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Development Review Committee
Interdepartmental Mem~randum
Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant
Vision Cable
Terry Finch, Environmental Coordinator
Pat Phillips, Parks & Recreation Department
Development Review Committee -- August 11, 1988
August 9, 1988
A meeting of the Development Review Committee will be held in the Operations
Conference Room on Thursday. August 11, 1988. at 9:00 a.m. to discuss the following:
Minutes of the ORC meeting of June 23, 1988
Minutes of the 'DRC meeting of July 14. 1988
Minutes of the ORC meeting of July 28, 1988
" 2.
,1. CURLEW HEIGHTS. located south of Curlew Road. west of
Countryside Boulevard and particularly 300 feet east of
66th Street Nand 400 feet south of 297th Avenue
'(Previous DRC Review: July 14, 1988 - Continued)
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Addition). located on the south
side of Drew Street approximately 110 feet west of
Maywood Avenue
3. SEVILLE OAKS. located at the southeast corner of U.S. 19
and Seville Blvd. (a private road). south of Clearwater
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Recording is assigned to:
Parks & Recreation
OFFIC.I rJ (....
o Isrlu~ e.I T1O,v
9/1 ^-1/59
William Baker, Public Works Director
, Vit Chodora, Interim Building Director
Keith Crawford. Traffic Engineering Director
Cecil Henderson, Utilities Director
Nick Lewis, Fire Marshal
Joseph McFate, Planning & Urban Development
Ream Wilson. Parks and Recreation Director
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Augus t 11 t 1988
Members Present
Nick Lewis, Fire Marshal (Vice-Chairman)
Mandakina Pancholy, representing Building Department
Mike Gust, representing Traffic Engineering
Bob Maran, representing Public Works Department
Art Kader, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Sandy Glatthorn, representing Planning Department
Bob Perkins, representing Utilities Department
at hers Pr esent
Chris Andros - Curlew Heights
Robert G. Brown - First Christian Church
Thomas L. Robbins - Seville Oaks
Hi S. Cline - Seville Oaks
Pat Phillips - Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Nick,Lewist Vice Chairman, at
9:03 a.m. in the Operations Conference Room.
ITEM Hl CURLEW HEIGHTSt located south of Curlew Road, west
of Countryside Boulevard.
Public Works - Bob Maran provided written comments as
Prior to certification of the preliminary subdivision 'platt
the following items are to be addressed on the plan:
drainage, utility and environmental easement is to
entire wetlands area located on the rear of lots 5,
1. A
cover the
and 7.
2. The sanitary sewer should be placed along the north side
of the east west roadway and not be in the Florida Power R.O.W.
any more than it has to be.
3. The sanitary sewer is to be private and labeled as such
on the plan.
;,4. The bottom of the dry detention pond is to be 1 ft.
high~~,~han the N.W.L. of the existing pond.
Regarding 02, Mr. Maran said ~hat the developer would need
to obtain a letter from Florida Power giving permission to put'
the sanitary line in their R.O.W. prior to certification.
Building Department
No comment.
DRC 8/11/88
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Traffic Engineering - No comment.
Utilities Department
comments as follows.
Bob Perkins provided written
Water service will be provided by Pinelias County, not the
City of Clearwater as noted on the plans. Please contact
Pinellas County for approval of the water distribution system.
Mr. Perkins said that an ingress/egress easement for public
vehicles must be provided on the preliminary plat prior to
Planning - Sandy Glatthorn had a comment for the record.
The' buildable area provided on several of the lots may not
adequately provide for the large homes with swimming pools. If
variances are requested at a later date to accommodate such
residences, the requests cannot be considered favorably by the
Department of Planning & Urban Development since an alternative
is avaiable to plat fewer lots. Planning felt this would be a
,self-imposed hardship. Other comments are as follows.
1. Signs and fencing shall be subject to separate review and
2. Sidewalks shall be provided along roads as required by
code, unless a waiver is granted, and must be indicated on the
~ preliminary plat prior to certification.
Parks and Recreation - Art Kader said that Recreation
Facility impact fees of $200.00 for each of the 7 dwelling units
would be payable at time of building permit application.
Fire Department - No comment.
With respect to Sandy Glatthorn;s comment relative to use of
the site for coverage and swimming pool purposes, Mr. Andros,
representative, wished to interpose an objection to the concept
that this is a self-imposed hardship. If the Committee would
look at the subdivision requirement regarding frontages, there
was no way they could develop a cul-de-sac into the property
using the 30 ft. setbacks that are required across the sites.
There was some discussion regarding setbacks.
Sandy Glatthorn moved to approve the variance to the
subdivision regulations which require every platted lot to have
direct access to a public street consistent with street
requirements, based on the determination by D.R.C. that a
hardship will result from the strict application of these
platting regulations, subject to the road being minimum 24 ft. in
width and the cul-de-sac being built to City standards.
Motion carried unanimously.
