05/13/1957 , ,. "1"" .",' ;~'...~""'.., " , '~";':~''''''''''''''' .' ,"'. .eo'.. ......:t- .:. ,,'~;'."" CITY CONIMISSION MEETING May 13, 1957 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in specie 1 session at the City Hall, May 13, 1957, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: Lewis Homer W. E. Strang, Jr. CleviH:and Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Hoberts James H. Watkins Mayor -Comn issi 0 ne r Corrunil:lsioner Commissioner Commiss1oner Commissioner Also present were: Jack Tallent Ben Krentzman S. Lickton Sg9. Chas. Lawson City Manager City Attorney Ci ty Engineer Representing Chief of Police '.L'he meeti ng was called to order by t he I~layor. Commissioner Watkins ~epettted that he and ~-~ayor Homer had attended the mont. hly meet.ing of the Suncoast League of Munic ipalit.ies on Saturday, May 4th, at Naples a t ~which various legislative bills were discussed. H~ st.ated that he and the Mayor had invited the Suncoast League to hold its meeting in Clearwater on the first Saturday in September. Commissioner Watkins moved that. the minut es of the spec ial meeting of April 29th be approved in accordance with copies furnished each nember in writing. Motion was seconded by Conunissioner Roberts and carl'ied unanimously. ComlJiissicner \a[atkins moved t.hat Lhe l:linutes of the regular meeting of l~ay 6th be approved in accordance wit h c opi es furnished each member in wri tinge r'!oti on wa 5 seconded by C:)!nlnissioner Roberts and carr ied unanimously. '.l'he Manager reported in regarJr$d to Lit.tle Pass and its proposed cridge that !'ilr. AI. Rogero, State Road Board member, had stated he v.ould not be able to meet with the Commission for at least two week:::; but wau Id arrange to meet wit.h the Commission as soon as possible alld have the engineers and ot her S~ate Road Depart- me nt offic ials necessary with him to discuss the project. Comrniss ioner Watkj,ns moved that the subject be delayed to a Conwission meeting at which ~~. Rogero can be present not later than May 27th. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. In regard to the bids for refuse bodies for garbage and trash trucks, Commis- sioner Insco report ed that he and Ivlayor Horner had gone to Sarasota wi th Nr. Gerald Wiemer and the Superintendent of Garqage and trash Collection, Mr. Kilgore, to see a demonstr.a:t.i.on of diFferent types of fSarba~e 'brdcks.: He r:.:'ported that. the group was favorably inclined toward the Leach machine. The Mayor commented that the opentrash bins in the alleys of the downtown section were causin~ a considerable problem from the wind blowings:md and trash and in a rain storm the cartons Nculd sometimes float down the alley and block the catchbaains of the storm sew~rg. He suggested several other methods of handling the collection of trash in the jown- town section. Commissioner Watkins moved that t he matter be deferred for st..ndy to a future Commission meeting. Notion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carr~iEid una nimo\lsly. Conmissioner Watk ins su~gested t hat the study be prepared and that:it, be put on the agenda for Iilay 27th if possible. It was reported by the Manager that about ninety feet of a concrete block wall at the Athletic Field was destroyed by lightning and wind on April 29, 1957. He estimated that replacement would cost approximately $590000 for material and $200.00 for labor or a total of $700.00 with the work being done by the City crews He recommended that buggeted funds under Municipal Buildings and Docks be trans- ferred from 61.1wages t.o 61.99 miscellaneous for this job. Commissioner Strang moved that t he amount be approved for transfer according to the recommendation of the Manager subject to his checking to see if the damage could be covered by insurance. lv'1Ot.ion was seconded by COlaiflissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. 'fhe Iv1anager recormnended acceptini: the low bid of $2,771.40 from E. H. HRlcomb, Jr., Contractor, for-the constructionAlS6 lineal feet of concrete bulkhead at the west end of Jeffords Street. 1'he Mayor explaired tha.t this bulkhead had beet:l rebid as bids had been rejected as being too high when the pruject was firsb adv@r- t.ised. In reply to a quest-ion from th3 rJIayor, the Engineer st.gted that t.he City t : portion of th~ project wbuld be for t he sixty feet at t he end or Jeffords Street. and adjoining property owners had agreed to pay t he remainder. Commissioner Insco moved that the c ont.racr. for the bulkheading of th e \'Jest end of Jeffords Street be awarded to E. H. Holcomb, Jr., for the sum of $2,771.40 which is the lowest and best responsi bl,e:, bid and that t he appropriate officials of t he City be authorized to execute said contract which shall be in accordance wit h t he plans and specifi- catiorfl and bid. Motion was seconded by Commissione r Strang and carci edf.manimously. .'; ----A1 . . .' .' . . ., : '." . " .' . . \;~iL]3:i;;;ii~~S:;:,;;,L:::._ ".:;.;...,.....;,~..,:;, . . ~'.." ......' . . ..""'.~ ~ ..' '.....H.';. '. .'. . ~'. . _'""' :.'., .~ '.~ ~~.;. ',,:, ",'::." ~: ," ,_,. .' .o'.'.....':......; . . .... ;'.._i.., :::::,j1L,',",,; .,;;:;:i;,':J?,g~:~t{:h~tl~~i:JriiJiJfj~:,:~L;,~~~:.1.~~;i;;i~~{'jJik~l!~;'1c;:\"'.' o 55~ , . ..., : to. .~ ,~,!.,~:~.;:j.i.r.J~';7<:~:;~;~~f~~~~:T~':.!:'~~f'~:>":~> ':~?F:;.t..?::,l/?"~' ,;:'" . I.' .'~ "'. ..;....... n . ,. ....t. . -2- CIty COMMISSION MEETING I1~y 13, 1957 It. was recommended by the r~nager that t.he highest bid of $370..00 from Mr. John W. Turner, that being che highest and best bid, be accepted ror the sale of a boat and t.railer belonging co the City which had been used for rescue work. The Mayor stated an arrangement had been made with Mr. Carl Michalski for the City to have the use of his boat for rescue work and it will be much less costly to the Ci~y and wil~ake a better boa~ available for emergency work. He said the need for lifeboats on the Gulf side for rescue work by the lifeguards had also been su~gested but he thought t.he recolllmendation could be studied and cr)t1sidered at a later date. Conuuissioner Roberts moved that t he bid of $) 70.00, wh1clh is the highest and best bid for the Ci~yts boac, be acc~pted subject to the title question and that the proper officials be authorized l;,() give good t.itle for it. Motion ~as seconded by Co~nissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. 'l'he Manager recolIunen<.led that the following holidays be adopted: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. COlCunissioner Wackins mcwd the approval oft.he holidays list.ed. Motion ~as seconded by Co~nissioner Strang and carried unanimously.. In regard to t h~ suggest ion I'o r t he Police Department to ha. ve signs printed saying "$10.00 Fine for Blocking Intersection", the r~anager recommended that the signs read "Do not Block Intersection," and that the Commission give the a uthori ty to the Police Chie~ to determine where such signs may be placed. Commissioner Watkins moved that the signs read "$10.00 Fine for Blocking Intersection" and that the number of signs and the place where they be put up be left to the discretion or the Chief of Police and the Traffic Captain.. Mo~ion was seconded by Commissioner Insco. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioner Watkins voted "Aye." Commissioners itober'ts, Insco, Strang and Hnmer voted "No." i4otion did not carry. 'l'he Manager reported that he had held a conference wit h I'Ifr. Robert Carr regarding the agreement he has to sell concession items to the City :for resale at the Sea Drama Museum. During the discussion, it was acknowled~ed that the percentage of ~ross receipts the City receives for handling Mr. Carr's i~8ms was not enough co pay for the space it took to display the items and their removal ~ould eliminate the need for an employee to handle. The Iv1anager outlined the following basis for settling the agreement: 1. rrhe souvenir items st.amped "Sea Orama" to be supplied until all are sold or until expiration of the agreeme~ ending Au~ust 2, 1960; 2. The small inexpensive items to be sold un'til present inventory list is exhausted but not later than August 31st, 1957; 3. The Sea Orama brochures to be purchased by the City at 30~ per copy and sold for 49tj per copy. -10 4.. The Curator to reeurn~l~. Carr all other items immediately. ~he Manager recommended approval of purchase of the brochures at $900.00 for 3,000, money to come f'l1om 'the Sea'. Orama fund. Commissioner Strang moved that t he proper officials be authorized to settle this concession a~reement according to the method outlined by ehe City Iv1anager and t,hat l.~onies come from. ~he Sea Drama fund. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins a~d carried unanimously. The Manager reque sVAconfirmat.ion of the Coramission' s verbal a, pproval to spend up to $3~OOO.00 to replace broken seawall dama~ed by a storm on the Gulr side at Bohenia (,;ircle. 'f'he Attorney reported that. Mr. "Tohn Anast:.asia of Tampa, owner of Lot s 7 and 8, Block 5, Mandalay, h9. d agreed to pi y one-half t.he COB t of the backfilling and putt.ing in 'the seawall on hin pro perty. Commissioner Wat.kins moved that the City Manager be authorized to sp:rd up to $3,COO.00 to repJace broken seawall and that the City Attorney be authori zed to prepare any contracts necessary with abutting private propert,y owners and also authorize _i'the proper City officials to sign them. ~1ocion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and C8m ed unanimously. MIs. Wm. Cro~n4: Sr., asked j,f any provision was being made .for servl.cJ.ng these groins already built in ~his area. The En~ineer replied that there was an item requested in his budgee for the coming year 'Which would cover t,hat work. In regard to a request from i4r. Wm. 1ickel, Secretary -Treasurer of the Bomber Booster Club for $3,000.00 I'or use in the coming season, the Manager reported that a letter from the Special Events Committee dated May 2nd neither recorumended approval or denial of the ~uest. He reported thae the Special Events Fund shows anfnencumbered balance of $1,217.1$. Commissioner Roberts moved that the ~3,OOO.OO previously appropriated in the budget be paid to the Bomber Boosters and that t he necessary money be tran sI'erred from an available account to make up the dtfference. lv1otionwas seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanilllously. Regardin~ t.he rqoost fnom Jl.Irs.. B. N. R~ines, Sr., for a $50.00 appropriation from the Special Events Fund I'or the Chain of Ivlissions program, theMana~l! reported that, the Special Events Committee approved the contribution of ~50.00 from the Special Events Furrl far this purpos e. Corrrnissioner \'Jatkins moved that on the recol'TlImndation of 'the Special Events G'ommittee tha't 1I'5Q.OO be appropriated to t.he Chain of' Missions as per their requestJ". ~Iotion was seconded by Commissioner Insco am c arri ed unanimously. the Manager presented for approval a copy of a revised plat of Clear~ater Industrial Park. The Mayor explained that the revisions would make it possible to bring the railroad sidetrack bak tqmore parcels in the park if ever needed and it also cuts down ~he area che City will have to r~ve. The Engineer estimated it wou1d t.ake about f,our wonths to install improvenents in the Indust,rial Park ar6!l. Commissioner R.oberts moved that the revised plat of Clearwater Industrial Park beP.pproved and chat the proper officials be authorized to execute the same in behalf of the City.;! Moti on was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unan imously. . . ; >.' \ ~ . . """'*-.