07/10/1986 7. Central Plaza Bank & Trust Co of St Pete/Sage 7. Ol"8Dted wI oonditions Co for n varianoe of 2 ft to permit construotion e- of an 8 ft high tenoe around sWimming pool at Stratford Village Apts, 2220 U.S. 19 N, Sec 31-28-16, H&B 41.02, zoned RH-28. (multiple family residential). 8. Bannie Rutledge for varianoes of 1) 6.4 ft, 2) 8. I*l1ed 4.5 ft, and 3) 19.5 ft to pe~t oonstruotion of building 3.6 ft from side pro~erty line, 5.5 ft from rear property line, and 5.5 ft from street ROW, and 4) 21.2~ opei spaoe t~ provide 28.8~ open spaoe for front yard "!t NW oorne~ of S Madi&on and Brownell st., Hoase & Harrison Sub, Blk 1, Lot 12, zoned CO (oommeroial general). 9. No item. 9. No item 10. Edgar Day, Jr. for varianoes of 1) 1.3 rt and 10. DeDied 2) ~ ft to permit oonstruotion of pool enolosure 3.7 ft from rear property line and 1 rt from side property line at 430 Windward Passage, Island Estates Unit III, Lot 87, zoned RS-8 (slngle family residential). 11. R. stoutamaire, W. Wilhelm, and Ronald 11. 1) Dea.1ed Lanoaster for varianoes of 1) 5 ft to allow zero 2) GNDted S> landsoaped bu~rer on N end of parking area, and 2) 1 ft to provide 2 ft landsoaped bufter on E side of parking area at 1257 and 1259 S Myrtle Ave, Hilton Park Sub, Blk 15, Lot 9, zoned OL (limited Offioe). 12. Dwayne Hawkins for a varianoe to permit 25 wind devioes (flags) where none are allowed at 601 U.s. 19 N, Sea 8-29-16, pt of M&B 32.02, zoned IL (limited industrial). 12. DeD1ed 13. Golda Meir Center, Ino. for varianoes of 1) 7 ft to permit oanopy supports 18 ft from street ROW and 2) 1 parking spaae to permit plaaement of planter at 302 S Jup1ter Ave, Skyarest Sub Unit A, Blk A, pt Lots 7 & 8, zoned CG (commeroial general). 1 3. Oran1oecl 'I ~. ,/ 1ij. Maurioe Wilder tor variances of 1) 43 parking 14. Granted spaaes to permit aanstru~t1on or ofriae building with 91 parking 4paoes. and 2) 3 tt landsoaped : buttel' to permit looation ot 12 parking spaaes . abutting S property Hne at 3000 Gult to Bay Blvd, , . ~. ,. ,:'. '. Bayne.. City SUb, Blk 8, Lots 1..6, 11 & 12, zoned .;~;; ,<.:' :' :,: CO, (o~.ro1al general). ~.~.t.:L:;~~ .... ~~<:. ". .,.... ",.:... ' ':<.', , ,"'; , . . f~~"<J~.~. a~Ood,:.lPt.' Co.', tor a varianoe or 12 tt to 15. Ora~ .,: '.' ~ .' , ". ., . ':~Y~.,:..~t,~o~t~Qt.1~n: ot utility bl111dins addition : ' "'." . .-.: i'" .:':.-:"'. ' :,'. , . :~~':,b:~J~.I,t~~~~,~e > p~l?tIrty, l1~e at o~rner ot . ... ":, , ;. . , ."' ':, '..: :- : '., ". : '~~..r'~f!~,~;~.,."tu:1d.~~~t?:s~,:"~.o..t~29-15,.H&B".. . ..,. '..'.,.....,lj"..;. ,...~...."~,., .,:': ':":". . ..~~ ,~~.....J.UlU~t~lJ, r.~1d.ntlal).'." :,." ".,.;" . ',- .;,;< );1'::: ," .':'<::. '..:.:' .:,., ~" :..~;. .<~.:)~J.\r~t;-:.~~~I:t'~.f';.\'~"':.'.~~'\--"~.~I~ /,,~; ~:,,"""::';' . \l~":.~l'f> " ~,\ .~.' ",+ .~~f ~..~. . ~~' . ':.fJ' ,.:..... _\d~j.. ~'..,:+:. ..... :;::... ....t,l~I~.~.i;,I~-l!tJ)..ftl..:I,..,,..Ir.~.,.J.t.'~~i1.... J......\~.<t ~..... . .~'t\. ,.' '1 ! ,\.11" " ..j 'q) ~...\f"~'. ;~-I;Io.'~' ',." .'.),,-.... ~~~:...~:4~~~ .~;..~"..'b\~"f~(q/~ f\~ \ ~)T\~\' ~ '1.~':/tJ<::';~:~/;~' . ,:~~'::':7 <. ~ _ '.t : ....,' .::. ~ <~: \f i:;'....;: . i:; l'~~.';~' ft~:: ~:.-,.~~.::' :..':: ;'''~ ,\ ,; :~.. '] .r '~.:. ..}~; +~ .,: .' .....~ };1!lS~1',}~01~;r;~~~f."'~ h...;~rit;tt)".\':' 1t r!:./l,....:.:"/.~:.'..; .1}.. .~.~.~~. . ,a-!. \ . ~~. ~..~:{. },:~ :~~}~ ~':t \'/~:' ~..:(,...::;.!,rf~. <~: ~>~/;F)~ ~;-~ 'Jr~...~~)..:~\i...~i~.;/..\',) ~,~ t ..'\~.r' ,.'! .oL..... L'..' ,l '~~~"i'" . :''1L.:Jl.J~ L . . :." ..-' ~'" "'~ht" .:'~~'t,,; .ll+~.J t, r :t,<".r;~' ::'~.~ ,t..,,:'t: ~ :. t"'~~~'/~~jJ f ~jY .:~:..t~ ~'.' ~ '.i< ; :'" } 'I: ~~.