9. Horton Plant Hospital ror variances 1) of 18
rt to oonstruct an ldtnUrioation sign w th 112 sq
rt and 2) to allow additional property
identification sign, at 1250 S Ft Harrison, Sea 21-
29~15, H&B 12.11, zoned OL (limited otrioe).,
,10. Harry Wilson (Walker) ror varianoes 1) at 10
rt to aonstruot building with zero'setbaok rrom N
property line and 2) or 5 tt to construct building
20.rt trom S proPerty line. abutting Gould St, at
the,[(W oorner of Gould and Madison Streets,
HaoDixons SUb, Lot 6, zoned CO (gene 1
11. Morton Plant Hospital for varianoes 1) to
allow additional property identifioation sign, 2)
and 3) or 2 ft to oonstruot two (2)
Indentifiostion ground signs 10 tt in height, at
323 Jerfords,St, Seo 21-29-15, M&B 12.15, zoned
P/SP (publio/semi-public). .
. ' ~ .'
12. Robert Cole for a variance of 5 ft to
oonstruot a swimming pool and enclo3ure 25 rt trom
rear property line abutting Countryside Blvd, at
2862 Allapattah Dr.~ Countryside Traot 56, Unit 1,
Lot 11" zoned RS-6 \single tamily residential
, "six").
13. Lloyd Tabb (T & L Land Trust) ror varlanoas 1)
or 9.85 rt to oonstruot building 10.15 tt tram
r6ar property 11no, 2) of 10 ft to oonstruot
building 10 rt from S property l1ne, 3) of 1q ,
'green 'area requirement 1n front setback, and ij) of
3.1 S green area reqUirement in parking lot, at
622 BypaBs Rd, Bypass Park, Lot 2, zoned OG
(general orfice).'
14. Voldim1r Baskovioh (Kentuoky Fried Chicken
Corp.) for variances 1) ot 3 rt to construct
building with z8ro'setbaok from N property line,
and 2) or 3 rt to'oonstruot building with zero,
'setback rrom E property line at 1960 Qult'to Bay
'Blvd. Seo, 13-29-15, M&B ZQ.05, zc~ed CG (general
,: coma.ro~l!l).
r.. T
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9. Grat:d
10. 0...... .j
11. CINsItad
12. CIra1IYd
1) CIrlud;Gd"
2) o.t_ .
3) & 4) o.1t1d
lq. CaDtlaMed to ~/9/86
.. ,
" '~ ':
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The Board questioned whether an additional variance was needed
with' rlprd to adding to a nonoonforming struoture. The Planning
Ofrioial advised the additional varianoe would be required and it
would be advisable for the Board to oontinue the request to the next
1I1.tins so the additional varianoe oan be advertised and the two
requIsts heard simultaneously.
The Bullding Orfioial stated the type of struoture proposed is
not. aonsidered liVing spaoe per the Southern Standard BUilding Code
or the County Assessor.
" '
, )
Because the applioant has failed to demonstrate a neoessity tor
the varianoe as requested beoause no hardship has been shown whether
Southern Standard BuUding Code oonsiders it liVing space or not,
and no real need tor the addition has been shown, Mr. Pliska moved
tMt suoh appeal be ...... The motion was duly seoonded and upon
the vote being taken, Messrs. Gans, Pliska and Dallmann voted "Aye;"
Mrs. Dobbs and Mr. Merriam voted "Hay." Motion oarried. Request
ITEM IS - George Wadsworth tor a varianoe of 1 tt in tenoe
height to erect a 7 ft high privaoy tenoe, at 3261 Masters
Dr, Countryside Traot 56 Unit I, Lot 36, zoned RS-6 (single
family residential "six").
< t' ~
George Wadsworth stated he wishes to ereot a wall type fenoe.
The rear or his lot slopes 2 tt at grade level and allows him to look
into his neighbor's baokyard even though they have a 6 tt tenoe.
Iledges might give sOllie privaoy, but he is away muoh or the time and
is oonoerned the hedge would also obscure any criminal aotivity that
lIIight ocour' 1n hie absence. He teels a wall of this height would
be an obstaole to anyone who might be considering breaking into his
hOllle when he is not there. The wall would be located approximately
30 to 40 tt frolll the property line. '
Three letters or support were submitted tor tho reoord.
