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June 28, 1957
The City Commission of the City of' Clearwater met in special session at the City
Hall., Friday, June 28, 195'7 J at 1: 30 P.M. \'lith the following members present:
Lewis Homer
\v. E. Strang, Jr.
Samuel J. Roberts
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
.James II. Watkins
Mayor-Conuni saioner
COlluui saioner
COllUl1i saioner
Conuni ssioner
Also present were:
.Jacl{ Tallent '
Ben Krentzman
Irving Dribben
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
The Mayor called the mcetj,ng to order J and anno1.;mced that the meeting had been
called for the purpose of having a Public Hearing on the proposed 1957-1958 budget
and the proposed tax rate of 11 mills f'or operating expenses and 3 mills for debt
service. The Mayor commented that the proposed rate of' lL~.O mills against reail estate
and Fersonal property would be a reduction f'rom last year's rate of 14.2 mills. The
Managel" explained the estimated revenues and the proposed budget. Mr. \'lm. MacKenzie
reppesent:jng a group from the Clearwater :La\'1l1 Bowl:l.ng Club stated that the budget
included an item of' $3J500.00 for improvements to tile courts. He as}{ed that the
appr-opriation be increased b;y $11500.00 as the prl ce of' the special material needed
to r-esurf'ace the courts ilad gone up and the estimate submitted was not correct. Mr.
John Quinn asked several questions about the budgets for the Pub1:Lc \~orl{s Department,
the Police Department and the Fire Department. The Mayor anst'lered these questions
and other questions f'rom members of the ai:tdj,ence by explaining some of' the various
department budgets more in detail. Commissioner Insco moved that each speaker be
al1o\1ed an alloted time of fl v e minute s for d.t scussion of the bud[~et and with
Cornmission consent that the time be extended if' necessary. fo1otion vms seconded by
Conmissioner \'!at!dns and carri ed unanimousl:y.
One of the members of tile Lavm BeT,'lling Ch\b \'li thdrew the request fur more funds.
Colonel Marion SClnders stated tll.a t the buildinc being used by the Bay View Ci vi c Club
was infested with term:i.tes and aslced if there ':.'ltlS money in the budeet to cover its
repaj.r. He was informed that, would be a maintenance item sJ.nce the build:"ng belonged
to the City. Having held this Public Hearin~ and having conSidered the ob~ect1ons and
suggested amendments to the budget for the fiscal yea:.~ beginning July 1 J 1957, as
contained in Resal ution 57-3'( J Camilli ssj,oner StranG moved that said Resolution and the
budget therein referred tu be confirmed and adopted. f'olction was seconded by
Conunissioner Roberts and carried unan:i.mously.
The City Attorney read a proposal f'rom The Stacey f'.1anufacturing Company,
Cincinna ti 1 Ohio, \'Jhicll stated that wi th the help of a City maintenance cre~'/ the
company would provide a supervisor and equipment to purge the City's gas storage
tank i'ree of gas and do the necessary i'lorle to repair the tanlc of holes that are
causing gas leaks and would do one purglng for approximately $5,000.00 and a second
purging if necessary \'lould cost approximately $1,300.00; if the 'o'lOr}\: \'las performed by
a crew and supervisor from the firm, the approximate cost would be $8,600.00 for one
purging and $8J800.00 for two purgincs. The City Attorney stated that since he was
informed there are not more than two f:trms 1n the country that do thi s kind of' ,wrl<:J
the other being located near the West Coast, it was his opinion that for this
proi'essionalJ technical type \"lorle it vlOuld not be necessary for the City to asl<: for
bids. He explained that the money had been appropriated in the budget for the project.
Commissioner ','latldns moved that the City Nanager and proper authorities be authorized
to enter ~nto such a contract not to exceed $8,800.00. Motion was seconded by
ColJ1Il1issioner Insco and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come bef'ore the Board1 the meeting was
adj ()Urned at 2: 55 P. fil.