-- ~ ':' ',r,' .' ,'~ ~,".;} ,....... . . . '0:/'.,-.': ',.:, ,. ' I'.... , . - . }T~.... '~4 ~.;:t1;:1l}'~x;;, ';~t1j~~ ::; . .<l~~"r..;,"f..l;,l'.~...~\ i. :1, J. . ~?:lll?1j!;f~~;~ ., ....,j'.',{. .,j ,. J !~!;~tIJ!~f;"] ""\'h",.,..,...l rJ) , ::\~':~/~~~>:.~~~:x:~'( >>:"": ~~ : ~ . 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The City Attorney read on its first rearling Ordinance 737 which would annex:, Ea.st Druid Estat.es Add1.tion into the City lir;nits. COITlmissioner Insco moved that Ordinance 737 be passed on its first reading. Nlotion "Was seconded by Commissioner Watkin~ and carried unanimously. the the the Commissioner Insco moved that Ordinance 737 be considered on its second L'eadinJ?; by t.i tle only by unanimous consent of the Commissionei' present. Moti on was seconded by Commissi oner Watkins ard c grried unanimous ly. 'l'he City Attorney read the Ordinance by title only. Commis~,ioner Insco moved that. Ordi,nance 737 be pass ed on its second readlnr; bye, it 1 e only. Motion w as secorD ed by Corrllldssioner Watkins and carl'iHd unanimously. The Attorney requested that Item 15, Agneenent between City and Developers of Island Estates, be deferred ;.until T-lr. Ch:rles Phillips, attorney, would be present later in the meeting. lo'layor Homer asked Commissioner Strang to assume the Chair 'Cor the discussion of the propent~xChange wit, h Mr. Wm. L. Bassett as he had acted as one of the 1lree appraisers for t.he property last summe r before beina; elected to "the Commission. 1he A~torney reouested the record show that Mr. Ross Norton had acted as the City'5 representat.ive in appraising the. land. 'l'he Attorney st[l.ted that Mr. Vim. L. Bassett had an option co purchas~ the land was appraised and the Commission had accepted the appraisal price of $2,000.00 per acre. He expla,ined that l-1r. Bassett is complying with the Cit y' 5 r~que st to trade a 75 foot strip on t.he north side of his property co him for ~l~ soutl 75 feet or pror:e rty he already owns and the . south 75 feet of tre property he has utrl er opt. ion) but I:.hat ;"lr. Bas sett is asking the City to dedicaLe a sixty foot strip known as Pist~ol Range Road to the County as street right of way. Commissioner Insco moved that the proper City o~ficials be authorized to execute a deed dedicating to t,he County of Pinellas a sixty foot right of way for a portion of Pisto~ Range Hoad running west from Hercules Avenue as described in the deed) and that the proper City officials be authorized to execute and d31iver to William L. Bassett,. deed conveying property which it had previously contracted to sell him in r'et.urn f'or the rec~ipt :from r"1r. Bassett of of the sum of ~5,98e.OO and a deed from him to the Cit~e-conveying a portion of the property previously deeded him and Gt{the receipt from him of a release of option for a portion of the property the o~on for which has previasly been given. r4otion"was seconded by Con.nissioner Roberts. Upon the vote bEt;ng taken, Commissioners Insco, Roberts, Strang and l'lat kins voted It Aye." Motion carried. 'l'he Mayor did not vote. Commissioner Strang relinquished the Chair to Mayor Horner. 'l'he Attorney presented ResoluLion 57-27 which would authorize conveyance of acreage located off Courtney Campbell Causeway in Section 16-29-16 by special warranty deed to the State Road Department far use as a location for a resident . engineer's office. 'rhe Mayor recomolend ed that a re version clause be included. The Attorney suggested deferring the matter to permit him to get in touch with the State Road Department to see if' there would be any objection to such a clause. Gommissioner Insco moved it be deferred to next Monday. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. 'i'he Attorney reported that there were two bills introducjed into che House of Representatives by a representative from Dade County for the Dad~ County Chamber of Commerce. He explained that House Bill e9l would prevent misleading advertising and House Bill S92 would maKe it unlawful to advertise with intene~ not to sell as advertised. He said such bills if passed would help alleviate problems in the City and recommended that the Commission endorse thel9. Commissioner Insco moved thAt the CommissionSlpport these two bills and insr.ruct the City Attorney to so notifj the Pir:ellas County delegation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. 'J.'he City Attorney p,resented a statement from Assistant Cit.y Att.or-ney Allb~i~ton for services in obtaining additional right of way for Myrtle Avenue and obtaining information on the proposed municip?l parking lot. He recommended approval o.f the bill. Commissioner Watki.ns moved that the surn of $300.00 be paid to Owe~ S. Allbritton, III, in payment of ri~ht o.f way services and o~ership investigation during the month of April, 1957, per Commiss~on~ssinstructions, and that the money be transferred to pay him. r~otion was s econdEid by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. It was re ported by the Attorne y t hat a b ill had been introduc ed in the Legislature by the Land Use Cdmmissi on the ef'fect of whi ch would be tQoauthorize the Counties to esta~iish bulkhead lines. Commissioner Watkins reported that the Sun Coast League of Municip131ities had passed a Resolution approving the bill and ~ reconmending an ame ndment that t, he County Commissions be given authority to deilegate the aut.hority to municipalities. It was decided to de~er the matter for discussion with the legislative delegation in Tallahassee. .'1~~,' ". ~t~gj'- t'.,,:t"~(".'r<lF' 1~~~IJf~!\ l:)\.t:?' ::,,' '. ..'. ". '." , I ":'/'(\,-?,,).:' I,,\,.;,{,,-, . ! :,\r<,t',::'~ ' !. '.',...,.:.'.., ' ,"(. " ~ '" . .. '0 . ,'. ,'~ .,' i.L/,8:>~' , . .J' . I~JI~~jc; ",' ;;:,,~.-,;I.,~ J:;;J~' .~ · ,1i,~." > -1~ .,*rt.....*)'~.~t1:,' rl)",(::'\ ~)...y. --'%~rl~~~ c"-.:J....)',~~:.,',\,' ~ :jli' ~~, - . . ____js..Jl~~;"':"':-:c;::,~-;~:XJ~j:'o/11\;:~ t. ..'. .r .',. " ,,:: ....."..,.........::. -;1. i.' . ".~:.'v' .....,;;. . . , ~,"". .;r".: ........'.;:..p,:'<..r...._;hf.hl... . -4- CI'1Y COMrwIIJSION MEI'rl'!NG May 13, 1957 The Attorney reported that ~he City has con~inuing offers for the purchase of propercy in the Indastrial Park from Peninsular Telephone Company and the Ledsville Metal Treating Company, and ~hat he ~ould bring back the offera in wri\.t.en form for the next. meet.ing. In regard to the proposed contract to purchase parking meters on a trial basis for orr street and on street parking, the Attorney said he had a call from Mr.M~. J~reB, at~orney ropresenting another parking meter company, who asked ~o De heard befor~ the Ci~y entered into a pazking meter contract. The Attorney reported that he is checking as to whether the City would be required to open this particular ~ype of purchase for competitive bidding. He offered to make a report at the next meeting. Commissioner Watkins moved the matter be pos~poned until t.he next mee~ing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously_ ",'.: , ," "; \'.,;;:.':,:, . - II . ~ >. . .~'.' <: The M~ayor commented that he had heard objections from private citizens who feel tha~ it is unfair to local taxpayers to put meters along the beach and make a cost for local taxpayers to s~im on the beach that their tax money is providing. He suggested a reasonable compromise by giving local taxpayers the privilege of buying a decal upon display of a receipted tax bill, the decal to be placed on their carsand recognized at the parking meters in the lots or along the street by the public beaches. By consent., ~he matter was referred to the attorney for st.udy. Regarding the request ror a five year renewal of lease frem Mr. M. ~red Gregory for Room 9 of the ~mrina Building, the Manager reported receipt of a letter rrom Mr. John Rowe, a~torney for Mr. George Butcher, discontinuing the objection to renewal of the lease made at the previous meeting. The Mayor suggested that the Comadssion meet as a Commit~ee to review the leasing policy atthe Beach, scrutinize the ren~ schedule, and study the ma~ter. By consent, the Commi5siona~reed to this. Mr~ Charles M. Phillips, Jr., appearing far the North Bay Company, ~he developers of Islarld Es~ates, stated that ~he revised contract prepared by the City At~orney wa~atis~actory to his c11en~5 except for the last paragraph dealing ~ith an agreemen~ be~ween both parties concerning tapping fees or other charges ror plant capaci~y. He suggested reph.rasing of ~he paragraph to which che Commiss,on agreed. The City Attorney said he would draw up a revised contract for approval at the nex~ meet ing. Commissioner Insco moved that t he agreement bet~een the Ci ty and the developers or Island Estates be postponed to t he next meeting. Motion was secomed by COlurnissiore r WaLkins and carri ed unanimously. Mr. John Polhill, att.ar nay :for t he Gulf Oil Corporation reported that his client had applied for a permit to tear down and rebuild the gas station on the northwest, corner of Clevel.and and Osceola. The Manager read the Zoning Board t s reex>mmendation that the applicat. ion to erect. a new station on Lots 3, 4. and 5, Mills Subdivision, be ap}roved. The Engineer recommended 'approval with the following exceptions: 1. Concrete curb returns to be installed as indicated. 