One citizen spoke in objeotion stating she teels the wall would
,'obstruot her view and would not be maintained due to the frequent
absences,ot the applioant.
" '
, Beoause the applioant has taUed to demonstrate a neoessity tor
'the, va~lanoe. a~ requested beaause he has not proven an unneoessary'
,': 'blrdship that would neooeaitate, the extra toot in height, Hr. Gans
, ,,'. :' ',: ,;' Ii9ved'that' suoh .appeal he ""ed.' The motion was duly seoonded
.. .... . ';', "-;"'" and uPon tbe,'votebe1ng taken, Messrs. Gans, Merriam ,and Dallmann
," I .'r',:,;: -<:"voted ,"ye;" Mrs. ~bbs and Hr. Pliska voted "Nay." Hotion oarried.
,:,.f.:<,.... ':- ',:'"ftequ.st',tlal"'~ _
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ITaM '6 - Miohael Stattord tor varianoes 1) ot 6 tt to
oonstruot a pool 24 tt troe property Une abutting Todd
Rd anel 2) ot 2 tt to ereot a 6 tt high tenao in 'sideyard
bulld~l1g setbaok area abutting Todd Rd, at 2035 Gayle Pl,
Ceda~lHe!gbts, Lot 11 and part ot Lot 10, zoned 85-8 (single
',', ...y~" tamily residential "eight").
.t :_, ,.,~ ':
- ..
. L. 1 '
I:'~~; >:
, ' ~ '
The Planning Ottioial stated the request is to construct a pool
'and ereat a tenoe on a double trontage lot. The renoe liQuId be on
"the'secondary trontage whioh would allow a 4 tt high tenoe.
Mr. and Hrs. Stafrord stated the renoe has already baen ereoted
and. they ,,",re unaware ot the 11111tation o~' a ~.. tt tenoe on the
seoonelary trontage. They have 2 SIUll children and a large dog and'
reel a 4 tt tence would not be suttioient to aont.ain thell. The tence '
,dOes not block the view ot oncom1ng trattic; they have installed a
gate and intenel to lanelsoape~ The tenoe was construoted with the
tinished slde out and they feel the corner 'lot presents a harelship,
preventing them froll ereating a renae suttic1ent tor their purposes.-
One petition in support with 17 signatures was subll1tted tor,
. the record.
(' ,. "~~".'I.': ': '\d.':"
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:." -
Baseel upon the intoraaation turnished by the applicant, wMoh
clearly shows th8t. the requirements ot Seotion 137.012, City COele','
have been lIet and that the atriot application at the Development Coele.
would roul t in an unneoessary hardship upon the applicant as the
result ot unique cQnditions not caused by the applicant, because or
the partioular physical surroundings and the shape 'iJf the property"
Mr. Gens moved to ....... request '1 tor the pool SUbjflct to the
condition that the bUilding permit be obtained within six (6) months.
The ,mo~lon' was dUly ,seconded and carried unanlllously. Request
....... .'
,Baaed upon the information turnished by tbe applioant, 'which
,olearly shows that the requirements of Seotion 131.012, City. Code,
haYe' been met anel that the atriot application ot the Development Code
'.. 'would 'result in an unneoes:sary, hardship upon the' applicant 88 the,'
';, result of, unique conelitions not caused by the applicant, because ot
,the partiCUlar 'surroundings, sha~' and topography and it is 15 tbe
, II1ni11U11, to' overcolle the unneooesary hardship, Mr. Pliska IIOnd to
--",NqU..t '2 tor the tenoe SUbject to the oondition the, teDoe
..', 'h"" ",' : ':' ' . b4t\100atld, 14. tt'tl'Oli 'the.- building as per the dravins' and tbat, the.
;:~, :.:': .;,..':,:: .>.. ";, building ;,pendt ,be obt&J.ne<l. within. six (6) lIIoiltba. The, .ot1on wu
.\>>~:,~,<.',"<'dul"';.~oDde4ancLupon the'Yote being takl!lh,'Heaara. Gans and PUsleo,' ,', ..'.'
~f):~X~;~',~,?,,;'i.,yoted. ',~ly.;,~ Hrs.~ Dobba' and Messrs. Herri.. and. DalwMvote4' ~..y..': ", '.
