12/09/1981 ~ 'U I) ;1 , ' I." ,I . ,;, , -i + \: < l . ~ \ " "/ , " .', >; . ',~; 'I, '.: ii ,~ ,", ~ [t' "\",' , ~ : ~, 'T 'I .,1 The Planning Official explained the request and the reasons for the 30-inch maximum for fences in the rights-of-uay and along the waterfront. The motel to the west of this site has back-out parking, and a solid 6 ft. fence might obstruct the view of the street for motorists baoking out from the motel. A chain link fence would not create suoh a hazard and would still provide seourity for the pool. Nicholas DeTrano, developer and owner, reported the motel on the west is only B ft. away from the property line. A solid fenoe would not only proteot the pool but would allow privacy in the pool area. He would be willing to graduate the fence to 30 inohes toward the streBt side, and displayed drawings showing the proposed location of the fences. William aesthetios. fenoe. Kimpton spoke in support of a wood fenoe based on Three area residents spoke in opposition to a wooden Having held a duly constituted public hearing and sinoe, based on the material submitted by the applioant, there are not practioal difficulties or unnecessary hardships that cannot be overcome, Mr. Gans moved to dlmJ' the request for the rear setbaoks. The motion W"dS duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken, Messrs. Gans and Dallmann voted tlAye;tI Messrs. Morris and Donnell voted "Nay." Motion failed . Having held a duly constituted public hearing and since, based on the material submitted by the applioant, there are some praotioal diffioulties or unnecessral'y hardships in complying with the code, Mr. Gana moved to grant the request SUbject to the fenoe requirements set forth in the Zoning Code, with the provision the 72- inch high fence shall start at 25 ft. from the rear property line and will taper gradually to 30 inches at the front setbaok line, and with the further provision that the building permit be obtained within six (6) months from this date. The motion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken, Messrs. Gans and Dallman voted tlAye;" Messrs. Morris and Donnell voted "Nay." Motion failed. HaVing held a duly constituted publiC hearing and'since, based on the material submitted by the applicant, there are some practioal diffioul ties or unneoessrary hardships in complying with the code, Mr. Morris moved 'to gran1; the request subjeot to. the 72-inoh high fence being contained within the deok area surrounding the pool between the.condo and the motel, based on the site plan submitted by the applioantt,Bayway Shores Condo) as attaohed to the application and also subjeot to the fence requirements set forth in the Zoning Code, with the further prOVision that the building permit be obtained within six (6) mon ths from this date. The motion was duly seoonded and oarried unanimously. Bequest srent8d. 2. 12/9/81, ji~J;~;:".~. 'i',.;i\.' I <if. ,.' ., 'j " ' .... . 'L '. i ,II>.~ ..~~;'~~~~~~ 1.fr~~+':1':.~1I ~~+t~--;'t-j" . I, ". t..,.-~ 1r.i~;;""....~L . r' ....~. ...-, '-TW'~"";:;;'>).I" ~~;.....:'>4"P">~''''''1'. ~j)~$-"l{ ~~.~!.....~. ~ . . -, ~.' ~~~~I,A'~":l'h-~~"'r~~~~ ~~'''';'~ J~. -. J'T~7".., ..11;;}. :~ .t~..;--, ~>J1 f~;r -~'.;'/~~7..j. -""';;-~rl'1T-~~"'Jf(.."?1.\~'FZ~r.~-".~~-0tf' t1~. ~ I .' ..>;i .' ,.<'.,"~>. ,'.; "., ;". '."".' . '. ~ .,..,:..:':' '~";!~~~'l.i\>. '. ;"', t ~ ~.\n.':'~" '''':c..l!iT","'-..JI"~1;''~tf"'''''-r ..,),r~ i. rt".....,.~.......r--: ..... . ,< "/-'0., ,< \ , I r. <\ .' The Planning Offioial reviewed the request and questioned the number of slips being proposed. The applioation indioates 6 slips I whereas the drawing submitted shows as many 85 8 slips. The Harbormaster has reviewad the applioation and states it poses no hazard to naVigation. ~ Tom Hogan of Milne Marine Construotion, representing tho applicant, stated there would be no slips between the dock and the catwalk. Because of extensive riprap outside the seawall, the pilings must be placed inside the seawall. The proposed construotion is similar <to existing dooks in' the area. No one spoke in opposition. Having held a duly constituted pUblio hearing and sinoe, based on the material submitted by tho applioant, the proposed use is consistent with the zoning oode, Mr. Gans moved that said appeal be gNIlted with the prOVision that the use/bUilding permit be obtained within six (6) months of this date. The motion was duly seoonded and carried unanimously. Request gr.snted. ITEM fJ 10 - Rose Phi.fet' for a special exception to construct a seoond floor single-family dwelling unit on an existing struoture on the E 100 ft of Lot 1 and all of Lots 2, 3, 4, 24 and 25, Blk B, Bayside Sub 05, located at 630 S. Gulfview Blvd and zoned CG (general business). The Planning Offioial reviewed the request and reported site plan approval for a oondominium development' was given by the City Commission. This request creates no problem as long as the applicant realizes the existing structure, and any additions thereto) should be razed if a building permit is pulled for the condomiumum development. Rose Phifer stated she to maintain the property, building should and would materializes. No one spoke needs the dwelling for security personnel and she agrees with the City that the be razed if the condominum development in opposition. - Having held a duly constituted public hearing and slnoe, based on the material submitted by the applioant, the proposed use is oonsistent with the zoning oode, Mr. Morris moved that said appeal be &N11ted with the condition the speCial exoeption will expire when a building permit for the condominum site plan is issued and with the prOVision that the use/building permit be obtained within six, (6) months of this date. The motion was duly seoonded and oarried unanimously. Request SNDted. ITEM #11 - TrElehouse Investments (Dorian) for a speoial exception to construot a dootor's office on M&B 31-15, Seo 15-29-15, looated at 601' S. Greenwood and zoned RM-2B (high density multi-family). '" . ..... ",.; YK;>L~'}:.; , ,';',:, '. ~':{ 'J' :.~ 'I~ ~t~ '.~' ~? ~. ~~ \. I I . ~ . !"'/"',< ,. , ' . i \t; ,'" I . +r(:;~X~:-:t;~:(:ltl'~'~"i~I',~,I\, "i~1 . \.+ r/ql-ip,'\.}r:_"r",;.' ".'>,"' ,II ", , t.:.1~~~.;~r+..,I'~~~I:I':''' :~+/~\,.~ . \ "\. ~ I ~ ' ~~~' .'):'1\:0"\""'"" .', ;',H < " 1 , "'w,Jf'.(ll~g~<"":';J ~;V~'~.<' '<'1;:':' .:' <('.. "'f....lI1'-=.:r,~'t~~:(~';j.1.:~;.;~'~il~Ti ~:~ ~I.:",..~ I, 8. 12/9/81 137