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would justify a variance of such provision and that the same
cannot be made within the intent of the zoning ordinance,
Mr. Hougen moved that ouch appeal be denied.' Notion was se'conded
by Mr. Shepard.
Hougen, Shepard, Stoutami1"c and Harquat'dt voted "Aye".
absent. Motion carried.
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The Vice Chairman ~resented the request of Richard G. Roth and
found there was st~ll no representative present. There were no
objections. Upon consideration of the appeal of Richard G, Roth
from the decision of the Building Inspector for a, three foot four
inch setback from Eldorado Avenue to add garage on Lot 9, Block 70
Mandalay SUbdivision, (presently zoned R-lE) it appearing after
'this duly constituted public hearing that there are practical
difficulties and unnecessary hardships in carrying out the strict
letter of the provisions of the zoning ordinance' as it affects
such property and the same can be varied within the intent of
,the zoning ordinance, Mr. Shepard moved that such appeal be,
granted in accordance with the application submitted there\<li th
with the provision that the right to obtain a building permit
in accordance with such varlance shall cease after six months
from this date. Notion was seconded by Mr. Stoutamire.
,Hougen, Shepard, Stoutam:i.re and Marquardt voted "Aye". Levison
absent. Motion carried~
Regarding the action at the pr.evious meeting on April l2th
concerning Mr. James~Novotny's request for a ten foot setback from
Third Street and a five foot setback from east side of Lot 1,
Block At Columbia Subdivision No.2, Mr. Ben Krentzman asked
if the provision in the motion tha't no construction would be
allowed outside the setbacks granted except sidewalk meant that
construction would be construed to mean a fence which was
indicated on the plot plan. The Board members felt that
eliminating the fence removed some of the objections from other
property owners and determined that they could not take any
action without again notifying the people concerned. Mr.
Krentzman requested deferment of the approval of the minutes of
April l2th until he could decide whether to ask for are-hearing
by this Board or to carry through on the appeal to the Commission
which had already been filed.
Mr. Sheoard moved that approval of the minutes of April 12, 1962t
be deferred until the next meeting of the Board. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Stoutamire and carried unanimously.
i There being' no fut'ther business, the 'meetin~as adjourned at
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