \'/J11 advance t~'1e ;;;'{,OOO.OO, that af'ter the equj.pmont i'TUS ordered and installed. tl18 Federal Government i'lould pay one ilalf the cost, ~i3, 500.00, upon requis1 t:~.o:; i'or til.a t am(_'unt. ~'Ie rcp",rted that !.l.C bad recentJ.y reed, ,,;!c:d n. checJ'~ fur" <~9 ,000.00 t'rUli1 L~l1e Fcdol'aJ G',vcl"rlmcnt us :i. ts share of parl11ent for racLLc equllll1Wnt ordcred Game t:i.De aGo and :~nBtaJ.1ccl. en C1t~T truclcs. iIe thouf:l1t this mC\\1cy ce''l.11 d be used tc, !')l :l".:l1asc ti'lC '::arnL:::,; Dy st om and C:l ty C.!'01,'lS could :i. nstall the eulpmcnt. Conul1:tSG:Lc\~ler StranG Il\c,ved that the 2.Jr'oper (~!rf'1(;J.a,1.s be anthorized to tal-::e bIds :'n :l t , IIJotiun \'/3.S scccndccl. 'by GOllU'll:i. G3:~ Oil (;r HooGrts and curr1c6. u,nanim,-,usly. '1'1').(: :,1anuGcr reported that:, he ~'ms prel)UrJ.nc to t8.::e bjds for ~:l.l.rCI1aSc or lease of' truc;..:s and cars autllor:;,zcc1 ill the bud;~c'c i\ r var:i,lu3 dq)artmcnt.s and as;ced if the Conuflj,ssion \'l:i.shed to :,~cp to a stullclard eeL l' of L'-sht [:;reci1. By consent.. the COllUil:L 3s:1.o1'1. approved ti LL G st.andn.l'diza t:l.cJd. " . ~. .,'" . >,~.. . . TIle I"lanager as; ::ed approval (;1' adv-:rt:.i.sif1C; fClr .o:i. s f'or ti1c:J5 fOCit t(:I'ler tl~UCJ: and 1,000 Ca1lC>!1 plll~lper 1'1.,1" tile I"j,rc Department. By C(;I1Se'lt,. tile Conunl SSiCll approved advertisinG for tl'lJ.S eqn:lpmcnt. . ;. . ; ... ,~ The [.1ayor rcpo2.....t cd t113. t il(;: had tal \:0 c1 \'l~. tll [.Ir. in Hccerc.) Sta to Hoad Board member, l'ec;ardJn.c tile ~.)r('p',sed brj,d~~e over Li ttJ.e PUGS and that IIIr. Hocero \'las \'la:L tins to get a f'~,11a1 cl2cj, :':;:, ~Jn i'rclil t:'lC state Road Board and to llave responsible enGineerinG personll'.:Jl CC'1110 lJer(~l'(~ tile COl!U1t:,SS.!,O:1 t(, di 3CdSB :~. t. , . :'r C(,Dun:lssioncr Str',Ul[:: r'cccl'iuncnclccl that t:1C )~r:G:i,ncer uo Llstp;Jctcd to ccntact the State Road Departmcllt cn.c:Lnccl~s ab, l;,~ t tIle ban cond:;, t:,(:l of' G1..11i' to Day Boulevard recc:ltly J:'C surfaced i)y t~i1C 3tat~c. The l'Janager prose.ntcd an or~anJznt:' 113.1 0\.~tl:i.l1e oy posi,tj,(,n 'c::,tlc CODUil:lssj,Oll' s approva1 1)C:forc: sub1l11 tt:~l1G it tc. t:1C C:L v:1-1 Servlce DOllrd, t-;he matter i'laS deferred to the next llleet:1.n0 f':~,:r.' study. for tIle By crl1sent, "f.:,'I':'''''''''j' .., ..........;; ':~: . ~;fJ:l'. \'\..r. X~;.:~. fJ;1(: ',.:, Rcgard:l.nc OJ:'dtnar:co 'I')!c~ r0L;uJa t:i.ll~ 301: c: tat:;,ons fer c!lur:L table purposes, tlle Clty Attol'ney read u lct;tc;r i'rc:m [,11". G. J..J. Dal"U,nc, Prestde;,1t of' the Fcderat:Lon of' Ci v:L c Clubs, protest:l.n;j ti.le :t'.lnal acJ( 9t:i_, n cf t-;hc Ordiilanco and as:::iJ1L: f()r a Public IIcal""inc bef'orc the Ol"ct:tj'}anee J. s read on tlr:_rcl !'cLlcFllS. The C:L ty I\t torney e:<:pla:i. nod that tile ordJ,:1ancc ',18.8 (J.l'Cl~'ln [:>1./;1:;],ar ;/ Oile' :c'ec"JlUn~:\'1(t~d b::,' trlC ='a-c~:i.C:!1a1 Instl tute of f':l:.UlicJpD.~ La':, Officers /\s["'')e~~atL:;ll and tl111t ;!,t; \'l.:lS a val:i.d and 1c::::;al crdinancc. Ce'101101 r'1arion SandCrf'70) r'(:pI'e::H~nt::'nc t:1O F:'dern t~~,r;n 0.:' C:L v:i.c ell ~b s) ':'0 Jccted to the or<,U,nance or: the ijal:l:i,s ,;ri.t be:i..ll;"'; t()i, bJ:,,:ad und vlc.uly rostl":'.ct.Lvc. f,;p. David Touchette, repreGcnt~.n~; tho j\mcl~icD.n LQL::1.(':'~) :Jta~ced tila t lw 1'(;1 t that baSically the ordi.na;'lcc i'laS a C(~ocl idea DP.t did l1r ,t t:l:;.n:: all of the l"'eGtrJ. ct:i. ens were clear ur necessary', r.lr. C. L. Dtlrlinc; :"bjeGt0d Sto.t'i:-l{:; that tl'lC crcEnanco ,,1.n its present fCJ1'lTI "K.uld bo :Lmpc: ssiblc to Ci1fi :reo . i\f'ter tho:; c1:l. :Jet! SSil.'ll) Comm1 us:!. oner Insco commented that he ,'.;as lh)t ready to vet.c I;il the tl1:",l'ld l'CJ.uJnC (,f the ,:_,rdj,i1G.i1ee as he vlished an ('Pl)ortt.m]. t~i t u :l.nv;2s t~<::at(; fl\l"''c:;,er. C()lilllli 3::;:?.(:~1er jat~:J_lls stated tila t he i'lOuld offer 1::!..3 serv:1.ces tl, an:J and u'::,1 i~ro<-',p~, t" e::1)1a:~i~ the: need fel)" til;:: orcl;,nance. T1:10 C:Lty I\ttorn.e:;,r ~)rC8e;1tec?- Rc:so:Luti,::n 3(_1!,O U'U.tl:Ol':i,Z:i..lg paymellt to the First HatiunnJ. Banl: of Clcar\':,3,tcr ().f' )390.73 2.G po.rt paJmer:t ful" actinG as Trustee fer the Construction Trust FU:i:1Cl. of' 1935. C"nU11:lss.'onel" 3trunc: moved that ResolHt:Lon 5'1'-L!.0 be passed and adopted and, tlle propel'" o:l'f:LcLals 'be autilOrjzcd tCe c~(Qcutc it. r'lotion ",as scc::m,c.lcd by Commis f3:Lo.,1er ','f;Jt;ic1.ns and carrIed El1animi.'lusl~r. Cc,nullissioner Insco requestGd t~h<l'G tl'1G me;de:L Traffic Ord:i.nance ccnsidered several montlls aZo be brOUGht bac;: f'or the Comm:i..ssJ,c,n IS considcratJ.c,)1 aGain. , . -: .d'MI&:: """'--'" _4 :1 , !Z I'~~f :~' ~, +1J,f'~' ~(~j~~!'S~, ":':',rI;;".;/1'; ( , ~! ;...a~'t~J-tt1~'/,..J:,l\"'.:. i'~~f~?i}l~lli; , . ,. "'. . ; > :. ;.~ ,'", ~ ~. . '.: ,:": ;,". : ~ . . :. . ~ '" .', '~., . .. ~ .; 1$ .~.. >...~ i,',: f' " . tl" . . I ;' I ! \: I "~ . 'I' . ;.~ \ )!' - l~:i ~' r... - .. .. '" ,'...':;:" , ,."i>, (/:....,:." ,', : ',;~',: ::;1::',:,;,,<" :'::::' "".:\:>:~",;" ," :.,' .'''.' <, ,tr....:.- .' M' ,'" _., .,. c'~';~~cn::lr:::':,':.1~:;r;:~:,:,:I~~:Z;!<~t,. . L'f.m~~~~~wk.'I(~~'~~~lI~~ , """ " .,.' ""~: .'. ...,. J....:I' h<..,...:. '.ii-Jp '/tr~~ "." ""'''';'''~m''''''~'1,,..'''')j~W~'~~;r--t.. <,"'-'!oj\\' ,\,.,,~Jt-m'l~~~~~,~~lr' , '~i~^(::{j':/;. ;:t," ~'''"'~.::~~\ ~,~~~~~'":':~',\''.'J~~.4"J''' "~,:1'r. "'~f-i"'~: I.: ',.... ~:..<~:', .~,.';:, ....t>. ::,~~... M " ", ~ ,,' ...t;:, !~~}r)~r~ " , i "'~i:;01~~~1t~f2E:J~t '. ~. .'.~ 1 ." I., 't~ :' i: ~{.;::~'::;~:' ~t;.~t~I~';t~:I:Y:~1:a~J , ""%B'~"'" _/-1-- CITY COMMI ssrON r,ffiETING J\~ly 22, 195'{ " ", The Manager was requested by Commissioner Insco to inf'orm the Pol:l.ce Department tJ enforce the closing of the bars at certain hours and certain restrictions made on drlnldng at bars on Sunday and report back to the Conunission its findtngs. Conuni ssionl.3r Insco stated he \./cmld lilcc tho City Manager to checlc the maintenance of Police Department cars as he believed the nC\'1 equipment \"as being carelessly maintained. "':,",[i>:- ""~":',:.r . As to additional equipment being ordel'cd" Commissioner Insco sa:td he \"ould like to consider a lake mower for cleaning out of lakes for the sum of $600.00 and would like the r~nager to study and bring bach: a recornmendat:l.on at the next Conuni ssiol1 meeting. The Manager \'/as of the op:i.nion that this equipment \'1as in the process of being put out for bids. Regarding the $70,000.00 to be spent for otreet resurfacing, Co~s3ioner Insco recollU11ended that the r,1a.nager take \'1hatever steps necessary even if he hires a part- tlme helper for the Engineer to get these streets ready for bids. Commdssioner Strang inquired reBarding Salls Subdivision Unit 1 as to whether the streets had been completed satisfactorj,ly and as~\:ed for a report on it. Commissioner Robel,ts asl;::ed if Ordlnance 721~ requiring fences around junkyards had been enforced. Conunissioner Insco reported that he had ch,eckcd and the rences are being installed. By consent, the Commission agreed to a joint meeting \'-lith the Recreation Board. ","'f' ':::~Ii; .' ",~}~;. ~ .:.' . ", ~ ..._~ ',"," : Ie', ,;~.~ \~ ;. .. ,', : "';0" :~:;.:::;;;ff~, :/:,',\} ; . .;,<':,,','< : . ,'..' ''.::'!'::<i~':;:,; . ",': ,<"" <C. :,' , ",,:",.> The Conuuission nO\'l adjourned as the City Conunissj.on and act:Lng as Trustees of the Pension Fund heard a letter read from the Advj. sory Conun:l ttee reconunending that Daniel H. Miller, Patrolman} Police Departm~~1t, be accepted :into membership in the Pension Plan. Conunissioner Hoberts moved (m, ~~he recommendation of the Advisory Conuni ttee of the Emplo~rees Pension Fund that Daniel 14iller be accepted. Motion was seconded by Conuniss1oner Insco and carried unanimously. There being 110 f'urti.lep business to cOl11e before the Board, the meeting ...'las adjourned at 5:30 P.N. Attest: (/) /) A .~..:~ ~ ~I l/J Y II-'FI ~'~~or-CO~iss~on.r ~P#~- Ci tt'Clerk ,~ .' ,. ". .; ,", .,.:,': '" :,,',::,'," ',' ,,:.'; :"" .. " " """, " .<,(t';>:::':, :", " . ", ,; ," .. .',;.