11/12/1981 .~ P'~ >, ',''"... ~~.::) ::~:.~'~~!An:~~~'1~-Jj"':~~_~~~~,.~..;. .~!'"' ___ e Gerald Yegge stated he had no prior knowledge the property was not governed by CO setbaoks. The term "offioe" was that used by the arohiteot; however, the building will be used mainly for storage as his apartmenta are rented furnished or unfurnished as required. The applicant stated he would have made provis10n for storage facilities and a oommunity room in the initial construotion had he foreseen the need at that time. No one spoke in opposition. Having held a duly oonstituted public hearing and sinoe, based on the material submitted by the applioant, there are not practioal diffioulties or unneoessary hardships that cannot be overoome, Mr. Gans moved that 3uch appeal be deD1~. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Request dea1ed. ITEM'2 William Georgilas for varianoes to oonstruct single family dwellings, pools, and fences as follows: (a) Lot 1: Setbaoks, building height, fence height, and lot width; (b) Lot 2: l!letbacks, building height, and fence height; (0) Lot 3: setbaoks, building height, fenne height, and lot width. All being in Blk 19, Mandalay Sub, looated at 875, 879, nnd 883 Eldorado Ave and zoned nS-50 (single family). The Planning Offioial looated the property and explained the variances being requested, whioh are needed beoause the applioant proposes to rearrange the lot lines. The property is unique in that it has right-of-way on all three sides which oreates praotical diffioulty in development. He suggested that, if granted, the varianoes should be only for tho area where the buildings actually enoroach in aooordanoe with the drawings submitted. He reoommended the applicant should submit a proposed roplat for approval prior to issuanoe of a building permit if the varianoes are granted. DisouBsion ensued as to whether it is proper to grant variances prior to a replat when lot reoonfiguration is contemplated. The Planning ot1'ioia1 reported the applicant is exempt under the subdivision regulationa trom filing an official replat; however, in the interests of good housekeeping and in order to provide guidanoe to the Building Department in the issuanoe of permits, a replat should be submitted. Frank Morris declared a oonf11ot of interest, whioh is attached hereto tor the reoord. ,,'8 Harry Cline, attorney r~presenting the applioant, explained previous uses and history of the property. He reported a request tor rezcning with a core-type unit to supply more bUffering around the buildings 'brought significant opposition from area residents, and the request was denied by the City Commission. The Commission suggested 'that three single-family units be construoted. He displayed a site :, ~~B,!~:,:,i,;::,>i:' .",' , rl~"i1Xg,)f,"<':.',\""", ': ',:" . "~.'l.~~~~~~~j;~ It' ,.d."' -,>: <'~;, *t1:'l;'/~'i:';~,j{""~.l.;" :';,1", At > \ I. ., , i '2. 11/12/81 , " ", , . ~':~ ..'.....:".,. / / 3:J- .~~~i(,i ~ ".;~jj~ ;i:.ff!i.i.!~':I',j~\;' :il:;b;;'{j;~!~' 'r;':~"'':f:~~;l'''}i;, ~~~';r:r~~l.I~'WrJ~\i" . I t:. r~ ,~'j t~,~ 1~...~:j4V!.t' ~'l~~~,;F~.!r,.~~:~~:':;'~r,;h..'~ft:1d';~~'r.t:'!!-~Jl~t ~~. ..! '.;. ~tf~i~d~~tt:of'J';t..;~1t" .t~'r)~\ft~rr~;-c,-:(:,c:~.;~;.k:Lf;'!'~~/(!.~ -f:.-I"),:~.~;~~;',~Ni'~~;(~!t~! . , i\ 'j , i~J!''1' ;:(.f%ir"~~' ~'",!r).1io'rr ~~...:i:h.'\-r"~J;'..).-p.r'.: '~y,~ ~ . . >JIi~;j~vj*, "r.~/l~~~~~'~~~lli~~/A~"',,,~:,~. ~ '.f:.':::i!lt>"J " IS' '. ...,.'.Yo . '..'l",>.'..,..""n:y.,>....~~~~~II~ ~Jt.....' """ r- Wo" r 1IirI'..~'-.., ~~J t. ... ~," . ,:.,~. .\..;,,,,'~.' .' '..~,~ , I L' ,\-..,' ;f',_, J:". "".1,': ~~.".../~~,. , '\,,. ~., ':"..~ 0, ,\.~ ~ ~ " ~I": !:':l.::r~ ~ ~w'~~' .'