07/28/1988 , " ~ i ~, , I . h)~~!-"1''\.'''~~~"" ~,~ '~l":::"''':'''::''''''''~_J,....~.:....t:l.t. .'~ '~'.:.'.. ~\:~~'..i. ..I<_.~ "..:.......;..;.:..."...'~:...,;.. :,'..:. ". r !> ~.It~,.;.........,. ~~M'~~~ii.:..:.:~':~ '"I," Ii-. . '. . ..., ,. ',~' \~..:~ .~..:,' > : c ~' , " . ," f . . ;, CITY OF CLEARWATER Interdepartmental Memorandum ~ ~ : fRO": COPIES: Development Review Committee Elizabeth S. Haeseker. Assistant City Manager ~ ~ i'- ~ < _. "h. ..:.'~~;,' ;~. ~~. II,; ,,::,::: :;,~::;:~~f>~~.~~!-;:L':,~,~ ~ ~\,. . ..J....'Jt1f..8~I)lt..O!,.\.''o-l~~..;. ~;: {\~.0~tf}:,'~;:~~~~~1tr( t":).[ ..'....,t.l~ .,f....-~\.<:...;,t.:rt ",;.l':-~":;:'~ .' ,..".1.-" ".,'",'~.c';;,:<;~'~' ~"- >._.,~....,p.~A. t'1....1....c.t~1t;1:;:;(v;t..L-(< !\'""f\"''''~:":''''''''''''^''i'' ". ' t I' ~~~ r~ l-!tt\L~>;21"1\\~~ r.~J~1~};:r;~~" jlt. ~~ ~ t:;:-l\~.,..:1t! ,. i:il~ '.'" ~ i:~\' @ TO: SUBJECT: DATE: Vision Cable Terry Finch, Environmental Coordinator John Richter, Code Administrator Susan Phillips, Recording Secretary Development Review Committee -- July 28, 1988 July 22, 1988 A meeting of the Development Review Committee will be held in the Operations Conference Room on Thursday, July 28, 1988, at 9:00 a.m. to discuss the following: 1. CHI CHI RODRIGUEZ YOUTH FOUNDATION GOLF & EDUCATION COMPLEX, located between McMullen-Booth Road and Landmark Drive, north of Countryside High School " FINAL S IfE PLAN APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 2. BROOKLAWN REPLAT. located between Evergreen Avenue. Lantana Avenue and Poinsettia Avenue, south of Arbelia Street and Idlewild Drive ~ ~ AMENDED PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT CONTINUED (fOR CITY ATTORNEY INPUT) 3. PRESTIGE PROFESSIONAL PARK. located on the south side of McCormick Drive, approximately 1000 feet east of U.S. 19 FINAL SITe PLAN APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 4. CLEARWATER CHRISTIAN COLLEGE (PHASE I EXPANSION). located on the north side of Courtney Campbell Causeway approximately 2000 feet east of Bayshore Boulevard <Previous ORC Review: May 12, 1988) (This item added to the agenda July 26. 1988) FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 5. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE DISCUSSION ITEM CONTINUED BY UTILITIES <Continued from DRC June 9, 1988) (See attached pages 5 and 6 from ORC minutes of 6/9/99) .--. -------~ Recording is assigned to: Administration tlFPfe-II9 (.... , r D){J.T~/dc.l7/orV' I -.>/(( / n DISTRIBUTION: William Baker, PUblic Works Director Vic Chodora. Interim Building Director Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Cecil Henderson. Utilities Director Nick Lewis, Fire Marshal Joseph McFate. Planning & Urban Development Director Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director , " ._'. ,', '" " . f: '" ' " . ," '~l~:;i:;b~(/. .... .... . ':. ~~\1~....~~W"."'''I......''/j;~talo:....L.f~T...,,,,::. .~"..~ ~.......~."..~', .. I ~'. ' GID' .':F~ ~~+.':' Traffic - Don Meerians asked if the number of calculated parking spaces included the grass parking. There was a discussion of the Code requirements and whether this requirement could be on grass or not. It was determined that it was the Traffic Engineer's decision as to whether or not there were enough paved spaces. The plan proposes the grass parking to be overflow parking whereas areas in front of the Club house and educational facilities would be paved and would be used routinely. Handicap spaces need to be shown on the plan. A note should be included on the plan that all aisles will be 24 feet in width. Sidewalk should be shown on the plan. Traffic Engineering is opposed to any type of entrance design with the island in the middle and does not want two lanes exiting. Utilities - Bob Perkins provided the following written comments. 