11~~~iil~~~I~t~,z;<~i~";:;':"::i,,},,,:,' , :.:':.;;. ;..' .....?,:...:..' ,.... }::;i:,::::;L'~.n;~i;:';:'}f::::ik:",\J;
1i.. '~J'.I'r ~t~i)I';':-i''"'~~~t'~1 ~:r~'f'.fr. /';!~1'.j~} <". ~ ~J)' ~""1~),,;". ;.i ': /. : \ ,/ ~." ~3~ ~ .~ ~ ' . .'~. ,,' : \ ~)., " ''/ .~ ,.; '.~~ ':'i'} ~ .)).~~ J ~'. ~ ~ ~.:.:' ~:" t; 'I ,~.... ','f'~;'/"::-t.;~: ';. .J,i"tj~~ '. : ,~ :
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..I ~:~:i~ i~J.1::~ t:..~;f; '\, "..::-':t'~~\~ (t,;, l '~~\~. ;':..... ~. '" \>r'l'.' '~;'~"~~ 1/ l..~~., :..:. -';'}"',; '1.;' 1-' L'~ ,~. ~ 1 ",,;,'?:.1;_: '/,':'\tt.,r! , '_ ''',i,l: ~ t.... ,'..~ ,1fi'i!,;i:J1~':'.r.;~~,. .A'))\'~j.
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'il! "hi$',i.;t';" :R~'~[i
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The Planning Otricial stated the property is currently developed",
with a motel building and the applioant desires to realign the parking ,
lot to make it more ettioient.
Blisabeth Daniels, attorney representing the applioant, atated
the project oonsists,ot 20 motel units whioh were oonstructed'in the
1950's. 'The new parking plan proVides a spaoe tor eaoh unit and 'two
spaoes tor the lIanaser's apartment. The current layout 1s unsat.
and they teel they bave re-arransec1 thl't parking in the utest !I4niler
possible and ~proved the traftio flow.
Sven Kansman, representing the applioant, stated they have
attezapted to improve the parking and trattio flow by usinc one~way
trattio. 'The parking is tipt but workable. Low curbs, ,SOlie new
pav.ent, and landscaping have b.en proposed. ApprOXlllately one third
ot the parkins spaoes in the new des1gn lleet"the ourrent Code.
Baseel upon the intol'llation turnished by the applicant, whioh
olearly shoW's that the requirellents ot Seotion 137.012, CUy Code,
have been Ret and that the strict applioation ot the Development Code ,
would result in an unneoessary hardship upon the applioant al'S the
resUltot unique oonditions not oau,ed by the applicant, because it
improves the tr9ttio flow over what it has been, Mrs. Dobbs' lIoved
to I,ftat all the varianoes as requested subjeot to the condition
that the building permit be obtained within six (6) !lonths. The
Illation was duly seoonded and upon the vote being taken, Mrs. Dobbs
and Messrs. Gans, Merriam and Dallmann voted "Aye;" Mr. Plisko voted
"Nay." Motion carried. Request~.
ITEM '10 .. Harry Wilson (Walker) tor varianoes 1) ot 10
tt to construot building with zero setbaok trom N property
l1ne and 2) ot 5 tt to construct building 20 tt trom S
prop6rty line abutting Gould St, at the NW corner ot Gould
and Madison Streets, MaoDixons SUb, Lot 6, zoned CO (general
oomerob!) .
. 'c'.'
, .'
, ~.
Debra W&lker, rdpresentlng the applicant, stated she has '3 truoks
and a tar kettle tor her rooting business and wishes to have a sater
.ethod tor storing them.' The building will be at briok oonatruotlon
..' and ,the tar kettle will be kept outstde. She doe" not reol the
'oonlltruotlon ot the building will interfere with her neighbor. Due
',' ; ,:.', 'to an, adjl10ent right-ot-way,' she was unable to put up a tenoe' and,
" ,'" ',' " 'the~.tore,' requires th~ larller building to'store her equ1~.nt. She
. _' , , :'..:' , :: ' bas ,tried several tiaes, to work out d11"reJ'ent ar,..ngeaents and this
'.::;:;:;);-0;,,'':.,,': ",'Ofte1s the onlY one tbe City will approve.
r>"/~~\~::.~.r.:::.~.:et.!:~.~..:.'....~,e:~'. ,.,,: (, .:,' .,' .', ..