}'p,;;:~, >:";":' .;: ~> ::""',' ,':', ,.'" ";, ' ",. ...i',',,;::t:~ .:' ":' ':';:, ;" '" ,', ',':' , ' " ..' '. :~,:' ;:i{','3i !,.,::':;(:E/: ',;\i'A>i" '. ..... .. . .. .... . . . ...... . "",.\'r, ,f;,;"g ;~(Sh' ,.;' ~i ",,<;' i'!:' ::""; ,:~',',',:,~ , " .' ' i:';:, 'A," " ";',<' ~:/;:, ",/"',0,:,'.'-\'< ,,' ,,' ;.. ,:;; :":;:::":";",:,,:.::,;, ',' ,'> ' '" ,,;;.,,;,;::,;,,:,:-,:,i, ", c;"" ,';,;' ";"::;" :,}; "}::',, ::~,' ';, .::; ';~,<";,L,:..:;, , ':;':::": ';..:i:) <:;'<' '':. ': -:. "} ,,:':; 2;; '.,,:".:, :;:;: ,;'; :';\(:,:~A,:;"',X'::":;, "', ,:,;;:;/"';J':'<;(,;?:(':~::<t.::;;.\::, ':0.';/': ,,~;,}'::;::;' t:: .' :. is' t, ':, . "::/:':~~';>';;~,/,..';': ' . ;,': >"?;;~'u"/:;;:' ,/;:'i ,'::~;,;: ;'::: ;'.,f;, ,':, ;/(: ,:,', );" 'i, :', ";;:,, >;! :."""" :":'" '<:;':.:;',:>>,> 0;0: ".;-- ,> "":;\':':;:',/ ::i:;-:IY~':::r::;'>:: ;,~;,:i:,.-::-~;,~, l:"'I;':,,/,i,~;;~' :';:;~\:!:':~ ,': '"f:" ":,,.\;,~\ "i', ;', " " '....."'-:\,;", r",:;':;::' ',',-,':,),;:":" ,<,; .,;,,<,;.,. ,", ,', ,.',' "", ":; ,'" .';"',0,':-.., " """ ',,'. ..', ',' " ',;' "..r, .", .;'~:: ;:\>," .';", , ,.'.... .' '. ~ ,;': .": ',r,''::'' ';~;!I':l. >,:',:,,,",',',:, " , ", ,,"r::.,,:,~ >,',' ;'~~?':\;iN:':'l {"" ,~",:.,:\:.;?;,-;"s."::~r ",' "I'...r~~..',:... ". '," .:,';....,'-,:'..~'i'N-:'''''~.;",~,,~i''-,.....;..~:''':..../~~j~.~.t'tJ...''''\.i(:f'\!~~J.:~'J:"'~rl'~':~7,~'.;.<J:l..Y";';\""""~,; '~"I ~......P.~:I~~~2:.:.'::' I ", ",<> ...,.- I I ; .. . ,~f^ , ", "l .; ")/i. .. " "" .1 .i ',I " .:':.r( -;j , , !.'( ,i . '\~i ,1 ;,} . \ ,'.Jr ~~ :~ . '1 '4 .i ^'.' ,! .~ ;r ,i ,< ,. t :;,,~' t ~ ,~ ~ " J ~ ., \ ~ 1 'i '" . ;r;IQ~11~"~;!=~;:::'~~'~k~",~..1~::,~;~j:;j~~:;:~~:t;:..::~;".i:"'~~~',":;~':~~:~ AGENDA CITY CO~~SSION MEETI~G Jt1LY'. 22, 1957 1:30 P.M. CITY COMMISSION MEETING .July 22, 1957 Public Hearings 1. Continuatfon pUblic hearing re paving, curb, drainage and sanitary sewer in Lincoln Ave. between Court St. and Drui d Road. 2. Sanitary sewer in Betty Lane to serve Lots 1 through 11, Block E, Pinebrook Unit #2; Lots 8 through 14; Block F and Lots 7 through 12, Block G, Fairburn Addition. 3. Request for 15 ~t. setback on Lot 8, Druid Park Subdivision. 4. Request for 15 ~t. setback on Lot 5, Block 10, Country Club Addition. Invocation Introductions Minutes of Preceding ~eetings Public Hearings Reports of C~ty Manager Reports of C:lty AttOI'lley Citizens to be Heard Other Commission Action Adjournment Meeting Pens~on Plan T~ustees Reports from City ~nager 5. Bids, Lot Mowing 6. Bids, Drainage and Grading in Industrial Park Financing City Government Chamber of Commerce Request ~or Propor- tional Payment before Tax Monies Due Gospel Tabernacle Request Rehearing for Proposed Location of Church Appointment of' Associate Municipal Judge Engineer's Report on Suggested Method of Assessment for Beach Drainage Engineer's Report on Water Main Belleair St. from Betty Lane to Progress Report on Marshall St. Transfers Previously Agreed To, Spaces at Marina Discussion of Verbal Reports or Other Pending Matters 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. in Highland Sewage Plant Rental 13. 14. 15. Reports from City Attorney 16. Consideration on Third and Final Reading of Ordinance #742 Regulating Charitable Solicitations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 19, 1957 Honorable Lewis Homer Mayor Post O~fice Box 1348 Clearwater, Florida Dear Mr. Homer: As you have probably 1earned the Senate Appropriations Committee, pursuant to our joint request, has approved the $19,000 for a survey o~ the Little Pass Inlet. Anticipating favorable action by the Senate I have already discussed the matter with some o~ the House con~erees and have aSl<ed that they approve the inclusion of this amount in their confe~ence reporc. If you recall due to the late date that the request was made and pursuant to the strategy proposed it \'/as pla:med to request the money on the Senate side. . I am happy that we we~e successful in this e~fort and I anticipate approval by the House. With kindest regards, I am WCC:mls cc: Commissioners: Cleveland Insco, Jr. W. E. Strang, Jr. S. J. Roberts J. H. Watkins Sincerely yours, /s/ Bill Cramer William C. Cramer, M. C. (Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, ~va shington, D. C . ) ----------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------- July 15, 1957 Nayor Lewi s Homer Clear~ter City Comrrrl.ssion: Dear Sirs, I object to the building of tne proposed new sewer in Betty Lane, which is to :pe the subject of a pu.blic hearing July 22. The problem facing Betty LanE property holders is the threat or heavy rains, 'incident to hurricane weather, fo~ecast for the Gulf. No sel'ler,projected now, , qoul,d g:tve u.s pI'otection :for many ltlonthe to come, almost certainly not before the , endo,f. the hurricane season. ,( C6ntin\i~dl' . " ,;.,1 " ,.....'. . 'f ,~"""\II_~"l"_". ""':"'.'~ ';.1<, ~ ....;;,..;.. It':. ....f. '. ".i-.."., : ~ : " . :', ,~~.:,.~:'" ,..;. :?:"'~',,,:: .... ,.... ~;' \ ". ~..:, -.~:. ." . ......~-." o" . '.:;~,",: - _. ,;' \:. ':.. ~'\',; " ...,'. ":. ,'l~ ,;. ' .< l"')'~,<,,"""'~ i."~~".l ,".' ::,;;:j)~~~(""jA';~:f,~!~\,~,A"':'", ,;c~,., ," :,'~ l,,;,;':-,,\i~~,:c;' ':"'i:;:\;;""~,:.,,,,:'..,~,,;:,,:,'~LiiL~i1$.J.1tfu~i~~~~t~k~;~~~~th~f~'::;~;" " CITY COMr1ISSION MEETING July 22, 1957 (Continued) \fuat we need no\'/' is an overflo\'l pipe" to protect us in case of another flood threat. Let the sewer problem take its place j.n the general s~wer program which the ci ty faces. The sewer proposed would be extra deep" and above average cost and might not ~it into the general picture. There is" too, the question of any "benefitll from one guaranteed connection over another, t":~'/.r:"l,:~t ~:<~l~~,l"..i"t!j' ~~~~~~,~: l:.. ""),'"'''' ': I 'i~:,;~:/,~;~1!{k !::~!';J}tr,}~' f~~~ii~i, J. ,.', 'r..':.. .' ';,1"", :':., 'l~:.",: .~.:,.... _.: , ':::: . ".:.: ',;.;" ~ - t~;;:iHi~; .' 1117 N. Betty Lane Clearwater Sincerely yours / sl vlallis Cady Protesting part payment of sanitary sewer in 1100 Blk. Betty Lane: At the public hearing on 1'( June, 1957, 'ltle were asked whether or not we would accept part payment of a ne\~ sewer line. Without consulting my husband, I said we would pay. To connect us onto a transmission Ijl1e, was wrong in the first place. Now you are asking us to pay for that mlstalce, making it doubly wrong. \f.'1oever is responsible, the city or the builder, should rectify their error and pay. July 20, 195'7 Re spectfl.llly submt tted, / si r;Irs. Floyd J. Korbal 1101 N. Betty Lane Cl ear\~a t er , Florida Madison, N.Y. July 19, 1957. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission: Clearwater, Florida. Gentlemen: The notice reference the meeting of the City Commission on July 22, 1957 to take up improvements on N. Betty Lane sanitary line has just reached me here. r will be at this address until late August. I have povler of attorney for my son - Donald J. \~ooll ey, \'/'ho O\'lns the property at 1007 N. Betty Lane. He:l s in the Army and nol."l headed for Iran. I \'1il1 attend to his local affairs untll he returns. S:Lnce the Conunission meeting that I attended about a month ago, I have written him and he approved my action tal{en at that meeting. He does not wish to pay for a new sanitary sewer as the present one that has been in use for the past ten years has always and is now functioning satisfactorily. It has caused no trouble to his property. Since the above mentioned meeting last month, I have been: nvestigating this s1 tuation and would like to submi t the follc\'ling comments for your consideration: (a) This sanitary se\'ler was functioning perfectly until new additions, such as Palm Terrace, Belair and others were added, causing an over load on this sewer. If correct" then the new additions should pay for the new sewer. As the new 8 inch sewer is inte~ded to care for some of the houses on Betty Lane caused by this overload, those added later should pay for the new addition. However, the city approved these plans and is in part responsible for approving a situation that caused an overload. (b) I understand that outside water is enterj,ng this sanitary sewer