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ITEM - Clearwater Hoofing Co for speoial
exoeptions'to 1) construot a transfer and storage
'building and 2) oonduot operations involving
wholosaling, supply and distribution with or
without warehousing, but not more than 5,000 3q rt
of 3torage area, at 1120 Woodlawn St, Harvey Park
Sub, Blk B, Lota 1-12 & E1/2 vacated Tioga Ave,
zoned CG (general bu~iness).
1 .i."red Bernhardt. fOl' variances to construct a
pool 1) 11.5 ft from property line abutting Drew
St, 2) lJ.33 ft from west property line, 3) and a.
scrcen enol05ure 8.5 ft from property line
abutting Drew St, and ~) 2.33 ft from west
property line at 3113 Chanrnlee Lane, Bordeaux
Estates, Lot 21, zoned RS-60 (single family).
2. Orville Cassady for variances to erect a 1) 6
ft fence 2) on property line abutting Evergreen St
3) without landscaping at 1310 Cleveland St,
Overbrook SUb, Blk 1, all of Lots 5, 12, 13, and
pt of Lots 6 & 1, plus vacated alley, AND Fairview
Addn, Blk'B, Lots 13 & 1~, zoned CG (general
business) and RM-16 (medium density multi-
family) .
3. Susan'Teffner (Strang) for variances of 1)
lot area and 2) lot width tc convert a single
family dwelling into a duplex at 1433 San Juan
Court, Boulevard Heights, Blk K, Lot 22 and pt of
Lot 21, zoned RH-12'(duplex-apt).
~. Jaok Va3ilaros for a variance to erect a
,wooden baloony 1.5 rt from an adjacent struoture
at 11 Heilwood St, Clearwater Beach Rev, Blk 6,
Lot'~, zonedRM-20 (high density multi-family).
5. Jack Vasilaros for 1) a speciaJ exoeption to
.expand existing auto body and paint shop in a
separate 3-bay building and 2) a variance in
off-street parking requirements to permit the
, expansion at 1365 S. Missouri Ave., Missouri
Heights; Lots 12-14, zoned CG (general business).
lone Goodwin for a speoial exception to
erate a lawn maintenanoe business as a home
oooupation at 315 Cinoinnati Parkway, Marymont
Sub, Blk 22, W i Lots 1 & 2, zoned RS.'50 (single
family)'. .
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IT~M - Contd. to 1/12/84
ITEM - Contd. to 1/12/8~.
1. Granted.
2. 1) Granted 30 days 1;0 pull
2) Granted 30 days to pull
3) Granted 30 days to pull
3. Denied.
~. Denied.
5. 1) Danied.
2) Denied.
6. Granted.
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be overoome, Mr.
motion was duly
diffioulties or unneoessary hardships that cannot
Gl'immer moved that request #2 bu deIl1ed. The
seoonded and oarried unanimously. Request dea18d.
ITEM #6 - lone Goodwin for a special exoeption to operate a lawn
maintenance business as a home oooupatlon at 315 Cinoinnati Parkway,
Marymont Sub, Blk 22, W i Lots 1 & 2, zoned RS-50 (single family).
lone Goodwin stated no equipment would be stored outside and
there would be no aign3 displayed. It is not easy to find other
quarters. Her husband and two sons will operate the business from
their two vans. One letter of support bearing 10 sili.~atures was read
into the reoord.
A duly oonstituted publio hearing has been held and sinoe, based
on the material submitted by the applioant, the proposed use is
Qonsistent with the Zoning Code, Mr. Grimmer moved that said appeal
be anmted with the provision the applioant prepare and file with
tho Occupational License Division an affidavit agreeing to comply
with all the oonditions of the Code and that the Ocoupational Lioense
be obtained within six (6) months from this date. The motion was
duly seoonded and carried unanimously. Request araate4.
ITEM i17 - Calvin Doyle (Ross Bros) for a special exoeption to
operate an auto repair servioe at 1300 N Detty Lane, Fairburn Addn,
Blle B, Lot 4, zoned CO (general business).
The Planning Offioial reportod there are mixed oommeroial uses
on the property and all available pal'king is shared. He questions
how' parking will be provided for this use and how traffio will be
controlled so there will be no parking on the r.ight of way of Engman
Calvin Doyle road his letter of approval into the record and
stated there are two entrances off Betty Lane and that ample parking
is available.
Ross Reinhardt, applicant, stated they were originally, located
in the County on the other side of Stevenson's Creek. There 1s room
for pal'king apprOXimately 20 cars to the rear of his building and,
if nooessary, they could have parking aoross the street. Four letters
and one phone oall in support were noted for the record. The
Traffic Engineer reported no objeotion atl long as the bU3iness does
not spread into the right of way.
Having held a duly oonstituted publio hearing and sinoD I basecj
on the material submitted by the applioant, the proposed usa i8
consistent with the Zoning Code, Ur. Grimmer moved that said appeal
be ~ted with the provision that the use permit be obtained within
thirty (30) days of this date. The motion was duly seoonded and
oarried unanimously. Request araated.
ITEM '8 - Margaret Heese for a special exoeption to operate a
typing and bookkeeping bueiness'as a homococoupation at 1452 S Betty
Lane, Brookhill Unit I, Blk A, Lot 1, zoned RS-50 (single family).
