07/08/1957 Jad<. Tallent Ben Krentzman S. Li cldon Capt. '.-1. Beam Ci ty Manager City Attorney City Engineer Representing Police Chief ~ , .. , , , ,:."., . ,<.,.:-:~.: .'~;r'<; :t: :.:",.~~~~;:.~.:t':~f.~'. ~ Lel'Tis [lomer W. E. StranG, Jr. Samuel J. Robcrts Cleveland Insco, Jr. James H. ~atkins Nay(.:r-Comml s8:1.oner Commlss1oner Cc;.nuni ssJoner Conun:L ssioner COlmni ssioner . , '... " .:;'X~;V:::":i;':"'\~::: ,'::<~.;!i,{,i;:,'.'~k:;:,<.:';J.,;,~~:;);'i}.,i;)/\;\", , , '.' "~ "" '", ~""'hl"l"'''~:'t ,:-.'i;vj'~""''i'.zrlf.!'5'';'''''~D'.i.it.''{'''''''~iJ.~~~~'~jflA~' ,.,l"....!,,,... " .;: . ,'.. ....,<.::>....' .,"'..... "... >. .~'d . "" ~>- ~"""" ..~.g~?;:qtj ~:;'''; / ~~~. .- ' ~;i:,\ (p .. ~~~}')il"~' '. :"'~$~t'" ' . ",., { . '1,;J{t~~, ' ': f'\fJ,h,.t,~r~f'.~ . '~~~:'jl'P.)"..:~i. ;'; .;t" ,>,1 \' . ",": " .1 j:'~:'t~{Np'j~I~1 ,;t.: '}~fi~~; ~.:i:r:?Y~::F~~" ti,;;<,;;r,..::,,:;. 'j . ~ r I I. t t" 1-. f ~ ' :-, '. ".' .... . ,.,. ,..' ,,,,. .'. ....~ ,.'..., ~.~. , .... '.1'., . . .. . .,...,~ }\..... ,.. ".\ ~.;. '" . .... w. ......' n', ~.,~. '.., ,.. . CITY COr,lr.JJ SSIOH r-1El~;rJNG July (]. 195'( Th.e City CommissJ.on of' the City uf Cleapwater met in specIal session at the City Hall, l"'!onday, July G, 1957, at 1:30 P.f.1.\'J1tll the i'ollO\'ling members pr'GSe!lt: Also present were: Tile ~Tayor called the meeting to order. The invocatiun was given by the Reverend Rudolph r,1cKinley of the First Methodist Ch.urch, Clearwater. CGmmissic'ner Robel~ts moved that the minutes of the special meeting ct' ,Tune 28th and tile regular meeting of .July 1st be approved :Ln accGrdance w:L th c091 es fu.rni shed each member in 1'1ri tine;, Not:Lcn ''las seconded b:{ Conunissioner ~:'1atlcins and carr'ied unan.lmcusly. ...... 'li..: <;;.:'.'.,< . . .' . ... . :.~ ..; .' .'. " -':: .... . 111)lf~1 t~i~l~I~t -.. ,', ,. . , ,,;". ~.'. i ;.. .;:,\:\:~{:: X~':~',:;:~'~ :';l~ ';::::\ >\':,} !~:;::'.,:.<.' " . ""''') ,.... .,.. ". ~St(1~if;1~i;k;!'";1 ,,- I ~t;;;(,~,};i;-~);'j > ".' .,"....' . "1 (";f~'i8~~f,ttfil~ , .'~'d"t".\" r ...~...~'... "'<<!r~;n:~~ixl1' , :., ' ",: ::(::; ;;:./ ;':::\:". , .:'. :, "': '>:i'~''/:'''i Th.e Mayor ann<J\.lnced a Public Hearinc (,n the constructlon elf a thirty foot pavement, drainage and sani tary SCl'TerS in HibiscL~s Gardens.. on Plerce Street from Lincoln to Betty Lane, on Santa Rosa Street from Linc~ln tc Betty Lane, on Betty Lane from Pierce to S.lllta Rosa. Fran]~lin Street from L.Lncc,ln t,-, Stevenscn Creel~, in all of I\vanda Cuurt, and tha t port~l.on (if' B'ranj~ll n CJ.rcle fronti ilL; on Lots 1 and 12, B10cle L, and Lots 3 and 4, Blocl;: .T. The Englncel~ peported that the tlcarlng had been called at the request of several property o'.'mers 1n the area a;1d ti1at the property owners present at the pre1ir.linary hearing 'were all in rave.I' l.,f the pro,;ect, He explained he did net feel the pro.:ect should be calculated on a frent fOL;t bas:Ls because of the odd shaped lots so had figured ~t on a cost per lot but he relt It might be mDre equitable to assess on a square foot basis. l[e saj.d it vias planned to straighten some (,1' the lots by the City vacating some o:f the par]{1,'lays and leav:LnG a 7'0 foct right of ~'lay for Franklin Street. ~1r. Merle f.1cKisson J 01,Nl1er 01' L,?ts 19... 20, 22-2'(... incl us:L ve.. Blocl, H... objected to paving his portion of' Avandah Court. ~'lrs. Ida Pletcher... Ol'lner of Lot 18, Blelck H, also ob.jected to the project. Hav:Lng held this Public HearInG and not having heard any va1id objections and upon the recommendat:LCJ21 of the Engineer, Conunissioner Watlclns moved that the paving, drainage and sanitary sewers 1n Hiblscus Gardens east of' IJincoln Avenue be approved ar:d assessed on a square fCl,t basis. Noticn was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. ;:. Mr. O. S. Allbritton, Jr., asJ'~ed about jJ'-wluding some adJacent areas in the project: It was pointed <.Jut the addi toLonal area "/Quld have to be advertised for a separate Public Hearing. By consent, the Engineer N'as directed to prepare a Public Hearing on the pavinG o:f Pa~c Street from Betty Lane easterly to Waverly and Pierce Street from B2tty Lane easterly to waverly, alid advertise it for bids at the same time as this project if possible. In regard to bids received for the sale of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 52, Mandalay Subdivision, the Manager reported that an advertisement :for bids had been published and invitations to bid had been mailed to local real estate brol~ers, but cnly one bid of' $lt, 500. 