~f''- .t:il', 't~',;"(.:~,' " ~., ,. .',1 /.~ - , . '. JpJj , . . r a '4) ..l"''';'i'''' ~ ."'r ....~'-4i..t..~.....,"J-. .:~'"'>: ""\~..., ~."~'*~ '_~ ,.t'~l.:~~'.!~t"'(, y:.. ~.. :'~. , i~ :;1-.1': ":"CE~"'~~.__-+t"'. ;a;~'.;"'" !..I fPt=> ~'~"',!'..: _ .. '. ..... ' ..:: .j.- ';t.4'1' ~JL..~~.f ''1-". LJ:' ,,~.~, ".;I/~" ~~,)>... ., . ., " ~'~."'" .<' .... t~,:~~,,~'+'J~':"""i"'~ t4T'~~''l,l.___~~.....}. ,'j " . ~" , '. '" :i "I " -I " ,) ", '. :....~~.M:~t~~I~7J,t~~~:;~.:iJ.:;~~,:_.:~..;:.;.L.;........~,....'"'.....,,,,'._.,j~ ..:......t..~.,'~......~..~~_'., ...'.... '~.' ..., 0, ., e the applicant plans only daytime use of the dook. In this area there are two existing wooden docks. both to the west of the proposed site, one of whioh belongs to Continental Towers and was ereoted by AAA' Marine. At the time of construction it reaohed to the water. He reported the walkway will be 6l ft. high. David Gibson and Jeanne Miller, representing residents of Continental Towers, spoke in opposition oiting setting a precedent, marina-type atmosphere, danger from ourrents, sanitation, noise, possible bait stands and fishermen, water oontamination by fuel spills, eto. Five othel' citizens spoke in opposition and one letter in opposition was read into the record. In response Mr. Pfeil :stated there iD only one boat involved and would be operational in daylight hours only. No servioes, fuel or repairs will be provided and, at low tide, there is a maximum water depth of 2l ft. Responding to questions raised regarding safety, he reminded the Board that aocidents oan happen any p1aoe. Having held a duly constituted publio hearing and sinoe, based on the material submitted by the applioant, the proposed use is not oonsistent with the zoning oode, Mr. Gans moved that said appeal be deD1ecl. The motion was duly seconded and upon the vote being taken, Messrs. Gans and Donnell voted "Aye;" Messrs. Caffentzls, Dallmann and Morris voted "Way." Motion failed. Having held a duly constituted pUblio hearing and since, based on the material submitted by the applioant, the proposed use is consistent with the zoning code, Dr. Caffentzls moved that said appeal be poaated with the following conditions: 1) all operations be limited to daylight hours; 2) all operations be limited to the use of guests of the Hilton Inn only; 3) the dock will only be used for on- loading and off-loading of Hilton guests and will be appropriately secured by a chain or gate on the landward side; ~) no faoi1ities for repairing, fueling or related aotivities will be provided, and with the provioion that the use/building permit be obtained within six (6) months of this date. The motion was duly seoonded and upon the vote being taken. Messrs. Caffentzis, Dallmann and Morris voted "Aye;" Messrs. Gans and Donnell voted "Nay." Motion oarried. Request snnted. ITEM 17 Emanuel Kotak1s for a special exoeption to construot an automobile body shop and a varianoe 1n off- 'street parking requirements on pts of M&B'a 22, 23, 25 & 26, Seo. 15-29-15, looated at 11~1 Court St and zoned CO (general business). The Building Offioia1 reported a previous application for storage was denied on 3/8/79 and speoia1 exoeption for automotive servioe was approved on 3/26/81 subject to meeting parking requirements. "The Planning Offioia1 reported the Planning Department prefer15 the parking varianoe as opposed to the method the applioant would have to use in order. to meet the requirement~. Extending the ex~et1ng use , , , . r" '1'1 6. 11112/81 .' ,: \. , ", .. ~. , ., \. ". 1 "j " Ii'. ~ ".., ... " .. ~.' ~. ~:: i :< . : I' , " . .. -"~.',.. ,".' '.~;,;(. 1;/ ,i' ~ :, .,':., " , ~.