05/27/1957 CITY COMMISSION ~ffiETING May 27, 195'7 The City Commission of' the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, Monday, May 27, 1957" at 1: 30 P.fJl. 'with the fo110\'1ing members pl'esent: Lewis Horner W. E. StranG, Jr. Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts James H. Watkins Mayor-Commissioner Currunissioner Commissioner Commissioner Conunissj.oner Also present were: Jack Tallent Ben Krentzrnan S. LicJcton Sgt. I<en. ~\lil1iamson. Ci ty !\1anager City Attorn.ey City Engineer Representing Police Chief The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced the continuation of a Public Hearing on the construction of a pavement and curb in \~a.t1dns Road fraom Bay Avenue to \'laten; Avenue. The Engineer repol..ted that 110 had studied "'che problem again since the Tm'ffi of Be11eair Commissioners VIere um'lilling to pay half the cost or rebuilding the road. He suggested alleviating the bad drainage s:Ltuation by getting; permission to put ditching on the Bel1eair side of the existing road to t~{e care of the water coming dO\n1 Supplee Place. The Mayor pointed out that part of the right of way has not been secured on the Belleair side and suggested having the Engineer contact the Town of Be1leair COllunissioners to find out ",hether they ,...ill try to secure "'che needed right of '.'Iay from f.lr. Ed '.'fright and also to d:L scuss the cost of' drainage and further widenin['; of' tile street. 'l'he City A ttcrney conullented it would be nece ssar;'l to have a defini te agreement \'li th the TOi'Tn of Belleair bef'ore authori zing the work to start and because of the apparent change in the scope of the pre'ject he recommended terminating this hearing and reschedu11ne; another hearinG later. Conuni ssioner Ro 1)erts moved that this Public Hearing be terminated and that a new Public Hearine; be scheduled as soon as the City has the necessary infor'mation to complete the ,Job sat:l.sfactorily. Motion. ''1as seconded by Conuniss:1,oner Insco and carried unanimously. A Public Hearing was announced on the request of Mrs. Mary M. Brandmeyer for a setback of four feet from the south side let l~ne for Lot 7, Block E, Lakev1ew Heights, property being presently zoned R-2. The Zo1'1i118 Board reconuuended that the request to build a carport four feet rrom the s:Lde lot li.ne instead of the l"equi red f1 ve reet be granted as most of the homes in the area are only three feet from the side lot lines. It ''las reported that the C1 ty Engineer reconunended that tl'le request be approved sub;ject to the driveways being five feet from the property line, The Mayor inquired if there were any ob~ections from anyone in the audience and there were none. Commissioner Insco moved on the recommendation of the Zoning Board that the request for a change of zoning for I/ot '7, Blocl': E" Lakevie\" Heights Subdivision, be approved as recommended. by the Zoning Board and the City Engineer. Notion was seconded by Conunissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The Mayor called a Public Hearing on the request of Trustees of Pull GospeJ. Tabernacle to erect a church on the north 161.4 feet of' the south 45'7 .4- f'eet of the east 124.5 feet of Lot 1, Replat of Lakewood, property being presentl~ zoned R-I. The Manager reported that the Zoning Board's reconunendation was that the application be granted for the reason that this will be an attractive building and will have off' street parlc:Lng and ''1il1 not be a detriment to th.e neiehborhocd. ~1r. Herbert Bro\m, representing Reverend C. B. Everett as Trustee" submitted a perspective of the proposed building and spolce m~ behalf of' the church'S application as did Reverend Everett. Hrs. Edward Kleinman,. adj oining property o\'mer on the south. prote sted granting the req'.lest as they had bu:i.l t a home on their pruperty on the basis of the area being R-I. Mr. John Bonner, representing rlJr. J. Fran~{ Hamrich:, (adjoining propert:y m'lner on the ''lest) spol<:e in opposition to the request and presented petitions of obj ection signed by forty-nine property OVlllers. The fol10\'/ing property owners also objected: Mr. Paul Skoubes" Mr. Harvey Laubscher. It was reported that Mr. Eugene Gauss, owner of three lots on Rainbow Drive, had telephoned from Michigan to protest. Letters of' objection were presented from ~w. Alfred C. Gilbert and Mr. Gust Economides; affected property o~mers. Having held this Public Hearing and having heard va~id objections, Commissioner \'htkins moved that the request for an exception to the zoning 1a\'1s to erect a church on Lot 1, a Rep1a t of' Lal<:ewood Subdi vi sion, be deni ed. Motion was seconded by COrnmlssioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Manager presented a report sholfTing that there \'las a casl1 balance or approxi- mately $55,000.00 in the Special Improvement F'..md. He presented the Engineer's recommendation of seven more streets that need resurfacin~ at an estimated cost of $28,299.55 a.nd an estimate or $24,552.00 for paving the Everingham lot (Lot 1, City Park Subdivision) to use for parl-::ing. Conunissioner Insco stated that the taxpayers of Clear\'later had been informed that this tNo mill levy was to be used for street lighting or f'er resur1'ac1ng existing streets and he felt ti1at the amOUl1 t to pave the Everingham lot should be a budgeted item f'or the 1957-58 budget. COmnUssioner Insco moved that the Everingham parking lot allocation be stricken from this list. Motion was seconded by Corrunissioner Strang and carried unanimously. .....--:. - ...."'.,~_. . v'" t.,.. ..-,' ,,, ",,~,.\, L'!~\:f~;\~fWf0 . J 1< ',~, ..,'.- Il ,.' ... ~J ." , r~',~i~~~:>~ ~,: ,{",_, '. ,c'".., f" t'; f;~"''l';-';.I. '\~hlift'.:~;~;-..:tIl"~\..~,~-f111M~''''}'''"1' ,4;.-: ,.,....l;....~<...,.. "..~:.-,.. t', . l" ,:::.J.~,>..l:::t~:;,[\'::.. ,'" ,,. :";:',~";., .. ',' -.:~,~~,.},~.l.;:,.'...",:."l.:~~"^<,,,~,. r,i; ,~"'.;~..:;i~'"~''''' .'. 'i)1i;;~i.,~tii.";!,;"""~"';:;, ,..;";..~"";.;.;, ......,';"',"""~;',.";~e;., ';'''L":'.t>i",.",;"",".,,.,.,..;,;;iifi<Li&,;.i~i;;ilimi.;iii!'~~~i'; . -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 27, 195'( The Manager presented the rol10wing list of streets recommended by the Engineer ror resurfacing at a total estilnated cost o~ $28,299.55: Highland Avenue from Cleveland to Palmetto Missouri AV0nue from Court to Cleveland Street Princess Street from Fort Harrison to Sunset Court Duncan Avenue from Gulf to Bay Boulevard to Dre'l'T Street Pinebroolc Drive from PaJ..metto Street to Kings Highi'lay Admiral Woodson Lane rrom Pinebroolc to ICings High\"lay Hi biscus from Pinebroolc to Kings Highway Commissioner Insco moved that the Engineer I s report be accepted, the total \'Torle authorized in the amount of $28,299.55 and that he be authorized to advertise for bids ror this i'lorlc. Motion \'las seconded by Conunissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. Commissioner Insco requested the Engineer to bring up a proposed schedule of other streets needing repaving to be discussed at the next meeting. In regard to the construction or paving in Gunn Avenue from Gulf to Bay to Rainbow Drive, the Manager recommended accepting the low bid of $5~80o.00 rrom Blackburn Paving Company, Clear\'.J'ater. Commissioner Strang moved that the bid for the paving of Gunn Avenue be awarded to the Blackburn Paving Company ror the sum of' $5,800.00 and the proper officials be authorized to execute the contract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The City Attorney reported that he had prepared the contract providing ~or the Constantines to put their share o~ the cost of the paving in escrow and he expected to have the check before the paving contract was signed. Commissioner Insco asl{ed the Engineer to mal-::e a report on the condition of the Ci ty-o\med alleys behind the stores in the dowi.'1tmln area to see if any need repaving,. COl1unj,ssioner Strang reported that he i1ad no correctj.ons to the minuttds ,'}f May 13th. Conunissioner Strang moved the approval of the minutes of the special meeting of f.lay 13th in accol"dance Ni th copies furnished each member 1n \'lri tins. