04/25/1974 o e , 'I ' " , , , ~' 'I J ',:) " J ; , l' ., ... ,t ; '", ':.i ;t oj.. "1, ,\' . ...,......"'-'",. ...."".. .......,.._..........,~...- If-7tf' of Lot 30 and the South 00 ft. of the West 130 ft. of Bluff View Subdivlnion, which property is located on the Northwest corner of Druid Hond 4lnd Joffords S'l:reet and is zoned RM-54A (hiRh donuity multi..family), it appearing that the Kane COllporn'l:ion llnd itn DueOODDor in title have made diligent efforts in oonneotion with thin p~oject, therefore I move that the requeDt be R~nntod nnd the rip,ht to obtain a building permit in acoordanoo with tho Daid npecial exception be extended for a poriod of nhe monthD from this date, April 25, 1974. Motion waD Docondnd by Mr. Cnrtor and carried unanLirilously. DioouDnion onDued oyer the requirement that four members yoto afrirmatively to ovorrule a denial by the Building Director. Mr. Kcnnody nta.tec.1 that Section l76 of the State Statutes had roqui~Qd thin four-member vote, but also the Board adopted the Dama in itn own ~ulen. He added the Section has now been ttopoftlod. Thn Ilonrd members indicated favoring the present nrrtmp'omant if tho ontire Board l-laS present. No action was tnkon nil 'thin matter. A dinuunnion enDued regaroing informing an applicant that hiD hoa~inR could be continued under certain dircumstances. Tho c.liocuDDion continued about an applicant requesting a oontinunnoo if he had any indication that he might not get a four..rnolnhtlr Approval. Mr. Kennedy suggested that each request for continuanco should be considered on its own merits. Mr. Bntotono moved that the minutes of the meeting of Maroh 20 t 19711, be approved in accordance with copies sub- mitted to oach Board member in writing. Motion was seconded by Mr. Niohols and carried unaniJitously. Mr. Kennedy, Assistant City Attornoy, said that the "dll should be deleted from "moved" in tho April llth minutes, page,3, paragraph 2, line 11. Hr. Hornor moved that the minutes of the meeting of April l1, lt17lt, bQ approved as amended. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cnrcor and carried unanimously. 'l'hore baing no further business, the meeting adjourned II t II l 6!i P . m. v") ..,:~ .' .,,~,.,/)c ;/;;?t--~.-- C airman AttefJtl , I' .' " , ' 'I' 2. , 4-25-74 , ' l' ,. .''; "\, I' .' J , .'~ . .. \ + .' ,',. ~: