04/22/1957 CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 22, 1957 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at t.he City Hall, Monday, April 22, 1957, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present.: Lewis Homer W. E. Strang, Jr. Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts James H. Watkins Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also pre sent were: Jaek Tallent Ben Krentzman S. Lickton Capt. W. D. Booth Ci ty Manager City At.torney City Engineer Representing Police Chtef The meeting was called 00 order by the Mayor. The invocation was -,given by Commissioner Watkins. The Mayor asked if the Commdssion wished to approve the minutes of April l5~h. Commissioner Watkins moved that the minutes of the regular meetirtg of April 15th be approved in accordance with copies furnished each member in writing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Mayor explained that the special meeting had been called to open and consider bids for a $2,000,000.00 Utility Revenue Certifica~e issue to be used for improvements t.o the water system, stonn sewer and sanitary sewer systems. The Manager reported that four bids had been received: $1,842,600.00 Leedy Wheeler & Alleman 4.50% 4.25% 3.50% 1957-1966 1967-1985 1986-1991 Effective interest rat.e Kidder, Peabody & Co. Effective interest rate 4.334~ $1,915,789.00 1957-1991 4.00% 4.1984% $1,960,000.00 195V,-1~62 1963-1981 1982-1991 6~00~ 4.00~ 4.25% Goldman, Sachs & Co. Effective interest rata 4.2764% 41,981,534.80 F. S. SmithelS & Co. &. Assoc. ","w -<l ___ 1957-1991 4.50% Effecti,ve interest rate 4.5435% 1957-1991 4.40% tl,953,575.30 Effective interest rate 4. 509% By consent, this item was adjourned for tabulation by the City Treasurer and the Fiscal Agent and a report back with recommendation as soon as possible. After tabulating the bids ror the Utility Revenue Certificat.e issue, the City Treasurer and the Fiscal Agent recommended accept.ing the bid of Kidder, Peabody & Company for tl,915,789.00 at an efrective interest rate or l~.1984%. The City ~9torney read Resolution 57-23 which would accept the proposal or Kidder, Peabody and Company for" $1,915,789.00 and award and sell the certificates to tha.t bidder. Commissioner Watkins felt. that the discount was too great as the City actually needed morer; than the '2,000,000.00 to cover the projects listed. Commissioner Roberts moved the adoption of Resolution 57-23 and that the proper off'icials bej}llthorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang, Upon~ote being taken, Commissioners Roberts, Strang, Insco and Homer voted "Aye." Commissioner Watkins voted "No." Motion carried. 'rhe Mayor stated that. there were some other items that were not. on the agenda that should be discussed ir the Commissi on-.! approved. Commissi oner Watktns moved that by unanimous consent the Conlmission open the floor to further business. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The City At'tomey reported that the Special Act removing t he Police Chief from the classified service had not yet. been passed and that question had been raised as to t.he previous appointment of Irving Dribben on Febrary 19, 1957. He explained that under the Civil Service Law and the rules of the Civil Service Board a temporary or emergency appointment could be made and recommended the same. Commissioner Watkins moved that since the failure to have a Chief of Police at this time would consti t~ra state of emergency and since it is desired to confirm t.he previous appointment of Irving Dribben as Chief of Police on Febr~ary 19, 1957, as a temporary appointmen& and to supplement his appointment at ~his time, effective April 19, 1957, as an emergency appointment from that date. that such apP9intments be respectively made and co~irmed. Mot-ion was seconded by Commis si one r Roberts a nd carried un811 imousl y. ,',..' . , ",;.:. ., , '. : ~ . . . ........~.~.h.._.r"..... ~.;-.~,:,.. ...,...........:'-. '...7.... .~:-:.._. ,.~;\.....'