2. Minimum distance between driveway and property line to be 5 feet. 3. Catch basin on nort.hwest corner of property shall be connecced to pipe of sufficient size to existing catch basin in Cleveland Stre~t. ~. Plumbing plans not comp1e~e; should show wash rack water going in to a storm s~wer. Commissioner Watkins moved that tihe permit be granr.ed subject to the approval of ~he City Engineer and the Changing of those items. Motion was seconded by Conu:nissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. Mr. Herbert M. Brown, attor.ney, appeared on behalf of Mr. R. D. Pinkerton, asking for a rebate to his c J.ient on the a ssessment against Lots 11 and 1.2, Grandview 'l'errac& Subdi vis ion, fClr' th e paving or Hobs!:tt Street as the fo rmer owmrs of the property had paid 1172.50 f'or the construction of a small road, 115 reet long, on the west side of t.bei r property. Commissioner Strang ([loved that it be referred to t.he Manager:"tre Engineer and t h9.t the interest on ~he lien be waived pend ing the outcome of this investigation. Motion was secd>nded by COlnmi.ssioner Roberts and carried u11C1'limously. Mrs. John D. Bullock, 1107 North Be~ty Lane, spoke to the Commission and described the difficulties sile and five 0& her neighbors experienced relative too the sanitary sewer baCking up in~o t heir homes on Saturday, May 11th and asked what could be done to IX' event. a recurr~nc e ard ho~ to go abou~ disinf'ec~ing their rex-ds. The Engineer explained that it was caused by t~ ex~ra heav, rainfall on Friday evening and that these sewer lines never should have been hooked to a ma1.n trunk line.. He said these homes were builti below street level and that an eight 11\<: h sewer line should be installed in back or t.he homes. He said he had a field party \'Jorking on the project nolti and would try to have a report ready next Monday. The Commission instructed the City Engineer to t.reat the matter as an eraergenc y. -~.....~. .." .~, ..,._~-::~ .: " ~ 1, ( :~;f}'~I,",,:, ,~,' ,~tltt ,:~!.t<<,~:~\tJ. 1,:;f;;f\;:.F ',.;f' :'I'~:'"':' .. ,t, .: ;-,.. ,'. " ~ : ....~ ~~lf;t .... ..<.-;t. !:;~~ .". ,,)~~)': ;.', c,.i~iil\~i,~:';':':;~;~{~;~~~;'i~1fu~ , ":';: :'" "'." :i.. ,: ,'.... '. '~,''', ,J,",i' .. , :',: :'.: ',: " :.., -5- CI'!'Y COMMISSION MEE'l'ING May 13, 1957 Colonel Marion Sanders, repre3encin~ the Federation of Civic Clubs, read a Resolution adopted by t he Federation recommendin~ the creat ion of a new court to handle traffic cases as it was felt the present Municipal Court docket is too crowded to give sufficient time to ~h case. He also read a letter stattng that the Resolution was adopted not to criticize the present personnel but in order to help establish an adequate traffic rersonnel to try to stop the alarming number o~ local accidents. The Mayor asked if any of the members of the Committee who had signed the letter had wade a pereonal investigation by attending the rraffic Court sessions. Colmnel Sanders admitted that no irwestigation had been made and it had been based on complaints of i nd1 visuals. 'l'he Mayor invited the Commit\lee to present the Conmission with the fact.ual information on which this complaint was based and the names of peGple who felt they have not had sufficient time to have a fair trial. Mr. Herbert Blanton, Sr., reported that the sidewalk in front of 4l6-~2g Haven Stree~ had variations in grade during the day and in the afternoon was 3.pproximately 2~ to J inches higher than at night. By consent the Manager was asked to check on it and report back. Commissioner Insco left at 5:10 P.M. It was reported by Mr. Herbert Blanton, Sr., tha~ Mr. W. D. Owens had filled in his lots located on Chesnut Street between Prospect and Myrtle in Block 17, Magnolia Park, and the fill had interfered with the natual drainage of the lots racing Turner Sljreet in that block and water was standing in the backyards. He asked the City to check to see if Mr. Owens should be nquired to install some drainage through his property. Mr. Herbert Blanton, Sr., stated that at the time the sidewalk had be2n inst.alled 011 the east) side of Myrtle Avenue he had been promised tm t a curb break would be made to ent er th e alley between Uourt and Chesnut Street s in Block 15, Aikens Subdivision. He reque$e:ithat this curb broak be ma.de. 'l'he Attorney read on its first read ing Ordinare e 73 g which w:>uld amend Section 59 of the City Code and Section 61 of the City Code as amended by Ordinan:e 631. He explained t.hat the City has been furnishing a hotter gas than at the time the present gas rates were designed and that the rate would now be based on the n~ber of British ~herm3a Units being furnished which may chan~e from 525 BTU to 630 BTU. Commissioner Watkins moved that Ordinance 73a be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Comllli.::5sioner Strang and carried unanimOUSly. .. Commissioner Strang requested permi ssion to be excused from the meeting on Monda1, May 20th, as he would be out of town. Commissioner Strang requested that the 1vIanager, the Engineer and t he Consulting Engineer have a conference to determine definitely whether the blowers included in the contrf:ict for the Marshall Street Dispaal Plant Addition met the speci1rications and maMe a report on it. Commissioner Roberts conmented that the situation of so much water going through the i4arshall Street DispCSll Plant will have t.o be :::ettled prior to the new l~arshall S~reet Plant going into operation and sug~ested making s 8ur~ now to find out where the drainage wat.er, if any, is going into the swage lines even if it is necesary to employ a survey crew to go over the ent.ire . sewer system. The Mayor also recommended a complete survey imlOOdiately ani asked the Er.gineer for an estimar.ed cost of the sQrv-e,Y. It was reported that a group of grove owners had protested their properties being included in the proposed annexation by the City and requested that their properties consi st.in.; of about 400 acres be eliminated. It was pointed out that the se particular areas would still be con~iguous to the City and if they should be developed into subdivisions the Ci1:,y \'oJould still have some control over them. By consent) t.he Cit.y Engineer 'Was inst..ructed Co prepare a map sho\'ling the proposed anr:exation ~i't,h these properties excluded for t.he app'Owl of the ~ommission. '!'he Namger reported that he had an apI:'licat ion from t he Boa rd of Public Instruction to conre ct t he new Kings Hi~\'lay Elan entary School to City sewer. He 'eJCplained it is now outside the City limits, and stated that he, the Engineer and the Utilities Manager 'tlere recom.llendin~ that permission be granted provided the school "Was a Iso served by Ci ty water. Conm issioner Roi~erts moved that the s cheol be permitted use of Gi'ty sewer }r ovid ed it, also uses City water. Mot ion was seconded by Cornnissioner Strang and carried unanimously. 'J.:he ,Manager annour.ced thalj st.artjng next lVlonday the Commj.ssioners will have parking spaces reserved for their use ont:.he south smde of the parkins lot behind the City Hall and he asked permission t.o wit hdraw the four rese rved places on the north side of Court Street next to ljhe Git y Hall and have neters installed for t.hose spaces. . '.:":;.},.:';<:\::~;:\dr,I::.. '. .. ..,' , I' .' .', " , '. - ~~"'- , ~, : ~ .. , ' .. , ' . !~~~H~~~{f~t!!l~ '<'~~~~~~.)~~r;.:~.';'j'1r.:; '_"..--~ijl'.~..~~~<r~. r.':?,~'~ :-t~1~: ' r'..... ( .: }':f~....... ~:~:", . . ',~ '"..:';,: :" \,., '" ,.... ... .' , . ~' ') , . '. ~,-':~ ,~ .' f " I. ~ ,..~., .'<.'.~'..,JI~:L.~.".r.r<'l.zJ-:'~'"',."",,~~,,,~"",^..f'''.\\..Jt ~i,":}~ }"...t.,.,':t:;;'F . i':' ~\'::~~,:,{:tt~~i~:it~tir,t\ {; :1t~rJF.:"~"":.~:'~::'. '.< . . -6:' ". . ..' ,,;.,.., " '0 '0, .'0"'" . ," . ~f'" ''^ t;};:;~." ,I, , . " ",.~. ."~.);,,, , " . CITY COMMISSION MEETING H~';',;';,~('i~~~;r1!. ,,:t;:i,,~jL ~O~B~ion now BdJ ourn:Y a:3:h~ 9:: ty Couun1ssion and acting as TruetesB of ";.', I " ..' ,';'\",(..'\~:>th'e 'Pension Fund heard a letter read from the Advisory Committee of the Pension Fund ;<~,':L,,; .. " :'; ,:': ,: ,'-,;which reoommended that Lonnie Williams, Maintenance Man I, Publia Service Department;..'.<:~:::." ; :" :'.:' ','be accepted into membership in the Pension Plan. Conunissioner Strang moved on the' '.,: ,,"}:"!~~), reconunendation of the Advisory Committee that he be accepted in the Pension Plan. "':.:,,~~!~~;i Motion was seconded by Conun1ssioner Robert s and carried unanimously. . ,;,;'-~~:'.:~;~'\~;~ I, ~>:: 'i.~;': :'/;:'~' The Clerk read a letter from the Advisory Committee whioh reoommended that t '~,:~, '::~, '. Harlan \'Iare, Engineering Aid I, Engineering Department, not be acc~pted into , ~, .: f/.'." membership in the Pension Plan. By consent, the Conun1ssion accepted the report 'and',,<;;,\~ " " if' the emoloyee wi shes to protest to the Pension Plan Trustees in person he, may" do',. s~ '"" , ., ". '- . :' - " ", . '. : :', ,i;~.t: , ""'" '.' There being no further business to corne before the Cormnission, the meet1rig. W'af(',~/,\., ""," : adjourned at 6:05 P.M. .' " < '::'. ':.::' ':':::):-,~ :\: '.:; : ' " ,:;}.(~~{;(.>, ';'" ..:, ,c,., , . :'~'.:;" :~";>;~~::;;;~"~~':l; 0 :';'j J ~: ".' e,..', , .' " ":"~:;~:'):'I;";~:';:';~:;;'1:;:'" ': ". "':'\~.::'\~;" ,,,:,t:"'~):.~;~J~'."~'; :~,,~~ ~ .., , " . tt t . , " ':," :,{,;C"" ,:;?\. ",: : ."1: " :'.:' 'f:r.'A eS: . , . . . '. ':,;';: ... :,:/.; ,.'" ',. '.':';;'~"~;'i:'Bl~~'~~t:>':; '. ~', ~ '. .. " .,', <),":.:,::.",';'..~'.': ~:, ".'c:,,', ':.!.'?,.".t.;:'~.'~:<::'<,f;1;\~9Z.~;:.\;,~~t:...~:,::."~:'-~~,-, ' -: - . 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"'''.< t .~.,.:~);.: .~ ~y;~~:~.~'~' ~.:-' .>' :'\~ ' ',':'~'\ '.~:?(.;~:~.-:.~: A;'/':' ',". ,,";,: ,:~~~-:~~~/~:,\':'\~:~;:~'\' . ~~::'{:~'",i",i.t.;;~:;;.C.~~,,,,..,.d'Id~"l~";JrfG,,L:":i',,, .;;;,G;h:.;~~t~,~kL"-,:.d&",a&'d2i~"" OITY COMMISSION MEEl'ING May 13, 1957 AGEIlDA CIllY CONl'wllSSION MEETING MAY 13, 1957 1:30 P.M. Reports from Clt.." Manager: 1. Little Pass 2. Bids, Refuse Bodies 3. Repairs to Athletic Field Wall on Greenwood and Palmetto Streets. 4. Bids, Bulkhead" West End Jeffords St. 5. Bids, Sale of ~urplus Boat and Trailer 6. Hoihidays 7. Signs He Blocking In~ersections 8. Sea Orama Concession Agreemen~ 9. Broken Seawall, Beach 10. Bomber Boosters Request ~or $3tOOO.00 11. Chain of Missions Request fol:' 50.00 12. Industrial. Park P1at (approval 13. Street Lighting System Map (endorsement) Report.s from CitI Attorney:- u. Ordinance H737 ~ Annexation East Druid Estctes Addition Agreement bet.ween City and Developere of Island Estates Approval Property Exchange ~illiam Bassett Resolution Approving Oonveyance to St. ,Rd. Dept. f'or Resident Engi neer' s Offic e Froposed General Laws Regulating Misleading Advertisement s Fayment for Rigpt o~Way Serviceo Fending Legislation ]&gulati ng Bulkhead Lines Offers to Purchase i~Indust'al Park Contract to Purchase Parking Meters on Trial Basis f'or Off-street and On-street Parking Request for Extension of Lease on Room No.9, Clearwat.er Marina (cont inued) Invocation Int,roduct ions Minutes of Freceding Meetings Publ.ic Hearings Reports of City Manager keports of City Attorney Citi zens to be Heard Other Commission Action Adjournme nt Meeting Pension Plan 'frus tees 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ----~.