DRC 8/11/88
Sandy Glatthorn moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision
Plat for Curlew Heights based upon a finding of the Committee
that the plat conforms with the design guidelines for subdivision
platting requirementst subject to the following:
1. Signs and fencing shall be subject to separate review and
2. Sidewalks shall be provided along roads as required by
code unless a waiver is granted, and must be indicated on
preliminary plat prior to certification.
3. A drainage, utility. and environmental easement must
cover the entire wetlands area located on the rear of Lots 5, 6,
and 7.
4. The sanitary sewer should be placed along the north side
of the east/west roadway and not be in the Florida Power R.O.W.
any more than necessary, based on grades. A letter from Florida
Power corporation giving approval to place sanitary sewer in the
right-of-way must be submitted to Public Works prior to
certification of the preliminary plat.
5. The sanitary sewer must be private and labeled as such on
the plat.
6. A note shall be provided on the preliminary plat prior to
certification that water service is being provided by Pinellas
7. An ingress/egress easement for public vehicles must be
provided on the preliminary plat prior to certification.
8. Recreation facility fees are payable to the Building
Department at time of building permits.
9. The final plat shall be recorded within six months of
date of certification of the preliminary plat.
Mo tion seconded by Bo b Ma ran.
Motion carried.
ITEM 12 - FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Addition). located on the
sbuth side of Drew Street approximately 110 feet west of Maywood
Public Works
No comment.
BuildinB Department - Mandakina Pancholy provided written
comments as follows.
DRC 8/11/88
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1. Parking Lot Lighting Plan is requested at time of permit
2. Separate permits are required for each building. parking
lot. fences (including dumpster location). and signs.
3. Architect or Developer may contact Julie Jeffers, Permits
Specialist, about permit procedures. Manda Pancholy, Code
Analyst. can answer questions about permitting and codes.
Traffic Engineering - Mike Gust asked about the space in the
assembly area. One parking space is required for every 30 sq.
ft. of assembly area. In order to determine if the number of
spaces would be adequate they would need to know what the total
assembly area is. Mr. Brown, the representative, said he did not
know the number of square feet in the assembly area. Sandy
Glatthorn advised that Planning had addressed this subject in
their comm~nts. (See #3 of Planning Department's COmments below.)
Utilities - Bob Perkins provided written comments as
1. The existing water meter size may have to be increased to
adequ~tely serve this site. Please contact the Utilities
Engineer at 462-6790 to coordinate meter sizing.
2. The proposed dumpster location is acceptable.
3. The dumpster must be in a visually screened enclosure
prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Provide
gates with a minimum 12 ft clear opening to the front for access
by Sanitation trucks.
4. An ingress and egress and a 10 ft. utility easement over
the water main up to und including meters and hydrants must be
provided prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Planning - Sandy Glatthorn gave Planning comments.
1. Signs and fencing/walls are subject to separate review
and permitting prior to certification of the final site plan.
2. A petition to annex the westerly portion of the site
shall be submitted with a letter or other document of commitment
providing for the anexation and the site plan effectiveness.
3. It shall be identified on the site plan the number of
seats and/or amount of assembly area provided in the Family Life
Center. If the addition results in a requirement for parking not
available' on the site. either a variance must be obtained or a
note on the plan be provided that there shall be no concurrent
use of the Famiiy Life Center, assembly area, and ~anctuary prior
to certification of the final site plan.
Parks and Recreation - Art Kader gave written comments as
This non-residential project consists of a new building
being constructed on an already developed site. An open space
assessment fee will be required if the square footage of the new
building is 50% or more of the existing square footage on site.
DRC 8/1 i /88
. ".
This calculation will be close and square footage figures of
e~isting and proposed structures should be shown on the site
The developer or his representative should complete the top
portion of the attached work sheet and return same to the Parks
and Recreation Department. A copy of the just value (land only)
from the Pinellas County Property Appraiser's Office should also
be submitted with the work sheet.
In the event an open space Bssessment is requiredt the fee
will be payable prior to City certification of the final site
plan. Questions should be directed to Ream Wilson or Art Kader
at 462-6531.
Fire Department - Mr. Lewis said that a fire hydrant was not
shown on the plan. Mr. Brown said he believed it was out on Drew
St. but he would have to verify this. Mr. Lewis said he would
have no way of knowing if the hydrant that exists would be within
the guidelines for this new addition. The guidelines being that
the hydrant should be no farther than 300 ft. from any building
on the site. It could not be on the other side of the street.
It was preferable that the hydrant be put in an entrance way.
Sandy Glatthorn moved to approve the Final Site Plan of the
First Christian Church addition based upon a finding of the
Committee that the plan conforms with the design guidelines for
site plan reviewt subject to the following:
1. Signs and fencing/walls are subject to separate review
and permitting.
2. Prior to certification of the Final Site Plant a petition
to annex the westerly portion of the site shall be submitted with
a letter or other document of commitment providing for the
anne~atlon and the site plan effectiveness.