line. If so, correction of this item might correct the entire problem. (c) It seems to me that new high speed sanitary pumping equipment could be installed at the north edge of this area where a station now exists, Machinery of greater capacity could correct this situation and eliminate any future trouble for this area-and others on this line. No additional connections should be permitted until a correction is made. y, It appears from the latest reports on the growth of Clearwater, that any additional sewage, drainage and water needs should include the probability that the city would soon expand to US 19 and north and south on that line. Therefore, any new plans for additions and buildings should include plans for cost of sewage and drainage-and sewage disposal plants-to be cllarged against the ne\'1 areas. Develo::pers and all buyers should know this at the time of purchase. This plan should have been in force-tne past ten years. It is my opinion that the present situation is not the fault of any City Commission or person, but the fact that this city has grown faster than anyone could visualizE~~ including all of the members of the present City Commission. I have known and observed most of the Commission members during my twelve years residence in Clearwater. Without exception, they all have given their best efforts and judgment in the interests of the city. I am sure that you are all of the same type. Your City Engineer" Sid Luchtman, is one of the best I have ever observed. However, I ",do not believe that any of' you ten years ago could visualize the problems caused by ,the the sudden growth of Clearwater in the past rew years. This has caused most of the present-difriculties. (Continued) .......~.- ~ , . . " '.........~ '.. '; t, . f '. 't' ~..: .~. " '. ..... -' '. ~.: I'::' --...... ~. j,r' ,:,~.~:,/;~..' " : ':'. ~ <~:.,.':. - '.' , ~""'. . ~ ," ,. - '.", ,..,;~.:,,,..,:~,;,U~J~:1I~j.ili1~1~dri.z~~;j~lifll~;~~l~~'~'..-ii~;;<;'i: 'i :",:,':\', ' " , . , . ' , , . ~, . . " ' " . . ' ~._~'.'.~..~... .,,. ..:~,;~'i .,.~ 1,:'..)~',. ~ ';::';::i:;, ,~';~'.~'.::.~:'i.,:;;~i!.;-t:r~i'w}..;;:'~iL.!l\. 'u:,.l.';::' ;'.; /~ ',;'1. !~ CITY CO~U~ISSION f1EETING July 22, 195r( (Continued) This brings me to the argument of Mr. Cassler last month. The sanitary problem on N. Betty Lane is n city problem) not one for this small section. We, as individuals are responsible for our acts-as are groups such as the CitY' Commission. The present ci ty commission is responsible for the acts of pl"'ior Ci ty Conunissions. The houses on N. Betty Lane in the Pinebrook subdivisIon were in the city when built and all plans and connections approved by city offj,cials. Therefore, it is my opinion that the ci ty should pay for thi s sanitary sevier correct 10n as it was caused by city growth, not anticipated. /s/ Harold D. Woolley (1347 Hibiscus St. Clearwater) for Donald J. Woolley ----------_._-----------------~------------------------------------------------------- OBJECTIOns Persuant to Noti ce of Public HearJ.n~ issued by the C:i.ty Conunission of Clear\'1ater the undersigned, representlng Hosford Bracj,;:ett hereVlith submits his formal Objections to the pl'oponed construction of an eight inch (8") sanitary SEMer 1n Betty Lane to serve Lots 1 thru 11 inclusive, Bloc:c E, Pinebroo}c, Unit 2; Lots 8 thru 14, Bloc}{ F j and Lots '7 thr1..~ 12, BlocJc G of Fairburn Addition. 1. \fnile realizing the need for a solution as t;) the Pj.nebroolc properties wj.th the backflow of se\'ler vdth the 24- inch Trunkline there is no problem as to the Fairburn property o\'mers and never has been due tCJ their :favorable high location. There is, therefore -' absolutely 110 bene:fi t to Falrburn O\mers and it would be unfalr to assess Fairburn (\\'iners for improvements solely to Pinebroo]c properties. 2. Fairburn Addition Subdivis~0n was taken into the city a little more than a year ago over the str<m[,!; protest ci' property ol'rners. Plnebr00k Subdivision on the other hand ha s been a part of the c1 tr :for man~l years. Neverthele ss, the ci ty now attempts to tax Fairburn properties i'or benefits to PinebrooJ;: properties. Prior to the annexation of Fairburn, septic tanks were Installed and now exist on properties in that subd.Lv1sion. These have always operated in a hie;h1~/ satisfactory manner. It appears that the c,~.ty impre'perly connected lots in Pinebrook i'li th the 21~ inch TrunLline. rro correct any bacj'.f'lo\v i'rom the Tl'ul1;~line the S 1nch line to be constructed \'TJ11 onl:l allevi.ate the pp<.:blem tila~c exists in Pinebrock. Pinebro(l}{ prcperty ol'rncrs SilOtlld the~"cf\)reJ in all fairness be charGed for thin benefit to them. 3. If' both Pinebroo>~ and Fairburn property C\'Tncrs are assessed for the proposed 8 inch line, Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Pinebr\:olc should yay for the ccsts of that port:Lon of the line whi ch abuts the:\ r property. Tills portion of the l:Lne can not under any stl"etcl1 of the imaGination be (1' benef:',.t to the Fairburn properties. If the city \'lOuld construct the 8 inch line tc the south (If Luts 1, 2 and 3 the adjoining landoi'rners to the 30uth of Palmetto Road should be assessed for the benef'i ts derl ved from this section or the line. Respect~ul1y submitted, IS;' Paul '~'1. Dana!1Y, Jr. Attorney .for Hosford J3rac:cett To: From: Sub;ject: Date: Nr. J. Tallent, Ci t~T l\'lanager Mr. O. H. Anderson) Buildine Insoector C. J. Thurnau, 1489 Pierce St. .(Set B.\cJc) 7;12/57 It is the reconunendation of the Zoning Board that the applicat:Lon of Mr. C. J. Thurnau for a 151 set bacj( on Vine Street instead of' City Zoning set-back of 25' be . approved, for the reason that it would be in conformity with the existing buildings in the area. Attached hereto is original letter of request \'1i th set-bac~c sJ{etch. ------------~~------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 8, 1957 Ci ty Zoning and PlalU1ing Board Clearwater, Florida Dear Sirs: I am zubmitting a sketch of a lot I own, kno\m as Lot 8 in the Dre~'1 Park Subdivision and to be knovln as l~06 Vine St., on \'lhich I plan to build a two bedroom house with a carport to contain approx:!,mately 900 square feet of floor space exclusive of utillty room and carport. Due to the narrowness of the lot of 50 ~eet it is necessary to build to a greater depth. Inasmuch as the adjoining houses have a setback from front pl"operty line of' 15 f'eet, I am asking for relief from the mandatory 25 foot setback regulation to the more satisfactory figure of 15 feet. Five f'eet of the proposed plans 'l'rould be an open porch, theref'ore the house proper \'lould have a 20 1'oot setback. Please give this your earnest consideration. Yours very truly, Is / C..J. Thurnau "1489 Pierce St. ,..:,Clea.,rwater IFl ol"ida ,..... ")":," . :;:.?',: :.' :".> ~~., i, """'_ E T "''IIIl'" ~'.4.-", ' II, __,1&..11: L Jm:. . .' f" - ~ ,\' ..' ,-. -..' . '.. ......- i:J ~. .f:! ,', . ,~". ~ . '-" '.:' ., , '. .. .. . >- ~'.... ;. ., " .",;><;~;? 'I..;.;",~:~~'!"'(~:;t' :!':'-'I'lil~' CITY COMMISSION ~mETING July 22, 1957 To: From: Subject: Date: Mr. J. Tallent, C:1.ty Manager Mr. O. H. Anderson, Building Inspector REQUEST OF John C. Polhill, (r~. & Mrs. C. H.. Hayes) Lot 5, BloCk 10 Country Club Addn) 7/12;57 It is the recommendation. of the Zoning Board that '-'Ie deny the request for a 15' set-back on ~lissouri Avenue, but grant a 20' set-baclc on f\1issouri, because \'le feel that this will be in conformity "lith other improvements there as shown on the diagram attached. Attached hereto is original letter of request, I'll th set-bacl': diagram and set or plans. ---------------------------------------------------------------------~------------~- .July 9, 195'T City Zoning Board Clearwater, Florida Attention: Mr. Anderson, Secretary. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I represent Nr. C. Hugh Hayes and Louise Hayes, Ilis wife, who are the owners of Lot 5, Block 10 or Country Club Addition. rilr. and Ivlrs. Hayes have recently had the dwelling house formerly located on this property removed and 110\'1 desire to erect a ne\'1 dwelling hou.se, which will be a decided beneflt and asset to the neighborh(;(Jd. HO\'lever3 a:fter having the plans drm'm for their ne\'l home, tl1.e~T ascertained that the zoning regulations require a 25 foot set bacj~ on both Jack:scn Road and Nissouri Avenue. An investigation of the neighborhood disclosed that there has been no hard and fast rule established, because some of the homes ria./e a set bac!..; on ,Jackson Road of anY~lhere from 20 to L~O feet ~ and this lHcewj.se applies to prcperties on Nissour Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes would liJ.:e f.or thcir d\'JeJ.l:tn[;; tCJ have a 30 foot set back on Jackson Road and a 15 foot set back on NiosOU1"'i J\.venue. Unless tll.i s can be done.. theIr property will cease to have any va:Lue to them as a home site, It is my belief that t111 s is one case \'lhere an exceptl. on under the hardship provisions of the Zoning Ordinu:lce shrnlld be ullGwcd and I shall appreciate your ravorable considerat en of the matter. Tl1ankin13 you) I am S:i.ncerC:lly ;>roul'S" /s/ John C. Pcll1ill JCP:w RESOLUTION No -:-57:'40 ldHEREAS, the FirGt Nattonal Ban.;': of Cloarl'later, Flor::'da is trustee under and by vil'tue of a Constrnct:lon Tr\J. st Fund Agreement dated November 23, 1955, \'111.i ch Construc- tion. Tru.st Fund :Ls derived from proceeds ()f the sale oi' UtiJ.ity Revenue Certif'icates, Series 1955; and, \vHEREAS, said BanI: has submitted a b111 in the amount of ~~390.?3 :for its compen- sation, in accordance \'llth the provi 810118 of said Trust Fund Agreement, VJhich sai.d bill shculd be paid from said Trust Fund; NOvl, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Cj.t;y Commission of the Cit:y of' Clear;,'later, Flor:lda, in session duly and regularly assembled, as follo\'lS: 1. That the sum of' ~)390. 73 be paid f'rem the Cc.nstruct:i. on Trust Fund dated November 2.J, 1955, by the First NatJ.onaJ Bani.: A: Clearwater~ Florida, Trustee thereof, to the First National Ban~{ oi' Clear\'l'ater, Flcrida) in payment of its bi 11 dated J1.1ly 2, 1957, for trustee! s compensation as prov:lded in snJ.d Agreement 2, That a ccrt:Lfled copy of thin Resolution be delivered i\:rtln'l:L th to sa1d Trustee, which certified copy shall constitute the direct:l.on of' the City of Clearwater to said Trustee to pay sa:ld amount directly to :L tself', PASSED AND l\DOPTED) th:i. s 22nd du~r of July, 1957. /8/ Lewis Homer Mayor-Colnmissioner ATTEST: /8/ R. G. \Vhi tehead C1 ty Clerl{ t.. . " ' . "- - . :' ~ . ~ ~"f~'~." ........ '.T~...;..........:...".....:.~;, -.l."~,,.>~\,..~.. .' .",:...... ..,~~:':'.~: :).:~...-'., � 0 CTTX COMNIISSI0�1 ME�T�NG JuI�J 22j �-�57 Tlz� C�.by Comm? ��i,a�t of. tize City of Cleararate� met :.n special sessian at the Gity Iiall, M��nday, Ju7.y 22, 1957, at 1:30 P.M, ti�tith the Fo1le�win� members present; Lew:i.s HGme� l�2ayar-Commisslo�zer 'rJ. E. SLran�, Jr. Cvmm9.�si�ner Samuel .7. RaberLs Ccrmmiss�.oner C1eveland Insco, Jr. Comm:issionex James H. �^Ja�lcine Ccmmissloner A7�so present wer�: Jact: TallEnt; City Man.a�er Ben Krentzman Ci�y Attarney S, vicl.ton C9.t�r En�ineer Capb. PJ. Beam Rep�eserWtin� Pol:Lce Ghief Tl�.e P�fayc�r called th� meetin� to orcler. ��le invcc:atl�n raas givan b.y the Reverend A, id. Bostrom Gf Clearvrater Bib7.� Church. By ec�nsent, the approval c�f `.kze m:'s.izuf:es Gf the specia7. mee'�:Ln� G;f July $�h v�aa de£er�ed ta the r_ext m�eting, A 1�tter from Con�ressman ,•Im. C. Cramer 5•ias read b;� �he P4ayor Urhich s�ated tha,t the 5ex-�a�e Appropriations Comraii;tee ha3 anor�ved y�19,Q00.Q0 fcr a survey cz the LS.ttle Pass Tnlet and stated that he anticipated apprpval 1�y th� Se�ai�e and t12e Housz t.? Re�aresentat�ve�. The P��ayor expla�ned that this was a prelim�nary Step in the h�rbor itnpxo�rement pro�ram and a direct xesul� of the Cammission's trip ta ;^Jashinbton. The Mayor annow?ced �he G�nt3:nuatic�n oF the Public I3earing on the c�nst�uct_�:n Qf pavin�, cu,rY�, dra �.iza�e and sanJ.tary se��rer -� n Lin_ec�ln A�renue bett^reen Cour� Street and Druid Road, 1+1x, Chailes Philli�s, Jr., attorney representing Nir. Aticx Lembc, r�poited thaL Mr, Au�ust Foster had a�reed tiu an exchange of prer�erty. P�Ir. Arthur Jordan, on aehalf of Mr. A1do Chambers, and if1r. �loyd �hillips r�epresen�in� t,'ts�s. E13.zabeth Lind tvere presen� and participated in the cL scussion. The Mayor sug�es�ed that the Public HearinA be continued fc.r cne week to a11aw tihe property owners to ti�r��k cut ai� agreemen'c regarcling the needed r� �ht of ti+ray. Comm3ssioner ,�latkins maved tha� the Public Hearing be adjourned until July 29th, hlotio� vras secanded by Corrun� ssic�ner Insco and carried unanimously. 1� Public Hearing was announced on canstructaon of an eight inch sanita�g se�+rer in Betzy Lane to serve T�ots 1 thrcugh 11, �� nc7.usive, Bloc't E, pinebrook Unit 2; L:�ts 3 through 14, Bloc'_t �, and Lots 7 thraugh 12, Blocit G, Fairburn Addition. The Engii�eer explained that �he plan had been revised �to -incl:ade the lots en aoth sides af the stree� and Lhe estimated cost rras �5.Z6 per fron� foot, N1r. Paul Danahy, Jr., a�torney, presented an ob jection on behali �f PiIr. Hc�sford 3raekett, o�rmer of I,�zs 8, 9 and 10, �].oc:1 F, Fairburn Additlon, stating tha� tiie proposed se.aer would az�t benef�� t12e pro��erties in �'airburn as �heir septic tani: i�zstalla�iGns t�rere r�orl�7ng satisfactorily. Tl1e City' Attnrz7ey r�epo�t;ed ��mitten ob�iectians received from Colonel ?iarn�d D. ;lcolley far ponald J. aJoolley, Mrs. Floyd J. Korbal a1�d P�ir. 'rlallis Cac�y, oUrners af' praperty in Pinebrook Un�t 2. �ther objectians were v�'�ced by Mrs, J. D. Bullcck, :��allis Cadg, Fred D, Saunders, tylrs. C. M. tic�terirlg, ancl A7rs. Floy'cl Korbal. Some oi the objecti:ns were uased oi� the i'ac� tha� septic tani�s viere funetionYn�, adeauately- and oLher properzy otivners we�e of {,he apsnion that the ne��r se�,ver shculd be installed at the City's ex��nse as the City had perm��tad. the or��inal connec�3�ns tc� tihe transmissivn line. Commissioner Stran� commented �hai; in viecv ef tize �.nformaticn that raiv set�rage is bein� aump�d on the properties eiidan�erin� the heal.th cif every�c.ne in the City ne thou;at cha� the project should ne do2�e ;�znmecLately, AiL'er havin; heard this Public. Hearin� and havin� heard na valid legal objec�i�;ns and in the i_zt�res� of public izeal�h and sanitation, Commissioner Stran� moved that tnis tir�ject frr sanitary setver in Betty Lane to serve i,o�s 1 through 11, Block E, Pinelarooi; Unit 2; Lots 8 thr�u�l�: 1�;�, Block F, and Lots 7 bhrough 12, Bloa� G, �'airbL�rn Atlditi�n, be appraved and the pro�ar officials be authcr3.zed to �� ahead cv�lth advert3sin� tlze project and proceed vr.itl�. i� and that tlze p�o jeCt be assessed �o a�utt:iazg property c�tivners according to �ire City En�ineer � s recommenaaLic�� . 1�1at:Lon rrras seeonded by Cemmi.ssioner lJat:c-� ns and carried unanimously. A Publie Hearin� tras called on the request oi' PTr. C. J. Thurnau far a fi�i,esn foc:t setbacic from Vine Avenue for 7'�ot �3, Dre�a Parlc SuUdivision, Tn� Zonin� Board reaonunended that the request be a�proved as lt would be in ec�nfcrmity witlz the existGiz� bttildizi�s :i.i� �l�.e area. The T+layor �nquired iz there t•rere any objec�iotra frum the audi�nce. Mrs. NIarie Pt'e�fer as�;.ed questicans as te tlze plans fcr the urc- pase�. house but made nc� object?.on. Th�re �•rere r�o o�ner ab�iect:.�r.s, Commi.ssicner :Cnsco m�ved tha� the request of Mr. C. J. Thurnau ic�r a fifteen ioot setbacZ;.for Lot 3, Dretv Parlt, be �;ranted on the recommer.c:ation cf the �onir3� Baard. Motion �vas secanded Uy Camm.i.ss�oner Ro'�erts and carried unan7mcualy. Tlze Ma�er antzauneed a Pub11a Heariizg o�z -�he request of �lr. C. H. Hayes �or a fi.fteen foot s�tbaclw frcm N1a.ssauri Aventie for Zot 5, Block 10, Cc�un�:ry Club Acidition. The Zoni�lg �oard reeanun�nded denyln� the reques� for a fif�een foot setbaek btit �rarY�in� a ttiven.ty foc�t setbac�; from A'Li,ss�uri as it would 'be in conformity with other improv�men�s in the ar�a. Mr. John C. PoZhi11 was present on bel�alf o�' Mr. Hayes and s�Lai;ecl �ha:t his clien�; t�aould aecede to the �iaeni:y fbc�t se�ba,cPc from 1�lisspuri. DZr. Juhn IIazzi�a and I�'Irs. E. Burtoi7 Beers objec�ed tc7 ttxe �rantin� of the ttiventy foc�t 5etbaot�.. Comm9.ssi,nzier Straiz� recommended �equlrin� �he petit�tvner �o ;;.eep a thirty- i".;.r�e foc�t setUacl� fa^om Jacl;sc�n fioacl i;o be �n 1i,ie w3t17 the e�isting lzcuses. Havlaz; �learcl t�h�.s Pub'l�c iiear:ik�� and lzavii7� h�:�rd nr le�a1 ob;,iectian, Commissioiaer Roberts moved �lzat the applicai;iox� fc,r a fifteen foat setbac'.