------~---~-----------~-----~~--~~------------------~----~----~~--------~--~--~ April 5, 1957 Honorable Mayor and Oity Commissioners City of Clearwater, and Special Events Committee Cit.y of' Clearwat er Clearwa~er, Florida Gent leme n: As you know, t.he Bombers Booster organization, through the help o:f the city and a good many o~her civic minded individuals, have for many years fielded a champion.. ship softball club, and this year is no exceptiom. To top all of chis off'. we are again having t.he World Soft.ball Tournament here in the 'City of' C1earwater. As I underscand it, the Bomber Boosters received an a~location in the 1956-57 budget of the City of' Clearwat.er, ani I would like ~I;:)this time to request the sum of i3,000.00 to be distribuLsd to the Bombers Booster Club ror use during the f"orthcoming season. Represent atives of the Bombers Booster organization can be contacted if you need any rurther ,explanation of this. I r errS! Respectfully yours, BOfmERS BOOSTER CLUB /s/ Wm Tri ckel Secretary..Treasurer -----~-~------------------------~------------~-~--------------------~-----~----- Mr. Jack Tallent) City Manager Ci ty of Olearwa~er City Hall Clearwater, Flc:rida Re: Bomber Boosters reQU3st for $3.000.00 Dear ~. Tallent~ May 2, 1957 The Special Events Oommittee of tte City of Clearwater, at a speci'lly called meeting, conSidered the request of the Bomber Boosters organization for .3,000.00 to be distribut.ed to the Bomber Boosters Club :for use during the forthccming season. The Co~ittee considered this request and after a thorough examination of the records, it was determined that this was the firth consecutive year that this Committee has been requested and has approved $3,000.00 for the Clearwater Bombers. This clearly indicates that ~his is not a special event, but in effect, is an annual event and should be carr! ed as a ye arly budgeted i teCl. The Committee as a whole was of the opinion that this is a professional ball team and although valuable pl1blicity is derived for the City of Clearwater, the amoun~ of subsidy seems to be definite and, t.mrefore, easi1y ascertainalie a year in advaree and included in a regular budget. .( con tinaed) , " ,',: ,,, .~ "ll .. ,. ........,..... ". . :'#'~ ~ :.,~:..'::..r.~J~\~,:",,,:,, , , " ~t'f';::~:~:~:,:.:::,;.":,.,.."^;,",~,,"~,,,,._,1.!!.j'(;i.;),.. ." , . , ':, ::'~;~:~;-?'~~i?)~,:;))\"i"li/.';(: . :'\'"":~~'~' ;i.;~;~i<,~'~~ .~:,~~;~.;;:;;~J[t: ~.:~L:~~.~)~~l/;f:;;!ii/Jtiic~f;f-'~f CI'l'X COleMISSION MEE'l'ING May 13, 1957 (con tinued) The Comnittee. however, does not wan~ to disapprove the $3.000.00 request, bu~ is attenp!;ing to establish a policy wherein an item which ap]:ears tht1ree years in a row before the Spec ial Event.s Cormnittee sho uld then be carr ie d in a regular budget. accompmed by a profit and loss stat emen for the preceeding year. In accordance with the hereinabove mentioned policy, ~e are nei;her denyingnJr approving the request. but are returning same far the consideration of the Honora ble Mayor and cat.y Commissioners of the City of' Clearwat.er. Respectfully submitted, Chairman Special Events Committee ---~----~---------~--~--~--------~-~------~--~-~--------~-~~p-~---~---------~--~ Apr - 4- 1957 Sp,e cial Events Cornmi1;t.ee, c70 Chamber of Commerce, CJ.earwater, Fla. Dear Sirs:- For many years the Chamber of Conmerce has been one o:f the sponsors o~ the Chain of Missio~_ Because of the f'ine speakers, men ani WO:lien of inter- national reput.ation, the tbree days of meetings in February of each year are wnong the outs~anding events of Clearwater. We hope that. you will continue your sponsonhip this year. If you do, p1ease send the check f'or Fifty (;'0) Dollars to me as Treasurer of the Clearwater Branch of the Chain of Missi onary Assemblies. ',L'hank you. Yours sincerely, /s/ Mrs. B.M. Rains, Sr. (1206 N. Osceola Ave.) __.___~W______~~~__~_________~___.___~_____________~~___._______________________ April 29, 1957 r~. Jack Tallent Ci ty Manager Clear~ater, Florida Dear Mr. Tallen~ : Relative to the request of the Clear-water Brannh of'the Chain of Missionary Assemblies for fUnds in the amount o:f fifty dollars ( $ 50.00 ) the Special Events Committee feels that the City of Clearwater should continue as one of the sponsors and contribute the sum of i 50.00 as requested. Re; Chain of I.t1issions request for funds. ...~.&./ BOM/mg Respectfully submi~ted, /s/ E. C. Marquard~. Chairman-Special Events Committee ------...--.------..-- --....... .-..----..-- - -- -------- ------ --.,--- ----- - ----------..---------- ---- - ---... Apri. 1 24, 1957 Cit.y Zoning Board Clearwater Florid a At~ention: ~~. Anderson, Secretary and Building Inspector. Re: Gulf Service Station located at N.W. Corner of Cleveland and Osceola, C le arwat. er, Flor ida. Gen tlernen : On behalf of my client, Gulf Oi1,Corporation, I hereby make appi~cat1on for a building permic in t.he amount of $20,000.00 providing for ~the removal of the present structure and erection of a new station on the above premises. being numbered 344 Cleveland Street, Clearwater, Florida. It is the understanding of the writer t hat you already have t.h e plans for the ne~ s~ructure in your posseSSion. If any f'urt.her information is nooded in conrection 'With this matter, please communicate 'With me promptly. '.rhanking you fo r YO'Llr" attention to this matter, I am ve? truly yours, /s ,John C. Polhi11 (Smoyer Building) 'JCP:.w' . . . L . . .' . , " ; ~- - -- ~..~ ---,_...~-_..-.-~~~~..~.."';--~-- ..~.. ~-- - -..-- - ---- ~- - -... -----...- -~ -..... -- -----...- - ~- --- -~ '. ,"I.. SPIJ - . ;:~~~;;~;i~,:"~~~~~",;"",,=,,,,';',"~'';'~;;2~~f'');'~:li!3i~;S;!2Jj;~":'.:c;~6;~i~rg~~~iP,,,,,:::;'.::;';;:","::f;:r:c;;';\\~ RESOLVED------- - CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 13, 1957 \. In view of the ever increasing traffic congestions, and accidents taking place in Clear~ater, we feel that it is a ~ that the City have a Traffic Court and a trained personnel, trained in every phase of preventing accidents, and the gathering of evidence that will ~i ve the defendent and plaintiff' a fair trial. . At present the heavy docket of the Police Court., has become a c rowdad time wit:.h catch-as-catch can kind of justice. Too many c ompaints have been express ed against the lack of' time and considerat.ion given for all cases to havEl ample t.ime t.o give their evidence, as to their guilt or innocence. It seems that there is a race on to see who c an make the most arrests, as the Folice Court is crowded at each session. Everyone who is being tried is no~ guilty, some few could show t hei r innocence i.f there was a little time and c onsid era't.ion givento those who stand acc used of some traff"ic violation. Vie fee 1 that t.he tiJne has corne tmt \'1e cannot afford to have this condition exist any longer. It is too much to ask of' anyone court to handle the great number of cases, with consideration ani justice as is now being handled by our present Polic e COt.1rt. Everyone is c el"tainly ent itled to a fair and impartial trial, and respect for the law is not bet.tered ''1hen one, \<ho is accused, cannot have the time or considerat.ion given them to prove their case. We are alarmed at the ever increasing nurrber o:f local accidmts, and we believe that if'a little more time was gi ven to inst ill greater respect for the law and those \'Jho must en:force it. It must be conceded that in a great number of cases a properly interpreted reprlLmand will assure bet-ter co-operation by t, he motoris!. in helpin~ to avoid accidents will increase courtesy to others. We ask that much considerat.ion be given this urgent matter and that such a Court and Personre 1 be established. 'l'his resolution passed unanimously at t he regular meeting, Apri 1 26, 1957 Copies sent to all the Commissioners, Mayor and City Manage r. ---~~----------------~-----~-----------------------~---~-----------~----~~-------- Honorable i4ayor and Members of City Commission City of Clea rwater Clearwater, Florida May 13, 1957 Gent:.lemen: Subject: Chain of' Nissions Request for $50.00 Le-tt:.er of reql.Est dated April 4, addressed to the Special Events Committee, Chamber of Comnerce, is signed by Mn:. B. M. Raines, Sr. It is report.ed to the Corrunission by t.he Chaiman of the Special Events Committee that the City Government should continue as one of the sponsors by contributing $50.00 It is a cknowledged that the 6it.y in the several past years has cont.ri blJ.ted $5Qr.09 a year, however, no recommendation can be made to the City Commission at the time this letter is presented for the lack of apJropriations, therefore, it is suggested this request; be discussed a t the Commission Meeting. Faith:fully, /s/ Jack 'l'allent Ci t.y 1-1anager ......_ ____ ___ __ _..... __c.... __.___.. _. __~ __...., __ ___ __ ___ ___ _____.. _ _ __ ____ __ ___._ _ __ ___,-.---. Honorable City Commissio~ers Clearwater, Florida Gent lern en : ~ay 7, 1957 As TrusT.ees of the City of Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund, this is to advise you that Harlan Ware, Engineering Aide I, Public Works Dept., was duly examined by a local physician and declared by him as ~ a first class risk. 'l'herefore, the Advisory Conmittee has denied membership in the Pension Fund. Very truly you." s. Advisory Committ.ee of The Employeesi Pension Fund /sl Paul Kane, Chainnan Is/. Dick Nel50 n Is/ Dorot.hy Roth .-'-...-- ..--...~..--..- --..-..--- -...- ------- -----..-- -----------~--.._...- -- ....-- ---- -.. ----.--.-- --...- " . .; " '. : .,' ,~ , 0,1.. ..... ",." ' "'j _'~",I,."." ..,~ ,..~""~... }.'. ,.:....~.,,_.,.:..';..: <.:i--' ;..,...~.:,:-:.:..:.~ '; ,~~..~:~~~, ,I t$tr:zi:;:~ ~~{:t~r:j1\~:)~;:>t\,:{\:/~~,~:~j'.t::;:,r;~?:t ?t, ,:" :~i ::.' '\: ,.... ... .... ':". .... ':; ..'. . ..,):;':,.\ ',,:,i,;~~i}St~l;;:ieji~,):,i~lit:::i~~ ,,,,,, ~ J' . j I,t., ,{~~~/':':>/-;":~I:;:"J, <L~:^i:5:,tt:\ " :'; O1'1'.Y. COMMISSI'ON'MEETING", :, .",":.'.....,'''',:/~~;:;'''.;. \"'),';':\>;',~:':'\~':~....7;;'''''' i;(1~T,~:~::..:."n.,,'",":;,~,',~:,',::~!:*,: j ,!" .. < <, . :~i':/;):, , <t;;;;:l' ,. 1 . ,t., ,r ~..... f '\t.... -'-:'~- l~ ;d:i~~:~,<;~:~:,::,' ': :::., ., 1 :;-'::>~. ~"~ r, ...' M' '13" 191:.7' ."",.,' f "~~~':1~'.~~' /;,;t"j"~ ~..'~l~~' '~' ,?~:~~~~?;~;;;::.~o\,\>,~:~~:\....~~ 'I'" ,'. ." ,".;.';..'; ..', ay , ~,' ;.:,::;.!\"" "',',C , ;j""" (""'..'-.".-...,O,;l, "1"'" "}:'i:"'.' :'::" '. " .' . "V.;:' " e '. . " ' , , ,"" ;',;>.::'~~,;.( :, .,':,.". .~:." ,,:' .','::, .,,. ~ " '., :', f,,';, '",:,:i >,:-~."",' -I ~ 'A~ ,"'....;., i,\,~-,.'-.: - '" ~ . .."""' ~/.;. t.,....;~, .... lJL' .\\ -<. ,0"''''''. t"f"t . .::,,;"",~":"\.,'.'.~,'~;,',),'~\ <~(~",;,; ':t'"";;:;::,,,,: " ,'. ..J, J ,~,;." .- ' ',,! . ,./': '. ';;:::"'A::::'\l{l;'<~~O( ~~::1:"9:iS:17' ~/. .':~\i.'