02/13/1986 10. Dell Weible and Geo~ge Sohaefer for a va~iance of 151.5 ft to oonstruot a dook 220 ft long, at 1208 and 1212 Sunset Dr, Palm Bluff SUb, part of Lot 17 AND Enghu~st 2nd Addn, Lots 74 - 76 and part of Lot 77. zoned HM-8 (multiple family ~e9identlal "eight"). 11. John Schultz for a varianoe of 13 parking spaoes. at 409 Mondalay Ave, Barbour Harrow Sub, Blk A, Lot 15 and part of Lot 35, zoned CS (beaoh aOllkJlero1al). , ,':,;12. The Fusoo Corp (Franoisco Rub) (John Taylor , III) for variance ot ~O'sq rt to permit an " alooholio beverage servioe in a restaurant with' '," '960 sq tt. at 1200 S Hbsouri Ave, Unit 14. Seo 1~~29-15, M&B 34.01, zoned CC(oammeroial oenter). ,'" .: 13~ .(oontinued from 1/23/86) ORDINANCE NO. 4116-85 13. &PPJ'Oftl NGU ~Wd i.,:, :::<>"~ .AM 'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. :~,~>." ',~'.:1'BL1TING TO ~IOtIS; AMENDING SECTION 134.010 A 3 :):/'!?'~>::".'a:( 1 ):'llfD; (2), CITI CODE OF ORDINANCKS, TO PROnDE . . te..1' .. ~ , 0 T,I ~ < > li/,I'.)';',-h~~;TH1'f~CBRTAIN IDENTIFICATION' SIGN3 SHALL BE ,. , ~."" '''7~~.;.'f.I~'l'!BD}:'OI(BUSIIIISS SSTABLISltMBMTS WITHIN" ' ". ' " " , ~~, ;~~,q.iIN ',pISIGIIl"~D ~1I.Cf DISTRICTS; PROVIDING AN, " ",' , " ~,\;~~f , ' v:.I~VI DATI'" ,. ,:,. " '" " " , ," !" "~~~'\t~i~y.\:lj;J;[~ifj;>,:.,k~:>,...,::; ;,;' '. .: ;': : ~', ,;,'; < .;' .: " ':;,'; ; .. . ;:> ;';: '" / ,~, ":<::: /,' , '3.:::'K~,,'t>"t,.1'.'.4 :AOIIJ)&'I' y ':~ ': .-"/"1..2/,13/86..., ~"" :"~ '., ' ',"'''' "",j' ' . .' '-' " ,", ..,', ' .' , ',' I,' ,',' ,\\' '.' %:fl~f~.."f.. i......'t.f "~"'J~"'.'Lt.''''~'1-' J........~. j,. .' ,...,'V .'..., ~1.I'f f.?'...J,....,.t~.,.. 1." .:! ,< ,l; 0':. f....... ,<,T.,'~ ~ ~UJ~~P' ~,:~y~~'~rJ~~J~{f~$~:ij~~~;~~;z.;~J' ~:[~~1:;~;[H!/~~; ;;~:'~:~~~: :i~~~j,;~{~';';\:~f;:f i/; ";' ~ ::;,~!;':~~.~~\ ,~i;L~:1:~~li~~,i~~ . .,,~.. ."~ h.".'t'\I... 'I' L oj I, .......... I. .;, ""'~'Ii- ";"'1 ;"" ".l". ~ ,'~":v1;"""'" .' I.. . 01"1- . . ..,~ ~ 6. Dwayne Hawkin" tor varianoes 1) of 12 ft 9 inohes to ereot pole sign with total height of 32 rt 9 Inohes, 2) to allow one additional prop~rty identifioation sign, 3) of 53.6 sq tt to peMllt total 81gnage tor property identifioation purposes ot 111.8 sq ft, q) of 4.5 sq rt to permit installation of direotional sign with total of 1.5 sq ft, and 5) of 45 sq ft to permit wall sign with total or 60 sq ft. at 601 U.s. 19 N, Sec 8-29- 1b, part or H&B 32.03, zoned IL (limited industrial). 1. Harold Burnett for varianoes 1) of 10 ft to ereot a pool enolosure 20 ft fro~ tho street ROW and 2) of 2 tt to ereot a b tt high fenoe in the setback area from the street ROW. at 1511 Ridge Top Way, Coaohman Ridge, Lot 106, zoned RS-6 (single tamily residential "siX"). "8. Riohard D~tt tor variances 1) of 4 ft to erect a fenoe with a maximum height of 10 ft as measured trom mean grade and 2) of 2 ft to ereot a 6 tt high fenoe in setbaok area from street ROH where property is not addressed, at 2201 U.S. 19 N; See 32-28-16, M&B 32.08, 32.09 and 32.10, zoned CH (highway oommeroial) and ALII (aquatio lands/interior). '8 9. Anthony O'Neil for a varianoe of 1.8 ft to permit house to remain 28.2 ft from street ROW. at 3334 San Pedro St, DelOra Groves, Lots 261 - 264. zoned RS-q (single family residential "four"). b. 1) >>-1ed 2) DIDled . > I~ 3) a~ varianoe or , 1.8 square ft 4. Dtaled 5. Gruted 7. 