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July 14, 1966
Members present:
Harry W. Shepard, Chairman
Robert Mahan, Vice-Chairman
Clinton B. Conway
James A. Novotny
Victor Brodeur
Also present:
Edwin Blanton, Building Inspector
Guy L. Kennedy, Jr., Asst. City Attorney
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 7:00 P.M.
The request of Mrs. Catherine Pittman was considered. Mrs.
Pittman was present. The Clerk read a letter in favor of
the request from Mr. H. Wade Cargill. There were no objec-
tions. Upon consideration of the appeal of Mrs. Catherine
Pittman from the decision of the Building Inspector con-
cerning request for 12 foot 6 inch setback from South lot
line of Lot 1, Block ll} Mandalay Subdivision, and zoned
R-lE (single family res~dence), it appea~ing after this
duly constituted public hearing that there' are practical
difficulties and unnecessary hardships in carrying out
the strict letter of the provisions of the zoning ordinance
as it affects such property and that the same can be varied
within the intent of the zoning ol'dinance, Mr. Mahan moved
that such appeal be granted in accordance with the applica-
tion submitted therewith, with the provision that the right
to obtain a building permit in accordance with such special
exception shall cease after six (6) months from this date.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Conway.
Mahan, Conway, Novotny, Brodeur and Shepard voted "ayell.
Motion carried.
Hr. Robert Kay, contractor representing Mr. Einer Mosbeck,
requested reconsideration of the application which had been
heard and approved by the Board on February 24, 1966, for a
15 foot setback from Lantana Ave. for Lots 7 & 8, BlOCk 45,
Handalay Subdivision, zoned R-1E (single family). He ex-
plained that the Board granted a 15 foot setback, but also
stated that ~he setback be the same as the setbacks for
the houses to the North which he has found is 25 feet. He
introduced Mr. Loren E. HOllingsworth, owner of property
directly North, who stated he' had no objections and realized
that the Hosbeck house would extend 10 feet beyond his. Upon
questioning by the Board, Mr. Kennedy stated the original
application was properly drawn, submitted,adver>tisei:1, and
adja~ent property owners notif1ed, and there had been no
objections presented; therefore, the Board would be in sub-
stantial compliance with the application and procedure if it
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