10/09/1975 ~".' ,~:' " ' . .' ,; ,~ " . , . ' "" ',: ",., "':", '~;. ~,~-~~~~~~~~~J.!...,.~J ..'~ ~.,~4'~1-?1(~.f'1\" ~~"""':'II\o'~}~).~"".r~~.. ........WI.~~~w.;'~"": .:-"'~' ~ ;.f..~:~ k;,;.l~~~.. . ~, . '."'''' ',. ',1' '. J. '" ..,....~::..~...r.~.,- ',', . . \~ The request of property located at and South nillcrest Terry D. Clark for a 14 ft. setback on the Northwest corner of Be11evue Boulevard Avenue, Lot 69. Bl. H. Brookhill Unit 7. o The Building Director stated a permit had been issued but when they tried to layout the house found it would extend just over the utility easement. Karl Lieblong, representinc the owner. was present and stated over a period of time erosion had added 9 feet to the utility easement which is an open ditch. Considerable discussion followed and the consen- sus was to face the house on Hillcrest Avenue instead of Bel1evue Boulevard and eliminate the problem of the utility easement. Terry Clark, owner, was present and requested he be allowed to withdraw his application. Mr. Homer moved that Terry D. Clark be allowed to wi~h- draw his application and file a new application to come before the Board on October 23rd. 1975. and that the Board of Adjust- ment and Appeals on Zoning in cooperation with the applicant waive any additional advertising fee. Mr. Nichols seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Nichols recommended amending the minutes of September 25. 1975, Page 2, Item 02. Subsection 2) to read: "All activ- ities of the applicant. including the overnight beaching. the storing, and/or the'renting of the equipment will be conducted entirely on privately owned property." By consent the amend- ment was accepted. Hearing no further amendments or objection, the Chairman declared the minutes of September 25. 1975 approved aa amended. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. e rt:~lv~ t~tlrd City Clerk as Secretary .}/ ,,/ ,. (, 'I ; \ _10",:,~:~7S , , " \ :. . ~~ ~