. i. Commissioner Strallg recommended writing a letter to the proper officla Is of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad protesting the blocking o~ Drew Street Eor excessive times suchss ~nty-one minutes last Friday, April 19th. Commissioner St.rang moved that the proper o:fficials be author.ized ~o send such a communication to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Motion was sedonded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. 'l'he 1\1a.nager reported that the Commission had met wit h the Merchants Association to discuss the purchasing of certain land in the downtown section for an orf street parking lot. He asked if the Co~mis5ion wished to give the Association an answer on the proposal. 'l'he matter was deferred for a report at the next meeting from the City A~torner's office as to the cost and availability of the property suggested. Gould & Ewing 1st Addition, Block 6). The Manager reported the receipt of a letter from the Government.al A;t'fairs lnst itute asking 'Whether some assist.anc e might be re ndered to a Japanese editor, Toshio Kuriyama, ~ho would like to visit Clearwater May 9th to 11th. Commissioner Roberts moved that he be invited to visit Clearwater and that reasol~ble expendi- tures for entertainment be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. It was roported by the Manager that a letter had been received :from Mr. WID. ,:rrickel, Secretary-'l'reasurer of tr.e Bomber booster Club, requesting the sum of ~3,OOO.OO allocated under ~he 1956-57 budget to be distr~buted ror use during the coming season. After discussion, the matter was ~Eerred back to the Manager to check the budget &0 see how much was allocated to the Bomber Booster Club, a report as &0 how much money was still available under the Special Events Fund, and a reBommendation from the Special Events Committee. The Manager stated he had received a proposal to rent space at the Marina docks from a per EOn wishing to rent sailboats and other small boats not more than 16 feet long and proposing to put. in a floating dock. By consent, the Manager was req\.E stcd Co c heck into the pro posal a little further and come ba ck with a definite o~fer showing t.he location desired and plans. It was suggested t.he I>nJposed business might b.e:'inpompetition with businessualready operating from t.he Marl na or the Small Boat Marl na. The Nanager presented ror approval a plat of Georgas Subdivision located in a part of the NW~ of the NW~ of Section 22-29-15 and stated that the developer, Mr. Louis Georgas, had signed an Ordinance 632 contract and posted bond to cover improvemant.s. He reported that. the plat had been approved by the City Engineer, the Zoning Board, tm P.1anning Board, the City Clerk and the City Attorney. He stated that. the Zoning Board recommended R-4 Zoning and he recommended approval of t he plat. Commissio ner Strang moved that the plat o:f Geor-gas Subdivision as submitted by the City Manager be approved, the proper orficials be authorized to execute i&,and that it be zoned in accordance with the recooimendat.ion of the Zoning Board and be placed on t.re official zoning map. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The City Attorney present.ed a pro~osed agreement between the City and ~he North Bay Company, the developers of Unit 1 and Unit 2, Island Estates, in which the owner agreed to install sewage transmission main :from the subdivisions to the nearest point of connection to Clearwater Beach system as a temporary main, to fill an area of approximately three acres for t he City for a proposed sewage treatment plany, to 1'111 and pave an area on Memorial Causeway for a decelaration traffic lane, to Jrovide a culvert underneat.h the access read to subdivision to permit flow of tidal 'Wa.ters, to install 12 inch water mainthro~lJh entire d.evelop- ment, and the City would agree to construct and operate a sewage treatment plant on site rilled by owners subject. to revenue certificates being sold and receipt. of acceptable bids, to