- !~.'. ~. It ITEM' 12 - Dwayne Hawkins for a varianoe to permit 25 uind devioes (flags) where none are allowed at 601 U.S. 19 Nt Seo 8-29-16t pt of H&B 32.02,' zoned IL (limited industrial) . The Planning Offloial stated that wind devioes, such as r1ags, are prohibi'"ed by the COde, but they have been advised by the Legal Department that varianoes to this may be requested. Jeft Wilson, representing the applicant, submitted photos showing the north and south approaohes to the business. Sales have dropped during the period t~e flags were removed. The bill.board on the south will be permitted to remain for another 6~ years and he requested the Board oonsider- allowing them to keep the flags at least tor that length of 'time. The applioant has failed to demonstrate a neoessity for the varianoe beoause the request appears to be based primarily upon a desire ot the applicant for greater finanoial return from the property t and the granting of a varianoe for this purpose is not appropriate. Mr. HerriiUl1 moved to d8IIJ the varianoe as requested as no true hardship has been demonstrated and the request would appear to violate the general spirit and intent of the Development Code. The motion was duly seoonded and oarried unanimously. Request dmed. e ITEM '13 - Golda Melr Center, Ino. for varianoes of 1) 1 ft to permit oanopy supports 18 ft from street ROWand 2) 1 parking spaoe to permi t plaoement of planter at I 302 S Jupiter Ave, Skyorest Sub Unit A, Blk At pt Lots 7 & 8, zoned CO (oollllDeroial general). The Planning Offioial stated the Publio Works Department has no prOblem with the request. It only involves the elimination of one parking spaoe and most of the parking for this property is nonoonforming beoause it is in the right-of-way and is back-out, both ot whioh are not permitted. .} >, Ed Armstrong, attorney representing the applicant, stated the applioant works with the Neighborly Senior Servioes to prOvide servioes of various types to the elderly. They are ourrently renovating the existing taoility and wish to add a oanopy to protect > "the ,people that' use their faoilities from the weather. He , showed some drawings indioating what the struoture looks like now and what . it' 1s. proposed to look like. There are several sister organizations 'in the 1mmediate'area and they all share their available parking. ""I /:.::~ :-".~.~.~.: :..:. .~ ~~tf,~\f~~~~j~~~~i'~;Gjj~;';':;':""':';':;:'::" ': '.' , . " . " ,,' . . , " ...; .,:~ ":. '.":.i. ..... .....,'~\~,~.h,Z:",' ';'1.':"'.,,'" ',': '.' 8. " , ",.., _ ' 1/10/86 ',c ',.,'.. " -"'c, , J";~0}:(:';~;J~~]~fii~ii){:/,'::S~,;<:,,;,:,::,,::,:; ,::::;,\ ,;",,;j, ,.} ;'. :' ;:' ; ....'. :((;', .,): ~~:111i}~tf\~~.)i~ ~'~rr/'\\:{'-..~ f~' .~i~\)~'f;'';( ~j.t":l<:," '\ I ~ ~"( ;'rJ -.. ~~\"'."'.'~ 1 ;::1' ii~:.~ :~".. '-t"f, -'1\\;; J - .". ":. t" * ."1 :... ,7' w ~,. '.~ ' .' ..,. .:.... -;-" \' ~i:':. I.', '. \.:"'t/'"' ~', ~.~~~~.o;fL'..1;"t1l"~\'fii;'1-~~f:'"L"t1~11t;~I~'!..""'.'\; ~.'~l ..:'::'_,:";.ri'Y.~,x.....J/~.. j.ll '';:-.i; ,ltj~~"~i..(1 ..:.~ _ .~." fi~;..,~" " " .'. ~.:.,J'J:~ ~."'.I'\'f;';~J;t..~.1<\oJ.~1 ~~!1]:lf.:~fi"~~l:"_"'\.~Ct1~.oi"'\ h ~lr..I""~J>)~V;''':,~:'':~~,;''rJ;~~~..I~.'''',,-) ....~t~\_....I~-;.~.f'.~t,l..'r."'.I.(l:t: ~ .~. t,...:.\1.," T 11'f./..i~J_: "r:t .1,.I'~~:'\...-H;:. "'" ~7i+ tf};"~'4,1;11i1\~~ 1~!J:~.-!": ~'\t~;.\ :1'r,~","'J:r!=1-..~ ~. ~ r ~':"'l:'.. ~~~.~-:i ;- ~~>" ~~} ...~i. :kl:~. ...;~ !..;(~~ '''~' ,!. J ~ ~L,'. . 1, '':It ~;,\:.~;'t Ii,: "{I...,,; r~:(~wr;;"'~~ ~~~l<~ . .' ~ t,'..,.. ,....... "" .......... ...f'l::~'\ .t";j-f.:....