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1. O~ted. Speoial exoeption
limited to 1 yr.
1. Ted Tsevdos for a speoial exoeption to
establish a oonsultant offioe as a home oooupation
at 2637 Cypress Bend Dr, Cypress Bend of
Countryside Unit 2, Lot 79, zoned RS-50 (single
family) .
2. Edson Denny for a speoial exoeption to operate
~a telephone answering service as a home oooupation
at 507 Palm Bluff St, Palm Bluff 1st Addn, pt of
Lot 1~, zoned RM-B (single family duplex-apt).
3. Gordon Collyer for a speoial exoeption to
establish a oomputer software development offioe
as a home oooupation at 2036 Nugget Dr, Windsor
Woods, Lot 5~, zoned HS-75 (single family).
4. C~aaar Garoia for variances to: 1) ereot ~ ft
chain link fence in waterfront setback area, and
2) ereot ~ rt chain link fence in setbaok area
abutting Eldorado Ave at 926 Eldorado Ave,
Mandalay Sub, Blk 52, Lot 3, zoned RS-50 (single
family) .
5. Matthew Sweeney (Heeves) for a speoial
exception to opel'ate a lawn service as a home
oooupation at 216 Riohards Ave, Grandview Terrace,
Lot 3B, zoned RS-50 (single family).
6. Norman Alexander for a varianoe to oonstruot a
single family dwelling on a lot less than 5000 sq
ft in area at 616 Smallwood Circle, Glenwood Sub,
pt of Lot 151, zoned RS-SO (single family).
7. Leo Turner for varianoes to: 1) erect a 7~ ft
fence, and 2) oonstruot a utility shed in side
setback area at 3272 Mulberry Dr, Countryside
Tract 5) Lot 60, zoned RS-50 (single family).
B. Keramat Fahari for a variance to construot 4
room addition 7.85 ft from rear property line at
1358-1360 Tioga Ave, Lakeview Heights, Lots 21 and
22, zoned RM-B (single family duplex-apt).
9. Joseph Harra for a speoial exception to
establish a manufacturers' representative offioe
as n home oooupation at 223q Grovewood Rd,
Grovewood SUb, Lot 70, zoned RS-75 (single
family) .
~10. Jaok Rothman for a varianoe to construot
> addition to single family dwelling 10 ft from 'rear
. .property line at 2926 Heather Trail, Heather Trail.
SUb, Lot 22, zoned RS-100 (single family).
~. '
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. ~'f'-..;..-l. :~~ .~.~:. '., ;..~.;::,-t. ':~;,,:~ ...:" ~~..T"~. .
2. DID1ed.
3. O~ted. Special exoeption
limited to 2 yrs.
4 . Ol"Utted' 1 .
DeD1ect 12.
5. Dealed.
6. DeD1ed .
7. Dea1ed.
8. GNDted.
9. Graated.
10. DeD1ed.
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Grimmer and Morris voted "Nay."
Motion oarried.
Reque:lt deD1ed.
MINUTES - The Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting of
November 9, 1962, for oonsideration. They were approved.!n aooordanoe
with oorreoted oopies submitted to eaoh Board member in writing.
The meeting adjourned at 6: 55 p.m. I.
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. City. Clerk
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