08/08/1985 ~ ~ " 8. J.W. Daniels, Jr., Ino. for a varianoe of ~.5 ft to oonstruot a pool 5.5 ft from rear property line, at 2908 Eagle Estates Cirole, Eagle Estates, Lot 31, zoned RS-l00 (single family). 9. Gloria Blackburn for a variance of 6 parking spaces to construct a 3 story office building with ~5 parking spaces, in 1800 block of U.S. 19 N between Wendy's and Lindsley Lumber, Sec 06-29-16, part of M&B ~~.01, zoned CP (commercial parkway). 10. Arthur Pepin for variances 1) of ~ ft to construct a 2nd story addition to a gar~e with a 21 ft setbaok, 2) of 16 ft to erect a storage room 9 ft from property line abutting Juniper St, and 3) of adding to a non- conforming,structure, at 974 Eldorado Ave, Mandalqy Sub, Blk 69, Lots 1 & 2 and part of Lot 3, zoned RS-50 (single family). ~" 'CI . ,,' ,,' . ..:1: .. ~ . " Cc'; ";, I":';'~"""~':'<":';">" . .<'\' ~ ,8/~/85-,;':i<, " 8. o.d.ed 9 . Grated 10. 1) c:oraum.d 2) GlWlted 3) Gl'IIIltu " ,I: .'0, ,f' :-\ \",. .i: ,I; to 8/22/85" " " :' I, ii '. , \ . , ': ,j i "t' ';," ,t" , L'I..' , .l. \. /331 " . / \ ~. . ,\ ,( 'I \ , ~ ., ,,' .~ r :.. 'I- ," .... ;j.~~ ~ ........i::F;-~I;.~....~'.~ .p.~~=,~; ~ ""....~)t......'~~ ~ . ',. ......... ~l' ~'I. 'f~~~~~~,~~r7''';~'~~~~~.:''" '.J ,T.Jr.. ':"~".~'" 1"0;: ....~~~t. ......... ; .'~.)..:>....I.t..;t~'c^t-:,.~1.... ':..:\' ',~ '. }~.."'~.~'- ...T\L'~~.' ~..+. \ ~'i',~Ft~' ',' ,. . .' ~ ", . Y': .; l(~.., ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' .{. :':'.' ~ -rl' ! .~. ':.\' . ." - J.. <'" c., ,.. \ ..,'~..f.". 1..t~., .. ,