~~"::1~ .., , ,,''<>' 'k::":;' .:.' . ' .' ':':,,~.. ~'>:~:< p~'.L \,.~ ,,'j' ':: ,,'.,: ".~::~ :.r,t:r::',~t .' ,'. ~C:<i:" ' ; , ,',i:.:;\(;:::.-" ,,' '.::,', ':.- ',::,' .: ,'<>;'~:t~~}"J'< ~",\i,i.r <"'.:' , " "';.':; Honorable City Commissioners ' ",'. '. . " '." .'...;!,.,~.',:.,:f. ~;x';.:";;,;,"...:.,.. .'t-." 'OlearwL'ter Florida ,,, .' " -,:' ':'?i:;',.;:',\~,; "">;:",~:::'~i ~~,.. "ll';:""" y .;~' <{ " a. " ,4_ " or ~ + ",...."C ~ .fi'! r\'~'~,:,;,>,~~; l~' ~.,~.>~:?tF;~ :---',.'" j~r 'I. . r ~ '; '-'....U. . :~.,." ~,. ,<l~ ;;'.., f;.;r~'''''''':' \~.tir~:;i5,:?"';;L:.: . ".: ':.'~'" '.~' ":.,,<e:,,:,:,,~)'{~ .l.j'f,.. i";'>':;~\\. : Gentlemen. . , ' , , ; , . ,''-7,';'\'':\>:~',-;, ':~i" ,..':';o;~~;~i,;;.~;\ ~:~' '" ", As 'rrustees of t. he City oE Cle~ater Employees' Pension Fund' '''you 'ar'ef<~';~~;\~;;~ ric;:.t'.~..-.,',: hereby notified that Lonnie Williams, Maint. !~an I, :Public Service has been' d\i1y.>.'~~,;~{~,:~ 'i-'. ,.,.., '-, examin'd by a local PPysician and designated by him as a "First Class" risk. ';';:....){f~~~.,:< . ,.!:i..:" ("'. The above employee begain his serv-ice with the City on J~ 2,,1956.is.~,,::i~,~~i~'."" undor 4.5 years of age (born Sept. a, 1916) and meets t.he requiremEnts of 'our' ';'"'',:\~':~\~;~''.''' Civil 8ervic 9. It is hereby recommended by the Ad~Ysory Committee that he be " ,f: accepted into membership. "'r' , , ,0, "'. -,T'., , ?" . .' ,,' "~'~i~ .;..y,~' . , ...-.' ~ ,;t~.'lf~~~" ,PO !t <~.:~<< ~\~/~'lf1.' ," if, ... . ~~ (,1',. . ,~ " ~ . ,; Ii'\ .fi" . :~'~~ ., ,,-'. '.'" - . l.< ,~." ~ ", /' ..::, ::; : ,'~ /) '.:~ ;,/!.< . ,,' , " ';; 'j:'~; j , ; " ':::i ! : :", ; .,::;:.;:,;':?"::;~";~ : Very truly your s , ~'.' " ';;' .,'~;'~ '...I:>~<:';;\- "cf;'< ";d',,;,', ' ~ " " Advisory Committee ,of.,,:..:~."/,.: ,:.>:- ::\);,~:;:,;}, ::1 '::-:'';:;;(,<~ ." ' ,': ,.. "", "-:""~" The Employees' Pension ~n:~,~f~i~~ ! ;c,.' . '".?L:;; 'l;:' ::'; ;/:"j:,;', .. " ., ' ,>~:':':. /s/ Paul Kane Chai rman" , , '-,'.': ..:;;Z"~;t,~2\:" . ':, "", ">' .'" '. "....<.;;:iX'... ' II D th R'th . ,',.:~.~W:J.~~, .:: .' "'G:{,'ii/:::. c.':.:, .. .. , " .' .. "'.. '.~ ' /:/ D~~k N~ ls~n ' .. ,:,,~.'~::,: ;:'> :" . ',:' : .,:;(.:~- ',: ts.,!'i.:'): :'_ ,'. ',' ". ' ,," ,,' ' , i.< ~':\::\(! X" ..'. ':' ;:'.\~~,~ _;~~~.>~U~,~....._~ .__.___ __~---- _______~__~_____ __ _..~__~~:..._... _'__.,_"_"'_ _ __..__ ____..___~- ~~--~..~::':~,~ ',;. '. ..'i;r~-;:':~': ".. ,., . ' . . ' , '.' , , ' , ',', ".;.':s:;",'!' . '.", " !. '. " :,.i.','" .. , "" , ,,:"''', ~ ',: ' " ' . . 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Strang, Jr. Clev�l:and Insco, Samuel �1, kP.o bert s James H. Watkins Also present were: Jack Tallent Ben Krentzman S. Lickton S��. Chas. I,av�son iKayor -Comn issi o ne r Cornmissioner Jr. Gommissioner �ommissioner Commi:sioner City Nianager C�ty Attornep City Engineer Representing Chief oi Police 1'$e meetin� was called 1:0 order by the i�fayor. Commissioner Watkins �epoated that he and l�layor Homer had attended the month�y meeting of the Sunco�:st League of Ivlunicipalities on Saturday, I�'Iay 4th, a� I�aples at nwhich various le�islative bills were discussed. He stated that he and the Mayor had invited the Suncoast League to hold its meetin� in Clearwater on the first Saturdaq in September. Commissioner Watkins rnoved that the minut es of the special meeting of April 29th be apxrroved in accordance with copies furnished each raember in writin�. ifotion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and cari ied unanimously. Commissianer Watkins moved Lhat tihe i:ainutes nf the regular meetin,� of P�ay 6tih be approved in accordance wit h copies furnished each member in writir.�. T.oti on �n�as seconded by Commissioner Ro�,erts and carried unaniiwusly. 1'he Manager reported in regar¢d to Little Pass and its pro�osed �rid�e tha� �r'ir, Al. Rogero, State Raad Board member, had stated he would not be able to meet with the Commission for at 1.east Lwo weeks but would arrange to mEet with the Commission as saon as �ossible ar�d have the engineers and other S�ate Road Depart- ment officials r.ecesssry with him to discuss the project. CommissionFr Watk�ns mAved that the sub ject be delayed to a Commission meeting at which Mr. Rogera can be present not laLer than biay 27th. Motion was seconded by Commisaioner Insco and carried unanimously. In reg�rd to the bids for reiuse bodies for garba;;e and trash trucks, Commis- sion�r Insco reporesd that he and i�iayor Ho:aer had gone to Sarasota wit?� ivIr� Geralr� Wiemer ar.d the Superintendent of Garb,age and Trash Collection, Mr� Kilgore, to see a demonstra�ti.on of dif:ferent types of garba�e t�rdcks: He r�ported that the group was iavorably inclined toward the I�each machine. ^lhe �Sayor cormnented that the opentrash bins in the alle;s of the downtown section were cau:,in.� a considerable problerr. fr9� the wind blowings�nd and trash and in a rain storm the cartons tvould some��imes ,flsat down the alley and block the catchbasins of t he storm sewers. He su��ested sev� �1 other methods of handlin� Lhe collection of trash in the 3own- t�wn section. �omrnissioner Wat kins moved �hat t he matter be deferred for stndp to a fut�m e Gommission meeting. i�;oti�n was secordad by GQmmissioner Roberts and carrr�idd unanimously. C'orrYnissioner ?�Iatkins sug�ested tha� the study be prepared and that it bs put on the agenda for I.iay 27th if possible. It was reported by the Manager that about ninzty feet of a c oncrete block wall at the Athletic Field was destroyed by lightning and wind on April 29, 195'7, He estimated that replacement would cost approximat ely �590.00 for material and ��00.00 for labor or a total of �700.�0 with the work being done by the City crews He recommended that buc��eted funds un�ier Munic�pal Buildings a nd Docks he trans- ferred fro,n 61.lwa�es to b1.99 miscellaneous for this job. Commissioner Strang moved that the amount be apFruved for transfer according to the recommendation of the Manager subject to his checking to see if the damage could be covered by insurance. I�Iotior. was seconded by Com,i;issioner kzatkins and carried unanimousl;�. The zlanager recommended accegtin the low bid of �2,�71.�0 from E. H. Holcomb, Jr., Contractor, for° the eonstruction�l$6 �ineal feet of concrete bulkhead at the west end of Jeffords Street. 2'he NIayor explaine d that t hi s bulkhead had been rebid as bids had been rejected as bein� too hi�h r�hen the project was firs� adver- tised. Inreply to a question from the P�tayor, the Engineer stated that ttie City' portion of the praject wd�uld be for the sixty feei; at the end of Jeffords Street and adjoining property owners had agreed to pay the remainder. Commissionar Insco moved that the coni;ract fo_� thE bu].kheading of the v�est end of Jeffords Street be aw�aea io E, H. Holcomb, Jr., for the sum af $�2,7']1.40 which is the lowest and. best responsibl e bid and that the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute said contract which shall be in accordance wit h t he plans and specifi- catiorisand bid. 15otion was seconded by Commissionei Stran� and carried�unanimously. � �� _2 _ CITY CO'�vIISSION MEE'PING May 13 , Ig57 It was recommended by the i�anager tlia� the hi�;hest bid of �370.00 from Mr. John W. Turner, that be�.no tihe highest and best bid, be accepted for the sale of a boat and trailer belor.gix�g �o the City which had been used %� rescue work. The Mayor stated an arrangement had been made with Mr. Carl Michalski .for the City to ha�re the use of his boat for rescus work and it will be mueh less costly to the Citiy and wil7�fnake a better boat available for emergency worlc. He said the need for lifeboats on the Gulf side for rescue wax�k by the lifeguards had also been suggested but he thought tfie recouimenda�ion could be studied and considered a� a la�er dateo Gominissioner Roberts moved that th� bid of �p370.00, �vh�ch is the hi.ghest and best bid for the City's boat, be accggted subject to the ti�tle question and that t he pro per officials be authorized to give good Citle for it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. Ths Manager recom.mended that the following holidays be adopted: New Year's Day, Meinorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Commissioner V�7atkins maed the approval of the holidays listed, iKotion was seconded by Comtmmissioner Strang and carried unanimously. In regard to the suggestion for t he Police Department to have s igns printed saying "�10.00 Fine for Blocking Intersection'�, the Manager -recommended that the signs read "Do not Block Intersectionp" and that the Commission give the a uthority to the Police Chiefi to determine where such si;ns may ba placed. Commissioner Watkins moved that the signs read ���10.00 Fine for Blocking Intersection'� and that the numoer of signs and the place where they be put up be lef� to the discretion of the Chief of Police and the Traffic Captain. Motiion was seco�ided by Commissioner Ins.o. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioner Watkins veted 11Aye." Commissioners hoberts, Insco, Strang and H�mer voted tt�so." Motion did not carry. The 'r•'lanager reported that he had held a conference with idr. Robert Carr regarding the a?ree�ent he has� to sell concession items to ths City �or resaZe at the Sea Orama iKuseum. Durin.g the discussion, it was acknowledged that the percentage of nrQss receipts .•t;}e Gity receives for handling Mr. Carr's items was not enough tio pap for t he spacs it took to display the items and their removal would elimir_ate the need for an employee to handle. The I+�ana�er outlined the following basis for sett3ing the agreement: L 1he souveni� itecns stamped ��Sea Orama'T to be supplzed until aI1 are sold or until expiration of the agreem�rt ending Aup;ust 2, i9�b; 2. The small inexper_sive items �o be sold �:ntil present inventory list is exhausted but not later than August 31st, 1957; 3. The Sea Qrama brochures to be purchased by the City a.� 30¢ per copy and sold for 49¢ per copy. 4. 'Plie Curator to ret�.zrri�,Mr. Carr all oi:her items immediaL��y. 'i'he Manager recommended approval of purchase of the brochures at $�900.00 for 3,000, money to come facrm the Sea`. Orama fund s Commissioner St•rang mov�d that the proper oificials be authorized to seztle this concession agreenent according to the method outlined by tihe City I4lanager and that �onies ,come frpm: the Sea Orama fund. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins ar.d carried unanimously. The Manager request�confirmation of the Cor,imissionts verba.l a pproval to spend ug to $3,000.00 to repla.ce broken seawall damaged by a sLorm on the Gulf side at Bohenia �ircle, The �t'coz•ney reported that Air. John Anastasia of Tampa, owner of Lots '7 and $, Block �, tiIandalay, l�d a�reed to �y one-half the cos:t of the backfilling and putting in the seawall on his pro perty. Commissianer Watkins moved that the Gity Manager be aubhorized to s peni up to �3, 000.00 to replace broken seawall and thati the City Attorney be authorized to prepare any contracts necessary with abutting private property ownz rs an d al so authori ze a the pro per Ci� y of ficia ls t o sign them. i�iotion was seconded by Gommissioner Insco and carri ed unanimously. ,qis. tiVm. Crown�, Sr,, asked if any provision was being made for serviaing these groins already built in L his area. The Engineer replied that there was an item requested in his budget for the cor�ing year which would cover that work. In regarcl to a request from i�Ir. Wm. �ickel, SecreLary -Treasurer of the I�omber Booster Club for �3,Op0.00 for use in ths cnming season, the Manager reported that a le�ter �rom the Spe�ial Events Committee dated iVay 2nd neither recommended approvaL or denial of the �uest, He reported that the Special Events Fund shows anlunencumbere� balance of �1,217.1$. Commissioner Poberts moved that t ha �3,OOO.QO previously appropriated in the budget be paid to the Bomber Boosters and that the necessary mone� be transferred fr�m an available account to make up the d�fference. P�Iotion was seconded by Comrriissiomr insco and carried unanimously. Regarc�ing the rq�st f�am Mrs. B. M. R�ines, Sr., for a"�"50.00 appropriation from the Spe�ial Events Fund for the Chain of I�Tissions program, the MaaiagE� reported that the Special Events Committee approved the cantribution of �50.00 from the Special Events Furxi for this purpose. Coumissioner Watkins moved that on the recomm�nclation of the Special Events G�ommittee that v�58.00 be appropriated to the Chain of T�'iissiona as per �heir requestt,. ivotion was seconded by Commissioner Insco arx3 c arri ed unanimously. `ihe ManagEr presented for approval a copy of a revised plat of ClParwater Industrial Park. The MaSor explained that t he revisions would make it possible to bring the railroad sidetrack ba�k tornore parcels in the Fark if ever needed and it also cuts down �'r,e area the City will have t o pav�. The Eng�neer estimated it would take abouL four �onths to ir_stall improve�nts in Lhe Irdustrial Park ar�. �ommissioner P.oberts moved that the revised plat oi Clearwater Industria l Park b e�pproved and. that the proper officials be authori.zed to execute the same in behalf oi the Gitys Pdotion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. _3 _ cz2 Y co��z ss�. on ��Z�zrrG May 13, 1957 '1'he Manager di,splayed a streeti ligh�Gi.ng map i'or the entire City and the Engineer explained �he leoend on the map. Commissioner Insco moved that the Commi.ssion acce�t this xeport, that the map�oe put in the proper place in the Commissi oner t s room f or t he Commissi on to st udy and thark the Ele ctrical Department for supplying the informatio�uested. Moticn was seconded by Corrmissioner Strang and c�rried unamirnonsly. The City Attorney read on zts first reading Ordinance 73'7 ,��ich would annsx�- East Druid EStates Additian into �he City liqiits. Commissioner Insco rn�vEa that -� Ordinance '737 be passed on i.ts first readin;. P�IoLion was seconded by Commissianer Watkina and carra.ed unanimously. . Con�missioner Insco moved that Ordir_ance 73'7 be considered on i_ts second r•eading by title only b y unanimous consent of the Commissioner present. PRotion was seconded by Commissi oner ;Jatkins arx�1 c 3rried unan3.mous ly. The City Attorney read the Ordinance by tit le only. Gomrais�•ioner Insco move d that Ordinance 737 be pass ed on its secondr.ead�;n;by title only. l�totionwas secorried by Comuiissioner Watkins and carried unanimous7.�. `Phe Attorney requested that Item 15, Agneer�nt betrveen City and Developers of Island Estates, be deferred .��until Mr, Ch�les Phillips, attorney, would be present later in the meeting, T�iayor Homer asked Commissioner Strang to as�zme the .r3hair �or the discussion of the pro:pen�}�.xchange with Mr. Wm, L. Bassett as he had acted as one of the t�ee appraisers for i;he property last su.mmer before beir.� elected to the Commiss�.on. '1'he Attorney reouested the rec�ord show that Plir. Ross horton had acted as the City's represEntative in appraising the iland. The Attorney stated th,xt �r. Wm. L. Bassett had an op�ion to �urchase,the larx3 was a�prai>sed and the Gommission had accepted the appraisal price. of �2,000.00 per acre. He expl�.ined tihat :+Ir. Bassett i� complying with the City's �equest to trade a 75 foot strip on the north side of his property to hirn for the sou� 75 feet of property he already owns and the south 75 feet of the property he has under option, bizt chat i�Ir. Bassett is asking the Gity tn dedicate a sixty foot strip kncwn as Fist�.ol Range Road to the County as street right �f wayo Commissioner Insco moved thaL the pro�Er City officials be authorized to execute a deed dedicaLing to the County cf Pinellas a sixty fuot right of way for a portion of Pistol Range Road running w est f rom Hercules Avenue as described in the d�ed, and that the proper City officials be authorized to execute and c�liver to lnlilliam L. Bassett d�ed conveying proFerty which it had previously c�ntracted to sell hzm in return for the receipt �rom Mr. Bassett of of the sum of �5,9&$,00 and a deed fron him to ths City�e-cor�veyin� a portion of the property previously deeded him and �f�the receipt from him of a release of option for a portion of Lhe property the o�tion for which has previo.sly been �iven. Motion,a�ras seconded by Coiunissioner Roberts. Upon the voie k��ng taken, Commissioners Insco, Roberts, Strang and �!Vatkins voted "Aye.t' Motion carried. The iiayor did not vote. Commissioner Strang relin�uished t;�e Ghair to Nlayor Homer. 1'he Ai;toxney presented r�esoluLion 5%-27 y�hich would authorize cor_veyance of acreage located off Courtney Campbell Causeway in Section 16-z9-15 by special �varrar.ty deed to tihe State Road Department far use as a location for a resident engineer's off'ice, The Mayor recommended that a reversion clause be included. i'he Attorney su�gested deferr ing the matter to permit him ta �et in touch with the State Road DepartmerrL to see if there would be any objec�ion to such a clause. Gommissioner Insco moved it be deferred to next Mondav. NIotic�i was secor_a�� by Commissioner Watkins and carried unana.mousi,3�, 'i'he Attorney reported that there were two bills introduc�ed into the House of Representat?ves by a represen�ative from Dade County for the Dade Cour_ty Chamber of Commerceo He explained th2,t House Bill $91 would prevent misleadin� advertising and House Bill $92 would �at�e it unlawful to advertise with intent�� not to sell as advertieed. He said such bills if gassed would help alleviate problPms in the City and recomir�ended that the Cotmnission endorse the�p. Commissioner Insco moved that the Commissionsupport these two bills and insLruct the Cit3* Ai:torney to so notif� the Pirellas County delegation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. 'l�he City Attorney presented a st.atemez�t from $ssis�ant City Atto�ney Allbrittori for services in obtaining �dcli �ional r�;ht; of way for PQyrtle l�venue and obtaining information on the proposed munics,pal parking lot. He recommended approval of the bill. Commissioner Watkins mave��l that the sum of �300.Q0 be paid to Owe� S. Allbritton, III, zn payrnent of ri�;ht oi way servzc es and ownership investi;ation during the monL'n of April, 195'7, per Com�iss�on�ssinstructions, and that the monay be transferred to pay him. Notion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carriec� unanimously, It was reported by the Attorney that a bill had been introduced in i:he Legi�lature by the Land Use C��mnission the effect of whicY, would be to�a��;hor:�ze the Counties to esta�iLish bulkhead li,nes. Commissioner T�Jb�kins reported that the �un Coayt Lea�ue of Municipaliti.es haa p�saed a Res.olution apgrovin� the bill and recorrunending an amendment th�t tihe County Commissions be given authority ta d���gate the authority to municipalities. It was decided to defer the �tter for discussion with the le gislative delegation in Tallahassee. �ko CI�'Y COMNIT'aST�N i�1�E�"L'ING biay 13, 1957 The Attorney reported that the City has continuing ai'fers for the purchasz of property in the In�ustrial Park from Peninsular Telephone Comp3ny and the Lotiisyille Metal Treating Company, and Lhat he would bring back the offere in writLen form for the next meetin�. In regard to the proposed contract ta purchase parkir� meters on a trial basis f�r off street and on street parkin�, the Attorney said he had a call irom �ir.M.�3. Jor_es, aLtorney representin� another parking meter company, who � asked to de heard beiore the City entered into a pa�rking meter contxact. mhe Attorney reported that he is checking as to whether the City would be reqLired to open this par�icular type of purchase f or competitive bidding. He offered to make a report at the next meeting. Commissioner Watkins moved the matter be postp�ned unLi1 tkie next meeting. Mo�ion was seconded by Con�mission�r� Insco and carried unani��ously. The May�r commented that he had heard objectiona from przvate citizens w�►o fsel that it is unfair to local taxpayers to put meters along the beach and make a costi f�or local taxpayers to swim on the beach that their tax money is providing. He suggested a reasonable compromise by giving local Taxpayers the privilege of buying a decal upon display o� a receipted Lax bill, the decal to be' placed on their caxsand recognized at the parking meters in the lots or along the street by the public beachese By consent, the matter was referred to the t�ctorney for study. Esgarding the request for a five year rene�tal o£ lease frcm 1vIr. M. E➢fred Gregory for Room 9 of the �tarina Bui�ding, the Manager reported re�eipt of a letter from Mr. John Rowe, atLorney for iJir. George Butc;her, discontinuing t he objeation to renewal of the leas� made at the previous meeting. The i�iayar suggested that the Cor�iission meet as a Commit�ee to review the leasing policy atthe Beach, scrutinize the rent schedule, and study the matter. By cor�sent, the Commission a�reed to th3s. Mr. Charles M. Phillips, Jr., appearing for the h�rth Bay Company, the developers of Island Estates, stated that t he revised contract pre�ared by the City Attorney was�satisfactory i;o his clients except for the last p�ragraph dealing with an agreement between both parties concerning tapping fees or other charges for plant capacity. He suggested reph�l�asing of the para�raph to which the Commission. agxeed. The City Attorney said he would draw up a revised contract for approval at the next meeting. Co�missioner Insco moved that the agreement between the Citp and the developers of Island Estates be postponed to t h� next meeting. Motion was seconded by Cor,�missi one r Watkins and carri ed unanimously. Mr. John Polniil, attor ney for t he Gul£ Oil Corporation reported that his client had applied for a permit to tear down and rebuilc2 the gas station on the northwest aorner of Cleveland and Osceola. The Manager read the Zoning Boa rd's recor�menciation �hai the application to erect a new station o�i Lots 3, 4. and 5, Mills Subdivision, be apg�oved> The Engineer recommended :approval wit h t h� following exceptions: 1, Concrete curb returns to be installed as indicated. 