1. The water distribution system cannot be approved as shown. The 8-inch water main must be looped to an existing City water main. (Please contact the Utilities engineer at 462-6790 concerning requirements for the water distribution system. ) 2. A Pinellas County Health Department permit is required prior to the installation of the water distribution system. (Please see attached forms.) 3. The proposed dumpster locations are approved as shown an the plans. ~ 4. The dumpsters must be in a visually screened enclosure prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Provide a minimum 12-foot clear opening to the front for access by sanitation trucks. 5. Natural gas is available to this site. Public Works - Terry Jennings provided the following written environmental commentS--:-- '. 1. SWFWMD and DER permits will be required prior to certification. Wetland areas and wetland mitigation areas are to be rezoned ALII (Aquatic Lands Interior). Other areas not designated for Phase I clearing (sheets 3 & 4 of 20, June 28, Agency Submittal, Date: May 19, 1988) will be dedicated to the City by ,resolution under a "Natural Preservation Easement." Center lines of the fairways need to be tied down with reference to a known point and reduced (8; x 14) copies of the plan prepared to serve as the "legal description" appendix to the dedication. Management practices such as tree trimming or understory thinning must be approved by the Environmental Management Division of PUblic Works. 2. Methods for installation of storm water facilities through wetland and preservation areas must be approved prior to construction, ie., prior to issuance of a clearing and grubbing permit. 3. No site work of any description will be permitted prior to receipt of all State permits. 2. DRC'7/28/88 -, , :- '. ..~. ',: ': . ~> f c. '" . . :,:;'~;i)~i,~,:t' "'j :.:/::: .~I<.~>,~. . '. t :,r\ " " ., . ~ \, L' , , ~ '~, ,. . . '-'. .. " < ........-, >... j........>~-~~.....-l"~_..ooi~~~'!lilr ' '~~~:,~~~.:n~..r~...f'.'!'r:~~,.,)1;l7;~~~~!l'~~l:ll'l~'f~.q~~..!'f;..(. -:'^" r,T:.7~ ': .';""'-, . ',.... -.- .f\'}~-~;'~" ":.~!..,,, ':~.9.":;, :.~{..:: ~':,;::f'.'~(." .'-. ',;''!~,. ;;;' 1 r ":' ':..,. ,':;" :'l" ;'.':'., ",;";",! .': ;,'-.. ,-:>:.':~ <: :\: \J, ':"''';~>''( ." 3" .,-', . .,' '.!. ,-,,' . .-" . . , \).; , . ;... ; . ~ , ,. 't.:s.t:t:f~"r;~t.~'J4:;w:.~'~',.:J-':.r'~~~,:;.*~L,,~. t......:.. +,,:~ .:........ ~', . Terry Jennings provided the following written engineering comments. 1. Positive drainage outfall from retention area in Eagle' Estates must be ~ included in all permit applications. 2. Proposed posts in Landmark Drive adjacent to cart path cannot be placed in right-of-way. (The developer asked if curbing would be allow€d. Methods will be discussed to fine tune this to control loss of carts,) 3. Holding or storage area for effluent reuse in irrigation system must be isolated from the ground water to insure maximum usage of effluent for all irrigation purposes. Note. Clearwater will presently be constructing Advanced Waste Treatment modifications which will deliver a very refined effluent low in nutrient value and no residual chlorine content. Irrigation system must be designed to prohibit any overs pray to adjacent residential areas. Terry Jennings stated that he did not see on the plan how the effluent was intended to be used. This was discussed with the developer. Parks and Recreation - No comment. Fire - Nick Lewis concurred with Utilities as to the water distribution syste~. Mr. Bywalec had some questions about the rezoning. Since this is City-owned landt would the City be the applicant in rezoning the property? Paula Harvey explained the mechanics involved -- Chi Chi to provide the City with descriptions of the areas to be rezoned