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May 13, 1965
Members present:
Harry W. Shepard, Chairman '
E. C. Marquardt" Vice-Chairman
John Meek
James Novotny
Harold Barber
Also present:
Edwin Blanton, Building Inspector
Guy L. Kennedy, Jr., Asst. City Attorney
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8 P.M.
The application of Gaylord Church was considered. Mrs. Vipginia
Anne Church, Attorney, and wife of the applicant explained the
details of their request. She stated that most lots have a
5 ft. side setback, but their property faces 3 streets; the
plan includes 2 small B ft. high greenhouses to raise orchids
with roses climbing the outside;' the pool to adjoin the garage
to use bath facilities therein. If pool was placed on the
southeast corner of the property a big oak tree and other plant-
ings would have to be removed. Mr. William E. Spain, 320 Sunburst
Court acted as spokesman for the people in the neighborhood and
opposed using City property. ~m. Herbert P. Young, 1723 Sunset
Dr. spoke for himself and Mr. Herbert Dolan opposing the request
as the pool would create a nuisance with the garage wall acting -
as a sounding board. Upon a question from the Chairman about
10 people raised, their hands in opposition. Mr. A. M. Eggerman,
1732 Sunset Dr., MI's" Frank Bird, 1339 S. Duncan; Mrs. Joseph
Peka, 1345 S. Duncan and Mrs. Samuel Copie, 1327 S. Duncan spoke
in favor of the applicant. Upon consideration of the appeal of
Gaylord Church from the decision of the Building Inspector con-
cerning request for the following setbacks on Lots 30 and 31,
Sunburst Court and Lot 6, Block 6, North Shore Park:
1. 7-1/2 ft. from Sunburst Court to e~ect greenhouses.
2. 3 ft. from Sunset Drive for screened swimming pool.
zoned R-1E, it appearing after this duly constituted public hear-
ing that there are practical difficulties and unnecessary hard-
ships in carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of the
zoning ordinance as it affects such property and that the same
can be va~ied within the intent of the zoning ordinance,- Mr. Meek
moved that such appeal be granted in.accordancewith the applica-
tion submitted therewith, with the provision that the right to
obtain a building permit in accordance with such 'special exception
shall cease after six (6) months from this date. Motion,was sec-
onded by Mr. Marquardt.
c... _ Upon ~he'vote being taken Marquardt" Meek, and Novotny voted "~ye".
Shepard 'voted "No". Barbe~ absent. Motion carI'ied.
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The application of Friendship Methodist Church was considered.
Rev. Robert W. Wenner pastor of the church explained the plans
and stated that the new Sunday School would permit the removal
of present wood building and increase the parking area. He
also stated that the church was sa years old with the present
bUilding being built in 1958. Mr. Ray Curtis, 11 S. Neptune
spoke in favor of the request. The Clerk read a letter ot ob-
jection from W. E. Hewes, 2019 Croydon Dr. Upon consideration
of the appeal of Friendship Methodist Church from the decision
of the Building Inspector concerning request to erect addition
to existing church on the ~ollowing property: Begin SE corner
of Lot 0, Block A, East Druid Estates, run N 210', E 180', S
210', W 180' to P.O.B. Section 13-29-15, and zoned R-IE, .it
appearing after this duly constituted public hearing that there
are practical difficulties and unnecessary hardships in carrying
out 'the strict letter of the prOVisions of the zoning ordinance
as it affects such property and that the same can be varied with-
in the intent of the zoning ordinance, Mr. Meek moved that such
appeal be granted in accordance with the application submitted
therewith, with the provision that the right to obtain a building
permit in accordance with such special exception shall cease
after six (6) months from this date. Motion was seconded by
Mr. Novotny.
Marquardt, Meek, Novotny and Shepard voted "aye". Barber absent.
Motion carried.
The application of Grover C. Eldridge was presented for consider-
ation. Mr. Donald O. McFarland, Attorney, was representing the
applicant and Hayward ~mnufacturing Co. (Mr. Oscar Davis, Presi-
dent) and explained the request and also amended the application
to delete the south 30 ft. from the description in the applica-
tion as it is zoned R-lE. He stated that the building is leased
to the Hayward Manufacturing Co. for warehouse, but they want
light manufacturing or fabricating of swimming pool equipment.