00 had been received :for Lot 2, Block 52, f'rom 1\-1 Realty Company as brol,:er 1'or C. A. Peltj.er. He reconunended that the bid not be accepted as it is far below the cost of the lot and :its appraised value. Con~issioner Watkins moved that the b:1.d be rej ected. Mo'Gj.on vTas seconded by Conmli ssioner Insco and carried unanimously. A report ''las given on the costs in c(,;nnect:i..cn \';lth buying Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 52, IVlandalay, and installing semrall.. groin and fill. Commissioner Strang moved that Lot 2 be listed on tl1C standard ma~{et at a price of' $10,800.00, Lot 3 be listed for *lO~500.00 and Let I!. be listed for $10,500,00 T/lhich \'1il1 lnclude a sales commission. rvrotion was seconded by Conunissioner Insco ai'ld carr:1.ed unanimcusly. The Mayor suggested that by consent the Purchasin.g Department be instructed to have a mimeographed letter made and mailed to all real estate bro~:ers \'lhc maintain licenses ....'i th the City and the fvlanager have a sign painted for' each lot r;lvln[G the priee and saying IISee y<.:,ur Brol{erll and that the letter should state that no other siens should be placed on the property. The r~anagcr presented a report on the ClearvIater J\thlet:Lc Field Insurance Fund showing that a balance Df $6,700.79 remained in the fund on June 30, 1957. He stated in a letter that the estimated actual cash layout for building materials and plumbing \'1as *2,20L~.00 for the VlOrl( to bc done by the Cit~r (not includj.ng labor) and that amount added to the base bid from John K. Batstone for $7,769.00 would total $9,973.00. He suggested that the diff'erence between the total cost and the amGunt already appropr:La ted ($6,700. '(9) be transferred from unappropriated surplus (Zl200 to B4284.52A). There was discussion as to the merits of the all metal type of building against the alternate bid, block 1'18l1s vlith metal ends. COllunissloner ~:latkins mcved that the Commission appropriate :from the unappropriated surplus fund $2,272.21 to complete the amount of money necessary to build the Negro Youth Center and that ".'lTe accept the loW' bid of $7/769.00 .from :.}r. ,Tohn K. Batstone and that the proper officials be authol~ized to sign t,he contract. Notion "Tas seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried w1animously. ...,..!."..... .A.a ~L.. _, " . ':. .'_~_~2:;.2L~;:.1i'~,L::,a~,~,~3~%J~YP~i~~1~~~~B~i;~~"~';""~~;'" . '.....,. ",':..'.' "'.", 'j., I , ~~ \ , . "'''''!~[i@\.t~yr"", .,'C" "-"-' "'.- . ~.~~t:trJ: :'1 ;'..~:\tt;~\~~:i~jfff;.~):'/::.j " ".,', t" .' ,,' ,t\..... . f" 1 '~i';'':):\i['';;Yt:'';E'L' : ' ':'...;.,', '. ';') . ~;lj~,"'t:~\ . ., '.. V r. .." , '; 'i...\t ~.:;..,;. -2- CITY COMMISSION M8ETING July 8, 195'7 The plat of Island Estates Subdivision Unit]. ''las presented for approval by the Manager. A letter from the Manager stated that the Zoning Board had reconunended R-l zoning, that the Ordinance 632 had been executed by the developers, the North Bay Company. He stated that the letter which the City Attorney had requested from the BanIe of Clearwater as Escrm'r A~ent for the developer had been received stating that sufficient funds were on hand to cover the in~rovements required by the Ordinance 632 contract includinG seawalls. Conunissioner ~'latlcins moved that the plat of Unit I, Island Estates Subdivision, be granted and the proper officials be authorized to sign it and that R-l zoning be applied to the plat and that the accompanying Ordinance 632 contract be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. . ,~~ . . .~'" ;_. _;. .:..:,. :~'.;~_>.. ~.; ",:.. ..:t.:~ :. _:. "' .~. -,,~". ..!~ , .... ....~ . '1- t; .,'J " . ',,~' '. " rvlr. Charles Phillips, representing the North Bay Company, presented a deed to the City of' certain submerged lands north of' Memorial Cause1,'lay and east of' Island Estates. Commissioner Roberts moved that the City accept the deed o~ dedication dated July 8, 1957, f'rom the Clearwater Island Bridge Company, a Florida corporation~ and Island Estates, Incorporated, a Florida corporation, to the City of Clearwater conveying ceI'tain submerged lands lying north of r.1emorial Causeway and generally east of the development to be !cnO'l,'ln as Island Estates. Notion was seconded by Conunissioner Strane and carried unanimously. , ":,\, . ..:.. ;i . '\ ':~ " ~ ,." r .' ...., "- ;" .::; Concerning Island Estates Unit 1, Mr. Charles M. Phillips, Jr., asl(ed that a letter which he had prepared be signed by the City Attorney in order to assure the title company that under contract with the City the subdividers would be required to bulkhead the ne1,'r subdivision and that performance or such contract 'was secured by the O\'mer having satisfied the City that suf:ficient funds l,>rere available for completed bulkheading. The City Attorney said he would checl\: the letter and perhaps secure a certification from the Clerk that he has a copy of the Ordinance 632 contract which provides that the subdivider 1,'1ill construct bullcheads. Mr. Horace Hamlin, Jr., architect, presented copies of the plans f'or Fire Station 7~Y+ at Dre\'l and Heber Road. Conunissioner Insco moved that the plans as amended be accepted subject to the City Engineer'S approval. Motion was seconded by Conunissioner Strang and carried unanimously. By consent, the Engineer was directed to advertise for bids. The Manager presented for approval Druid Groves Replat (a replat of the south hulf of Blocles C D & E through J, inclusive, Druid Groves) and stated that the property was recently annexed into the Ci t:'l and the Zoning Board had reconunended R-l zoning at that time. He reported that the Ordinance 632 contract had been signed by Mr. Cecil E. Gates and others as 0'~1ers and developers, and bond posted to cover improvements. Commissioner Strang moved that the replat