2. Minimum distance between driveway and progerty line to �e 5 feet. 3. Catch basin on narthwest corner oi properts� shall be connected to pipe of sufficient size to e?cisting cateh basin i.n Cleveland Street. 1�. Plumbing plans not complete; should show wash rack water going in to a storm s��er. Commission�r Watkins moved that the permii, be grar_ted subject to the approeal of the City Engineer and tt� changing of those items. Motion �vas seconded by Conamis si oner Robe; t s and c arr ie d unanimously. Mr. H�rbert M. Browm, attorney, appeared on behalf of Mr. R. D. Pinkerton, asking for a rebate to his client on the assessment against Lots 11 and 12, �randview Terr�cg Subdivis ion, for th e paving of Hoba�t Street as tize former owners of the pst�perty had paid �172.50 for the construction of a small road, 115 feet long, on the west side ofat�eir property. Commissioner Stran� moved that it be referred tc the Manager, he Engineer and that the interest on the l:�en be waived perw�ng the outcome of this investigation. Motion was secanded by Commissioner Ffoberts and carried unanimously. Y�irs. John D. Bullock, J107 North Betty Lane, spoke to the Commission and de�cribed the difficu�.ties she and five ai her neighbors experiencedt relative to the sanitary sewer backing up inLo t heir homes on Saturday, May llt h and asked what could be done to g�event a recurr;en�e arrl how to go about disinfecting their y�rds. The Engineer explained that it was caused by t he extra hea��r rain£all on Friday evening and t hat these sewer lines never should have been hooked to a main trunk line. H� said these homes were bui1� below street level and that an ei�ht inch sewer line should be installe d in back of the homes. He said re had a iield party working on the project now and would try t4 have a report ready nekt Monday. rhe Commission instruated the City Engineer to treat the matter as an emergency. � .5'� -5- CITY COP�iiISSION MEETING MaY 13 , 1957 Colonel Marion Sanders, representinQ the Federation o£ Civic C�.ubs, read a Resolution adopted by Lhe Federation recommendin; the creation of a new court L'o handle traffic cases as it was felt the present Municipal Gourt docket is too crowded to oive sufficient time to �h case. He also read a lettzr stat�ng tha� the Resolution was adopted not to criticize the present personnel but in order to help establish an adequate traffic Fersonnel to try to stop the alarming nrunlaer of local accidents. The Mayor asked if any af tY,e members ef the Committee who had signed the letter had made a per�onal investigation by attending the `1'raffic Court se,,3:;ions. Ca1�ne1 Saixiers admitted that no investigation had been rnade and it had been based on complaints of indivi�uals. The Mayor invited the Comrnittee to present �:he Co�nission with the factual infarmation on which this complaint was based and the names of penple who felt they have not had suf'fici�nt time to have a fair trial. Pdr. Herbert Blantion, Sr., reported that the sidewalk in front of 1�16-l��Q Haven Str�et had varxations in grade during the day and in the afternoon was approximabely 2� to 3 inahes higher than at night. By consent �he I�tanager was asked to clieck on it and report Uack. Commissioner Insco left at �:10 P.N;, It was reported by I�Ir. Herbert Blznton, Sr., that NIr, V�I. D. Owens hac3 filled in hi5 lots located on Chesnut Street between Yrospect and Myrtle in Block l�, NIagnolia Park, and the fill had interfered with the natual draina�e of the lots facing Turner SLreet in zhat block and water was standing in the backyards. He asked the City tc, check to see if i�lr, Owens should be r�uired to install some drainage through his proper�ty. tfr. Herbert Blanton, Sr., stated that at the time the siciewalk had bea�n ins�talled on the eas� side of Myrtle Avenue he had been promised tlr�t a curb break would be tnade to enter the alley between �ourt and Chesnut Streets i•�i Block 15, �ikens Sul�division. He reque��that t?v.s Gurb break be made. �Phe Atitorney read. on its first reading Ordinarre 73$ whichc�uld amend Section 59 of the City Code and Section 6Z of the Ci�y Code as amended by Ordi.nar�c e 631. He explained Lhat the Ca.ty has been furnishing a hotter gas than y at Lhe time the present gas �ates were designed and that the rate would now be based on the number of British iherma� Units bein� furnished which may change from 525 B'rU to 630 B2U. Commissioner Waticins moved that Ordinance ?3$ be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by C�mmi�sior�er Strang arid carried unanimously. Co�aissioner Strang requested permission to be excused from the meeting on Monday, i�Zay 2Oth, as he would be out of town. Commzssione.r Strang, requested that the Nianager, the Engineer and the Gor_sulting " Engineer have a conference to cleterminz definitely whether t'ne lolowers included in the contract for the i�Iarshall Street Dispc�l Plant Addition T„et the specifications and mal�Q a report on it, Commissioner Roberts cotrmented that the situation of so much �vater goin� through the i�tarshall S�reet �iispc�l Plant will have to be settled prior to the new idarshall Stre2t Plant going into operation and sug?ested makin; s sur�y now to find out wt;•ere the draina�e waLer, if any, is ;oing int� the sava�e lir_es even if i� is neeesary to employ a suxvey crew to g o over �he entire se�aer system. The Nayor also recommended a comFlete survey immediately ani asked the Er_oineer for an estimated cost of the s:urv.e�., It was reported that a group of grove owners had protested their propexties beir� included in the praposed annexation by the City and request-ed that their properties consistin; of about 40Q acres be eliminated. It was poin�ed out that these part,icular areas would still be contiguous to the C�ty and if they should be developed into sutadivisioi�s the CiL}� tvould still t:ave some control over them. B}r cor.sert, the City Engineer was instructed co prepare a ma� showing the proFosed anrexation with these proper�ies excluded for the aF�ro�ral of the 4oimnissian. 1'he i�Ta�gex reported Lhat he nad an a��licatinn from the Board oi Public Instruction to connect the new Kin�s Hir;hway Elementary Scrool to City sewEr. He explained it is now outside the Cii,jr limits, and stated that he, the Engineer and the Uti? ities i4a�ager wEre recam�iendina that p�rmission be ;ranted provided the sehool was also served by City water. Com^issioner Roberts maved that tl�e school be permitted use of �ity sewer provlded i�t also vses �it3* water. Mation w�s seconded by Comnissioner Strang and carried unar�imously. Y'he i�lanager annour.ced that starti:r_g next Monday the Commissior�ers will have parking spaces reserved for their use on the south s�de of the parkin� lot behind the City �all and he askec� permission to wi#;hdraw the four reserved places or the north side of Court Street next to the Citp Hall and have m�ters installed for those spaces. i' + � �� _�_ CITY COMMISSION MEETING n2aY 13, 1957 The Commiasion now adjourned as the City Commission and ac�ing as ^lrustees of the �ension F"and heard a letter read from the Advisory Committee of the Pens�,on Fund ivhich recommended that Lonnie Williams, Maintenance Man I, Public Service Department, be accepted into membership in the Pension P1an, 'ommisaioi!er Stran� moved on the recommendation of the Advisory Comm3.ttee that he be �ccep��d i�n the P�nsion Plan. Motion tivas seconded by Commissioner Raberts and carried unar.lmeusly. , The Clerk read a letter from the Advisory Commlttee which rec�mmended tha� Harlan 1Vare, Engineering Aid I, Engineering Department, not be acGmepted in�Q membership in the Pension Plan, By consent, the Comm3ssion accepted tYie report and if the employee tvishes �o protest �co the Pension Plan Trustees i,n person he may do so. There being no further business to come Uefore the Commiss3on, the meeting was adjourned a� 6:05 P.M. Ma -Co ' s oner Attestp , � ��'z!�..�L�� C y erk CITY COMMISSIOid MEETTNG May 13, 1957 AGEND�A CI7'Y COI�IT�TLSSION MEETING MAY 13, 1957 1:30 P.N. Invocation Ir,troduct io ns Minutes of Preceding Meetings Publ,ic Hearings Reports of City Manager keports of Cit y At�orney Gitizens to be Heard Other Corrmission Action �djournrne nt Meeting Pension Plan Trus tees C� Co CJ Reports from Gitv I�'i�na�er:� l. Zittle Pass 2. Bi��s, Refuse Bodies �. Repair s to Athletic Field Wall on Greenwood at�d Palmetto Streets. G.. Bids, Bulkhead ��Jest End Jeffords St. 5. Bids, Sale of �u�plus Boat and Trailer 6. Hofiidays 7. Signs Re Bloc�ing Inters�ctions �. Sea Orarna Cancpssion Agreement 9• Broken Seawall, Bea�n 10. Bomber Boosters Request for �3 000.00 11. Chain af Missions Request for �50.00 12. Indust•rial Park Plat (appx•oval) 13. Streat Li�hting Syst em �ap (endorsement) Re orts from Cit Attorr� 14. Ordinance 737, Ar.nexation East Druid Est�s Addition 15. Agreem ent between City and Developers of Island Estaties 16. Approval Property Exchange P7illiam Bassett 17. Resolution Approving Conveyance to SL. Rd. Dept. for Resident Engineer�s Office l�, Froposad General La.ws Reo lating i�'.sleading Advertisement s ly, Payment for Right of Way Services 20. Pending Legislation �ePulating Bulkhead Lines 21. Offers to Purchase ir�,�Indust�5'.al Park 22. Contract to Purchase Parking i�Ieters on Trial Basis for Off-street and On-street Parking 23. Request for Extension of Lease on Room No. 9, C1Earwater Marina (continued) Honorable Mayor arid City Commissioners AI�'il 5, 1957 City o£ Clearwater, and Special Events Couimittee Gity of Clearwai er Clearwa�er, Flo;:�ida Ge nt 1 eme n: As you know, the Bombers Booster organization, through the help of t he cit y and a good many other civic minded individuals, have for nany years fielded a champion- ship softball c lub, and this year is no exceptiors. To top all of this off, we are again having the World Softball Tournament here in t he :cit y of Clearwater. As I understand it, the Bomber Boosters received an allocation in the 195�-57 budget of tr�e City of Clearwa�er, arxi I would like �-�this time to request the sum of :�3,000.00 to be distributQd to the Bombers Booster C1ub for use durii�g the f arthcoming season. RepresentativeG of t he Bombers Boost er or�anization can be contacted if you need any further e�cplanation of this, I r em�n Mr. Jack Tallent, Cii:y Manager City of Clearwater Gity Hall Clearwater, Flarida Ra: Bomber Boosi;ers request %r �3,OOO.QO Dear iUf.r. Tallent:: Respectfully ynurs, BOI�BERS $OOS`PER. CLUB /s/ Wm Tri ckel Secr etary-Treasurer ��aY 2 , 1957 ^lhe Special Events Committee of tk� Gity of Clearwater, at a specially called m�eting, considered the request of the Bomber Boosiers organization for �3,000.00 t.o be distributet� to the Bomber Boosters Club for use during t he fo rthcoming season. 