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ITEM 12 - Jeff Isel for varianaes 1) of 2 tt 3 inahes to
permit median roof height ot 27 ft 3 inohes and 2) ot 5
tt 3 inohes to permit overall height of 34 rt 3 inohes,
at 2964 Eagle Estates Cirole E, Eagle Estates SUb, Lots
54-51, zoned RS-4 (single family residential).
The Planning Oftioial stated the request is for two height
varianoes to oonstruot a single tamily dwelling in the Eagle Estates
Paul Bourdon, representing the applioant, stated the style of
the house is traditional and, beoause ot its size, the roof must be
higher than allowed. They have attempted to use the minimum pitoh
that is suitable tor this style house. Lowering the roof would
detraot from the appearanoe. The house is intended to be oentered
on the four lots with a 30 to 40 tt setbaok from Eagle Estates Cirole
East. The house will be at least 30 ft from the property line
adjoining Lot 56. The footprint of the house is approximately 50
tt by 120 ft.
Mr. Gans moved to deQ1 the varianoes requested as the applioant
has not established that a true hardship would be oreated by oarrying
out the striot letter of Seotion 137.012 of the Land Development
Code. The motion was duly seoonded and upon the vote being taken,
Mr. Gans voted "Aye;" Mrs. Dobbs and Messrs. Merriam, Pliska, and
Dallmann voted "Nay." Motion tailed.
Based upon the information furnished by the applioant, whioh
olearly shows that the requirements ot Seotion 131.012, Clty Code,
hava been met, Mrs. Dobbs moved to ~t the varianoes as requested
beoaQse they arise from a unique oondition of a large building
oonstruoted on a 4 lot area, they are the minimum varianoe needed
to put an appropriately sized house in that area and they are only
tor a small portion ot the roof height, not the entire root, subjeot
to the oondition the setbaok from Lot 58 be at least 30 tt and tha~
a building permit be obtained within 6 months from th!a date. The
motion was duly seoonded and upon the vote being taken, Mrs. Dobbs
and Messrs. Pliska, Merriam, and Dallmann voted "Ays;ft Mr. Gans voted
"Nay." Hotion oarried. Request sranted.
ITEM 13 - Republio Finanoial Corp for a varianoe of one
property indentifioation sign to permit two suoh signs,
at 2560 Gult-to-Bay Blvd, Studobakers SUb, Lot 1, zoned
CG (general business).
Hr. Dallmann deolared a oonfliot of interest with regard to this
.:.....t>~.:. .. d
~:A~2, '.<, ,:": The, Planning Otfioial stated the request involves the signage'
,:;~y<:;;</~.<:~: '.~or. a proposed bank and ottioe building. .'
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Hr. Oans Moved that the Rules of Prooedure and Polioies be
adopted as amended in Artiole V, Deoisions, Seotions 1 and 2 whioh
should be "Approval by at least three (3) members of the board shall
be required to grant any varianoe request." and "Approval by at least
throe (3) members of the board shall be required to reverse any
deoision or aotion of the City Manager regarding a tree ordinanoe
appeal." Seot1:m 3 was amend~d by deleting the phrase "neoessary to
seoure the publio health, safety and welfare, n and adding "deemed
appropriate." The motion was duly seoonded and oarried unantmously.
A Board member questioned whether there was any form of
punishment available to oontraotor who knowingly ereots an 111egal
sign. The Planning Off1o:1,al suggested this might possibly be done
through the Code Enforoement Board or the l10ensing department.
Mr. Lanoe gave the Board a brief summary of the Hearing Offfloer
hearings held on September 6th.
There was some disoussion about allOWing businesses to ohange
panels in signs and speoifioally the varianoe request relating to
the Broyhill sign. The Board was informed there was a proposed
ordinanoe whioh will ooma before them for their reooamendationat
their next meeting addressing this situation.
The Assistant City Attol~ney informed the Board that with r'egard
to the varianoe grantod to the Shopping oenter for the Broyhill sign,
they now have another panel they wish to ohange in the same sign.
It is the app11oant.s interpretation that they were granted the
varianoe and should be able to ohange the seoond panel. There is
some question as to whether that is oorreot.
The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
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