~,~ (f::"~',~,' / '''',: ,-: " Rlahu<I" Blnnillon, representin. an adjaoent property , owner,
t~':'t:./;"';~:,'",:.,:objeoted, Oft" the bu1a ttaty t..l it ill bad aesthetically to haye' a '
'?~;~;;,>~;'~,':::-' ',~,,<ia'II"O':satbaok :aDd.' does' not '...' the' hardsblp. III, a1,,0 Sl1b11ittld .' , "., , ," ' ,
'.,-. ">J~""I .. {., ,; ..' l' 1'1' ' " , ' '
;;j>'( ,:: ': !~,~. ;",.,',~::,' .tter in, ObjeotlOll. " ,.., "."';'"
~.fAt"\;:;',i~~I,' ;k'.~~~..~ ,'", .. .,: '.'" .(' ''- '. ..:'. ' . < ~, ..' i '. ..'...., ,
l:i~t~.l~I!,..I..~,...'i, (, ,'~, ,~ . 0.,-< ~', 'I.. ~ .' , , ,~ . ',' ..' '"
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"~J-' .....:hl\. t",. ,Pi..' 'J.~" lJ i. .' ..<. " . ~,'.' '. "." ;l.
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, ..... .~~ ' < Jii'lij;":;~fV~f~~ill'i..' ~~;=t ,\ ~ ';:"iJ;~-.rt .... i!~R~-";~'~';:;.~i~~J ~i~\ "';;..i:>",~r'-t~ I;.....t~/ i\ t._;;.;t~it~~
,MJ? ,~'f.=t:~;~~~~~1*~~t~~{,!$~t~~~~Jj~~~i~ii~JJt f 'r\~;
t. ,:.,
~ l, ,
, :, ,Baa.d upon th. 1nro...t10D rura1.b.d, by tbe appl1o.nt.~ : vbl,b
ol..~l, 'ahove tbat, the ~.qulNMDt;a ot S.0t.10n 131.012, Olt., COd..'",
bay. be.n,..t and tbat tb. atrlot .ppllc.tlon'ot, tbe D.y.lc~nt,Cod.
would'reault' In' an wm.a......' har'dablp upon ,tbe appl10ant as tbe,
reault ot, unique oondltlou not oaused by tbeappUoant" b4oauae"th"
poantlD& or, tbe va..luo.. will not Ylolato tbe ',.nll'&1 apirit ,.ad
,lntent of tbelDevelopaant Cod., Hr. Pliska mGy.d,to .....'~arlano.a
11' and. '2 tor' Itea '9 and ol'1anoes It and 12 tor, It.. 11 r Dubjeot '
to ,the oondltlon tbat'tbo building p.rait be obtainad witbin' 8tx (6)
_ntha., Tbe' action' 1fU ,'duly seoonded and carried, WW1t.ou.ly~ '
'Requ..t:I.~'''. '
, ' 'ITBM ,,2 - Robert; Cole tor a ya..lanoe at 5 ft to oonstMlot,,'
, , ,.'.w~ng pool and enolosure 25 tt tr~ rear p~p.rt1 l1ne
',' 'abuttins CountrYDlde Blvd, at 2862 Allapattah Dr.,
:: ,Countr:r81d. l'raot 56" Un! t 1, Lot 71, zoned RS-6, (alDa1e
':' ::,taailY resldential .six").. '
,,' "
" '. ' .' ~ ,I
, '.1,>,
l,: .
: j-, I ,~, '. '; ;.\
,.,' ,'~ ~ ': ,:. .,: ~"
::' ":',:',:":':'::",::::.',:<<::'
" '
" ',' ,. 'Robert Cole stated bis request is to construot a 81d.m111ng pool
;i" , " , ' ,and lanai. At:. the' t1ll8 be purohased the property, the Sttbaolalvlre
:' ' ,', ,',25 ' rt, ; but' tbey .inoe bave been ahanged to 30 ft. Tbe:pool 115 "
, ": ',' approx1JIately 16 by 32 rt and the total length or tbe' addltion is, " ,",
, ,,' '.' ,~':.: approxiJlately ~O tt.' 'Tb11S is a double trontage lot and tba 30 'rt "
,',' ';., ;";/ " :setbaok does not' leaYe b1a enougb rOOlll to oonstruot a pool without
:. ' " . , I
",> ' ",. ,a, varianoe.
