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Chris Bell, arohitect representing the applioant, stated the
ground floor is open and will be used for parking. The small window
at the top is merely deoorative and is not an additional floor. He
stated t.he hOlle has only two 11 ving levels and t.he proposed height
of the home is approximately 35 feet.
Disoussion ensued as to whether the request ~hould have inoluded
a varianoe for 15 feet in height 1n addition to the halt-story.
Tim Mariani. attorney representing the applioant, requested the
Board continue, the item and that it be readvertised to include the
15 toot height variance.
Hrs. Dobbs moved to OGIlt1Due the case to the meeting of Hay
9, 1985 with the variances being readvertised to ino1ude both the
half-story and tho 15 feet in height. The motion was duly !Seoonded
and carried unanimously.
ITEM '6 - Daniel Abitbol for a speoial exoeption to operate
a contaot lens distributorship hOllle occupation, at 2326
Hoorehs.,en Dr W. Woodgate of Countryside Unit 2, Lot 69.
zoned RS-50 (single tamily).
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Daniel Abitbol stated he is part owner of a corporation that
imports lenses from Canada. He and his wife are the only employees
in Florida and their partner resides in Canada. The business would
be mail order of the lenses throughout Florida. He stated the
merohandise would be pioked up at the post office and advertbed
through a broohure mailed to potential customers.
Five letters of objeotion ware submitted for the reoord.
A duly oonstituted publio hearing has been held and since. based
on the material submitted by the applicant, the proposed use b
oonsilJtent with the Zoning Code, Mr. Pliska moved that said appeal
be ..-Ad with the provision the applicant prepare and file with
the Oooupational Lioense Division an affidavit agreeing to comply
with all the oonditions ot the Code and that the Oooupational Lioense
be obtained within six (6) months from this date. The motion was
duly seoonded and oarried unanimOUSly. Request.,.ated.
ITEM 17 - Dolphin Cove Condo Association for a varianoe
of 1-1/2 ft to ereot a ~ tt high ohain link fence. at 255
DOlphin pt Rd, Dolphin Cove Condo, zoned RM-28 (high density
mulU-tlllDlly) .
The Planning Ottioial stated this is waterfront property and
'8 varianoe in fence height is being requested to allow a fenoe 4 teet
high. The fenoe would be on the side property line.
4. 4/25/85
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