be approved and the accompanying Ordinance 632 contract be approved and that the zoning be R-I according to the Zoning Board recom- mendation and the pl"oper officials be authorized to execute the plat. Notion 1,'1as seconded by Commissioner '..L~ tkins and carr:i.ed unanimously. The fvTanager reported :in a letter that f.Ir. f\.. G. Haleefield, m1ni ster, from Crystal Beach, had requested use of' the r.1unicipal Audi torium on October 4th, 5th and 6th for Jehovah's Witnesses Circuit Assel~ly. He reported that a charge of $150.00 for each full day and night's use of the Auditorium had been quoted and stated that approval of the Conunission vras needed to grant use of' the f\.udi torium f'or religious purposes. Conullissioner Roberts moved that the Nanager be authorized or the controlling person be authorized to rent the Audi torhun to the Jehovah vii tnesses f'or October 4th, 5th and 6th at a price of ~Jl50. 00 per day or any fraction thereof. f'1otion \'laS seconded by Corrunissioner 1:latl::ins and carried unanimously. The Engineer presented copies of a plan to improve the drainage on Clear\'1ater Beach in the area along Bruce and Lantana Avenues betHeen Bay Esplanade and Gardenia. He reported that when there is a hiC;h tide such as occurred last weel.:: the tide is higher than the elevation of Bruce Avenue and the "later vrl11 not run off and that new sewers and ne\'r ca.tch basins were needed to adequately drain this area. He said part of the proposed project was included in the bud3et figures he submitted for the current year. Comniss~oner Strang moved tlmt the report be accepted for considera- tion by the Commission. Notion was seconded by Conunissioner ;'latlcins and carried unanimously. The City Attorney presented :for its second reading Ordinance 7L~2 'I,'1111ch would regulate solicitations for charitable, patriotic, religious, educational and philan- thropic purposes in the City and require permits for such solicitation. He explained the amendments he had made on the Conunission1s suzgestion since the last reading. ~w. C. L. Darling, President of the Clearwater Federation of' Civic Clubs, stated that he felt that the Ordinance was too restrictive. The Attorney recommended that the Ordinance be considered only on second reading at this meeting. Commissioner Roberts moved that Ordinance 742 be considered on second reading by title only with the unanimous consent of the Comnussion. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Attorney read the Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 71.~2 as amended be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. ..,,' ..,. , ,..~.~-......' 7 . ,. :~. :.,:::: :';i"fZ~'~ ':::',.;,;~~r \..'::.:.:1it.....~.':r,~):.:lr) ;~':~. :1 ...,f~'t.~,;'('~~,~~t'~f'~?q.. .. _,;;~~iiLB:iQ~:~:iii~g~JJ,..;t:.;i::;:.}X,-" . . . .." _, ~""...;,..:~';..<;.~....,;,~':-:..:i;.,:~::.;:..lh',~...!.'~.,:,:'...:'\..~,. ~ ~..:"....".:..'.< '.',.:.'~..'~ I.........~ .:~~. -c......., ..' .. -3- CIIIlY COM!vlI SSION fJIEETING July e, 195"( The J\ttorney presented. f'or approval a proposed copy of' a lease with the Ellw Club for Lot 12, Blocle D, and the northerly 11~O i'ect of Bleck C, \'lest of the half' section line, NevI Country Club Addi tl011. lIe eAplll.:\.ncd that tile lease stated the area vias to be used f'or a pre- schuol nurse!"J and playground, that the term would be for five years V"lith a five year option, tIlat tI1.e ore:anization \'1o.;ld be required to carry liability and fire insurance, to pay utJ.lities and taxeo if any, that there was to be no assignment or sublettine;, and that the standard recapture clause for municipal purposes \'las included. Conunissioner Vlatl{ins moved that the lease with the Elles Lode;e for the pre-school nU1'E3cry be approved as to .corm and the proper of.ficials be authorized teJ execute slgn it. Notion was seconded by Conunissioner Insco and carried unanimously. :;~~ ' !?1\ ' J:'}r.:~ .,',:,'",:",~"",,;L.c D .;::'\~;\"~~~:':>: ~.'~>.(.L.:;;{;:JM!~ .<: ",.- " ,~':' ,<", ...'c." ......','., "f"'~,;j;' ,... ., "I" . ~~ , ~ ,:;; . , , :"'/,,i ,....,.. ," ....1 f!!ll.i;l~.ii"~"l .""'i'?""""';~"'F.,,1 ~l~"",,~f~~i~ k . ':,,' "~ It \"1as reported by the Attorney that the operators of the Clearwater Air Parle need an additional pO\'1er line and the Florida Power Corporation \'las requestj.l1g a t\'lenty-five foot easement .for the purpose. He said the easement had been signed by the Clear\'later Flyil1[; Company but approval of t.he C1 ty was being requested. COllrrnissioner Roberts moved that the easement in favor of Florida Power Corporation acrOSE; the portion of' the Clean'later 1\ir Parle f"or electric light pole be approved subject to the City's right to revolce ~t and that proper City officials be authorized to execute the consent to the casement. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimou31y. Conunissioner HatlcJns requested a report from the City Attorney on contacting r.w. Ed \'lright to secure a thirty :foot right of "lay on a portion of' the Belleair side of l'latlcins Road. The Attorney stated that r.lr. ;'lri8ht's attorney, ft!!'