J-~)' .'.
Based upon the intormation turnished by the applioant whioh
01981"ly showa that the requireme::1ts ot Seation 131.012 ot the Land
Dovelopment Code have been met, Mrs. Dobbs moved to ..ut varianoe
'1 as requested beoause the hardship is the jeopardy whioh exists
for the safety and welfaro of oitizens wito the ow-rent inadequate
oOlllDunioations system and expert advioe has bean used in planning
the system, subjeot to tho oondition that a building permit be
obtained within 6 months from this date. The motion was duly seoonded
and upon the the vote being taken, Mrs. Dobbs and Messrs. Pliska,
Qans, and Merriam voted "Aye;" Mr. Dallmann voted "Nay." Motion
oarried. Request sranted.
ITEM 11 - HOll1e Shoppins Network for a varianoe of 16 tt
to permit 2 satel11te dish antennas with dish diameters
of 30 ft, at 1529 u.s. 19 S, Se020-29-16, H&B's 33.02 &
33.021, zoned CC (oommeroial oenter distriot).
The Planning Offioial stated the request is for a varianoe to
permit 2 satellite dish antennas in a shopping oenter on U.S. 19.
He pointed out that the Board should look at the appearanoe of the
dishes and the effeot on the surrounding properties. The installation
will eliminate some parking and he felt that more intormation was
required to insure that adequate parking would be provided.
Peter Marioh, representing the applioant, stated that one of
their tenants would be mOVing out and there will be suffioient
parking. The peak of the dish will be approximately 18 ft high and
the installation will be similar to that of Vision Cable on Drew st.
There is a very dense hedge along the property line but they have
met with trailer park residents and have agreed to put up a fenoe.
Two oitizens spoke in objection stating 'the dishes will be
unsightly and they wish assuranoe that' a 20 ft wall will be installed
and that it will adequately hide the dishes.
There was oonsiderable disoussion regarding how high above ground
level the dishes would be and whether a varianoe would be granted
for a wall to hide them 1"ram the sight of the mobile home park
. Mr. Gans moved. to 0IIIlt1m.ae the item until a varianoe for the
wall . oan be. applied tor. The mot1o:"" was duly seoonded and oarried
unanimously. Item OIIDtt--'. .
ITEK 12 -! Flol'1da Bypass Properties' and Ft Harrison
partnership' (Cardiac Surgioal Assooiation) tor varianoes
1) ot. 18.tt to permit Qonstruotlonot Wing walls 7 tt trom
,. c" MaSnol1a Dr ROWand 2) ot 10 tt to permit oonstruotion ot
. .,.. wing .walls ,15 tt trOlll Ft Harrhon Ave ROW,. at 908 S Ft
.:,',.,;.,',,': '....:;;.'Harriso,n. Ave, Harbor Oaks Correoted, Lots 67. '69 & part
::';,~;.\).>:..'..:..,>.'..'.' , '., or,,'7.1~' zoned 'OL (limited ottioe) and RS-6 (e1ngle tamily
'."'!-" ':..:J :'..: ,'. ,,':.".' r' 8'S' ldential)' ,'. . . ., . , . , : ..
. ....,t ,fn. ,. r' } " t. . . ,_4' . . I. . . r_
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