1) ONDUd 2) Dmled 8. G~ 9. ONllted 10. Granted 11. Dea10cl 12. Grated' ?b @) Based upon the information furnished I:y the applicant, whioh olearly shows that the requirements of Sootion 131.012, City Code, have been met and that the strict applioation of the Development Code would result in an unnecessary hardship upon the applicant as the result of unique oonditions not caused by the applicant beoause the oar manufaoturer required the requested signs, Mr. Gans moved to pomat a varianoe of 11.8 sea tt for request 13 subject to the oondition that the sign permit be obtained within 3ix (6), months of this date. The motion was duly seoonded and upon the vote being taken, Mrs. Dobbs and Messrs. Pliska, Gans, and Merriam voted "Aye; It l~r. Dallmann voted "Nay. tt Motion carried. Request 8NDted. Because the applioant has failed to demonstrate a necessity for the variance as requested, Mr. Pliska moved that request '4 be denied. The motion was duly seoonded and upon tq~ ~yLe being taken, Hessrs. Plisko, Gans, Merriam, and Dal1"!.:l;"'lk voted "AYOj" Mrs. ,Oobbs' voted "Nay." Motion carried. Request denied. Based upon the information furnished by the applicant, which olearly shows that the requirements of Section 137.012, City Code, have been met and that the striot applioation of the Development Code would result in an unneoessary hardship upon the applicant as the result of unique oonditions not caused by the applicant, because of existing conditions on U.S. 19 which oreate a hardship, Mr. Gans moved ,to SNDt request #5 subjeot to the condition that the sign permit be obtained within six (0) months of this date. The motion was duly seoonded and carried unanimously. Request granted. e ITEM '1 - Harold Burnett for varianoes 1) of 10 ft to ereot a pool enclosure 20 rt from the street ROWand 2) of 2 ft to erect a 6 ft high fenoe in the setback area from the street ROW, at 1511 Ridge Top Way, Coaohman Ridge, Lot 106, zoned RS-6 (single family residential "six"). The Planning Official stated the property is located at the oorner of Ridge Top Way and Misty Plateau Trail. The request is for two varianoes, one to construt't a pool enolosure and one to erect a 6 ft high fence. Harold Burnett, owner and builder, stated the construotion started when the house was in the County but it has since been annexed. Due to several robberies, his construation and the obtaining of permits has been delayed. He wishes to looate the fenoe 8 ft from the east side of the pool deck rather than as indicated in the application. This would locate the fenoe 12 ft from the property Une at the rear and 17 ft from the property line at the northeast ,oorner. He intends to do the required landsoaping. He intended to '. ,apply' for the" necessary varianoes from the County prior to the <i?;' :,. \\ -: " , pz-o.perty bei,ng ,annexed. He 'has a letter from the developer giving ~k~! ~;;,::' ,: ,'him permission to overstep the deed restrictions with regard to the '~~?';<~',,:>' ;:.. ,;', pool enolQsure, whioh by' deed ('estriotions, is required to be 20 tt W;~{~;:~:<;~,'~;':~'\'< trail" the: p~operoty , line'. He has spent .,2,000' on landscaping and f'''~j.~,~~kt'(i,:~;.r:,r~~~~n~~~to, ;:l~q~l~e more.. , .' ' ~~ i.1~'i~~1t,~i,)~~:;,;';;;>~':,':'~;:";,{>L""" ,';; ..' .. ..... . .;: >, . .> '" . " . :,>' ,;,'\i ~ 'Y:r( l~};l) "1-J-~,(.~....,f;l""'~'J"A ':f.'~ ...,.......,I,.~11 i ." ;'~",~ 't. ~ L ,L +' .~. J-.' .~ " . J~.:....., .. .,[...~ " .':~ jl:'"\.:;.'," I ~!'i! ',\~'r-::".I'...~' \....1'-I.i.+14'''i..~ ~....~';': ~~ ~ ,~ ......~..,f , ,'_ '0. I. -. ~ . '.~'\'-.' ,..,...,'. . - , " < < I~"j ; ". .'1........ '" J.r.:I- I,a.,,~-:!.' ~~(i...",......}I,,:....o;)r..JJ,..., .~ . ,,~. :\..:..:-.l t'"" ,,:,l.... ~\..,~.;.- , ~~'";...''' . 'd . q;' " . t"f . I., ,1 ~ ,. 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