aquatic lands and the processing and cost of processing to be paid by the City. ~ Mr. Bywalec asked what line is to be used to establish the zoning. Paula Harvey stated it was the DER. Mr. Bywalec stated that they were presently pursuing a dredge and fill permit which would modify slightly the existing lines as measured in the field. He was informed these are required by the City as finally approved by DER. Mr. Bywalec discussed time constraints and scheduling problems and asked the City to consider amending the stipulation that 'final site plan could be certified but construction could not start in the field until the dredge and fill permit is received. Paula Harvey stated that the main alignment of the water main system on the site has to be shown on the site plan for it to be certified. MOTI ON " Paula Harvey moved to approve the final site plan for Chi Chi ROdriguez Youth Foundation Golf & Education Complex based upon a finding of this,Committee that the plan conforms with the design guidelines for site plan review subject to the following:, 1. Signs and fencing shall be subject to separate review and permitting. 2. An application to rezone the wetland jurisdictional areas to aquatic landsl interior shall be submitted prior to issuance of any construction permits. The boundaries of the ALII zoned land shall conform to final configuration of wetland as modified by dredge and fill permit from DER. 3. The only' personnel allowed to reside on site in the lodge shall be security personnel. ., 3. ORC 7/28/88 . !.,"., ,i '. .' f ~ . ': .:. :~, . ,T, f . ~. ' I ....' ';'-. :~'~.",~'t.:\i..J:J~,{:;;"'::'J..' '. ,..... " , ' , ,~ .. ~ '.. l- \. + \, \' . ... . . ."'~i, i:, (,;;,', '\,\,i"":;'::"':":"'l.,.~,i,; "4~ ~ '. '.J t; ;', ~ ,,':: :e~'J::\j.;'~';::;\ \';.;:::;,:.~~.~:.;.~'~' I " ~~'~':';';,i''':':j. .s~"'""", ".~,..,"'r' ...l.l:.\.I;"""'f~..~. ,'cO . , c'" 2 . , BROOKLAWN REPLAT. lo~ated between Evergreen Avenue. Lantana Avenue and Poinsettia Avenue, south of Arbelia Street and Idlewild Drive @';'" ~'"' 't: . " , AMENDED PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT CONTINUED (FOR REVIEW WITH CITY'S LEGAL DEPARTMENT) Planning - Paula Harvey had the following comments. 1. The south property line for proposed Lot 30 needs to be more clearly drawn on the preliminary plat. 2. Need to identify width on Lots 30.52,53.54, and 55. 3. Drainage easement at Shore Drive area -- needs to be identified as either a separate lot or tract. (This is the City's portion of the lake and will be identified as Lot 68.) 4. The legal description on the plat needs to be amended -- two lots that need to be deleted. 5. Lot 18. Block 0, needs to have a petition for annexation submitted on this property. It is not in the City of Clearwat~r. 6. Any signs or fencing or walls will be sUbject to separate review and permitt i ng. ~ ~ 7. Need to be in receipt of applications to rezone all the wetland areas to aquatic lands/interior and the Commission has requested the RM/12 zoning be changed to RS/8 and an amendment to the land use plan be filed to change1this to low density residential. These applications must be submitted prior to certification of the preliminary plat. 8. The plat itself would be subject to the approval of any requested dedicated rights-of-way. 9. As a result of citizen phone calls, the Commission noted that within this project area there are streets known as Idlewild Drive, Poinsettia Avenue and lantana Avenue.,' These streets need to be renamed because they now exist on Clearwater Beach. However, these streets do not extend just within the project area. There was a discussion of the various procedures to change street names. The developer stated that there was no objection with the Changing of street names. It was suggested that Bill Shepard be