,'. ,
. , , ,'. " I,
"', '"":,,:\.:',::',',,,":,::..,
: 'J\~ ~ ,;:: '
:- ~, '
:,,:,',',:,', ' ' Bued upon tbe lnformation turnlsht4 by the applicant,' whiob
~': olearl,. sbowa that" the' requ1r...nts or Seotion 131.012, Clty: Code,
:', :~.' ":i :.1 'baye,bMn' .et and that' 'tbl strolot .ppUoation ot the Denlopment Code
, "', , ,:'would ',result in an wmeoeaaar:r hardship upon' tbe' applioant, U tbe
reault ot unique conditloDS not aaused by tbl applioant, beoause or
, , the', bar'dah1p or the" property baying' two rrontage.. Mr. Pliska IIOnd
,,>', to ,~ lobe' nrtanoe as requested subject to' the oondition that
':: ' ,.>:' tbo, building peN1t 'be obtained within six (6) lIGatba. 'lbe motfon
~', " .""",. ,: lIU' duly' a.oondld and upon 'the vote being taken. Mt's. Dobbs and
,':' ." Mesara. 'Pl~sko, Ous and Merri8lll voted .'ye;- Hr~ Dalluan yoted
,'::,: ,,:;,:,:,,'" ,'-.ay.- ,Hotion !3srried., Request~.
po ~ I . \ '" ' ,
'.-, ~.' I-
~" ";' "",' ,,' ITm. <';13 ... L10,4 Tabb (1 & L Land', 'trust), tor varianoes 1)
I./,:.;',:,",:.:,~'"~,:"',;l,,,,,,':,','::':',. ,;';' ':, ,"',' ,~ia::~52f~ ::' ~~ns~~UC:~b~io~~~o~~. ~~1i~i:-1,~ea;tP~=rt~'
, :,', ,,', 'propertJ 11ne, 3) at 14 , green area l".qu1~_ent 'in rront ,
:"t.l..:-.~ :J,.;:,,:"::;: ',',<':; ""-:' Sltt~ak" and ,4}' ot 3.7 .' groe.o area requlr"Dt. in park1n&'
:};,:~"~'::i,:\, r:',~'" ~"<";,:":'loti,,at ,622, Dypus'Rd. 'BJPails ,PUk, L'ot 2, zoned,oo (seneN1
~Jjf.ijj{~~i.~~~\~Jf{:~}~;:1~).,:.'.': "\"",.' . . .... .. . " .... . .': . .... . '..
~r~~.~jir....t~},,:r~,:t~l, ~.~i!,~I;:,-t".~ ,": ,'>~: ':' 'I,." ."., " .' ~ (f ~ I,.. t, > ~,:
~f:}~.~.~r~~iit~:,;,i~~I,i'~'::,~~;;,:;..)',.<~t;,:~ ,;;;';, ':'...':.:' .-, ".':':.' " .. ,~,' ',,::, ,',," ,,":"::~: ':', '".' :;",:;::-:'
l :y'l~' , '> " r. Y;. ,<<'", ,. ',' ~, " ".' 't" '., , , , ',' ',,',' , " """ , '"
~ ~\"\'t(~!~~l~~t?]r~f;i';)g..'s\~:'::::;,;~;~~/<tI.;~::,~::~:,:::::"::' : ',' :', ~ :'"..:,:,~, ,: ~,;."i~':', "'" ::"~\'-~:'i~ .";:. c"':' ~;:,'~:: '~.'~,:::,;;' . '"',!,','~,,.:~;;'.'; ::{ :'~':~;',:>,<,,:.,~,,<"j;<,
dt'.t.~2',,~.'l,".i'<,'.,..\!..)'" ;" ',' /.., ' , "', ,"" ,", '1',.", '~' ",..", '" \, ,'1' " "....' ,,':'
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"" ,p'-;"<H'P, "'~"',~)1v;o" ,~! .9~;}t" ':'l"" , ., "',f~\,":'.~.w' "l' .\:, >"\,12/16/$5,,. ,-, , 'I':{ ," "f, ,;1, ,,':-:\ .' "/' "~i
... ~.i t;~t':'J~~Jtii\~~ >I,.J-,; !t ~~ ~ I~ : ~~_-\~~I..)l~~~;.r~f:1.~l1~{!L: .-f~~ \,t ~~;2 ~:rf :~. ,i~. ;c::'~,t~'~' .~; .~~. 'I /l1,,:}i':~.tr f.:~;'';''~ ::;.~\:,/ .:~ )~~. r~ ':!:;~.~~-:lff~;
". 'p~. ~alt.)~ ~1. ~.. ,tr.. ,..~," ~ {~.tt" ~: ;.~j~~;:~J~t~:-:...;~.L:~~!:}.i~',I~,:t~;,.'/~;:\~.t~.~j!~~:;:~,;~;~?J. :~~fJ.*~L},.1# ~~f"!/J;ff'
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, ,
Kenneth Ellery, representins the applicant. stated the request
1a to conatruot . building addition and because the setbaoks "er.