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unaj,1imously. Conuni ssioner Insco mOlTed that the minutes of' the l"egular meet.ing o~ May 20th be approved in accordance \'T.Lth copies furnished each member in 1'lr1 tj.ng. Motion \'/'as seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The l'vIanager reported after a thorouGh study it waG planned to revise the garbage and trash collection program by using covered units to picic up j,n the residential area any type of garbaGe and trash that can be placed in a garbage can or container and that heavy brush Nil1 still be picked up at the curb by a separate collection. He stated in ti1e conunercia1 area the City \'Till require the eventual aboli tion of open bins and as soon as feasible start ctlarginB the business places ror collections according to the cost to the City. He said the City presently has six covered units and recommended buylng six refuse bodies ('if the t\'lenty cubic yard s1 ze, three from Leach at $4,409.00 each and three from Pak Mor at $L~,150.00 each. Commissioner Insco recommended that the garbage trucks be t'lh:L te and the trash truc~~s be green. Conunissioner \'la tkins moved that all of the truclcs be painted green. l\10tJ. on was seconded by Commissioner Roberts. Upon the vote being talcen, Commissioners \oJa tkins, Roberts, Strang and Homer voted 11 Aye". Conuni ssioner Insco IJ~oted 11 No 11 . Motion carried. In reply to a question, Mr. Baker representing tIle A. E. Finley Company said the price o~ the container adapter on the Leach truck would be $300.00 each, the detachable containers would be $145.00 each and the cost to paint the truc~s green would be $35.00 each as the standard color was white. He stated, after checking with the factory, that delivery could be made June 25th. Commissioner Insco moved that the lowest and best bid of the A. E. Finley Company ~or three IJeach 20 cubic yard garbage truck bodies be accepted with an additional amount of $300.00 each expended for detachable container adapt ion 1if't equipment, that each of' said truc]cs be delivered standard wh:L te paint J and that in addition the b:i..d of Pak Mar Manu~acturing Company ror three Pak Mor bodies for trash trucl~s be accepted, they to be of a darl{: green color, at the lowest bid as submitted for the sum of' $4,150.00 each for the Pak Mar trash bodies and the sum of $L~ ,409.00 each for the Leach garbage bodies plus the $300.00 each ror the conta:Lner cost. Motion \'laS seconded by Conuni ssioner Roberts and carried unanimously. In regard to the report on whether tlLe blowers being supplied under the contract for the Marshall Street Sewer Plant meet the specifications, the Manager reported that he and the Engineer had not been able to arrange a meetitlg \"-1i tl1 Mr. Harold Briley, Consulting Engineer. Conunissioner Strang said he thought it should be determined wh~ the rotary type of blower was to be supplied instead of the scre,'T type o~ blower but it was not necesEary to hold up the execution of the cOlltract ~or this reason. A letter was read from Mr. Paul Ficht, Manager-Secretary of the Chamber of Conunerce, reporting that the Executive Committee approved in principle the pro,ject o~ converting upper Tampa Bay into a fresh \'later lalw and urged the proper authorities to expedite the securing or an engineering feasibiLity report on the project acting in accordance with a recomnlendation Erom its Conservation and Natural Resources Committee. Commissioner Roberts moved on the basis of' the recommendation of the Conservation and Natural Resources Committee of the Chamber of Conunerce that the City Commission 'of Clearwater go on record as favoring the investigation by the County or Pinellas and '''' 'the Count~r of H111sborough or the feasibl1i ty of the conversion of upper Tampa Bay into ,;,'" ....;a"ft"esh water,lake an~ adopt an appropriate resolution (57-30) and the proper orf1cials " ""'.'''''' ,."beauthorized to sign it. t-.1otion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried ~~t.!f'll(,\ili~i~:;t. ~~ ;..;..........,.;., .4....r . .h".. ~ ...",'..... iiWa..___ ...L1__..-. - . ,:~7~,:.\f~~,:.:~~~.~:}~:~!?1i~,::,:~~.;~.. . .. " (:).!, ",,'ls,::\iLi, ,',.<.,,",..<< . ritillli I..H"..' I - I - I I <. ~,.;< :~'.. .' .;;:. >. '>" ...?y;:;i....~~~.;,. . '~.'. . .r'." ,~' ........',' ~ ;: '",r."\t", " ," , . ...: :~, ,? ;, .. ' , -"~~~~,~:;~;{,;Si:;'L;::<,:.;,,i>j~(ij.fJ1;<1.;_;',L;:;~;;,;;.~:Z;'et~\;$2:lHiatt~~,~i~~~J~~~!;t-,~:f2k':f..:;~~::~::.';'4i~~~~~l,><",..,<,..~:.,::>~.:,;,~~iiii;~(;j~Yii~;t:~':'>:;.." i:;f;!j:"" ',,? z;;~,,:..' , " , , ,'f:,~'<,,'," ~;i~~~::~:;~I~ff;:~~~~J::.. & 1~ -3- CI~Y CO~wasSION MEETING ~;ay 27" 1957 In regard to the request rrom Briley, Wild and Associates, Consulting Engineers, aSl{ing approval o~ an additional agreement concerning resident supervision or the sewage sludge digester ~lich would extend the time limit from seven months to nine months and increase the maximum amount for services from $2,750.00 to $3,750.00, the Manager read the Attorney's memo that since the City Engineer had reconunended the enlargenlent of the agreement and the Consultin~ Engineers have already perrormed part of this service" he recommended aoproval of it. The Manager reported that he had wri tten the cont!'ac tor (E. I. Rutl edge) a letter inform.:1.ng him that the penalty pro- vision in his contract would be in ef~ect after May 31st. Commissioner Strang moved that the top limit o~ the Consultins Engineers' fee for resident supervision at the Marshall Street Disposal Plant be increased $1,000.00 not to exceed a total of $3,750.00, and the proper orficials are authorized to execute the supplemental agree- ment. Motion was seconded by Comnissioner Roberts and carried unanimOUSly. In regard to the suggested survey to determine if storm water was entering some of the sa11itary sewer lines~ the Engineer said the survey would require a field crew of three men for six or seven months at an estimated cost of $7,000.00 or $8,000.00. It was suggested that some of the cost might be talcen from the new revenue certificate fund but it waul cl require chec;:ing with the Consulting Engineer. Conunissio:ler Strang moved that the survey be instigated and the fund be set up a~ter a report from the Attorney, the Engineer, the Manager and the Consulting Engineer and approval by the Commission. Motion \'laS seconded by Conuni ssi oner Insco and carried unanimously. '~~\..:. .:~~~t ':fr~~. .<~':i'~: ~~}.~~ i(q~~tt~i~l tli{ill~ [", ..,.....,..,:Y.,!')'" .', . Iwtr'''V#~;:, The Attorney read Resolution 57"-29 commending Mr. Albert L. Rogero and urging his reappointment to the State Road Board and recommended copies be sent to Governor LeRoy Collins, Senator \1m. Shands, President D.f the State Senate, and State Senator J. Frank Houghton. Commissioner Strang moved that Resolution 5'(-29 be passed and adopted and the proper ofricial s be authorized to execute it. l\10tion \'Ias seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang aslced permi ssion to be excused from the meeting at this time. Corrwussioner Insco moved that Co~~issioner Strang be excused. Motion was seconded by COnIDli ssioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The Manager reported tllUt Mr. John Martens" Chairman of the Industrial Committee, had invited the Commissioners to a conference on W0dnesday noon" May 29th, to discuss several orfers to buy property in the Industrial Parl{. The City Attorney read on its third reading Ordinance '(38 which would amend Section 59 or the City Code and Section 61 o~ the City Code as amended by Ordinance 631. Conuniss:Loner Roberts moved the passage and adoption of Ordinance 738 on j,ts third and final reading and that the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner lofatlcins and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read on its third reading Ordinance 739 which would annex into the City limits the First Addition to Gates Knoll and Druid Groves Subdivision less Blocks A and B and parts of Blocks C and D. Commissioner Insco moved that Ordinance 739 be passed and adopted on third and final reading and the proper o~ficials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Comrrdssioner Roberts requested pernlission to be excused from the COrnrrUssion meetings of June 3rd and June 10th. Commissioner Insco moved that Commissioner Roberts be excused rrom the regular Co~mssion meeting of June 3rd and special meeting or June lOth if there is one. Motion was seconded by Commissioner via tkins and carried unanimously. Conunissioner Roberts conunented that it has been established now that the City has sufficient runds to complete the project of ma~(ing the living conditions of the ~iremen more adequate as authorized by the Commission on November 26, 1956. Cowtissioner Roberts moved that the necessary funds be transferred into the proper account to accomplish the completi.on of the improvement o~ the living conditions ~or the firemen and the Manager be authorized to tal{e bids to get it into operation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimOUSly. There bej.ng no further business to corne berore the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.M. '. Attest: ~~ ~ erl . ., '. . ',.., \ ..