provide temporary sewage treatme~ and trans- mission facilities, to allow owner to take fill from area between Causeway and land' o.f-6wner on both sides of access road, and to provi de 'WateD6n customary refunding contract. In the discussion, several amendlments were suggested by the Corrm issioners which were not.ed by the City Attomey. By consent, the City Attornay,;was asked to present a revised copy of the agreement. at the next meeting. Mr. ~ava-- Bayly commented that some meinbErs of his family had given a boat to t.he City for rescue work several years ago and t he City had traded this boat in on ano~her boat wh~ch was kept at the Marina. He noticed that the City was planning &0 sell this boat and recommended that the City keep some type of boat WUdh would be available at all times to use ror rescue work in emergencies. Commissioner Insco moved that the meetirlg be adjourned.. Moti on WlS seconded by Conmissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. lChe meeting was adjourned at 3:05 P.Me Att est: " . ,,~",,"_' J:.. ' do.. . .... ..._' .1.". :.l..'~.:':'ll'':".', . , , . .: ,t~ "'.,.:(..:.~" . ;:.1,:I,\!:!:~ ';, :t.' ../t~"'~:'j.~..~,..' :1""<';.' ~. c ..,~~::~':.. ..~.. ,.... .~.:,.,.. ._._ ,.. _~:"'=. ~'~"""!.':~4'~.',,~o>r.,:, ,,'~_.' ~~..__~.L: :./ ;~;,'~:~:.'i~~:~~~4i&fJi~~~~1i~j"" ,.;';. ;::~ ....~ I.',":" /.q;,~...,/~ . ~ c:>.C;/ CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 22, 1957 April 191 1957 Honorable Mayor and Members or City Commission City of Clearwater Clearwat.er. Florida Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday aIeernoon, April 22, at 1:30 P.M. for the purpose of accepting bids for $2,000,000.00 Utility Revenue Certif'icates as advertised. The meeting will be held in the C it. Y Hall Audi to r1um. Faithfully, Isl Jack 'l'allent Ci ty ll!linager --.~---~~~-~-~----~-~-------~----~--~--~~-~~-~--~-~~-~----~~-~.----.--~--------- RESOLU'llION No. 57...23 A RESOLUTION OF '1' HE CI'l'Y COMMlSS ION OF 'fHE CITY OF CLEARWA'l'ER, FLORIDA, AWARDING $2,000,000 U'LI U'1'Y REVEHUE CERTIFICA'l'ES, SERIES OF 1956. WHEREAS, pursuant to notice heretofore duly published for the sale of ia,ooo,ooO Utility Revenue Certificates, Series of 1956, dated August 1, 1956, the following sealed proposals have been recei ved: 'l'he proposal of JOH N NUVEEN & COMPANY, INC. and LEEDY WHEELER & ALLEMAN, INC., offering to pay the sum of ONE ~aLLION, EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY 'l'WO '!'HOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1,g42,600) "toget,her wi th acc:nned interest rrom the date of said Cert.ificates to t he date of celi1Tery thereof, f'or said Certificates bearing interest at the rate of Four and One-Half Per Cen~um (4i%) per annum on the Certificates maturing in the years 1957 to 1966, inclusive, at the rate of Four and One-Fourth Per Centum (4-1/4%) per annum on ~he Certificates maturing in the years 1967 t.o 1985, inc1usive~ and at the rate of Three and One-Half Per Cennum (3i%) per annum on the Certifi~ateB maturing in t.he years 1986 to 199~, inClusive, being a net interest rate of *o33~~. The proposal of F. $. SMI'l.'HERS &. COMPANY &. I\SSOCIATES o~fer1ng to pay the sum of ONE MILLION, N:DNE HUNDRED FIF'llYtt'l'HREE THOUSAND, F1VE HUNDRED SEVE~~Y FIVE AND 30/100 DOLLARS ($1,953,575.30) together with accrued in~erest from the date or said Certi~icates to the date of delivery thereat, for said Cer~ificates bearing interest at the rate of Four and Forty Hundredths (4.40%) per centum per annum on the certificates maturing in the years 1<]57 to 1991, inci~si~e. being a net interest. rate of 4.509%. The proposal of F. S. Smithers & Company & Associates offering to pay the sum of' ONE MILLION, NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY~FOUR AND 80/100 DOLLARS ($1,981,534.80), together with accrued interest from the date of said Certificates to the date o~ deli1Tery there~f, for said Cartifi cat.es beart ng interest. at the rate of Four and One..Half' Fe rCQntum (4.