10/10/1983 (2) '.. ~ '. .. tj..'. e . ,,~' --, '" '\,:1 ;, 8~,' STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS e RECEIVED ,1.1",. CIRO VACCARO, ) Petitioner, ) VB. ) CITY OF CLEARWATER, ) Re sponde nt. ) ocr II '983 CITY CLERK CASE NO. 03..2592, -- ORDER Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative .! 8, Hearings, by its duly designated Hearing Officer, K.N. ~yers, held a public hearing in the above-styled case on September 15, 1983, at Clearwater, Florida. .\ ') ,I I APPEARANCES For Petitioner: Ciro Vaccaro, pro se 19 Heilwood Avenue Clearwater Beach, Flori~a 33515 For Respondent: Thomas A. Bustin, Esq. Post Office BOx 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 By letter dated August 8, 1983, Ciro Vaccaro, Peti- tioner:, , ,appeals the denial by the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on zoning of his request for variances to increase the area of ,his residence at 19 Heilwood Avenue, Clearwater Beach, Florida. .' As grounds therefor it is alleged the requested variances:,woUld improve the appearance of the house, give him more living space, add to the property values in the neighborhood, not interfere ,wi~h parking, and the neighbors did not object to the variances :~~'<;?0~~' :."", : " " , , " "..,' ':,~;r'" ": "j ,:,'.' , ", ',"requested.:, , ' . ~~". " .. .~ . I ,:, .j <, " ,'. . . .' . :~J<::,<,:,:~,::.:', ~ .:,.";:! "::',,,,:",-:--" At the, hearing Petitioner testified in his own behalf, :~l,l~',\:.:~:.~,.~~~\r~i~~,<,:;:':'c ..L '.~, '~L ' '". .' .'... ::,'yi 1);':'/'::, :<?'Responden t "called' 'one, witness, and two exhibits were adnli tted ..~:J;...~~L,. '. \",.:'~~'- ,'.' .,:,~CI ':' ',1'." :-'. :':} . ..~'c C ,<., . 'f~':,>:,~~;J\j\i'ntq'~viden'ce~ . Exhibit,'! consists of six phot09raphs of the. ,," .~l\}i~~>/:'>:"~'~ ,:,~:,,_:',::.,~:.,"~>...! '>':~~::".i C ,. ..,. ': ....-,... :...., 4.... . 1 . " ,,. ,,:~ '.' ~.'.' ~; , 1.:1~~t:~ ;-';;i)*"i?J?e,*t::~ ;',.i~ /.qu~~,~ion:, ',:-and.' ~xh~b~ t 2 is a petition signed by," : '" ,~", ':' ' ,:- ~ '~~14i:J:;;Nfi\~1~\~'(~(.:~;:T~~{/,:~{:;:>:\,,',:,:'::;":'.' '-:">;"""',;"'.<:',,>:, :-' :::" """ ",' '.',:' :::, :.,-. ,~, '~.,'~ <", :~:, ':,,':,:'~~:> ~,~1, ''''.~'''''''''''''. i,,,,t,.,,,,,, ..'., ", ", " " "", " ,'. ',"," .,',-' ~~ . ;~f,~;if.~!\rf~;r~;~{;\~,;:fl:~f~S1:;;iii;(;'i'.:,::;':: i.,,; i} ,... .: .ij; \:;,!:j/ ;~~. ....\..;'~:,i':13<i~::+~;: . , ,~W ~l~~~'\l' .~~~~:~ ;i;\r; n~S!:,',~!tL-~,<'i:} 'J',:'~ '~:(.~S),~~"}::>':;,;;/: ':\'~ \.-' :~, ,'1 :', ,~~~'~,'i.~Wi,:~, ;'.Jti~~41:,:,::, ;'~ :I.~:...:-::~ I:,t~'~:-- ;'.Ji/~~V ~~~(..:~ ~~': I'.J"'{~ ""7ip. ~'-Y.l ,l(.'''' ':1'~ ,', 'J"" 'cr.)''')'' ",,1,,' ";1',, " "k";l.",.,,..(.,~ ''1'" ~'r' ,..:t:""li,L 'if~ ~ ~ ,,~ ,r~{~i~J.I!~~~J.~~~'~h{t~lli:l}~~:~~r~;~A~f~~~I;:{(M~:.~;(~~5~.~~~t~1~,~:;~~J~r~;~~,:-~"f}l~t~~?'~l~1:i'~l;1~~ ",";r~ ' \.J~...+~;':~"'.J~'>'\-I'{;'1.,o..dlt..(,\ t.", II~ u";. ..,Q,,, .~'':. ".'