~- _... .. :". ..... ..... --".,t: '.' '.. '" '.... .: ,::''''::':'.....-..- {..:;" . - "'- .il fr ' " ..' !'.~'. . ., """_" .," ." .' ",.,..d~"" '4.. .jL .~, '~';~'J"";:'.,..:~ \:.'<_ .':"":.;'j)~';':.~ ; "':.a-.~i"yq:':~'.~+)r:,J,~'~:--or"l: .-.\~;... ~"t' P 4( ~ . -/" ~~I~ ~~<1Hf1.,t. ; <t'" l'" 1\.... . ,. , , :~;~Jj/.\A!rrr.~; ;'rV(to1oh',;,'.~\(*';;ll;:fl:(~~"-r';;"~"~"i""""!r"...,,74'"""'\'fr;~,~~'~ ;-', .'\ft....?.~-..1..~;:~ij.~l.~'.1~<~t:',~;~ ,. t. U-:~ ,1, ;"I;;;).f't''''~r ,~4":11b!J.~(t.. .\~l.. ".\.... .:fft)!;.,,<<(.~ :~':t"""'"!''':''' ."~~r'~;' '\'':~r';:'"'''''''' .:.,....,',' ,,":;.\r~~~.~.:~:>,-:'.~.:, ':,:0'.:'~ I' ~':'-~l'~;";"":"4': "':-~':i~~.',,o.~,'~~'.,'" .,.,- /: '::<';~."y-":: ',">~L',;.."i..r:;"il:"{';:':'~:!/:~'( .(..';;t.""'~:;:::~:::~(~,:i;~,,&,,~;i~.~i~J~~~" ".' , CITY COMMISSION MEEJI'ING May 21, 1957 AGENDA Cl~IY COMMISSION M.EETING May 27, 1957 1:.30 P.M. Invocatio n Introductions Minutes of Preceding Meetings Public Hearings Reports of City Manager Reports of City Att.orney Citizens to be Heard Other Commission Action Adjournment ~!eet ing Pens ion Plan 'J.'rus tee s '. :' Public Hearinu I. Paving Witk ins Road (Ctint1nued) 2. Requlest for Change of Zoning tor Lot? Block E, Lakeview Heighes SUbdivision .3. Request for Change of Zoning to Erect Church on Port ion of Lot. 1 of Replat. Lake wood Sub di vis ion. Reports fro m City Man8)ter 4. Unenc,umbered BaIarce, Special Improvements ,', Fund. . 5. Bids, Pawing Gunn AvsDue 6. Discussion or Verbal Reports on Ot.her Pending MaUSrs Rel'qrt8 from Ci~1. Atit2.m~ 7. Ordina~i"77)8, Gas Rftes, Third and Firal Reading g. Ordinance ii7.39, Annexati on Druid Groves Subdivision and First Addition to Gates Knoll, Third and F1nal Read1 ng 9. Intent ion to Annex Fair Oaks Subdivision, First Addition. ~_~________~____~___~______________-_~~~__~~_____~_~ __ _______________~__~_~____~_7 To: From: Sm je ct : Dat e : Mr. J. Tallent, City Maya ger Mr. O. H. Anderson, Buildir.g Inspector REQUEST OF Mrs. J. Brandmeyer (Lot 7, Block E, Lakeview Heights) May 10, 1957 It is the reconmendation of tm Zoning Board that we grant the request 01' Mr. Brandmeyer to bu<lld biB carporte four feet frOOl his side line instead of the City Zoning of five feet. This is granted because most of the hanes in this area are only t bree feet from the side lines which was permitted before the Zoning Ordinance of 1958, and this reque st. was asked for under the Hanship Ruling. Attached hereto is orJginal letter of request wit h a sketch. OHA:bk ---~----~-~-~----------~-------~--------~~--------------~----------------------- May 8, 1957 Gent lemen:- Weesubmit herewi th for your Ciconsideration an apJ:eal for one foot allowance 80 we may be able to secure a building permit to build a carpott;g and small enclosed porch on our mnall home which we recently bought. We would be very grateful if you would grant us this permission otherwise it will be to us sanewhat of a hardship. {J.'hank you for any and all courtesies shown us. Very sirx:erely yours, /s/ (Mrs. Joseph) Mary M. Brandmeyer (1319 S. Michigan Ave. Clearwater, Florida) -----_._--------~--------------~----~--~--------------------~---------- -------- May 22, 1957 Mr. Jack Tallent City Manager City Hall Clearwater, Florida Dear Mr. TQllent: Following your request to expedite t.~ acquiring of a decision from the Chamber of Commerce as to its position in the conversion of Upper Tampa Bay into a f"resh water lake, please observe ~he following act.ion taken by the Cl'amber: "Mr. Dicus moved that resulting from the action of the Conse "ation and Natural 'Resources Coamittee of the Chamber of COU1l1e ree, the Executi ve Committee w1sb.ea to approve~ in principle the project o~ converting upper Tampa Bayinto a fresh water, lake and it urgest.tha proper a.uthorities to expedite the aecuring of an engineering ,: feasibility report on the project~ Mr. PerkirJS seconded the mot.ion and it. was ',' : unanimously carri ed. " .. , " ..,' ;;:;:;'i'!/;:',;.~::i.::;;::'::{}::':,.{:C-~:':(~:i' ,>, "'. " , , ';':.,',::".-,t",','W(:;:'':'),'.'I'{'),;".,',,; , ",Ver:J sincerely yours, ii.;;",;,,;';,i;'::,"';':"":"-"""':' Is/Paul H Fich~ Manager Secretary . . ~... . ~ ~ \ ~ ' .; ., :.::~' 1'....~. ~ <, ; :. :<":,,,~X~'i},: ~,.',: ,i.:~; (~,': :', .,: ,.," , :~: ' ~ . .:. \ :- . , ~., .' '.:,.. : ., ':' ~:" "'.~''t-~~. ,.n:, ..., ',<. '. " ...~.',:.."....r,.'l~...,.......~w.....;..?;,..~......:..,;, ":~,,,,'''1"''-'i''; :,~ ;\!'~~"t...\~,~~::.."...\l,,:.:.r.'...-t :....'. , ~lf:.~~.;'1:IA1 itt.'"rt~'~:I.Il5-i.:t'''''':-<i'l''''I~., l~'~"""" "'<.;, j r:,',';:. t" ",."-:\ i ;i .,.....,..., ~.,~~.WiJ(':J.r ........~ .,'* ...,( tl(.. < I/:,~ .,.. ,..t,t. ",~"",""_'t,.',',:,:~",~"""",,,J"',l',,':1;:I'-""~J'f,,'~,,!,"""'''' .. .,.<'~ .." :~'~""i:'" .,~ "'-I'!'~"~~f...~\~,\!I;}~~"""":'f,:,,,,;,\,,;-,,;,,":,,rl.;~.~*'.!tt~~~(~v.~,~}....~t!ff~l~" "''; iCe)'} ';t;'l'-";--"l:':""""P'''''' ",""'~'''''' ' ,\:::'<:'i/::',.:'~t;-')"-::'~;",:~,:" : """---,,.:.}: '::::':'::::'':':':;'1;''';''': ,.. ," ' ' , '" '., " "'':\1''/-'- l,~w,"'!H~<"')lm",'jll,, ~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;.~:;-~:~~'~.~~. To: From: Subject: Da. te : CITY CO~~ISSION MEETING May 27, 1957 Mr. J. Tallent, City Manager Mr. O. H. Anderson, Building REQUEST OF HERBERT M. BRO\fN May 10, 1957 Inspector (FULL GOSPEL TKBERNACLE) It is the recommendation or the Zoning Board that we grant the request o~ Rev. C. B. Everett and Mary M. Everett to erect a church, known as the Full Gospel Tabernacle in the property known as the North 161.4 feet of the South 457.4 feet of the East 124.5 reet of Lot 1 of the replat of Lakewood Subdivision. This is granted under non- conrorming use for the reason that this will be a very attractive building and will have off-the-street parking, and will not in any way be a detriment to the neighborhood. Attached hereto is original drawing, site plan and letter. OHA:bk -------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 9, 1957 Honorable Zoning Board of the City of Clearwater and the Honorable Mayor and City COInluissioners of the c~ty of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: I represent the Rev. C. B. Everett and Mary M. Everett, his wife, who constitute the trustees of the Full Gospel Tabernacle, and as such trustees they own the North l6l.~ feet of the South 457.4 feet or the East 124.5 feet or Lot 1, of a Replat or LAKEWOOD SUBDIVISION, according to the public records or Pinellas County, Florida, this being the Southwest corner or Rainbow Drive and Yelvington Avenue. My speciric request is that they be allowed to construct a Church thereon in accordance wit!l the plans and artist's rendering, which is attached hereto and made a part or this application. It is the plan of the Church to proceed immediately with the construction should your approval be given under the hardship clause of the Zoning Act of the City of Clearwater. You will note that they plan ample off-street parking for Church goers, and the structure will be beneficial to the neighborhood, replacing a veritable undergro\'1th of un){ept grapefruit trees, weeds, and other nondescript roliage. I believe that you will agree that ample precedent for the placement of churches in areas zoned such as this one has been set here in the city of Clearwater. I should lilce to be present at your zoning board hearing and be notified of its public hearing before the City Commission of the City of Clearwater. For your convenience, this is shown on Page 17 of the City Plat Book. Very truly yours, /s/' Herbert M. Brown Attorney for Rev. C. B. Everett and Mary M. Everett, T~ustees of the Full Gospel Tabernacle HMB: am Encls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 23, 1957 City of Clearwater Post Off2ce Box 1348 Clearwater, Florida Attention: R. G. Whitehead, City Clerk Dear Sirs: The undersigned has received notice that the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, sitting as a Board of Adjustment and Appeal and acting under the authority of the City Zoning Ordinance, will conduct a Public Hearing at City Hall on Monda~, May 27, 1957, at 1:30 P.M. as regards a request subnitted by the Trustees -- Full Gospel Tabernacle, to erect a church on a portion of Lot No.1, Replat of Lukewood. The undersigned is presently a resident of the City of Dayton, however, has purchased ground adjacent to the area in question for the purpose of constructing a residence and establishing same as a permanent home within the very near ruture. One of the mot2vating factors in our acquiring this particular tract was the fact that it was zoned R-l and, as explained to me on a recent trip to Florida, is strictly residential. It 2S my feeling that the area should remain as originally zoned, that is, residential, and non-conformdng uses or any variations therefrom ahould be prohibited. ,.'