involved with this requirement. BUilding - No comment. Traffic - Terry Jennings addressed Don Meer;ans1 question concerning the vacation of Idlewild Drive (where one-half of the right-of-way reverts to the adjacent property owner (Lot 10) causing a lot to be part in the County and part in the City), When the plat is vacated, the land is surrendered to the property it came from. If it came from both sides. then it goes half and half. As the City would replat the new lot and annex it, then it would come into the City. After discussion, i~ was determined this was not a problem. @ 5. ORe 7/28/88 I,: " ., , ' . :"-4 ',' .r. Lo 1 , <, ' " ' , " , . i ,~I. c ; ,c.'". . ,~. ~~~';.t..li-A.~.~.....,..~..........~....._1I..,.~'. >:"'.lJ: I , .~.~ .. " ..;~,..~.... '.' r ~ i,' ''" ....;. '~.+': .\~ '<~...-"-I~""'-\' '. " .' . "'.'1." .'t. '..~, ~",..,J~'...I.~ , ' '.. ! \ ;: :1.; . I , c f' . r .\ Utilities ~ The following written comments were provided: 1. The proposed water distribution system cannot be approved as shown. The' <f) p(roposed water main mustibe looped1 to an e4xisting 6-inch Ciity wateri main. f \jJ Please contact the Util ties Eng neer at 62-6790 concern ng requ rements or the water distribution system.> 2. A Pinellas County Health Department permit is required prior to the installation of the water distribution system. (Please see attached forms.> 3. Natural gas is available to this subdivision. Concerning the lO-foot utility easement between Lots 51 and 52, Bob Perkins requested this be adjusted to have the water main line up and go straight through. After discussion, it was suggested the easement be changed to go between Lots 50 and 51 and 48 and 49 to attempt to get a better alignment. Mr. Francis had no problem with moving the water line over. Bob Perkins advised that the City intends to instal' a 6-inch water main on Poinsettia Avenue and it may be that this will be installed prior to the development of the subdivision. However, if not done before this subdivision is built, the developer must loop the 6 inch in and it should be shown on the plan. Public Works - Terry Jennings provided written comments as follow: 1. No provision is made for the disposal of existing lake property. Disposal to Parks Department is unacceptable. ~ 2. Substandard and unimproved right-of-way in sensitive wetland area remains on \;/fi:I the east side of lake. 3. Plan does not include access to Lots 6 through 11 on the Mall from Lantana Avenue as previously agreed. 4. No reply received from Pinellas County regarding suitability of proposed storm system improvement as previously requested. 5. SWFWMO and DER applications have not been made. Terry Jennings expanded on the written comments. The parceling up as shown on the present site plan of the lake is not satisfactory. It shows Clearwater taking possession of a satellite piece of the lake which the City has been reluctant to do. The only reason the City was receptive to receiving part of the lake was because the City was requiring a vacation of rights-of-way adjacent to it and parkland. The current plan shows the retention of a substandard right-of- way that is in large part filled with DER jurisdictional wetland. What was discussed with the developer and his' representatives prior to this meeting was that an access would be maintained from Lantana Avenue to the west to that body of lots along the Mall and that a vacation process for that portion of the right- of-way of the Mall adjacent to the Rogero hOlding and for the time being this portion of the Mall and this portion of Shore Drive would remain as right-af-way until such time as ownership of these could be resolved. ,. 6. ORe 7/28/88 '" .' .,' .: . , ' t ~. - ~, '_--0..' ~ ' " ~.. ' ,..' ,'~' '/I - t>."~'" t~",{tiS"~ '~~"<r"?!