�. be deni�d but �n �Ixe recc�nmienda- i;:i.c>�i o�' i;lze Zon�.n�, S3�arc1 i:hat he be permi.t�;�d a t[venty fo�t setbac�� on l�ii.sscuri Avcizue sV:f.t�lx tkze st:Lpu�.a�ion tlia� he tiv:i:ll a�1°ee to a se�cback of th:irty-f�� ve feet on JaclLsan Road, h1o�;3.�>n Zvas secc�zzded '�y Comnlzssioner S�xang and car�� ed �.u�azlimGusly. / � ��� CITY I:ON�7XSSTQ;T 1�TL���'TNG July 22, 1�57 „ Tlie t?ai�a�er eYplai�led tizat tlzree '�a.ds r,ver� r�asiv�d �o mc?tv 1�a�s c�n a cant�r�.ci; basis and recommended acce��3.n� t}ie lcativ bid 4.f I�9r. i�erb�rt Fa.elds at; a cc>at; ��f :;;3.Ot) for v,000 square fee4 and �, .''�,5 cenl;s for ea,�h addi�:iot�aJ, ].,5007 square feet, Caitu3�iss'�.t?ner Stxan� maved the p�o�er 4ff'J.clals b� au�hcr�:zed Lu �x�;�tt�.�e tlle a��ntraci; and i:e�urn it ta the next m�el:ln� z"or aceeptan4e �f the Comm3.Ss:i.�ia. Motir.:.n tivas secaz�ded by CoirmLissionex Znscc �nd carried u.n�n:�mvu�ly. It vras repaa�ted by t;he RTana�er tkia� si,x �i.ds had 'been reeelv�:d fcar the dra:lzza�e and gradin� of tl�a Tndustr�al Park and receafunerzded tha� tl�e 1c,tv b�.d �:f' �;1�,060,`�5 #'rom -�ile Stansfi'eld Cons�rztctic��z Cqmpany, Talnpa, b� accepted. Conuuiasioner Rc�bertrs mav�d on the recommenda�ian �f the Gity En�in�er a+Zd i:rie Purchasin� A�era� that �he bid c�#' ip19, pti0, 75 �'r�m �he S�ansf� e1d Constructi.?i� Company be aacepted at�d the proper o��'icials be autharized �o si�r� t11e contrace, Ma�ion tvas secan�,ed by Cc7mmiss�.s�nei� Insco and carried �,ulan?m�usly. The DZana�er reques�ed permissior. t� b�>rro�v tvherl necessary an amc�u,zt a1e-,t tct c�xG��d :�150,OOc�,00 to use in the General Fund Lintil tiZe prop�rty tax mc�ney is coxlected _?n November. Commiss3oner Tnsco mvved ti�at �IZe Pinanee Director anci the C:itS� Mana�ex be permit�ed �o '�orrow only ii' and when nect�s�ary an amcunt tna� may be needed zzot i;ca exceed �150,000.00 at tl�ze lowes� znterest r�ite possible to me�� currei�t expenses if i;he General Fund ur_til suffic�'ent proper.ty i;aY monies are received in NovAmUer or . the�eafter, tllat i� be a 1c�ca., ban?;. and tlzat �che bcrrativin� be spread equaJ.ly a�tt�eei� tlze lot+r b:idders if thexe xs mure than ane a�t tiae lotv bid, piation tivas sec�.,nded by Cpmmissioner �tatlfins and carried unanimausly. The NTana�er zxplained �in a letter tl>�,t the Chamber of Convnerce had aFplied tor y5, 000. �0 to f� na?�ce lts J�.tly baclget far advertis3.no and puUlieity or ��ne-twelftia c�f the amonnt appropriated for the f3scal year. He ��equested a�prcrval to p�rmit the Finanee �xrectar tc� �arroi�r any proport3.ana1 amaun� appropriated �o the Chamber. Cc,mmissioner Insco mc*red the request of the rh�mber. of Commerce for �5,000.00 fcr their Ju1y adver�ising and publicity gurpns�s be drantied and be contanued �i1 a mpnth to mcnth basis as �er the �olicy in tile �aast. I�Zotion was seconded by Commissioner i�latkins ai�d carried unanim�usly. It waa .repor�ed by tize bTana;er that a lett6r had been receyved from Mr. Robert ��1. Bai�er on Uehal.f .^,f the Fu11 Gospel Taberi�acle as?iing fo.rya .re-h�aring on bhe request to ereet a chuxch a:� a pcsrtian of T Q� �, Lalcewood Replat, ii1 an R-1 zone, as fac�s have been disec�vered tahzch materi�l�y chaiz�e the p�eture a� preser_ted ori�izzal?y. By c�nsex��, the Mayor instructed the yTana�er to advlse tne applicant, Mr. Rocer� i1. Baker, tlzat any infcrmation. he may have pursuant to a re-hearing on the subject shou�.ct be su�:ti.t�ed to the N1ana�er ta determine vrhether it warrants a re-hearin� ar nct anrl that tlle cost of a re-lzearzn� wi11 ue clzar�ed t� the applicailt 4v�± tlz p�.yment zn advance . TIze t�iayor recamme��cled t��at ihe Com�:?� sszan coni`irm the appoin�ment �hat was iz�formally agreed upon of Leon 'vJhitehursi;, Jr,, as Asaociate Mttnic:i.pal Judge effee�ive on July 23rd and that �he sal.ary be ��,`1,200.00 per year. Goznmissioner Raberts moved tha�G Leon ��Jl�.itehurst, Jr., '�e appointe� Associate n7un:�cipai Judg� effective Ju1y 23rd, Motion was seconded by Ccr,imissianer Wa�kins and car�ied unanimously. Re�ardin� transzers in various rental spaces at the Marina Bu2lding, the Nana;er recarnmer_ded tl�at the Clsamber of Commerce b2 permitted to mc�ve from Roc�m 2A �o Ft�:aln '7 (being vacated by NLr. John B. Pierscn, Id�a�ara Massage), tkiat Messrs, David E. Hand ar�d Creorge B�xtcher, T�'Iar::ne Sales, be parmi.tted to move from Room 4 i;o Raox��s 2A and 2 (Fred Andre'vrs � lease i �r marine Yxardtvare bei71� assignecl to Marine Sa:Les ), Cc�?nmis,�:toner Ruberts moved tha� tn� proper City oi'ficials Ue authc��ized te s-?gn �he leases •+n accordance with tlie stai:emes2t here, tN� Chamber o£ Commerce intc� S�ace ;��; the NTar�ine Sales into Space 7'2 and �A, date of expiratian not to �;�ceed those uf �resen� leases. %�oticn vaas se�cncled by Commiss:�on�r s�lai,l;ins and carr3.ed uiianimausly. Sn regarcl ta the survey of arainage co�xd-� t� cns oxZ north Clearvrat�r Beach, ti�e En;ineer report�d that a study nad be�n rr�de and a map prepared shot�r�in�; the elevatic�ns s�£ the var? �us areas, ci�e :Lat�rest k�ein�; 2.U� ai�ove sea levsl . 53.nee a11. pr�perb� es in �he area fi�om Acacia io the Carlou�l fence u�tiveen th� Gulf and Clearivater :�ay were af�'c-ci,ecl and ecr�trii�uti��g tc> the draina�e ��zatex, he recommea�ded that the propelty assessment should be �i1 a Uauare fao� ar lot basi� ti•lith an estimatecl cost ai' �35,OC1 �ex� lat. He stated t}zat Sto�^m sewers tv�.ill nc�t pic.v up all the t�ater at h3�h tide �z:; matter rrha� is dane. A�7rs, Glifiord I�IcFCay as<�ed several quest-� c,ns tvl2ich were ans�vered b;� tn� T��1ay�r as ta the prop�sed assessment. Conuni�sianer Raber�s moved on the recom- me�ldat-won �f the �gi�2eer tna� a Pub?lc Heariiz� �f tlze prc;p�rty ruri�exs c>n Clea�water BAach ��1cluded in tlze survey of the �ngine�r be callecl at the earl�est time l��ally �ossible, DZot�ic�t� vlas secand�cl b;� Commisalcr�er t�laticins and ca�ried �.u7arime?us1y. By conseizi�, the �n;zne�r vras �rantecl permis�iGn t<.� n�tif;* �l�e px�U���ty cti•rners c�f tlie hearin� merely by pua].�lcaci.cn in the n�ti�1s?�aper ��sin� an ad 1ar�;er tizan the ncrmal '! ��;a1 nr,tice. Concex���n; the reqaes�c o�' t� . R, J. �ielscizn�ider P�r tra'c4r r�ai.iz e�;�eiis�on �Lo .i:is l�ropcsed suad v:is. �i� sputh of Bel� ea_r Street xzear ii:ic;;h:Land ATrenue, the �:n;;ineer reported trza� hn had prepar�d a ma� �o sh�zu the s�eccmmeijded size c,f ina:f.>i �z���ied l.�r �ha� area, :te said r�ve ta i;he �rot�r�h c�f tlze area it v�i_l.1 eveiztva:lly requ�.re a t�eti•� tay:, t-; ti�e County rlain an 3�11eair acre��. ���e �ptitnated the prqpG�ed �xte»�:to_�Y of a;� � �;:�t 3 nch ma:in �lan�ed t� s�rve k� i0 �eet r,sz eaciz sicle c�f tii� �tre�� at r�;2, 560, 00 aild s;�;;�;�stied �, charbz of :p� 20. QO �,er a.cre . The P�laypr recomm�rided tl�e En�;,xn�er be instr•aeted to set up an area as�es�rnent n�a.� ex�endir�� �nto �he C�su.n�Ly ar�a and ind_�.cati� the assessrnen�s th� City �xpectu to rece:Lve from L-Y�a�t axea t•al-��n a],1 z�xc�perty c��rtzer:� have �appecl on �he mai�i, Zt was su�;;esteci the othe� pro�erty r�tvner� be 1� _3_ Cr� GOB�1�IT�SIQT7 T+1EExZi�TG Ju:1Y 22, 1�57 cb����.c�cd re�;ardirl� �n��e�;.at-�.cssx anrl pay'�.n�; � p�c;�csrt�ic.na�e Nhare ��` the trarisma.ssic,z� 11ne, Cr.�mm3.w�ionex ��1a;ticins mc�ved �.� be referreci o2,c�: tq �he rity En�3.ne•�r �or his fuz�tYier �ttid� and c�me u� w:�.',h a compl�ted plan ?�Yitih a11 �he flacts and f3�ures and �;lie axa�,unt c�f area tr, be seraed on a eGst c�asls, and i.£ there i.s any addi�ir>:�al lnc;zZey needed �r,actly hcat+� much :1� �,� and a recomme�:datic�n �'rc�m �he City �Zana�er. PTat:�r�aZ .