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1. (Cont'd from 9/23/82) David Gangelhoff for a
speoial exoeption to store boats awaiting work at
511 Hart St looated in Jane's Sub of Nioholsons,
Blk 3, pt Lots 7-9 and zoned CG (general
2. (Cont'd from 9/23/82) Jim Hammond for
@ variances to upgrade motel to penn it : 1)
oonstruotion of a storage/offioe building 3 ft.
from E property line; 2) zero olearance to
oonstruot roof and sundeok on E & N aides at 530
Mandalay Ave looated in Miller's Replat, Lot 6 and
zoned CTF-28 (high density oommeroial tourist).
3. M~loolm Croft for a special exception to
oonstruot a 66' dook with 6' x 36' walk, 12' x 12'
head and 6' x 18' ramp at 302-30Q N Osceola
located in Lutz Sub, Lots A & B, and zoned RH-28
(high density multi-family).
4. PaSon Realty Co. (Parsons) for varianoes to
add: 1) a seoond floor bedroom and deck to a
nonoonfirming struoture; 2) construot bedroom and
deck ranging from 2 ft to 4 ft 11 in from N
property line; and 3) 4.51 ft from property line
abutting Sunset Dr at 130~ N Osoeola located in
Enghurst 1st Addn, Lot 51, and zoned RM-8 (single
family, duplex-apt).
5. Henry Marion for varianoes to locate a
replacement mobile home and attaohed carport: 1) 2
ft 6 in from S side and; 2) 6 in from W side of
masonry building; and 3) Q ft from adjaoent
oarport at 2419 Gulf-to-Bay located in Twin Lakes
Trailer LOdge, Lot 203, and zoned RMH (mobile home
park) .
6. Henry Marion for varianoes to locate a
replaoement mobile home and attaohed oarport: 1)
3 ft 6 1n on N side; and 2) 6 in from E side of
masonry building; and 3) Q ft from adjaoent
oarport at 2419 Gulf-to-Bay located in Twin Lakes
Trailer Lodge, Lot 102, and zoned RMH (mobile home
park) .
7. Central Plaza Bank & Trust Co. of St.
PeterSburg, TR, Sago Co. (Barrett) for a speoial
exoeption to establish an offioe for a oonsulting
servioe as a home oooupation at 2220 US 19 N
e located 1n Stratford Village Apts, Bldg 3~9, and
. . zoned RH-28 (high desnity, multi-family).
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