-:,If. A1-~~~l:~ <,' !' ~~}~ " /' '" ~,:,:".." , ~'''-,t'~l'o/\ ': .~:.: . ..~~~ 'c" '"-:1'i-H~>' :~\'i,',~~', ',)~ '~L .,~.~l;,~. ::'.\'". ~p.. .~'~. ;I,.J:, )::~.. '~.~e~. "','"'./~' " ;,;:....... ..' ~.. ~ -j , '.' ~, , ' , I " ,.. . '.< L ~ ; \, . . ~ '::; ~ . " ~ ~ ; I , , :~ ":,':\) ~:()' ' ,,' ': ; ~ <~:-'~:':'.:- ~~~..III........._....-.................,"":. .~I'" t..;.i~,.t'::;....,_:...+..-:',/. 1<.1;~',,~Iy;'I...~;',:,,:':';...< U" ~ ~ ..,.... , , . ~....:l.~ ~..J~:/ ..~~'~'~'..\:~~'i:~~\'~~;~:~:::~~. .jl~, t.~{; 3. PRESTIGE PROFESSIONAL PARK, located on the south side of McCormick Drive. approximately 1000 feet east of U.S. 19 FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Planning - Fencing and signs are subject to separate review and permitting. Building - No comment. Traffic - Five (5) handicap spaces are required and they should be on the same side as the building. Sidewalks should be shown on the plan. The entrance way as shown is not acceptable. Utilities - Bob Perkins provided the following written comments. 1. The proposed water system is acceptable as shown on the site plan. 2. An ingress and egress easement and a lO-foot utility easement over water mains up to and including meters and hydrants must be provided prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. A Pine1las County Health Department permit is required prior to the installation of the water distribution system. '~ 4. The dumpsters must be in a visually screened enclosure prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Provide gates with a minimum l2-foot clear opening to the front for access by sanitation trucks. Public Works - Terry Jennings provided the following written comments. The fOllowing items are to be provided to the City of Clearwater Public Works Department prior to certification: 1. Verification from Pinel1as County Public Works Department that the existing ditch along the west property line can carry the 25-year design storm and that a 40-foot drainage and utility easement is adequate from a storm water flow and with consideration for maintenance along one side. The plan as proposed depicts a 1S-foot drainage and utility easement along west portion of Kendo site and 2S feet on the adjacent property to the west. Unless the County directs us otherwise. a 30-foot additional easement is needed. 2. Consent must be obtained from the property owner to the north to provide partial storm water detention for this site. 3. Copies of DER and SWFWMD permits will be required prior to certification. Dredge and fill permit may be required for retention pond discharge structure. I ' Parks and Recreation - Park dedication was satisfied when the property was annexed:'""" Fire - No comment. . 8. DRC 7/28/88 ...... r ' .'\~ .;:;;.;;:,\';~;~;;~;:;J,; ': *J~l:" JT ~":~I~:~~'T "i'.J'I<-'~'J"'''i.-I ~:~~~ ~1"~~}tl,;:"...:(~~,>\1 i'~J}, ~~ 1"'~:~~! If~'\ 1}-1 :,.... \l-;.:;,'. 'l.h~l;... ~f;\~ .l:-; ~".L;'~'~~1 'I:'V.~j,'t'........;.Y..~ ....{l'~:;. I h ~,. ....." ').:~ t, 1\:-. 'J., t'l 7(~!:""'1."" tl' :tJ,ln:t:tm,jlN:';:W;..~(or~,{; ~' ..' "r-: , _ f)5{' ~~~ !J' " \' , " : ,i . ., '1 , . " I; , . - ,.'. J ~ c j . ,.,'., :.' ": ;.':."'::: : "," . ., · "::':\/,',!I:';. :.:; , , . , " , . , >,' ..~ . ,', '., , . " . " , 'Iol:~._.&.n..':'. ~::.......,~. ~'.,". . . . .~.. . . ....... :,:.~! ; ~..' :.. ". MOTION Paula ~arvey moved to approve the final site plan for Prestige Professional Park ~ based upon a finding of this Committee that the plan conforms with the design ~ guidelines for site plan review sUbject to the following: 1. Signs and fencing shall be subject to separate review and permitting process. 2. The site plan will show five (5) handicap parking spaces as required by the Traffic Engineer. 3. Sidewalks need to be shown on the site plan for certification. 