�ra� seecndec? r�y Commiss3c�ner Insac� and carr�,ed una.ZlrnousZy. Re;;axd:l.n� the prcvress r��ort an �Y�e 1�Zarshall Street D:isposal Plant Additicnf tYie �n�:tneer repdxted thtz�; 2 0 of �11e ti��o�'� tvas compl.ebed and 10 o cf the time had e].apsed but sta�ed �hat was nat unusual �.�r. '!ar�e projects, �ie said he expected t� have f� na�. �nspec�iion Uf the sec^�a�e d��ester th.is t��eelc after the paintin� was comp�eted. Tk�ere vaas discusNion as to the type oF T�1�,t�rers to be i�s�all�d �.n �he I�Iarshali Street P1ant Acld�.tion and tne En�ineer reccmmended that tne contrac��� be required ta supply '�"� tl7e nne described in. �he Npecif•� ea�:icrns, Commiesicner Insec m�ved that j�re require �he b7.�trex tt�.a� vras sp�e::�.fi�d {Chicago Purnp}. Mation Uras seconded by Ccmmissioner � R�l�erta and carried unanzrn:��usly. Gr�mnt:isa__�ner Insec r�c�zZested that the Cc.nsultin�; Engineer and the City En�ineer bc�ef bhe CommiNsiazz on the �lar_s �n the Bearh Disp�sal. P1ant, Gomm:Lssionc�� ��ia��:ins as Givil Dezense pirectar report�d t.za� Civi3. De'ens� Ufz�i_c:i.als had dcaided t�sat a tiva�ain� systein c;f s:.rens was needed tc caTrzr the Cit�T and sone of the outlya.n;; areae. He reported that a study rn�de b;j an ezz�ineer in Clz��aa�a lz�dicated it s�roul.d cost app�oxirnately t;7,Q00.00 f:;r cornp3ete covera�e fcr �he C�i�y, iie said that ii' tile City vtill aclvance the i;7,OpQ.00, tilat a�ter �he egu7k�men� t�aas o�dered a'szd installed, the Federal Governrient taaxzld pay one i�a1f the cost, :�3,500.00, upan rec�ui�it�?on for that arno+,uz�. iie repc�rtsd t:�at ^� I7ad x�ecsntly r�ce_vecl a checi;: far :��,000.00 frnir the Fed�ra? Gc+vernment as lts �ha-re of pa;ymer.�c �'ar racl.t�� �qLti;�ment ordered sotne �ime a�o and �inszal? ecl cn Gity tr,.�c?:s. ; e thauoh� this mcizey ec�;.�ld be used �c+ n�?rchase �t�.e ti��arr�n� s�ste�n and City creti�rs eoL?d instail the e�?-1,�me.1t , Comir�issioizer Stra•r�; mcved that �hc pr�pex a�'ficia � s be �.t�thor_�ed t:: ta: :a u�.d.� t>iz •i t. T�tn1;i��n vras seccndea bjr Gc,inm� ssioreer Rober�s and carried L.nanincusiy. Tne riana�er repor�ed tnat he vras p�eb�r�.i�; to taiLe bids iar ,��relzase c.r lease ci' i:rucl:s and cars author_�.zec1 �n the ba;.dge� �'ur varic�us depart�en�s and as._ed 3-� ti�e Cczmii�' ssioi� w_tshed �te :,e�p ta a stai�dard cc3c:r o�' l� �l?t ;reexl. By consent, the Comraiss;ion ai�proved ti�-is standardizati�n, Ti�e Mana�er �.s?:ed approval af adveit-� s!iz� fbr bis zor ��e �5 ia�t �o;�r::r truc<: aizci 1,OOQ �,al"lcrl pUm�er fc,r i,Ize Fire �epartmer.t, 3� consent, tns CLmr,i.ssi�.:�1 approved ac�veri;isin� for this epui�me��c. The P•Ta1or repor�ec� that lie had tal'_�,ed �,r� Lh i�r, i1 Rc;;erc, State R�ad. Boa.rd mEm}�er, re�;ardiiz� tFie propc�sed �ridue oJer L�tt� e PaSs and t��at Mr, Ra;ero was �aa�tin� to get a f:.nal decis°�:rn froYrl the Sta�e t�oad T3aarcz ar,d �o naT✓e resper_sible en�ii7eer�n� persqnt?el cvi�le before th� ComnLssicn t�> disc�iss it. Ccmr�Lissiorer Stran� r�commended that t�tie L''?��ineer be _{.nstrT.�ctea to c;-ntaci; �he Stai.e Road Department en�iz7eers about t.�e ba.� co'rcLt^cn c;i �it1z �o 8�.;�r ?3oalev�.rcl receizi.l3T resurfaced ;��T txie Sta�e, The I•2a�1a,r�,er prese;zted an or�anzzat_. ��a1 �t��l?.re �;,� ros:.����� �_tle fer V'�ae Cozimu.ss`�.a�' s a�nrovai l��fnre subiilittiiz� i�t �o �„iie C� vi1 Ser°rice Eoard. 3y c: nse�it, ti�e r,2a�ter t•ras de�'err�d �� �11e ns.L� ni�e��_iz� ir_��� studr. Pi@;�8,x'CZ'!i1i; �Z'CZ:1.218i?Cc (L;-2 Y'G'�L13.1i'�11� SQ�1_:.C�'E8.�101'�S �'G�' C.la,x'=-�a.�3�� UiJs'��G825� �:72 Ci��T ��tc�r�zey read a 1.etter i'rem T.Zr. C. L. Darl ��z�, Pr�side.�t oi t:?e F�c�eratia?7 ;;z^ C? v�.c Clubs, �rot�st � i��; tlie f';l.��a7. ado��:�c,l cf the Or. dinar_ce a•<�d, as... �.nv fL�r a Pub3ic '�Icarii�; bef'ore the OrcLna��ee � s rsad o�1 ��i� :�d read�i.; . The Git,'�,' <^.t ��Z'11�;;r e.c��1a� ned 4:1a.'�: '�i1(3 Ql't�".'Llla.i7CG' S'lc'i5 l'�I'Ll:'rtl 5'�7it'� lar ��:� Qi1G' 1'E;Ci11LYiG'?�C1ZC7 t?u i:i1G '.'1'Gi t:`T1Ei,�. T_11SG].'�t�.'tL' 0=' F•iL�,1�.c��al Lat�T Uf.f�? cers �s^�c�_aticn and t,ia'c it cyas a t�al�� d a_�d 1e�a1 �rdi.,za.�c�. Cc�one� P�Tarion Sanders, :cenresent'�i��; the Facierat�t on o_" C�� v�_c C�t;bs, ca,;iected �C t��e c�rc'._1.:�a�'sce +�n t�ze '�as��s ��i .,t 2�e-±?�u �c�� br�.:ad and undu`��r res�r_c�'�ve. i�;r. David �`ciic_ie�te, represent:i.n� the Amei2can Le�-?e��, sta�ect �i1at h� fel� tlza� bas�,�a11;; t?ie r�rct7na:�ce .�ias a �c�d idPa ia�it did �.zt�c tlzan".;. al"1 ef �l�e res�r?.ct�.cns �vere c'�ear �r i�ecessary, l�ir. C< L. Darlin� ��bjected s�Cati_�� that tf7e �rd-?�°iance i�i its �r�se�lt foxm w��ttld'e ;mprss;i;ble to e.lfr�rce. After �IZe disctassian, Comm�ssioizer Siisco ccmr:iented �lza� ne i�ras t1�kt ready to v��te t:n �he tis_i.rd reaci:L;�; c.f �he crcLs�a�:ce as _�� �v�shed a:z ; 1��)slrLliil'� ti.� 'GCi :1.Y1VES'1.:.;;8,�;-13 �'L:1'�!'12Y'. C,OTrit1L'i.SS'! C>;1@1' �:f3'��i1115 6�3�E.'(� tiila.i. i12 1VOU�.CZ �?ffE.'Y' 11:?.s szrv_i_ees t�, au� a..zd a? l lirr�t��s tr. e_tiu1.a�,� tiie _.e�d l"e>r ti��� �brci. � na�zce. Tiae Cat�r ,'�tt�r;Zey ��rese�ltad Resa��:ti4n jf'-�i-0 a�:�k�art_zi�x�. �a�rnie�it tc tlae F'irst i'�f7.LJ.��i1�.1 �a,i11_� Of Cl�ari9c3,'�E=Y' dI .jij�0,'�j 85 j38;Y'� pS�Y(12i1� fCZ' d.C�'i11`; a,S iT'liS��i; ?iI' thE Cv�����4ructi<�n Txztst Fui�.d oi 1�55. Cr.rru:�.iss.'.or:er Stran� maved tilat Resolut��a�z 5`i'-�!•0 �� �au�ed aiZd ado�tea and �i;iie pro�er o�f_tc:i.a,ls be aut-har�zed Lcr a�ectttie i�, t�i�tio�� �aas secoi�ded by Cammis��c.�iser :7a�k:i.ns and carr�ecl una�l��mously. C��mn�3.ssiotier Ii�sec� requ�sted i�i�a� �;ze inc�del Tra�'flc Orcl��.z�a:zce ecns�.dered. several llli�il�ilN a.j;�� �e Y�I'Oli�;11'`i: YJa,C_: li:�� 't:11c i.'Q1TlliL'�.uu3�(.+11a�'J C�711S'1C1LaTa.�:4Gc2 a.;,72:1':1, � l\ _t�� CxTX' CONIMTSSION n1E�TTNG suly 22, 1957 Tlie Ma�agen was requested by Cominissiozzer Tzisco tn inf'orm the Pollce Dep�:r�mer�t �co enf�rce the cl.usir� a�' �k1e l�ars a:t certaizi houi s and certait� res�:r:Lo�J r?n� macle an dr3z��eiez� ai; bars oi7 SLuzday and xeport bac�� tp tha Commission :Li:.� .f:Lnd�t��s. Cvmm3.ss�.oner Insco sta.ted he would 131;e t1�4 Cib� Mana�er to ckieelti the ma�.ri�ez7a�Zce of Police Depar�mer_t cars as he believed tlze i-tecY equ3.pment iva5 b�lr�; cai �7:essly ma�.ntalned . As to addi�ianal equl.pment bein� a�c3eied, Conunissinner Tnsoo said he ivould 1�.]:e tG cons:Lder a la�te ma�ver fc�r cleaxziz� au� <sf 1a!:as foi the suin ��f 3ri600.00 and 4vauJ:d 111.e �l�e Manager �o study aizd brin� baek a ieoommez�dat:Lc�n at �i1e nex� Commiss3.on m�et:Lz�g. The I�4anager jaas of the opin3on that �lz1.s equipinent was in thc prpcess c�f hea.n� ptat out for l�� ds, Regardin� tlZe 570,000.00 to be spent f�r street res�irfac�_ng. Conunlssioner Ii�sco recor�unended that i;l�e t�7a?ia�er talce ivnatever ste�as necess�ry even :+.f tie Iz'� r�s a part- t_me he�per for the En��neer to ��t �izese screets ready for b�?ds. Comm:i.ss�ioner SLran; inquiiecl re�ard.ing Sall� Subdivis:Lc3�1 U�i:i,� 1 as te tvhethe� �he �vree�s had iaeen cc�nipleted satisfac�ur?ly axzct as?:ed fc�r a repnrt on it, Commiss�ion�r Rotie��ts asl�ed if Ord:l_nance t2L.� reauir:tng =�rrces arc�u;�d ��tu1l:�rardS hacl been eizf�rced. Corrunissipner insca re�aerted �izat ize Fxad checi�ed and the fei�ces a�e bei-ri� instali.ed. B3r consent, the Canml:�.ssioiz a�reed to a jc���iit meetizz� w1.th i,ne Recreatia±z 8:�a�d. 1he Gomin;t.ssioiz no�v adjourned as �1?e City Commission and act:LnU as Trustees o:i t'ne tenszcn Fund heard a letter read from tlle Advisary Commi�te� recc�,mmending -�ha� �:?nie1. ��I. PZller, Pa�rolman, Police �epartmelit, be accepted �nta memb�x�shi� i�a, tk�e Pezisio.� Plan. Commissioner Roberts moved on �l�e reconunezzdation of the I�dv:Lsory Ccnunitte� of the EYn�le�ees Peizsion Fuird that Daniel P�731Zer be accepted. Motion tivas seco�ded UJ Commissio�ier Insco and carried t�7zan_i.mc�ti_sly. There be:i.iz� nc� f'urther nus-ness to come aeiore the ��ard, the meetln� :vas ad�onr�zed at �:3G P,P�1. :?ti,�st; � . � � �l — Cler:.v ` �--i �ia;yRcr-' Ca .