,~ l~
3. Billy Buftalo tor a varlanoe or 2 rt to ereot 3. lWlled
a 6 tt high privaoy renoe 1n rear of pro~erty
abutting Countryside Blvd, at 2850 Allapatt~h D~,
Countryside Traot 56 Unit 1, Lot 75, zoned 8S-6
0 (single tamily).
4. John Stathas tor a varianoe of 2 parking II. CoD~1Dued to 12/4/86
spaoes to permit the oonverslon or one motel room
into a take out (fast tood) restaurant, at 400
East. Shoro Dr, Barbour Morrow Sub, Blk B, Lots
12-14, zoned CB (beaoh oonBeroial).
5. Frederiok Teague tor a varianoe of 3.65 ft to 5. Ol"aDtecI
ereot a soreen enolosure 3.35 tt tram property
11ne, at 631 Harbor ISland, Island Estates Unit
7C, Lot 10, zoned RS-6 (single family).
6. Stone Bridge Land Co for' varianoes 1) of 30 6. Graate4 w/oonditions
inohes to ereat a wall/tenoe 5 tt high in setbaok
area abutting Lwndmark Dr and 2) ot 2 ft ~ inohes
to ereot wall/tenae 6 rt 4 inohe3 high in the
setbaok area abutting proposed side street ROW, at
3195 Landmark Dr, Seo 21-28-16, M&B 22.071, zonod
RM-8 (multiple ramily residential).
7. City of Clearwater (Horizon Home BUilders, 7. Orante4
Ino) ,tor varianoes 1) of 20 ft to allow
oonstruotion of house on lot 50 rt wide and 2) of
10 tt to all~~ oonstruotion of house 15 ft from
e Harbor Dr, at 1168 RUBsell st, Fairmont Sub, Blk
H, Lot 16, zoned RM-12 (multiple family
8. DOIIl.iniok Lentrioohia for varianoes 1) of 35J
to permit floor area ratio of .65, 2) or 20 rt to
permit building 45 ft high, 3) of 4.8J open spaoe
for lot to provide 25.2% open spaoe, 4) of 10 tt
to permit 15 tt setbaok from Greenwood Ave ROW, 5)
of 10 tt to permit 15 tt building setbaok from
Court st ROW, and 6) of 7% front yard open spaoe
to provide 48. front yard open space, at 1010
Court St, Coaohman Heights Rev, Blk D, Lots 18-20,
, zoned eN (neighborhood oOlllllero1al).
8. CaDttaaed to 12/4/86
~', .
9. R03e Leon & A.J. Aguilar tor a varianoe of 4
parking spaoes to prOVide 13 parking spaoes, at
, ',2199/2801' Oult-to-Bay Blvd, Baskins Raplat Resub,
. 'Bl~ 2" Lot 3, zoned CO (general oommeroial).
Granted w/oonditlons
, '
10. Arthur' Wedekind fot' a varianoe or 2.7, ft to 10. Grated
~ . ",', 'ereot' a aoreen enolosure 2.3 ft, trom side yard
>,,'; c"':' "setbaok, 'at 2860 Quail Hollow Rd, Oak Forest ot
,~,~'/.; ;,/:'::CoUn~yal~e, Lot :,24', zoned RS~8 (single family
';:<f~'~," ,~: 1'.~ld.ntlal). " I .". ' , ' , ,
~.~:'l~;::',~,~::~-: :~\t:j,::t.>,('. ~ ',' I L,
~r.~'\\''''''''''<-i-.:.,-.h;,.~,;j'F''' .~. .
~~':~.F',~'(L,>~~~,;~~::><,,:::./", ," ';', " ',," '
t;~~ .... J,,",,-~l'.', " ,''!'" ,,' . ." , . . ' "
~~ ~,' ~t";:a.L~:~,f~:~,"~':..rt;:>:'~( ~.,J.,:, . ,~;.:~.. ',~" "., . , .' .- ~, , . ~ " '.:" ," '
,f;;:t~ *"-:;')"<'" d,?I\:~",.... '. " ' ' ' .', " ' " ' ',' .' ,,,
"':'J ..t .\;il.,.......'I'..... .~'..,~ ~~.t~.~J,~ cJ ~J ,'~","'. , .. '.' .', '+' .