.......ff. .\'..".~.....T,4','.-:".,;~..:......L,.;; :,;,'..i,. .,.~~"".:,~:,:,:,'';.I,.-. '. ,,' ff~~t:~:~;.~~~~Ii~;;:;;:~;~~:li~~:;~~~~;'~'",;J" ,', ,. , . \ I"ff{~'~"'il...~;~""!.)&-::~\\~~~.....,,,.;~~~.~.t.:;ilt'~"~~),~~~~i;.-~~.'. , ;. :< ~~.~' . ~",;~:".','.:<'~''','~ ..::'~;' : ~.~,,:~~:~:- ':':~ ':.\ ,.'. ;',,:'{:~~'~"':~:~~'~~~':;::~ii'~~\1t.: ;'~.t :.':' ~~ .: ~~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 27, 1957 (Continued) Please accept this letter which will be delivered to you by Mrs. George Economides, another instant property OMler, as our objection to a favorable consideration on the petition of the Trustees, and am against it. Respectfully submitted, Is/ Gust Economides (3139 Sunnycrest Lane, Dayton 9, Ohio) GE/k/l ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETITION May 23, 1957 A petition to the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners or the City of Clearwater relative to the request for zoning change on lot at the south west corner of Rainbow and Yelvington. The undersigned property owners in this immediate neighborhood are opposed to any reduction of zoning restrict:Lons. Signed by twenty-six property owners ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PETITION We, the undersigned, residents and/or property owners in the vicinity or Lot 1, Replat of Lakewood, object to, and please consider this as our protest t;o the erection df the Full Gospel Tabernacle on the North 161.4 ~eet or the South 457.4 feet of the East 124.5 feet of Lot 1, Replat of Lakewood, located on the Southwest corner of Rainbow and Yelvington, Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida. Signed by twenty-three property owners ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The City Commission of the City of Clearwater Clear\'/ater, Fla. 315 S. Lake Dr. Clearwater" Fla. May 22, 1957 Dear Slrs: Since it 28 necessary that we be out of the state on Monday, May 27, 1957, we aroe hereby conveying to you our opposition to the erection or a church on the north l61.l~ feet of the south 457.4 feet of the east 12l~.5 of Lot I, Replat of'Lakewood. We purChased our property on the understanding that the immediate area was for homes only. The constructinn of a church on the above location would cause a deterioration or-fand values in the area, and would be a disturbing factor in the neighborhood. Sincerely yours, /s/ Alfred C. Gilbert /'5/ J...ona L. Gilbert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION No. 57-29 A RESOLUTION COMMENDING ALBERT L. ROGERO AND URGING HIS REAPPOINTMENT AS A ROAD BOARD MEMBER. WHEREAS, Albert L. Rogero, a cj,tizen and resident of' this City, has served with competence and distinction as a member o~ the State Road Board from the D~strict in which this City is locatedj and, WI~AS, ~w. Rogero has demonstrated an intention and ability to exercise his duti es \'1i th di ligence, perseverance, and honesty; and t \fHEREAS, his actions as State Road Board member have received the commendation of the Planning Board and the Chamber of Commerce or this City and or similar organizat~ons in many other cities and towns within his District, and it ~s desired to commend his previous service and urge h:Ls reappointment so that his valuable services to this D~strict and the entire State of Florida will continuej NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, , 'FLORIDA, ~n session duly and regularly assembled, as follows: ,ThatfoI' the reasons af'oresaid, the reappolntement of Albert L. Rogero, as of the State Road Board is respeetf'ully requested. (Continued) , ~ : . , " " .,.. . ,. .... ,.' .'.. ~ ,. " :... ,.", Y~0f](/,~~~~t'~:!,,~"'~f';;:~~~"t,~'" Cl~ COMMISSION MEETING May 27, 1957 (Continued) , , 2. That a certified copy of this Resolution be sent by air mail, speoial del~very, to each o~ the following: The Honorable LeRoy Collins, Governor Tallahassee, F10rida The ffonorable William Shands President, State Senate Tallahassee, Florida The ffonorable J. Frank Houghton Senator rrom P1nellas County Tallahassee, Florida ,..t' UNANIMOUSLY PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 27th day or May, 1957. /s/ Lewis Homer Mayor-Commissioner Attest: Isj R. G. \Vhitehead CitY" Clerk --------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION No. 57-30 WrlliREAS, the Board of County Commiss2oners of Pinellas County, Florida, has requested an expression from this Commission concerning the desirabilit~ o~ an engineering study to determine whether or not Old Tampa Bay north of Courtney Campbell Causeway should be converted to a fresh water lake; and, WHEREAS, a special committee of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce has investigated this matter and has recommended that subject to a favorable report from competent engineers as to its feasibility, the same should be done; and) \4HEREAS, it is the opinion or this Commission that proper steps should be taken to obtain an engineering study so that the feasibility thereof can be determJned; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, in session duly and regularly assembled) as follows: 1. That this Conunission approves an engineering study to determine the feasi- bility of converting to a fresh water lake that part or Old Tampa Bay north of Courtney Campbell Causeway and approves the study being financed jointly by Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties. 2. That a certified copy or this Resolution be promptly transmitted to the Board of County Conmdssioners of Pinellas County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 2'Tth day of May J 1957. Atteat: ' Is/ R. G. \fhitehead City Clerk /S/ Lewis Homer Mayor-Commissioner ,-----------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------- . :":. . > '<;. <<.'. ..'.'.., -t......:o:oi....-.,...I'<"'~\.:. ...~~'f".."\.,it~>-~"':'-~'.~;:;r.,'iBW.~.'~~v..ii.~~~;;~~1"r~:~.~:~':"5.,~~"", I , - :1 " :; J- - "I " .j 'o'j , ! . ~.:;; � � r7� CITY CQMMTSSIODI MEETZNG May 27, 1957 The City Commi3�ion of the City of Clearcvater met in special session at the City iiall, Mot�day, PQay 27, 1q57, at 1: 30 P<fi�i. vrith thP Fo�.lo�ving members presen� : Lejv3s Iiom�r jV. E. Stran�, Jr. C1ev�land In�co, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Jam�s H, ,4atit3ns A1so present were: Jack Taller.t �en Krentzman S. �icl�ton S�t. Ken. 's•Jilllamson Mayor-Commiss;.oner Commissicner Gornmi s si oner Comini 5 si onEr Commissi,oner City Manager Ci�y Attcrney City Engineer Represe't.ting Police Chief Z'he Mayor called the meeting to order and announced the cc�ntinuatzon cf a Public Hearin� or� the constructioiz of a pavement and curb in ;�la,t�:ins Road £rom Ba,y Avenue to ��daters Avenue. The Engln�er reported that he had stucli ed the proT�lem again since �ne Tot^m ol Bel�eair Commisaioners vrere un:7111i;z� to pay tralf the cost of rebuilding b�ze road. Iie su�gested allevia�ing the bad drainage situation by �etting permission to put d:itching on th2 Belleair side of tY,e exzsting road to ta�e care ai the tivater cc�ming dc,�vn Supplee Place, The l�fayor pointed out that part of the right of uray n.as nofi been secured on the Belleair �ide and sug�ested having the Engineer contact the T�um ar Belleair Co,mmissioners to find au� ti�rhether the� will try to secure ths needed ri�ht o£ way from i`�lr. Ed UJright and also to discuss the cost of drainage and further �r�iclenln� of the street. The Ci�ty Att�rney com.