-1/2~) per annum on the Cer~iricates maturing in the years 1957 to 1991, inclusive, at a net int.erest rate or ~~ 543~. The proposal of GO LD' AN , SACHS & CO. & ASSOCIATES, offering to pay the sum of ONE MILLION, NINE HUNDRED AND SIX'l''Y THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,960,000), together with accrued interest from the date ot said Certificates to the date or delivery thereof, for said Cer~ificates bearing interest at thE ratE oC Six Percent.um (6%) per annum on t.he Certill:l.cates maturing in the years 1957. too 1962; inclusive, at the rat.e of Four Percentum (~~) per annum on the Certificates maturing in the years 1963 to 1981 inclusive and at the rate o~ Four and One Quarter Percentum (~-1/4%) per annum on the Certificates maturing in the years 1982 to 1991, inclusive, being a net interest rate of ~_2(64~. The proposal of' KIDDER, PEABODY &:. CO., R. W. PRESSPRICH & CO., FIRST OF MICHIGAN CORPORA'rrON, GOODBODY & CO., BACHE & CO., TO\IJNSEND, DAB~EY & T'YSON, DWINNEL, HARKNESS &. HILL, I~CORPORATED~ AND G. H. WALKER & CO., offering to pay 'the sum of ONE MILLION, NINE HUNDRED FIFl'EEN THOU SAND, SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY NINE OOntARS, ($1,9l5',7a9), t.ogether with accrued interest rrom the d~te<Df said Certificates to the date of deli"/ery thereof, for said Cerlific ates bearing interest at the rate of Four Par Centum (4%) per annum on theCertificat8s maturing in . the years 1957 t.o 1991. ' , WHEREAS, the proposal of KIDDER, PEABODY & CO., R. W. PRESSPRICH::..& CO., FIRS'l' OF rUCHIGAN CORPORA'llION, GOODBODY &:. CO'., BAC~IE & CO.., TOWNSEND, DABNEY, &. TYSON,. DWINNEL, HARKNESS & HILL, INCORPORA'l'ED. AND G. lie WALKER & CO;~, ret~rred ~o in the preambles hereo~, is the highe6t and most. advantageous of said bidst and in all other respect9s complies with said notice of sale; no~, ~hereroret ( Cont inued} . . . . . f:~J. . I: .... ...... ' ',', . _ . ."_~"r,":..,,~ '.:':, . " .:, . i~_t~ ''';~~~~ir'~!.~~tt~'i'~' " '. "', CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 22, 1957 (Continued) .i' . . . . .' ',' ':. - BE IT RESOLVED BY r.cHE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OFCLEARWATER~ Section l~ Tha~ the proposal of KIDDER, PEABODY & CO., R~ w. PRESSPRICH & CO., FIRSI' OF MICHIGAN CORPORATION, GOODBODY & CO., BACHE & CO., TOWNSEND, DABNEY at TYSON, DWIN~'EL HARKNESS & KILL, INJORPORATED, AND G. H. WALKER & CO., referred to in the preambles hereot, be and the same is herellp accepted, and the following described Oertific atas ot the City ot Clearwater, Flor~da, be ,and they are hereby awarded and sold to the said purchaser rete~red to 11:1 the preambles hereof: ' i $2,000,000 - U'1ILITY REVENUE CERTIFICATES, SERIES of 1956, dated, August 1, 1956, numbered 1 to 2 000, . inclusive, in the denomination of $1,000 each, bearing interest ard maturing on August 1 ill _ the years and amounts as tallows: '.... Interest Rate Interest Rate ~ Amount Per Ann urn !!!! ~ount Per Annum 1951 $11.000 4~ 1975 $56,000 ti . 1958 32,000 t% 1976 58 ,000 1959 .33,000 197~ 60,000 1960 . 35,000 4%" 1978 62 ,000 t~ 1961 36 , 000 t~ 1979 64, 000 1962 37,000 1980 66~000 t~ 196) 38,000 4~ 1981 68~.000 19& .39,000 '4% 1982 ~O,OOO 4~'.' 196, 41,000 t~ 198) 72,000 t~ 1get> 42QOOO 1984.- 75,000 1967 i),OOO t~ 198, 77,000 -4~ 1965" 45 ,000 1986 80,000 4%. . 1969 46 .000 t~ 1987 82,000 4~ 1970 48 ,000 1988 85,000 i~ 197L 49,000 4~ 1989 88'~OOO 197Z 51,000 Z% 1990 91,000 i~ 197) 52,000 1991. 94,000 197,.. 54,000 4% Section 2. That the proper officers of the City, b~ and ~ ~her are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Certificates when prepared and to deliver same to said purchaser upon payment. of the purchase price pursuant to the:. conditions sta tad in the notice of sale, W~tholltt, furt. her authority :trom 'this Conmission. Section.3. That the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby authorized - and directed to return ~orthwitn the good faith checks of all unsuccessful bidders. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect irrmediate1y. FASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of" April, 1957 /s/ Lewis Homer . Mayor-Commis s ioner. ,..."". -.I '. . Attest : . /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Clerk -_._----------------~--------~--------~-------~---------~~---------------~-~-------- '. ~ . , " .'. ;,,' r 0 ��4 � . �. CITY COMMISSION PQE�,TIIVG April 22, 1957 The City Comrnission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, Monday, Apri1 22, 1957, at 1t30 P.M. with the fol�.owing members present: Lewis Homer Mayo��-Gommissioner W. E. Strang, Jr. Commissioner Cleveland Insco, Jr. Commissioner Samuel J, Roberts Commissioner James H. Watkins Commissioner Also present v�ere; Ja�lc Tallent City Manager Ben Krentzman City Attorney S. Licl�ta:± City Engineer Capt. W. D. Booth Repres�nting Police Chief The meeting was called �o order by the Mayor. ^the invocation was given by Commissioner Watkins. The Mayor asked if the Commission wish�d to a pprove �he minutes �f April 15th. �ommissioner Watkins moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of April 15th be approved in aa�cordance wi�h copies furr_ished each member in writing, Nioti on �as seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The tdayor explained that the special meeting had been called to open and consider bids for a�y2,000,000.00 Utilzty Revenue Certificate issua to be used for iniprovements to the water sys�em, storm sewer and sanitary sewer systems. The i�Ianager reported that four bids had been received: Leedy Glheeler �c Alleman �Z, $4.2, 600.00 195'7-1966 4. 50% Effectiee inL-ere.st rate 1967-19$5 ta�25%� 19$6-1991 3.50� 4.334� K.idder, Peabodv & Co. �v1,915,7$9.00 1957-1g91 4,0� Effective interest rate Goldman. Sachs & Co. $�1,960,000.00 1957-1962 �,OOJ 1963-19�1 4.00� 19$z-1991 y..25� Effective interest rate F. S. Smithe� & Co. & Assoc. �1,9$1,534.$0 1957-1991 l�.50j Effective interest rate 4.1g$1�� 4. 2764I 4.5435% �].,953,575.30 1957-1991 4.40� Effective interest rate 1�. 509 0 By consent,this item was adjourned fcar tabul2tion by the City Treasurer and the Fiscal Agent and a report back with recommendation as soon as possible. After tabulatin? the bids for the Utility Revenue Certificate issue, th� City Treasurer and the Fiscal Agent recommended acceptir_� the bid of K�.dder, Peabody & Compan y for �1,915,7$9.00 at an effective interest rate of 4.19$y.�. The CiLy lk�torney re�d Resolution 57-t3 which would accept the proposal of Kidder, Peabody and Company for i�1,915,7$9.� and award an d sell. the certificates to that l�iddar. Commissioner Watkins felt that the discount was tao great as the Cit}* actually needed more: than the ��,000,000.00 to cover t he projects li�tied. Commissioner Roberts moved the adopt ion of Rssolution 57-23 and that the proper officials be� �uthorized to execute it. Motion �aas seconded by Commissioner Strang� Uporl�ote being t aken, �ommissioners Roberts, Strang, Insco and Homer voted "Aye.i� Commissioner Watkins voted rrNo." i�Iotion carried. The PRayor stated that there were some other items that were not on the agenda that shoi.�ld be discussed if the Commission� approvec3. Commissioner Watkins moved that by un�nimous consent the Gommission open the floor to further business. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and car ried unanimously. The �ity Attorney reported that the Special Act removing t he Police Chief fron the classifisd service had n�t yat been passed a�id that question had been raised as to the previous appointment of Irving Dribben on Febrary lg, 1957. He explained t hat under t he Civil Service Law and the rules of the Civil 5ervice Board a temporary or emergency appointment could be made a�d recommended the same. Cammissioner Watkins moved that since the failnre to have a Chief of Police at this time would constittt��'a state of emergency ar,d since it is desired to confirm the previous appointment of Irving Dribben as Chief of Police on February 19, 1957, as a temporary appointment and to sup�lement his appointment at t his ti me, ef£ective Apri 1 19, 1957, as an emer�ency appuintment from that date, i:hat such appointments be �respectively made and confir�med. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. r _2 _ CITY COMNfISSION MEFTING April ?2, 1957 Commissioner Strang recommended writing a letter to t•he propex officials of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad protesting the blocking of Drew Street for excessive times such as tc,enty-one minutes last Friday, April l:�tn. Commissioner Strang moved that the proper officials be authorized to send such a communication to the Atlantic Coa,sb Line Railroad. Mo�i on was sed�nded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. 2'he NIanager reported that the Commission had met wiL h the Merchants Association to discuss the purchasing of certain land in the downtown section for aa off street parking lot. He asked if the Commission wished to ,ivE the Association an answer on t he prv posal. The matter was deferred for a report at the next meeting from the City Attorne ts of�ice as to the cost and availability of the property suggested. �Gould 8c �win; lst Addition, Block 6). The Manager reported the receipt of a letter from the �nvernmental A.ffa3.rs Institute asking whether some assistance might be rendered to a Japanese editor, Toshio Kuriyama, who �aouid like to visit Clearwater May gth to llth. Commissioner Roberts moved that he be invited to visit Clsarwater and that reasonable expeddi� tuses for.entertainmenL be approved. Motion was secorded by Commissioner Watkins 2n d carried unanzmously. It was reported by the Manager that a letl;er had been received from Mr. Wm. Trickel., Secretary-Treasurer of t he Bomber �ooster C1ub, requesting the sum of �3,000.00 allocated under Lhe 1956-57 budget to be distriibuted for use during the coming season. After discussion, the matter was x�ferred back to the Manager to check the budget to see hotv much was allocated to the Bomber Booster Club, a report as tia how nmch money was still available under the Special Events Fund, and a reaommendation from the Speci.al Events Committee. The Nlanager stated he had received a pr� posal to rent space at the Marina docks from a person ��ishir� to rent sailboats and other small boats not more tnan 16 feet long and proposing to put ir_ a floating dock. By consent, the Nfanager was req� sted �� �hdck into th� proposal a lit�le further and come back with a definite offer showing th e location desired and plans. It was sug�ested the pivposed business mi�ht b:�: ir�competition with businessesalready operating from the Mari.na or the Small Bo�t Mar2 na. The Pdanager presented for apFroval a plat of Georgas Subdivision located in a part of the ATW* of the NW'� of Section 22-29-15 and stiated that the developer, ir. Louis Georgas, had signe3 an Ordinance 632 con:�ract and posted bond to c over improvements. He reporbed that the plat had been a�proved by the Gity Engineer, the Zonin� Board, the Planning Board, the City Clerk and the City Attorney. He stated that the Zoning Board recommended R-4 Zoning and he recommended approval of the plat. Commissioner Strang moved that the plat of Georgas Subdivision as submitted by the Qity Manager be approTred, the proper offic ials be authori zed to execute it,and that it be zoned in accordance Fiith the reco�imendation of the Zoning Board and be placed on the official zoning map. Moti on was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The City Attorney presenLed a proposed agreement between the City and the North Bay Company, the deyelo� rs of Unit 1 and Unit 2, Island Estates, in r�hich the owner agreed to install sewage transmission main from the subdivisions to ihe nearest point of connection to C1�arwater Beach system as a temporary main, to fill an axea of approximately three acres for the Qity for a proposed sewage treatment plant, to fill and pave an area on Memorial Cause�aay for a decelaration traffic lane, to �ovide a culver� underneath the access raad .