. Joseph Young, had said he reI t that Nr. '\'.Irir;ht \'lould be ac;r'eeable to giving necessary dedication of rir;ht of way providing it \'Tould not :i..ncur an expense tu l1.im by being assessed for part at' the cost of impl"ovlnE; tIle street. Ire sUGgested the Conuniss:Lon transndt the information to the Be1leair Conunission. The I\'1ana::;er \'las instructed to contact the Town of' Belleair to reque st part:icipa tlon '\'I'i th the City on a 50/50 basis in the elevation of the road, vlidellin2 and proper dl"'ainar;e, and if' they do not cooperate, that Clearvlater use the southerly fuur feet of its thirty :foot right of ,,'fay to install a four feet ditch to stop the water from storm drainaGe coming from the Belleair side. 'lll1e Engineer reported that he '.'Ias in the process of \'lorJd.ng up another plan Nhich he thought 1-lOuld be feasible and possibly \'lould be more reasonable in cost and that the plans \'1ov.ld be completed in about te:! days. By consent, the Comm:tssion instructed the Engineer to turn tllis n81'1 plan over to the f"lanager to take up \'1i th the Belleair Conuni ss:Lon but that the I\lanac;er Sh(H.lld ee,ntact Belleair concernJ.ne; the righ t of way from Nr. '..11"1 ell t inunedla t el~r . '11he IvIayor recoliuuended that travel c;.;:pcnses be approved for the Comm.:tssioners and members of the Police Department and Prosecutor to go to the Florida Peace Off'icers Association meet:i.nG in Key ~'lest next 'o'/cc>~ '0\1 attend the meetinG and to try to secure the 1958 convention in Clear\'later. COJl1miDs:Loner Stranc moV'cd that the proper City officials be authorlzed tCi attend the C~)l'1Vent:1.('n at ICey i'lest on July 15th, 16th.. l'(th and 18th. ~lot:L()n \'111 s seconded by Commi Gal oner '.'/d. t:dns and carried unanj,m01..1s1y. Mr. Arthur Kruse, Planning :Soard Chairman, invi ted the COlluniss::.oners to attend the meetin[~ of the Planning Board on Tl1.ursday afternoon, Jul;)T 11th, to discuss with repl'esentatives from the County and various nn.m1cipali ties the County ~..,ide traff'ic survey. The Engineer reported that ne had recei vecl a request from r.'1r. R. IT. Diel schneider, developer, to extend Cj.ty water main 1'1" om Bl"c,olchill Subdiv:Lsion outside the C:i.ty limits to a proposed subdivision south o~ Belleair Street near Highland Avenue at an est:i.mated cost of $2..500.00. It I'TaS pohl.ted out that tl1is area Has not contiguous to the City so it cuuld not be annexed and also that it was not inclllded in the proposed annexation act. 1\f'ter di sCUSSiCll, it 1'las the opin:l.on of' the Conunissioners that it \-[ould be necessary to decj.clc hO\'T the cos'c of the trar:smission main vlOu1d be spread and ti1a t they would 1i1ce to see all area map in order to try to arrive at a cost on an acreage formula at the next meeting. It \'lBS su[;[;ested that Mr. Diolschneider might contact the owner of the intervenins property to see if he might be interested in annexation. Commissioner Insco requested a progress report on the NarshalJ. Street Plant at the next Conunission meeting. Conunissioner t-Jatlcins moved that the meeting be ad,journed. r.10tion was seconded by Conunissioner Strang and carr1ed unal1.il11ousJ.y. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.M. Attest: Cit~~ ~...........,... g ;'" j, I ,'. .1 " ~ . . AGENDA CI~ COMMISSION MEETING JULY 8~ 1957 ). : 30 P. M . CITY COM~USSION MEETING July 8~ 1957 Public Hearings r.' Pavingl drainage I and sanitary sewers in Hibiscus Gardens east of Linooln Avenue. Reports from City Manager 2. BlaB~ Sale of City-om1ed Land 3. BldB~ Youth Recreation Center L~. Plat~ ISland Estutesl Unit 1 Subdiv. 5. Progress Rcportl Fire Station #4 6. Plat~ Druid Groves Replot 7. Request for Use of Munic~pal Auditorium 8. Discussion of Verbal Reports or Other Pending Matters Reports from City Attorney 9. Consideration on Second Reading of Ordinance #1l~2~ Regulating Charitable Solicitations 10. Consideration of Lease with Elks Lodge. Invocation Introductions Minutes of Precedine Meetings Public Hearings Reports of City Manager Reports of City Attorney Citizens to be Heard Other Commission Action Adjournment Meeting Pension Plan Trustees ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. ~ames V. Doyle~ Jr.~ Admdnistrat~ve Assistant, City Hall, Clearwaterl Florida. July 1 ~ 1957 My dear Mr. Doyle: I was very sorry to learn from our conversation this afternoon that you round it impossible to place our application i'or use of the Auditorj.um on the agenda for the meeting of' the Conunissioners today. It was a further disappointment when you il1fdrmed me that if use of the building is Granted the rental rate will be $150.00 per day. It is requested that the application be placed on the agenda f'or the next meeting of the Commission, and that it be accompanied by this letter. It is well recognized that if' the Auditorium is used for a profit"rnaking purposel the City is entitled to make a profit on the use. HO\"ever~ for the use proposed it is felt that consideration should be given to the profit to the city from having such a large convention here, and that some concession should be made~ especially since it is a religious educational function to be operated on an entirely non-prof'it basis. There \'fill be no admis sion charge and no collections