�issioner � �� CTT.Y COMMTSSION MEETT:�iG ' �7uly 22, �-957 AGENAA publ3c Hearing's CT7.'X COMt�iSSION MEETiNG 1. Conbinuation public hearing re paving, J�Y 2�, �957 curb, drainage and sanitary seuter in 1:30 P,M. Lincoln Ave. be�tween Court St, and Druid Road. Tnvocat3.an 2. Sanitary aewer in �etty Lane �o serve IntxoductionS �ots 1 thxough 17., Block E, Pinebrook NL'4nutes ot' Precading Meetin�s Unit �}2; T,ots 8 tYtrouoh 1��k; Slack F and Public Hearings Zots 7 through 12, Block ��, s�airburn REports of City Manager Addition. Reports of �ity a{torney 3, Request �or 15 ft. setback on Lot 8, Citizens to be Heard Druid Park Subdivision. Other Coznmiss�.on Action 4, Requeat for 15 f'�. setback on �ot 5, Ad�ournmex�t Blocic T0, Country Clia.b Addition. Meebing Pension Plan Trustees Re�orts from City Manager 5. B� s, Lot Mow ng 6. Bids, Dxainage and Grading in Industrial Park 7. Fina�icing Gity Government 8. Chamber of Cammeree Req_uest f'cr Pro��r- tional Payment before Tax Monies Due 9. Gospel Tabernacle Reqt:�st Rehearing for Propo�ed Location of Church 10. Appointmen� of Associate Municlpal Judge 11. Engineez� � s Report on Suggestecl i�etho�: ai Assessmen-� for Beach Drainage 12, Erigineer's Report on ti7ater Main in Belleair St, from Bettg I�ane to Highiand 13. Progress Rep��t on A4arshall St. Sewage Plan� 14. Transiers Previously AgreEd �'o, Rental Spaces at Maritla 15. Discussion �z Verba7� Reparts cr Other Pending Mattex�s Reports from Ci'ty qttorney 1. Cansi era ion on T ira and rinal Reading of Ord3nance �42 Regulating Charitable Solicitations auly �.9� i957 Hanorable Lewis Homer Mayox Past Office Box 1348 Clear�aatex�, Florida Dear Mr. Homer: As you have probably learned the Senate Appropr3ations Committee, pursuant to car joint reques•t, has apgroved the �?9,000 for a survey oi' the Little Pass Inlet, Anticipating favorable action by the Senate I have already dzscussed �he znat�er w-.�th same oF the House conferees and have asked that �hey apprave the inclusion of this amount in their aonrerence repert. If you recall due to the late date that �he reques� titiras made and pursuan� to the s�rategy proposed 3t tvas planned to request �he money on bhe Senate s3de. I am happy that we were successi'ul in this e�'fart and i anticipate appraval by the House, 4�ith lc3ndest �egards, I am WCGrmis cc: Commissianers: C1eveland Insca, Jr. "vJ. E, Strang, Jr. S. J. Roberts J'. H, Watkzns Sincerely yours, /s/ Bil1 Cramer GJilliam C. Cramer, i�T. C. tCo�gress c�� the Linited SLat�s, Yiouse of Represen�atives, t�TasT��.n��on, I7 . C . ) July 15, 1957 Ma,yar T,ewi s Homer Cleart+rater C� iy Conuniss��n: Aear Sirs, I objec� ta the building of the pr�pcsed nec�r sewer in �etty Lane, i�ahich is tic� be the �ubj�et o£ a public hearing July 22. The prc�bl�m i'acin� Betty Lane property holders is the threat of heavy rains, incider�t to hurricane �veather, fvrecast �ar the Guli. No sesaer, proj�cted nota, could give us pratection for rr�any months uo ec+me, almost cextair.ly nat befibre the end ot' the lzurricare season. E:'� (Continued) � � ��� CITY COMMISSIQN NLETING July 22, 19�7 ( Cont:trnted ) �Vkiat Fve tleed not,r is an ��veri lot�r p:�pe, t� Urc�tec� us in case of a�uther fJ.�c�d threat, �,et �he sekver p�oblem talce its p7,ace 1.t1 the general sewer prc�gram which tkie c:3.ty �.aces. The se4ver propc�sed t�vould be e�.tra deep, and abc�ve average c��s� and mi�h� nc�t fi� iiz�c;� ihe general picture. The�e is; toe, the qtiastl.on of ana� "beneflt" ii�om ane �;uaranteed ccnneeti�n aver. another. Sincerely yQ�;rs ,:s; Wallis 4ady 1117 N. Betty Lane Clearwater Protesting part paymeni. Qf sauitary sewer in 1100 S11c. Betty Lan.e; Az the public heara.l�g on 17 June, 1957, we were asked whether or i�.at we viotzld accept part pa5�nent of a netv setser 1ine. Without consulting my husUand. I said we �vould pay, To connect us c�zto a transm:i,ssion 1ine, was �vroizg in the first place. Now you are asltin� us to pay for -�hat mi.stake, makin� it doubly tivran�, 'a�fiiozver as respansible, the ci�:y or �he buildex�, should rectify the� x�rror and pay. July 20, 1957 Res�ectfully submitted, �s,i Mrs. F1ayd J. I�orbaJ. 1101 N, Betty Lane Clearwater, Flor3da Madison, N.Y. July lg, 1g�7. The Honcrable Ma�or and City Commissjon: Clearc�rater, Florida. GEntlemen: The r_otice reference Lhe meeting of the City Comm:i.ssion, on July 22, 1957 to take up improvemenbs on N. Betty Lane sanitary line has ,just reached me here, I i�r�.11 pe at tnls address until late August. I have power of attorney for my son - Donald J. i+Joolley, �,vho owns the pioperty at 1007 N. Betty Lane. He is in the Army anc� no�a headed for Iran, I will attend to his 1ccal affairs until 11e returns. Since the Commissian meeting that I attended about a month a�o, I have written him and he approved my action ta�cen at tYiat meeting, He does not wish �E� pay fcr a netv san�tary sewer as �Ghe present one that has been in use far the pasL ten years nas always and is n�u�� functioning satisfac�orily, It ha5 caused no trouble to his prooerty. Since the above menbioned meeting last month, � have been investigating this sit�_?ation and vrould J.ilke to submit �he following ecmments f�r your consideratic�n: (a) This sanitary se�oer tvas functioning perfeatly unt:�l new add3ticns, such as Pa1m Terrace, Belair and others werz add�d, causing an over load on this seWer. Zf ca�rect, then the neU� additi�ns shculd pay for the new sewer. As the new 8 inch se�ver is intenc��d to care for sc�me af the hou5es on Betty Lane eaused by this overload, those added later should pay for t:�e netiv addition. However, the city appxoved these plans and is in bart reaponsible i.or approving a situation that c�used an overload. (b) I understand that outside water is entering thi.s sanitary sewer 1ine, If so, correct�on of this item might corre�.t the entire problem. (e) It seems to m� that new h;_�h speed sani$ary pumpir_g equipment c�uld be installed at the north edge of this ax�ea where a station nokv exists. Machiner;� of -. greater capacity could correct this situation and e],iminate any future trouble for �his area-and others on this 1ine. No add3_tional connections should be permitted un'cil a correction is ma�e. It appears f.rom tne latest reports on �he growth of ClearUtater, that any additional sewage, drainage and ���ater needs should include the probability that the city wauld soan expand to US 19 and north and south on bhat line. Therefore, any nEw glans for additions and buildirgs should include plans for c�st af secva�e and drainage-and sew-age dieposal plants-to be charged against tne new areas, Devel�pers and all buyers should kn��rr this at the time of purchase, This plan ahould have been in force e past ten years. It is my opin3.on that the present situation is nat the fatil� pf any G:Lty CommS.ssion ar person, but the fact that �his c�ty has grown fasber than anyone c*�ulcl vlsualize, includir.g all af the member� of the present City Commiusion. I have L.nnwn anc� cbserved most of the -0omm3ssi,on members durin� my twelve years residence in Clearwater. UJithout except3on, they a11 havc given their best et'fort� and t;tzd�ment in the interests of the c:;_ty. T am sure that y�u are a11 of the same i;ype. Your City Engi*�eer, Sid '�,uchtman, is ane o,f. �he k�est I have ever observed. Hc�wever, I do no� believe that any of you ten years aga cauld �*isualize the problems caused by the the sudden growth c�f Clearwater in the past few years. Thia has caused most of the presen� difficulties. (CGntinued) iG CITY COMMISSION ME�TINv July 22, 1957 (Cantinued) This brin�s me to bhe argurnent of Mr, Cassl�r last mon�h. The san,itary probi�m on N• Bett� Lane is a ci�y �roblem, not one fox this small sec�ion. Gle, as 3.ndividu.als Ar� respo�sible for our act3-as are �roups such as the C3.ty Commissi.on. The present cli:y commiss3,on i,s xesponsible for the acts of prior City Cominissions. The houses an N, Detty Lane in the P3nebrook subdivision were ln the cit;� when built and all plans and aonnections approved by c3.ty of�ic�.als. Thereiore, a.t is my opinxon that the city ahc.uld pay for this sanitary sevaer correction as it was caused