reaently ohanged. a varlanoe 115 required. It the addition waN to
oontol'll to ,the, new setbaaks, it would not oontol"ll to ths lines ot
the existing struoture and. would be visually unattraatin. He t.els'
it 'will' not adverselY impaot on anyone as t~.re Is a Florida Power
rilbt-at~vay to the rear. '
The Planning Ottlaial stateeS the new Code requires 50' ot the
tront yard area be srlen spaae so all green space is not in one area,
'suob as at the rear or the p~perty where it would not be a.en.
'One letter at support was submitted tor the record.
Based upon the intoraatlon turnished by the appl1uant, niab
alearly shows that the relluir8lllents ot Seotlon 137.012. cu, Code,
,bave been met, and that tbe,strlot appliaation ot the DevelopaentCode
would result 1n an unneoessary hardship upon tbe applioant, as the
result ot unique conditions not aaused by the applicant, Mrs. Dobbs
llaved' to --" varianal 11, as requel!ted subjeat to tbe ooncSttlan
that the perait be obtained within six (6) months. The 1I0tion was
duly seconded and upon the' vote being taken, Krs. Dobbs and Mesers.
Pliska. Gana ancS Merriam voted WAye;" Hr. Dallmann voted "Nay." Hotion
oarried.' Request . ....
Because tbe applioant has tailed to d~onst~ate a necessity tor
varianae'I2 as requested, Mrs. Dobbs moved that suoh appeal be
...1... The motion was duly seoonded and aarried unan1mou31y.
fteqUe5t ...".... '
Because tbe applicant has tailed to demonstrate a neoessity tor
varianoes ,13 and I~ as requested, Kr. Pliska moved that suoh appeals
be ~'... The lIOtion was duly seconded and oarried unanimously.
ftlquest,irr ,...
1TIM '14 - Yald1D1r Baskoviab (Kentuoky Pried Chioken Corp.)
tor varianoes 1) ot 3 tt to construct building with zero
lIetbaok tl"Oll N property line, and 2) or 3 tt to Clonstruct
building witb zerO setbaok trom E property 11ne at 1960 Gult
to Bay Blvd, Seo 13-29-15, MY 24.05, zoned CO (seneral
, oaMeraia!).
Tb" Plannlna Ottioial explained the applioation and questioned
" ,w41 tb.... w.re not' additional varianoes to oover the laok at interior
, ,.., " " , ' ,lenchl,captns in the parking lot, the laok ot a butter on the E side
~"'<< ,',',,' pt",~lie parkiq lot, and a'5 tt bnrte~,tor tbe tront property 11n..
~~~:"::}":" :\", ' ',~: / . '.' T' , ..
, "~ ,~,,:,';,' '..", :"" John R.itlr, ropreeontift8 the oWer ,.Dd Kentuoky Fried Cbiaken.
;,,":,',..';.',,';: ~.',:,"~titd tbere,:,appeared to be 10118 oontutoD .. to what he wa.