~ t",- ~...~t ';.. '1:"(. <,1'1'" , r ",'"" .,' " , ' , ,..,. , " . " . ,
" ~".' ':':\X:'\1t';~~~~~:i~}r~~i~/:~~,>.',." ':, ,{'~:,'" ':,:, .".:<::~.. .,..: '::,~;';"~"'< ';'.,.,:. '..;, .',,'.:' '~:.> ..' ,:..' :::.:,:-;..~" :</':: :,~',.:.,"':;', . ,'.. : ~::, :;: . ,;<' ":,:\;:.<.i:~,'
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"1;14 ~~~~~~~~t{~:>;~~ ,~~:;:'~:,1;~.>;~:~.}:~:~}~\~\,: ~~~i, -r~ i~~}:~ J~l,~~~;:~~,!,: ,y:, ~',: ,;:~\-~~f ;~:;~~ {:;t; > ~~~:~1,~~;~;)/':7"i~\':'~ '. k ~ " ~ ~:~ ~,Ir~j;~~:~ ~:: . j~: ,}\~~. i'~~ '~::'.;~~~~~;;_:~;;,
· ~~l~~t;:i:'!}H.)r~~~I.?~.,~t,~! ~I,~: .~,~,' \:'''L~~~:~l~,A':t~{f:-'~tJ'r:.~~.J(;,~~;l~1:~<~I~V~~~'::;, :/lt~,~t ti'-- ilr:\~~J':"~0 ~ !I:~'j'~~ ~i.~~~V: ~~~..,.;1r .;: ~i\~:.~:.~~;~ ~;-~ i: ;~~./. "1 ~~~~'(j ~~i~)~'
, ... ".....,~ ~+,' ,...~ 1,0.."., r:';:t'L~'-' .)1' ....".'''=~'~~J.~ ,. ...f,.';,,,~',,;f...". .:I'!'::....~.,~J:\;~.~;'.'>.:I""-r~.:~.r,.;..,....-:..~.
Based upon the information furnished by the applioant, whioh
olearly show:! that the requirements of Seotion 131.012, City Code,
have been met., Mr. Plisko moved to @J'aat the varianoe as requested
beoause it is tho minimum neoessary to overoome an unneoessary
hardship. The motion was duly seoonded and oarried unanimously.
Request ganted.
ITEM '6 - stone Bridge Land Co for varianoes 1) of 30 inohes
to eroot a wall/fenoe 5 ft high 1n setbaok area abutting
Landmark Dr and 2) of 2 ft 4 inches to ereot wall/fenoe
6 ft 4 inohes high in the setbaok area abutting proposed
side street ROW, at 3195 Landmark Dr, Seo 21-28-16, M&B
22.011, zoned RM-8 (multiple family residential).
The Planning Offioial stated the two requested varianoes are
rogarding wall height to construot a wall fenoe.
Robert Berg, representing Stone Bridge Land Co., distributed
landsoape photographs of Tw-tle Brook development. He stated the
entranoe win be construoted with briok along the front. There will
be nothing oonatruoted in the right-of-way area. Mr. Berg also stated
the only par tion of the wall fenoe that will be 6 ft 4 inohe:! in
height are the pilasters.
Based upon th~ information furnished by the applioant whioh
olearly shows that the requirements of Seotion 131.012 of the Land
Development Code hava been met, Mr. Gans moved to gut the
variances as requeated beoause they are the minimum neoessary to
overoome the hardship that would be caused by the striot applioation
of the aforementioned prOVision of the oode, they will not be
detrimental or injuriOUS to other property or improvements in the
neighborhood, they will not detract from the appearanoe of the
community, and subjeot to the condition that the wall/renoe will be
1n the legal satb&.ok area and that the major portion of the fenoe
will be 4 ft in height with the pilasters only 6 ft 4 inohes as
outlined in the request and 5 ft high 1n the setbaok area and that
a building permit be obtained within 6 months trom this date. The
motion was duly aeoonded and oarried unan~ously. Request BraDted.
ITEM 17, - City or Clearwater (Horizon. Home Builders, Ino)
frr varianoe:! 1) of 20 rt to allow oonstruotion of house
on lot 50 ft wide and 2) of 10 ft to allow oonstruotion
of house 15 rt trom Harbor Dr, at 1168 Russell st, Falrmont
Sub, Blk H, Lot 16, zoned RM-12 (multiple family
residantial). .
The Planning Ofrioial stated the two varianoes are to oonstruot
8':.s1ngle famUy hOlll.e.
... , < ,
I,''; , "
tWtE{,;{;)(;~;:<i'.'>/"'::":""> >" , , ,,'( , ' " .." ,,',,'
?.!J.t;" -,.. '".d '",..".' . '-. ' . ' '.' 8 11/13/86' . .