�neizted it v�ould be necessary to have a definite agreemen� t�rith ti�e To1��n of Belleair before authorizing tne utork to start and because of the anparent elian�e in the scope ci the praject 11e recommended term�.nat3ng this hearin� and rescnedulin� another hearin�; Iater. Commissione� Roberts moved that tY,.is Public Hearin� be terminated and that a neti�r Public Hear?n� be scheduled as soon as tr�e City has th� necessary information to complete the job satisfact�rily. Motion was secoridec� by Commiss3oner Insco and carried unanimously, A Public Hearin; taas announced on tne r�quest of Mrs. Mary M. Brandmeyer for a setbaeit of fcaur feet from the south s-� de lc�t l�ne for Lot 7, Bloc� E, Lakeviec,r Heights, property bezn� presently zoned R-2. The Zanin� Board recommended �hat the request to b��.ild a carport four fee-� from ttze side lot li�e instead of tne req_u3red five feet be ;ranted as most of t1�e homes in the area are only three feet from the side lot 1_nes. It v�as reportec� that the City Engineer recommer_aed tha� zhe req_uest be ap�roved subj�ct to the drivevra�s being five fee� from the property 1ine. The Na3Tor znquired if there were any ob j ectians irom an;Tone 7 n the audience and there j•rere none . Commissioner Insco moved on the recommendation o� the Zonin� Board that the requesi f�r a chan�e of zoning far Lot 7, Block E, Lakeview Heigh�s Subdivision, be approved as zecommended by the Zoning Board and �1�e City Engineer. PZotion was seconded by Corrunlssioner Roberts and carried unanimously, The B7ayor called a Public Hearing on the request of Trus�ees oi Full Gaspel Tabernacle to erect a chtirch on the north 161.4 feet of the s;suth �+5� .4 feet of the eau� 124.5 feet of Lot 1, Replat �f Lalceti�tood, property being presently zoned R-1. The I��Iana�er reported that the Zoning Board�s recomme7dation svas that the appli�.at?on be �ratlted ior the reasc�n that this tvill be an a�tractive buildi,l�; and w�11 havE or:#' street parking and 1vi11 no� be a detrimenz to the neighbornood, tiYr. rIerbert Brotvn, represenLing Reverend C. B. Everett as Trustee, submit�ed a perspective of �he groposed build�,n� atid Spaice on Uehalf af the churcn's app�ication as did Reverend Everett. Mrs. Fdi�aard Kleinman, adjo�ning proper�y own��r on the soutn, protes{�ed �ranting the request as thes* had bu:i.lt a home on their property on the basis of �he area being R-l. Mr. John Bonner, rep�ese��ting Mr. J. Fran.; iiamricl: (adjoining property otivner on �he vrest) spoke in oppositYon to the requesL and presented pet3tions of objection signed by forty-nine property owners. The t'Qllav,ring property ot+rners also objected: Mr. Pau1 Sltoubes, Nir. Harvey Laubscher. Tt was reported that Mr. Eu;ene Gauss, owner of three lots oi� Rainbotv Drive, had telephaned irom Michr�an to pratest. Letters of object:ion were presented irom Mr. Alfred C. Gilbert and Mr. Gust Economides, affected pr.opex�ty o�mers. Having held this Public Hearing and having heard valid ob,;�eetlons, Coituniasioner :Jatkins moved that the request for an ex_cept:Lan tQ the zoi�ing laws to erect a church on Lat l, a Replat of Laliewood Subdivisian, be denied. Motiun was seconded by Commissioner Stran� and carried unanimously. The Manager presented a, report Shoti�rizz� that there taas a cash balance of approxi- mately $55,000.00 i.n the Special Y;nproaement Ftu�.d. He pre�ented the Engineer's r�oommendation of seven more streezs that need resurfacin� at an estimated cast of �2s,2g9.55 and an estimate af �2�,552,00 for pav3ng tlze Everingham Iot (Lot l, City Parl;. Subdivision) to use for gark�n�. Gommisszoner Insco stated that the taxpayers of Clearwater had been iizformed tizat this t�vo r;�.ill levy was to bs used for street li�htin� or for resurfac:i.n� existing streets and 11e felt t;la� the amount bo pave the Everingham lot should be a budget�d iterr for the 1g57-58 bud;et. Commissioner Insca moved that the �verin�ham pariting lot allocation be stricken from thzs list. Moticn i�ras seconded by Comm�.ssioner Stran� and carrieci unanimously. _2_ pTTY COD7MI5SSON PZEETING May 27, 19�'i The Mana;er presented the fallozvin� list o�' streets recommei�ded by tlze En�l.neer for resurfacing at a�o1;al ,estimated cos� o�' �28,2g9.55� Highland �lvenue from Cieveland to Palmetto Missouri Avenue from Court to Cleveland S�reet Princess Street from Fert Harrison �a 5uils�t Coux� Duncan Avenue from Guli' to Bay Boulevard to Dr�tiv Si:reet; Pinebrook Drive from Palmetto Street to Iiin�s Hi�lztvay Admiral 1Voodson I�ane from P3nebroolti �o Iiings Hiohway Hibiscus fram Pinebrook to Kings Hightaay Commissioner Insco inoved that the Engir�eer's report he accepted, �he tiotal tvorl� authorized in the amotint of �23,299•55 and that he be authorized to advert3se for bids far this Zvorl:.. Mation was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimousiy. Commissioner Inseo repuested the En�ineer to bring up a propased schedule of other streQts needin� repav�i�g to be discussed at ttze next m�etii7�. In regard to the Gonstruction of pavin� in Gunn Avenue from Gulf' to Bay to Rainboc�r Drive, the Manager recommended acceptin� tkle low bid a�' �5, °00. 00 i'rom Black_burn Paving Company, Cl�ari�rater. Commissioner Strang moved that the bid foi• the paying oi Gunn Avenue be award�d to the 3lackburn Paving Company for the sum of �5,800.00 and the proper oiz"icials k�e autk�.orized to execute the cantract. Motion vras secor.ded by Couvnissioner Robertu and carried unanimously, The City Attorn�y repor�ed that he had prepared the contrac� prozriding for the Constantines to pu�t their s;zare oi the cost of the pavin� i�l escrow and h� expected to have tlle check bef'ore tlze pauing contract was s�_gned. Comm=ssioner Inseo as'_�ed tne Eizgineer �o make a repart o� the condition of the Cit-,�-owned alleys behind the sLores :;..z the deiv�ztown area to see if any need repaving. Commissioner Stran� reported that he had no corrections to the minutes of M�,y 13th. Commissioner Stran� moued the approval of the minutes of the special meetzng of May 1'3�h in accordance with copies furnished each me�nbe� in i��ritin�. Motion was seconded by Commiss:Loner Roberts and carried unanimc,usly. Commissioner ?nsco moved that tYie minuLes oz the re�ular meeting of May 20th be approved in accordance tiirith copies furizished eaciz member ii1 vari�ing, Motion was seconded by Commissionei Roberts and carried uizanimously.. The lutanager reported azter a thorougll study it tivas planned to revise the garbage and trash collec�ion program by using co�ered units to pic1e u� in the residential area any �yue oi garbags and trash that can be placed in a gar�age can or container aizd that heavy brush vrill sLill be picked up at tiZe cuiU by a Separate collecLioi�. IHe si.ated in tize commercial area the CitST t�Till require the eventual abolition of open oins and as aoon as feasible atart chargin� the business placea far collections according to the cost t� the City. He said the C�ty presently has six coverea units and recommended bu�in� six refuse bodies af the ttven�y cubic yard size, three from Teach at �4,�F09.00 each and three from Pak Mar at �4,150.00 each. Commissioner Ir�scc recommended that the garbage trucks be Sqhi�Ee and the trash trucks be green. Commissioner lVatkins moved tnat all oi the irucl�s be painted green. Mot3.on was seconded by Commissioner Roberts. Upon the vote bein� taken, Commissioners Waticins, Robe�ts, Strang and Homer vote3 "Aye". Commissioner Insco �aoted "No". Motion carried. In reply 'to a questioi�, lyir. Baker represen�ing the A. E. Finley Company said the pr�ce of the container adapter on �he Leach t'ruciczaould be y�300.00 each, the detachable containers wauld be $145.00 each and the cost to paint the trueks green tvould be �35•00 each as the standard color was iNhite. He stated, after checking rrr3.th the iactory, that deliuery could be made June 25th. Commissioner Insco moved that the loti��est and Uest bid o£ the A. E. Fin�ey Company for three Leaclz 20 cubic yard garbage truck bodies be accepted with an �,aai��o�lal amount of �300.00 each e�pended fcr dezacnable container adaption lift equipmeizt, that each of said trucics be delivered st�'��.zdard v�hite paint, and that