~,;::;..~\~,():',(,~,::::,:'I~q~~~~~i:II and :What bad be"n acl..rUeed. He had orl11nallr tilled
;.f;"~:~~,;,~;,;("",,::,:,::':;:;,,,~,~':',~i.p,l1oatlc:mtbat i., now obaolete anr! .ppar~ntl, .OM oontuaion, '" , .-
~~':':;';;!';:i,':"'>:':'~"""~':':'~" tb~'..~n~o~t.1on, va,,:t~t~r...cl to, tbe nn ,appl1o.t1o~ '.. ,':"', ~" ':
~~l~< )1it?Xim'~&;i.~)1~~i;~~:~,'t::":. :c.,,;" )" .....' ;.,' :.,,;.;: '/:.: ;:!;:... :,.' ." . ,;~ .:." :;:> )(~,:;') ??y;,i~.
\I~../,.~'~tl~::,~:.l.JJ ~g;~'"i~'tt :~'~H~ /~~. \t:: ~~ :i. ,\,o~;~> .~ ,; ~;~'~ ';..j::,:;'~" . './~ i. ~j;;~\' \: : .~':(.~'j12/16JI" . . ' 'JJ j: ~".' .... .;~./ ,"'"..': . ;~':~:~:. ...;(.,\i~~"J.+
;. ..:t.Io..f........";.tlJ.;.t..,~',,;.lr("...~ :. .....:''''~,.~. ,J'\i.J..~"''':''',..~, .'..-...)..,','....' '. ',_ r:. ',..,.'; .....-of;., I .'~L.t."!'-r'o-i-o''J.' ;1~U\
." ,< ~i,,;. ,.". ':;, ~t'~ '~:j~~~:'~lt:~.;~tL~~~~:,',.:~~1~\i~~fy};.i;?t.;;0;,AT:~;i*iF~;/,:;,:'/~'~~~~:'i~~itf~h~rt? ~i~,~4I~~r~J~'1l,~
. ~,.( il~ ~, ,~~f.tt; ~~,\., ' >~~~~ ;;~~~~)t~l~f~~~~,~{'i.':;)::ft:..';;:tlf.'~~1 ~:~~6;:~fNA\~:~!\, ~ )[f4
'\,' ;~ ,;\~~}i '<f . .. 1~~p~.;..-:,j:{4~M~~r1.\Jj.. ~i'~l~h~,;1'.:l'?-~!f. "i'O':i.J~k!':-?' :Y"i:V:;~' ('1'1
, ~,:; f , ." 'of, ".~,'~'lV~'Olt>-/~,'.le'.., ,""ctt..>:"!.,..,SfJ'.':-'.l'",t"'.:';'r.""to'th:f.1",~ '~I. . ,:
Dll1oussion ensued between the applioantta representative, and
,the Board and it was determlned there had been a m1sunderstanding
as to what was being requested and that several neoessary varianoes
were omit tftd.
..1..., '
Mr. Plisko moved to acettaue this item to the meeting or
January 9, 1986. The motion was duly seoonded and oarJ"led
ITEM ,,5 - Lighthouse Tower~ Condo Assooiation' tor varianoes
,1) or violation ot olear spaoe to construot barbeaue pit
60 tt trom S property line and 120 rt from E property 11ne, '
2) ot violation ot olear space to oonstruot barbeoue pit
13 tt trom S property line and 112 rt from'E property line,
3) ot violation of olear space to oonstruot barbeoue pit,
8& tt trom S property line and 120 tt from E property line, ,
4), 5), and 6) violation of olear spaoe to construot 3 tiki
huts 7 ft high with 15 tt oanoPY' around golt olook 20 rt
trom center, tor a total violation of 10J tor the barbeoue
pits and 36% at 7 tt above ground for tho tiki huts, at
1290 Gulf Blvd, Lighthouse Towers Condo, Sec 19-29-15, zoned
RM-28 (multiple family residential "twenty-eight").
'\,' ., " .
The Planning Orfiolal stated waterfront property requires 20'
at the width remain as olear spaoe. The barbeoue pits and tiki huts
,would oooupy approximately'10~ of the olear spaoe.