~. .'. -.... ,~_":".~~:~''''\_~...v.'::....!'';J<--::~~~~~:~~~~_._7':'~-.r'~';'':;:'''~::..~___,__~ " \\ " ' " , ~;' , .' , ,. ,\ ... \ , ,~-......~' \' ,\ \' .. . (. ...............;8->..~~-.:..-;.~1~~;;;;:./k..::.,..:..~~.,w.,;...;."~-w.;:.-.~.,,_ . '...... +,' ~ . ,~,~".... .H. ~...~r~'c,Jc;.;k_~O.....U.. 1.;1 7 does not seem inappropriate; however, oonoerns were expressed regarding the esthetios of any development on Court Street. G) The applicant is ourrently selling oars, whioh requirus a speoial exoeption, and none has been granted. The sale of oars is taking plaoe on publio right-of-way, not the applioant' s property. As reoommended in Maroh, he suggests a oommon acoess to the property to eliminate exoessive ourb outs on Court Street. Harry Cline, attorney representing the applioant, stated the addition will bo used for installation of sound systems and similar operations as they have ample bodY-8hop room. The addition will be a separate bUilding whioh would require a single ourb out. They are proposing to use only 36% of the land area and still oannot meet the parking requirements. He displayed a site plan and aerials of similar operations in the area pointing out that few, if any, had on-site parking. Disoussion ensued oonoerning the proposed curb outs and Mr. Cline requested they not be tied to one means of ingress and egress since, in the long term, the owners might wish to lease or sell this parcel. Kurt Youngstrom, architect, reported they have designed various projeots for this property. They have not been able to develop a plan using a single aaoess whioh has been aoceptable to Traffio Engineering and Engineering. The existing fenoe will be removed and the oars presently outside the fence will be moved back. One oitizen who has reoently purchased property in the area for prOfessional development spoke in opposition, oiting noise and physical features of a body shop as reasons for objeotion. Two letters of opposition were read into the record. Mr. Cline a tB ted the property presents severe prao tioal diffioul ties and reiterated the use is compatible with existing uses in the area. @) Having held a duly oonstituted publio hearing and since, based on the material submitted by th.o applioant, the proposed use is oonsistent with the zoning oode, Dr. Caffentzis moved that the speoial exoeption be snmted. 'lith the following oonditions: " all auto body work to be 'done in an enolosed area; 2) landscaping will be provided aooording to oode; 3) all autos awaiting repairs shall be soreened; 4) hours of operation wll1 be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Honday thru Saturday with no Sunday work; 5) fence in Tract C will be removed and with the provision that the use permit be obtained within six (6) months of thi8 date. The motion w~ duly seoonded and oarried unanimously. Request srmsted. Having held a duly oonstituted publio hearing and sinoe, based on the material submitted by the applioant, there are praotioal difrioulties or unneoetlsary hardships in oomplying with the zoning oode, Dr. Cafrentzis moved to ~t the varianoe provided 14 parking spaoes are provided and with the provision that the building permit be . . ~\~~:b~\\' ':',:) , . , ,fl~...~;'iJ\\. , ' '~'K~~~~;'~'.' :".:~:';\:, . .. , 7. 11/12/81, 1.b.~ ak' W.t'l~~~\f(:~~.':1~;.tr'>':~~!:~'1~:l //F:J,',~.!~..~' ,~]~~~ ~.; I~: ~ ;~L~{\"..\::j .{.~: :..~., r,-~:;'fi ~:~:~';l'.tt;:;ii ~~ i~L ~~ ~1f~,t~\'. , 1;,~,^,,<,.t('l,lr.j~,~<. "'_",,,,,;1''1'"1. ~ ...,..)10,. \l:..r..".,',,",,:~ '>"""i' \.,",- ...~.+,'~".',..,r.r ,~'j, ,t- h;:,t...:1i.i:\& ' .. \'1:j.'~~t~~l~~I! 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