in addit� on the bid of Pak Mor MaizLifacturing Company far three Pak Mor bodies for trash trucYs be accepted, they to be of a dark green color, at �he lowest bid as submi�Cted for the sum of �4,150.0o each t'or the Pak Mor trash bodies ancl tlle sum oi �4,409,00 each for the Leach garba�e bodies plus tlle �300.00 each for the conta:iner cost. i�otion jvas seconded by Comrnissioner Robarts and ca-rried unafzimously. In regard to the repori, on whether the 'blawers bein� supplied under the contract for tne Mar�hall Street Se:•ter Plant meet the specificatians; the i�anag�r reported that he and the Eng3neer h2d not been able ta arran�e a meetin; with T4r. Harold Briley, Consulting En�ineer, Commissioner Strang said he thou�ht it ahould be determined vi�1y the rotary type of' blot�rer taas to be skpp7.ied znstead of the Ncretv type of blot�ier but it u�as not necessary to hold up the execution of the contrac� for this reason. A letter uras read f'r:om Mr. Paul Ficht, I�fana�;er-Secretary c,£ the Chamber of Commeree, reparting that �he Executive Committee approved 3n princ9.ple the pr�uR;ect of convert:Ln� upper Tampa Bay inta a fresh water lal�e and ur�ed the pr��p�r au�lw_rities tca expedite the securin� of an engii�eerin� f'ea�lbilit;� rep�rt on the project actin� in accordance vritlz a recommendation from its Conservation and I�,'aturaZ Resources Committee. Commissioner Roherts moved on the basis of the recommetzda.tior. uf the Conseivation and Natural Resources Committee of �1ze Chamber c�i Commerce that the City Camm:L�sioYf of Clearwater go on record as favorin� the investigation by the Coun�y of Pinellas aizd �he C�unty of Hillsborou�h of the feasib:;.lity ai' the conversion of uY?per Tampa Hay �,ntc, a fresh zlatEr la,�e and adop� an appropriate resolLition (5f-30) and tIae proper officla:�s be authorized t� si�n it. MG�ion tivas secon�ed hy C�mm;Lssloner In�ec,� arid carried unanimously. -� � �� _3_ CiTY CO2"MZSSZON MEETIIJG Tv�aY 27, 1957 Zt� re�ard �o th.e request �'rom Briley, Tr13.1d and P.ssaciates, Consulting �ngineers, aslcin� apprnval of an additional agreement cancern3ng residenb sunervision of' the s�wa�;e sludge di�ester which wc�uld extend the time limit from seVezi months to nine months and increase tne maximum amount for servzces from �2.,750,�0 to �3,750.00, the Mana�er read the Attorney�s memo that since the City Engineer had recommended the �nlargement oF the agreement and �the Con�ultin� En�;3neers have alreadtr perfonmecl pari; of th�.s serv3.ce, h� recammended appr�val of it. The Manager reported that he had u�ritterY the contracto� (E. I. Rutledge� a Ietter �nformin� him that the penalty pro- v-ls�.an in his contract vrould be in effect after Nlay 31st. Corrunissioner Strang moved that the top l:imit of the ConsultYn� En�ineers' fee for resident supervision at the Marshal7. Street Disposal Plant be increased w1,000,00 not to Erceed a total of �3,750.00, and the proppr officials are authorized to execute the supplemental agree- mei1�. M�tion oaas seconded by Cortunissioner Roberts ancl carried unan3mously. In regarcl to the su��ested survey to determine if storm water jvas entering some of �lze sanitary set�rer lines, the Engineer said �he survey ti�rould require a field ere,�i af three men for s3x or seven months at an estimated cost o�' �7,Q00.00 or �3,000.00. I� was suggested that some of the cost mi�;h� be taken from �he necv revenue certificate fund but it would require check.ing with the Consultin� Engineer. Commissioner Strang moved that the survey be inst3.gated and the fund be set up af�er a report from the Attornzy, the �n�ineer, the Manager and the Consultin� Engineer and approval �iy the Commission. Mobion was seconded by Commissianer Insco ancl car�i,ed unanimously. The Attorney read R�solution 57-2Q commending IvIr, l.lbert L. Rogerc and urgir�o his reappointment to the State Road Board and recorrurt�nded capi�s be sent to Governor LeRoy Collins, Senatar :�Jm. Shands, President oi the State Senate, and State Senator J. E�'rarz�t Hou�hton. CommiUsianer Strang movecl that Resolution 57-29 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be au�horized to execu�e it. i`4otion c-tas seaonded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. G�mmissioner Strang aslted permission to be e�ccused from the meet�ng at this t3me. Commissioner Insco moved tha� �ommissioner Strano be excused. Motion vras secor�ded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The A�anager reported t11a� Nir. Jahn Martens, Chairman of the Industrial Com*nittee, had invited the Commissioners to a conzerence or_T,Jednesdaf noon, May 29�h, to discuss several offers to buy proper�y in �he Industrial Park. The City Attorney read an its third reading Ordinance 738 Uihich would amend Section 5g of' the City Code and Section 61 of the City Code as am�nded by Ordinance 631. Commi.ssi�ner Roberts moved the passage and adopticn of Ordinance 733 on iLs tnird �.nd final reading and that the proper ofi'icials be authori2ed to execute it. IKction was seconded by Commissioner iVaticins and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read on its third readiizg Ordinance 739 which i•aould arLnex into the City l?mits the F�?rst Addition to Gates Knoll and Druid Groves Subdivision less Blocks A and B and parts of Blocl�s C and D. Commissioner Insco moved that Ordinance 739 be passed and adopted on third and iinal reading and the proger officia],s be authorized to execu�e it. Ntotion was seconded by Commissioner LVatk?ns and carr3ed unanimously, Commissioner Roberts requested permissien to be excused from the Ccmm:i_ssion meetin�s of June 3rd and June lOth. Commissioner Insco moved that Gommissioner Roberts be excused from the regular Commission meeting of Jun2 3rd and special meetin�; of June lOth if there is one, Motion tvas seconded by Commiss�oner �datl��ns and carried unanimously. Commissioner Roberts commented that �t has been established noUr that the City has suff7 cient funds to coinple-L-e the pro,,iect oi ma'_.�iiig the living conditions af the �'-�remen more adequate as authorized by the Comm.issiun on November 2�, 1956, C�mmissioner Roberts moved that ��he necessary fut�ds be transzerred into �,he prape� aecount to accomplish the complet�orz of the improvement o� the 13ving conditicns for the firemen and the Manager be authorized to take bids to �;et it iiztc o�eration. RZction ��ras seconded by Corivnissioner Insco ai�d carried unar_imously. There bein� no further l�usiness to come before �he Board, the meeting was ad j ourned at 4: 00 P. bY. Ma� - o unissioner " Attest: _����/ Cit C er] —"" � CIlY GpI�'II!�fISSION MEETING �Y 27, 1957 AGENDA CITY CQMtiiISSION i�E'r�mII3G May 27, �957 7.:30 P.M. Invocation Intro ductions �Iinutes of Preceding Meetings Public Hsarings Reports of Cit� Nanager Reports wf City Attorney �itizens to be Heard Other Commission aciion Adjournment Meeting Pension Plan 1'rus t ee s ��� Public Hearin�s l. Paving Watkins Road (��ntinued} 2. Requj.est for Change of Zoning for int 7, Block E, Lakeview Hei.ghts Subdivision 3. Rsquest for Change of Zoning to Erect Church on Portion of Lot 1 of Replat Lalce wood Sub divi.s ion. Report� from Citv Mana�er 4. Unenc�umbered Balaa�c e, Special Improvements Fund � . 5. Bids, Pav ing �'unn Avenue 6. Discussion or Verbal Reports on C�ther Pending Matbers Renorts from Citv Attorn ev rirel rceaaing �. Ordinance ir739, Annexati on Druid Groves Subdivision and First Addition to Gatea Knoll, Third and Fiflal Reading 9. Intention to Annex Fair Oaks Subdivision, First AddiLi�n. To; Mr. J, Tallent, City i�an3 ger From; Mr. 0. H. Anderson, Buildirg Inspector Sub ject� REQUEST OF P�rs. J. Brandmeyer (Lot 7, Block E, Lakevie::: ,ieights) Date: May 7.0, 1957 It is the reconanendation of th� Zoning Board that we grant the request of Mr. Brandmever to bu�ld his carporte four feet frcxn his side line instead of the City Zoning of five feet. This is graor,ted becausg most of the homes in thi$ area are onlv t hree feet ix°om the side lir.es which was permitteci before the Zoning Ordinance of 195P, and this reque s� was asked for under -the Hauiiship Ruling. Attached hereto is or�ginal letter of request witha aicetchs OHA:bk May $, 1957 Gemt lemen: - We:esubmit herewith for your �,consideration an apFeal for ons faot allowance so we may be abl$ to secure a bu ilding permit to build a baa�pci�x, and small enclosed porch on our small home whi.