. Ed Wright, representing the applicant, stated they hope to
,oonstruot 3 small barbeoue pits in the pionio area and to ereot tho,
tiki huts in the pool area. One barbeoue pi t and tiki hut ho:,o
alrdady been construoted as they did not know these required a
building permit. There are approximately 144 units in the building
and not enough oovered area tor the residents to get out of the sun.
They have a largo barbeoue pit but with everything oonoentrated in
one art!!a, it attraots inseots and, therefore, they de3ire to build
3 smaller barbeoue pits.
One resident at the condo spoke in support stating the tiki huts
'are,looated in the oommon area and will be positioned in such a,way
nanot-to destroy the view.
One letter or objeotion was submitted for the reoord.
, '
Because the applioant has tailed to demonstrate a neoessity ,tor
-' vaJ"1ano,ell ,11, '2,' and 13 as requested, beoause a hardship to justity
,the, requ.at!l has not been shown and because the oode purpose is to
; ," 'ennanae'quallty ot lite and prutsot the visual oharaoter of the Clty;
, riqutrlD1" oarillful' 'consideration to prevent views being bloc:ked by
" ,:':, val1~t~"'11 'condo'" and 'oonstJ"uotion, !irs., Dobbs lIOved that "uoh
., r. .,., .... ,e , . ., ,', ...
i>:~'\{;"': :'.",: ,appeals" be' ~ed.' The Illation wae duly seoonded and upon the vote .;
~~~/~;i : ',::: ~:, :",\,c;, ~1D1 ,taken', ,'Mr._~. Dobbs, ,and. HI-~ Plisko voted "Aye;" HelSars. ,aans and
;'i,~: .t~;-:';;(~{;:" :'i,.X;':;::'~Dal~ :"yoted ' .M~y.~ 'Motton~. . , .'(
*~':~~~~fj~~~~~1;~:,;i.,;;J~i\:';';:;;~":L{, ;:,',:.:"," ..,:?.',' "~.. .<;'~":'.:." '\'" .:.,.'". /:'::;,,;::!~;;:.',:. ,.,;~" i':":;,~,.J.;X~;
, ,;.i'(j,t~",<<i':'l'?~~(f!j~ ,t~>\<':':",I,:';;~,I:li\.I;{ ,~,1'. I"" (revi.ed) .'-"":':~/" '"" .:, 12116185 :..,..:, :~;' .,":" ",'.'...." 'ii- ,:' ;':i,,!\.~!!.....,~,,,
1/" ~j"'J\"'.:J't"= .i:1s:.1r1' '''-I;''''''~L''''~'': J...7;.J.... "...., U/,~ '.~~:.',. ~I.....j:. l"" ~'f, .::" -;..r> . ( . , "~ ~:, .;.},.~,~,f u~.IL-:.,...J:~:i-..A<" ',';I:....;..I.~, r:.,.,", "!n;i.-t T'....it.-t'
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:s..' ..'Jt~~ ^.~ ;;r~~~~~\:!i:~,~~:'fllL ;t'~'~'~\t. ),l,;.:;:,::-'~~:.~:~1:}";f;/':' ~~lll...f.:5~:;~:~)(~~g(l.L~'{.~' 1 ~ ~;
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. ~, \
, ,
! ~
9, 1986.
, ,
OUla 110ve to' -.u- tbili.. it.., to 'tbe lIeeting or JanUary
Tbellotlcn was duly ..aondect,.and oarrle<l unanlllously.
, '
. !, ~,~~ \ .
; i : MiMlJTIS , ,
" ,
. "
, "
., " ~,
, ,:,,'HN. DobbslIOYed 'to approve ,the minutes. or Nov_ber ,26, 1985
" and Deoeeblr 4, 1985,1n acoordanoe vlth ooples subllitted to eaoh Board
'lI.hil' 1n wr~tlns. Motion va. duly aeoonded an<l aarrild 'unanlaously., , ,"
,.'.., '!' ;
.: "
, .
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.- .:: The. oBul1.dlD8 ottial.1 stated the Board could ailt.lalpate '.,
additional 'sian variances on U.S. 19 in tbe countryside area due to
,~,': '....:~t~,~ "~oJistruotlon or an overpass, vhlah vlll requ1re lION r18h~~or..way.
:,0.;;,,,, ,
, ,~ '.
,The !lilt~11I adjourned at 6: 15 p.lI.
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