Mr. Davis stated they use small drill press and lathes with no
stamping or welding equipment. Mr. Albert Rogero spoke in favor
of the request and stated that he is planning a residential de-
velopment south of the subject property. Mr. Earl H. "Bud"
Parmer, Jr. spoke in objection for himself and other residents
of Canterbury Rd. and stated that the Industrial Park was avail-
able for such industry and it should not adjoin residential prop-
erty, because of the noise. Mr. Ralph Rose, Canterbury Rd. also
spoke in objection. The Clerk read a petition in objection with
,19 names. Upon consideration of the appeal of Grover C. Eldridge
from the decision of the Building Inspector concerning request
to allow machine shop and fabricating in existing building leased
and operated by Haywar'd Mam1.facturing Co. on the following prop-
erty: Begin at NE cor of NW 1/4 of SE 1J4, Section 13-29-15,
run W 4gl' , S 30l.8S' for P.O.B.; thence run W 158.61', S 313.47'
E 242.33', N 314.37', W 83.72' to p.O.B.r it appearing after
this duly constituted public hearing that there are practical
difficulties and unnecessary hardships in carrying out the strict
* .zoned B (business ) and R-1E (single family)
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Marquardt, Meek, Novotny and Shepard voted nayen. Barber
absent. Motion carried.
The application of Freddie L. Wilder was presented for consid-
eration. Mr. Fred J. Wilder, Attorney, represented the appli-
cant and explained the request. The Clerk read a letter of ob-
jection from Andrew Kallivokas. Upon consideration of the
appeal of Freddie L. Wilder from the decision of the Building
Inspector for no setback from Gulfview Blvd. to erect utility
room and bath house on Lots 27 and 28, Clearwater Beach Park,
zoned B, it appearing after this duly constituted public hear-
ing that there are practical difficulties and unnecessary hard-
ships in carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of
the zoning ordinance as it affects such property and that the
same can be varied within the intent of the zoning ordinance,
Mr. Meek moved that such appeal be granted in accordance with
the application submitted therewith, with the provision 'that
'the right to obtain a bUilding permit in accordance with such
special exception shall cease after six (6) months from this
date. Motion was seconded by Mr. Marquardt.
Meek and Marquardt nAye". Shepard and Novotny "No". Barber
absent. Mo~i~n" "<:li~.:.~o!i_ ~~~_ry.
The request of Gulf Coast Masonic Lodge #18~..and E. J. Robinson,
Jr. was considered. Mr. Fred J. Wilde~~sented the appli-
cant and explained the request. There were no objections. Upon
consideration of the appeal of Gulf Coast Lodge #181 and E. J.
Robinson, Jr. from the decision of the Building Inspector con-
cerning the business use of the existing building for operation
of a retail grocery store on Lot 9, Block 0, Palm Park Sub.,
zoned R-M (multiple dwelling with limited business) it appearing
after this duly constituted public hearing that there are prac-
tical difficulties and unnecessary hardships in carrying out the
strict letter of the provisions of the zoning ordinance as it
affects such property and that t.he sarne can be varied within the
intent of the zoning ordinan ce, Mr. Meek moved that such appeal
be granted in accordance with the application sUbmitt.ed t.here-
with. Motion was seconded by ~~. Novotny.
Marquardt, Meek, Novotny and Shepard voted "aye". Barber
absent. Motion carried.
The request. of William H. Scalf was considered. Mr. William H.
Scalf was present. There were no object.ions. Upon considera-
tion of the appeal of William H. Scalf from the decision of the
Building Inspector concerning request to use residence under
const.ruction on Lot 110, University Park, Unit 2, as a model
home, zoned R-lE, it appearing after this duly constituted pub-
lic hearing that there are practical difficulties and unneces-
sary hardships in carrying out the strict letter of the provi-
sions of the zoning ordinance as it affects suc~ property and
that the same can be varied' within the intent of the zoning
ordinance, Mr. Meek moved that such appeal be granted in ac-
cordance with the application submitted therewith and on the
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