3. It shall be identified on the site plan the number of
seats and/or amount of assembly area provided in the Family Life
Center. If the addition results in a requirement for parking not
available on the site, either a variance must be obtained ar a
note on the plan be provided that there shall be no concurrent
use of the Family Life Center, assembly areat and sanctuary prior
to certification of the final site plan.
4. Screening for the dumpster with minimum 12 ft. clear
opening for access shall be provided on the Final Site Plan prior
to certification.
5. If deemed necessary by Parks and Recreationt Recreation
Open Space fees shall be paid prior to certification of the Final
Site Plan.
DRC 8/l1/88
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6~ The required hydrant for this site must be provided as
required by the Fire Marshal and shown as such on the Final Site
Plan prior to certification.
7. An ingress and egress easement and a 10 ft. utility
easement over existing water mains, up to and including meters
and hydrants, must be provided prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
8. Requisite initial permits must be procured within six
months from the date of certifi~ation of the Final Site Plan, and
all certificates of occupancy must be obtained within three years
from date of certification of the final plan
Motion seconded by Bob Maran.
Mike Gust requested clarification to the wording of #3 of
the Motion regarding the assembly area. After discussion, #3 of
the Motion was amended to read as follows:
3. It shall be identified on the site plan the number of
seats and/or amount of assembly area provided in the Family Life
Center and other assembly areas and sanctuary. If the addition
results in a requirement for parking not'available on the site,
either a variance must be obtained or a note on the plan be
provided that there shall be no concurrent use of the Family Life
Center, assembly area, and sanctuary prior to certification of
the Final glte Plan.
Motion as amended carried.
ITEM #3 - SEVILLE OAKS - Located at the southeast corner of
u.S. 19 and Seville Blvd. (a private road), south of Clearwater.
Public Works - Bob Maran provided written comments as
1. Prior to certification, the site plan is to show a 40 ft.
drainage and utility easement adjacent to U.S. Highway 19 for
Parcel B. The plan is to show the OR# for the existing 20 ft.
drainage easement along Parcel A.
2. The 61" x 84" CMP is to be lined with gunite to bring -it
up to City of Clearwater minimum storm drainage standards.
Building Department
No comments.
Traffic Engineering Mike Gust said that the driveway
closest to Seville Boulevard should be eliminated and he needed a
clarification on the sidewalk area that goes back further and
what the structure there is. Sidewalk needed to be out on the
regular alignment unless Public Service could verify a need for
the proposed situation. Mr. Gust discussed the plan with
DRC 8/11/88
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Utilities - Bob Perkins provided written comments as
1. An ingress and egress easement and a 10 ft. utiility
easement over existing water and gas mains up to and including
meters and hydrants prior to the issuance of a bUilding permit.
2. The dumpster in Parcel liB" must be relocated from the
parking space to an area which will allow easy access for
Sanitation vehicles. Please contact the Utilities Engineer at
462-6790 for dumpster location approval. An approved location
must be shown on the plans prior to certification.
3. The dumpsters must be in a visually screened enclosure
prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Provide
gates with a minimum 12 ft. clear opening to the front' for access
by Sanitation trucks.
3. Natural gas is available to this site.
this plan has
Sandy Glatthorn commented for the record that
to go back to the City Commission for final
1. Signs and fencing/walls are subject to separate review
and permitting.
2. A unity of title shall be recorded if this is to be one
single development. If it is not, it must denote where the
office is located on the northern parcel for that separate
operation, or provide a better explanation on this separate
3. Front yard open space calculations must be shown on the
site plan.
4. Each parcel should be limited to one access point per
right-of-way and any pavement removed must be replaced with sod
or landscaping.
5. The dates of conditional use approval by the Planing and
Zoning Board for the outdoor retail sales displays and/or storage
of vehicles with conditions of approval must be noted on the
flnal site plan prior to certification.
Parks and Recreation - Art Kader said that since there is no
real expansion of this site at this time, no Open Space Fee would
be required. If, however, at a later date the square footage of
any new construction exceeds 50% of the existing buildings on
site, an Open Space assessment would be required
Fire Department - No comment.
Sandy Glatthorn moved to recommend approval of the Final
Site Plan for Seville Oaks based upon a finding of the Committee
that the plan conforms with the design gu~delines for-site plan
,review, subject to the following:
1. Signs and fencing/walls are subject to separate review
and permit tlng'~
DRC 8/11/88
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the Ho tion
Gust requested "clarification
one access for
was 'amended to
to 114 of
r igh t-o f-way .Af ter
read as, follows:
the Ho tion
4. Ea ch
Highway 19,
parcel shall be lImited to one access point to U.S.
and any pavement, removed must be replaced with sod"or
(Maximum two driveways to U.S. 19 for entire site)
The Motion as amended was voted on and Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
s. Haeseker, Chairman
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