08/12/1982 ACTION AGENDA - BOARD OF ADJUSTMmlT & APPEAL ON ZONING MEETING - AUGUST 12t 1982 ., 1. (Cont'd from 7/8/82) William Youmans for a speoial exoeption to add 8 slips to an existing dook at 18ijO N Ft Harrison located in Seo ~-29-15, pt of M&B 1ijt and zoned CTF-28 (high density oommercial tourist). '. . .i I' ." '.' ......~~_.........._.........~........_~........._..."....... ~.... ~2. Joseph Artibello for a 7 ft varianoe to add to ~an existing dock for a total width of 27 ft at 701 Island Way, located in Island Estates Unit 8t Lot 17, and zoned RS-75 (single family). 3. Fred Whalen for a speoial exoeption to plaoe a oonstruotion trailer at 1020 Sunset pt Rd, looated in Sunset Point Repl, Blk A, Lot 6, and zoned RM- 12 (duplex apartment). 4. First Federal Savings & Loan Assoo. of Tarpon Springs for a variance to oonstruot building canopy and support oolumns with a zero setbaok abutting Beloher Rd at 2 N Beloher Rd, looated in Seo. 13-29-15, M&B 11-18, and zoned CS (oommeroial servioes). 5. Oliver Ackerley for a speoial exoeption to establish an acoounting offlce as a home oooupation at 1216 Sunset Dr, located in Enghurst 2nd Addn, Lot 78, and zoned RM-8 (single family duplex apartment). 6. Russell Zaralban for a varianoe to oonstruot a building entryway in setback area abutting Snug Island at 768 Snug Island located in Island Estates Unit 7B, Lot ij5, and zoned RS-75 (single family) . e , . 1. .. .... .......... .... ..........L ......... <,.~ ..-. . ~ ... ,.. ...~, ~ '. 1. Withdrawn by applicant. 2. Ormlted. 3. GrIIIlted. Permi t to be obtained immediately. 4. Dade4. 5. Dml1ed. 6. Dmled. Z~ - Treehouse Investments (Dr. Bram Smith) granted extension to 12/31/82 to pull building permit. Z~ - Meeting originally soheduled for 9/9/82 will be held Wednesday, 9/8/82. . . :"~'l:.>. J<">'~~':I; I' ~"~r~;~':'<'I~::' ," I.:' I,..'. . '. AGENOA 8/12/82 ~f{tr:~~~~~'\1f>:(:;>.:'r:"Y,:,;,:.:,.',' .:'.:',",: :<: . ,,"."'" ,""'. A~\'~'.,l'}l ';;Y J.I if ,1/ ,~.' .oj...... 'l" ..,' 'd.~.. . ~I' . l '. 't+!t...~.:,..\..:f...:..,;i~~~\"\ r I. ~:.~.(.~"+)'.~'~' L::,-'" :~, , ,:.:.-fT' L,:, ," \. ~ ~~:i i, " j , ,I .', I ,! I, \ \ 1\ , f ,i , ; , , " " " \; " .. .\ ., " .\~'<~_. . :~'.\~Wi7' Y;il',r:'i;}i:l" off~ ..L '>;:~'. .:".' ,~," .~' ~ .