Ni11 be taken at any of' the sessions. The expenses will be def'rayed by voluntary contributions dropped in bo~es placed ror the purpose. Since the assembly is scheduled for the first weekend of October - after the \'rea ther begins to cooll it is very doubtful if use of the air conditioning system would be desired. It is understood that this constitutes a very large item in the rate fixed. It is therefore requested that a rate be quoted with the understanding that we will not require air conditionine;. I am ~eaving in the morning i'oI' a much larger assembly to be held in the Gulf'stream Park near Miami. Informaticn has reached me that the management of" this parl-c has VOluntarily granted us the use of the ParI;:: without charge in view of the ex:cellent reputation we have built up of care of facilities used for our conventions. I expect to return Monday af'ternoon~ and \'Till get in touch with you then or Tuesday ~ and hope that you will then have more favorably information for me. Sincerely yours, A. G. ~\/akefieldl Presiding Minister, Crystal Beach, Fla. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::,' -.~,~.,,:,"-' '. /':-"':.':7':~"~~ ..]...... . ,.:,";;.:.. ,-, '. \" � czTx cornr�xasioxr t���?n� �uz� 3, a.�5"r' T1�e G�.ty Comm3ssia�l of the City �f C1Eartivater met in sl�eclal seNsian at the City �ia.l]., C2anday, J�a],y �,, 1957� at 1:3Q P.M. with the follawing members pressnt; �ew3s Hom�r Mayor-Commissloner W. E. S�ran�, Jr• Camntiasioner Samuel �. Roberts Cc,mm3.ssio�er Cl�veland Znacc�, Jr, Commissioner " Jam�s H, ;+Ia�Tt3ns Commissioner A�.sc� present were: Jack Tallent City Manager Ben K�entzman Clty Attorney S. L3ekton City Engineer Capt. ;J. Beam Representing Fol3ce Chief The Mayor called �he meetin� to o-rder. The lnvocaticn r�as given by the Rever�nd Rudc�lph McKIn1�y of the First Methodist Church, Clearwater, Cr,mmissic,ner Rcberts ttt�ved �hat the minutes of the special meeting of June 28th and �ile re�ular meet�.ng cf July lst be appr��ved :�.n acc�rdance with copies furnished eaeh member 3.n �vrit�.ng. N1o�ion �vas seconded by Cpmmissi�ner r�Jatkins and carried �anan_�.mcusly. `rhe May�r annaunced a Public Hearin� c:n th� conetruct_cz� cf a thi�ty £o�,t paTemei�.t, dra� na;;e a'r�d sar�itary secrers :Ln Hibiscus Garctens, cn Pierce Street iram Lineeln ta Ee��y Lan�, on Santa Rc�sa Street from Linc�ln to Betty Lane, an Betty I,ane frcm Pierce to San�a Rcsa, Fraril>1.in Stree� from L1necln tc� Stevenscn Creel�, ln :all oi Avanda Cc:urtn and �hat portic�n uf Fi ani:lin C:Lrc1e frontino on I,ots 1 and 12, B1ocl: �, and �cts 3 and 4, Bloel;. J. The En�ineer repori;ed tra� �he hear-n� i�ad been called at the req�aest af several proper�y vVmers �?n the area and that the property awners presert at the nreliinin.ary .zear�n� were al1 3n favur �f the pro,ject. He explai_zed he did nct feel the prc�tiect should be calculated on a frcnt ioot basis becauae cf the odd snaped lcts_ sc 2�ad figured it on a eost per lot but he felt it mioht De mGre equ�tanle tc assess �tz a square foct basis. He said it was planned to straighten some cf Lhe lots by the City vacating some of the parktivays and leaving a 70 foct right o#' way f'or Fran}:lin Street. Mr, Merle t+IcKisson, owner of L��Es lg, 20, 22-27, inclusive, Blacl� �i, objected to paving his portion of Avandah Cour�. Mrs, Ida Fletcher, owner of Lot ��3, Blc?ek H, alsr� o'ajected to tne �raject. Havino held tnis Pu�lic uearing and nat havin� heard any valicl objections and upon the recqmmenda�ian of the Engine�.r, Comnissioner tJatkins muvecl that the paving, draina�e and sanitary setiaers in Hibiscus Gardens east of Lincoln Avenue be agproved and assessed on a sq_uare fout basis. Mouicn was seconded by Commissi�ner Insco and car�ied unanimously. Mr. 0. S. Allbritton, Jr., asked about including some adjacent areas in the pro�cct. It was pointed �ut the additia�al area wouid have to be adsrertised for a Separa�e Public Hearing. By consent, the Fngineer was directed to prepare a Publie Hearing on the pavin� o� Park Street fr�m Betty Lane eas�erly tc��iJaverly and Pierce Street from Bztty Lan� easterly to �rlaverly, and advertise it far bids at the same fiime as this pro,ject if possible. In re�ard �o bids received for the sale of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Blocic 52, Mandalay Subdivisicn, the Manager reported that an adverti�ement ior bids had beei� published and invitations ta bld had been mailed to lecal real estate bro:�ers, but only c:ne 'q:_d of "4, 500, 00 had been received fo-r Lo�L 2, 31ock 52, from A-1 R?alty Company as hroi:er ior C. !A. Peltier. He recommended that the bid nct be accapted as i� is iar b�lcvr the cast of uhe lGt and lts appraised valtze. Commissioner :daticizls mcved that the bid be re�ec�ed. Moticn was secanded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. !1 report ivas ,�,iven on the ccsts in ec�nnectien tivith buyin� Lots 2, 3, and 4, B7•<�ck 52, Mandalay, and installing seawall, �roin and fill. Gommiss�oner Strang mnved tha� 7,ct 2 be listed on tlie standard marlcet at a price of ��1p,.800.Q0, Lot 3'�e listed z�r pl�J,500.00 and Lot �!