7'he Committee considered this request and after a thoroq;h examination of the records, it was �etermined that �his was the fifth consecutive year that �his Committ;ee has been requested and r,as approved �p3,C�00.00 for the C�earwater Bcmbers. This clearly indicate� that this is not a special event, bu� in effect, is an annual event and should be carried as a yearly budgeted item. The Committee as a whole was of the opinion that this is a professional ball team and although valuable publicity is derived for the City of C3earwater, the amoun�i of subsicly seems to be definite and, therefore, easily ascertainai3e a year in advance and included in a regular budget, (contin�ed) � CITY CONA�IISSTON MEETING l�tay 13, 1957 (continued) The Comnittee, however, does not want to disaFprove �he �3,000.00 request,'but is attemp�ing to establish a policy tvh�rein an item which �ppears th¢ree years in a row before the Special Events Cocmnittee shuuld �hen be carried in a regular budget accomparied by a profit and loss statement for the preceedin;; year. In accordance �aith the iiereinabove mentioned policy, we are nei�►1er denyin�ror approving the reque st , but are returning same f ar t he c onsid eraLi on of th e Honorable IKayor an�l Ci�y Commissioners of the City of Clearwater. Special Events Committee, c�o Chamber of Commerce, Clearwater, Fla. Respectfully submittod, Chairman Special Events Commitcee A.Pr - �- 15>7 Dear Sirs:- For manp years the Chamber of Co;��nerce has been one of the sponsors of the Chain of IVtissiots._ 3ecause of tha fine speakers, men and wo;�.en of iriter- natiional r eputation, the three days of ineetings in Februar y of each year are among the outstanding evenLs of Clearwater, ir�e hope that you vaill continue your sppnsorship this year, I£ you do, please send the check for Fifty (�Oj Dollars to me as ^lreasurer of the i.learcvater Branch of the Chain of Nlissionary Assemblies. 'i'hank you. Yours sincerely, /s/ I�1rs. B.iK. Rains, Sr. (1206 N. Osceola Ave.} April 29, 195'J P�ir. J�ck !.'allent City Manager ClearwaLer, Florida Re; Chain of Nii�sions request for fur.ds. Aear ivIr. Tallent : Relative to the request of the Clearwater Braia;ch of the Chaan of i�Iissionary t�ssembliss for funds in tha amount of fi.fty dollars (.� 50.00 ) the 5gecial Events Commiti:ee feels that the City of Clearwater should continue as one of t he sponsors and co ntribute the sum of � 50.Q0 as requested. �6M�mg City Zonin� Board Clearwate-r k'lorida Attention: Mr. Anderson, Secretary and Bui3ding Inspectorw ��/ Resgectfully submitted, �s� E, C. Marquardt. Chairman�Special E�ents Commit�ee � Apri1 7_y., 1957 Re: Gulf Servic e Station locaLed at N.W. Corner of Cleveland and Osceola, Clearwater, F.lorida. Gentlemen^ On behalf of my clienc,, Gulf Oil Corporatinn, I hereby make ap��:scation for a bui lding permit in Lhe ,3mount of �20,000.00 providing for ; the removal of the present structure and erection of a new station on the above premises, being numbered 3J+t�. C].eveland St�reet, Glearwater, Florida. It is the unders�andino o:f tlie writer �hat you already have the plans for the new sLructure in your possesaion. If any turther ir.�ormation is needed in connection with this matter, please communicate with me promptl3*, JC P ::w 'lhanking you for yo�m attention to this matcer, I ara Ver tr�uly yo tm s, �s/'YJohn C. Polhill (Smoyer Building) ��2 CITY COMMISSION P�fEE2'ING May 13, 1957 To: City Manager Fr4m: City Engineer Subject: Gulf Servi ce Station, N,W, corner of Cleveland & Osesola Date:: May 13, 1957 Plans for the propased Gulf Service Station at �he northwest corner of Cleveland and Osceola were reviewed by this offi ce. The plans are in order with the followi.ng exc e pt i� ns :: To: From: �ubje ct c bate: Concrete c�xrb, retnrns shall be installed as xnc3icated on pavement and plot plan. i�inimum distance �etween d'riveway and property line shali be 5 feet. Catch basin indicated on the north�rest corner of the property shall be connected with pipe of suff icient size to the existing catch basin in Cleveland Street, a distance of 5$ feet west of proposed catch basin. I'he plumbino plans as submitted are not compleL-e. They should indiaate that the water from the wash rack shall go to a storm sewer. ---------------------- N1r. J, Tallent, City Mana�er NIr. 0. H. Anderson, Building Insg�ector gulf Service Staii on, SW corner of Cleveland & Osecola. Lots 3-4-5, Ed. r�lay 10, 1957 P�Iills 5ub. It is the recommerd�tion of the Gonin� Board that we approve the application of the Gulf Service S�atian to erecti a new station on Lot� 3-4-5, Mills Sub. This i s in a Busi � ss ar ea . Attached hereto is ori�ir�al letter of request frori �lttorney J, C, Polhill al;,o plans. OHA.bk �EDE&'�i`1'ION OF GIVIG CLU$S OF CI,EARWATER, FLORID� City Commissioners, City Hall, Clearwater, Florida. Gentlemen: Clearwat er, F].a , , May 12, 1957 In regard t o tihe attached resolution, this committse wishes to inform the Com��nissioners, that all the materials for ii.s drafting was the direcL result of numerous complaints th& � cover a per iod of m.�y mont hs , It was the soie in�ention of the Federation to �esent same to you, as a Resolution to help establish an adequate traffic personr.el, in hopes that it �ould help stop the present alarming number of local accidents. So, the Federation presents this Resolution for that p�pose only. No reflec�ions on azy person or any defina�te de�artment was ever inLended; nor criticism of any l,axness in tne �forts of those who arE earnestly working �o bec�er the present; siquation as to ihe hi,� accident rate. The fac�s were stated as compiled, and this cot:;mittee h��shes t� inform the Co�iission that this Resolution was passed unanimously by al 1 rr�mbzrs present at a regular meetir�. Y�e, therefore feel that all �h� publicity given it s publication was unwarr anted and uncalled for. THE FLDERA^lION OF CIVIC CLUBS Resolution Committee Edward H. Heidel, Chairman I�fembers, i+Irs. Norman �eecher Mrs . bi. Bauer Col, Sanders. i , f / °� �';� Cfi V ✓ GITY L'OPdi�lTSSION ME)ETII�G May 13 , 195�I RESOLVED----.---- - ir_ view oi the aver increasing traffic cangestions, and accidents taking place in Clearwater, we fee'! that it is a A4UST that the City have a Traffic Gourt and a trained personnel, trained in every phase of preven�ing accidents, and the �athering of evidence that will give the de.£endent and plaintiff a fair trial. - At present the heavy docket of the Police Gour�� has become a crow�ed time with ca�ch-as-caLch can kiind of justice. Too many com�.daints have been expressed against the �ack of time and consideration given for all cases to have ample time to give their evidence, as to their guilt or innooence. Tt seems ihat �here is a race on to see who can make �he most arrests, as the Police Court is crowded at each sessiono Everyone who is being triect is not g�.zilty, s�me few couid show th�.ir innocence if there was a little time and consideration givento those who stand 3ccused of some traffic violation. �le fesl that the time has come th�t we canno� afford to have this condition exist any longer. It is too much �o ask of any one c�urt to handle �he ;reat number of cases, with consideration an1 justice as is now l�ein� handled by our present Police Court. Everyone is certainly entitled to a fair and impartial trial, and respect for the law is not bettered when one, r�o is accused, cannat have the time or consideraLion given them to prave thpir case. We are alarmed at the ever increasing number of local accic�nts, and wP believe that if a little more time was given to instill greater respect for �l�e law and those who must er�force it. It must be conceded that in a�reat numl�er of cases, a properiy interpreted repr�mand will assure betLer co-operation bp Lhe motorist� in helpin; to avoid accidents will increase courtesy to others. Vv'e ask that much coi�sideration �� given �his urgent cnatter and that such a Court and Personr� 1 be established� `ihis resolution pass�d unanimously �t the regular meeting, April 2b, 1�57 Copies sent to all the Conunissioners, NIayor and City P4anaoer. MaY 13, 1957 Honorable Niayor and iUlembers of Cit}T Commission City of Clea nvater Clearv�ater, Florida Gentlemen: Subject: Gh�.in of i�Iissions Request for �50.00 Leiter of request dated April 1�, addressed to the Special Events Committee, Chamber of Co�nerce, is signed by Ni� H, M. Raines, Sr. It is reported to the Commission by the Chairman of the Special Events Committee that the Gity Government should continue as one of the sponsors by contributing �5�.00 It is acknowledged that the GitSr in the several pasi: years has contributed �p5C,0 a ye�r, however, no recammendation can be made to the City Commission at the tin�e this letter is presented for the lack of ap�opriations, the:efore, it is su,�gested this requesi be discussed at the Commission_ Meeting. Faithfullp, /s/ Jack Tallent City I�fanager Honorable Gity Commisszorisrs �a� 7, 1957 Glearwater, Florida Gent lem en • 9s Trustees of the Git3T of Clearwater Empl�yeess Fension FUnd, this i� to advise you that Harlan Ware, Engineering Aide I, Public t�iorks Dept., was duly examined by a local ghys�cian and declared by him 3s not a first class risk. `iherefore, i;he Advisor},r Cammittee has denied membership in the Pension Fund. Very truly yotss, Advi�ory Committee of The Employees� Pension Fund /s/ Paul Kane, Chairman /s/ Dick l�elson �s/ Dorothy Roth CI`!'Y COt�LtiIISSION MEETING May 13, 195? Apri 1 ��; 1957 H,onorable City Commissioners Clearwater, Florida � / � � / i v �� Gentlemen: As Trustees of the City of Clearwater Employees 9 Pension Fund, you are hereb3r notiiied that Lonnie ailliams, Maint. I�Tan I, Public Service has been duly examined by a local physician and designated by him as a"First Class" risk. The above employee begain his service with the City on Jtiy 2, 1g56 is under 1�$ years of age (born Sept. $, 1�1.6) and meets the requirements of o�m Ciril Service. It is hereby recommended �by the Ad�cusory Committee that he be accepted into membership. Very truly yours, Advisory Commitbee of The Employees' Pension Fund. /s` Paul Kane Cha;: rm an j s/ Dorot hy Roth /s/ Di ck I4e Ison