~r\. It 'I ITEM "IS - Greenwood Apt. Co. for a varianoe of 12 ft to permit oonstruotion of utility building addition zero ft fl'om side property Hna at oorner of Greenwood Ave and Palmetto st, See 10-29-15, M&B 24.02, zoned HM-24 (multi-family residential). The Planning Offioial questioned whether there was to be any space between the proposed bUilding and the adjacent bar. Dan Wilensky, attorney representing the applioant, stated they have been having prOblems with the patrons of the nearby bar. These problems have neoessitated that they move the apartment oomplex offioe into the interior of the oomplex and they ara ourrently Using the former offioes for a storage area. The po1ioe have frequently used their property for surveil1anoe due to the drug traffioking problems in the area around the bar. It is their intent that there be no space between the buildings, but if the adjaoent building is not oonstruoted to the property 11ne, they would have no oontrol over any spaae between them. He felt that if this was the oase it would be minimal. e Offioer Tom Lynoh of the Greenwood Sub-station spoke in support stating the oonstruotion of t.he proposed building would greatly aid the polioe department in apprehending per'sons who are oarrying on drug related activities in the vioinity of the bar. Based upon the informatlon furnished by the applicant, the striot app1ioation of the Development Code would result in an unneoossary hardship upon the applioant sinoe this is a minimum varianoe to overcomo a physioal condition, not oaused by the applioant, and a oondition unique to this property. The granting of the varianoe would not be detrimental or injurious to other property owners, or adver3e to t,he general publio welfare, and it does not violate the general spirit and intent of the Development Code. Mr. Gans moved to.~t the variance as requested subjeot to the oondition that, if possible, the building abut the adjaoent building and that a building permit be obtained within 6 months from this date. The motion was duly seoonded and carried unanimously. Roquest sranted. MINUTES :' .': Mr. Gans moved to approve the minutes of June 12, 1986, and June 26,. 1986. in aooordanoe with oopies submitted to eaoh Board member in writing. Motion was duly seoonded and oarried unanimously. ," .' .~ 'h" '", , . The Board requested the City Attorney intorm the hearing offioer ,that when he is oonsidering any appeals ~or sign varianoes that he ;i.I, ~ (:' . ~~~~,. .' allow the aigna' to rerDa1n only through the amortization period whioh i~~l\;'~~~<h ".,' ;'.:, :explr.." . in Oatober, 1992. They are oonoerned that it this is' not ., r/$~W,~;i;:;,;.....~!;;.j:',:, .: .~~~~ "'an~ an appeal on. a sian varianoe is granted by the hearing '. .' m~.;r'""i\:~:~~:.~~J:..~;:.<?t:~l~'~" ...~~~ .:. .~sn' will not ha~e to ~ontol'lll 1n the 8.Ilor~lzatlon . , '; "~ ""f,).L,., ftAl'lOd..' ,," ,~ ",., . . . .'" tJi . .,~'t-~;t : \~..,..~.. .':~. "', I.,.':. " .' ~ . '. . (!~) ~/' 1~"l ~~{.ul'ha"Y'Y,)'l"t",J~~..:" :/:: ~,> ~\' I ~. . .'1' . . , , " .' .,' . .' .~' " 1~j~.:r'fjlJK;J~(;~zr:~.~{.i':~::;: iF, ('." ;"",: ,.., ~. .... :', '.. ,,,' '., .' ", ',' , ,';.. .: '. :.:'i.~:'.':"':~'d.':. J.~"\I."I'f~"j"";.J";"'<""""",,, .... ' 10., " ""1,7/10/86 ..' " "','.,..:. ~'f'i:Ji~.t1:'Y0~'~:~h~'~~;)?;~;...J'.r~""t;;:"I.,'t;:":" ...:~,>.,>...-.~. :', ....., "t.':';' :.,; + .:::. :nl;";l;"' ' . ".',' ..':':!.Y~~'.~~'~,,~,\,"~<Fr)].:i. ~ .f.;)~~\.)i~'Y:';Pt\~~,~"";.~\.'ji"'~(Vl/", "I';""l...,.' ....'~': I:'~.. .'......~.. ....f '~:,;I',.,l".l':~ ". ..~"'. ~'(~';".~\:t '<,~l~~,nl-'; . 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