• be listed for �10,500.00 ��rizich �,rill �'nclude a sales cc�mmissicn. D1o�ion v�ras secc�nded Uy Conunissioner Insco and carried unanimc:us�y. The M�yor suggested that by consent the Purchasln� Department be �nstructed to have a mimeagraphed letter mac�e a1�d mailed ta a11 real estate br�l:ers tvho maintain licenses witih the City and tlze NTana�er have a sigr� pain�ed for each 1et givin; the price and sayi.ng "See Ycur Brui,:er" and 1:ha� the letber should state that �zo czther s:i.�ns shc�L?ld be p1�.ced on the property, The Manager pzesen�ed a report on the CZe�,rrlater Athletic Field Insurance ri.uicl shr�vaing that a balance oi' �6,700.79 remained in the fund on June 30, 1957. He stated in a letter that the estimated actual cash layout ft�r buildin� mat�rials and plumbizz� �vas y 2, 204.0� for the tivorlt to be done by the City (noz includin� labar) and �hat amount added to the base bid �'rom John K� Batstone fc�r �7,�ti9.00 tivculd total �9,973,00. He su��ested tlzat �he dlfference bettaeer. the total cost a3zd the amaunt already appropriated ($6,700.7�) be transfexred frori una�propriated aurplus (Z12q0 to B�23L!�,52A). There was discussion as to the meri�s of the all metal type of build-�i�g �.�;a�nst the alternate ��id, blcaciL tval].s t�Ti�Lii metal ends. Commiss�tc;ner �a�a�lcin� m�ved tilat tile Conun3.ssian apprcpriate from the u��anpropriated surplus fund �2,272.21 to com�lete the amount cf moneST r:ecessary ta bu�.�ld �he Negro Ycutlz Center and trat c�re aecept the lr,w bicl ��f. �7,769.00 fram NTr, Jann I�, Batstone and that the proper effic:La1� b� auth���� zed tG s7 �n tIie cantraci,, i•Iozzon t+tas Sec�nded by Ccmmiss:�.r.ner RoUerts and carried titnan::m�usly. 0 -2- CIT�' COMD'LIS,STON n1EE�II3G �'u1y 8, 19�7 The plat of Island Estates Subdivislon Unit 1�vas presGnted for appruval Uy �;h� Mana�er. A letter from the Mana�er si;ated tha� �he Zonin� Board had r�co�runended R-I zon�.n�, tha� the Ord3nance o32 I�ad been executed by the developera, �he North Bay Company. iie stated tha� the l.etter i�rh�ch {;lle City Attorney lz�d requested frotn �lze Bank af Cleartivater as Eserot�i Agent for the developer had been iecelved stating i;hat su�'flcient funds tivere �n hand to ec�ver the improVements required by tlle Oxdinanee o32 con�ract includin� seawalls. Coiruniss�oner t�latltins moved t11a� �he pl�t of ihza.t T, Island Estates Subd3vision, be grantec� and ti�e proper offic3als be autharized tc� sign it and �hat R-1 zoning be applied to the plat and that the accompanying Ordinancc 632 contrac� be �,pproved. Motion tvas seconded by Conunissioner Roberts and carr3ed unanimously. Mr. Charles Phillips, representing the North Bay Company, presented a deed to �he C1ity of certain Uubmerged lands nortll of MeYnorial CausetiVay and eas� of Island Estates. Commissioner Roberts moved that �he City accept the deed af decli cat�.on datied Ju1y 8, 1957, from the Cleartvater Island Brid�e Company, a Florida corporal:�.an, and Island Estates, Incorporated, a Flarida corporatiori, to the Ci�y of Clearwater conveyir� certain submerged lands lying nor{;h of Memorial Cause�yay and generally east of the developinent to 'be lcnqtvn as Islaizd Es�ates, Motion �vas seconded b� Commissioner Strang and car.ried unanimousl;�, Concerning Island Esiates Unit l, DZr. Charles M. Fhillips, Jr „ aslced tha1: a letter tvhich he had prepared be signed by the City Attorney ii� arder to assure t11e t:itle company that under con'tract w�i�h the City the subdividers would be required to bu].lthead the new subdivi�ion and that performance of such contract t-zas secured by the o��mer l�aving satisfiea the Ca.ty that suff'icien� funds tvere ava-llable for coznpleted bull�heading. �'he City Attor•ney said he would check the letter and perhaps secure a certification froni the Clerk that tie has a copy of the Ordxnance 632 contract which pxovides thai; the st�bdivid�r will construcl; bullcheads. �Tr, Horace %iamlir_, Jr., architect, presented copies of the plans far Fire S�atian 7-;1-4 at Dretia and t3eber Road. Camm? ssioizer Insco moved �hat the plans as amended be accebted subject to the Cii�y Fng�neer's approval, Motion was seconded by Com.m3.ssior_er Strar� and carried unanimously. By consent, the Engi�zeer t��as direc'ced t� advertise for bids. The 1'lana�er presented for approval Druid Groves Replat (a replat of the s�uth half of Blocl�s C D w E tYlx�otigh J, inclusive, Druid GrovesJ and stated that the property Z�as recently annexed into the City and the Zon3izg Board had rPcommended R-1 zoning at that time. He reported tha� the Ordinanee 632 contract had been �i�ned by Mr. Cecil E. Gates and others as oj�mers and cievelopers, and bond rosted to cover improveinents, Commi.usioner Stran� moved that the replat be approved and �he accompanying Ordinance 632 contract be approved ar_d that the zoning be R-1 accordins to the Zoning }3oard recom- mendatien and the p.roper offic��als be auihorized t� execute the pla.t. P�totion was seconded bv Commissioner ,�J�tkins anc� carr�ied unanimously. T'lze Manaoer reported -in a Zetter that Pr4s�. A. G. ti+lakefield, minister, fr�m Crystal Beach, had reqvested use of the Municipal Auditorium on October 4th, 5th and 6th for �ehovah�s Ilitnesses Circuit Assembly, He reported that a charge