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,;:L!,;:i.f;,,:&t;n:.e City COnuniBsion will meet in special sesBicn on Friday afternoon, June 28/19!:f
;, .n1 !il:' .. :,:, ,'h:s.t 1: 30 P. M. in the C1t~ Hall Audi to,,;ium 1'0"; the puI'po Be 01' conducting a' PUbU'c>:4"'"
:,:.:, :::;i~t~;'hi"'~:;;;a,,;ing on the 1957-195 Budget. F~f{;~~~:; lent .....: ..:::':~:.:~:t~,~i~'f;~)
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June 23, 1957
The Clt�* Commi�sion of the C:Lty cF Clearwa�er met in special sess�.on at �che Ci�y
IXa�,I, Friday, June 28, 1957, a� 1:30 P.M, with the folZowing memb�rs present:
LeWis Hamer
W. E. Sbraizo, Jr,
Samuel J. Roberts
Cleveland Inaco, Jr,
James II, ��Ta�kins
A1so �resent Urere:
Jack Tallent
Ben Krentzman
Trving Dribben
Comrai s si oner
City C4anager
Cit;r Attorney
Chief of Poliae
/ ��
The Mayor eallecl the meetin� to orclzr, ar_d announced t1�at �he meeting had been
called f or �he purpose of having a�'ublic Hearin� on the proposed 1g57-1958 budget
and the proposed ta.x rat� of 11 mi11s for o�erating expenses and 3 mi�.ls for debt
servlce. The Mayor commented �hat the proposed rate of 7.4,0 milZs against reai estate
and persanal property wauld pe a reduction from last yeax'a rate of 14.2 rnil.ls. The
Mana�er e:cplaxned �he estimated revenues and the prapased budget. I�;r� tlm. MacKenzie
repre3entang a�roup from the Clearwater Lawn Bawlino C�.ub s�ated that tYae budde�
includeci an 1 �em of :�3, 500.00 for improvements tc the cc:urts. He asited that the
a�prapriation be increased by �1,500.00 as tlle price of tne spec�a� ma�erial needed
to resur�ace the ecrurts had �;pne up and the estirnate submit�ed tvas nc=t correct. Mr.
J�hn �,lulnn aslced several q_ues�ions about the budgets for the Pub11c t•dorks Department,
the Pol�ce Ae�ar�menL- and the Fire Department. The Mayor answer�d these ques�ions
and other questions £rom niembers cf the a�dienee by e�lainin� s��me of the var� Gtzs
denar�me�it bud�;e�s more in_ detail. Comm3ss�oner Insco moved that each speal:er be
allot�led an alloted tsme af five minutes For discussion o� the bud�e� and �r�lth
Commission consent �chat tlze time be extended if necessary. Mctic�n was secandec� oy
Conunissloi-�er ,�Jat?cir.s and carr:�.ed unanimousl.y,
O��e of the members af tne Lawn Bc�vling Club withdreTrr the requ.esz fc�r m�re fur.ds.
Colonel Marion Sanders stated that t12e ouildin� bein� used by the Bay Viaw Civic Club
was infested wi�n term;L�es and aslted if there �vas money in the budo;et �o cover its
r�pair. He �aas �.izf'ormed that. cvould be a mai.ntenance ltem s-_nce the build`_ng belorged
to the C1.ty. Havin� held Lhis Public Hearing and having cc�nsidered �he ob;,ectians a�d
su�ges�ed amendments to �ne uudget f�r the iiscal year beginning Ju7.y 1, 1957, as
ec�ntained in Resolu'cion 57-3i, Commissioner Szran� moved that said Resclut�.on �nd the
bud�et therein referred tv be confirmcd ai�d adcpted. Mction t,ras seccnded by
Comm:i.s�ioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
Tne City Attorney read a Aroposal from '�lze ,Stacey 1�lanuiacturing Company,
Cincinnati, Ohia, tvhich stated that t�rith the help of a City maintenance cre�a tize
company urnuld provlde a supervisor and equ�pmen� tc pL�rge thE City s gas s�ora�e
�an:c ii ee of gas and do the necessary wor�� ta repair the tan,: of holes that are
caLtsing �as lealts and tvould do one pu.ro�Lng for apprax�matel,y- �5,OQ0,00 a;�d a secand
pur�ing if necessary tvould cost approximatel� n1,300.00; if �he wor?t Svas performed by
a cretia and super*aisor irom Lha firm, the ap�roximate cos� jv�uld be $$,600.00 for one
purging and �3,800.00 for �t�ro purgir�s. Tl�e City Attorney stated tYat since ne was
informed -Ehere are not more than �Cwo firms in tiie c�u:itry �na� dc; this '.cind G� �•ror'_L,
tl�e otlzer being lacated near the ,+Iest Coast, it was his opinion that for this
prufess�lonal, technical type 5vork it would not be necessary for the City tc ask �or
bids. He explained that the money had beerz appro�riated zn tiile bitdge� for the proG,ect.
Commxssioner tVatk�ns moved �hat i;he City Manager and preper authorities be aut�iorized
ta enter intu such a contraet not to exceed y�8,8Q0.00. Matian �ras seconded by
Commissioner Insco and carr�,ed unanimously.
There bein� no further business �o come before the Board, the meeting vias
ad�jau�ized at 2:55 P.M.
_ ayor_ , , . s oner .—�`-
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ity _ -erlt - _____. ___W __� _
June 2t3, 1957
�7urae 26: 1957
Hnnoz�able PIayor and Members o£ City Commission
City of Clearvrater
Clearwater, Flarida
� The City Commissian vrill meet in special session on Fr3.day afternoon, Jurie 28, 1957
'-' at 1:30 P.P+I, in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of conductin� a Public
Hearing on �he 1957-1g58 Dudget.
/ s/` Ja c�t Tall ent
City Mana�er