~a'). OJ";' " ~.. ,....., no'. ,~j ~ ... ~.,. .. I e e' " , ' ,~ ", 'i "~I: " " ' e 4. Petitioner contends he only wants to "square" up his house and to make the entire front of the hbuse intrude into the setback area by 8.5 feet, that this addition will improve the looks and usability of the house~ and that there is no objection by the neighbors. , CONCLUSIONS OF ,LAW - The Division of Administrative Hearings has juris- diction over the parties to, and bhe subject matter of, these proceedings. The area of Clearwater Beach where Petitio~~r'5 house iEi~'located has developed over the years when no, build- ing restrictions existed or when they were less than they , , -~ .... are today. As a result most of the older buildings ~n Clearwater Beach are nonconforming. Petitioner's house is also noncon- forming. Section 13l.016(e), City of Clearwater Building and ~oning Regulations, provides the board shall have the power, to ,grant variances in special cases but a variance-shall not, be granted unless and until: (1) A written application for a variance is submitted stating substantially' that certain of the following exist: a. That sDecial conditions and circum- stances exist ,which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which.are not applicable to other lands, buildings or structures in the same district. . . , ./ ',.-\< b. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this chapter. ,," ,.',.. c. That the special conditions and cir- J~~~~(:"~~.:""...':::: <<'>I~:" . .,.,)"'" . ,': ,.~:~~~n~::u~~f~~~~dt~~ ~~t~~~:e~;i~~e a. 'above, '\ "," ' . ....' . applicant. W;Jt~:)\:}';',:';!i<'::::~./~' :'" ,'-,: ,.., d. That granting the variance requested ~~;:,'.\~': :, .': ':,;... '" ' ':" wi'll ,not' confer on the applicant any special ,~~t~~. ;,:\;,.. .',:',;:,>,'", ',t.",,, ::'. , ':'" ,>.,' p~,i vilege that is denied by this chapteJ; to :~: ~ ("";>t:',;;-.;,.'<~'.'>< '::- ':.:::.....,. 'other lands, structures or dwellings in the , ";;:\':'~"::~:""" -::,,,''-:-::, ,,', ',.. same district. . J!?~~~{t~\~~):~~:;::;<~\~:;;:'),':'~:\~"": : ' "'" ". '. " .: ,. .'..... ',~,\V<'l":'1'J!.'" '.11...,.;. ". ,',' , ' "..' - j 'l3s:'~.7~~,.' :~\').,:...:I ": ~..~r~,,'. ''',1/. ~. '. 3"" ,,', " L ,'. '", . ~. '. ,t."11-,-.t'\'1~'~J~''''J~~fl~' " ., ,l, , ..' ......, " ..... 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From the foregoing it is concluded that Petitioner is currently obtaining a reasonable use of his property and :1 " has'presented insufficient evidence that he. is suffering a " hardship that would "authorize the variances requested, or , that others in the same district are receiving variances " similar to those requested by Petitioner. ORDERED that the appeal of Ciro Vaccaro for five It is variances to his property at 19 Heilwood Avenue, Clearwater Beach, Florida, be DENIED. DONE AND ORDERED this t~day of Oct~ber, 19B3, at Tallahassee, Florida. ...,' , '. ~ ' . 8' L K. N. YE 1cer Division Administrative Hearings Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 904/488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this Ic)~ day of Oc~ober, 1983. Copies furnished to: I I Thomas A. Bustin, Esq. city Attorney Post' Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 " ',';. ' Ciro Vaccaro 19 Heilwood Street Clearwater Beach, Florida 33515 Ms~ Lucille Williams Ci ty Clerk Post Office Box 4748 ,Clearwater, Florida 33518 . ~, '- ., \ ". , ' ..'.