of y�15Q.00 for each full day and night�s t�se of the Au�litor�ium nad be�n quoted and stated �hat approval of �he Commission was needed to gran� use of the tluditorium for xeligic�us purposes, Commissioizer Roberts moved that t2ze Maizager be au�l�orized or the controlling persoi� be authorized to rent the Auditorium to the Jehovah V7ii;nesses �'ar Oct�ber 4th, 5-�h a�zd Gth. at a price of $150.00 per �lay or any fraetion thereof . NTotion �aas secozsded by Commissioner ��Tatikins ancl car•ried unai�imously. The �,ngineer presented copies of a pl.an to iinprove �he dra�inage on Cleartvater 3eac,z in the area alan� Bruce ancl Lantaria �venues bettaeen Fay Esplanade and Gardenia. He reported that vThen there is a hi�tii tide such as accurred ].ast tiveel� th.e ta.de is hi�her than Lhe elevaL-icn oi Bruce Avenue and tlze `vater will not xun off and that ne��a sc-taers and neta catch basins were needed to adequately drain this area. He said part oi the nroposed project waN included in the uvd�et iigures he submitted for the curren� year. Commiss,oner Stranb moved that the report be accepted fo� considera- tion by the Commiss3.on: i.ioti�n was seconaed by Commissioner tJatkins and carried unanimously. The City AttorlZey presenbed £ar its second reading Ordinance 7ZE2 which would regulate solicitations fo.r charitable, patriotic, religious, educational and plzilar:- �Ghropic purposes in the �ity and reqaire perm.its for such solicitation. He explained the amendments he had niade on the Commission�s su�gestlan since the last readin�, Nlr. C. L. Darling, President of the ClearU�ater FedPration oz"' C3vic Clul�s, st�,ted tliat he felt that �he Ordinance was too restricti�re. The Attorney recommended that the Ordinance be considered only on seeoncl reacling at this meeting. Commissi�ner Roberts mc�ved that Ordinance 742 be consa.G.ered on secoi�d reaclir.g by title only ivi�h the unanimous consent of �he Commission. Mo�ican vaas seconded by Cornmissioner Insr.a and carried unanimously. The A�torney read the Ordinance b;� title only. Commiss�one-r Strang mov�d tha-� Ordiizance 742 as amended be pass�d on its second reading by title c�n1y. P�otion was seconded by Commissioner T,latkina and carrled unanimvusly, -3- CTTY COMPQISSICN P�ETTNG Ju1J 8, 1957 �'he l�t;t�rney �resented for ap�t�oval a proposed copy of a leaue with the Ellcs C1ub �or I,ot 12, B1ock B, and the nartherly ].LFO feet of Block C, west of the half �ection l�.ne, Atevr Countxy Club Addition, He explained tYlat the lease stated the area tvas to be uscd for a pre-school nursery and playground, that the term viould be fb� f-lve year� with a f�.ve year option, that the or�;anization wo�,.I.d be required to carry 1.iability and fire insurance, ta pay ut�].ities and taxes if �,ny, that there was �p he na assi�xunen�: or sul�lett3,ng, and that �he s'bandard recapture clau.se for mun,ic3.pal purposes laas included. Commissioner Vlatkins moved that the lease *rri th the Ell;s T�odge for �he pre-school nursery b� approv�d as ta f'orm and the p�oper ofPlc�als be au�horized �c, execute sign it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and ca.rried unanimously. T1: was reported by the Attorney that the operators of the Clearviater Air Parlc need an additional ppwer line and the Florida Potver Corporation tvas request_ng a t�-lenty-five foo� �asement far the purpos�. He said the easement had been signed by the C1,earwater E'lying Campany but approval of the City was being req_uested. Comiru qsioner Roberts maved that the easement in favor of Florida Power Corporation across the portion of the r].earWater Air Par3c for electrie 1i�ht pole be approved suUject to the City�s ri;ht to revolte it ar_a that proper City offlcials be aut?:or� zecl to execute the consent to the easeme?Z{;, t�Io�won was 3econded by Commi.ssione-r Si;rai�� and carr3ed w�.�.nimously. Commissioner i�latkix�s requested a repart frcm the C:ity A��orney on contactin� Mr. Ed ti•lri�ht to secuxe a thirty foot right af ,�ray on a portion of the B�lleair side t�P ��latk9_ns Road. The Attorney stated that T•ir, j�Jright � s attorney, i�1r, Joseph Youn�, had sa-� d he felt that Nir. i=!ri ght U�ould be a�reeable �o giving necessary dedicatian of rignt oi' way provid:ing it �,�rould not incur an expense �o him by being assessed for part af the cost of improving the street, fie su�gested the Commission tra�lsmit the information to the Belleair Commission. The NTana�er was instrueted to con';act tre Town of Belleair to req_veSt participation witn the City on a 50f50 basi� in the elevation of the road, �videnin� and. proper drainage, and �.