08/11/1983 ~, " ~.... :.' . " "': ,~. ~. , '. ' .. ~~!,; .... ~~"~~f . --t< ". .~. . . ..,' r c ..... . \' '';-" . ~. ", ~ ..... ....... .! ':. :iI~' ~. ..t -.! .4"l\~ . _~ t : ; ~~iftf'" :;' .~~.~. :.~~~~~~~~. ", '. .':'~...~H>>i. :J>..'".......~. p" ...~~ .c:' c'. ~ ~;'",.w.:...:\..~. ", 't< :"~~';":""'" ~>';J".jIIl~. c .,,~. ~. . ., ,.-.~: ~~":r1;'~'~~.~H~~~",f'. "':'::>; .\ .. \ :, JI. , "', ., " . .1. .' .. 'j '~ 1 CTF-28 (high density oommeroial~touri9t). @" I" ,., ,1;/~';~ Nanoy HoIntyre, repres~ntative, stated they wish to provide oharter servioe primarily tord8uests of the Sheraton Sand Key. Her brother is a sailing oaptain and has had ten years experienoe in the oharter business. Their referenoes have been thoroughly oheoked by tho Shera ton's genera I manager. She exp la ined the way the serv ioe will operate and their finanoial arrangements with the Sheraton. She reported there have never been any aooidents aB a result of their operation. If required, they oould cnl1 upon other oharter oaptains to assist from time to time. Upon oompletion of a oharter sail, passengers would be landing at a point on the bay side. The manager of the Sheraton probably would include information about this service in a newsletter sent to other hotels in the area. The Planning Offioial suggested the servioe be limited to guests of the Sheraton only, if the applioation Is approved, in order to eliminate any additional impaot on parking. Philip Light. associate of the applicant, responded it would be diffioult for them or the Sheraton to guarantee compliance with this requirement. It would not be their intent to solicit business from persons on the beaoh. No one spoke in opposition. Having held a duly constituted public hearing and since, based on the material submitted by the applicant, the proposed use is oonsistent with the zoning code, Mrs. Dobbs moved to sraat the ,request with the provision Innovative Charters operate in acoordanoe with conditions set by the Harbormaster in his memo of 7/25/83, and with the ('UJother provision the use permit be obtained within six (6) months of this date. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Request sraated. ITEH 112 - Robert Horst for variances of 1) the coastal construction oontrol line and, 2) height to construot a house 46.3 ft seaward of the CCCL and 33 ft high at 1192 Mandalay Pt, Mandalay Point 1st Addn, Lot 25 & pt Lots 24 & 26, zoned RS-50 (Single family). e The Planning Offioial displayed a plot plan ot the area and reported the property to the south of subject site received a variance ot the Coastal Construotion Control Line from the State and a height varianoe from this Board. At that time. there was no requirement for that. owner to seek a varianoe of the CeCL. He noted this request plaoes the struoture along the same line as the building to the south. If the height varianoe Is granted, the varianoe required from 'the CCCL would be 59.55 ft. instead of 51.3 ft. in aooordanoe with the formula 1n the oode. It the request is granted, he reoommends the board make olear for the reoord the reasons tor granting. 8. 8/11/83 . ':.1 . ~i~;,tif\it{;/;'~:;i{(:";':"\:' ,'., ,', .' '; ~).r.yti'I~"oI(.l"'~/~;"""",~,~",,}c)1~if~"",Jo\ "~I:( ",,' ..~ ':~.' ,".~. " . '>: .\ ...-)'(~:/~r~t~.i~i.<~..t:-'<~!"''';~J~\tJ ~~~?"xc:'i~:~!"tr;: > ,: ,:/ ,I .",.r!, <. :,;', , ~r-'~"'~1'":;"...;n~I~.~;;rt'\""v,I"'....J'J'::,;,v"'')f~~ p.~ I'.., . . !. :',' 'J ' ", i ~. ". " . ..,,~...~.t. .~~:'."'~'....~.".,c '\../:<.c,.c.~... '.1,.1\, 436 ~. ~~. ' ~.i..~~~1jt.."'~' . _. ." I 'If"';' .. '7f ';..r+:. ._...'~_:'.",: 1 A "II~_ \' . ..l>