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I'~'.(~~r.. f'r. ~\:.." ~~ ~'l \ ~ l' ~'~\-";'. :...~, ""~~~ f:lf'".,., ~ ....~:~~ _,.\.,..1 ~~:' , .<i':, ~;I.,~ 1 ~'" , '..' '"" I,ri'~' L ~.' I'~'i'..' :." "~' ~ ~ " l .. .~',:.'~' ,q... :"'",;.., .' .:. ~.'.. I'..'..... ~ "; ..,~ ,1' t';
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Artiole I.
The DevGlopm~nt Code Adjustment Board, referred to as the Board. shall
be governed by'any applioable Florida statutes, the City of Clearwater
Coda of Ordinanoes. and the rules of prooedure as set forth herein as
adopted by the Board. No rule herein shall be ohanged or waived without
the arfirmative vote of four (4) members of the Board.
1. The regular meeting of the Board shall be held the 2nd and 4th
Thursday or eaoh month. or suoh other time as may be designated. unless
there is no aause for holding suoh meeting.
2. Speoial meetJnas may be oalled by the ohairman provided that
at least 2q hours' notioe of suoh meeting is given eaoh member.
3. A guorum shall oonsist of four (4) members for the transaotion
ot all business.
q. (a) - Representation. Neither the seoretary. attorney; nor any
member of the Board. shall appear for. or represent, any
person 1n any matter pending before the Bo&'d.
(b) - Personal Interests. A Board member shall announoe hlS
oonrliot of interest as soon as the ohairman oalls the oal!le
and shall abstain from disousslon and voting on any mattsr
whioh enurse to his speoial private gain per Florida
Statutes Seo. 1'12.3143.
5. Conduot of meetings. All meetings shaLl be ope~ to the pUblio.
The order ot buslnesa at meetings shall be a~ follows: (a) hearing of
oases; (b) unfinished business;, (0) new business; and (d) ,approval of
miflutss at previous meeting. The ohairman, or in his absehos. the viae
ohairman, may compel the attendanoe of witne3ses.
6. Adjourned meetings. The Boa~d may adjourn a regular meeting
if all business oannot be disposed ot on the day set. No further publio
notiae shall be neoessary for suoh a meeting if the time and plaoe of its
resumption 1s stated at the time of adjournment and is not ohanged atter
.':; :..' '.. " , ' Vaoanoies shall be t.1lled with persons appointed by the City
t:(.i;',:.. , : "C_tSSiOD and 'suoh appointed members shall nerve at the, pleasure or the
~~i>L'.<,:,';,~ ",(~.. Cl~,' ~~sti1on. Kembers DUly, be removed by the City Manager tor mora than- ' ,
'rf~~ll,r.~i"i~':<:,~'::::\' t~~~:..~xo~ed absenoes in I:RY twelve month period in aooordanoe with, " '
'~~. ,'''!';''',:;q;,',tbe ,terM contained .in Seotion 22.06 or the Code or Ordinanoes. Appeals ..', '
... ,5~~;2~\-::,tO~~'th.'ldeQll~OI1'or"tb.,Manas.. aay be p~sued in aooordanoe with the, terllS, ' , :...,'.'.
~"',;t":I,,,:\';.'ot...""- d' S 't1' " ", "..',: ,,'" '.' , . '1 .-',.
I.~"(',I~'.' ;;'.1: eo 00.:" ,,' , . ',,' " '. , "".,'.,
"E\si;~;~$lil,i;\~~;;: :;,iH~i;,j;~;h:~' ~,\,;;::,.i!,t j)r;:,~.., c. "".: .,:' .:::., : ",:.:i'.::: :" :.' .....:.: ,.,,\~;;i,0j~;;
'~J[.{.-?:j{;f.(t~it.:.i\~;';~Kfl,~;.lk~!:;::;.;1\.F:;;~~':i;t:~'t:{;"t:;;t!, ;');'::-'."".;">: ,~,,;"f":,\, ,:::., ":::",,:< ':"~",, ;':' ":": \:';,/(,./;';' :~'; :\;,;':1' L,/.d!f.
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.,. ~;...: ~ ~ _ '1"" , ., ~,., , ,
, ~, ~
Varianoes and Tree Ordinanoe Appeals
, ,
1. At the pUblio hearing the applicant may appear on his own behalf,
or may be represented by an attorney or other designated party.
2. Order ot the hearing shall be:
Statement of oase by ohairman
statement of oase4by City Officials
Supporting argument by applioant, agent or attorney
Supporting arguments by others at the hearing
Supporting written doouments
Oppo~ing arguments by persons at the hearing
Opposing written doouments
Persons supporting appeal (other than applicant) may speak
in rebuttal to opposition if there was any
Persons opposing appeal may speak in rebuttal to supporters
if there were any
Final rebuttal by applioant
Witnesses may be called and faotual evidenoe and exhibits submitted.
