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Item III - Update of Advertising Agency for Downtown by Jerry D. Sternstein
Mr. Sternstein stated that negotiations will begin with Pearson, Thomas, levy,
King & White on November 2, 1989. He will report back to the DDB and CRA on the
progress. If negotiations did breakdown, they would start again with the second
choice, the Lipphardt Agency.
Mr. Grady will attend the meeting on November 2, 1989 to represent the board.
Item IV - Other Business
Mr. Carlen Maddux of the "The Maddux Report" magazine reported to the board on
the December issue of the magazine. It will feature a regional report on Pinellas
County. A section of the report will focus in on various cities within the county
and their status in relation to the Tampa Bay area. He would like to see the
downtown Clearwater area represented in the magazine. He would like the board to
consider a full page, four color ad for the December issue. The camera ready art
would have to be in by Tuesday, November 21, 1989.
Discussion ensued as to whether the DDB could have an ad ready by the November
21, 1989, deadline. It was determined, if the negotiations with the ad agency were
going well, an ad could be adapted to the time frame. The ad would be paid for from
the monies made available to the CRA by the DDS for advertising.
4It Mr. Finegan moved that the DDS participate in the Regional Report on Pinellas
County being done by "The Maddux Report" magazine, with the promotional funds made
available in the budget. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Item V - Board Comments
Mr. Flowers stated he is still very concerned about the quality and timeliness
of the streetscape project, considers it less than average and said materials are
being stored in the walkways. The garbage containers are not being picked up on
Cleveland Street. When the first segment of the streetscape is finished he would
like to see the project stopped.
Discussion ensued as to whether to stop the project after the segments under
construction have been completed and evaluate the contractor's workmanship. The
board requested a report from the City's engineer on the project and Mr. Wright said
he would handle.
Mr. Flowers suggested having a traffic movement and parking accessibility task
force formed to review and consider traffic movement patterns and parking problems.
Discussion ensued as to whether a task force would be needed at this time if a
market study for downtown was approved. The market study would address traffic
movement and parking. Mr. Grady stated that a meeting of the CRA was scheduled for
Monday, November 6, 1989, at 1:00 PM about the market study for downtown and
suggested the board members attend if possible.
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~ Mr. Grady commented the DDB dues for the Greater Clearwater Chamber of
Commerce are due and felt this membership was important to show support.
Ms. Vaughan moved the DDB pay the dues for membership in the Greater
Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. Motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Item VI - Citizen Comments
Mr. Albert Barsion of 22 N. Fort Harrison commented that the downtown area has
deteriorated and his business is suffering. The crime in the area is bad and
parking is a problem. Money needs to be spent to revitalize the downtown area and
to correct the problems.
Ms. Rose Pfeifer, owner of property in the 400 block commented on the
streetscape project. Pillars on the building have been knocked down by the
contractor and they have not been replaced. She indicated the contractor was rude
to her and the job doesn't seem to be getting done. Ms. Pfeifer also commented on
the garbage not being picked up on Cleveland Street and the trees the city is
placing along that block being Scrub Oaks.
Mr. Grady commented there is a lot of concern about the contractor on the
streetscape project. A sense of urgency for completion needs to be placed on the
project to alleviate the concerns of the citizens. Mr. Finegan commented that the
city must feel the frustrations of the citizens along Cleveland Street and get the
message to the proper people in charge of the project. Mr. Grady would like to see
Mr. Baker, the Director of Public Works, at the next meeting to address some of the
problems the citizens are having.
Ms. Lillian Trickle commented on the slow progress of getting the on-street
parking accomplished on Cleveland Street. She contacted the Forida Department of
Transportation (FOOT> and they said that the paperwork is being processed to turn
the street back over to the city. She wants the city to contact FOOT about it and
get it moving. Businesses are being lost because there is no visible parking
Mr. Tom Brown of 615 Cleveland Street stated that the downtown area does need
on-street parking. Businesses cannot wait much longer.
Ms. Vaughan questioned whether the city is going to take back Cleveland St.
Mr. Wright stated that it was approved by a 4 to 1 vote by the Commission and action
is pending with FOOT. He will inquire and report at the next meeting.
Item VII - Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.
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