*.o subdivision to permit flow of tidal waters, Lo insball 12 inch water anainthro��h entire develop� ment, and t�e City would agree t o construct and aperate a sewage treatment planL on site filled by owners subject to revenue certificates being sold and receipt of acceptable bids, i;o grovide temporary sewage treatmerrt and trans- mission facilities, io allow owner to take fill from area between Causeway and 3and• of`�v+ner on both sides of access road, and to providE wate�6n customary refundin� contract. In the discussion, several amend¢ments were suggested by the Cou�nissioners which were noted by the City AttomEy. By consent, the City Attorney:was asked to present a revised copy of the agreement at the ne,t meeting. Mr. �.av� Bayly �ommented thaL gome .w.einbErs of his family had given. a boat to the City for rescue work several years a�o and t he City had traded this boat in on anoth2r boat which was kept at the Nlarina. He noticed that the City was planning to sell this boat and recommended that the City keep so�e typ� �f boat whichwould be available at all times to use for rescue work in emergencies. Commissioner Insco moved that the meeting be adjourneda N;otionva:s sec��nded by Coffiniss.ioner Roberts and carried unanimously. SChe meetir� was adjourn��d at 3:05 P.M. 6� ayor- amm' sioner Att e st : G'I /- < . Cit Clerk � ��� CITY COMMISSION M�ETING April 22' i957 April 19, 1957 Honorabie Mayor and Members of Ci,ty Commission City of Clearv�ater Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: The Cit y Commissicn will meet in Special Session on Monday afternoon, April 22, at 1:30 P.M. for the purpose of accepting bids f�r $�2,000,000�00 Utility Revenue Certificates as advertised. The meeting will be held in the City Hall Auditorium. Faithfully, /d/ Jack !'allent City Nianagei° RESOLU�i I0N No. 57-23 A RESOLUTION OF 'i'� CITY COi�lISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARi,�A2'ER, FLORIDA, AWaRUING �p2, 000, 000 U`iZ LIZ`Y REVEDiUE GERTIFICATES, SEkIES OF 1956. W�iEREAS, pursuant to notice heretofore duly puhl�.shed for the sale of �3,OOU,000 Utility Reuenue Certificates, Series of 195b, dated August 1, 1956, the following sealed pro posals have bzen r eceived: The proposal of JOHN NUVEEN & COMPANY, INC. and LEEDY WHEELER & ALLEMAN, TNC., offering to pay the sum of ANE �ffLLION, EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY TLtTO THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS (�1,$42�600) together with acc�.ued interest from the date of said C�ertificates to the date of �liyer� thereof, for said Certificates bearing intexest at the rate of Four 3nd One-Half Per Centum (4�f) per annum on tlze Certificates maturing in the years 19�7 to 1g66, inclusive, at the rate of Four and One-Fourth Per Centum (4-1/4�) per annum on the Ger�iiicates maturing in the years 1967 to 19$g, inclusiveg and at the rate of Z'hsee and One-Half Per Cenizum (;��) per annum on the Certiii�ates maturing in the years 19$6 to 19g�, inclusi ve, being a net interes� rate o� . 4 0. The propnsal oP F. S. Si�I1'HERS & GOI�fPANY & ASSOCIATES offe, ing to pay the sum of QTdE I�IILLION, NI1VE HUNDRED FIFTY�THREE THQUSAND, FIV� HUNDRED 5EU�1v1Y FIVE AI3D 30/100 DOLLARS (�1,953,575•30) together with accrued interest fram the dats of said Certificates to the date of delivery thereof, for said Certificates bearing interest at the rate of FoLm and Forty Hundredths (�..y.0�) per centum per annum on the ceri,ificates maturing in the years 1957 � 1991, inc•lusiv.e p being a net interest rate oi' 4.. s099. The proposal of F. S. Smithers & Comnany cc 9ssociates offering to pay the sum of OIZE MILLION, NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDREI3 'PHIRTY:-�FOUR AND $0/�.00 DOLLARS (�1,9g1,534.$O), together with accrued interest from the date of said Certificates to the date o� delivery thereof, far said Certificates bear2ng interest at the rate of Four and One-Half Percentum (�.