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William Kimpt.on, attorney representing the applioant, reviewed
the history of the proporty and stated they would be willing to
stipulate that the doors 1n question would only be opened for ingress
and egress. Otherwise, all work \-1ill be performed in a totally
enclosed building. They are also willing to eliminate one set of
doors. A recommendation from the fire marshal to allow one set of
the eXisting doors on the west aide to remain as an aid to fire
fighting procedures was read into the reoord.
Having held a duly constituted public hearing and sinoe, based
on the material submitted by the applicant, there are praotioal
diffioulties or unnecessary hard5hips in oomplying with the Zoning
Code, Hr. Dallmann moved to lP"IIDt the request with the provision
that the door in question be open only for ingress and egress of
automobiles for repair and not to be left open while work is in
progress and that the building perm:J.t be obtained within six (6)
months of this date. The motion was duly seconded and oarried
unanimously. Request crantG4.
ITEM 112 - Robert Wood (Swift) for a speoial exoeption to operate
a hair dresaing service ns a h cme occupation at 1015 Iroquois St.
Navajo Park, Blk 5, Lot 31 and pt of Lot 30, zoned RS-50 (single
family) .
Terry Swift, representing the applioant, reported she wishes
to use her phone to make appointments to provide hairdressing'servioe
at the homes of other people. All neoe5sary equipment and supplies
are transpol'ted in her oar. Two citizens questioned conditions which
must be met, and enforoement thereof, and whether granting of this
request would be precedent setting.
A duly constituted pUblio hearing has been held and since, based
on the material aubmitted by tho applioant, the proposed use is
consistent with the Zoning Code, Hr. Dallmann moved that said appeal
be cn.atecl with the prOVision the applioant prepare and file with
the Oooupational Lioense Division an aff'idavit agreeing to comply
with all the oonditions of the Code and that the Oooupational Lioense
be obtained within six (6) months from this date. The motion was
duly seconded and oarried unanimously. Request ar.an'-d.
Board reoessed from 3:~5 p.m. to 3:48 p.m.
ITEM , 13 R itobert Carlon for a special exoeption to operate a
maid servioe a~ a home oocupation at 3170 Downing St, Bay Edge Terraoe
SUb, Lot 4, zoned RM-12 (duplex-apt).
Donna Carlen, representing the applicant, stated :she wishe:s to
use her phone to lDSke appointments to provide maid servioe 1n the
homes of other people. There will be no signs displayed' nor
additional traffio generated.
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A duly oonstituted pUblio hearing has been held and slnoe, based
on the ~terial submitted by the applioant. the proposed use Is
aonsbtftnt wlth the Zoning Code, Hr. Grimmer moved that said appeal
be IND~ with the provioion the applioant 'prepare:! and rile with
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the Ooo,upationBl Lioense Division an affidavit agreeing to oomply
with all the conditions of the Code and that the Oooupational Lioense
be obtained within six (6) months from this date. The motion was
duly seconded and carried unanimou~ly. Request ,raac.d.
ITEM '14 - James Collins for varianoes 1) of the nonoonforming
struoture provisions to 2) oonstruot a roof extension 18.Jil ft from
front proporty line at 1835 Overbrook Ave, Sunset Point 1st Addn,
Blk E, pt of Lots 23 & 2Ji, zoned RM-12 (duplex-apt).
James Collins reported the origin~l setback rl!lquirElment~ were
less when the house was built in 1953. The houRe faoes west and they
have no air oonditioning and need proteotion from the sun;
Having held a duly oonstituted public hearing and sinoe t
based on the material submitted by the applicant, there are
practical diffioultie:l or unneceflsary hardships in oomplying with
the Zoning Code, Mr. Grimmer moved to araDt the request
with the provision that the building permit be obtained within
six (6) months of this date. The motion was duly seoonded and
oarried unanimou8ly. Request sr-nted.
ITEM 115 - David Gangelhoff for special exoeptions to 1) operate
a storage yard and 2) operate a service, renovation and repair
establishment at 30B-Ji02 N Garden Ave, Harts Second Sub, Blk 3, Lots
5 & 10 t AND Jones Sub of Nioholson' s Addn, Blk 3 t Lot 6, zoned CG
(genoral business).
The Planning Offioial reported the applioant has recently
aoquired additional property whioh is the subjeot of this requeat.
He reviewed the history of a previous request for special exception
which was deniod, appealed to a hearing officer and settled by
stipulation. Most of the conditions of that stipulation have not
been met and he displayed pictures showing the vlo1atione \,hioh still
exist. There is ourrently storage on one lot to the south of the
sito whioh has never had a speoial exoeption approved. ' A. t the oity t s
request, the applicant has submitted a site plan for the entire
operation and, if the speoial exception is approved, the site plan
process might afford the City the opportunity to see that the site
is operated properly.
Carl Gilmore, engineer representing the applioant, stated he
was reta:1,ned in September. With the additional property which has
been acquired and what he proposes for the site, it will be possible
to oorrect the violations still existing. .
A disoussion ensued oonoerning off-street parking requirements,
and Mr. Gi1lllore responded they do not know whether what is proposed
is aooeptable since the plan oannot be reviewed without granting of
tho speoial exoeptions. Further disoussion ensued oonoerning the
applioant's failure to improve oonditions aooording to the
stipulation, and Hr. Gilmore) stated the applioant had spent
oonsiderable sums of money to aoquire the additional property and
obtain professional servioes to improve ,he alte. Granting of the
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