08/22/1985 ". ,\ ., "..,. .. '.,," *~~""'LH'J~f '~-'r;;J;,"'Jr. # Ul'-'-L;~'I~L.h '":....,.. {" ~-'(~~~,~...,...i:'......~.....""_"""",,,,, ./ .... ~ ~ t ..;, ~' \ ' ; ". .. \ \ , I , , l' ,', " ACTION AGENDA - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEAL ON ZOSING MEETING - August 22, 19B5 @ ITEM - (request for time extension) Daniel E. Railey for varimoes 1) of 5 ft and 2) of 2 ft to oonstruot offioe building addition 5 ft from rear proporty line and 8 ft from side property line, and 3) to add to a non-oonforming struoture, at 1358 S Missouri Ave, Lakeview Hts, Blk J, Lots 22 & 23, zoned CG (general business). ITEM - (continued from 8/8/85) Arthur Pepin fop variance of 6 ft 6 inches to construot a second story addition to a garage with a 19 ft 6 inoh setbaok, at 974 Eldorado Ave, Mandalay SUb, Blk 69, Lots 1 & 2 and part of Lot 3, zoned RS-50 (single family). 1. Catherine Cutler for vari anoes 1) to add to a non-conforming structure and 2) of 3-1 ft to construot an addition 6-1 ft from rear property line, at 405 Le Beau St, N Shore Park, Blk 8, Lot 3, zoned RM-B (single fll1llly duplex-apartment). 2. Charles Adams and Henry Boerner for varianoes 1) to add to a non-conforming structure and 2) of 4.1 ft to construct an addition 5.9 ft from rear property line, at 515A S Highland Ave, Druid Hills, Lot 16. zoned PS (prOfessional servioes). i "~~J- '~f.1 3. Cengiz Gokcen for a variance of 2 ft to erect a 6 ft high fenoe 7 ft from property line abutting Terraoe Dr. at 228B Drew St, Temple Terrace 1st Addn, Blk D, Lots 15-17, zoned PS (professional services) . It. Robert Day Jr. and Robert Brown for a speoial exception to operate a warehouselstorage area. located at the NE corner of Myrtle Ave Wld Carlton St W of railroad R.O.W.. Lincoln Place Addn, Blk 5, Lots 1, 10 and '1 and part of Lots 2,3.8 and 9, zoned CG (general business). 5. Joseph Schultz for a special exception to locate a single family residence in a RM-28 zoning distriot, at 1110-1112 N Pine St, Marylmd Sub. .Blk B-1, Lot 5, zoned RM-28 (high density . multi-fanily). ..1_'\ . A.',<" ."; /~<:,;'< ..;:::: i:" " " ~,~~~J~r~\(.=,~ 't~..:,>~: j ~':;). '~~',',~.'.~;:.'I~ (, ':!';:"",'> ;~~~ t. ~+ ., ~.'.' ~{. /~f':1\''-~';I1}..,lo-;:~~tt'/t/\~,,' .:'S., I~, ::' ..\~"l.. r I~ ~ ..,.. (.:,;10 ~..... " ". J:'t:J.t~t~'''T~\L'i.>:;..>d I'J"':'~;:'<"~~.: T<..:,... ,I " .' ITEM - Granted 6 month extension from 8/23/85 ITEM - Granted 1. Grant~ w/ conditions 2. Denied 3. Denied 4. Granted 5. Granted ".l /'11 J . .\\ ,t Ii /~ '1w'..