by city growth, not antic:tpated, /a/ Harold D. Wac�lley (134'j Hibiscus St. Clesrwater) for Dunald J, Woo11e�* OBJECTIOPtS Persuant to Notice af Public Hearin� issued by the City Comm;Lss;ion of Cleaxtaater the undersi�ned, repreaentin, Hosfard Brac2�ett hereWith subinits his formal object3o:�s tU the pro�ased constrkction of an e;tgnt lnch (8° } sanitary sevrer in Be�E�y Lane t� serve Luts 1 thru 11 inclusive, Black E, Pinebroo3t, Unit 2; Lots $ thru 14, Block F`; and Lats 7�hru 12, B1�cis: G of Fairburn Addztion, 1. T+lhile real:�zin� �he need far a solixfion as to the Pir,ebroo:t praperties tvit� the back,flow af sei��er with the 24 inch Truiz:tline there .i.s na proolem as t� ihs Fairburn prape�ty oumers and never has been due t� 'cheir favcrable Y:�gh locatia�. There is, therefare, abso�,utely z10 benefit to Pairburn ocmer. s and it ti�rould Ae unfair to assess Fairhurn c�wners far lmprovements solely to Pinebrook pra�ertiea, 2. Fairburn Addit:Lon Subdivisian vras taken into the city a little m�re than a yeax� ago over the stron� protest cf property ovan�rs. Pinebrooic Subdivis3cn on the oth�r han,' `�,s been a part of the city for many years. Neverthel.ess, the city nevi attempts �u tax Rairburn pxoperties for benefits tc Pinebraol: prcperties. Prior to the annexation of Fairburn, sep�ic tan�ts raere installed and ncvr exist on prupzrties i?z -�hat subdlvision, Tnese have al*,vay� �perated in a hi�hlST satisfactorar manner. I� appears that the aity 3mpr�perly connec�ced lots in Pinebrqo?i vt��th the 2�F inch Trtinl:line. To correct any backflow frc�m i;he Trunlfline the � ir_cn line to be cenatructed U�5.11 only a1lev-iate the prcbiem tnat exists •_n Pinebrock. Pin:ebroa?i presperty ot�niers sl�ould therefore, �n a1.1 fai rness be chsrged for this benei � t to them. 3. If both Pinebrook and Fairburn prcperty ovrners are assessed for the proposeci i inch 1_ne, Zots 1, 2 aiz� 3 of Pinebrcol�: shoald pay for tYxe ccsts cf that port�rn of the line ivhich abuts ttieir praperty. Tris pertior_ oz ihe line can nnrt under any stretcl2 oi �he ima�ina�ion be of benefit to the Fairburn praperties, If the c�tj �vc,uld c�rzs�ruet the `�3 inch line tc the s�uth cz I�ots l, 2 and 3�he adjGinino la�7dorrmers La tl.�e south c:�f Palmetto Road should be assessed far zhe benef' :Ls derj vad fram this sectian of the Lne. Respectfully submi�Cted, j sf Paul �d. Danah�T, Jr. �ttcrney fnr �Ic�sford Brac<tett To: Mr. J. Tallent, Ci�y Mana�er Frcm: PlLr�. 0, ?i. Anderson, Buildin� Izzsgec�or Sub;;ec�: C. J'. Thurnau. 14�39 P�erce St. (Set Back) Date : 7i 12/57 It is the recammeizdat:Lon af the Zoning Bc.ard that �n� app1� cat� on of Mr. C. J. Thurnau far a 15' set ba�k on Vine Stree� instead of City Zo�zing set-bac1L �f 25' be appraved, i'or the reason that it would be in eGniormity w�.;th tlze existing buildings in the area, Attached hereto is qr:Lginal letter of re,�,ues� tvith set-back slzeten, Ju1Y �� 1�57 City- Zonin� and Pla:uzYn� Board Cleartra�er, Florida Dear Szrs; I am submi�ting a s;retvi� af a 1ot I o,�m, icnot�m as Lot 8 in the Drew Park Subdivisir.n and te be 1>�not,vn as �E06 Vine St„ oi1 tivhich I plan to build a tSva bedroam hause tivith a car�ori� to con�Eain approx_�.ntately g00 square f'eet of flacr space exclusive of util� ty ror�m and carport. Due to the narrowness of the lot af 50 feet i� ss ne�essary te bu1Xd to a�reater deptt�. Iizasmuoh a� the ad;�oini�g houses have a setback from fr�nt prapexty l�.ne �f 15 fce�, I am as3cing for relief fram the rnandatory �5 faat setbae,t re�ulatl.on �o the mrare satisfacL-ory fi�ure �f 15 fee�t. Five feet of tne proposed plans would be an open porch, �herefore the house pr�per would have a 20 foat setback. P1eas� �yve this your earzzest ccsnsideratic�,Z. Y�ura very trtily, �, /s�' C . J . Thurnau 1.4v� Plerce St . C7.earwa�Ger, F1o��.da r ' ii, /7 CI',Pi' COMMISSTON N[EETING suiar 22, 1957 Ta: N7r. J. Ta1�,ent, Ci�y Nfanager From: Mr. 0. H. 1�ndersoiz, B�.iildin� ii7s�ector Subject; RFQUEST OF John C. Polhill, (A4r. �: Mrs. C. H, Hayes) Lot �, B].ack 10 Country C1ub Addn) Dat e: 7i l2� 5'7 It is the r�ecommendation oF the Zoning Board that we deny tlze request fax a 15' se��laacic on Niissouri 1�venue, but grant a 20 � set-bacl� �n Missoui i, �ecause �ve feel that �;hls t�1i11 be in can£ormity vaith other improveinents there as shotvn on the dia�ram a�taatled. Attachefl hereto is ariginal lettez of request, witiz set-bacic. dia�rnnt and set of pl.ans, Jusy 9, 195�r City Zoning Board Cleartivater, Florida Attention: Mr. Anderson, Secretary. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I renresent Mr. C, Hu�h Hayes and Toui�e Hayes, his wii'e., who are the otaners of Lot 5, Blocic 10 of Country Club Add:itioiz. D'Ir, and Nlrs. Hayes have recenrly nad the dwelling house formerl�r 7,�cated ��n this gropex�ty remaved and notiv desire to erect a neja divelling lzouse, whiclz will be a decided benefit and as�et to the neighborhoad. Hocaever, after having the plana dratnm for �heir new hQzne, they ascertained tha� the zanzng re�ulations requzre a 25 foot se� bac:1 or_ bcLk� JackSon Road and Nlissouri A�tenue, An investigatian of the neighborhood disclosed tlzat there has been no hard and fast rule established, because some of the homes havs a se� bac'_; on Jacksan Road of anywhere from 20 to 40 feet, and this likewise applies �a praper�ties on Misspur Avenue. A7r, and Mrs. Hayes cvould lil�e £or their dtvelling to have a 30 foot set bacic on Jacksoi� Road and a i5 foot set back on Missouri Avenue, Unless this can be done, their property ;vi11 cease to rave any value to �izem as a home s�te. It is my beliei that this is one case tvhere an erception under the hardship provisions of �lze Zon�ng Ord-lna.�ce should be a,llc�-led and I s:�all apprec3ate your favorable cons�derat_cn of the inatter. Than��ing yau, I am Sincerely yours, JCt :?.j �'sj John C. Polhill RESOLUTION No . 5`(- ' o tVFIERE!�S, the First Nat :pnal Ban� az Clearwater, Florida is trustee under aild by v�irtve of a Co�struetion Trust Fund Agreemen.t dated November �8, 1955, vrhich Cc�nstruc- tioi3 Trust F`und ls deriv�d irom proceecls o� the sale of Util3ty Revenue Cert;ificates, Ser-res 1955, and, irlHEREAS, said Bantc has submitted a bill in the amoutzt of �3g0.73 for i�s compen- sa�'san, ii� accordance vtith the proviszons of said Trust Fund Agreement, which s�.id bill shculfl be paid from said Trust Fund; 1VOYJ, THEREFOR�, BE IT RESOLTTED by the Cit�T Commissian of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in sessio,i aua.y and regularly aaaembled, as fallows: 1. Tha� the sum c�f y�390.73 be paid ��am the Constructic�n Trusi; Ftirnd dated �avember 2�, 1955> h�' the First National Ban.� c�P Clearoaater, Florlda, Trustee ther�of, to tize First tlaticr_a1 Ban?; of Clearwa.�ei, F1r,��da, �.n paymeilt cf 1ts bill dated July 2, 1g57, f`or �Erustee' s compen5at3on a,� N,.-ovlded in said Agreement 2. Tnat z�. cert-if_ed ccpy of �hi� Resalutian be delivered #'oxthyvlth bc said Trustee, �vhich cert � f��ed copy shall ecnutltuie �he direct_i.ca� �f �he C�.ty of Cleartivater co sald Trusf;ee to pay aary d amGunt directly tc� 7 ts�lf . PASSEn i�I�1D �DQPTLD, �h�.s 22nd day of Ju1y, 1957. �sj Lewis Hom�r i�tayc,r-Cumm`? s�:i.oner nTT�ST: ;'s,' R, G. '�Vhiteheacl C'� �y Cler�i /�S CITY COMMTSSTON 1�'�ETIi+TG ,7uxy 22, 195'7 flonorable Ci�Gy Commis�:ionera �u1y 13, 1957 C1ear,yater, F1or:Ld�, Gen�lemen: �� Truatees of' �he City of Clearwater Lmplcsyees' Pens3�n Fund, you are nEreby na�lfa.ed tY�at Daniel W, Mi,11er, a patrolman in the Po1?ce Depaitm�nta has been duly examined by a 1oca1 ��.y�s3�cian and deslgnated by him as a First C1as�" risk. The abc.ve emplUy�e begar� his service wi�h the City on Dec� 8, 1g�6. He is under �F�j" years cf a;e (born Au�. ].G, 1q20) and m�ets the requ�:-rements of our C7vil Service, It la hereby recc�mmended by the Advisory Comm3ttee that he be accepted �.nta membership. Very truly yours, Advisory Comm-it�ee af The Emplcyees� Psnsi�n Fund. j's� Paul ICane, Cn�irman /s� Helen Peters j s j EdUr± n B].anton �- -- --------------- --- --------------_�_.---------_____--------------------- -- '- ✓ i i� r��