^.h we recently bought. We would be very grateful if you would grant us this permission otherwise it will be to us scmev�hat of a hardship. 1'hank you f or any and all c ourt e si e s s how n us . Very sincerely yours, �s/ (i�Irs. Joseph) Mary M. Br andme ye r (1319 s. A�ichigan Ave. Clearwater, Florida) May 22, 1957 Mr. Ja�k Tallent City Manager Cit y Hall ClearwaLer, Flarida Dear i�ir. Talle nt : Following your request bo expedite the acquiring of a decision from the Chamb�r of Commerce as io its position in the conversion of Upper Tampa Bay into a frssh water lake, pleasP observe Ehe follow ing action taken by the Charaber: "Mr. Dicus �oved that resulting from the action of the Conse rvation a nd Natural Resources Commi�tee of the Chamber of Com�e rce, the �xecutive Gommittee wishes �o appro�eyi in principle the pro�ect of convertir_g upper Tampa Bayinto a fresh water lake and ic urgestt-he proper authorities to expedite th e�securing of an engineering feasibility report on the project. Mr. Perkins seconded the motion and it was unanimously carri ed. �t Very sincerely yours, /s/ Paul H. Ficht, Managsr�Secretary Ph��� � �� r,ITy CONrnlISSIODI NtEET22JG �Y 27, 1957 To: Mr. J. Tallent, City Ma,nager• From: Mr. 0. Ii. Anderson, Build�.ng �nspector Subject-: REQUEST OF HERBERT M, BROYJN (FULT, GOSPEL TABERNACLE) Date: May 10, 1957 Tt 3.s the recommendation of �he Zonin� Board that we gran� the request of Rev. C. B. Evere�t and Mary M. Ev.rett to erec� a chuxch, ltnoum as the Fu17. C��spel Tabernacle in bhe property knoivn as �i:he North 161.4 feet of the South 457,4 feet of the East 124.5 feet of Lot 1 of the replat of Lakewood Subdivision. This is granted under non- conforming use for the reason that this vri11 be a very attractive building and vrill have oPf-the-street parl�in�, and will nat in any way be a detriment to the neighbanc�od. Etttached hereto is original draHring, site plan and lett�r. OHA;bk Honorable Zoning P,oard of the City of Clearwater May 9' �957 and ;he Hcnorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City oi Clearurater Clearw.ater, Florida Gentlem�n: I r•�present the Rev. C. B. Everett and Mary M. Everett, his wife, ,�rho constitute the trustees of the Full Gospel Tabernacle, and as such trustees they oTim ti~�e North 161,4 feet of the South 457.�- feet of the East 124.j feet of Lot l, of a Repiai of LAKEWOO� SUI3DIVISION, according to the publie records oi Pinellas County, Flarid�, this being the Southwest corner of Rainbow Drive and Yelvington Avenue. My spc-cific request is that they be allo�aed to construct a Church thereon in aecordance t^rith the plai�s and artist�s ren�ering, wh3.ch is attached 'nereto and made a part o� t1�3s application. It is the plan of the Church to procEed irn��nediately with the cUnstructi�n sh�uld your approval be given under the hardshzp clause o£ the Zoning Act of thz City of Clearwater. You wi11 note that they plan ample off-s�reet parking for Church goers, and the structti?r� will be beneficial to the neighbarhood, replacing a veritable under�rowth of unl�ept �rapefruit Lrees, rrreeds, and other nor_descripL foliage. I believe that you will agree that ample precedent far the placement of churches in areas zoned sueh. as this one has neen set nere in tlze city oi Clearwa'ct.r. I should like to be present at your zoning boaid hearing and he natiiied c.f iis public hearing before the City Commissicn of the City af Clearwater. For your c�nvenience, this is shovrn on Page 17 af the City P1at Bool�. Very truly yours, /sj Herbert M. Brown Attorney for Rev. C. B, Everett and Mary M. Everett, Trustees of the Fu11 Gospel Tabernac�.e HMB:am Encls. MaY 23, 1957 City of Cleartvater Post Office Box 13�k£� Clearwater, Florida A�tention: R. G. Whitehead, City Cle�k Dear Sirs: The undersigned has received notice that the City Commission of the CitSr of Clearwater, Florida, sitting as a Board af Adjustment and Appeal and ac�in� under th� authority of the City 2�nin� Ordinance, will conduct a Public Hearing at Gity Ha7.l on Monday, May 27, 1g5`7, at 1:30 P.M. as reoards a requesL submitted by the Trustees -- Fu11 Gospel Tabernacle, to ereet a church on a pazrtion �f Lot No, l, Replat of Lakeutood. The Llndersigned is presently a re�ident of the City of Dayton, however, ;�as purchased ground adjacent to the arsa in question for the purpose of constructing a resider_ae and establishing same as a permanent home within the very near future. One of the motivating �actors in our acquiring this particular tract was the fact that it was zoned R-7. and, as expl�ined to me on a recent trip to Florida, is str�ctly residentlal. It 3s my feeling that {�he area �hould remain as originally zoned, that is, residential, and non-e9nforming uses or any variatians ttierefrom should be prohibited. >i ° � � \: /' W � � CITY CO'�IMZSSIQN MEETZNC� May 27, 1957 (Continued) Please accept this letter which will be del,ivered'to yau by Mrs. Geo�ge Econotnides, another instant px�opert3* awner, as our oU,jec`3on -Go a favorable considerat3on on the petition of �he Trustees, and am a�ainst it. Respectfully submitted, �:sf Gust Economides GEflcrl (3�39 �unnycrest Lane, Day'�an 9, Ohio) PETITZON MaY 23, 1957 A petition to �he Iioncrable Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Clearwater relative i;o the request for zaning chan�e on �o� at the south westi corner of Rainbo�v and Yelvington. The undersigned property otianers in this immediate neighborl�o�d are opposed t� any reduction of zoning restrict:.ons. 3i�ned by twenty-six property owners PETITION We, the undersigned, residents andjor �roperty otmer.s �n the vici.nity of Lot 7„ Replat of Lakewood, object to, and please consider this as our protest to tlze erec�ion fl£ the Full Gospel Taberilacle on the North 161.4 feet of the South 457.4 feet of the East 124,5 feet of Lot l, Replat of LaketNood, located on the Southwest corner of Rainbow and Yelvington, Clearwater, pinellas County, Florida. Signed by twenty-three property owners 315 S . La?te Dr . Clearwater, Fla. May 22: �957 The City Commission oi the City oi C:.�arwater Cleartvater, Fla. D2ar Sirs: Since iL _s necessary that we be out of the state on Mc�nday, May 27, 1957, we are hereby conveyinb to you our opposition to the erection of a church on the north 161.4 feet o:f the south 457.4 feet of the east 124.5 of Lot I, Replat of Lakewood. l�fe purchased our property on the understanding that the immediate area was for homes only. The constructinn of a churcn on the above location would cause a deterio-- r�ion o a�zd values in �he area, and would be a distiurbing factor in �he neighborhood. Sincerely yours, j;s/ Alfred C. Gilbert �s/ Lona L, Gilbert RESOLUTION No. 57-29 A RESOLUTION COMMENDING ALBERT L. ROGERO AND iJRGING HIS REAPPOINTMENT AS A ROAD BOARD MEMBrR.. C�1HEIiEAS, AlbErt L. Rogero, a cit�zen and resident of thls City, h�.s served with competence and distinc�ion as a member o� the State Road Board from the District in vrhich this City is located; and, TrJHEREAS, Mr. Rogero has demonstrated an intention arlcl abili'cy to exercise his duties with dilig�r_ce, perseverance, and honzsty; and, "tJHFREAS, his actions as State Road Board r.iember have received the commenda�ion oi the Planning Board and the Chamber of Commerce of this City and of similar organizat3uns in. many o�her cities and towns tivlthin his District, and it is des:ired to conunend his previous serv�ice and urge his reappointment s� that hzs vallzak�le services to th:Ls Distric� and zhe entire State of Florida uiill cantlnue; iJOyl, TIi�REFORE, BE I'I' RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM[�4ISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWRTER, _ FLORIDA, in session duly and regularly assembled, as folloWu; l. That �'or the re�.son� aforesaid, the reappaintement of Albert L. Ro�ercr a� a member af the State Road Board is respeetfully requested. (Continuedj � �V CITY COMMTSSTON MEETING May 27, 1957 {Continued) 2. That a cer-tif�.ed copy of this Resolution be sent by air tnail, special delivery, to each af the £�7.1ow3.n�: The Honorable .i,eRoy Collins, Governor Tallahasses, Florida The Honorable William Shands Presldent, State Senate Tallahassee, Florida The Honorable J. Frank Hou�hton Senator from Pinellaa County Tallahassee, Florida UNANIM�USLY PASSED A?VD ADOPTED, this 27th day of May, 