4. The entrance way must be redesigned as required by Traffic Engineering. 5. A 10~foot ingress/egress easement must be provided over the water mains up to and including meters and hydrants. This easement shall be given prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. Dumpster must be visually screened with a 12-foot wide clear opening. ,a, ~ 1. Verification must be provided from Pinellas County that the existing ditch along the west property line can carry a 25-year design storm and that the 40- foot drainage and utility easement is adequate. Unless otherwise directed. the 30-foot easement will be required by the City within the Phase I project of the area along the west property line. 8. Verification must be provided that existing easements are adequate for storm water detention on property north of the project site. 9. DER and SWFWMD permits must be' obtained prior to the certification of the final site plan. 10. The requisite initial building permit be issued within six months from date of certification of the final site plan and all certificates of occupancy be issued within three years from the date of certification of the ,final site plan. Terry Jennings seconded the motion. Discussion: Don Meerians stated that he forgot to mention the requirement for loading zones in accordance with the Land Development Code. (Don Meerians had not seen the most recent plan which he was shown.) There was a short discussion on the loading zone requirements for offices. Bob Perkins questioned whether there was a problem having the dumpster in the 30- foot easement. Terry Jennings stated this presented no problem. The motion passed unanimously. . ...:...... .\ 9. ORe 7/28/88 .... " , ,'1- . . . :';' " . .', ~ ..: .." ,I . .' j;..>'..:~):'.' ;'..;.,{.:'...,':,':.:. -l " . " ~ :.~: .f,.... ' :. : ~~4.-1 ~.~:~~~....:::~~~ ~~::;:~~-~\[!':i::;:: , , :..-......ow."M.....~ I _.................~lJ.........~4~,I~~':. It.~ ~;..,..~,_ ..~'::JJ-:'.-; .~: ..'", ,- .t ~ ..... >', . .' ~', . I . ~ , , . ,.. ;' ,.. " ". ~' MOTI ON @)~~;'\. ~)I"'l'. '. ~ Harvey moved to approve the final site plan for Clearwater Christian College (Phase I Expansion) based upon a finding of this Committee that the plan conforms with the design guidelines for site plan review subject to the fo 11 owi ng: 1. The developer submit information pertaining to parking calculations for the expansion area in conformance with the required formula for colleges and universities in the Code. 2. The right-of-way and easement for Damascus Road be provided on the 'site plan or on a supplemental sheet for the purposes of certification. 3. Signs and fencing are subject to separate review and permitting. 4. All traffic aisles be a minimum of 24 feet in width as required by Traffic Engineering. 5. The entrance way to the new project area be redesigned as required by Traffic Engineering. 6. A 10-foot utility easement be provided over the water and gas mains to and including meters and hydrants prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. The dumpsters must be in a visually screened enclosure with a 12-foot wide clear opening. @) 8. The open space fee calculation sheet be completed and submitted to the Parks & Recreation Director prior to certification of the final site plan. 9. Requisite initial building permits be issued within six months from date of certification of the final site plan and all certificates of occupancy be issued within three years from the date of certification of the final plan. Bob Perkins seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 5. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (Continued from ORC of 6/09/88) THIS ITEM WAS CONTINUED AS REQUESTED BY UTILITIES The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m. Haesekert Chairman .,. 11. DRC 7/28/88 " "