� they dc� not coopera�e, that Clearwater use the southerly f�ur feet of its thirty foot rioht of vray to instal� a four ieet ditch to stop the urater from storm dra9.nage com�ng frcm the B�llea�r sic�e. The �n�ineer reported �h�:� he was ir_ the process oT tvorr-cing up another plan Whic� he tl?ought t�aould be i'easible and passibl� would be more reasonable in cast and that the plans would be completed in about ten days. By consent, �Ehe Commission instructed tne Engineer �o turn thia net�r plar_ over {:o the R�1ana�er to ta'ce up ti�rith the Belleair Comrniss:ion but that tne b7a.iza�er ah�ttld c�:,ntact 3elleair concern�.ng the ri�ht of cJay from Nir. ;lright immedia�eTJ. The P�SaSror rec�mmended that travel expenses pe anproved for �he Commissioners and ni�mbers of tre Police Department ar_d Prasecutar to go to the F�orida Peace Ofiicers /�ssociation me�tin� in Key ti�Iest next we�k �o aL�end �he meez�n�; aizd to try to secure tize lg)u co��ventir�n in Cleart^;ater. Gonunissioner S��^ar� moved that the proper Ci�y oificials be authoriz�d to at�Eend tYie converi:icn at Iie;yT �4est et? July l�th, lo'th, l"jth and l�sth. 1�loticn was secc�nded by Comnii.ssioner �+lat?�ins and carried unanimousl;�. Mr. Artllur Itruse, Planning Board Chairinan, inv�ted the Commiss�oners tc� attend the meetin� oi' ttie Planni�z� 3oard on Thursday afternc�on, July llth, to discuss wi�h representatives from the Caunty and variaus mu�zicipalities the County tvide traific siirve;� . Ttze En�i.neer reported that i�e had rece:Lved a request froia Pfs. R. �. Di.elschnei der, developer, to extend City ivater ma�n from Brool,hill Subdivisioiz outside the City limi�s to a proposed subdivision souti� ci Belleais Stree� near Highland Avenue ai; an estiinaced cost ox" ;p2, 5p0.00. I� �oas poir�ted out tha� th� s area tivas not contlguous to '�he Ci�;y so it cvuld nat be annexed and also tnaL i� ivas no� �rcluded in the �aro�osed ant�e�:ation act. After discussion, :it rras {;ne opin�.on oi �he Connniss�oners that it wculd be i7ecessary to decide hotv the cos� o�' the transmiss_an main tivould be sprea.d a:zd tiiat tize�r tia�;ulcl li?:e ta see an area map in order to try �o arrive at a cost on an acrea�e formtYla at the next meetin�. It t•ras su�ges�ed that Mr. Dielschneider m�ght contaci; �he o�aner of tne intervenin� praUerty uo see if he m�.ght be in�e�es�ed in annze:cati �n . Camiru.ssioner Insco reques�ed a pro�re�s repoit on t;he Triarshall S�reet Plant at the next Cainmission meetin�. Corrunissioner t,�a�i�ins moved �hat tlze meetiiig be adjourned. NToticn tvas seconded by Conunissioner Stran� and carried unanimously. The meetii� ��ras �:djourned at 4:00 ?.�t. ±fay'�r- oi s�:oner :4t�est: � C:Lty � _ �♦ cz�x cor�tsszorr r��rzrtG Ju1y S, 1957 AGEVDA Public Hearings CITY GOMMISSION MEETINC 1.. Pavs.ng, drainage, �nd sanitar�* sewers JULY 8, 1g57 in FIibiscus G�rdens eas� of Linaoln Avenu�. 1:30 Y.M. R��or�s from City Manager ?_, Bi s, a e o.f Ca.ty Oyvned Land Invocation 3. Bids, Youth R�creation Center Introductions 4. P1at, Island Estates, Unit �. Subd�.v. Minutes of Precedin� Meetings 5. Frogress Report, Fir� Stati.on #4 Public Hear�ngs 6. P;1at, Druid Groves Replat Reports of Citg Manaoer 7. Fiequest for Use of Muni�ipal Audi�or�.Lun Reports of City Attorney 8, Discussion of Verbal Reports or Otiiex C3tiazns to be Heard Pending Mattexs ' Other Commission Action Reporta from City At�orney Adjourrsnent Consi erat on on ecpnd Reading af I�4�eting Pension 1'lan Trt�.stees Ordinar.ce �7�F2, Re�ulat3.n� Char�,table Solicitations 1�. Consideratioi� of Lease with Elks Lod�e. Ju1J' 1, 1g57 Mr. James V. Doyle, Jr., Administrative AssistanL, City Hall, Clearwater, Florida, niy dear Mr. Doyle: I t�aas very sor�y to learn from our conversatian this afternoon that you found it impo�sible to place our application for �zse of the Auditorilun on the agenda for the meeting of the Commissioners today. It jaras a f'urther disappointment vahen you informed me �hat ii use of the building is granted the rental rate S�ril1 be �150.00 - per day. It is reauested that the application be place3 on the agenda far the nea.t meetin� of the Comm_ssio�, and that :it be accomp�.nied by this letter. It is �vell rec�gnized tha� if the Auditcxium is used for a proiit-maliing purpose, the City ��s entitled tn �a2ce a proiit on th� use. Hotvever, for the use proposed it is felt that consideration should be given �a the profit to th� city irom having such a lar�e convention here, anc� that some conceseion should be made, especially since it is a religioas edtzcat�onal function to be operated on an entirely non-profit basis, There ti�ri11 be no admission charge and na collections will be taken at any af th,e sessions. 'I`i�e expenses wi11 pe dei'rayed by voluntar�y contribution� ciropped in boxes placed for the purpose, Since the assembly is scheduled fnr the firs� weekend of Octob�r - after the weather begins to cool, it is very doubtful if use of tY�e air conditioning sys�em Svould be des�red. It is understood that this constitutes a vzry large item in �he rate fixed. It is therefo.re req_uested that a rate be quoted tri�h the understanding that we will not require air esonditioni�:�. I a.m leaving in the morning f'ar a mu�h larger assembly to be held in -Ehe Gulfs-Eream Park near Miami. Informatian has reached me that the managemenz of thia park has voluntarily granted Us the use of the Par1i without charge in view of the exccllent reputation we have buil� up of care af facilities used for our conventions, T ex�ect �o re�urn A7onday afternoon, and will �et 3.n touah t�vi�h you then or Tuesuay, and hope that you will then have more favorably informai.ion for me. Sin.cerel3T yours, A. G. ti+lakefiel�, Presiding Minister, Crystal Beach, Fla, � `,., - � _-- � �� ,;l ,. ., �