All tho~e appearing before the Board must be sworn in and state their
name and address.
The ohairman may establish appropriate time limits for arguments,
but suoh time limits shall be equal for both sides. The ohairman may.
request represontatives of each side to speak tor an entire group or'
portions ot a group, but shall not require suoh representation against
the wishes of the group involved.
1. Approval by at loast three (3) members ot the board shall be
required to grant any varianoe request, and any applioation reoeiving a
tie vote. shall be resoheduled to the next regular meeting of the board,
at,'whioh 'time the application shall be reheard. It at the oonolusion ot
the rehearing n majority or the members voting do not approve the
applioation, with or without oonditions, the applioation shall be
oonsidered to be denied. For matters other than varianoe applioations,
approval by a majority ot the,members voting shall be required tor
approval, and any motion reoeiving a tie vote shall be oonsidered to have
2~ Approval by at least three (3) members of the board shall be
required'to reverso'any deoision or aotion ot the City Manager regarding
:~:<"\r:" ,':'.,., ';'~ ~re~.ordlnanoe appeal.
'li;~l:;',i:':","";", " 3.' ,In,approving any appl1oGtion, the Board may speoify suoh , .
~~,~;:~: : '~"\ ',' :' ,,'ao~d1t.ions ,Ul ~y bo, deemed appropriate. Furthermore, deoisions at the _ "
~~rpk,:,:~:/{ ;\;,)':, ,~,d" tc? :grj~t ,anJ, ap~lioat1,on riled Wlder the Land Development Code shall ' .;' ',' . '. ' "
~di" "Jri:;L;:;(:.CJ~~J,:"th., prO,v1aion that the rtsht. to' ~btain the bulldill8/eign perrait shall , " ,..., ,...'
~ ,,,)~.~r0!.\~~a~~\;"~,~lri . 't~ ~ri~ spea~tiec1,~Y, ~he ~~d, usually' ,Ilx (6) lIon,t~ .. :'.: ,) : ''.'::
~P:':i~,\:st?;)~~:{~~I:~~..~r,,~~,t.l~l ~~o1aion., ',.. ,', '" ".."', .,' ,;:,<:<'.' .,'..,,:..';
1O\:i...,il ,~.~i,,,";'L,~..\,,t':""""I""'" ....'.", .'. .,' ",',' ,f , ,,' . ", ..'.",.,:'
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&r' '~;J:!"*-~....;;;e-,;:h{~\...~' ~r<'l~S.~~"l "t''''} :.,/'" .;J.~~,,: ,,"~, i?i~y(,:,)c~,'r. ..::.:. ,Y;, / .~~! ~ ... ,:'.. .l~.... ,'t / /~.; !.~., ...: t. ;r j ." ,. ~, '.. ~ L >~....~,r [ 'I .,.) ~< .: ,,~ '''.; :.. )i..,~ I ~(r:~...t ~'~\.ft{
.1i~~"b~\'l~r~':1~'~i~~'~':;~.):. r:...~~;.t!./~ J~I t 0+'. .:'~/,' /~ :....~t,.; ,;.....;t--:"/!oC,J;i.i..: ,....J.,~!t, : .'~, : I. . ",~l-'I ,...' ,;, . ":'" .\'~: " ';' ~. '~' '.. .>.",..., '; ~.~', 0 T~ \' ,r-."!o....... ~ '\?
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, "
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1.. Minutes. The minutes should show the OBse being heard, the,
nature ot~the dlsou8s1on'oonoerning the oase, the motion to approve or
deny, and the'vote. Any Board member need only to state his remarks were
tor the reaord and they,would be quoted verbatim as requested.
2. Time Extension Requestsr Requests must be submitted, in writing,
to the City Clerk's Orfioe prior to the expiration of the time'established
to obtain the permit. The request will be brought before the Board at
the next meeting fOllowing their reoeipt of the tima extension request.,
If there has been no rezoning ohange, advertising or notifioation is
,unneoessary;- however, it there has been a zoning ahange, a $25 tee will
be oharged to the aPPlioant and advertising and notitioation ot property
owners wlthin'200 teet will be neaessary. '
3. Roll Call.
Any member may request a roll oall vote on a motion.
4. Appearanoe ot Applioant or his Representative. If the applioant
or his representative is not present at the soheduled hearing, and there
1s no opposition, the OBse will be postponed to the end at the agenda.
It there i8 ,opposition, the applioation will be voided and the applioant
may reapply:upon payment of Bet foes.
_I "2 T.JJ
Appr,oved as of _ 52
day of
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