03/27/1986 ACTION AGENDA - DEVELOPMENT CODE ADJUSTMENT BOARD MEETING -Maroh 21, 1986 CD 1. O~ge Blossom Developers (Mildred Taylor) tor a varianoe at 2 tt to ereot a pole sign 3 rt from property line, at 1421 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd, ,Boulevard Heights, Blk C, Lot 5 and i of vaoated street adjoining, zoned CO (general commeroial). 2. Pierre DeHerdt (Jennie Alloway and Loretta Worrall) tor a variance of 4 parking spaoes to satisfy parking requirements for changed use, at ,1432 POinsetta, Barbour Morrow SUb, Blk A, Lot 41, zoned CD (beach oommeroial). 3. Hughes Johnson for a variance at 6 rt 10 inohes topermlt addition 3 ft 2 inohes from side property line, at 605 Jeffords St, Molton Park SUb,-Blk 3, Lot 8 and N i vacated alley, zoned OL (li~ted offioe). 'q. Bellea!r Assooiates Ltd PartnerShip tor varianoes 1) of 168 sq rt to permit a 30Q'sq tt sign and 2) of '12 rt to permit a 32 ft high pole sign, at 1451 u.S. 19 S, Sea 20-29-16, M&B 32.03, zoned CH (highWay oommeroial). 8. 5. Home Federal Bank for a varianoe of 1 rt 6 inches 'to permit drive-thru awning 23 ft 6 inohes trom street ROW, at 2200 Bellealr Rd, Dunrom1n SUb, Lots 1-14, zoned OL (limited offioe). ..l .: .,'J ( 0, ~.:.:~,'J": ":. ' ' '.' . ''i'' ':\';')~.~'~'.~' j".::', .'/ ' ;, + . .:' '. ',' PI , ." "." ..' '.' ' : . ."~ ~ ',. " " ." . , . .:' ~~ .' 1. CoDttaasd to 4/10/86 .('C . . ~.... :7";; J .....", ,;;;:: .'." . '. :,," ~ " \+'n .'.~;i~~~~{:~.:<Y. " 2. >>-1ed ", {:: , : I : . ...\~\~ .. . . y .;. ,c: ,:;: _--..;.1 > ," 3. ONDted 4. Dea1ed " 5. ClNDted \! ,', I'. . ., .~. DEVELOPMENT CODE ADJUSTMENT BOARD ,CD March 27, 1986 " Members present: Michael R. Dallmann, Chairman Mary Lou Dobbs, Vice Chairman Otto P. Gans Kemper Merriam Members absent: Alex Plisko Also present: ,e John Richter, Planning Oftioial M.A. Galbraith Jr., City Attorney Susan Stephenson, Deputy City Clerk The meeting was oalled to o~der by the Chairman at 2:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room in City Hall. He outlined the prooedures and advised that anyone adversely affected by any decision of the Development Code Adjustment Board may appeal the deoision to an Appeal Hearing Officer within two (2) weeks. He noted that Florida law . requires any applioant appealing a decision of this Board to have a verbatim reoord at the prooeedings to support the appeal. ITEM '1 - Orange Blossom Developers (Mildred Taylor) tor a variance at 2 tt to ereot a pole sign 3 ft from property line, at 1421 Gult-to-Bay Blvd, Boulevard Heights, Blk C, Lot 5 and i of vacated street adjoining, zoned CG (general oOlllll1erolal). , " . ~ + . , This item was oontinued to the meeting of 4/10/86 due to an error in the applioation whioh required readvertiaing. ITEM,2 ~ierre DeHerdt (Jennie Alloway and Loretta 'Worrall) tor a variance at 4 parking spaoes to satisfy parking. requirements tor ohanged use, Rt 432 Polnsetta, Barbour Horrow Sub, '. Blk A, Lot 41, zoned CB (beaoh , commeroial). ,The Planning, Ottioial stated the applioant desires to marge ,ex1stina retail spaoe'witha restaurant use. The Code, requires the "requ~r.d'number ot spaoes be provided when there is a ohange ot u8e~ .,Park1ngVarlano6s have previously been granted on this property. , , ,'> . : .'. ~ . . . '. i,