12/18/1989 .'V', ',1'. :.~ ,::t,.,.., ,- ~ ~ CI:.F..AmlATER IXJUIati DEVEIDPMENT BCWID December 18, 1989 Members Present: Tyler Grady, Chairman Tam Thompson, Vice-Chainnan Chuck Finegan, Member Terry Flvwers, Member Rita Garvey, Ex-Officio Member Absent: C. David Carley, Member John Homer, Member Mary Vaughn, Member Lee Regulski, Ex-Officio Member Also present: Jerry D. Sternstein, Economic DeveloI;Jllent Director Cyndie Goudeau, City Clerk Tina Wilson, Budget Analyst Sandy Harriger, Secretary to Board . The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:37 PM and the following items were discussed: Item I - Approval of Minutes of November 27, 1989 Meeting Mr. ~ moved to approve the minutes as sul:mitted. duly seconded and carried unanircously. The motion was Item II - Approval of Financial Statement of November 30, 1989 Mr. Finegan commended Tina Wilson for the outstanding work on the format of the financial statement. Mr. Finegan rcoved to approve the Financial Statement of November 30, 1989 as submitted. The motion was duly seconded and carried unaninously. Item III - Nominating Committee Nominations for DDS Vacancies Mr. Finegan, as representative of the Nominating Ccmnittee, moved to naninate inclUDbant 1tm ~, incumbant Teny Flowers, Carol Horne-Warren, Michael Serotte, Walter Powell and Mark. Klein. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanircousl y . Item IV - Nominations from Floor for DDB Vacancies Mr. Tan B:r:own, Trickels Jewelers. namdnation was duly of 615 Cleveland Street, naninated Lillian Trickel of Mr. Flowers IOOved to approvo the nomination. The seconded and carried unanbnously. >: J: I'''', :...... , '" ,I, ,,' " ',' J" :,' :, @.;;,:,. ...>'...1 .:'i~..:/.' Item V - Other Business Jean Sherry, of Pearson, Thomas, LKW, presented the ad that ran in the December issue of the Maddux Report. In addition, alternate printing styles for the logo were presented. Discussion ensued as to the logo for the dCMntown that would be used. Mr. 'l11anpson moved to accept the logo that is currently being used in the Maddux Report magazine. Mr. Grady commended Pearson, Thomas, LKW for the excellent placement of the advertisement in the Maddux Report. He would like the ad agency to track the responses received from the ad in the next 4 months. Mr. Sternstein infonned the board that he is currently drafting a cover letter that will be sent out with the inserts he received from the Maddux Report. He will have the board review the letter before it is sent out. Jean Sherry presented to the board photographs that will be u~ed in the Recruitment Brochure and asked the board to choose which photograph they would like used for the cover. The outline for the brochure was passed out for review. Mr. 'l11anpson stressed to the ad agency the importance of the locator map in the brochure. :~~1v~ \t'~-:.' Mr. Flowers moved to approve the recruitment brochure concept. motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. The Mr. 'l11anpson moved to approve the picture of the downtown area at night for the cover of the recruitment brochure. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Nanqv DeGroot, Public Relations for Pearson, Thomas, LKW, presented to the board the detailed outline of the public relations program planned for the next year. They will begin sending the board members copies of all news releases they send out to the media. They are also working on a media kit that will be sent out with fact sheets about downtown Clearwater. Mr. Sternstein stated that the derrographics for the area will be obtained fran the market study. A draft of the market study has been completed. It will go before the Carmunity RedevelofIl\ent Agency for approval. Item VI - Board Ccmnents Mr. Flowers cc:mnented the Holiday Parade was a success. The spectators were approximately 2,000, which was very good for the weather conditions that day. Cannittees are ready to start planning next year's parade. Mr. Flowers camtented that the Cleveland Street area is showing great signs of rejuvenation. . Mr. Flowers has had several property owners ask him for information about problems with handicap accessibility in the streetscape project. \',;j, :-..' '.>' , . ~, , ' , ,"'. _."-,- . , ., '''', ";\"""1 ',;/ . ,;.' 11/::: ~; , I' ';.~I:-,>--ht;l}l;"~ -:-4';-( .~ ;~"'Yl.lj-""''-'','':;h., /, ~,., ;i.:"'..,. ' . .. ',';' ,. r;-r:1' \(, "l\J'f.'f_...i\\ ,,"" . .,'~'f_'tl':),r':"":'~"('::',,1 ..~;,~~ ;,\'~f.,."~';;:.r.:~" \! '.:~ " I r:. ,f , -:;~:l ::'" ':\:.,/~ ;~. '-'.(f,.::.:.~q'i., ~(:. '" _ .' ~ ~' ",'t.t,!." ';:, .~. l