1957• � s/ LeVri s Homer 1�Tayor-Commissioner Attest: �s,� R. G. Whitehead City Clerk RESOLUTIOIQ No, 57-30 WHEREAS, the Bo�rd of County Commissioners o£ Pinellas County, Florida, has requested an expressian from this Commission concernino tlze desirability of an engineer-� rIg study tc deterrnine [ahether ar not Old Tampa Bay north oi Courtney Campbell Causeway should be converted to a fresh water 1a�ce; and, i+lHEREAS, a special comm�.ttee of the Clear'vrater Chamber oi Commerce has invest�gated this mai;ter and has reccmmended that subjec-� to a favorable report from competer�t englneers as to its feasioil�ty, the same should be done; and, j�JHEREl�S, it is the opinion of this Comm? ssion that proper steps should be tai-�en to obtain an engineerin� study so ttiat the seasibility thereof can be determined; NO'�I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLZiED BY THE CITY COMP�SSION OF TFL CITY OF CLEARTi�laTERa FLORIDA, in session duly �.nd regularly assembled, as iolloivs; l. That this Commiss3on approves an engineering study to determine �he feasi- bility of convertin; to a fresh water lakA that part of O1d Tampa Bay north of �ourtney Campbell C;auseway and approves the study being f?nanced ,;ointly by Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties. 2. That a cer�cified aopy of this Resolution be pronipLly transmi�ted te the Board of County Conunissioners oi' Pinellas County, b�lorida. PASSED ANL ADOPTED, this 27th day of May, 1957. j s/ .Le�,�:Ls Homer Attest: Mayor-Com.missioner /s� R, G. 4Jhit�head City Clerk , . _ . • . . � �► - • • , .c. . . . . . . . . . . ,,..,,��# 1 �� 1 ORUTNANCE N0. 738 Ai�t ORnINANGE A1tiiEI�iDING SECTION 59 OF THE CODE OF THE CTTX OF CI,LARWATER, FLORTflA, 195Q, B�TNCr SEG°3'i0N PRE3CRIBING GAS RATES FOR DOBIESTIC CON- SUl�'IPiSBN; AMENDING SB�'Z'IQN G1 G�F SAID CODE 11S AMENDID BY ORDTI3ANCE 631 PROVZDING (�A3 RATES FOR SFRCE HEATING PU�?POSES QNLY; REPEALING �iT•T• ORDINANCES IPF C�iNi�'L7.GT THII�WTTH; AND k'ROVID%N(� 'I'PIE EF`FECTIVE DA�.'E OF SAID ORDII�IANCE. �Ts IT QRI3f�INED BY TIIE CITY COIKNLLSSION OF' THE CI`.�Y QF CLEARWATER, F'I,ORTDA; Sectior� 1. That .Seetian 59 oi' the Gode of the City af Clearcvater, Florida, 1950, is amen�ecT� co read as follot�rs: "Sec�3.on 59 Gas Ra.tes - Domestic. Rates tc k�e charged #'or a11 gas sa7.d `by the municipal gas depart�aent af the City for a11 purposes except space heating, shall be as fblle4rs: (a) For domestic purposes (stores,, ofPices or residential service), etc. 500 cu. i'�, Niinimwn $1.25 3dext 2,000 eu. it. 20 Hund�ed Cubic Feet .175 per Hundred Cubtc Feet Next 1,000 cu. �t. l0 liundred Cubie Feet; .125 pes� Hundred Cubic �'eet Next 17,00t? cu. ft. �17Q Hundred Cubic Feet) .l�? per Hundred Cubic Feet A11 over 2�,p00 cu. i't. ,Og pe� FIundrecl Gui�ic Feet {b) To large users such as indust�ial p].ants, r�staurants, central heatin� plants, the city ma.nager 3s authorized to establish reasonable rates depend:�n� on vo7.ume and cha�ac�er of' ��rviee any�rhere."' Sectian 2. Seetion 61 af the Ccde oi the Giiy of Clearwrater, Florida, a9�o, as amende b��rdinance 631 is amended to read as follows: Section 61. Sp�ce heating - rates aild "Turn On" char�es. ta) Rates f'or aTl gas sold by the municipal �as department o� the City af Clearwater, �lorida, for use f'or space heating on7.y sha1Z be as fallowss 15aa cu. ft, rlir,imum Bi13� �3..Ofl Next 1500 cu. �t. (].5 Hundred Cub1.c �`eet) .i75 per Hundred Cubie Feet AIl over 300� au, =t. (30 Hundred. yubi c Faet) .15 per Iiundred C�:,bic Fee� 1�2inimum bil]. fs.r as furnisY�ed, �3.0�, Sa.id minimum biil to begin and ap�,iy on the sixteentn (16) day afier s2id a�count has been es�ablished on the utility records of the City of' Cleartivater. (b) k charge of �y3,50 sh�l1 r� col7.ecte3 from each cus�omer usin� �a.s fcr space heating only VJith a floor �urnace or a central heating plant each time 3t is necessary �or the City to in:.tiate a�'�urn oia" . (c} A char�e of �Z.OQ shall be colleeteci to reestahlish the above service if said aecQczn� ha� already been 3n service dur:in� the current season. (d) A charge of �1.�a sYia11 be collected �rom each cus�omer using gas for apacp neating only cv�th a f3cor f'urnace or a centra]. hea'cin� plant, ii' the heating equipment is turned on and serviced by a plumber or appliance dealer, praviding said °turn an" is repor�ed to 4he Utility I}epartment of the City �rithin 48 hoars af�er sa3d �qu�pment has been �urned o�1, (e) A charge of �1.G0'shall be colZected �'rcm eaah ct�stomer using �as for space heatin, v�ith any type of h�ating:equipmen�G o�her than a f1o�a� iurnace or een�ral heatin� plant." �ection �. Rates as above se� ouic Por damest3e and sp�.ce heating purposes are fixed on he basis oi' ��s being f'urnished ha.ving a Brit3sYi �`Yiermal Un�t index of 52�. When the Bri�4ish Therm�.1 Un3,t inde�c o�' gas i'urn3shed i�s in.crsas�d ar ctecreased f'roffi 525 the r�,�e to be enarged shall be propo�ionately changed. 5�etian �F. Al� ordinances and parts o£' orc�nancea 3:n c�nfl.:tct herewith are repea].ed to �he ex ent of such coni'� ict . Sectinn 5. This ardinance shall becomz ei'fective 3mmediateTy upon its passage. PASSID OPI FIRST' REABING May �3� �.957 PA3Sr^.,D Qid SECOND READIN�G P�a.3T 20, 1957 PASSED OrT fiIiIRD AND �'IFJAI� READTNG A13D Al?OPTED MaY 27, 7-�57 js f I,ewi s Homer i�la�or-Commissioner Attesi�: /s` R. G. Wh�.Leheac2 C3ty Clerk antl Auditor ORDINANCE N0. 739 ORDIN�.NGE ANNF.�CIN(� ACREAGE T4 B� KNOIvN A� "DRUTD GROVES SUBDIVZSSON" Ai�ID ALL OF TIiE "I�IRST AADITION `l'0 GI�TES IQ�107,T," INTO i`HE CORPORl1'i'E ZII+4TTS OF TFIE CT'ii� aF CLE9RWATER, FLORTDA, .AND RE-DEFIrIING THE BOUAiDRRY I,INES OF' �°IiE CITY TO TNCLtIDE SAID AI1DI'1'ION ACCORD- II+IG TO THE 3?ROVTSIQNS (?�' SEGTION 17�. , 04 �'I{JR- IUA S'i'ATUTES; ZONiNG R`FiE ANNF.�{ED PROPER2'i' it-1 RrSIDEPITIAL; ANJ PROVIDING FOR THE EF- F�C'1'SVE D�1TE. UlHEREAS, the City Gommiasion of the Gity of Clearwa���-, F1o�ida, enacted Ordinance No. 735 an Apri1 1, 1957, vrhieh ordinarsce declarect the in�entian oP said Ciiy to annex Druid Groves Subdivis�.on and a11 af the First Addition 'ca Gates IU�zoll inbo the corpo�ate limits oi` the C3.ty of' Cleax�t,tat�r; ancl, ��tFiEREAS, saia ordina.�zce vras publiahc�d onee a vreek for �'our consecutive �reeks in �he Clearvaa.ter Sun, a nE:.vspaper published in tr:e City of' Clea.z��tat2r, Florida, proof of which publicatian is h�reto a�taahed; and, 6+fTiiEREAS, n�ore than thirty days has e�ired aince the �nactment oF Qrdi.nance No, 735� �d, np registered zroter of' the City o� Clea..rtivatex°, no o�mer af real eatate 3n the ter�itorg to be anne.�ced, and no person v�homsoeT�er, has objeeted to sueh annexation or has appliec3 to the Circuit Court oP the Sixth Judicial Gircuit in ancT ior Pinellas County, Is'lorida, sett�ng forth �ny obje�tions ta sa3.d anne:tation; and, WF�ERE.RS, a7.1 ei' the provisicns of Seet3vn 171.04, Floric'ta: �tatu�es, have �a�en compliec3 vrith; P1flW,, THER .F�.r'ORE, BE IT ORDAINED BX' THE CITY COMNNRSSION OF THE GZ'iY OR GIlEARWA`i`Eft, Fy0RI13A: Section 1. The City of Clear�aater, acting by Eend i:hrou�h its Gi�y Commission, by tlze au or y and unc3er the provisians of S�etion 171.04, �'lorida Statu.tes, hereby anne_.es in�o the carporate limitis �f the G'ity of' �l�a.ri•rater, �'larid2, and re- def'3_nes th.e boundazy lines of saici City so as �o inc7.uc3e the Polloz�ingz {Z} "Druid Gx�s�ves Subdiv3sion" as �ecorded in PiaL Book 15, �age u6, PuUTie Aecards of Pinellas Gaunty, less Blocks "A" ana "B" and those pBPts c3f BloCks "f��� a.YSd "D�` z�resen�].y lying �n the City li�,aits of the Cit�* of Clearvrater. (2} All o� �h� "�`3.rst AdcL-'.ti�n to C�ates Ftno11", :as recorded in Plat Boak 3$, paoe �-3, Public Iiecords of :°3nellas County, Florisia. Said property 3.s h.ereby zaneci R-1 resi dential, and �he C3.ty Engineer and ttae Gity C7:erk are directed to 3nclude in and set out an.ct shoca upon the off? ci�.l zanin.g map a.rid othQr off'icial maps of t?2e Cii:y oP Cl�ar:�ater, the fore-going proper'�y irith its zonin� as indi.caced. Secti.o� 2. Tl�.s ordinance �hall becom� efi'eetive immediately upon its passage. PASSID OiV �IRST READiNG i�1ay 20, 1957 P�1S5ED ON SEC��TD R.EADING May 20, zg57 PI�SSED ON T•LTIRD AND E�INAL READIAIG �ND ADOPTED NI2.y 27, 1957 js/ Lew�s Homer Mayor-Commissioner A�test: %sj R. G. T�hitehead City Cler�t 0