�1/2�y per annum on the Certificates maturing in t he years 1957 to 19g1, inclusive, ai a net interest rate of . 4 0. `the proposal of GO:,DI�AN, SAGHS & C0. & ASSOCIA.^lES, offering to pay the sum oi ONE idILLIt�N, NZNE HUNDRED ANTi SIXTY THOUSAIvD DOI,LHRS (�1,9fi0,000), together with accrued interest from the date of said Gertificates to the date of deliver � thereof, far said Ce�tificates bearing interEst at the rate oi Six Percentum �(b%) per aru�um on the Certi#Iicates mat�aring in the years 1957 to 196z; inclusive, a� the rate of Fozar Percenturs (4�) per annum on the Ger�tificates maturing in tihe years 1963 to 19t�1 indlusive, and at the rate of Four and One Quarter Percentwn (4-lf�.p) per annum on the Certiiicates maturing in the years 19$2 to 1991, inclusive, being a net interest rate of .27b o, The proposal of KIDDER, PEABODY & CO., R. W. PRESSPRICH & CO., FIRST OF NIICHIGAAI CORPORATION, GOODBODY & CO., BACHE &�0., TOWNSEND, DABNEY & TYSON, DWINNEL, HAR.KNES5 & HILL,, ZyCORP0I3�T.ED;i AAYD G. 1i. WALKER & CO., afferi�� to pay the sum of ONE M?LLION, RINE HUATDRED FIF1'EEN THOIISANU, SEVEN HUNDREI3 AND EI^�ITY NINE �L�ARS, (�1,915�,7$9), together with accrued interest from the date�f said Cnrt�i£icates to the date of delivery thereoi, for said Cex�'ificates bearing interest a1� the rata of Four Per Centum (�.%) per �nnum on the Cer�ifica�es maturing in the years 1957 to 1991• L4HEkEAS, the proposal of KIDDER, PEABODY & C0. , R. W. PRESSPRICF: �:& C0. , FIRST OF yIICH]�GAN CORPORA'PION, GOODSODY & CO�. , BACHE & CO ., TOV�INSEND, llABAEY, & T�SON, DWINNEL, HARKNESS & HII,L, INCORPO$ATED, AND G. H. WALKER & COe�, reierrea to in the preambles iiereof, is the highest and most advantageous cf sa�d bids, and in all other respect�s complies with 5aid not ice of sale; now, therefore, (Continued) �, � r r���� � �, � :� CITY GOi�viTSSION MEETING �� Y� ,� April 22, 195? (Continu�d) BE IZ' RESOLVED BY ^1HE CItY CON�iIS5I0N OF THE CITY OF GLEARWAT�R, FLORIDA; Sec�ion 1. That the proposal. oi KIDD�R, PEABODY 3c CO., R. W. . PR�SSPRIGH & C0. , FIRST OF NIIC FiIG�1N CORPORATIQN, GOODBODY & C0 ., BACH� Ec C0. , �'OWNSEi�D, DABAEY & TYSON, D44INNEL HARKNESS & HILL, TNCORPORATED, AND G. H. WALKER & CO,, reierred to in the preambles hQreof, be and the same is herebp� accepted, and the following described Cartificates of the City of Clearwater, Fl.orida, be.and the3r are hereby awarded and sald to the said purchaser refe�red to in the preambles hereof: �2,000�000 - UTILITY REVENUE CERTIFICATES, SERIES af 1956, dated, August l, 1956, numbered 1 to 2,000, inclusive, in the den�mination of �1,000 each, bearing interest and m�turino on August 1 an the years and amounts as follows: Interest Rate In�erest Rate Year Amount Per Annwn Y�ear Amount Per Annum �957 �3k� q00 4� 1975 �56, 000 1,.�� 195� 32,000 4% 197b 5�,000 4� 1959 33,000 4� 197:j bo,o0o 4� 1950 3�, OQO y.�; 197$ b2 , 000 �.� 1961 36,000 4� 197Q 64,000 4p 1962 37,000 49� 19$0 66,000 4� i9 63- 3$,000 �.� i9�i 68,000 4� 1964 39,00U q.J 19�2 �0,000 4� 1965 41,000 4% 19$3 7z,0U0 �.J 19�6 1�2y000 4� 19$4 75,OQ0 t�J 1967 �3,000 4l 19$5 77,000 4% 196� 45 , C�00 45� 19$6 $0, 000 1+ a 19b9 t+6;000 4� 19$7 82,000 4% 1970 4$,000 4% 19$$ �5,000 4/ 1971 49,000 4% 19$9 $�',000 4.% 1972 51, 000 4/ 1990 91, U�t� 4I 1973 5z,.000 4 l 1991 94,00� 4I �9?4 54, 00o y.� Section 2. That the proper officers of the City, be, and ��ey they ar� hereby authorized and dire cted to execute said Certi£icates �ahen prepared and to deliver samz to said purchaser upon payment vf' the purchase price pursuant to the:, conditions stated in the notice of sale, aa�,�hnu�c further authority frnm this Co�ission. Section 3. That t he City Treasurer be, and he is herEby author ized and dixected ta return forth�aith the good faith checks of all unsuccessful bidders. Section 4. This resolu�ion shall take effect immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd da� of April, 1957 �s� I,ewi;s Nomer Mayor-Commissioner Attest : /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Clerk 0 � �